fflbft mhWiuHv Wvxbum. FIFTEENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, . FRIDAY, OCTOBER, G 1809. NO. 73. JJorttt Jptttc Fall Opening -AT- Advertisements are sometimes misleading. Probably you have al ready found this out for yourself, and do not need to be informed of the fact. The patronage which results from our store announcements comes to us because the people of the city printed promises arc as good as our present standing m the community quote below on reliable general merchandise should interest every per son who reads this ad, and we think that they will. v DRESS GOODS. Silk nnd Melinir Oropons, Golf Plaids, Covorte, Servos, Honriottne, Novoltios, nil Id dross patterns which aro euro to Buit buyers. Wo will furnish the follow ing dross pnttoms nt tho following out prices: 3Gincb nil wool Lndlos' Cloth in all colors,trinitning8comploteS3,2S 30-inch Honriottne, nil trim mings complete for 2.85 30-inch Vorsted,nll trimmings comploto fpr 2.75 32-inch Vorstod,nlI trimmings comploto nt 1.95 12U cent Outings nt 8c Gul inon Clotb, 15 cont quality nt lUo uotion ums ucpor roll Ladies' Underskirt 8. 100 Ladies' Underskirts, rondo ruffles, worth $ 2, nt 91.35. 60 Lndics' nnd Misses' Dress Skirts, silk plnids. very fino quality of goods, worth 85.00 nt 83.78. 250 Ladles' Dross Skirts m nil styloB nnd colors worth up to ton dollars, your choico 85.05. Down as low as $1.75. Ladies' Wrappers. Ladios' Wrappers, dressing sacks at very low prices. Ladies' Silk Waists, Morcorized Wniflts, Embroidered Flannels, tho lat est NoveltieB In Neckwonr, Hnir Orna ments, etc., aro shown nt our store. 25 dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves, 2 button clasp, plum color, worth 81.25, at 78c n pair. ,-. i Blankets and Comforts. 10-1 Blankots nt 43o a pair and up to ton dollars. Comforts from 75o to 83.50. Underwear. For mon, Indies nnd children. 100 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Fleeco at 22Wo, worth 35c. Ladios Union Suits nt 48o. Children's Underwonr from 15o up; Children's Union Suits 25c nnd up. Men's Fleocod Underwear from 20o up. J. PIZER, Proprietor. ait rnntnt ntr nmnt rwrw m w ' studfWLy WAGONS Wboclirjaijsee Wiijdirjilis, Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price, BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. . n . , , T . pumps, pipes and fittings, A Complete Liue BALE TIES, MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. The Leader. and vicinity have learned that our bond. We would not enjoy our were this not so, The prices we BOOTS AND SHOES. Ladies' Genuine Cnlf Skin Shoos, Incn or button, nil b14ob, nt 81.25, worth 81.75, Ono lot of Ludies' Shoos, broken sizes, to cIopo out nt ono dollar. Ono lot. of Children's School Shoos, 8izos 1.J to '2, to closo out nt 81.00, worth SpUMJ. Men's SIiops from 81.25 up. Corsets. Wo hnvolust rocolvod 100 ilozon Cor sots in nil colors. Fronoh corsets nt 5Qo which enn't bo bont. Nursing Coreots nt OO conte. lligli liust Uorsota nt 50c. C'orsot Wnists, buttons in tront nt 00o. Tho F. 0. Corsots in nil stylos nnd colors nt ono dollar. Sntin corsets in nil col ors nt 82.50. Carpets. Wo aro making especially low pricos on Carpots.Od Cloths nnd Linoleums. Yarns. One lot of Yarns to closo out nt 25c a pound. Clothing, Mon's nil wool Worsted Suits, round or straight cut, at 80.05, worth ten dol lnrs. Men's suits ut 83.50 worth flvo dollnro. Knoe Punt Suits nt ono dollnr, worth ono dollnr and fifty conts. Men's nnd Youth's Overcoats. Duck Coats, Caps, Gloves nnd.Mlttons,nS. th6 very lowost prices, FREE! Wo givo nwny with purchnses from ono dollnr up somo vory lino decorated Chinawnro. It will givo buyore an op portunity to receive n dinner sot froc. Coupons nro givon with each 25-cont purchnso. This is not n chnnco of win ning it, but you got it outright, accord ing to the nmount of your purchnso. Wo nro giving lots of theso nwny every day. CAPES, JACKETS COLLARETTES. Ladios' riush Unpos, with bendod trimmings, nt 83.00, worth 85.00. Ono lot of Ladios' Jackots at 83.50 worth 80.00, Collnrottos from 2.50 up. Childrons' Jnckote, Infanta Clonks nnd Bonnets, nt vory rensonnblo prices. Ladios' Jnckots of tho very lntost Black and TanB, from $7.00 up, Ladies Mackintoshes from 82.00 up. The Leader. m w wmijwji mm writ r v JOS. HERSHEY. Two Burglar a Captured. uuc ot the burglars, who was concerned In the "Wilcox Depart tnent Store burglary, whb captured at Kearney Tuesday afternoon by Chief Oyermier arid Policeman Ban ulster. He was taken itponausplc ion because be was attempting to dispose of a high grade of knives at five and ten cents apiece. Shortly after the man's arrest Chief Dvcr- mier received a telegram from Sheriff Kclihcr asking him to search all tramps for revolvers, knives, etc, so the chief immediately wicd back that he had a suspect under arrest. Sheriff Kellber and J. Q. Wilcox took the first train for Kearney and brought the man back with them on train No. 5 Wednesday morning as Mr. "Wilcox immediately identi fied the knives in the man's posses sion. The man gave his name as Bert Connors and his profession is pugilism. He had cached part of the cutlery in an old tie pile. He absolutely denies ever having had that cutlery in his possession and insists that the knives, which he had on bis person and which he sold, were bought by him from a colored man. Sheriff Kelilier succeeded in unearthing a man by the name of Allen, who saw Connors hide the stolen stuff iu the tic pile and brought him up as a witness. Con nors will have his preliminary bear ing to-morrow. Tuesday morning Sheriff Kelilier arrested three men here on suspic ion. No proof could be found against two of them and they were released .but the third one, who gives his name as Victor Lund and says that' his home is north of Ogal lala, was held and will be given a hearing to-day. He recognized Connors as soon as he landed in the jail and under judicioua question ing by" attorney' Rldgely finally ad-1 mitted that he had been in the Vjcinity of the Btore about two o!clook. There is little doubt but that he is one of Connnrvs accom plices. The officers are also of the opinion that a third man who was around with Connors Tuesday evening is concerned in the burglary. lie has disappeared but will be hunted up. Commissioners' Proceedings. Oct. 3, 1899. B,oard met in regular session as provided by law. Present, Garri son, Woodhurst and McNeel com missioners and county clerk. The following business was had and done: Resignation of Henry Edlcr as road overseer road 'dist. No. 55 Sellers precinct accepted. The following resolutions were passed by the board:. Be it resolved, this date, by the board of county commissioners of Lincoln county, now in session. that the county clerk of said county be instructed and he. is hereby in structed to notify at once the road overseers nnd ditch and canal officers of said county, that under a late supreme court decision that all ditch owners are required to main tain and keep iu repair all ditch and canal bridges whatsoever cross ing their respective ditches and canals. Dated Oct. 3, '99. 13. L. Gahkison, Wm. Woodhukst, A. L. McNhki, Co. Com'rs. Be it resolved by the board of county commissioners of Lincoln Some Women T-tlk4 Many women think J-JUUDl the bearing of chil dren Is a necessary period of great pain and distress. They doubt whether any medicine can relieve their sutferings. Veil may they hcbitnte about taking those Injurious internal mixtures so widely sold. But they may place Implicit faith in J MOTHER'S FRIEND which is a softening, relaxing and sooth ing liniment for external use. Doubting women should get a bottle at the drug ctore for $1, and test it. There is no possibility of Its doing harm, and there Is every likelihood of its saving them many hours of pain. ot&Jtjtjtjtjtjtjt the bradfield regulator co. Atlanta, gA. county, now iu session, that the county attorney of said county be instructed and is hereby instructed to proceed at once to collect the delinquent taxe on the real estate in the county, by suit of foreclosure rfgainst all persons, corporations, trusts, or combines, whomsoever in the county, that are now deltn queut iu the payment of their taxes. . , . 'Dated Oct. 3, '99. 12. L. Garrison, Wm. Woodhurst, A. L. McNeel, Road petition No. 241 came up but was laid over without action, as all forms bad not been complet ed. J. C. Crow was given and order for tiling. Pat Gushing, was uotificd to repair cattle chute in road district23. Bills agaiimt the county were allowed as follows: G. T. Patterson on bridge fund, 1.50, L. P. Derby work in treas urer's office, general fund 32.30, W. C. Reynolds, room rent co. sur veyor Sept., '99, 4.00. Betweontho Si vers. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Brown return- id t6 North Platte Wednesday after few dayB visit in the valley. Postmaster Prickitt, of Hcrshcy, as at the county capital on busi less Wednesday. The Ware boys completed thresh ing in the vicinity of Nichols this -vcek. Archie Anderson is reconstruct ing his bnrn a few rods northwest f its former location. John Toillion recently sold C. 1 i'ddings of North Platte a car load of wheat for fifty cents per bushel ip the track at Nichols. W. H. Hill, of Hershey, transact- 'it business at Paxton on Wednes day. W.J. Shinklc is doing businc&B nt -Wallace at ti,i8 fimCj Mrs. G. 10. Sullivan, of Nichols, eturned Monday evening last from Maxwell. It has been almost impossible for hippers of hay up this wayfto pro urc cars lately. The Ware boys threshed 45 'mshels of fine alfalfa Becd for J. B. velinc last Monday. J. W. Lilcs and P. C. Calloway ire running the Punkhouser alfalfa inller these days. It will be a short ob in this country this season. J. B. Toillion, Jr., did not start a milk route from Nichols to the kimming station at North Platte Monday last as was stated. He :ould not get milk enough to make t pay. M. L. Hackney and wife returned Monday on No. 4 from a week's visit with relatives at Denver. Pliey also took in the carnival while in the city. C. C. Wetsjel shipped a mixed car load of cattle from HcrHhey toOmn iiathis week. He accompanied them. Liveryman Shinklc recently re turned from a fruitless trip down the hue hi search of the team that was stolen from his bam at Her shey some time ago. L. A. Rengler who has been at tending to W. H. Hill's business at Hershey during the hitter's absence lias returned to his home at Paxton. Xavier Toillion we understand lias purchased a lot inPrcmont and will erect a residence upon it ami will with his family move to that place the coming spring. J. II. Hershey came up from North Platte the first of the week and together with J. M. Dwyer shipped a car of cattle of different grades to Omaha. The new Methodist church at Hershey since it has been decorated both inside and out with a fresh cont of paint would be an ornament to a much larger place, Asa general thing the cattle in the valley are in fine condition to Btand the coming cold weather. Jim Thomas has the residence to be occupied by W. L. Hackney and wife in the village of Hershey about completed. Dick Punkhouser has about re covered lrom his late illness but his younger brother is still quite 11. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hill and son Clare returned Tuesday morning on No. 5 from a month's' visit with relatives and friends in Ohio, New gmnriTnirmitrwnTrmmitrnnrmiTfmnrmmmmTTrm THE FAIR'S I FALL OPENING. The first three days of our Grand Fall Opening has passed, and as those clays were a great suc- E cess, we hope to make the remaining days of g this opening still more so. Our store has been s visited by more people these few days than ever before on such occasions, and we are glad to say that each one had a good word to say in our fa- vor. We are receiving new goods every day. s Come and examine them. Have you seen our g latest fads in GOLF CAPES?, They are the tH latest creation ...... 1 Millinery Dept. jE: In our Millinery Department you can get the g finest hats for the least money in the city. The matter of buying a hat should be of the greatest g importance to every lady, and they can best ob tain them here. Our hats possess that style and finish which adds grace and ease to the wearer. SHEET MUSIG FRLB. Commencing Monday -norning we will give free with each purchase to man, woman or child a piece of fine sheet mus c, instrumental or vocal. sjE This sheet music canr ot be bought anywhere for less than from io to 40 cents, as they are the iatest and most popu ar productions. Come early and get the best of the stock. i S; RICHARDS. iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiaiaiUiiid York and Pennsylvania. They went via Washington, D. C, and re turned via Niagara Palls. They re port a very pleasant trip all the way through. A gang of men and teams are constructing the grade for the ex tension of the U. P. spur atNichols. The Hershey section crew has been assisting the Nichols crew lately in constructing the new side track and spur at that place. Owing to the fact that W. J. Bryan nor any of his crew will ever be president of the U. S., real estate in the valley begins to boom. "Pat" Bomoraot Briefs. Pat Cushion, our road boss, hud Somerset men out burning and plowing fire guards last Priday. Miss Jennie Latimer, of Dickens, visiled friends at Somerset the lat tei part of last week, returning home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. 13. JolliiTe are the happy parents of a girl baby born last Saturday. Andrew Smith began Monday to harvest his melon Heed. He has five acres of fine melons. J. P. lirtttain also began his ceed har vest. He has eight acres which will produce 200 pounds cf seed to the acre. He receives ten cents per pound for the seed, thus re ceiving twenty dollars per acre from the land. What can one plant that will beat twenty dollars per acre. Milt lOvarts returned Sunday night from a two weeks visit tit Hyannis. lie has a homestead three miles north of that place. Lyman McClure had the mis fortune to have his barn burned on the night of Sept. 24th, losing four head of horses, one mule, two sets of harness, 250 bushels of wheat, 100 bushels of rye and a quantity of hay. Mr. McClure and his wife were away from home during the day, and some neighbors children called and ihcy went to the barn with the McClure children to play. They ignited matches by striking them with a hammer, and the supposition is that' the fire was started in that manner; although Mr. McClure wuh in the barn at eight o'clock and the fire did not occur until eleven. A stabbing .affray occurred at Ogalla Tuesday. 'A man from Paxton and a laborer on the road bed near Ogallala were the prin cipals of the affair. The laborer waa severely cut and and some fear was entertained for his recovery, 1 3 3 3 THE, FAIR, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. P P. DENNIS, M. D., . HOMOEOPATirJST, Oror Flrl Nation! Hank. NQllTU 1'IjATTM, - . NIUIJIA8KA. ). V. llKDKLU. DEDELL A DENT, O, I). Dint, u PHYSICIANS AND SUROEONcJ, Dillces: North Plntto Niitinunl Bank Building, North Plntte, Nob. D It. ANNA PECKHAM- Ollleti Cor. Locust nnd Oth-Bts. Spoird attention to diBonsoa of women ind children. jj E. NOIiTilRTJP, DENTIST, Office ovor Modol Clothing Storo. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. J S. IHDGELY, ' ATTORNEY. AT-DAW. Oflloe in lllnmun Block, Dpwov street. yORTH PLATTE, - NEBRASKA F. II. EUIIONDS. J, M. OAMIOUN. Edmonds & Calhoun, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 3Ver X'ostotllce, NOKTH VIMPTR, NEII. yiLCOX & HALLIGAN, ATT011NJSY8-AT.LAW, efOIlTH VIiATTB, . . . NKUHASEA Offlc over North Natto National Jtank. J.3. HoAawNn. W. V. IIOAOLAND, Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS Oft! co oror MoUouoM'a Hank. NORTH PLATTE, NEII, rH O. PATTERSON, x. 7STTORNBY-HT-L.3ar.inr, Office ovor Yollow Front Shot Store NORTH PLATTE, NEB. A. II. IUyu. l. E. llOAou. JJAVIS 3s ROACH ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. NORTH PL ATT B, - - NEBRASKA Orndy Blook, Rooiiib 1 & 2. NOTICE, . Notice U hereby given tliat on the 29th day ot September, 18W. p. 11. Uavlri.Hecelvor of the State Hank of Wallace. Wallace, Ne brnHlca, presented Ills application to me, the olilcct an'l prayer of which are to obtain an order for the nsle at public auction of all the auHctts of said bank yet ui dlnposcd and uncollected, and notice U hereby tiven that on the 28th day of October, 1809, at my office In the city of North Platte, In nald county, 1 will wit at chambers ami hear any objections that may be presented by any party or. par tlcH Interested Iu alcl asitettH to the granting of xnld application. eSl II. M. QUIA1ES, Judee.