Y Ut tmi - Wttkty fcrUrunf. ANNIE 0. KRAMPI1, City EnrroK. TUESDAY SEPT. 26, 1899 C. F. hidings transacted business in Julcsburg yesterday. The Fair is showing a handsome line of carpets and rugB. John Langtree, the U. P. bridge man, spent this forenoon in town. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mason went to Denver on this morning's train. H. V. Hillikcr and T. A. Hedeu dahl went west on No. 5 this morn ing. R. J. Vinton, of Gothenburg, is transacting business in town to day. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Plummcr left this morning for a few days visit in Omaha. The Star Restaurant opens for business to-morrow morning. Give it a trial. Mrs. Rev. Verner left this morn ing for a visit in Denver and Love- land, Colo. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Beecher re turned this morning from their visit in the cast. John Sorcnson was at Hcrshey yesterday making repairs on the U. P. water tank. A, F. Strcltz left this morning for Omaha on a trip combining busi ness with pleasure. A W. R. C. social will be held at the home of Mrs. C. L. Black to morrow afternoon. Mrs. C. A. Weir and sister, Miss Nan Manifee, left this morning for Denver and other Colorado points. Two rooms for light housekeep ing or will board the roomers. Mrs. Edith Gantt. Loose hay and baled hay always for sale. Harrington & Tobin. Cash in advance subscribers to The Tribune will be given a year's subscription to the weekly Kansas City Star tree. This offer is only for a limited time Quite an exodus of North Platte people to Denver occurred Sunday niirht, but we failed to get the names of those who went. Between fitty and sixty tickets for Denver were sold at the local U. P. office yesterday and to-day. The Kearney Hub says the time is not far distant when tlic tele phone line running from Kearney to Gothenburg will be extended to North Platte. Messrs. Gentzlcr and Ashburn, of the Fremont Creamery Co., arrived last night and will attend the opening exercises of the separ ator station this attcrnoon. Quite a number of our citizens will go down to Lexington Thurs day to take a look at the street tair being held there this week, The funeral of Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox yesterday afternoon was very largely attended, the seating capa city of the church being insufficient to accommodate the audience. North Platte dealers have not yet received their supply of hard coal. There is said to be a scarcity of the article in the market, and prices will probably rule rather high. A leading grocery house of the city reports that its business for July, August and September will break all records. Other establish ments report equally gratifying business. W. F. McGlonc & Co. arc selling Mason fruit jars at the following priccB. Pints 40c, quarts 50c, half gallons 55c. Rhodes Longley has received the appointment of assistant chemist at the state university. As Rhodes is in the junior class, the appoint-, meiit certainly speaks well for his standing in studies. Hay shipments from this station are a little light at present, the principal dealers, Harrington & Tobin, shipping an average of two cars a day. The big demand for hay usually occurs in November, and at that time prices will prob ably rule a little higher than at the present. Dr. Lucas was called thirty miles north yesterday to attend a man who had accidentally shot him self in the stomach. The particu lars of the accident could not be learned. Anthony J, Powers, of Chicago, died in this city last night of con sumption. The deceased was a railway mail clerk and came here a short time ago for his health. He was a mcnlbcr of the A. O. U. W. and the local members of the order are looking after the preparations of the remains for shipment. Pillsbury's Best flour is the best Minnesota flour sold in the west. $1.16. Harrington & Tobin. Rev. Randolph, who has charge of the North Platte circuit, is very desirous of having a parsonage built in this city, As . Rev. Ran dolph has been a very energetic worker and accomplished much good for the people of his charge, they, as well as the people of the city, should give him the ueccsbnry assistance in having the parsonage become a reality. The Star Restaurant will be opened to the public to-morrow morning. A company of high class and re fined vaudeville performers will be at Lloyd's opera house next Mon day and Tuesday evenings, Oct. 2d and 3d. The world famous drum mer boy of Sluloh, who lias no equal in the world, is with the com pauy. Among the specialties is a prima dona bnlladist, a king of comics, a lady legcrdcmaine artist, a premier xylophone artist, a re nowned king of lights and a cele brated piano soloist. There will also be a display of moving pictures. This company showed 342 consccu tive times in Chicago,' six weeks in Boston and eleven weeks at Sara toira, N. Y. You can't afford to miss it. Royal Baking Powder Makes the food more delicious and wholesome apvAt niHi) powota co., new youk. Misses Kate and Maggie Barker! went to Denver Saturday night. The coming of the Carrington Entertainers will be the amusement event of "Next week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waltemath went to Omaha this morning to at tend the exposition and take in the Ak Sar Ben parade. Consult Dr. Miller of the Routine Dental Co. before you go elsewhere for your dental work. Office over Strcitz' drug store. Order baled hay from Harrington & Tobin. W. S. Ross, of Myrtle precinct, marketed a hundred dollars worth of hogs in town to-day which he fattened on this year's com. Tile culverts arc being put in at the interscctioh.of Fonrth and Elm streets. The WoaVulvcrta, let u uu siuu iu iiiu creuu ji me cuv, arc fast disappearing. S. E. Douglas is behind the counters at McCabc's drug Btorc while T. E. Bush is out iu the country precincts looking after hio political interests. Received our fall supply of the celobratrd Olub Houso brand of canned goods. 1 Harrington& Tobin. Chicago forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Fair to-night and Wednesday. Cooler Wednesday. The maximum temperature yester day waB 71; one year ago it waH 90. About twelve hundred pounds of milk were delivered at the scperator station this forenoon. This is con sidered a very fair quantity for the opening day. In a short time it is believed the quantity will run from 3,000 to 5,000 pounds daily. Will receive a car load of choice winter apples about Oct. 10th. Harrington & Tobin, The North Platte Telephone Co's. line to Hcrshey, which lias been in operation for a week or so, is work ing first-class. Within the next week the company will have the line extended to Sutherland. It is quitjs probable that the company will run a line cast to Brady, con necting there with the line which will1 de extended west from Gothcu burg. Mrs. II. S. Ridglcy Is teaching Miss Vernon's room during the lattcr's absence in Denver. Walter States and Ed Barra- clough will probably begin an ap prenticeship in the U. P. shops next Monday. Mrs. J. G. Anderson and daught er M.isB Bessie are among the North Platte people who arc spending this week in Omaha. It is rumored that Tom O'Neill will be transferred to Cheyenne to take charge of the boiler shop, and that John Owens will succeed Mr. O'Neill at this place. The Y. M. C. A. entertainment committee is well pleased with the result of the first entertainment of the season's course, and arc inclined to believe that the present one will be even more successful than that of last season. The grade at Boslcr hill fust west of Ogallala Ib being lowered about six feet at the highest point. This will lessen the amount of emphatic language used by engineers when pulling heavy west-bound trains on a cold frosty morning. The plan to establish a hospital in this city is being pushed with considerable vim. An option on the lease of the Dillon brick resi dence iu the cast part of town and on the Cody residence in the west end lias been secured, and it is probable that one or the other will be taken. Eight or ten citizens have agreed to furuish rooms iu the hospital, and a number of business men have mndc financial contribu tions toward furnishing an oper ating room. Miss Frcy will have associated with her two other trained nurses, There is no ques tion but that the hospital will be a good thing for the city. Our people can afford to buy the celebrated Pillsbury's Bost Minnesota flour at only $1.15 a sack. Harrington & Tobin. Ducklon's Arnica Salvo. TUB BEST SALVE in tho world Tor Cuts, UruiBOH, Soros, Ulcors,Sttlt Hhouin Fovor Sores, Tottor, Chopped Ilnntta, ClillblnitiH, Corns, rind nil Skin Erup Hons, nnd jwBitivoly ouroa Piles, or no pay required. It iBKunrnntood to rIvo EiitlBfaotlou or monoy refunded. Price 25oontBpor box. FOR SALE BY A. P. Stroll. Free Pills. Sond your address to II. E. Bucklon & Co., Cliionao, nnd cot n f roe snrople of box or Dr. Kite's Now Lite Pllla. A ttlnlwill conviucoyou of tholr tnorits. Ttioso pills nro onsjr In notion nnd nro pnrtloulnrly olTootlvo tu tho euro of Con Btibntion nnd Sick Hondnoho. For Mn- lnria nnd Llvor troubles thoy lmvo boon proved invnlunblo. Thoy nro gunrnntood to Ixs perfectly froo from ovory delotor ious Bubstunco nnd to be purely vegota b)o. Thoy do not wonkon oy ttiotr notion hut by giving tono to tho storunoh nnd oowola greatly Invlgornto tho system. Itoaulnr bIzo Ufio. nor box. Forsnlo by A.F.Stroltz, Druggist. 2 Restaurant Opens Wednesday, SEPT. 27th. 11 Carrinton's Greater America Company, The Highest Class and Most Refined Vaudeville Performance On tho A.morican Stage. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, MONDAY AND TUES DAY EVENINGS, OCT. 2d and 3t 2ms 17. WILCOX DEPART MENT STORE. if HARDWARE DEPT. Climax Liquid Stove Polish, Large bottle.. 10c Stove Pipe Damper 10c Common Stove Pipe Elbows 10c Adjustable Stove Pipe Elbows 15c Stove Pipe Collars 04c 50-lb. Cream City Flour Bins $2.00 12-quart Galvanized PailB 20c 6-4 Zinc Oilcloth Binding 18c 6-4 Brass Oilcloth Binding 25u No. 8 Galvanized Wash Boiler 1.00 Galvanized Half Bushel with bale 40c Japanned Half Bushel with bale 30c 14-inch Wagon Box Strap Bolts, per set.. 60c End Gate Rods, each 10c Shot, 2 pounds for 15c Powder, per pound 30c 12-Gauge Rival Empty Shell, per hundred 60c 10-Gauge Rival Empty Shells, per hundred 65c 12-Guagc Loaded Shells per box 45c 10-Gauge Loaded Shells per box 50c 12-Gagge Smokeless Loaded Shells per box 60c HARNESS DEPT. Hame Straps... 10c lj-inch Breast Straps 45c li-inch Pole Straps 45c ltf-inch Halters 85c Heavy Team Harness, lj-inch TraceB, lj-in Breast Straps.lj-in Pole Straps, 1-in 18-ft Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars,per set 521.00 Horse Blankets from 70c up to 3.00 Plush Robes from 1.40 up to 5.50 GROCERY DEPT. Kerosene Oil per gallon 16c Diamond C Soap 9 bars for 25c Table Salt 2 sacks for 05c Salt per barrel SI. 55 25 pounds COm Meal 25c Gothenburg Fancy Patent Flour per sack.... 1.00 Tapioca per pound 05c Sago per pound ' " 05c Pearl Barley per pound 05c "Wheatel per package 12c Baker's Chocolate 18c, 2 cakes for 35c Stai Tobacco per pound 45c Horse Shoe Tobacco per pound 45c Standard Navy Tobacco per pound 35c PAINTS and GLASS. 8x10 Window Glass 05c 10x12 Window Glass 08c 10x14 Window Glass 09c 12x14 Window Glass '. . 12c Woodman Linseed Oil per gallon 55c 1 Pint Buggy Paint iu Varnish 35c 1 Quart Buggy Paint in Varnish 60c 1 Quart Wagon Paint in Varnish 45c MASON FRUIT JARS 1 Pint Jars per dozen 40c 1 Quart Jars per dozen 50c Half Gallon Jars per dozen 60c GENT'S FURNISHINGS Wood Mfg. Co's Work Shirts 50c Wood Mfg Co's Overalls ; 50c Duck Coats 51.00 Wood Mfg Co's Rubber Lined Duck Coats.. 1.35 Wood Mfg Co's Slicker Lined Duck Coats. . . 2.00 Corduroy Pants 2.00 Good Wool Pants $1.50 and 2.00 Best Grade Hunting Coats 2.25 UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Medium Weight Vests each 19c Good Quality Ladies' Vests or Pants, each 25c Fine Quality Ladies' Vests or Pants, each. 50c Men's Fleece Lined Underwear per huit75cahd 51 Men's Union Suits from 51.00 52.75 We carry all grades and kinds of Underwear at prices that are absolutely right. DRY GOODS DEPT. Plaid Dress Goods from lOe a yard to $1.25 Black Crepon Skirt Patterns from 4.00 to.. 8.00 Black Dress Goods 12Jc per yard to 2.00 Double Width All Wool Flannel per yard ... 25c Fleece Lined Cotton Dress Goods per yd 7c to 10c Indigo Prints per yard , 05c Good Apron Ginghams per yard 05c Lining Cambric per yard 04c Kearney Home Muslin per yard 04c Bleached Muslin per yard 05c Ticking per yard 7c to 18c Outing Flannel per yard 5c, 7c, Rc nnd 10c Canton Flannels per yard.. ..5c, 8c, 9c, and I2jfc Table Oil Cloth, all colors, per yard 15c 8-4 Unbleached Sheeting per vard 16c per yard lvjc er yard lUc tigs per yard. . . lbc Extra Silk Finished Cotton Skirting pr yd. 25c 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting f ancy iJiaiu bwirt lyinmg n bill l misliea cotton Skirtl KID GLOVES Magnet per pair 51.00 Lucilc per pair 1.25 La Force per pair 1.50 We consider these brands to be the best lobe had in the market for the price. We have the following colors: Black, Tan, Brown, Grey, Red, Green. Blue and Mode. Havens fit your gloves in the store; you will get a better fit ami more service than you evephad for the money. BLANKETS'- Cotton Blankets per pair , 37c Cotton Blankets per pair , 50c Cotton Blankets 5c. 75c and 1.00 Cotton Blankets, extra size and qual ity $1,15 and $1.50 Wool Blankets from $3.00 to 5.00 Bed Comforts from $1.00 to 2.00 NOTION DEPT. Velveteen Skirt Binding per yard 03c Waterproof Skirt Binding per yard 08c Baby Ribbon per yard 01c Satin Baby Ribbon pet yard l;4c Cortjcelli Button Hole Twist per spool 02c 50 yd Corticelli Sewing Silk per Hpool 04c 100 yd Corticelli Sewing Silk per spool 08c Thread, 3 spools for 10c Imported Saxony per tkcin 07c Black German Knitting Yarn per skein. ... 15c Spanish Yarn 2 skeins for 25c Large Balls Ice Wool 2 for 25c Slate Pencils 6 for 01c Agate Buttons per grois , 05c Crochet Cotton 3 spooh for 10c Vaseline per bottle 05c 2 Quart Fountain Syringe 55c 2 Quart Hot Water Bottle 65c 2 Quart Combination Hot Water Bottle and Syringe (guaranteed) $1.25 Silk Binding Ribbon per bolt 10c Dress Stays per Set ; 05c New Idea Paper Patterns 10c Envelopes per bunch 03c Square Envelopes per bunch 05c Writing Paper 40 sheei.8 for 05c Alarm Clocks ,. 85c Cotton Tape per roll 01c Silver Stiiicned Thimbles each ... 10c Common Thimbles each. 01c Grain Bags per dozen ." 1,25 American A Grain Bags per dozen 2.00 Paper of 25 Darning Needles ' , . . . 05c Knitting Needles per hct of5... 03 c Bone Crochet Hooks each Q2c Chalk per gross 10c Stone Bros. Gold Filled Rings, narrow, each 25c Stone Bros. Gold Filled Rings, wide, each.. 50c Kcrmitz One Piece Collar Buttons each. . . . 25c Goods Marked in Plain Figures and Sold at One 'Price J!or Cash Only. I WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, NORTH PLATTE.