Local News in Brief. " Pft Hahnall, o Cozad, spent Sun day' with: North Platte friend. The ladies' gullet will meet Fri-day,- Stftcrutjbn with Mrs. C. E, Norton. ' !Mbs 6sb Anderson entertained thciyoung people of the Lutheran citrch in a very pleaBrtht manner last Friday evening. Miss Salina Ilolcombe is confined to her .home in thia city by an at tack of rheumatism, which com--polled hereto temporarily abandon dier school hear Brady ? A letter, jvhich was evidently In tcudcJl;for , publication in the Era,, was picked up on the streets Sun day evening, The author can secure ;the same by calling at this office. , Peter . Smith, of Sidney, who is i well known to. many North Platte ; people, liaB decided to locate in IGrand Junction, Colo., where his 'daughter, Mrs. A. Struthcrs, re- sides. " Sunday wasahummeras a windy, dusty and disagreeable day, but in, ordeV to.fuliy, appreciate oiir usual pleasant falfweather it is necessary to have a disagreeable day occaB ioniUly, America's greatest Hour Wash burn Crosby Co. Superlative flour at W. F.MctHdne & Co's $1.15 The Vienna restaurant served a game dinner to Itsjpatrons Sunday; several dozen prairie chickens figuring in the list. You will always get good meals at the Vienna. , . A number 'of votinrr married 4 iiuiiiuvi ui y ladieH. will form . .a object ' o'K.mecftng club with the 1 one afternoon each week for social enjoyment. No ;dp,iltt audi: aclub -will prove an enjoyable break in the hum-drum of wmfryw' , ... . The exercises which mark the ojQung of , the separator statiou.arc progress at the court house lawn jhis. afternpon, but T.iie TkiuunE V gfes to prdss too early to give an account of the proceedings. The ydar'of 1900 will probably sec ; tllCi CrCCtlon of-aiintllpr inn hWlr 2 Dewey street, as the Masons are. f AlreadyNUscVBslng -plans for autem- .uSHe f"e,now occupied, by their present' buildings. They will the! "jfroLably invest twenty thousand uMonev hnc.U If W An- o..ii. Shherlatlvd flour $i. 15 per sack at iiy. McGlone & Co. 'Ajthc supreme court in a decision -rendered last Friday holds that '''location comprfnW must maintain ?.wcll as build fridges over irrigat ing canals. Heretofore the com panies have built the bridges and t)ie counties have kept them in repalrH. Tins' decision' Inaterially' directs Lincoln cotintv, as there are s'.",1 W irrigation cauul bridges with- X The Alba Hcywood entertainment Ivcn at' the opera house Saturday dyeing under the auspices of the M. C. A., called out an audience 4llht ocrUpied nearly every seat. "Tlie program rendered gave cxcel 8JlRfaction, the impersona Uotis by1 Mr. Hey wood being except ionally good, whili! the musical pdlectiohs given by the members Of , .,11, company were above the av erage. ; J a me'' M' na' lawyer. , L I M" 1 1 M ClIH -..I. 1 ... - pjAuv; uuu itBuuiraiu, Willi J. C, wFederhobf nn nrnnrin rJiV 1 1 """ uuu vi, o, ..Huffman asmunacer. will onen tor business to-morrow morning. The' rAr6Vms have 'been nicely fitted up , ..iijvith new furniture and tableware, PrC8eat a vury attractive srnnneamnce. Tim sfnr t.n - 'ducted In n ntrlrtlv Cruf ....... - ..lui-uuon man- jitf' and . every effort possible will' ,-7. iiiuub lupicase patrons, AVX)r. Hannah, the onteopath, hao ' ah.put concluded Icyjcturn to North latte and will, probably, open an, ,?Mlce hWre within the"uex,t thirty v J,yB- lie has been solicited by'a ;;iu,uber bf mtiM, vh.6. wcr6 fo- Amr lM'tt0 ud he wilt :. ;i)rpb'ably accede to the requests, ,)V)ien formerly locatod here the -Mctor had an excellent practice, ''and as the nuniber, of people vvho M,b,lieve In osteopathy is daily grow "rin, lie will Undoubtedly build up ; efen a greater practice than h liad "; fore. Dr. Hannah la a popular ' to""!? .mau ye. will be pieaYcfl ; have again, become a permanent v,1 resident of tho city'. J3.;t have just received a car load of ivyviJ&fJiyv' i.iiHB. rucBe are ,i VJ, l IDD1N09. Don't You Admire a Dressy Person? Itij.huiijan nature ta do so. A man who, is neatly dressed commands respect and deserves , it, Since Uic art of4 clothing making has been thoroughly developed, it is made an inexpensive pleasure for. a man .to buy n couple of suits each season A'Stylish, dressy frock and a nobby L'-,li j:i i.i ' i A-i ' 1 i '( suck woum oe a most uesirnuie auauion io,your waruroDC This suit is made up in, Black Clay Worsted, all wool frock style of coat, and in colors, if you like, at $10.00 S2S25 fllEM. Do you know that we can sell you these two suits,, per fect in fit, in style,, and elegantly trimmed, at the price of the merchant tailor's one. , . , i.pyVS e&CEi-AN0 PLAIN FIGURES. STAR CLOTlfrNG HOUSE, W, A, VOLLMER, Proprietor. Across the street from old location. C. F. Scharmann returned Satur day from a tour Of the northeast, part of the county and left yester-. day for othqr fields, Uncle Jake Wolf, of Lincoln was in town yesterday enroute to Gaudy where lie will offer for Bale a num ber of school land leases, Newell Burritl was-up from.pas lfit Saturday, lobkipg, after political inatterB. He realizes that he needs every vote he can get and then some. 4 , ( ' A, L. Davis, haji received an ex ceptionally fine rjine of heating 6toyes, of well known 'and' reliable tmtkes, If you need a stove sec Davis. Tom O'Rourker' -or Cottonwood precinct, viBited North Platte friends Saturday and Sunday, He recently marketed 00 bushels of old conr at Maxwell. Frank Sullivan, a former North Platte boy, was trainer ot theGrand Island hose team which made the' fast run at the Hastings street fair Inst week. Frank is himself one of the fastest sprinters in this country. i If you usually pay thrise ctoilars a' pair for , I ( y,0,1.,!008' yu suroly desire the very fet ' ' qtajinable at the price. (j You'll find such values hero in our new , Jall "goods. Genuine Box Calf in golf Tsfcylci,' double soles, leather lined, medium shape of toe. Chrome calf, with double solos, heavy drill lined.' Plump weight Viei Kid, doublo soles and leather lined, and light Yici Kid, single soles, drill lined new London toe. All of these have soles, that aro welted and stitchejl, leaving in soles' perfectly smootli, and half solos may bo sewed on if y&u choose. Yellow Front Shoe Store, P OBO. M. GRAHAM, Mnnnor. g J dqore south of Pj;pniop., ""'Q -i lL A l;liis style of coat you can liaye in all wool Billed or Black Serge, Cheviots, Fancy Worsteds or Black Clays, at $10.00 Call on Dr. Miller pf the Romiri Dental Co. Teeth extracted with), out pain. All work iruaranteedi Office over S. treitz.drug store. In a game of ball Saturday .after noon between the U. P. shop nine! and a team of pick-upB, the former won by a score of eleven to ten. The U. P,'s expect, to gp to Lex ington Thursday to play a! game with the club of that place. We understand that Alex JpJng land, vl19 is visitinir friends in town, has struck it rich on a Coloj, ratio mining venture, and expects in thejiear future fo be on easy Btfcet." As Alex is an old North Platte boy, we are glad to learn of his, good fortune. R. D, Thpmsotf says that he hds been a contractor and builder for thirty yearB, and never durinc that time has It been so difficult to have orders for building1 material filled as at present. He also says that it is almost impossible for shippers to secure cars on nccount of the heavy traffic on the railroads. Busi ness is surely booming all over this rcat country of ours. if ; it it it it i it i' it it it i't NtfRTH. PLATTE, NEpf I People and Events. Frank Bacdn spent Sunday in Gothenburg. Mrs. V. E. McCarty is visiting Her parents at Cozad, Mr, .and Mrs.. B, Buchanan wcn'l to Denver tills moaning. ( ' J.. J. Haligan came in from the east yesterday .mornjng. Geo. B.. .French returned yester? day morning from Omaha -P. Iv. .Hamper add At K,,McIn.ty re, i of Wallace, wfcrcjUi town yesterday. W. C. Elder, and! W. M. jaoltryi left yesterday for a tour of the country. , , . John Kelihcr, novy located at Topeka, Kan., is in town visiting his family. Mr, and Mrs,..Loren Sturgcs, of Hall precinct, are Bpending a few days in Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Fred -Weingand re turned Saturday night from their visit in the east. 4 . MrB. W. M.Cunninghahi and Mrs. Fred Letts, are spending a few days in Omaha. Mrs. Martha Artlipp.of, Somer set, left last night for a visit with friends in Illinois. , Mrs. G. JRebhaunen left this morning fot a visit in the ,caBtern part of the state. Mrs. Cha's. Osgood, who had been visiting her parents, returned to Pitkin, Col., Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loveland are in Denver this week attending the mountain and plain festival. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Arntbus stopped oyer in the city Sunday night while, enroute to Denver, Mrs CtA Wilcox returned to the city Sunday, haying been called home by the death of her daughter-in-law, Mro Geo. E. Prosser and Mrs. C. J. Boweq. of. Plant precinct, left yesterday to attend the Denver festival. . . M!bs iLhiiaitM cCracken, who had beep visiting her lister tyttt. ?H, M. Gtymcjtylcft SatUrday.for a visit at Bedford, Iowa. ..... John . Ws Ellinglam, ofthe. jSu pcriorsun, was In town" Saturday trau8actingibusi.ue.8.snd renting, acquaintance with-old-time friends. Mrs. H. V. Hilliher and son "Charley returned vlast;hlght from Lincoln, -wherer.they Jiad been, visit ing friends and attending the street fair. ,, .Rer'II. . Wolfe; jisjn Beatrice 'attending tlie annua convention of Lutherjtn Synod of Nebraska. He Will be absent until the niiddle of next week. Alfred . A. Gilman, ,.who was stopping a; few4 . days( in,. vLincoln while enroute' fto KPIiiladelphla, arrived at home Sunday,, having been called' back by his sister's death. ... j i Among those who went. to Denver, yesterday morniug to .attend the mountain and plain festival were Mrs. J. J. Sullivan aud son Leo, Mr. and Mrs.. Maurice Fowler.. Mr. and MrB. Fred Tobaa and Bert Brown. B. F. Koons, a retired, farmer of Henry county, Indiana, has been visiting relatives in town for a few days past. Mr. Koons is an un compromising republican, aiid has assisted in fighting the party's battles for over thirty years. He ,says that in his stale ypn hear no mention of sixteen-to-one, and thai to all appearances it is a dead and forgotten issue, Miss Tillie Blankenburg has opened an evening class for students In German, The home missionary society of the M. E, church will give a dime social next Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Snyder in the Third ward. ; ' , Regular services wilt be held at the Church of Our Saviour next Sunday by Rev. G. A. Beecher, who returned from the east" this 'ni'orn ing. C. A, Wyman, the dairyman, and T. M. Hainline & Son, of the steam laundry, have each, received a :iiew delivery wagon of the Studebaker make. They are very handsome vehicles. , ... MrB, Lena Miller, of Hershey, has filed a petition in the district court praylnirforia decrecof. dl.- ! Votceifjrbrtfiher, fiusjiand,;udjjr Miller, otTthe plea ot dtunk'etinesB I..)..;. . r : ? Ur-10-DnTfe ruRRITURE - josts no more than that of "antedullvan" make. Our designs are of the latest, and this fact cou pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first class goods, accounts for our big business.' W feel assured that our heavy sales are endorse ments of our" goods and prices. , You will 'find received daily to replace those, sold. .If you want anything iii the furniture line you'll find it here, . ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. Ei B, WARNER. ' NOSrt OPEN FDR eUSINESiS- W. F. McGLONE & CO. I t is now open for business with a fresh clean stock of GROCERIES, FLOUR, ET6., :' First Class in every respect. Low Prices and Fair '"'.JL Treatment Guaranteed. OUR LEKD6RS Club House Coffee, Superlative Flour, Seasonable : Goods : at Pints, 40 cts. per dozen Quarts 50 cts. per dozen. Gallons 55 cts. The pressed steel coal cars, of Which the Union Pacific recently received a number, are meeting with much favor by eastern roads The manufacturers of the cars have already two large plants at Pitts burg and are making arrangements to build a third. i 1 The county fair held last Week was pot very largely attended, ney ertheless it was a fair. There was a sufficient display of farm, pro uucta 10 demonstrate tnat tins is a ..farniing country even though there is frequently a scarcity of moisture during the growing season. ' Had the president of the society receiv. ed the proper assistance from the stockholders, the fair would proba bly have been a greater success. it tnc person vvno wrote, some Jine ago, to Dr. F, C. Moore .Smyrna, Delaware, with .reference to the Rental, or purchase of the Gearhart land in Section 35Tvvp. 13 Range 31, will call at my office they can obtain tlie information Bought. T. C. Pawerson. ZTotico of Sale of Sohool Kouae. Sealed bids will be received by the Secy, of the Board of Education of the citv of North Platte in the dpunty of Lincoln and the State of Nebr., up to 7;30 o'clock p. m. Oct 2d, 1899, for the old scheol building located on the N. E. quarter Sec. 26 Twp. 14 Range, 31. Terms, cash. The Board reserves the right to reject, any or all bids. By order of the Board of Education of the above Dist., Sept. 14, 1899. Dated Sept. 15th., 1899 Lkm B. Isenhakt, Secy. All persons are hereby warned against Belling my wife goods on my account, as I will not be respon sible for any debts contracted, by her. - Dated Sept.26, 1899. . . II. E. Dress. Carpet Weavino I haye just bought a, new loom, and am pre oared for carnet and ruir wenv?no- l - , 1 L O . fa . Orders may be lef.t at Meyer's store. . ' iV, A. bTURTEVANT. Only $5.00 Omaha and 'return Sept. 26th and 27th via -the" Union Pacific. ICS Xytr, Erf' rViUa, M W V? 3 I .O H s s CI P3sS' Mrs c o 5 I .'-.f I our stock complete at all times new goods are , , ' : i.' -i t Heinz Pickles, Pure Spices, : Reasonable : Prices.. Jelly GlassesMarge ' ' mi. size one-half . pints 30 cts. per dozen. We must sell airSprihg ahd Summer Goods this mont:h, and in ordr. todb so have made' the folfoWing- prices: 1 All $1.25 Dress Goods .. ..75c ptyd All 1.00 dress goods ...,65cpryd All 75 and 85c drcsB goods 50c pt'yd All 50c dress goods 35c pr yd All 35c dress goods 25c pr yd All 25c dress goods . ... 15c pr yd All 15c dress goods lOcprvd 35c Erench, Ginghams ... .20c pr yd 25c French Ginghams .. ..15c pr, vd 15c French Ginghams .. ..lOc'pryd V24c French Ginghams ..8c pryd 10c French Ginghams v . . .6cpr yd 25c Organdie 15c pr. yd 20c Organdie ,.12c pr yd 15c Organdie 10c, pryd 12c Organdie ..7c pr yd 10c Organdie' . . , 6c pr yd $1.75 Table Linen , . . . ,.$1.00 or vd 1,50 Table Linnn ... s ..OOcpi yd 1.25 Table Linen ,.75c pr yd 1.00" Table Linen ... r5cpvd 75c Table Linen ( ..... .-. ..50c pryd 50 and 65c Table Linen 35c pr yd 35c Table Linen 25c pr yd 25c Table Linen . , . , I5c pr yd Ladies'' Summer Corsets at1 ;....25c each Millinery at cost All $12.00 aud $15.00 patterifhats at ,,,, , ...6.50 All 10:00 pattern hats at , . . . r5.00 , ah o.vv pauern. nats at 4.00 All 7.00 pattern hats at .0. ..3.50 AH.6,pO,pattern hats at 3.00 All 5,00 pattern hats at .2.50 All 3.00 and 4.00 pattern hats at , -.'l. ;.1.75 All 2.00 and 2.50 pattern hats afe i . .. . . 1 oc All 1.00 and 2.00 sailors at 50c to'cjose Special cut orices in Garnets. Curtnins, Linoleum, Shoes, Parasols, Underwear. Watsts. Skirts, etc. RENNIE'S. We are Kept Busy 4l Renairintr shoes' for people who appreciate 4c the only kind we do l& If not hlready A ciisto- mer we solicit vour RENgS 1 I1; gbq. tekulve 4 1 J yelldFht litoJ X - and nou-Bupport,