The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 05, 1899, Image 8

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    Local News in Brief.
Apples 2Go a peck at Wilcox Dopt.
F. G. Ilatncr, of Kearney, spent
Sunday in town. ,
Extra Quality Machino.Oll atWil
cox Doparttnent Storo. .
W. A. Paxton, ol qmalia, is
transacting1 business In" town to
Now Idea Patterns lOo each at Wil
cox Department Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliot and son
Ben returned from Omaha this
Woodman Boiled Zilnsood oil CGo a
gallon at Wilcox Dopartmont Storo,
Will letters canic up from Grand
Island and made his usual Sunday
Miss Emma Satnclson went to
Maxwell this morning to spend a
few days.
For sale cheap, span of mules
and several good marcs. Enquire
of Davis & Kochc.
A meeting of the D. of h. P. will
be held on Thursday cvcniuir. A
t w
full attendance is desired.
I have just received a car load of
redwood Htock tanks. These are
the best and cheapest tanks made
Call and get priccn.
C. F. Imiinos.
On Sunday eleven; cars of cattle
whMi had been shipped in thatday
from the west wcreplirchascd by
Jno. Frederick for Geo. Ilurkc& Co.
and later were shipped to the
South Omaha market.
Friday, Sept. 8th, at Lamplugh's
Lake there will be an entertain
ment given. High diving, spring
board diving, cable wire perform
ance, swimming race and boat race.
"Brown's In Town" will appear at
the lake on the above date.
During the month of August HOI
cars were iced at this station. Of
this number 1200 cars belonged to
the F. G. and C. F. X. companies
Over 4,000,000 pounds of ice were
tinea, rills is an increase over
any previous mouth' aud a large in
crease over August of laBt year.
Kctmcrs & i ricu arc pulling in a
cement walk in front ot the Foley
property occupied' by the Star.
When this walk is completed there
will be cement walks along that
entire block. The new walks are a
great Improvement over the old
wooden ones. Rclmera & Fried
uxpect to complete their work here
nils weeic,
. t 1
The ladict' aid society of the
Methodist church will meet Tlinrs-
day afternoon at the home ot Mrs.
W. J. CrtiBcn. This is the annual
meeting of the society and officers
for the coming year will be elected
and every member of the society is
earnestly requested to be present,
After the business mcctinir
refreshments will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kelkcr. nar-
cuts of Mrs, C. A. Weir, were pas-
bcngers on train No. 2 Sunday
Mr. Kelkcr was enroute
to Dunkirk, N. look after the
new locomotives which arc being
built by the Brooks Locomotive
WorkB for the D. & R. G
Although Mr. Kelkcr la seventy
inrec years 0111 no is a wen pre
served man aud Is capable of out
working Ills younger associates
Mrs. Kelkcr will accompany him to
Chicago aad then return here to
visit her daughter.
Protect Your Eyon.
Prof, McElvaln will make his
monthly vIbU for the purpose of
fitting glasses, Sept. 7th at Clin
tons. V
Tho H. T. Club.
The II. T. club held Its first meet
ing in several mouths on Saturday
night, the meetings during the
Hummer having been abandoned on
account of the absence of a large
number of the members, The sub
ject of discussion for thn evening
waB "Expansion" but previous to
entering on the serious work of the
evening the members decided, to
serenade the mayor, the members
of the school board, a former mem
ber of the club and some prospective
members. They also very sweetly
serenaded an eligible bachelor,
Brown'B carry all was pressed into
service to transport the club while
It was serenading. The meeting
proper was held at the home of
Miss Eunice Babbitt. The club
alter much discussion decided that
'it was heartily in favor of expan
sion. Just previous to leaving for their
Iioiucb1 the members regaled them
hcIvcb on watermelons and Nuusk-.melons.
Don't let size stand in the way.
can fit you where others have failed.
can fit your ideas your figure and your
pockctbobk. Suits aud outfittings here for
every young man.
S. slxx3L $7sSO
is our price for excellent "All Wool Suits," made to sell for
$7.50 to $10. Young Men's or Hoy's Suits in sizes 30 to 35
i nehes breast measure.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Across the street front old location.
School Board Mooting1.
The school board held its regular
meeting at the superintendents
ofllee laBt night. The usual
routine ofbusjncas was transacted.
The secretary was,, instructed to
call for bids for 100 tons of. Rock
Springs coal, more or loss Miss
Jennie Carlson was appointed
principal in the Second ward, MIhb
Jennie White in the First ward andv
Miss Edith Vernon in the Third
ward. Miss Ruth Patterson was
temporarily assigned to the Fifth
and Sixth trades in the Third
ward, aud Miss Ella Blake has been
assigned to the Bratt school. This
arrangement will probably become
Quartorly Conforonco.
The last quarterly conference of
the Methodist church was held Sat
urday evening. The worl: ot the
year was reviewed to a certain ex
tent. The year has been one of
great progress and considerable
work in iidilitloii Id the building of
hie church has been accomplished
The conference waB unanimous in
askinirthe district conference to
return Rev, C. C. Wilson to the pas
tot-ate here, and if he is returned he
will be granted a vacation. J. G
Beeler was elected a delegate to the
Iny conference which will be held in
Urokcnbow next week in connection
with the district conference. The
latter will be of considerable itnpor
tance this year, as delegates, both
clerical and lay, will be elected to
l,,u K?l conference, which meets
-'"igo May. Saturday s
quarterly conference and Sunday's
tu vjnicago next iiay.
quarterly meeting are the last that
Elder Leonard will hold here as his
term us elder expires this fall, he
having served six years in that ca
pacity. The elder has made many
friends during his term, aud he will
be greatly missed.
Now for the
New Fall Shoes
A. splendid aggregation of this season's
stylish shoo slmpos is hero awaiting your
call. Perfect specimens of what fashion
has approved for your wearing this sea
son. Ladies' "boots in tho mannish
shapes and weights, full round toes,
heavy wolted soles, plump weight kid
leather (tho ideal shoe for comfort), or
lighter weights in turn soles. Every
shoo shows that caro in designing and
making that is only
Yellow Front Shoe Store,
Gno. M. GRAHAM, ill winger.
0 doors south of Postofllco, NOltTII PLATTE, NEB
Brown's in Town."
One 01 tlic best titles ever given
to a farce comedy is ''Brown's in
Town" which will be the attraction
at Lloyd's on Friday evening Sept
8th. There is something amusing
in the very suggestion, as to why
tilts numerous gentleman is in the
city. It is said that this particular
Brown has enough cmbarassing
experience to thoroughly shake up
any audience. The amusing situa
tions of the farce arc said to ncvcr
nail on one, aud those who have
seen it pronounce it the most origi
nal of all of them. The convention
al mother-in-law, the stereotyped
old maid, the visiting aunt with
mother-in-law instincts, and the
time-worn German and Irish ser
vant have been dispensed with. The
storv of "Brown's in Town" is
told by young players which is
novel feature in itself, and a, farce
cannot help to be entertaining when
illustrated by such a clever collec
tiou of comedians a s seen in this
one. The management is confident
that 'Brown's in Town" will not
be compared to any of the latter
day farces, as the story is an en
ti rely new and original one. Sev
eral musical numbers are intro
duced aud arc said to fit admirably
The farce is in three acts, all o
. t .
wiiicu takes place 011 a summer s
day, aud the plot hinges on Alio
story of a young man who Issccfct
ly married against the wishes df a
stern father, whose matrimonii!
troubles give him good reasons for
asking his sou to remain a bachelor
Take it all in all the complications
that arise in trying to keep his wed
ded life a secret make it the live
best day young Brown, his friends
and relatives, ever experiencea.
Miss Same Muck is home irpm
her vacation aud has resumed her
duties at the FattvStore.
found in the best
People and Events, fi
Miss Lola Beckwlth is spending
few days in Omaha.
M. K. Baruum and his lamily re
turned to their home in Omaha
Mrs. Ed. Cooney and children de
parted Saturday for Valparaiso to
isit relatives.
AVill Sulliyan spent Sunday and
Monday at home. Will is working
u the Cheyenne shops.
Miss Mary Dixon came back Sat-
rday from Lincoln where she had
been visiting her mother.
Misa Gunnel!, who had been
isiting Miss Ivy Broach, returned
tohcr home in Paxton Sunday.
Clcve Osgood came down from
Denver Saturday morning pre-
arcd to kill his share of prairie
Miss Nellie Cronin has returned
to her home in Grand Island after
a short stay here with friends and
Mrs. Jno. Kinkadc went to
Drown villi; Saturday to sec' her
daughter living there who is se-
iously ill.
Mrs. S. G. Smith returned Sun
day morning to her home in Rock
Bluffs after spending a week here
isiting friends,
Miss Edith Vernon returned Fri
day night froom Boone where she
had been spending her vacation
with relatives.
W. B. McNeel and son left Satur
day morning for Clinton, Md. They
will spend a month visiting in Clin
ton and Washington.
J. 11. Turpie, Jr., left last night
for Omaha. After spending a few
weeks there he will go to Denver
and then make a tour of the west.
Dr. Win. Eves started Saturday
morning for his old home in Wil
liamsport where he will spend two
weeks visiting relatives and
Clint C Siver and his daughter
came in from Garfield Friday after
noon and left on Saturday for a few
weeks visit at various points 111
New York state.
Mrs. Maggie Dulancy and chil
dren returned Saturday to their
home in Georgetown after spending
several weeks visiting Mrs. D's
mother at the England ranch.
Mrs. F. R. Ilogcboom, ot Gaudy,
spent Saturday evening in town
as the guest of Mr. and Mis. D. P,
Wilcox. Sunday morning she left
for Golconda, 111., to see her mother
who is serious ill.
Rev. G. Sutherland, D. D., presi
dent of the Baptist college at Grand
Island, was in town for a short
time op Friday. He waB enroute to
Gaudy to attend a meeting of the
Baptist Association.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. BecUwjth, o
Garfield, were in town Saturday.
They accompanied their daughter
Lola this fur on her journey to
Omaha where she will attend schoo
during the coming school year.
Mr3. Elmer Bttndy aud children
returned to their home in Lcxing
ton Saturday. They had been
visiting Mrs. Dundy's parents
Mr. and Mrs. II. Wells, for r
short time.
Miss Lctiore Cummings, who
has been spending the summer here
as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ton Doolittle, left yesterday morn
lg for Columbus. After a short
visit there she will return to her
home in Chicago.
Eey. aud Mrs. O. A. needier and
their daughter Ruth went to Chey.
enne Sunday night. After a brief
visit there they will go to Denver
and then no on to Chicniro and
Racine to visit relatives. They
will be absent about four weeks.
Mr. aud Mrs. W. 11. Hill aud
their son Claire came down from
Hcrshey Friday aud left Saturday
morning for the east with the G,
A, 1?. excursion- TJey wil visit
in Washington aijd Philadelphia
and then go to New York state to
visit at various places.
Froo Plllo.
Sond your nddrcss to II. E. Buoklon
A Co., Chlcnpfo, nnd Rot n froo snmplo of
boxotDr. Kintr'a Now Llfo Pills. A
trjiil will eonyiiico you of thoir inorlts.
Those pills uro oiibj in notion nnd nro
pnrtloulnrly oireotivo in tho uuro of Con
stlbiitioii and Sick Ileiulnolio. For Mn
Inrm and I.ivor troubles tlioy lmvo boon
proved invnlunblo. Tlioy urogunrnnteed
to bo porfootly froo from ovory deleter
ious Diibfltnnco nnd to bo pnrolv vogotn
blo. Tlioy do nqt vpnkonljy thoir notion
but by kIviiik tonoto tlo etbnwl) nnd
bowols Rroittly inviuornto tho Byotoin.
MeRtilnr sizo 2.1a. por bos. For enlo .by
A. F, Stroltz, DrUKuiut.
Costs no more than that of "antedulivan" make.
Our designs are of the latest, and this fact cou
pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first
class goods, accounts for our big business. We
feel assured that our heavy sales are endorse
ments of our goods and prices. You will find
our stock complete at all times new goods arc
received daily to replace those sold. If you want
anything in the furniture line you'll find it here.
The first number of the first vol
ume of the Cody Enterprise, pub
lished at Cody, Wyo., has made its
appearance. The paper is publish
ed by Cody & Peake, one member of
the firm being our own and only
Buffalo Bill and the other being J.
II. Peake, who is well known to all
old settlers in North Platte as he
was one of the first newspaper men
here. The paper presents a good
typographical appearance ana is
full of interesting reading matter.
The many North Platte friends of
the proprieters hope that their
venture will meet with the success
which it will deserves.
Win. McGlonc has severed his
connect ion with Harrington &
Tobin and will go into the grocery
business in partnership with E. B.
2 m 0
5, Z!
0 H z
o O K
S3 i
1$! rjfri r$ r$i pfr r$ f$j fto f$ fj) ij
We are i
Kept Busy 4
T?nnn!riiirr ulinoo fiir .IZ
people who appreciate fa
neat, substantial work .2
the onlv kind we do.
If not already a custo- ''
mer we solicit j'our
Yellow Front Shoe Store. t
------- ,,3r
iJ vi tjj ig tj ij ty ui ii tj up fcj cj
Hill of Pnrp thnt mny bp
found nt Hip rpsorf, a til)
ColTeo, Ton, IJrond, Clieose.
IJnm npd Cliepno r-nndwicjief).
Canned Fruits, United Honns, Oystprs,
Snrdinep, Cinnrn, koninnndo,
Koot Door, Pop, Bottled lleor.GinKor Alo
PiekloB, Etc.
Everything eold na ohonp na pun bo
purohnsod in tho mnrkpt,
PartioB wiBhint' to onantio tho roeort np
ply to Leo Tobir. I3nthinjr.
10c; BontinR for two
persons 2oo por hour on Sundays. For
ubo of dnncini; pnvillion 2uo n couplo for
dnnchiR pnrties. Tho full I'quipmontB
nttho Inko enn bo rontoii by Boclotios;
Icnvlnc them tho priviloRo to mnko nil
Ihoy cnu by roroutioR to othors on thoir
When the Mercury
1 Reaches 100
J Tust remember that Davis the Hardware
g Mnn carrjes a full ljno of ho; weatjier spepjalties
-xerngerators, wmcli
9 keep the coolest of any, Iceoroam Freezers, Wire
Netting andv Screen Doors, all grades of Hope,
and every conceivable variety of Nozzle and
g Sprinkler. All at prices to suit the average pock-
Hunting is positively forbidden
on any of the land owned by me.
!;. YY. M UK 111 Y.
City Property
For sale by the Receiver
of the North Platte Na
tional Bank.North Platte
No. I. Lots II and 13, Mock 0, North I'lntto
Town Lot Co'b. addition to the city of N.irttw
I'lattc. Neb. Location on the corner of
Sixth and Lincoln Avenues. ,
No. a Lot o, block si. of the original town
of North I'lattc. Nebraska.
No. 3. Kant half of lot C. block Up, of the
original town of North I'lattc. Nebraska.
This propcrtv In only one block and a half
from the court house nqu arc. On t lie lot ha
comfortable, etory and a half, live room
frame house. Location In on Fifth street,
between Locust and Vine streetH.
No. I. Lots l.S.3,-1. R. 0, 7, 8. 0. 10, U, 115. and
10. Illock 2 In North I'lattc Town Lot Co h.
Addition to the City of North I'lattc. Locad
tlon on Sixth street between Madison an
JeHcrNon avenues.
No. n. Lots 3 and 4, Illock PH, In the orig
inal plat of the City of North I'lattc, Ncbr.nn
ka. Location on Front street corner of
Ash. On Lot 3 Ih comfortable clcht room
frame cottage. Convenient to railroad and
And all kinds of
Farm (Vlaehinepy. .
Standard Goods at
Reasonable Prices.
Spring and
Which have just arriyed.
F. J. Broeker,
Merchant Tailor.
The best
Onn bo found at.,..,.,
Our Ten-Cent Cigars are the
equal of any.
Your attention is invited to
our fine line of Chewing and
Smoking Tobaccos and Smok
ers articles.
will use the least ce and &