. v. e r Jf t 4 mhWi&Mv (Tribune. FIFTEENTH YEAR. NORTE PLATTE, NEBRASKA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1899. NO. 64. 4 jgitntniMimniMwwiirnr.nr itr m McCormick Binders and Mowers and Ropirc jwm Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best Quality for the Price. BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. A nnmninfnT!n PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, & OmpietO Lino WIND MILLS. MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., North Platte, Neb. L .. .f. .f . ,T. .f. .T. .T. .T. .V. ,f. .T. $a&&WW lit. EH&S STRtlTZ SEDUCTIVE MM Sow G. F. IDDINGS Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (C. r. IDDINOS.) Manufacturer pf HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAISf AND OHpP FEED. Qrd.pr by telephone from Newton's Book Store. I N. MpCAPE. Rroprlptor, North Platte 3Jrugs and Druggists' Sundries. 5 We aim to handle the best grades of goods Sell everything nt reasonable prices, and warrant all goods to be just as represented. Al Prescriptions Carefully FIM Qrdera frotn the country and ong the line of the Uniou Pa.pifip Railway is respectfully solicited. First floor north of First Rational Bank- r t THERE ARE e- e MANY fc t t; & 1 ON THK LINE VIA DIRECT him To All POINTS WEST, gggggggg You wjll find Fishing in Rocky Mountain Streams Hunting in Wyoming, Curative Waters in the Hqt Sprjngs of IflabQ, JPpJ Time Tables, FolJe1"8! Illustrated Hooks, Pamphlets Descriptive of the territory traversed, call on J JKS. B. SCHNLHN, KCENT, wm www www mm 5 3 'li The Sibilant Sizzle of -gtissfr-. Satisfying and Cn... 4-t-t -4-4 rr X'u.m.'ber, Coal J. E. DUSH, Mnnaccr. Pharmacy. b a Llcensco" Phnrrnaclst. . j P treats OR JHSACHKD THE SOLID Vestibuled Trains DAILY. Botwoon tho Xllvoro. If ynu want to sec one of the finest fields of corn in the valley take a look at L. 13. Jones. Mr; and Mrs. II. Null, of Myrtle, visited old time friends and attend ed church at Ilcrshcy last Sunday. Mrs. Sadie Brown, ot the county capital, returned home Sunday after a few days visit with relatives and friends at Nichols. Sccbergcr & Co. are having the hay on the old canal company's land over by the north river north cast of Nichols harvested at this time. Miss Laura Murray, of Maxwell, and Miss Anna Erickson, of Cotton wood, will take charge of the Ilcr shcy schools on Monday, next week. Mrs. F. L. Terry and Miss Stella Goodwin, now have full charge of the hotel at Ilersliey. Mr. and G. F. Ellis, of Evans ville, Win., who have been visiting the JSullivans and Brooks at Nichols and Mr, and Mrs. D. A. Brown at North Platte for the paet week, will depart from the latter place next Thursday morning for Denver, Cheyenne and Colorado Springs. Miss Louise Seubergcr we under stand departed the first of the week for Denver where she will at tend school. The demo-pops will hold a pri mary for Nichols precinct at the school house in Ilcrshey on Thurs day evening this week to elect del egates .to the county convention which convenes at the county scat on Saturday this week, and also to place in nomination a full precinct ticket. There is not the least shadow of a doubt but what their labor at both places will be in vain. Remember the annual Sunday school piciilc for the school in the valley at Wm. Ware's grove on Sat urday Sept'. "9 thr"-E ve ry body.i n-' vited. All those who attended the Wood man picnic on the island south west of Sutherland on Saturday last report a social and pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs.'-W. II. Hill and son Claire departed Saturday for the east on the G. A. R. special from North Platte to Philadelphia, D. B. White was ?t the county metropolis a few days since with a load of fine f; apples, He found a ready market for them at living prices. M. JJook, who was working with the Lokcr & Ilungcrford hay press, was taken seriously ill with stomach trouble last Friday and had to return home where he is confined to the house at this time. J. G. Feekcn found a ready mar ket for a load of fine watermelons at the county "hub" the other day. A gang of track men who are put ting some finishing touches on the U. P. track are at this time domicil ed in cars on the Spur at Nichols. C, S. Trovilio and L. JO. Jones are at this tunc harvesting the hay on the Frascier land oyer by the north river. Seeberger & Co. havq shipped several cur loads of new wheat from the elevator nt Hershoy so fur this season.. D. B. White and W. O. Thompson two enterprising canal farmers, have both marketed wheat at the Ilersliey elevator lately. With no preventing providence several car- loads of cattle will be fed in this section the coming win ter. L. R, Krong and family who left Nichols last week (or Egbert AVyo., dispospd of hjs cattje t0 Chris PjcrsoH, his team of horses to Dan Edslrom, his corn In the field to P. 13. I3rickson and his small grain, which is' in the stack he left in charge of Chris Plcrson so that Mr son "Walford did not Have to re main as was stated to care for them but departed with the family. He expects to get a job on the section with his father. Rev. W. M. Evans and W. 0, Thompsonareattcndiiig the Annual Baptist Association ut Qering this wec. Dr. TCvcr took advantage of the special rates to the national G. A, R. encampment at Philadelphia and departed Saturday for a month's visit lit that city and vicinity. We understand that the Edstroin family will soon depart for Wahoo, their former home. They expect to reside there in the future. A member of the local Salvation Army at North Platte who, with his family, has been domiciled in an emigrant wagon at Ilersliey, where he was painting the new church has departed for other fields of labor. North Platte, Ilersliey, Sutherland and several farm dwellings along the line will soon be connected by telephone. II. II. Cook who has sold his farm in the valley under the old irriga tion canal last spring to V. 0. Thompson and moved with his family to the south hills, we arc told now wants to rent a farm in the valley under irrigation. Notwithstanding the fact that the seats 'for the new church at Ilersliey did not arrive previous to Sunday, as was expected, it was dedicated upon that day in the presence of a large audience many of whom took their dinner with them in the morning mid then re mained for the services in the after noon. The remaining indebted ness of $350 on the building was liquidated during the day and the association at that place starts out with a line new church free of debt. The dedicatory sermon by Rev. Suavely is highly spoken of by all as both interesting and instructive. Somoraob Brlofs. Gilbert Smith and Arthur Gart rell returned on Monday from North Platte aiul are putting up hay for their stock. E. E. Baker, O. C. Mulliken and Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Brittain spent Monday in Wellfieet. Jno. McConiicll was a Wellllect visitor on Wednesday and Satur day. JDn Saturday Ii'ih mission there was tt attend the cattle-sale. Mr. Dugau brought cattle to the stock yards Thursday and on Sat urday took them to Wellllect where they were sold. Rev. and Mrs. Pain were the guests of Wm. Jolliflfc Thursday night. A lone pralrio schooner passed down the line Saturday probably qolng home to "my wife's folks.' Andrew Smith is assisting J. F. Brittain in putting up IiIb hay crop. The high wind of the past week in terfered very materially with the work of stacking hay. Pionoor SotUox-o" Mooting. To the pioneers of Lincoln county ami western Nebraska: You are especially invited to attend at the fair grounds at North Platte, Nebraska, on Pioneer day of the Lincoln County Fair at a bas ket picnic to be held on that day. There will be no charges any day of the fair from Sept. 19th to Sept. 22d, inclusive, and Pioneer day is Sept. 21st. The president of the fair associa tion, Mr., William Elder, by author ity of the executive committee estab lished i free fair and open market combined, for exhibits or exchange of products, and free entrance, free grass, and free shelter for man and beast, and a free market for all pro ducts and exhibit, and a free track for all races and la.vful sports, and pioneers and all are urged to camp on the grounds and in the buildings and have a good time generally. B. I. IIinman, Temporary President. W. C Eui!n, Pres. Lincoln Co, Ag'l Society. fiw" Exchanges please copy. SIMPLE There is a rtoht WAV tn fin tilings, vnex- Epcctant mother can easily real ize, if sbf strinc. At.t A SEN; to think a moment, how danger ously wrong; it is to swallow medi cines when in her condition. She can see that the outside application of a liniment which softens and relaxes must certainly he the thing for her to use. Such a liniment is MOTHER'S FRIEND which she can depend upon doing her a, world of good before and during labor. Send to us for our free illustrated booh, "Before Baby is Born." Mother's Friend is sold in drug stores for $J a bottle, or from THE BRADflKLD RE0OLAT02 CO., AUflnU.Ca. miiriiriTrifriirfTriirifrifrifriTriTn?nTriTriir!?rifrnrifrifrifrifrfi H We are Ambitious to do the g Largest Fall Business H in our History. It isn't going to bu such an easy matter to beat our Fijll of '98 record. We have reason to believe, however, that we can do it. Ninety-nine, so far, has been far and away ahead of '98 with us. We are in a better position to supply every Dry Goods need of this com munity than ever before and this leads us to believe wp will attain our ambition. Our ef forts along this line will, of course, benefit the purchasing public, for we shall make buy ing here extremely attractive. It will be ex travagant to skip this store when spending your money. HE Is. richards. THE FAIR. 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiauiiiiuiiiiiiujiuiiiiiail "E3 Neighborhood News. The Lexington Clipper-Citizen is in favor of expansion in the news paper business at least as it has just expanded to the extent of ab sorbing the Lexington News. The Lexington Potato Growers' Association has decided to build a cold storage warehouse and have a stub switch built to it in order that the storitig-and Shipping of the Dawson county crop of 'tatcrs may be handled to good advantage. On a farm in Gosper county a field was sown to barley but when the crop was cut it was found to be millet. This changeling crop is accounted for by the fact that mil let had been grown on the land the preceding year and the volunteer millet crop had grown faster than the barley and crowded it out. Peter Schlesinger was arrested at Gothenburg last week on the charge , of selling intoxicating liquors with out n license. A search of Iub place oi business brought to light several gallons of suspicious liquor. The case was settled by the defendant paying all costs, also the state's at torneys' fees and agreeing to keep his place closed for the balance of the year. Burglars seem to have a penchant for blowing open the safe of the Chicago Lumber Co. Last Thurs day it was blown open for the third time within the past few months. The would be burglars UBed nitro glycerine and did a good clean job but failed of a reward because nothing of vahif had been kept in the safe s'.nce the previous attempt to burglarize it.- Grand Island Times. Kearney's new telephone system was formally opened for business on Friday. The number of phones already contracted for is one hun-dred-thirty-five. One hundred and fifty miles of wire and seven h un bred and forty poles were used in putting in the system. All of the appliances arc of the latest improv ed pattern. F. II. Gilcrest, is the president of the company which is known as the Home Telephone Company and Con G. Llovd, of Gothenburg, is secretary. Connec tions will be made with the com pany which operates on the K. & B II.. and on the U. P. to Overton. Thursday was a jubilee day for the A. O. U. W. and 1). of II, of Lexington. On that day the two societies held a joint picnic at Abel's grove, They marched to the grove, headed by the uniformed K. ol P. baud, about ten o'clock in the morning and spent the day there. At noon a good old fashioned has ket dinner was served. Deputy (trand Master Arnold, Supenoi Chief of Honar, Mrs, Adclia Hurd- 3 3 36 3 3 3 3 ing and Congressman Burkctt were among the speakers who asdrcRscd the gathering. Tho day was One which will long be remembered by all who had the good fortune to be present. Kathcr a smooth piece of steal ing wns accomplished at Oconee, a small station on the Union Pacific between Columbus and Norfolk a few days ago. Tea cars were taken from a side track there and attached to a train. They had been pulled but a 'short 'distance When it was discovered that something was wrong with the journals. Investi gation proved that forty-one pair of brasses had been removed and, al though the box had been very cleverly repacked the journals were badly ground down. The thief, judging from the wny the boxes were re-packed, was an old hand at removing brasses. He succeeded in obtaining about $80 worth of brass. His steal will cost the com pany, however, fully $600 for dam age, labor, etc. Duoklon'o Arnica Salvo. TUB MOST SALVE in tho world for Cuts, Brumes, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Ithouni Fovor Sores, Tottor, Chnppcd Hnndff, ChilblnitiH, Corns, nnd all Skin Erup Hons, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It laRiuiranlood to rIvo Hutisfiiutlon or nionny rofuntlod. Prico 2fi ci-iitd por box. FOB SALE BY A. F. Stroitz. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Q V. BEDELL, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Onions: North Plntto Nntionid Bunk Building, North Plutto, Neb. P F. DENNIS, M. D., UOMOEOPATIIIST, Over Drat Nallounl UnnV, N011TI1 1'LATTE, . . . NKWtAHKA. JjJ E. NOBT1IRUP, DENTIST, Olllcn ovor Model Olothine Storo. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. j S. RIDGELY, ATTO RNE Y-AT-L A W . Oflluo m tlinmun Block, Drwoy street. NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA r. 11. muioNDs, j, M.CAMiouif. Edmonds & Oalhoun, LAW AND COLLECTIONS. Ovnr I'OMtolllM!, NOltTU 1'I.ATTK, NEII. TILCOX & HALLIGAN, ATTOIINJSYB'AT.LAW, HOWni 1'I-ATTK, . - - NK1IKABKA onica OTr North l'lntto NaUonal Hack, .1, S, IIOA(H,ANI). W. V. IIOA(iriANI). Hoagland & Hoagland, ATTO FINE YS AND COUNSELORS Ollli'o tvr McDouhIJ'h llmik, NOItTU ri.ATTl!, Nl'.l), Ml O. PATTERSON, L. KTTO R IS EY-KT-LKl, 0111cm ovor Yollow Front Shoo Stora, -NORTH PLATTE, NEB. V ' gi