The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 25, 1899, Image 4

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    ' Bc r ml Wf tMjj tribune.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1899.
1UA L BARE, Eimtou and Phoi'Iiiktok
Ono Year, cnsli In advance,, , 11.25
Hit Month, cash In advance,... ...... .,75 Osnts'
Kite red RttbeNorthI'Utte(NebrnskApotofflcea
second-clais matter,
JUDRK IIlNMAN'fl Opposition to
Judge Neville was not mollified by
tlic formcr'H visit to Omaha, and it
is understood that llintiiaii says
Neville cannot be elected if lie can
prevent it. Just what the older
judge thinks of the younger judge's
candidacy would make mighty in
teresting reading matter.
JvUcwn Stkiiiiins' middlc-of-thc
road convention, which was adver
tised to be held in "the heart of the
fusion convention at Omaha,"
did not matcrilizc to any great ex
tent, Hut Mr. Stebbius is not dis
heartened. He is confident that
there are thousands of good pop
ulists who will not vote the ticket
nominated by the fusionists.
Juixsi; Nbvim.b has a big con
tract on his hands when he at
tempts to gain the esteem and
votes of tltc recalcitrant democrats
and populists in this congressional
district. In fact there are a great
many people who think the con
tract is too great for the judge and
that after November he will be in
the consomme.
Colonic Schukman, of the Phil
ippine commission, who has been
very guarded about giving out
opinions, advises the American
people to be patient until they see
what is coming out of the adminis
tration's policy in the Philippines.
He insists that President McKin
lcy is a good leader, understands
the situation well and will work
out a result that will be satisfac
tory to the American public.
Tin: republican county conven
tion will be held at the court house
tomorrow, and we feel confident
that the delegates assembled will
Hclect atl nnumially strong county
ticket, one that will command the
votes of all republicans and many
populists and democrats. The
light in the county this fall prom
ises to be acrimonious, and repub
licans cannot afford to nominate
men who will be placed on the
defensive. The republicans must
be the aggressors.
I). 15. Thompson, of Lincoln,
helped Governor Poynter out of a
bad hole by coming forward and
putting up twenty thousand dol
lars to help defray the coming
home expenses of the First Ne
braska regiment. Thompson, it
will be remembered, was a candi
date for United States senator last
winter and a good many of us were
led to believe that he was consider
ably of au ogre. His recent action
however proves him to be all right
in this particular instance at
Ki:i'Uiii.iCANH in the Sixth dis
trict are apparently well pleased
with the nomination of Judge
Neville for congress, who they re
gard as rather a weak candidate,
and a man who will not be able to
poll the vote of the fusion combine
or gain any votes from the republi
can party. Neville has proven
such a pertistcnt and chronic ollicc
seeker that many of his own party
believe that he should be cITectivcly
"squashed," and that this tall is
the time to do it.
Now that all the "reform" con
ventions have denounced pass
taking in unmeasured terms, will
Judge Neville continue to ride on
his passes or will he promptly de
stroy them? We are inclined to
believe that the Judge will use his
passes every time unless some
good populibt or republican is oc
cupying a seat with him. It is re
lated that while the Judge was on
11... i i. t r
me uuiicu aim nan occasion to rid
on the cars, he would alwnvn mnfc
it convenient to meet the conductor
on tlie car platform and show up
his pass, thus avoiding detection
by the nasseiiL'ers on tlm (mm w,.
presume he will use the same tao-
4 tfu . ......a....!. i.
viiiii; nun iufj mug over in
district this fall.
It seems probable that the demo
crats in 1900 .ire about to repeat
their action in 1804, when they de
clared in national convention that
the war policy waB a failure and
demanded its abandonment. It is
recalled that it was many years
thereafter before the democracy
secured even a measure of the
country's confidence.
In July, 1890, the vcrv month in
which Colonel Bryan was nominated
for the presidency, the failures in
the United States numbered 1,130
with liabilities of over fifteen mil
lion, dollars. Last mouth they
numbered 591, with liabilities of
less than five millions, Docs this
look as though the direful predic
tions made by the free silvcriteu in
1890 had come true?
Whim: an oilicial notice of the
withdrawal of the democratic can
didate for congressman, M. C.
Harrington, has not been published
yet it is certain that such will soon
be made. Mr. Harrington attended
the Tlcmocratic state convention
this week and in a speech from the
platform declared his willingness
in the interests of harmony to
withdraw from the race. As this
declaration was received with ap
plause, it is evident that the dele
gates there assembled wanted Mr.
Harrington to withdraw. It is
understood that Colonel Hryau
intimated to Mr. Harrington that
he had better subside and become
a plain voter of his district.
Silas Holcomh, the ballot box
rapist, Hie house rent "Kilter" and
the railroad pass taker, has been
nominated by the "reform" lorccs
of Nebraska for supreme judge.
There were delegates in both the
populist and democratic conven
tions who demanded a clean and
honest man for supreme judge, but
the majority of the delegates, who,
while claiming to be ' reformers"
care nothing for honesty or purity
of character, and Holcomb was de
clared the nominee. Never in the
history of the state has a candidate
for supreme judge been put up who
is so politically filthy as Silas Hol
comb, and wv belicva that there
are thousands of self respecting
democrats and populists in the
state who will rcluse to cast their
ballots for him.
"Great isNebraska." Evidences
f her greatness accuniinulate day
by day. We not only have the
windiest statesman, the most poetic
tatesiuan, the original middle-of-
the-road pop and thegrcatand only
iHiuaio urn nut within the past
week even stronger evidence ot onr
greatness has been given to the
worm. jas. urceuuaii tlie world
renowned yellow correspondent,
was recalled bv the New York
Journal from Rennes where he was
reporting the Dreyfus trial to New
York and ordered to Nebraska to
report the great demo-pop conven
tion in Omaha and Hilly Bryan's
biivery uiieranccs. verily "the
world do move" and a man who is a
native of Nebraska now linn tln
right to assert that he is a native
of the most important state in the
The first one of thesneclal truins
liaviiiirou board the TiMitli 1iim.
sylvauia troops will not leave Chey
enne until six o'clock this evening
so North Platte will probably not
u.ivu me pleasure ot greeting its
inemoers aiuiougii the last train
may possibly pass throuirh hem nl
According to J. Sterling MnrinnV
Conservative the apple cron in tlio
southeastern portion of the state
promises to oe a Dumper one, and
prices there run from ten to thirty
cents per bushel, according to
Kojmbllcnn JtuUclnl Convention.
A delegate convention of the
Republicans of the 13th Judicial
District of Nebraska, will ho held :.t
Ogallala on the 2Ah day of Aug. at
8:30 p. in., for the purpose of plac
ing in tioiniiiauou a camliilalc lot
District Judge for said District 13.
The several counties will hiM-ntitiid
to one delegate at large and one
delegate for every 100 votes or
maior fraction thereof on vnt
of M. Ij. Hayward in the year 1898
IN iiiiuiws;-
Scotts Willis
Haulier 2
Kimball , 2
Cheyeude 5
Duel 3
Keith 3
Perkins .2
McPherson , 1
Logan 2
Lincoln 10
A. S. IJawwin H. L GuiJM)
Secy. Chairman
sacrtd type of
woniniiliood the
gentle Virgin
Mnry is depicted
In rcligioitn nrt
ns the Mother of
Sorrows trans
fixed with seven
swords. Some
times when we
stop to consider
the sorrows find
sufferings which
nrc continually
borne by so
many thousands
of our American
women, it seems
ns if the (rentier
ccx had been particularly chosen to
endure the most poignant miseries of
huinnii kind,
Countless suffering women throughout
this laud will feel an eager sympatlietic
heart-throb in reading the frank mid
earnest letter of Mrs. Josie V,. Clark,
of Untcrprise, Mo., addressed to Dr.
R. V. Pierce, of Uufialo, N. Y.
"Your kindness to me I can never forget," nlie
says. "I cnimot exprcM half my fccllnjn of
grntcAilncM to yon. I liml despaired of ever
KCltlng well, I had been In bad health for twelve
yen fx. llnd nchmnll through me, numb hands,
cold feet, everything I nte distressed nic; my
lxiwel.1 were constipated. I wa very nervous,
depressed ami despondent. When 1 first wrote
yon I thought I conld never be cured. I have
Inkeii nix bottle of Dr. I'ierce'a fiolden Medical
Discovery, nnd my health 1.1 nor pood. You
have my lioncut recommendation to nil imflcrtnt.
I think there U no medicine In the world ai
Rood ns Dr. riercc'."
Tills matchless "Discovery "contains no
nlcoliol lika runny of tlie rsars.i).iriUas"
nnd tonics which nrc so freely sold. It in
duces no morbid craving for false stititu
hints; hut (jives true nnd lantiug atrctigth.
I'.vcry woman should possess n cony of Dr.
l'ierce'A ureal thousand -page, illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser. A free
paper-bound copy will he sent for ai one
cent stnmps to pay the cost of ntnilinir only;
orn heavier cloth-bound copy for ,v stamps.
If mifTeriiiK front any lingering obstinate
disease write to Dr. Pierce nnd get his nil
vice. It will cost you absolutely nothing.
Address Dr. K. V. 1'lcrce, Uuflalo, N. Y.
Ilopubllcnn County Convention.
A doloKato convention of tlio llopubli
cans of Lincoln county will bo hold at
North Pintle- on AugiiBt With. 18M. at 10
a. ni., for tlio purpoflo of electing ton
delegates eauh to the Stato, Congres
sional nnd Judicial Convention, and to
nominate county oilieors as follows: Ono
County Judgo, County Clerk, County
'J'roiiBiiror, SlierilT, Clerk of the District
Court, County Stiporintondont, County
Coroner, County Surveyor, nnd ono
tnoiubor of tlio Board of County Coin
niissionorB from tlio Third District by
the delegates from said district. A
County Central Committee will bo no-
loetuil at said convontion.
It is rucoinmendod that tlio nrimnrins
bo hold in tlio several products on Sat
urday, August l'Jth, thn hour and place
to bo ilxod by tho prcouict committee
tnon. The several products will bo entitled
to ono dolouato at litrifo and ono dele
gate for ovory llftoon votes or major
f ruction thereof on tho voto of Hon. W.
M VlMb.nv ... 1QOQ f,.n
North Platto No. 1 7
North Platto No. '2 IS
Nortlf Plutto No. ) 0
ixntolono ... . '
llirdwood ,......
Hrady , ...... 15
Buchanan , 2
Cottonwood 2
Co .v l
Door Crook 2
Kairvlow 2
Fox Crook 2
Onrllold 2
Ottslin 2
Ilnll '
llinmiin :$
Hooker , l
Koin 2
Lotnou 2
Maxwell 2
Medicine l
Millor 2
Myrtlo 1
Nichols i
Nowull 2
0 Millions II
Ongood , 2
IVolihatn - ... i
Plant 2
llosodtdo - - ...
Sellers ...... t
Somerset ..... ;
Sunshine .... . i
Table - - l
Vroiniui . l
Wnlkor l
Wnlluco ;j
Well 2
Whittior 1
Willow 2
Total Ill
It is recommended that no nraxies la
admitted and that those present east tho
inn vote oi inetr preeitiot.
By order of tho County Central Com
mitteo. JOHN K. KVANS, Chairman.
W-M. C. MLDKB, Seorolary.
rfo tfci rti rji r$h ri tfa r$i r rji rt-
We are
Kept Busy
Kepairinir shoes for tlU
people who appreciate jj,
neat, substantial work
. I ,.. ,.!.. .1 ... ...
iiiu uiiiy iviiin we no.
If not already a custo- ''5
...... fi..S. ..-.
iiiv.1 u nuiiLii vi'iir 'i
x-, tcuow M'oiu hhoe htuc.
r i i ...
'I J
Lognl Notioos.
notici: to i:iti;irroiis.
In tin. mutter of tlio imlutuof JuUii II, (Jlmk, Do
III tun County Cimrt of Lincoln Comity, N
NulUm U horoliy hUvii Hint (ho rroilllort of h1,1
intit huf.iffk tint ........ ti
lthity of Hrpttfiiilittr, UtfO.aml mt tho lath cUv
nf tUki ni u n .1. ... .
Ihe nirMii if pitMouUu UiHr duhii fur pinuii-
HHtllHl, lulJUbllUMil IllHl HIIOWUIHMI. Hl lHOllttu
HFM nllilUM.1 tnt .... 1 1 (.. t.. t i .
...... ..ip- ,vmt n.l uitf miiuinikirniiM in wiu
trtm lUo l.Mli iUy o( Atltfunt, SW.'
'' I A K. II.VLIIWIN. tVillly Jti.lp.,
Keeping track of the trend of PlllCES will make you feel
that our SUMMEll CLEANING SALE is fully on. You'll
believe in our wish to close out all SUMMER GOODS. There
is music for you in our prices. .....
They Touch the Lowest Point..,..
The making of a new selling record; but it's the time when
we are much in earnest, when we pass along to you unusual
values in Clothing or Furnishing Goods, which you need, can
be satisfied at the slightest cost if you come here.
Men's Summer Suits, Q7 CA
worth S10 will go at ,Du
Men's Crash Suits, worth C A
$3, $-1 and $5, will go at...... CpA.Dl
Men's Suits, worth $6.50,
will go at
Men's Working
25 cents and up.
Come and attend
lylX KSCMBflUnj, Prop.
Selling the most Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes hi North Platte.
NotirsKkn. Auuuxt 10. 1HM). Nntlca la hnrnl.v
Klrt'ii Hint, pursuant to Instruction ntnl In nccord
imi'o with tho illrccllnnH of tlm Bocrotnry of tho In
terior, umlor tho provision of tho thlnf eoctlnn of
tho Act of July fl, 1HS4. (23 Hint., 103) tho folUmlntf
imcm in mo ion nninoy, i'imi, niinniinnoil nilll
tnry rorwrvntloti, Nehrakn, vizi LnUl, 2, H'i N K
ll.tlioNW 'i. tho HK'...nii(l tlm K W Hun.
32, T. UN., H. Ill V., contnlnltiK 0i0 ncred, will h
offoroil for culii nt puhlla outcry nt tho loonl land
offlco nt Hliliiey, Ni'lirnnVn, In triictB of tho mnnll.
out lcnl KubiUvlolon, on tho lfitlt ilny of Novom
her, lMti, nt ton o'cluck n, in., to tho lilh'hot lilil.
iioriuuoi irrDiiinn tno niprnlioil vnlue, for tho
liiml ami for tho Improvement, tho purchnxa
money to he imlil at thn time of tlm utile. Hih unli.
iIIvIkIchh which ciintnln t,'ovornment hnllillnK" to ho
it urni nnii niii.ioKeiiinr witn llio uullillii thero
iiii, nml tho wiitur rlKht on tho reporvutlon to ho
ollori'il nml nolil us n whole, nepnrntoly from tho
lnniln nml othur ImprDvemuntK ltOMM'.V 1).
IIAltltlH, IteKUteri MATT DAUllllIUtTY, lto.
celvor. Approvvili T1IOH. 11VAN. Actlnit Hoc
lM.IZAllirni J. VANHIOKI.E, I'lnlntlff,)
1.0lti:.N.O 1. VANSIOKI.i:, Defendant. )
To I,orenr.o I). VnuHlcklc, tiou-rpili!nnt defend,
nut: You uro herehy nottnud that or. tho llthilny
Auimt. 1KHI. tho plnliitllt nhovo immed, Ellin
lielh J. VnnHlcklo, tiled her petition against you 111
the dUtrlct court of Unrolii county, Nelirimkn,
tho otiject nnd prnyer of which nro to ohtntn a ill
vorcn from tho boinln of mntrliiiony from you on
thuKround Hint you hnvo K")ly nnd wnntonly
prnillceil ettremo cruelty toward thin plnliitllt
and on tho Krouud of non-Mtpport nnd refiiKid on
your jiart to provide lio!tr nnd cure for thin
platnllit nnd her minor children without good
cniixo therefor.
You nro reiulred In nnier cald etlllou ou or
heforo Mnnilny. the 'i'lth day of Heptembor, I8W,
EI.I.AllETII J. VANHIUKI.E, 1'lalntllT.
nl5l lly II. 1). lthen, her Attornoy.
Tnko notice Hint tho undortdKncd hnvo, on tho
23 day of Aunut, 1MHI, itMoclntml llieuisolvon to.
Keillor for llio puriMiso of formliiK a corporation
under llio laws of llio Ktnto ot Nehrankn, and for
that purpono hate adopteil the Article ot Incor
poration In nulintauco a follow:
Flrit: Tho nnmo of tho corporation I The
North l'latto Creamery Co.
Kucondi Tho piluclpnl place ot luielne ot
till corporation In nml rhall bo North l'latto, Lin
coln Ho , Nebrnskn,
Third: Tho Kuernl nature of tho buMnef to
bo conducted by raid corporation nnd )inll be
tho itinnurncttiro of nmlilealliiK In diary products;
the nriiilrliiK nnd ownluit nocennary real entatoj
llio erection and maintenance of necoAry build
liurs.iliid more especially tho hutldlnt; of nsparntor
flallon to lease.
l'ourth: Tho amount of tho cnpllal stock of
nld coriHjrntlon nhnll be H0.V), ilhMod Into (j
i-lmren, nt par tnluv ot (Ml (X) each which stock Ik
lion nxaeoHahle,
ntlhs Thocommonceinent of Hit onriHirntlnn
l and hull be the Klduy of AiiKUt, Ii-.l. nnd con
llnue for i'i yearn, unle iooiicr dUHolved by
lilliliial conent or act of law.
HUth: Till company shall not mibjoct Itkclf to
liny Indeblediie
Heteiilh: 'I lie altalr nf till company hall bo
cim liicteil by it ll'mnl of ftvo dlre'tor. Thee
olllier, n well n President, Kecri'tnry nnd
Tieaim,r, flnill be elected by the nlockholder of
tho company,
T11D.S. 11. ltOWLKY. MUrector.
11) tlttuo otaunrdor of nalo Lwiiod from the
lltrlct Court of JJucoIu County,, whoro
In rho Nobriuka U)nn nml Trtit Company la
plnliillir, and llonry IVIIkliuoii, Hnrali Wllklixon,
el, nl , nru ilefemlnntx, ami to mo drectil, I will
on tho 2Uth day of Heptembor, I WW, ut one n'clm-k
l. in , at thn east front door of tho court house In
North l'latto, Nebraska, soil the following
iliwrlbed real e-toto nt publo auction to the bidder for cnth, subject to prior uiortcnuo
of $1,3J.UI and Interest nnd tone, to satisfy mm
decree to-wlt: The east half of Becllon Twenty.
two. In Timnshlp Thirteen north, lu ltnnL'o Thirty
wiwI. tKi, ! 13-311), Amount due on snld decree
I ftiai.lUnml liilortiit, cost ftVlOuiid arcrulnu
lttN North I'lutte, Nebraska. Aur. i!,, Iftw,
If U 1, ...
"' 1 Hpoclal Muster (!omiiiI..I,m..r
Summer Clearing Sale of
all Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Clothing1,
DERWEAR, worth 35c
a garment, will go at.
75c a garment, will go at
Shirts at
Crash and Straw Hats worth
25 and 50c will go at 15 and 25
this sale and you will find it
Takou up l:y tho subscrlbnr on his onolosod land
In Illnnmn Precinct. Lincoln county, Nob., on the
UUth day of June, 16U9, tho following horse to-wlt:
Ono buckskin horse branded with anchor brnnil
on right hip, weight about 800 pounds. One light
bitymnro, nobrnml. weight nlamt MX) pounds anil
about six years old.
Tho ownor cau have the same by proving prop
erty nml paying charge.
Htnto of .Nebraska, )
Lliunhi County. )
In the County Court.
Notice Is lioreby given that an liistrumont pur
porting In bo the Inst will nnd testament of Mnry
McOlouo, deceased, has been tiled in said court,
ami all pori)ii Interested In the ostnto of said
Mary Mcdlono nro hereby cited to npponr In said
cinirt on Heptembor 14li, lSW, nt nine o'clock it.
m. nnd show cause, if any exist, why said instru
ment should not be niliultted to probate.
Dated August Kith, 1MHI.
nIHl A. H. HALDWIN, County .Judge.
k, .. .., . l,n,"i"l Slrdca Ijind OITlco, I
North l'latto, Nobraskn, August llth, mid), f
.-.i.uiu i norouy given inni i.estor Wnlker.Jr.has
fllud notice of his Intention to make tlnal proof
beforo the lteglstornnd lteceltornt their olllco III
North Platte, Neb., on Trlday, Iho 2X'd day of Kep
,".!;B.r' on Tllubor Culture Application No.
... for the Northenst ciuarter of Hectlon 12,
Township 1 north, ltatigo 31 west.
lie name ns wltuet-B: w. c. ltllnor, Lester
5fl,.ki". ?.",,1,,iUno.r Bni1 Albert Hhaw, all of
North l'latto, Nebraska.
"IM OEO. E. I'UENCII, ltcglster.
Laud Olllco nt North l'latto, Nob., I
,, , , , . August 1st, l,l f
Notice I hereby given that Iho following named
settlor ha filed notice of his Intention to make
final proof In support of his claim, nnd that said
proof will be made before lteglstor and ltecetter
(it North Dalle, Nob., on Heptembor Hit. jmsj. t:
who made Ilomeslead Entry No. 173IR for the
east half of tho northwest ounrtor of Hectlon 31,
Township 13 north, Itaugo Ai west.
He name the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said
!?,l?;!l vU.: t'I"' Hoberts, Edward Johnson,
William Uolan and James McDudo, nil of Max
well. Nob,
U tl OEO. E. FItENOII, lleglster
United States Lnnil Olllce,
North l-latte, Neb., July i!7, lwni.
A sulllcletit contest atlldavit having been tlleil
In this ( lllce by William O. James, contestant,
agaliist Tlitdier Ciiltitie r.i.try No, W77, ,mo
June SSlli, I8NI, for the noilliwest quailer ol tho
southeast ciuarter, the eat half of the southwest
Minuter and lot I of seel Ion 1H, township 1 north
rnugo iH west, by Conellii A. Hlotens, contestee
In which it Is nlleged thnt the said Conellu a!
Hlevens tins failed to break, cultivate or plant any
pai t of said tract In trees, seeds or cuttliiL's ilnr-
h ",0 f'lVn1' ""' MU; m! 7"' Mhllh. lOlli' llth
Ulh ami ISlh jearsnllerenlri-, nnd fald defect
eilt to datet said parties nro hereby notllled to
nppeitr, rescind ami ofler evldenco touching said
?i L,f,?U'."1"t..,0,?''I'.'t'k Heptomber 2Mh,
IKW. before the ltcglster and ltecelvor nt tho lTn!
te.1 Htates Ijutd Olllce In North l'lalte, Neb,
Tlie siild contestant having, In a proper nlllda.
t it. tiled Juno 37, 1BW, set forth facts which show
Unit after duo diligence personal service of this
notice cannot bo made, it 1 hereby ordered and
directed that such uolco be given by due nnd
proper publication. -' 1
1" VII ANK IIACON, ltecelvor.
"i11'",1 Htnte. Land Olllce, )
v ii i (,or"'J'l',"'1A""" M,lbD9.
Notice Is hereby given that Thomas T. 1'a'lgott
has tiled notice of his Intention to iimko
proof beforo the lteglstor and ltecelvor nt their
ot ico 111 North l'latto, Nebraska, mi Fridar the
.1th day of October, IhWt, ou Tltnbe'r Culturo A'b
cation No. 131117, for the Houthwest iiiiarteV f
lie nnmen ns wllnefkes! Datld Wnlbsr-v vn
A'l OEO. K. FIIENCII, ItegUter.
pays you to trade at the
Land Olllce nt North Platte. Nob., )
July 2th, 1899. (
Notice I hereby given thnt Amlsn fl. Flolchor
has tiled notlco oi Intention to make final proof
before the ltcglster nnd ltecelvor At their onlce
in North rintte, Nebr., on Friday, the 8M day
of Heptembor. lfft'J, on Tlmbor Culture Applica
tion No. 130M for tho east half of tho northwest
quarter nnd lot 1 nnd 2 ot section 30, In township
10 north, range 30 west.
Ho name as witnesses: Edwin L. Moonoy nnd
Ed C, Kvcs, of lluclmnnn. Neb., Hurt Morgan of
Echo. Neb., nnd Carroll O. Hawkins of Voliilcet,
J31-0 llegisler.
Land Office nt North riatte, Nob.. )
July 13th, 18W. J
Notice Is hereby given thnt the followlng-named
settler hns filed notlco of her Intention to make
ilnal proof In stipimrt of her clnlm, nnd that said
proof will be made before ltcglster end llecolver
nt North l'lntte, Nob., on August 30th, iSW, vlzs
who made Homestead Entry No, 16551, for tho
west half of the Houthoast quarter and the west
half of tho Northoast ounrtor of Hoctlon 14, Twp.
II N., Itnnge 20 W.
Hho iinines tho following witnesses to proe her
contlHiinus residence upon and cultivation of said
land yz: Charles Omnn,N O. Anderson, Henry
N'ellson nnd Andrew Isaacson, all of Hpnntiuth.
Jll-0 OEOllOE F. FRENCH, lteglstor,
General Kepuirer.
Special attention given to
Hill of Faro tlmt nmy 1m
fou nil nt tlio renort nt nil
(3olToo, T.m, Jlron.l, Cl.poh,.,
Hnin nnil Chi'oeo MitiilwiclioH.
Cimiun JrultB, Jinltoil Henna, OyatorH,
SnrdinoH, ClRnrB, Leinonntli '
KootHoor, Pop, Hottle(lI)oor,GinKor.0
l'ioldos, Etc.
IiVorythtn Bold m clionp iib can bo
purchnBcil in tho mnrkot.
l'or bluck bBs l!3o por lb., enrn 10a nor Ijnthinj; 10o. Bonti J for Uvo
!:rfnBt2,'0,l,or hour n Suntlnju For
I .f inncin? pnvillion 2fo n couple for
"t II o Inlio ennbo ronledby BoJiiotim
)pv!o thorn tlio priviloKotomiikoi.l!
tj.oy cnliy icrotitinj toXSon U.o"