The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 18, 1899, Image 8

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    Local News in Brief.
Rev. G. A. Bccchcr held services
in Gothenburg Wednesday.
G. S. Huffman is doing clcrica
work in the county treasurer's
F. Hollingsworth will tunc your
piano at any time. He in in North
Platte to Btay.
New Zdoa Patterns 10c each at 'Wil
cox Department Store
O. W. Ncalc and J. L. McGrcw
are planning1 to leave next Monday
for a two weeks outing on the Dis
John Scliopp, of Vroman, super
iutendent of the Gothenburg canal,
transacted business in town venter-
day and made this office a call.
John Ottcnstcin, Jr., will leave in
a few days for Quincy, 111., where
he will spend the winter and at
tend the Gem City business college.
Cary, Benton & Underwood, who
fed quite a number of goats and
some cattle here last winter, have
purchased considerable hay in this
locality and are figuring on winter
ing a large number of cattle here.
For sale, good family saddle
horse and saddle.
John Ottenstkin.
Mrs. I). "W. Rudolph and two
sons left Wednesday morning for
McKcown, Kan., where they will
make their home. Mr. Rudolph
will join them as soon as he com
pletes some contracts on which he
is now at work.
The horse market coutiuucH to
revive, and more horses arc being
hhippcd through here now than for
several years past. They arc all
in good condition and the shippers
say that they arc bringing very
satisfactory prices.
Don't fail to sec the Great Amer
ican SIiowb. at North Platte, Wed
nesday, Aug. 23d. 20,000 troupe
of trained Shetland Ponies and
$12,000 troupe of trained dogs and
V. F. Cody's Wild West Exhibition.
Parade at one o'clock.
A Mackintosh Flurry men's and
boys'. Just in time for the uncer
tainties of the weather. And the
prices from $1.35 and upwards.
Star Clotiiinc IIou.hi:.
MisB Dickinson, a daughter of
General Manager Dickinson and
a party of friends occupied a spe
cial car on train No. 3 Wednesday
night. They were enroute to Den
ver, Salt Lako and other points.
Department Commander Evans
has been notified that special rates
have been made lor the state en
campment at Lincoln by all Ne
braska roads of one fare for the
round trip. Quite a number of
Lincoln county veterans expect to
attend the reunion.
v The city schools and a large pro
portion of the country schools in
Lincoln county will commence two
weeks from Monday. The majori
ty of the city teachers who were
enjoying their vacations out of
town have returned and the others
will be back inside of ten days.
'Frontier Day" at Cheyenne
Aug. 23d. Special train at 6 a. in.
Fare only $1.50 for round trip.
J. C. Fcderhoof has rented the
vacant stores in the Keith block on
comer of Dewey and Front streets
and will put in a restaurant. The
work of renovating the buildings
will be commenced at once and Mr.
Fcderhoof expects to ' be ready for
business soon after the first of
I have just received a car load of
redwood stock tanks. TIicbo are
the best and cheapest tanks made.
Call and get prices.
C. F. Iddint.s.
Today all roads lead to Lexing
ton niBteatl ot Koine, and there
promises to be a display of wit.
wisdom and oratory such as has
never been heard in that progres
sive burg, and hereafter all good
citizens will date events from that
great demopop sideshow, wherein
the great William Neville is the
leading ringmaster.
Extra Quality Machine Oil atWil-
cox Department Btoro,
CM ...... ,w .
hii (.uiiimiBHiuuur wavis 1b
naviug some needed work in the
alleys done and several of them
which have "stnelled to high heav
en- win now be somewhat less
odoriferous. During this intensely
uoi weaincr u is absolutely ucccs
sary for the well being of every one
:uat tue alleys be kept free from
decaying vegetable matter. A
Jittle care-exercised in tuifcinattcr
win iorcsinn a large amount o
SLiET'Sec those new Suits for fall at
$10, $12, $13.50 and. 15.00.
Come early and get first selection.
W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor.
Across the street from old location.
Mrs. John Saudall and son went
to Beatrice yesterday morning to
)lace Mrs. Sandall's nephew in an
ustitutiou there for treatment.
Small camping expeditious are
numerous now-a-days and a num
ber of camps have been pitched
mud the solitary grandeur of the
majestic sandhills.
rrult Jars at Wilcox Dopartmont
The Misses Oilman expect to go
to Grand Uland next week to visit
their brother A. A. Oilman, who
has been holding services ai St.
Stephen's church during the sum
mer. '
Miss Lenore Ctimmiugs, who has
been spending the summer here as
the guest of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Doolittle, will
return to her home in Chicago the
early part of September.
Dovoo's Mixod Paints at Wilcox Do
partmont Store.
Frank II. Ornisby, who had been
transacting bunnies here for scv-
tl days, returned to his home in
Kearney yesterday morning. He
had expected to engage in business
icrc but was unable to make a sat
afactory deal.
North Platte will have quite a
coterie of students at the State
University this fall. Rhoades
Uniglcy, Ross Stebbins, and Ar
thur Straborn will return and fin
ish their course. Everett Evans.
Ralph Ray, MiBs Grace Bratt and
Miss Sarah Ferguson will enter
n various departments,
Iianiplugh'a Bathing ialto.
There will be a contest for the
irize for high springboard divimr
Sunday afternoon, Auintst 20th.
First dive at 3 o'clock, sharp; also
for swift swimming. Probably
boat rowing. The cable will be fin
ished and ready for use. Music has
been promised.
Jluy Siocvs JVoih
mi i .-, ,
j. ne unnoi'EUllity IS
use a pair of fine
very pretty, n very Rood and a very desira-
ble Tan Shoo for Ladies. Turn soles, silk J
i-ni.iiiB tuiiw, muuium snape oL new toe. i
medium heels, very
the former price,
brings them lo $2.50.
Yellow Front
'OISO. Ar. GKA1IAM, Mtmnaor.
4$!. ,
,K . nooru Bouili or.l'ofltonico.
Is the name of a great work of a very
great recently dead social reformer,
only the progress which we refer to
is that achieved by the onward and
upward strides made by the art of
fine tailoring through TUB STAR'S
aforesaid efforts have made it possi
ble for men to discard the pica of pov
erty as a reason for not wearing bet
ter clothes, for The Star's clothes,
though as good as the best of mer
chant tailors' productions, cost but
W. II. Hill, Ilcrshcy's genial
lumber dealer, transacted business
in North Platte yesterday.
Only four and a halt to Cheyenne
and return Aug. 23d on excursion
train leaving here at 6 a. in., via
the U. P.
L. P, Derby, of Myrtle, is spend
ing several days in town doing a
little fence building before the date
of the populist county convention.
Hat qualities that rank above the
price. Those Crush Hats at 50c,
75c and S1.00. Longlcy Hats lor
fall. Star Clothing House.
Win. Neville, A. F. Parsons and
J. W. McCauley formed the advance
guard of the populists who went to
Lexington yesterday morning to
look after Judge Neville's congres
sional interests.
With the copious rains followed
by such splendid growing weather,
corn still continues to make won
derful strides in its growth and if
it continues at its present rate it
will be impossible to exhibit an en
tire stalk in the agricultural build
ing at the lair grounds unless the
roof is raised.
Furnished room lor rent.
Mrs. Vm. Evijs.
Wednesday afternoon an Eastern
Star social was held at the home of
Mrs. IJ. M. Grimes. Owing to a
misunderstanding as to the time of
holding the social it was not ns
largely attended as it otherwise
would have been, but those who
were fortunate enough to be there
now have the memory of a very
happy afternoon. The refresh
ments were somewhat unique but
owing to the fact that the day was
very sultry they were highly appre
ciated by the ladies. When the
guests departed each one was pre
sented with a very charming sou
venir of the nature of a pleasing
memento of the pine forests.
n Sliou llottso. w
lioro to do so. if vnn nnn
shoos. This special is a
dressy, and well worth
$8.50, but a dollar olV 4J
Shoe Store,
vnii'Pir nr. . mp.,. fl
People and Events.
Jno. Sullivan is at home after
several weeks spent in the south
Miss Arta Kockcn wen to Omaha
Wednesday to make a short visit
Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sorcnson arc
planning a trip to Gandy next
Mrs. A. S. Baldwin returned
from Lexington Wednesday after
Misslsabellc Stafford, of Paxton.
spent Wednesday in town visiting
J. 15. Bush and his family re
turned from Council Bluffs Wed
nesday morning.
Mrs. J. J. Halliiran and children
returned, Wednesday afternoon,
from a visit at Garfield.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Keen returned
Wednesday morning from an ex
tended visit in Jolict and Council
Miss Mac McGovern returned
Wednesday afternoon irom a
Visit with friends and relatives
n Maxwell.
Mrs. Thos. Hatch, of Montezu
ma, Iowa, spend Wednesday in
town as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
H. V. Hilliker.
Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Douglas are
n Denver where they will spend
some time for the benefit of Mr.
Douglas' health.
Miss Mabel Knapp, who has
been visiting friends here for a few
days, returned to her home in Lar
amie Tuesday evening.
Geo. Teculve returned Monday
night from a month's vacation
which he spent in Indianapolis and
other points in Indiana.
Miss Kate L. Dioyt, who had
been visiting friends here and at
tending institute, returned to her
liomc in Paxton yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Roth and
daughter returned Wednesday
night from Silver Creek and yester
day went to Hcrshcy for a short
Mrs. Kate Mott arrived from Chi
cago Wednesday afternoon and
will spend several weeks here as
the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. S.
Chamberlain-Sullivan Wedding
At eight o'clock Wednesday
morning at St. Patrick's church
Mr. Gus Chamberlin and Miss
1511a Sullivan were united in mar
riage by Rev. Thos. Haley.
The bridal party marched from
the church door to the altar rail to
the strains of a very beautiful wed
ding march. The maid of honor
was the bride's sister, Miss Edna
Sullivan, and the groom was at
tended by Mr. Henry Sullivan.
The bride was crowned in an ex
quisite costume of white silk and
carried white roecs. The maid of
honor wore a very dainty organdie
gown. Just at the close of the
ceremony Miss Anna Rcbhausen
sang the charming ballad "O
Promise Me." Hijjli mass was
celebrated after the wedding cere
mony was performed. A reception
which was attended only by rela
tives and a few intimate triends
of the bride and groom, was held
at the home of the bride's parents
in the evening. Mr. and Mrs.
Chamberlain left on the night
train for Omaha where they will
spend a few days. Upon their re-
turn they will at once commence
house keeping in a very pleasant
home on west Sixth street.
The bride haB spent all of her
life in North Platte and is well and
favorably known. She is pos
scscdof many charming character
istics and has scores of friends.
The groom has grown from youth
to manhood in North Platte and is
a vounir man of sterling worth.
- " o " -
At present he is in the employ of
the Union Pacific as a froiiriit
Tin: Trihunmj extends the usual
Frank J. Choynoy umbos oath tlmt ho
is tho senior partnor of tho firm of 1 J.
Choynoy fc Uo,,doing business in tho city
of 'loledo, county and stato nforosnid
nnd that snid llrm will pay tho sum of
and ovory oiiro of Cntnrrh that cannot
bo cured by tho uso of IIam.'h Oatakuh
Cum:. FltANK J . CllKNKV.
Sworn to boforo mo and subBonbod
in my prooonco, this Cth duy ot Docom
bor, A. D. 1830. A. W. Oi.kason,
(hkau) Notary Public.
linll h Catnrrh Guro is tnkon intvritnlly
and acta directly on tho blood and mu
cuoua surfaces of tho system. Soud for
F. J. Oiiknry &, Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by druRKislB, 7Cc. Hall's Family
Pills nru tho best. 3 11
Costs 110 more than that of "autedulivan" make.
Our designs are of the latest, and this' tact cou
pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first
class goods, accounts for our big business. We
feel assured that our heavy sales are endorse
ments of our goods and prices. You will find
our stock complete at all times new goods are
received daily to replace those sold. If you want
anything in the furniture line you'll find it here.
- w '
Three Nights, Commencing
Thursday Ann 17
Evening, AUg, 1
And an excellent company in
the 3-act comedy,
Miss Princlc. will introduce her
wonderful kaleidoscope dance. She
will wear 100 yards of silk and will
change the colors and materials of
the dress 100 times in ten minutes
in full view of the audience. This
effect alone cost the management
six hundred dollars.
at 2:30.
Bill of Faro that may bo
found nt tho resort at all
CofToo, Ton, Tirontl, Chooeo,
Hntn nnd Chooeo nndwichcB.
Cnnnod Fruits, Bnkod Bonus, Oysters,
anriiinoa, uignre, jjomonauo,
Boot Boor, Pop, Bottled Boor,GiDgor Alo
PickleB, Etc.
Everything Bold as chonp ns can bo
purclinBou in tho mnrkot.
Pricoa for llshinir 25o for 3 hours.
For bluck buss 10c por lb., enrp lOo por
pound. Entiling 10c. Bonting for two
porsons 25o por hour on Sundnya. For
ubo of dnncini: pnvillion 25c a couplo for
dancing pnrtios. Tho lull equipments
nt tho lako enn bo rontod by societies:
lonvlng thorn tho privilogo to mnko nil
Ihoy enn by roronting to othors on tlioir
. Hj-u.r3Q.Toer, Coal
o,rxcL Grxain.....
Yards and Elevators at
North Platto, Nob.,
Sutherland, Neb.,
Julesburg, Colorado.
(C. V. 1UBINQS.)
Manufacturer of
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
N. McCABE. Proprlotor.
! North Platte Pharmacy. 1
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. 3
jffr We aim to handle the best grades of goods Jjfc
Sell everything at reasonable prices, and
warrant all goods to be just as represented.
All Proscriptions Cnrofully Flllod 6y n Llconsod Pharmacist.
Orders from the country and along. the. line of the Union
Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited.
First door north of First National Hank.
mmm a m m rn.tKm.mmm a a
We must sell all Spring and
Summer Goods this month,
and in order to do so have
made the following prices:
All $1.25 Dress Goods ... .75c pr yd
All l.'OO dress goods ... .65c pr yd
All 75 and 85c dress goods 50c pr yd
All 50c dress goods 35c pr yd
All 35c dresB goods 25c pr yd
All 25c dress goods . ... 15c pr yd
All 15c dress goods 10c pr vd
35c French Ginghams ... .20c pr yd
25c French Ginghams ... ,15c pr yd
15c French Ginghams .... 10c pr yd
12c French Ginghams ..8c pryd
10c French Ginghams .. ,.6cpr yd
25c Organdie 15c pr yd
20c Organdie 12tfcpryd
15c Organdie 10c pr yd
12c Organdie 7c pr yd
10c Organdie Cc pr yd
$1.75 Table Linen $1.00 pryd
1.50 Table Linen 90c pr yd
1.25 Table Linen 75c pr yd
1,00 Table Linen 65c pryd
75c Table Linen 50c pryd
50 and 65c Table Linen.. ..35c pryd
35c Table Linen 25c pryd
25c Table Linen I5c pryd
Ladies' Summer Corsets
at 25c uch
Millinery at cost
All $12.00 and $15.00 pattern hats
at 6.50
All 10.00 pattern hats at 5.00
All 8.00 pattern hats at 4.00
All 7.00 pattern hats at 3.50
All 6.00 pattern hats at 3.00
All 5.00 pattern hats at 2.50
All 3.00 and 4.00 pattern hats
at s 1.75
All 2.00 and 2.50 pattern hats
at 1.25
All 1.00 and 2.00 sailorB
at 50c to close
Special cut prices in Carpets,
Curtains, Linoleum, Shoes,
Parasols, Underwear, Waists,
Skirts, etc.
J. E. BUSH, Manacor. J