ANNIE 0. KRAMPI1, City Editor. TUESDAY, AUG. 15, 1809. LLOYD'S OPERA. HOUSE, Three Nights, Commencing ThU,8edn7n2, AUg. 17 THE PRINGLES And an excellent company in the 3-act comedy, "ECCLES GIRLS." NEW SPECIALTIES. UP-TO-DATE SONGS. Miss Prinplc will introduce her wonderful kaleidoscope dance. She will wear 100 yards of silk and will change the colors and materials of the dress 100 times in ten minutes in full view of the audience. This clJFcct alone cost the management six hundred dollars. GRAND MATINEE SATURDAY at 2:30. II. D. Fleharty, of Ogalalla. is in town today, F. II. Ormsby, of Kearney, is spending the day in town. Mi3S Nclleye llartmau will en tertain a number of young ladies Thursday afternoon. Clarence Redmond and Everett Evans are planning to drive to Mc Cook to visit some of Everett's rel atives. Marti is prepared to fill orders for icecream in quantities. Miss Salina Holcomb, who has been attending the summer term of the Fremont Normal School, will return home this afternoon. Mrs. F. T. Redmond and chil dren returned Saturday night from a western trip which included a visit in Denver and Cheyenne, John Wilson, of the internal rev enue service, is in town today look ing up people's shortcomings in re gard to internal revenue stamps. Mrs. Mary Beyerlc and Ralph Newton will leave the latter part of the week to visit at Mrs. Beyerlc's old home near Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Mrs. C. E. Norton is expected home in two weeks from her ex . tended visit at Buffalo and other points in New York state. Hat qualities that rank above the price. Those Crush Hats at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Longley Hats tor fall. Star Clothing House. On Sept. 13th a banquet will be tendered the officers of the First Regiment by the officers of the 2d and 3d regiments. The banquet will be given at the Lindell hotel at Lincoln. Major Scharmann and Capt. Fred Grau expect to attend. The Chicago weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy with thunder storms to night. Wednesday, partly cloudy. The rainfall for the month so far is one and one-half inches. Maxi mum temperature yesterday was 75, one year ago it was 'J2. In the trouscr region activity in stead ot dormancy. Be like an Englishman have two or three pairs of trousers. It's economy, This'll help you those all-wool $2 Trousers. Remember the Dutchess kind, 10c a button, $1 a rip. STAH Cl.OTHINO IlOUSIi. Reports from the ditch country indicate there will at least be a par tial crop of alfalfa seed. It was at first thought that the grasshoppers had injured the fields to such an extent that no seed would mature but in the center of the fields which were left uncut it has developed that there is considerable sound al falfa. The uniforms for Company E have arrived and at the usual drill the men will be able to don the soldier blue. The encampment of the Second regiment will probably be held at Lincoln during the state encampment of the G. A. R., but the date has not, as yet, been defi nitely fixed, owing to the absence from headquarters ot Adjutant General Barry. M. B. Crydcrmau is confined to his home by illness. Mrs. A. S Baldwin is spending the day in Lexington. B. S. Briggs and family went to Omaha last night to visit rela tives. County Supt-. Thoelcckc con ducted u teachers' examination yes terday. Win. Neville returned this morn ing from a trip to Omaha, Lincoln and other points, Jas. F. Roddy, who lias been dangerously ill, is reported to be slightly improved. Frank and Leo Sullivan arc up from Grand Island to attend the Chamberlain-Sullivan wedding. Dovoo'a MlxoA Faints at Wilcox De partment Storo. A. Gentzlcr returned last night, after a few days' absence, to com plete the work of establishing a separator station here. A regular business meeting of the Home Missionary Society will be held in the parlor of the M. E. church next Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Warner and daughter Blanche expect to leave in about three weeks for Philadelphia where 1 he convention of the I. O. R. M. to which Dr. Warner is a dele gate meets. J. E. Bush went to Council Bluffs Saturday night to spend a few days. He will probably re turn tonight and with him his fam ily who liave been visiting relatives there. Woodman Boiled Llnncccl oil 55c a trallon at Wilcox Dopartmout Store. A benefit concert for Prof. Neil sen will be given in a few days by a number of local musicians. An excellent program is being pre pared and the concert will be well worth hearing. The date will be anouueed later. Jno. Owens, a former resident of North Platte, but who has re- tuiiuv ueen in me employ ot t ue Union Pacific at Cheyenne, spent yesterday in town. Mr. Owens expects to bring his family here in a few days to remain until he finds another location as he has severed his connections with the Union Pacific. Special train to Cheyenne Aug, 23d, "Frontier Day." ' Fare onlv $4.50 for round trip. Leave here 6 a. m. Tickets good until Aug. 26. General Manager Dickinson, L. H. Korty, supt. of the telegraph department, and E. Buckinham, supt. of the car department, came in a special car. Sunday night Supt. Baxter came up from Omaha on train No. 5 Monday morning and the entire party spent the larger part of yesterday looking over the Union Pacific property here and discussing the proposed improve ments. We don't do anything by halves except possibly in price making. Some close outs in soiled shirts, one dollar values for 50 cents. New fall line of Elgin and Wilson Bros. Shirts, best SI shirts on earth for the money, Star Cwthino IIousk. Jas. Fcnwick, a nephew of Alex Fenwick, who spent several weeks here during the summer for his health, died suddenly on train No. 4 last night just a few minutes after it left Sidney where he had come aboard. The young man was suffering with consumption The remains were taken to Omaha on train No. 2 this morning. Alex Fenwick and Mrs. Hattie Djll ac companied the bereaved wife to her home in Omaha Twenty dollars, which includes the balance from the fund rained for the Fourth of July celebration, will be sent to the State Journal as a contribution from the citizens of North Platte to the fund for the First Nebraska. As there is ho much uncertainty concerning the road over which the regiment will return, it was deemed best not to hold the money for the proposed in formal reception to be held here if the regiment returns home via the Union Pacific, but to raise another fund when the matter is settled. HARVEST REMINDERS. GROCERY DEPT. DRY GOODS DEPT. ! Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb 45c: Kearney Home Muslin per yd 04c Standard Navy Tobacco, per lb 35c ; Good Apron Ginghams, per yard 05c Salt per barrel 51.55; Canton Flannels per yard 05c Table Salt, 2 sacks for. 05c Lining Cambric per yard (Mc vi Hi i id id id id id id id id id v) i id id id id id id id id id id vi vi vi : Kerosene Oil, per gallon i5cPic White Goods per yard, 10c to.. .. 25c I Pearl Barley per lb 05ci Straw Ticking per yard 08c Tapioca per lb , 05c I 1 ablc Oilcloth per yard 15c Sago per lb 05c Lawns, per yard 03c Oil Sardines per can 04cDru8S rlnis per yd 5c, fc and 7c , t-t . pOUIIUS wOril iMCai 5C j wvwvvwwwwvvwwvwvwwwv. I5cj matiam nnnr Powdered Borax per lb Potted Ham per can .. . Stoneware, per gallon . 05c 10c Vi vi vi vi vi vi vi) vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi vi id vi vi vi) vi) vi vi) vi) vi vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) HARDWARE DEPT. Stacker Ropes, Wood Pulleys, Iron Chains, Pitchforks, Bolts, Braces, Drill Bits, Babbitt Metal, Scythes, Pitcher Pumps, Granite Preserve Kettles, Flour Bins, Kitchen Sinks, One-Half Bushels. HARNESS DEPT. I Until CROCKERY DEPT. idled Cups and Saucers per set. . . . 45c -inch Plates per set 42c : Vegetable Dishes 12c, 15c and 18c iSauce Dishes per Bet 20c ; 100 Piece Dinner Sets $7.50 lo !? Table Tumblers per set Thread 3 spools for 10c 50-yd Corticclli Sewing Silk 04c Curling Irons 04c Hair Pius 4 bunches for 01c Brass Thimbles 01c Sterling Silver Thimbles 25c Velveteen Skirl Binding, per yd 03c Two-quart Fountain Syringes". , . 55c Silk Mitts 25c to 50c l,V-inch Halters 85c 1 Vjnch Breast Straps 45c 11-inch Pole Straps 45c Harness Leather, cut in strips, per lb 45c rrrtt lln-itit Mtim I Xn ft iota 1 IA itli1i mi. , , , . $ vaseline per ureast straps, i roie -straps, i-iucu i i inn a mmucrs per set WcCarBCt Laces ner dozen M.. 1 r. I nt.t ..... itv. i V.UIIUI1UII imip iiimucys uic Alarm (Jiocks No. 2 Common Lamp Chimneys Ode $ White Bed Spreads Tubular Lantern Globes OTcSHabv Ribbon nor v:inl 5 No. 2 Rochester Chimneys (Lead glass) 10c Bone Buttons, for Underwear, per doz o $2S.00 1 Ladies' Velvet Grip Hose Supporters. 20c VW c4 yards Finishing Braid.. 05c id '' " Vaseline per bottle 05c ikt 18-Foot Lines, Good Wool Faced Collars, Per Set $21.00 Riding Bridles, Team Bridles, Throw Ropes with Hondu braided in. 05c 85c 70c 01c 02c Goods marked in plain figures and sold at Ono Prico for Cash Only. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. NORTH PLKTTE, Nee. vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vi) vl i tf tf fc f Jf tf f tr f C r t r f t it tf . . .... fc Railroad Notes. Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome o'v!l mli roToU M., III voEk. uffctetetf tetter 3-;j:St&vi Engines No. 1809 and No. S22arc in the shops for light repairs. The party of Union Pacific offic ials are making an inspection of the work on the road bed west of here today. O. L. Rucker, one of the switch men in the yards badly sprained his ankle Friday afternoon by jump ing from a box car. Supt. Park, District foreman McKcen and Chiel dispatcher Ililliker went west with the officials yesterday afternoon returning this morning on the first section of train No. 2. Shorty" Davis, a well know passenger brakeman who formerly made his headquarters here hut is now on the Council Bluffs-Jules-burg run, is visiting friends in town today. A slight wreck occurred in the west end of the yards Sunday morning. Engineer Langdon with engine No. 170d was bunging a train in from the west and had been signalled to come ahead but through some error the switches had not been properly set and the engine crashed into some freight cars on a side track. The cars were badly wrecked and the front end ot the engine will need con siderable repairing, the pilot hav ing been completely demolished and the other parts badly twisted and bent. The wrecking crew was called out and soon cleaned up the wreckage. Four dollars and fifty cents for round trip to Cheyenne Aug. 23d on special train at 6 a, in. via the Un ion Pacific. J. D. Clark,, president of the Ne braska Loan & Trust Co. is in town today looking after some property here whirh is owned by his company. Splendid opportunity logo ca-t cheaply if you join the excursion to Philadelphia Sept. 1st. 2d or 3d. Rates about one-half regular rate. Mrs. J. W. Holdeu and children, of Scrautou, Iowa, are expected here tonight to visit Mr. and Mru. P. A. Norton. Mr. Holdeu will come later and then he and his fam ily will go tj Denver to visit. It's the best value we've ever of fered in a store where there are none but good values. "Mothers' Friend" Shirt Waists as low as 25 cents Have the kind with two collars, 75 cents. Stah Ci.othixi. Hoi si:. The members of the Y. M. C A will hold a lawn social at the resi dence of W. M. Cunningham Thursday night. The mandolin club will be present and help to make the affair a very pleasant one. "Yoanjr JVIon'a Sunday" On Sunday the local Y. M. C. A celebrated a "Young Men's Sun day." Special services were held during the day with the special object in view of reviving the work of the association and arousing a keener interest in the spiritual welfar e of young men. Sceri'tnrv F. L. Willis, of the Omaha association, and J. S Moore, stale secretary, were pres ent at all of the meetings, The union service which was held at the Methodist church in the even ing was attended by a large con gregation. Trunks and Valises are you going away? Ti uuks as low as $2, Valises at 45 cents. Stau Ci.othino IIousk. Ducklon's Arnica Salvo. TI1K BUST SALVK in tho world for Cutn, UruiBUH, Sort-H, UleurH, Stilt llhouin Favor SorH, Tetter, t'hiippi'd IIhihIh, Chilblains, CoriiH, and all Skin Krup tions, ami positively cm en Piltm, or no imy required. It iBeuiirtintood to l'Ivo outiBfiiotiou or iiioiioy refunded. Price ir.conta por box. FOR SALK HV A. r . Htroitz. MM Picture tt4Is a story that uiousanua ot women will re-cognlze-a story of monthly bui fcrinR just be fore and during menstruation u story of aches, darting pains, torture in back, head, limbs and abdomen, BRADFELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR will cure these surt'crerB reirulato their menset and drive out ail "fe male troubles." Druggists bell it for $ 1 a bottle. the miADnr.LD ncatiLiTon co Atusu, a. iifpriimrigiTfitmritMifw m m wmumr w www nr unmg :S SV l ! r- i I ivicoormicK Einaers and Mowers and RpflirQ mm Carriages, Buggies, Road Wagons, Carts, Spring Wagons, Latest Styles and Best QuaJity for the Prico. E' BARB WIRE AND STAPLES. A n , . T . S PUMPS, PIPES AND FITTINGS, A UOinpiOtO LlIlO WIND MILLS, MACHINE OIL, AXLE GREASE. JOS. HERSHEY. Locust St., Nortli Platte, Neb. The Sibilant Sizzle of iTl iTi iTl iTi iTi iTi m 1T1 U '4.' '' '' '1 't' '1 blKtllZ btDUbllVt SODfl w J. X SIX VW vvw. ISO Satisfying and Stomach Soothing 21 HUMPHREY WITCH HAZEL OIL C Piles of Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds, I I Wounds & Qrulsot Cuts & Sores. Bolls & Tumors. Eozomn & Eruptions. Snlt H houm & Totlors E Chapped Hunda. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stinflt- & Bites of Insects. Three Suo, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. KnM pyilrtiKi;M, or M ilt xt MlJonrm'litnf price III Jtt'llllLla ULU. 10., Ill A 111 1IIU... SI. ,). ik. S When the Mercury tS t Reaches 100 Just romoinber that Davis the Hardware H an carries a full line of hot weather specialties j Refrigerators, which will use the least ice and 3ta keep the coolest of any, Icecream Freezers, Wire $ Nutting and Screen Doors, all grades of llo?e, H and every conceivable variety of Nozzle and J 2? Sprinkler. All at prices to suit the average pock- g ( tbook. 25 !? 5 fir Hi