! People and Events. Rev. G. A. Bccchcr was in Gothen burg Wednesday holding services. Mrs. F. A. McElroy returned to licr home in Grand Island Wednes day morning. Miss Hatlie Bcycrlc expects to leave in a few days for Denver where bIic will probably locate, W. G. Kcim, of Lincoln spent yesterday In town looking over the horse and cattle situation. W. II. Turpic has returned from Ohio where he has been disposing of horses at various points. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. D. Cox have re turned from their wedding trip and are at home on cast Sixth street. Miss Dodge, who had been spend ing Bcvcral weehs here, left Wed nesday morning for her home near Beloit. Mrs. Lydia Homier and children returned, Wednesday morning, from a visit with relatives in Pueblo. Jan. Daly has returned from Omaha. IIIh eyes arc very much Improved but he is compelled to wcarglasBcs. Leo Sullivan is in town visiting his parents. Leo is clerking in the office of the car shops in Grand Inland. Dr. Lewis Curts, who is to preach the dedication sermon at thcMctho distchurch, will arrive from Cincin nati to-morrow. Mrs. Nellie Scars, of Middlctown, Conn., arrived Tuesday afternoon "and is visiting her brother, D. .C. Cougdou and his family. Miss Johnson, of Chappcll, spent yesterday in town visiting friends. Miss Johnson was enroute home from a visit in St. Toscph. Mrs, Anderson, who has been spending some time here with Mrs. 15. W. Crane, returned to Kearney yesterday morning. W. C. Patterson spent Wednes day in town visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson. Mr. Patterson was enroute to Sidney. Mrs. J. C. Tracy, who has been spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. 15. K Phimmer, re turned to her home in York today. Mrs. C. A. Dill and children and Miss Kate Yost left Wednesday night for Kearney where they will visit relatives. From there they will go to Grand Island and Omaha. Sam'l W. Wilson, of Shelton, 1b visiting his brother Kev. C. C. Wilson. Mr. Wilson is taking a short vacation and will leave to morrow morning for San Francis co. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Donchowcr went to Denver Wednesday morn ing. Mr. Douehowcr has some mining interests in Colorado to which he expects to devote con siderable time. C. K. Martini and his family and Joe Donegan'B family started yes terday morning for Curtis where they will camp out for a week, They arc making the trip by wagon. Miss Mablc Burton came down from Denver yesterday morning and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mosc McFarlaml. Miss Burton taught during the school year in southern Colorado and bIiicc then has been taking a teacher's course in Den ver. A Gas Explosion. What came very near to being a scrioiiB accident occurred at the Konian Catholic parsonage Wed nesday evening. The housekeeper, Mrs. Kate Dcuaii, had placed a can of gasoline in the cellar to guard it from the heat of the buii. It afterwards developed that there wuh a hole in the can and n con siderable portion of the gasoline leaked out. Ah the cellar 1b al most air tight the gas which the leaking gasoline caused could not escape. Mrs. Deuau had occasion to go into the cellar Wed nesday evening and as she opened me uoor sue in a niutcii. in an iiiBtaut the entire cellar was alia me the match having ignited the gas. Fortunately Father Haley was in the yard and hearing Mrs, Denan'scry for help came to her assistance at once or she would probably have been badly burned, As it is she has some very serious burns on her hands and arms. Father Haley and others who came to his help succeeded in puttingout the fire before any great amount of damage was done to the parsonage, m user Aii Extra All Trouser at Among the lot arc left overs, out of suits, and one pair of a kind. May be just your size among the lot of trousers. You may need a pair for this hot weather. Have them in all weights. Would be pleased to have you sec these trousers. For men, young men and boys. ONE PRICE AND PLAIN FIGURES. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT. STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, W. A. VOLLMER, Proprietor. Across the street from old location. J. C. Flcharty is again very seriously ill. John Pitt who was bo seriously injured in the runaway, is able to be out on the streets. No meeting of the council was held Tuesday night on acoount of lack of qtiorom. Scroon doors for oalo at tho Wilcox Dopartmont Btoro. J. II. Turpic Sr., expects to Bhip three carloads of horsps to 15nid, Okla., in a short time. He is herd ing the horses at his ranch south of town. Archie Beightel, who was up be fore Judge Baldwin yesterday morning charged with assaulting Jesse McCaulcy, plead guilty to the charge and was lined a dollar. Marti is prepared to fill orders for icecream in quantities Wednesday afternoon Janitor Arundalc Hooded the courthouse lawn by means of the fire hose. It is impossible to get enough water for the lawn from the ordinary hydrants when tho weather is dry. Try Dr. Longley's Little Lazy Liver Lifters. Guaranteed The warm weather inclines peo ple to seek a shady spot and a soothing occupation, consequently fishing parties are numcroim now adays but the fish which the fisher men bring home are not bo very numerous. Dr. W. I. Seymour. Omaha's eminent optician, will be here July 25th, for Oni: Day Oni,y. Miss Kate Yost entertained about thirty of lmr friends at a very delightful party Tuesday evening. Dancing was indulged in lor a short time and various games helped to make the evening a very enjoyable one for the guests. Shortly before midnight a very dainty lunch was served liny Shooti J'ron a Sjoo Ilousu. & LADIES' $ $ STRAP f SLIPPERS. $ 0 An oxtni and inexpensive comfort for tj 'round - tlio - houso wearing. Pretty styles in medium round, plain toes. One, two or three straps that button across instep. Light in weight through out, but of durable quality.. $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. 4l H Yellow Front 4 GJSO. HZ. GKAIIAAf. Mnnnnvr. J doors south of Postotlloo. Wool Mrs. S. S. Kaufman came up from Gothenburg Wednesday af ternoon. The Woman's Kclicf Corps will serve ice cream at the court house park to-morrow evening. Try Dr. Longley's Little Lazy Liver Lifters. Guaranteed. C. F. Ormsby is having his-prop-crly in various parts of the city re painted and otherwise improved. Glenn, the sevcu-mouths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. S. 15? Clothier died yesterday morning. The funeral occurcd yesterday afternoon. The Lutheran Sunday-school held a picnic at the Scout's Rest Ranch yesterday. They all report a pleasant time in spite of the warmth of the day. Longlcy Hats arc ready for fall. Crushers at 50c and upwards. Star Clotiuno Housk. The North Platte baseball team expects to put in to-morrow after noon at hard practice in order to be ready for the Gothenburg nine when the return game is played here in the near future. W. T. Boweu was in from his ranch south of town yesterday. Be says that he has a thirty acre corn field in which the com is as high as hi 4 head. As Mr. Bowcn is a six-footer that is a pretty fair height for corn, especially as it was planted quite late. Bright- new MoOormick Twino at 10 cents per pound For Sale by Jos. Hershey. Miss 151izabeth Bratt has ac cepted the position of librarian and stenographer in the University at Fargo. Miss Bratt will assume her new duties early in September and she will close her class here in August. Her p noils have all made excellent progress and some ot tiicin nave been oltered good positions. Shoe Store, NOUTU PLATTE, NEB G. F, Copper went to Ogallala this morning to see J. C. Flcharty. M. J. Cronin, now of Grand Isl and, has been transacting business in town for the past two days. Thos. Costcgan, formerly of New York, has accepted a position in the Model Clothing Store. Try Dr. Longley's Little Lazy Liver Lifters, Guaranteed. Mrs. Win. Whitlock has returned from Omaha, where she had been receiving medical treatment. She is very much improved. Delmont Miller, one of Gothen burg's most prosperous merchants, transacted business in town yester day. ranoy Pnrasola nt Wilcox Depart ment Storo. Chas. Hcndy Jr., and Fred Doug ass will leave to-night for Lincoln where they will take their officer's examination. Dr. P. C. Johnson, of Ohiowa, ex pects to be present at the dedica tion of the new Methodist church on Sunday. Quite a delegation of people from Ogallala arc planning to come down to attend the dedication services of the Methodist church. Prult Jura at Wilcox Department Store. Dr. II. C. Hannah, of Kearney, ias been visiting friends here for several days. Be expects to move to Council Bluffs in the near fu ture. Summer Coats for 50c for men ind boys wear. Full line of Crash Suits. Star Clotiiino House. Geo. Vroman is in Omaha looking after some B. of L. 15. grievance committee matters. Durinir his absence II. C. Langdon is handling the throttle of engine No. 8-16. Keith Neville. John Vernon, George Huntington and 'Geo. Black went to Tie Siding last night. The boys expect to camp out near there for ten days and arc thoroughly equipped with hunting and fishing paraphanalia. Binding Twine 10c a Pound. m Harrington & Tobin. Miss Myrtle Kichards had the misfortune to fall and break her arm Wednesday cveninir while playing with some companions in front of her home in the southern part of town. This is the second time her arm has been broken with in a vcrv short time. MEN'S SlIOES-Our great stock gives you elegant selection; the modest prices make the satisfac tion extend to your purseR. New shoes fresh from the factory at $1 50. $2 and $2.50. Selling agents for W. L. Douglas Shoes, Dr. Reed's Cushion Shoes, Beam's Lux urious Shoes. Star Clothink Housk. The county clerk has received sixty copies of the laws enacted by the last session of the legislature. The statute provides that these shall be distributed as follows, one to the county judge, one to each member of the board of county com- m isbioncrs, one to the sheriff, one to the county treasurer, one to the county attorney, one to each notary public, one to each justice of the peace, one to each constable, each roati over-seer aim eacli assessor and two to any representative who was a member ot the legislature and who lives in the county. Sixty copies, inc largest ttumuer allowed to this county, is not a sufficient number to supply all of the oHiccrs to whom tliey are due hut they will ue uiHiriDuicd as lar as possible. 35c for tlio Campaign. The Twice-a-Week Journal, printed every Tuesday and Friday, will be Bent postpaid with all the news of the world from now until alter election for only 2a cents. It is worth that much to read about the 1 ightiug First regiment's re turn, -rue journal, printed at the state capital, is the leading Nebraska paper and it's mighty cheap at a quarter. Tor Sale. Forty acres improved laud, fenced and with water right. Five miles Irom town. Will be sold cheap. appiy ai mis ouice. Capt. William' Astor Chanler. congressman from New Vork, is the president of the New York Star which is giving away a fortv dollar Bicycle daily, as offered by their .luviTiiBemeni in anoiuer column, lion. Amos J. Cummimrs. M. C: Col. Asa Bird Gardner, District At torney ot New York: cx.Gov. Hop-p- of Texas, and Col. Fred Feigl of New York, are among the well known names in their board of di r uT-TO-DnTB FURNITURE Costs uo more than that of "antedulivan" make. Our designs are of the latest, and this lact cou pled with the reasonable prices we ask for first class goods, accounts for our big business. We feel assured that our heavy sales arc endorse ments of our goods and prices. You will find our stock complete at all times new goods are received daily to replace those sold.a If you want anything iu. the furniture line you'll find it here. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. Fnst Freight Wrecked. The second section of train No. 19 was wrecked just cast of the bridge shortly before two o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The train had a double- header on and was coming at a pretty rapid rate when the draw head of the twenty-fourth car broke and dropped causing fifteen cars to leave the track. The head engine, which was in charge of Jack Sulli van, was cut loose from the train and came to town and Mr. Sullivan notified the officials of the wreck. The wrecking train was leavinir the yards eight minutes after the wnistle blew. In the mean time the rear engine had brought the twenty-three cars which were not derailed to town. The caboose and two of the rear cars also staid on the track. Of the fifteen derailed cars eight were aoon put back on the track but seven were so badly wrecked that six of them were burned in the ditch aud the remain ing car will require considerable repairing before it can be used. Five of the seven cars which were so badly wrecked were refrigerator cars and although they arc the heaviest" and most strongly built cars on the road they were stove in as if they were so many egg shells. Some of the trucks were buried sev eral fcat-in the sand. ... The cars were all loaded with merchandise and after the wreck fresh hams, cove oysters, and postum were scattered around on the prairie. All the merchandise which was good for anything was picked up and after being loaded into other cars was sent on west. The wreck tore up quite a stretch of track but it was cleared away sufficiently to commence the recon struction of the track by seven o'clock and by nine o'clock trains were passing over it. No one was injured by the wreck but the loss of property amounts to considerable. The work of clear ing it up was finished yesterday. It was extremely for tunate that it did not happen on the bridge as it would have been exceedingly hard to handle there. As the wreck was so close to town it proved to be quite a Mecca for sight-seers and a large number of North Platte people visited it. NOTICE FOU 1'UIII.ICATION. Land Ofllce nt North Malta, Neb., I June Utli, 181)9. f Notlco la hereby (jlvon Hint tho following nnmeil sottlerbas tiled notlco of bin Intention to msko llnnl tiroof in support of bis claim, and that -eald proof will be made before HvRlslor nnd deceiver ut North Platte, Nebr.. on July 25th, 1899. via: OLK FHEDEUIKHKN, who undo homestead entry No. 17,215 for tho southwest quarter section SI, township 11 north, ramie 'JH west. lie names tlio following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultivation of said land viz. Nels Nelson, Noli 1. Jorcensen, John Hanson and 0. ltasmumen, all of (Jurtis, Neb. ... OKO. E. FHENOII, ltenlster. O. F. IDDINQR X-i-uLxrloer, Coal and C3-xa,irLw Yards and Elevators at North Platte, Neb., Sutherland, Neb., Julesburg, Colorado. NORTH PLATTE MILLS, (O. K. IDDINQS.) Manufacturer of HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADE FLOUR BRAN AND CHOP PEED. Order by telephone from Newton's Hook Store. N. McCADE. Proprietor. North Platte Pharmacy. Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. jfc We aim to handle the best grades of goods jfe Sell everything at reasonable prices, and $r wnrrant all goods to be just as represented. jfe All Proscriptions Carofully Flllod by a Llconsed Pharmacist. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway is respectfully solicited. First door north of First National Bank. E. B. WARNER. RENNIE We must sell all Spring and Summer Goods this month, and in order to do so have made the following prices: All $1.25 Dress Goods ... .75c pr yd All 1.00 dress goods ....C5cpryd All 75 and 85c dress goods 50c pr yd All 50c dress goods 35c pr yd All 35c drcsB goods 25c pr yd All 25c dress goods . ... 15c pr yd All 15c dress goods 10c pr vd 35c FrencK Ginghams . . . .20c pr yd 25c French Ginghams .. ..15c pr yd 15c French Ginghams .. ..10c pr yd 12c French Ginghams ..8c pryd 10c French Ginghams .. ..Gcpr yd 25c Organdie 15c pr yd 20c Organdie 12cpr yd 15c Organdie 10c pr yd 12c Organdie 7 c pr yd 10c Organdie 6c pr yd $1.75 Table Linen $1.00 pr yd 1.50 Table Linen 90c pr yd 1.25 Table Linen 75c pr yd 1.00 Table Linen 65c pryd 75c Table Linen 50c pryd 50 and 65c Table Linen.. ..35c pryd 35c Table Linen 25c pr yd 25c Table Linen I5c pryd Ladies' Summer Corsets at 25c each Millinery at cost All $12.00 and $15.00 pattern hats at 6.50 All 10.00 pattern hats at 5.00 All 8.00 pattern hats at 4.00 All 7.00 pattern hats at 3.50 All 6.00 pattern hats at 3.00 All 5.00 pattern hats at 2.50 All 3.00 and 4.00 pattern hats All 2.00 and 2.50 pattern 'liata' at 1.25 All 1.00 and 2.00 sailors at 50c to close Special cut prices in Carpets, Curtains, Linoleum, Shoes, Parasols, Underwear, Waists, Skirts, etc. RENNIE'S. J. E. DUSH, Mananer. J CLEARING SALE. rectors.