V0- Frank t iniTli iif Tmnw i town yeaterday Bd&21fee of COME wmmt the last foot er o:d We tetf scc great I cattle to muk DaridCy paries. I'r, Jobn BratttecelvedSOeaore of th anfl INt"? cattle from iiandre must Iiavex f CaUforttia lastaigbi ; TtFb m: Itetherrr all De to "give the, peogfe a-cTafoecr - grawta near, acre nntai tlK? .are )r.iirae money, . Mid ' - ' f -. ' .17 . ntsf ; fee' 'VP TO- inbnrgv attending it exercises of the 'cars catftaining- engtaeer cwps a went tbrogk 9 a former sewi thU city, oa rhtand will viU - days, ji . ixda went to lAk- iingv '.Mis Dix the iMuamer unlverslt-v. anymember of. Co resaed. care of Co. lent Nebraska la lug aParkjlGa. Pot theTSouth Side South Platle "river er a f nllliead of wk- tod was found to fee icruitSi'from CtefH urth -cavalry, wera night TWfere" Cincinnati fee room house for i V. BoAGEAXT). ith received a iglbat amber the thirst of a. iroed for Spri2tRtMpMi ; : - yd won't3 teaTefetb wrryabt6at' the boy; can rompla mi Mtiti - no. i.watchiifor jf ear iof. fte wear and tear...-. - - ...T "' Twety car- & tic; betortgiajr to recetyea at this morning- Tite mrttlewifl be taken north; a;ht(li grave. ' .D: Hienan. of Streaton, ni. ad M. JkMiua juiucao, weeiatoifH kWedaesday. Th eeattemen-'were bitytaf cattlev.cJ"AXt;-lfew Fhere to .OfallalaL to look-at , i Paxtan's herd. .- . " ? v - ? : 1 . comb is pendi4r j)f ess-tl Suits fo Boys The poat is eleatly-.liwwi with:satia;vyou'll no tice the hand-worked collars the way the dges are ,nishedi the; -shape'of biapelsif It shows charactervat eyetxfiB.BBtttrons aie- well shanked. here:areexSrkTjttos iand; patches with the s Hits. Tronsefsusfas carefully made. J Middy Suits, are 3 to1?. ??estee suits, 2 ..$L50and .upwards J jLHWDHNKoreasiea ohics, aye o-mo icy piain leaKe, aaajup IfOHf- Paats suits, age 12 to:). rodaad.squarer3.00 and ap . i iNOrGR SHOW -WIDOWS. J ' ' -" STAR eMTHliG "HOUSE, W. A. OLLMEB, Proprietor: ',' Across" the street from old locatiba, -, Paint Brashes. 3 iWhit'eWash Brashes. Machine Oil ' H'his is; a dscided ira BaRriessrDept it Harness Oil. -Baggy Harness. Team "Harness.. Halters. " " - " SaddfeK" " :' Iieather; SiHcbes. Bugfgy Cushions. Dash Boards. Storm Aprons. Br? ! BENNIE S IILUNERY SALE. ! T Tbelsdies'efNw'th Platte and. Lincoln county know that J a there k a war ih Millinery, aad I wieh to state.to one aad $ all that beginmngr Saturday.xApril 23d, 'you can have the T. choice o any hat in the stock at leas than -.cost. This is no r -. , fako advsttieementpbufc a fact I am willing to lose $300 2 : J VJ. . in order to owe it sat la sixty days. 310.00 Hats for 9G. mOO-Hats for $5. 18.00 Hats for i.5Q fT.OO Hate for $4.00. 96.00 Hats for$3.50 , $5.00 Hats "for $3.00 ,;$4.00Hatefor$250 $3.00 Hats for $1.75; i aretbe phoes my .trimmer basbeea instruoted to civo If you will call at this. isle yoa will sdait vou Bever saw , saoritice.ia millinery in any city in the world. Ve are eoihcr make it hot stuff in the millinery trade and von bet we will. 'Call at Rennie's on Saturday and see the bargains of your life. Kenriie, the Leader.1 4 Kenirie, the Slasher. Rennie the Low-prjco Seller of Millinery, Dry Goods,, Carpets. -chooT ditrktNo.:JLTfrl receive $1109.55 aWits share! 'of 'aptipjamestr Thriicricn tcteLTes inc. Httxt iarycc .amnx is the-Brady districtgiwMeh -recetTes1 $119.04. The apportfoHmMtr'js' di- Yiqet.amoBf lnety-sevea ana half districts, jt, ..-f - , Hereafter the' baad btt Satarday nights, -will play' oa, .the 1 court house Jawri. and will be much 'appreciated by every one. Theband concertVare rone pf the most enjoyable, features of summer time ia -North : Platte. Nq, one-should Jet. -this, wet spring- pass by- withoutput'ting,. in a few acres of alfalfa: Yoiuicant not "help but get aj.'godd stand. Harrington & Tobin j w' 1 ' Judge Ueville iaformed 1 .ihe; Hamilton Cadetsr- on his return from Omaha Wednesday; thattheir presence, was, desired. ,at the expo sition on, June 14. That is. the.day that the Nebraska building will' be. dedicated and the cadets will par ticipate ia the dedication "cere- monies. - :: Steel for Go-Beyils at tie Fiye tramps, were crpuched on the roof of one of- the, coaches on the yard Wednesday nirhtsT4iere ' J , , i v' ' x of Keith-county, spent Wednesday in'fown. ' "Wiloos Ice Cream JTreeaers. Scr6en,-wrre.i- w J - 1 Vfe"-- 3cra Doc Hiaires. fj SoseNoasles. ; ? ,''s" ; U Xawa Sprinklers. " s UW- Safr4ratocsr ' rirr i, 7 Pouttcy crfettiag; jlw -iCrm-Caas. ! .Lia&'el Of l. . 4Wljite. Ld. Mixed 'Paiifts: ,4 iatt ; .-. . .. p .;. . . M .. .u v 4 . iatM .a -mutm . Yeast 7tta . v, . . . . ,.3ca package; Kismf San i-y . . . , . .. 3 ... , .7 cents a ea Mecry Wajr. Iyes. . . .. . . . . .7c a. aaa lampion Lye. . . . . , . , . . : ... Jl-eml a cait: Lewis ,1 -. . 9c a saa, 3 for 35 emit Gilt Edge Shoe Dreesiii jr. . .. v. 30c a bottle 4 pound package Gold DmsF. 1 . . .. ..18 cents Califoraia.Caaad Frahs.y. .13c, 2 for 35c Tcli Mil is fk fli O, OlA lnii . BmmUL f OMmi aai. ' Gab House Towatoee .18e 2fwr36 ClubB(we Confc.v-.i ........v...Ul a mm .Otub-Hoase Snecotaeb r. 2 Isr- 96s- Qub Hoaes Pee. 143 mhm fee 4o Gothepbarjc Jkmr. - Wool Hires Goods. Novelty Dress Goods. Organdies. Pefcatas. - x J&m broideries. Laces. Eace Cartaias. Fancy Dress Trimiiiags. Mnslia Uadecwsarl Shirt Waists- Parasois. Hosiery .Tans r2t - GENTS' FURRISHIKGS;, Shirts. -J Neckties. Nightshirts, S u m Me r' TJ ader w ea. r : Hats and Cap. f ' " Straw Hats;" ; ; ; 1 r Crush Hats. , Overalls. ' ' , . - Pants:- - : r " - - Crockery Dept. Handled cups and. saucers 45c a seti 7-inch dinner plates . 4jca set! Tambfer ..20c : Decorated tea cans and cers...65cj Nkkle plated centre draft lamp cor with dome ... ,.. Vase lamps, with shade Baaeuet lamps ..from $1.50 tol? Seyenteen d'.ferent patterns ot Dining Sets to. select from- WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE, Goods sold at one price and, that for cash only. NORTH FLATTE, NEBRASKA. fcJdiss Hannah Mever" went to Ft. Goli tns; Colo., Wednesday-morningr. Mrs. I.-J3; Stroud and her little son left for Kansas City yesterday morning.; . f.the gardner.liy.iag. 1, says, lie will nave a : of I strawberries this.' season.. He itches of each. e is exhibitwo1 of'thc river. 5 Rve f oat niceltjand lndih- x.n prevent ra for.mpre train crews Piattc and Sidney rbetween Sidney and there were at this This is certainly roved business con- rs. Pred Tobas en-. the occasion lfiftieth birthday?.! p. a- number of e. evening was Sir'erarTone. jns and Boston rden hose, fb resale IB. of Gandy, is- in Ball "was the scene,. febf a verv enjoyable given by everafl r -About ninetacnJ present. Sixteen s danced. As the Sol it Kl r 1 P tln ibaK. . -4. received from Joe rninjf brought .the )tmg ot two men , State who were act ot -trying- W ing from which Co. w.ater. Spanish agents. 5 rchtyaey agast fc Baldwin over- irrer and decMMd named in the bo3 dollars was liqui- T cas w4M:f irthf tril, on Jw H A. Chapin, town today. Mrs,.M J. Cohn and'lier son, of Maxwell-are in town today. Alva and Elmer Waits, of Tryon, re in town today. . . J- fr Mrs. John ShaueiandMrsL Wafer, of Maxwell, are spending; the day in town: Frank and Will Coker and Henry; Abshire are among the Sutherlan'd visuors in town toaay.,T . Joha McCullough. andGeo W. Roberts are among the people who are in town from Maxwell today. Howard Case, of Sutherland,, and Louis Schlademan, of Paxton, were in town"today as witnesses onr land proofs. " heavy artillery "company will drill In the old,armory tonigfitv - 9 "r '- i i" - "i Xjxxw win commence at naii. past seven. Cherry arid peach trees in town. promise a heavy yield this season? The cherry trees are particularly, full of fruit. Mrs. Joe Clinton left Wednesday night for her sister's home in east ,ern Nebraska where she will prob-' ably spend the.sHmmer. . ':; . J Mrs. icupiper, wno is prom inent in the Women's Relief Corps of the state, will deliver an adress at. J:he Memorial Bay services in this jfcity next Mondays She is a, very ready and pleasing talker. ; J. R. Baldwin, of Fbntanelle, is in town today. Mr. Baldwin-owns, a section of land northwest of town and he is thinking quite seriously o moving from, Fontanelle and. making his home in Lincoln county,; JoseDkvHershev lhas feracted "a fHfegstaff .on his building aid tot morrow one wn; De placed en tue Wilcox store buildfng.? CPM: Pfewi ton will probably put np a. thirty toot pole in front of his place, of business. - ' KeKlrtrand Mrs. takied 3&ot thkty- prof reamve hfh eyeflingl ': W. lie McGinn, wst prises to consote lack: Hrx.;.3M f. . Mever -were the to, , whom w&raj Deiius served dWnf rtheeyeningr fved by Mrs., S, E. ler son t rcd con- the Jit The Union Pacific has extended the, low rate;ofaJcent amfle to all points east of andincluding-.orth Piatte fpc the opening day ot the. exposition. This makes the fare for , t hV row a d;t r i p a trifle less.:than: six 1dlars. JTke tickets are on atefay31, and. are ffood: forre- Ifcara. until. Jkneieth.,, This lowl.rate cfare"brinrs the' excbsttidn witin rwe-reacu ot evervoae. .i r, - - - w were also several attemounir to travel, oh the ".blind baggage.' They were all discovered before the train pulled out and' were promptly routed. They were all young fellows, the oldest one not The X.M.C.A. has been house cleaning' the last few days and in a being more than twenty. auuit time every tuing win De as NEW NOVELTY orignt as a new pin. Miss Josie Day went to Brady yesterday to attend a picnic -and the-closing exercises of the Brady schools. Miss Bay will return to- Mrs. Chas. Pool returned Wed nesday afternoon from a few days visit' in Omaha. '. lw B. Gibbs returned on No. 5 yesterday morning; from a short stay in Omaha. ' Mi6s- Melissa Shuck :, and Miss Alice Simms went to Hebron Wed- t?Mrs. Ida Ml Walker r clped,aj' -very' satisfactory "term of school in the Platte yalley school house Tuesday.- The. closing exercises were held in the afternoon and were very much enjoyed by all who were -present Screw. Wire at Wileox Department Store. The closing exercises of the Brady schools will be ield today. Makes its appearance 'on our counter's as 'soon as it nasses into the realm, of fashion. See. nesd;iy morning, the new Neckwear at 25 and 50 Mrs- Oscar Hughes went to Ster- cents. Patriotism li.i. Star Clothing House. morning to visit" yesterday friends for a' wliile.' ' ; ' Mrs. Wood White returned Wed- About twentyrfiyej members of neadar n?irht from-her visit in St. i, - . r I - tue neavy ariiuery company met in ouTs and Grand Island the i . pa. C. A, rooms Wednesday night at the call of James B. Mc Donald. They decided -io com mence active drill work at once under Mr. McDonald. Tliey will drill, for the present,- in1 Keith's hall. If the regiment of heavy; artillery is accepted under the presi- j a 1 1 ii :ii r A rlasft nf Pio-Tlf .will n1i,ntPfrom ucut31dal lucJ tUUIaC the high school. The principal, H. UJ ' IC8"ncui- E.Worrell, deserves n nreat deal - legiiiicni. is.u i ttcepieu, of credit for the excellent work done-imtheschools. BARGAINS ROLLING IN ANDflpT..... Be quick to secure your shar.e -of-our $L50, $2.00. :$2.50 and 3.00 Shoes. JS"ew line of W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $4.50 hoe at S5.00, Notice show windows. Star Clothing House. they will endeavor to join the iregil ment of infantry. Fred D. Wnerht, of' the Tele- Miss Ora TuelLwho has been at-, tending school here, returned to her home near El wood yesterday morning. Miss Iina Rector and Master Homer Rector went homewith Miss Tuell to spend part of their sum mer vacation.. Mrs. Jas. BeHori went to New Albany Ind., yesterday morning.' Mrs, Bel.ton will spend, the summer in New Albany .r " T. J. Matthews came back from graph, and Miss Elizabeth Sawyer Washington Tuesday night. Mr. were united in marriage at the Matthews will probably remain Methodist oarsonatre Wednesdav" here for some time. Wednesday- "afternoon two hoboes named Conrad Rowland and Jack Was- They took quite a evening at eight o'clock" by Rev. C. C. Snavely; The bride was becom ingly gowned in white and carried a bunch of white roses. The groom was clad in conventional black. The bride was attended by Miss. Day, who was also gowned in white. Miss Day carried a bunch of pink, carnations. H. E Worrell; was the groomsman. In addition' to the bridal party only the rela- ey met each other. fancy, to one another and indulged in several social drfnka. Thev then d- tives ot the contracting artiesand cidedto find an inviting spot to spend Br' and Mrs Wa"er were presentU- the night. Thoy- went to the- fair Alter ine ceremony was pertormed grounds and went to eleeppit least one ?he entire Partv repaired to the res- of them entered dreamland but the oth- mence ot Mn ana rs' M- H- BUS ec one must gave beea verymuch awake lass wIiere a very delightful we(K because he relibvedlns companion, Row- a L was served. The Hdrof his revolver, pocket-book and ",auuua cmoiurnisuea music aur- watch and returned to town H thftn mS tne evening. Mr. and Mrs.. Senator and Mrs. DuBois were. on No. 1; Wednesday aitcrnobn en route from Washington to iheir home in Idaho. Pearl J. Donaldson and Miss Minnie M. Bullington were united in marriage by; Judge Baldwin at his office Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Ward, who had been J, J. Halligan spent last evening in Ogalalla. Miss Abbie Shu man is clerking" in Brazel ton's. J. S. Hinckley transacted bttsi riess in Sutherland Wednesday. Henry Cokerand! children are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peale. - C. E. Helm went, to Cheyenne yesterday afternoon: - to brake on the Fourth district. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Watts returned to Cornincr, Iowa, this morning. Miss Kate Gilman will? return this afternoon from Peru, where she has been attending the state normal school.. Manor C. F. Scharmann returned from Lincoln yesterday afternoon. He is one of the healthiest looking invalids that it'sjpossible to find. Mrs. Jacobson and Mrs. Salver son, who had been, .visitissr the family of David Mmshall, returned to their home in Ft Atkinson, Wis., this morning. Lieut. Baker passed through town on No. 2 Wednesdey morning: The lieutenant was on his, way to Montana to pick up horses for the use of the regiment of rough ridersr About eighteen yers ago LJent. Baker spent some time in town as the guest of J. H. Hershey. Johh Reed, returned with his bride from Keith county, Wednes day morning. They have com menced housekeeping in the Crockett bouse. Mr. Reed has been in the employe of John. Bratt for the past twelve years, but has de cided to try and', obtain work in town. Mr., and Mrs. J. H. Hershey and children left for- the east on, No. 2 this morning. Mr. Hershey wilf remain about a month and Mrs. Hershey will spend the summer. Philadelphia will be their head quarters most of the time, but they vjsiting relatives in town for the contemplate making trips to Wash ington Old point Comfort and various places in Pennsylvania. proceeded to enjoy himself m th ngut were tne recipients ot .a loons, buthis enjoyment was rW t number of handsome wedding pres Potter , disposed of part cause Rowland woke up and missing his f nts rhe? wm be-m housekeep- iana soutu or tiiejnver. property came back'to town to find his m at once 111 the Jeffrey residence C. L. Williams and'his daughter friend?). Rowland metWasleyin an on west Front street. The bride Grace vent to Kearney oh' No. 2 altey dpwnttpwn- Wasley refused to anQ ffroom are op.m very estimable Wednesday morning. Mr. Will- Biv-i'th nroDertv. so Rowland youn? people and tne Tribune hams vstent down to look after his i -z. r r - -1 1 r-- cedd : to pMB&w him During the poaamiiff oc-tMacer jjav hove in .3&J ' v " A Miss Eliakbeth Bratt went to sight H; prbmptty ran them both in i --" oW - iPerit -ritiiv - morninn-. After aad.thjp S?e nowja jail awaiting the re- tant OC.cjnmor J8dge. laVWlrom Mo., t j i ;Braft will rcfiim to Owahn wliere - - iy.ujr ui ciinuiMH ows.iiaa; pomp, i.t -J' " Pberepa opaaty. - nfiA'i.,ftI(1v J- mlsuZ; -3k M will visit for two weeks. Maulsbv went with M. G.-: horses shipped to esda night, Mr, drive, on the Omaha past few weeks, returned to her home in Montana Tuesday night. Mrs. Sullivan of Ft. Ackinsonr Wis., arrived in the city on No. 1 Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Sulli-van-is visiting her daughter Mrs. L. A. Wiugate. . W. PottetT returned to his home in;Petosky. Mich;, yesterday morning. During .. his- stay Mr. of his )Sf Ideal' pph Ua m tfey t WkS. roli t dwwiood pectjos o.the earl' ' TfcK m"kr o way 'id. er tiefaB8,?a&i( mmkU eMd by a hrtUmed eoDditioB Twfc.' WhM tbii tee is SaftaSweS "yon hv a ruMbflmr mmacf mMf4 bMHkr od irhitf:i eatCdowl' DcfnM tb iwuH, anddMs tbi iar' flammctkw csaa be ;teoHflt ad this tube: luatortd to :itl:onnaKoMdUkMf Jiear iDtf ifl b flmtroyod' forever, n VPs0 all our It is said, surpasses anything aigr K Veron large Jmeof bulk garden, field and seen in thfs line, before, ;afe sooffto KeithV car of ?r urin trh?IBOnt of pSlthis city Thev wHl-phibit Omaha.i Wedi J r kmiwioh.?uoii. under their, own water pf?fpf. tent a; Maulsby willr - A:t!&ff)ikkjhs. iatided for i riday June3rd,tat 3 Pi M. and ,8 and other tracks,, this .suramer.- exhibiatr -Omaha position j M. -TheVews oLthcpminr of I Arthur Strayhorn' rtarnediast pawed tferoh ataeoa terday- There this exhibiiioa vUty 'dojibt, be evehiag- from ncpfn, " where he were . twe.:tw -fsll growa sod, one hailed with , delight by :very ope lias been attending, the state uni bby .oatrSehl" The, fait crown-ones who-ha-either heard" of or has had versity.j He expects "to clerk in werelwge, sadeoae bmk-but the j t .Priv'uef? witnessiMg tsJStre!U's drag store during- the, ties. mMBWjmfarTltoiimcj besaty. wniitjxiuHnoB-qi uu iR; suMBier. . 4 man and bears hig sixty-two years p.&.&ti& farm 'tellince Theiyemr- :L ijrRyaii!adMm;-Je(4leR?a.- ry lightly. Julying from the m o.!ffwBia. ' - - exactly twice its ;ormer si mJ l' Wn nuW W look of determination about his TMUMie an enure pei.pt monkey , ijdA .MJmtt . '11 hfe- firmly and . aMy amiiitatcad .-Aueanon, Gen'l. Wesley Merritt, military governor-eneral of the Philippines," passed througi this city 1'uesuay at ternoon in the special car 010 at tached to No 1. Gen'l. Merrit was accompanied by three of his staff officers, Maj. Strothers, Maj;B:ale, and Capt Mott. As soon as -No. came to a standstill Mai. Walker boarded the car. He was met on the steps by Gen'l. Merritt who hailed him with "Hello, Walker. jue naci recognized Mai. walker at once although it is nearly twenty five years since he last saw him ven 1. aemtt stepped ott tne car and held an impromptu reception during the time No. 1 remained. Tn the yards. -He said thatit was .im- possible, for him. to tell; jistf how soon he would leaVe for the Philip it woald be as'sbo . as evf.rylgb glaa in read i ncsa He &P.WS the First Ne in bfa ffiwiiiand, and sjjke. highWk the Pennsyivani MiaBMota rgimift. Gen'l. Mer- rittremembers "M. C. Harrington who was at West Point, when he was commandant there in thi eigh- The general is a fine looking XJkZLXOlS 3T0T9S WnMiMigHififlCW:f! Ed Erickson is actinsr as extra call bov. Auditor J. W. Mahoney wasin town yesterday. Jake Smith returned from Omaha Tuesday night. George Lannin has retarned from his trip to Colorado. Engine 807 was put in the shop for light repairs to-day, . The 667 and the 1Q6 will come out of the shops today. Engine 696 will be brought np from Omaha in a few days and placed in service at this point. John Oswald, Gas Chamberlain and C. Bl Thompson have been added to the list of extra brake- men. Fred Bock commenced work in the shops, Wednesday, in the place made vacant by the resignation of Marvin Dickinson. Chris Johnson has commenced work on the night wiper gang: Harvey YanDoran has taken his place as caller. . A special .went through this morning composed of the empty sleepers that had been used to transport troops w.est. President Q. P Huntington and a prriy occupied two special cars, Onecnta and Oneonia II, on No 2 yesterday- morning. A slight wreck: occurred on the Fourth district Wednesday night, An engine ran into the rear of a freight train. The caboose and a freight car was damaged. Te?f Farrington has been, given the SOT and will go on the 5 and 6 run. James Fonda will take Mr. Farriagtori's old engine, 1437, and will ran on 2 and 3. Fiye.rnnnirig Horses belonging, to the Rbwell stables, at San Francisco were m aispeciat car on No. 2 Wed nesday morning. Tne Horses are entered at the races to be held at the three tracks near Chicago. One of the horses was the famous Sat sum a. Frederick W. Qrtht who was hos pital steward at Ft. Mcpherson in the '60s, was a passenger on No.,.1 Wednesday. Mr. Orth was return ing to his home in Portland from Harrisburg, where he hadjspent the winter for his health. He was one of the charter members of Platte Valley lodge of Masons. J. T. Gray while working on his engine at Grand Island Tuesday had the misfortune to have his hand pretty severely crushed. It was at AT ra Tn T. Vara anin,r the social ciab Tuesday afternoon! The roll call was answered quotations from Tennyson! ladies were then handed paper oa which were writte questions relative to the war and were asked to ans Mrs. M. K. Barnum Annie Church succeeded it ing the most and consequj to cat for the- prize. Md won. The prize was a with the date of thecomas of the war engraved on tj Refreshments ware set i ladies after the questj was settled. F. Coons, the adva TUP l-.fTT"V IV1HV nrtrm j -J U'-H which will exhibit here was in towit yesterday, in Mrs. Coons had with her a li: pet imported spauiel that tracted considerable attfl TJje og is pure .white and wim ucui.uwi -umr. it is a. 5 intelligent animal. Mrs. Ed Coker, of Sutherht spent yesterday ia town. Miss Ellen MdCnllough, of Jfa well, was ia town yesterday. The following grazing landi! for rent at a nominal rent tKns21, 23, 25, 27, 29 and tj nortnr bait of 19, town 16. rat Mmmmmm . Com Ciilkl BADQEH; NEW DEPj CANTON, AND OTHERS For sale by JOS. HERSHBY, NORTH PLA3. 4 DON'T BE FOOL your wi,n- tinf citnnort your local 1 u r v w t r neoole? ... Let your main in and circulate in town Merchant Tai eS nr front SIS. J J 1 4.U J- ro- OUHS lu it.. , 1 Ul"wcu U,J Llit rwrrnats to .measure 1 movedseveral splinters of bone. Mr. Trousers to measure trom Griy will be comoelled to carry his. We have the finest : 01 a; Tonct money reiiaDie nani,i a sung lor some umc. 1 .tt in our - W TT. rvConnell met with, qmte rzT fit and latest crsp i agaiaet joes by hail. a painfal accident, Tuesday night. a boat two miles trom lgspnags. Tn a ttf tnnHnsr to ro from a stock " iz 9 nrtaa rn.il car he missed his hoW tw rar and fell between. The tfcia was in motion and the jonrnal of the stock car hit his hip with such ferce that it threw him off the track. He rolled down the embank ment which at that- point is quite steep. Mr. O'.Cennell was brought back to town on No. 4. Dr. McCabe recocts that he is very mach bruised and received a severe saaxiag r bat that his injuries arenotsenot.i WTSTTwcRtyr1 line to Denver. Salt Lake. City. town) Why siviish fit and j nA vour oraeis to ::::".nrifmanshiP. vnety geTbetter values at hoa.e. ii)F na ttma -la.Vij '.it.