1 - &4Pf-T ... St-- -.p-x .fl 'is iwt - Br - ;t in .nil m I. :k - 9 kJBSOBiraOV 3UTM. I; Ml APRII8, IMC WifckHris issue The Trib pears in a enlarged form, an cerium instead of a seres paper a heretofore. Tkis jbfcaage icres the size of the pwifer j umMnvu tbHs giving- m eacfc . jtjge lid kiches more readinj aNg- Jbiigattr improvement wklp wfl a6. ikrwftt-'be appreciated, b eeyma who do not bar tea dMtjr' paper, is in the matjfcr m tfcAwaJyn and domestic new ar--rfea. - flBiis class of news wall a Kmm Sw'full, each, issue contawhtg' Hie ew of the three preoadiaf A wi :. Use price remains at per yeirin advance. "JOnt CITY 2ILXCTIOV. 3nult of Tuesday's is certainly very grat ify i n g- WjSSac clRKe who have the best Iwfoar aefas af the town at heart, aael Tsi ,TMKit is pleased to sjgpt &aes wistituted two-tbldhi M Uhose who cas their ballots, " : Tie result is a stinging- afreet, slap in the face, to; fcre orgnen who nave tor t past aaaed as. (reformers. bfrtr wlee Jm fact e impostors and Atkins C-tbe flim-flam bran4- JBJtr votes the people, ate 'Wt present so-callea! tration, an admin .which lies Tirtually sought ' the just financial , the city, that has allowed to. be carried. on unfe that has permitted the to violate the provisions ,pf lliami and that claims to have 'W&Mtgil'j-bj its wise legislation tf- flatting- indebtedness-of ."the ortj w $5,000, when in truth the 4kk hais not been reduced $1,000 through any action of the reform am: Tte those men who have set them elves up as the Moses's, to lead tlMtfiMiiflle out of what they have the iwttMCess, the result jcticmi anartkitwn,fom lo- cal polities the "Veexs, twt Parsons,, the Neville .nMl:, the "Cheyneys. ate ho. doubt mtereet lee' than ieriercent The political fakks 'ex,iled. esult is nlso a well ited to those who nfhSt tn drag- the waterworks cae M441nfe cam-paiira.-and if we a-re to -consider the case was really an issue, '' .jlMist at ne conclude that the people not ihe demagogues are overwhelmingly in favor of showing fche'waterworks company fair play ana nnying- it what is justly due it ha mtnrn for the excellent service, nan generous treatment it has ac- its .patrons. tlandslide to the republican lnees is also evidence that the noonie consider that the saloon has pnce in politics and that it be kept in the back: ground Tfroar saloon men who soucrht to ------ - " 4 the election of Mr. Sullivan4 the expectation of securing which they would not enjoy, oaly assisted in deeper and wider the grave ino hioh Mr. Sullfmn w Txinuxs reafine that a nnm- repre'sentative - demecratf ands With the' republicans ng out of existence theboguf- reform party, and it appreciates -nasistance. , By their votes the t the political demagogues wai MhHU the more emphatic. The overwhelming vote given Jo&n'Bratt is evidence of the confi dance. re posed in his business abil- hss integrity and his gentle? .'deportment, and we know rnl wUlihatiuthediechargeof his efhJn ias mayor he will at no time :!hne' that confidence. In using his pm? ohttive power we are satisfied Ilipfcy will select good men; and aaaaan . eeharwise r I (nvt every omciai move wm oe iwii - -jn Tfrjjj&F 1 . f .fl -Pr". Janifmd1!! r -ssK' SttftraKaT-Worado and. Li xTfc oii Wto: Dates oe - s KPM1PL1S MP jfatffe Bttldmiig the fpKTO BI00. JttfeM Afalast the .Xtksehlld'c hitch h&s oc- tiations'and fwdkzaKtion will at 'their meet- to appoint MhL superintend teincreaaethe A seuiiomcial c tii: t. afltr tiM dOBrnnient says : tared every aspect of m the information of the eokmil ministers, and It Jn Am liclaA the reports of oc warand marine, 'xne of. the delflioiwHons was the of the government to all its deoiekMM, w&hont modifica- tien yaewlioM S that effect were ii asserted here that the communi- r.itom. -Rome, which the papal ud the.Minhitor for foreign al falfa linb.hefore the cahinet after the xteetiBg had adjonrned last eked what) eonoeeeions wonld The eahiaet, it is farther ;decMl te reply that the gov- "simply reaffirmed its former , alreedr knewnto President hlftirtalnr " Jm pseTiomly intimated in ttwee dtaaihon. there is no .truth in mk nmer enoeatrlaei night in Madrid tt th Unitl Slates government had jireeentoi an nfematnm to the govern nfi e Spmbk, iemHaHag that the lat- tmmriitr w44h4, MMC hours the note h'wmntbd ailer ibe ieet eenf erence. HgTagOliLP TO fifTE: A WAESKIP. ILuhiib,. April 7J The Paris corre Mmdnt f the Pais leeMrraphs that he lajdanM hrtw'lfcw- Vtth Baron Boths ciSd yegtecehtr, to is allegod to have iiigaeiaod fate that jhe was purchasing a to jteeent teaaeki, that country InvTinchni levo and sympa In InzoB. JO., April ?. War is rariagln of ; Luzon, and is ,rpUy aBahWs proportions as' t ne were an ief Wm-97. Attacks Inenish quarters at Sab : it, the rebels captur 'laegQ quantities of the northern prov The natives refuse of the rich natives e closing their busi i Toeparing to leave AM iaoeease the tanes and half ttjaaa the: of Zanbales, Tarian are in open re- Tblt.; that! eabW" leached Manila connecting the -were destroyed by ear Bolinao. ! Army. Fowl T. Fifteen ear loads;af ns a special train the Kansas City, that' road on fast Oileans, where Mined far Havana, "in Xkwenri and and si toe .he nee T of tne my in OaW: The shipment oeneieten .eKhefeneon.JHp an4.4ftil waees. J 1 MtS'Wvlk Ittdrea Madrid. Tiraam. .Afdn 7. Mrs. Woodford, -wife of the United Mates minister, ac contponnod ay her neeee and Lieutenant QtL.iB)m, hWtJneML States naval at te.kethwtnajrht fee Biarritz. Gen etnl Wuittii haae iihem farewell at the station. Ceneiiirable surprise is eipreoNdnl nhen nonn'rture "in view of the MtHiauat." hat Miss Woodford TeatahM and it isenfeained that the VUina , mmui I New Aak t. The steamer Fonti St. Thomas, brings news has -taken place inTooto an. that in an engage- ment- eats and Span- ish treoni men wereiiiuea. Two tions landed in Porto gives tkm. - a mnm ago, andtnisiacc to 1nte mmoc of an insurrec- Jjmm Xu I Mmtii Cte Icave. JLntfi;?.-ponsal General indent oi tne has received ( Havana. It w that some of the ent north by. She is ax- restou Friday; T6 ana JL'srn, lodations then entitled to go. a Chief. Ajttil ?.9hrles chiex otpD- &the aewDenW'; tk. (yShonessy for two years. ke Jn Hlecaaelix. V JBHI John Geary, a wemufewn altinsn, fed here Sunday as " aoinlt of enfe of hiccougbs, whieh oooM net he oontrolled. He was g? Toaia ohi. 1 rfrtally Stabbed. SfOCX Oirr, Apo T.In an argument n-r-w- '-m -MAbll HUM.' XOBUg iilK, & WiaBenhawJMonnn JMnMy stabbed John Consknae. a faMew a, last night. Casi Jiui, ttenmihi aeiiaas! tent was sustained at the town of Xeeymnapton ft,Xbe batitlmbfji Join the flying at nt navy ynrtt tloeSt at 8 a. m. and nroceeded rapidly dows the East rirer a3d through the harbor sunceB an ukwb mil tp, HlaafApAT. I theia aielirtm TteoaWaakaiaMMS I eejieiill I HMHKl' aiuaanon NkafiUi Asso(jhinffiiH hVot le iejerhjoVfpnojWK rf fcbOX Cam Jh;, 1t WW - . O'tihcisin-rUM Ml''' d lioe hevnjp0Mnnir Ciaen I ar itM ! "J . i . i ... rrM ' I T joonr. Anril 7.-The frwiht ? rate mm on the TibbTes compiaitfir diuneapj for heariag before the geeretories o-t&: board of tranaportatiou yestersjr fore--nooa. George: "W; Bsrge of thai eit represented 'tab coaipiaiawt ::. Xhe roads -were represent ed s fWlcws : O. P. MandersoB, "fpr the Burlington;-. 1T A. Low for tho Keck JsJand, BeajWhite for the Elkhora, "Yj. B. Kelley foe the Union Pacific and J. W. Orr for; the Missouri Pacific. Supplemental ans wei -were filed for the companies, set ting up the fact that the recent decision of tho CTniled States supremo oonrt' per petually enjoins the board, or the de fendant, companies from reducing, rates below wnat may were m. JMOvemoer, 1884, and also setting forth that the business of tho roads would not justify the lowering of rates. The amended" answers filed by the at torneys for the. compamos, besides set- tine forth the fact, that the reads could not remain oa a paying bnsis and make a reduction in rates, also quoted the provisions in the decision of. the United States supreme court, whereby the Board of Transportation, this de fendant and others were perpetually en joined and restrained from reducing rates for the transportation of freight within tho state of Nebraska below the rates then (November, 1S4), charged by the companies defendant in said suit, and this defendant says that it is powerless to obey any order which may be entered by your honorable board in this proceeding. "Rates For Omaha Exposition Chicago, April 7. Western roads practically have agreed that round trip tickets to Omaha shall be sold during the lite of the exposition at a rate of 80 per cent of double one-way farea. These will be cn sale from June 1 to Oct. 15, with a final return limit of Nov. 15. All through tickets will be sold with tne privilege oi a iu oay3' stop in Omaha if the transportation i3 properly deposited with tho joint agent. For the opening day a rate, of 3 cent a mile will bo charged from not over 350 miles distant. Beyond that a round trip rate of one fare will bo made. Board of Control Meeta. Des Moixes, April T. The now State Board of Control mot here with all the members present and effected an organ ization, witu ex-Lrovernor Larrabeo as chairman. The election of secretary and other officers was postponed until a later date. Tho board bold a confers enoc with Governor Shaw and Senators Berry, Hcaly andEverall, who designed. the law, and oiscusscd the situation. Collateral Iclicritauto Tax Case. ues juoines, la., April 7. xne su preme court, in tho collateral inherit' auce tax case from Scott county, af firms the decision of the lower court that exemption of a thousand dollars net value is not to be applicable to indi T l. viauai neirs agamsc me tax oi o per cent on the market value of the prop erty of decendants dying intestate. . lie Died In Alaska. CnARrrox. Ia., April 7. J.E.Bcntley of this city died in Alaska at Sheep camp, March 28, information to that effect having just been received in this city by bis relatives. It is supposed he was injured while helping in transpor tation oyer the Chilcoot pass. He left Chariton with others Feb. 2. His wife and two daag btes He:hoie.-- conventfon oloef Alast night a deoidiag in eet aQiiney,. next year. These c inters' were elected JPreeident, C. S. mnth, JEehk; rioe presidente, J." T.'MurphyrSt.-Lotus, Tt. H. Martin, Chicago; fccretary, D. E. Fowler, Dubuque; treasurer, D. S. Faircliild, Clinton. Order For Steel Cars. Pittsburg, April ?. The Schoon Pressed Steel company has awarded (he contract for the manufacture of $1,000 steel cars of tho ore and coal hopper pattern by the Pennsylvania Railroad company, for a sum approximating' $1, 000,000. This is the largest single con tract ever given for steeLcars. TELEGEAM3 TEESELY TOLD. Congressman Paris of tho Fifth In diana district was renominated on the 272d ballot at Martinsville, Wednesday. Archibald H. Welch,-second vice pres ident of tho lTew "York Life. Insurance company, died at his summer residence at Morristown, N. J., April 7, agpd, 60: In refusing to grant a writ of manda mas to prohibit tho reading of the Pro, testeac bible in tho public schools of the state, the W,at Virginia supreme court decided that .there was ho law to pro hibit it. The story told byCarrj the Alaskan mail carrier, that he had hows from An drea, proves to be a fake pare and simple. Caxar got tho idea from a little paper published in St. Michaels -which re cently published a highly improbable story" regarding the missing aeronaut. William F.'Sager and E. S. IVan brough, Ixjth, of Denver, Wednesday broke all the unpaced tandem rec ords from'll to 26 miles inclusive, and also the unpaced" record for one hour. The distanco for one hour was 25 miles, 1,802 yards.. The last half mile was inade i a 80 seconds; O.Howbaker jumped uuder the wlieels of a train as it -waa leaving Fountain: Gelo. He was ground to pieces.. A note was f oend in his grip on tho train saying he was from Emporia, Kan,, and was going to Portland, Or. He had written that he was losing liu mind aud would take his life at the first opportunity. TbeKepnblicau congressional conven tion for the Third Kansas district nomi nated Congressman. S. S. Kirkpatrick as candidate for tho seat now held by Hon. E. P. Ridgley, Populist. The con vention aflQpfced resolutions declaring for tho compete audabsolntfl inde pendence of 00, by ponllful methods if possible, but by,"syfect 'intervention if necessary. - s Treom te MoljiUzo at Cb'ick&maasa. CTTifc AyU y?e uratioag i jauMyfyiajr da here far the yeoon nnfaVllWaemhkettt fioog at Ohiek- -nen ah tae .arwiiaow regi- aeeted tobeia by tbe early af iMM'tneeav fatlHsr CTiHtrfck-ProTB at crt; New York, April 6. Father Cbid wick, chaplain of the Maine, who is in wjoiiToa nocioe KofnC'Waah- that he hod heon aaTvaaoed to the.rattk o .Hontmnent jn the United FonwttWKnt -n ror'-tMs-portr 'has not arriviki hero and ig officially "re ported misiag. t fHfHBtt9B XeV In tlfirt ahi id iafn ani i hi- the iitmt ant it rr eanan heee.hr the early ! raetin, xcclL in MvlnflnRMHMIIWM Moose nayy-ipru ; - ' t ) . Fafefai cameHt.Will jpreai'M OrigiBallj PrJ 30 NEGOTIATIONS PES gpflla Is Simply rinylsc For TMrnj- ters Will lH4t Vpem. KepsratWa I'm the Maine Oatrage Day V Sreste. at tl:e Capital. Wask1!;gton, April '. A eableanin; from Consul General Lee received tiuny morning announces that 300 AmericaM have taken thoir departure from, the island and that all is quiet in Havana. After a conference with the president, Representative. Grosvenor stated today that, there would be no change of any importance at least in the moesago in tended for submission yesterday unless there is a change of facts, which is not at all likely. The intimation given out at Madrid yesteroay to tne enecc tnat tne queen regent was about to proclaim an armis tice in Cuba and that the indications were that the Spanish government would make important concessions look ing to the establishment of peace on a basis of practical Cuban independence, is regarded in official circles here as a diplomatic play to gain time. A high official said : So far as this government is concerned, diplomacy has rnn its course. 2fo negotiations of any charac ter are now planning nor will they be resumed except at the solicitatiou.of Spain, and for tho stated purpose of carrying into effect tho demands of this government already communicated to the Madrid authorities. The president remains firm in his determination to forcibly intervene in Cuba if necessary to put an end to hostilities and to. se cure tranquillity and a niore stable government cn tho island. Informa tion from a high source clearly inti mates that a naval demonstration against Havana has been considered, and is almost certain to, be made within the next few days unless Spain yields, and if this demonstration results in war the president is ready to meet the issue. A cabinet officer said today: "Whv are we hurrying Americans out. of Cuba, except that their lives will bo in dangot after the president's message bas gone to congress, and his purposes fully known to the Cubans, that is the reason, and tho only one." This rrovernment. it is further stated. has learned to distxpaWniuchthat comes, even from official sources at Madrid, and from now on actions, and not words, a nieniber-of tho cabinet de clared, will determine our policy. Spain to Bo Held Pur Mulao Affair. Washington, April 7. Despite the fact that thousands upon thousands of peoplo who remained in tho lines which clamored for admission to tho galleries yesterday in the hope of hearing the president's message, at last turned away weary and exhausted when the announcement tamo that no message would bo sent to congress until Mon day, many of them were back in their places hoars before the house and sen ate convened today. But the great strain under which the public and tho membera liave been laboring for days has taken some of the edge off their eagerness, it is realized tnat for a fow days more they must await tho course of evenfs. Many public men regard the situation astmore critical than-aver. The talkan proclaiming an armistice by jgmm79$y assert, .is futile unless theNineneafe accept iSe. of Spanish sovereieniy-oTor t island mast come, they believe, or our pep- 'gram will be carried out. L'Batevcn if the Cuban question is settl d to tho satisfaction of" this gov ernment," said Senator Carter (Mon.) today, "there will still remain the Maine affair. That is an extremely ugly question for Spain to meet. Tho people are very much wrought up over the assassination of our sailors in a friendly port, and they will demand a satisfactory settlement on that score. Damaging Evidence Against Bank Kjebbcn Des Moixes, April 7. Professor Floyd Davis, the chemist, has returned from Missouri, where he has been mak ing an examination of money found on the parson of Charles Martin, accused of blowing open the safe of -the-Farm-ers'bankat Sheridan. It 'was wished' to ascertain whether the money came from tho safo which was blown open bv nitro-clyceriae. Professor Davis says the money bears every eidce of having come inicoateofc with :li- erated by explosive. - TheeranuBaf ion has never been tried before', 'bafcie be ing used with a view to prosecuting all"' f utnro cases of a similar nature by the expert testimony of chemists. After the announcement of the result of the in vestigation Martin offered to enter a plea' of guilty, providing only two . i years' murisonnieuc do imposea. Tarfraen Gathering at Btempliis. Memphis, April 7. The city is fast filling up with turfmen, and the Mont gpmery handicap is the all absorbing topic on Uie streets ana in tne notels The most probable starters areOrna-. nient, Ulysses, Good. Times, Buckvi dere, Salvablc, Marquise, Performance Bello of MemphiSjOpaque, and possibly one or two more. All of the candidates are in tho "bdStr possible shape. Enthus iasmTuns high abonfc tho city, and tho 5est meeting ever held hero will begin nexkSatnrday. Thero are already 1Q bookmakers on hand, and others are coming ironi few lorg:, unicagoanq San Fran;isco and other places. . Httsbaml Kills BU Cook, ' Siocx Crri. April 7. On the ground that Charles Lindmark, hiscook, was trying to use a cleaver on Mrs. Harry Feldman, the latter's husband dealt Idudmark, a fatal, blow on the head with' sf "potato majiipr laafc night. He is under anssfc. SewTorit SlocU Mnrlcet. NEW,-XpaK, April 7. Tlwpemng of tne hook HixrKec 'saewed' Jrranar ilfrt hist nhrhr, ht the ntoat inrobrtent lAanges were ea Air sMo of J)eennes were reameton to I zaoavHS, excccc in m jailwaf-, which was eff a - point. "W eet ean Ustou lel the adyaQce.with a gain of"JrTradingrw.as not ypry - active. - -" -j IJursod te DsitU iB t FIeM." IMah, la., April 7. The K-ye&r-oW dangheor of Fired Boriea .tarnior of this coant was, "hnrned ta death iaf a field, where- she and her hOlithut wae hnrning comota&s.. The htufhar hA to save her when her nat hy nnoibf hi coat atoaid: her, -wan naaflw Kho so Bftron'Fara to Ketiira tBoME, April 7.-: i parred in audience . -'aVi of mL rriaaaBK 4flaW nnnnnVanl Fnant Hfgfient Haon WnrkTs Mr, epkl MedaJ i Midwinter Fair. 1! v. rANDARIX Held a Hami DBTROrVApril I cal advocates of bi to their distinguished natia in the .Auditorium last nijth joyeda love feast of' partisanship of patriotism. ;As many more watch the scene fromlthe galleries. Theoc casion being the second annual banquet oi rne monawic;ciuD ana rue presence of William J Bryan, coupled with, the intensity of pnblio patriotism in the present war ,erwis, made the event .of unusual mtorestr - Mr. Bryan's address was, preceded by those of a half dpsen Michigan-free sil ver: orators, all of whom referred to tho war cruis, but Mr. Bryan himself made no detailed allusion to the threatened conflict, although his addre33 was ex tremely patriotic in tone. His subject, "Democracy," 'hvas handled rather from the br" ad .standpoint of free and cqnal.rights rather than from the line of a more narrow partisanship. A, letter was read, from Georgo Fred Williams of Boston, who wrote :"The capitalistic forces of the. Bepublican party have permitted more than 5KK),- 000 innocent womon and children to be starved to death in Cuba when tho American people have almost unani mously demanded their rescue. Thi3 horror could not. have been continued a month under the administration ot William J". Brvan." WjcnslBjj: 8tok Grswera Sfret. OHEYENXE, vy.t April u. TJie an nual meeting of tho Wyoming Stock Growers association was held here. Owing to the" flattering prospects for this year's cattle business, a very hope ful tone characterized. tho meeting. The financial statements of tho officers show that $180,000 was realized during tho last year from the sale of stray cattle by the association at Omaha anl other market points and. distributed among thc.qwnsrs of tho cstray in Wyoming and South Dakota. A proposition to inergo the association into the National IiivcStock, association failed ot adop tion. . . Nellie CI. TIiursloB Beache Fort. Sa:: Fkaxcisco. April G. The schooner Nellie G. Thurston has arrived in pore after a voyage of 176 days from New York. Tho little vessel was ex pected hoe early in March and seyeral times fears were expressed .for her safety. The Thurston is a schooner of 82 tons burden, and is commanded by Captain Dorzso'. Sho has a party of prospectors on hoard who are going to their fortune-iu - the- goldjlelds of iks. ,; Arterjtesiac'on fresh snnttft jjfeiteawgiroobgii k: Jwr deeti- DsfsKcccss, April U.S. H. Hari- seos anojnye xnenas, all or wnom. are rtaidocte'of; rhis city, will visit the : Transmississippi exposition at Omaha this summer in an automobile wagon propelled by a gasolino engine. Tne wagon was invented bv E. H. Hartsook and is the first one of the sort in tho world. Tho trip to Omaha will be made overland and after spending a few weeks at the exposition the party will start for the Pacific coast on a pleasure trip overland. World" Record t Target. Sajt Fhaxcisco, April 0. Adolph Slrecker beat the world's record on tne single targets by making 501 rings in 20 shots. This extraordinary score was made in the combination medal and boHseyo shoot of tho California Schuct- dub. .Streekor beat his own record hy,hine;points,:hTinjRvmade on a for- nW' occaetoJMa(inta. gtrcckcr's Aae work. 4I oc ea4 at this record, for bVaeored XI osfcof 30p33?i'jle bullse yea. v x Ye'ar la flie Ten. HAKTiS6T0X,'fNeb., April &.r-In the district conrtrPhilip Tt. Hildebrand was sentenced to six years in the peniten tiary, on tho charge of incest. Th; case was to have teen tried last teraj but the main witness was spirited away, but was fonijd in Knox county by. the. sheriff and brought back. Hjb debrand'is Gb. years of age and served iu the war, three months of which vs as spent in Iabby prison. U in m in -An Arm Ut ice to InsHrgenU. Madmd,. April 0. A telegram from Havana announces that the Cuban au tonomist government has decided tc grant an armistice to tho insurgents conditional on the approval of tho gen eral government. An error in the 'ci pher to Woodford gave the im'pression that McKinley had asked the interven tion of the pope. Fracco-SpaalsU Demonstration. Madrid, April g. Two companies of -.... -t t artillery ana two commmes oi &a&s seura sailed for' the Canary iiland to day. The" craw of the French trainiug ship Ipsghene pheered the departing trooDs. who with the crowds on the quays warmly reciprocated, making a franco-Spanish demonstration. Colonel ji. Wllbon Brack " Oxa'ua. Auril (J.V-onel K. H. Wil- burTltrfitTJiinction, Colo., yes terday afternoon. Colonel Wilbur wr -aae-of -the -nipaecraof Omaha.. H Jn4V6 fcfc Jld oMI WnS He wasTayer of Wit : to m - oliiiia JHar.on. Oarltofl, who nan boon., itbr for the Sioux City stockyards, has W9mm ' wiu go 10 Alaaka in oeoish of tipkm. Mr. Carlton ,ii'v-'knpf!- am fmen of reepQUfi: i Henrr Lee Bowlby of Crete, C. 3i Bowlbjr, owner of ?the ; of aat piaee. tor' be cadet it IB daaaaafxtMB m' iianiini iM mmm i fton fJbr. SMy of AhtericaRt is Gab titeCaimoftnaDelsj. 5BE1T OBUSH AT 0APIT0L. Piomwmaa BwMe t Gla AlMleB a - tb 6llerlee fsH-lle ta aate -Madrid Kepert a TfASHnfOTOJT, April . No more in spiring scene cpnld be witnessed than was presented in the great hall of the honee of representatives jast before the house met. Tier upon tier of people, from gallery rail to wall, stretched in an unbroken line, to the pit. where members sit. Upon the isfme of the day the. tens of thousands who swarmed to the capital believed depended peace or war. - On the floor the greatest ex citement' and activity prevailed. The loaders rushed hither and thither, ral Wfcw their forees. Rumors flew about !' If" ' "" wive xiw cwjciivu the president wouia ass. as k wea in take place; there a the president was here a group tyof analli- was d: ancobetw and tne san ap- dissatisfied peal to a group of .be- ing made, to stand dent and party organ was already oa.- In a corn itol the house committee' on. fairs was nieetimr. In tho old hall, the "reconcentrados," as the publicans who have been urgent for ac tion have been called, were discussing tho latest phase of' the situation with Rfnmiv -words. Everywhere was the militant SDirit which comes with events t.bntstir the blcod and aaickea the nulse. It having been arranged last Friday that the army reorganization bill should be a special order for today (not to inter fere with a reDorfc from- tno committee on foreign affairs), the speaker recog nized Mr. Hull, chairman of the mill tary affairs committee, to call it up. A wrangle followed as to whether the bill should bo considered in committee of the whole or in tho house and as to tho limits of the debate. The galleries watched thece preliminaries impatiently but with interest as the leaders on botn sides, Mr. Dingley and Mr Bailey and others uarticioated in tho sparring. It was finally agreed that- tho bill should be considered in the house but all efforts to arrange a limit upon the debate failed owing to tho objection of Mr. Ma (rep., HI.) who is one of tho most belli cose members upon the floor. A feeling of tho greatest disappoint ment was manifested in the house when the word went around that there would be no message from the presi dent until Monday. Members in the lobbies discussed tho cause of this further dclav in groups. Some of them, knowing that General Lee had cabled for more time, harangued then? angry colleagues who seemed to believe that there was a trick in the proposed delay. Mr. Cooper (Kep. Wis.), announced that he believed it was to get time to bring pressure to bear upon tho insurgents. Anoiher said ho was surprised that General Leo had "weakened," But the members will acquiesce in the delay. Republi cans anxious for action eaid that if live? of A mericsK oitixeas were endangered the delay mpot of-aowte. follow. .When the news reobedthe-4honoanda in the galleries who had been there for, hour3 they left in .intense- dingaet. As they peshed their; way eat into the eerridors some facetioas inaivKlnal remarked "Are w unh florf tc nia -1 1 I" In the Senate. Wabiuxotox, April '. A memorable scene was presented at the opening of the senate today. An audience that tested the full capacity of tho accom modations had filled the galleries hours before the senate convened. Persons distinguished'in all walks of life had come to witness a scene that promised to form an important page in American Jiistpry. A message was to be received from fho presidegt pf tho United States that might, in its results mean war be tween two great nations and intense interest bordering upon anxiety was depicted upon every countenance. Senator Davis has informed his col- leagues that no message wonld be sent iij. today. Senator Davis immediately moved and obtained an execntiyo ses sion. After the galleries had been cleared Senator. Davis explained the reason for the delay in -sending the message. He said it wa jlue to tho fact that there had been soms delay in getting Consul General Lee and other Americans out of Havana and that more time was absolutely necessary for this purpose. Hence the president did not consider it wise or humane to send in the message Vvhich njigjjt precipitate serious trouble and endanger tje hyg3. of tljeso people. 'lftfi latest, statement is that there will be no message until Monday in order to let General Leo and other Americans get out of Cuba safely. Kamors of a. Settlement. MADsro, April G. It is said here that a satisfactory settlement has been ar rived at between the United States and I Spain. JjAadrid, April 6. A ministerial crisis is imminent. It is understood that Senor Silvcla, the leader of the dissident conservatives, and tho conservatives. will, if necessary accept office on a pro gram of an immediate armistice, with full authority to tho autonomist gov ernment to negotiate and conclude an immediate a'ud effectual peace in Cuba. IS is confidently asserted a proclama tion ef the fleen regent announcing an immediate armistice in "Cpoa will be jssued.tomqrrojt. TJoetory tpMeet lBXtabfrquB. JDUBUQDE, la., April 6. Tl-5ixthji,n- SBal meetjn of the Trjetate ifedical gociy Tvaa eld in .fb city today. TWn- MJinlrljnnlnrtfn nganiinant pbTei- U Biinaw, Mian mi and Iowa. Dr. Sawrr Trauma r af St. Loak lis ; Dr. O. E. Ratk of Keokik Wyttyg Andrew of Chioafo, Tie wawiantoijDr. O. I. vJnaaa Wt? Ia.t tegaonror, and Dr. 3VW. iPowle a.Dnnnajsay seavatacy. zedu ef America as from Haraaa.. Washtxgtox, April The navy nartnwnt bas been informed of tr de parture ot th. BacBe ana llttf&&$ from. Havana with1 ac large" number of AnwrjcaMonboaBdr 1 how ever, that general ljeeJ& SO sL 3Lurid, April B.-rWiwliington's w. '. plj to the ugfCo qt Minister WocfordJp wiucn- ia, unaarstood ptaaMeat i nBaaaa hen aiannnnU18 P0 Haiisfactory lo "IRONING MADE EASY STARCH REQUIRES NO COOKING f . MAKES COLUKS AND CUFFS ONE POUND OF THIS STARCH WILL GO AS FAR AS A POUND OF ANY OTHER aUTACTURED TU.C,HUBiNGER JteOKUKjOWA. nEWnAVENjCONN, COPYmOHTtP Sr-.li: res Rrbitencss i a liiMttfal Jgr InnnjaMi, ctnred that For sale jg U Prarram Includes a Dash to the Ca naries lj the Pljiag Sqaadroa. TEXAS SAILS FOR THE SOUTH Ulgr Battleship to Jo!h the FIjIh Sj3ad- roa at Hampton Roads United State rieet at Hobs Kobs Frepariay te Go to Sea. "Washecgtok. Anril 6. The nlan of action for the naval forces in the event of hostilities is now practically com pleted, as a result of several weeks' constant work on the part of the officers to whom was entrusted this important feature of the war preparations. White these plans are naturally most closely guarded, it may bo stated on high an thority that one feature of them con templates a dash by the flying squadron under Commander Schley to the Canary islands. This proposition is as yet ten tative, as all projects subject to uufore seen conditions must be, but has re ceived most careful consideration by the naval authorities- As outlined by a high naval officer, the plan that in the event of a declaration of war the flying squadron, as it is now composed, will immediately start east, with the Canaries as its destination, Haval offi cials do not thins tnat it would do a diffioalt task for so powerful a fleet to establish a station at that point and operate from it as a base to harass the coast of Spain. From that point the squadron could not only bo placed advantageously to intercept Spanish merchantmen, but would be in a position should circum stances demand or warrant" so desper ate a venture; to attacx: a seaport. It was also pointed out by this officer tha to seize and hold the Canary islands. would be a severe blow to Spain, inas. much as the islands' He between, the Cane Verde islands aud Spain and in direct line with tho route to Cuba. Should such a plan be put in opera tion, the American fleet in Cuban waters would be coninosod of the pres ent squadron at the Tortugas and such additional vessels as could be spared from tho protection of the coast further up. wniie cnere wouiu, ot course, saia this officer, be a certain amount of dan ger in removing the flying squadron sq far from home, it was felt that circumr stances might arise which would justify the dash to the Canaries, hence the plan was among those considered, by the de? nartment. though, of course, not a3 yet finally decided upon. FREIGHT TELESCOPES PASSEITGEB, Latter Had ittopned te rick Up a Mail Kooeked from the Tr-.ioH. Stf.ubenyiixe, O., April 7. Th morning tne eastoouna .Pennsylvania, passenger train JNo. 2 struck a man. walking on the track and knocked liinj into the creek west of Fern wood, this county. While the passenger was stopped, an eastbqnnq freight, which was following it into Stoubenyille, crashed into the passenger, wrecking three cars, two of them being j? njlraans. The ladies' coach telescoped the smoker, tho engine of the freight and eight cars were derailed and piled, up and were badly smashed. The remains of the man wheuwas struck by tho passenger were brought here and cannot beidcn tilled. The injured, who were in the ladies' coach, are : Christian Stegner, national military home, Dayton, O., cut oa the arm and head ; Rev. W. S. Dowry, Pittsburg, left side bruised and both legs injured : Rev. Dowry's wife hadber left leg injured; A. Swans, cat about the head. The conductor of the freufht was injured in iamoinr. ConfapeBpo er LafTJrTiaj- Satst. IXDEBEXDExpe, Uf April J.' Taa. 4fith anneal conference of the reorgan ized church of Jesus Chriat a Laec Day Saints, sow convened at Inde pendence, pfomiseg to be a notobie one in the history of the church. Nearly 700 4elegata ira in attendanc. Eack delegate haj a pof t fQ present of' the work beirg carried oa. in the rarioas parts of the world. President Joseph Smith cf Damoni, la., the head of the churcKand chief of the prasideacy of tfcjfee. is directiag the work of the coa- .ueronce. .Disastreas Fire la Tekl. Yaxcouvek, B. Or, April T. News from the orient states that'by.a serioas Ire in Tokio 1,111 houses ware de stroyed, resulting in death aad dents to natives- Tbe'Jxe iartwl ia tb Sarakicjip theatar, 'aad 'wiag 9 a dafact in tils' wfer gjf steal, I5 street were cl3aned put. The 4ra was iaoer diary. Averaging 10 to a koaee,. a rear gamble avenge, there were 11 ,10 peO' pie. readered bomeleas by Totio'a big PLAN OF NAYAlACTO ll mm STIFF AND NICE AND A HALF STARCH 0Ly 3y BR0S.C9 r Ion scientific principles by men irbobare bad years of pcactfMl cores ota iiaea ana raaaor ureeees n umi and lastins SnLh. It is the palf Hare4 iiiaailpl aaitber anetuc. aim. or any itankr. yOORHEES IiUCAS, PHYSICIAN. Office over First National Bask. JgEDELL & THORPJSJ, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Offleee: North Platte Natwaal Bask Building , North Platte? Neb Jl F. DENNIS, 34. D., HOMOEOPATHIST, ". Over First XoUesal Bask, NORTH. PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. JJ S.RIDGELT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office over DoDgley's Drug Store, NORTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA yDLCOX & HADLIGAN, ATTORNS YS-AT-LAW, o'OSTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA OSee ot(h- Xerttt PkMa Xfttte&al Bask. E. E..NORTHRUi, D9NTISX First Natioaal Bank Bqirding NORTH PLATTE, NEB. p C. PATTERSON, .'- . . . KTTOHNEY?HT-L7CK, Office over Yellow Front Shoe Store, NORTH "PLATTE, NEB. 3E in il J. F. FILLION, PInier, Tinwoiter General Bepairer. Special attention given to WHEELS TOEENT HUMPHREYS No. No. 2 Worms. Irfrits' Bjag, 4 )iarr!iei, 7 Coughs & Colds. 9 Headache. . 10 Dyspepsia, Indigestion. 1 1 Delayed Periods; - 12 Leuchorrea. 13 Croup. 14 Skin. Diseases. 15 Rheumatism. 10 Catarrh. 27 Kidney Diseases. Not No. No, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 34 Sore Thread No. & ' "lrSfT nawpfereys' Uomoopathlc Mairoal A. , Farmer' Sana aaa Faowara who art br4oedwith twmu Mmiy Mrt caeta, toparsfiabed sail aa4 Mm af are . .are sew offered tbe opportnaMy mt Mmimg. Frte Hwsf tMis afifearMiatfae Canadian Wat, ta Im4 ef Ho. x hard wheat, 25 4 bs&fs fif tte atri. The Best Grafii and Catt3t CoMtry - inthoWorfcfc " Good water, tuu law, fat! 1 of f ' 'r - ' 1 FREEHOES! Snnnnntnnnnl at: Witt njl. fpr:; the Unit' re. anwaia8Jr M9 i I (aJoraBBBaaa t BBBaiBBBBBBlbk. - : ' - 1 1 v(uriBaHaBHaH I I III II III aMaBeaBHHHBailaW