;1RAL BAJREjEditokaxd Pofxebtor gUCKIPTIOKfJATZg. Obc Year, eufe is adTWM, -. .. 9LM glxXeatbc, eaafcl mdraaee A.. .7$ Cfar Smterd attkeaorthgtotte(Kfenwta)pottotB Meowl-claes matter. FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1898. Ten wagon loads of hogs were brought in by Logan county farm ers last evening. Claim Agent Sayers,.o the Un ion Pacific, is transacting bufine$s in town to-day. County Supt. Miss Thoelecfce returned yesterday from a visit td the schools in the neighborhood of Moorefield. Ed glove ix gra, at Wilcox De jaxtmextfaKore. - The infant son of .Mr.'ancLMrs. Gene Keysor was T)adlyt burned- on the arm Tuesday by pulling a cup of boiling coflFee from the table. Dr. T. L. Sexton, synodical missionary, will preach at the Pres byterian church next Sunday morn ing and evening at the usual hour. Alfalfa seed at Harring ton & Tobin's. Arthur Rima has bejran an ac tion in the county court against the New York Life Insurance Cor to recover $140, which lie claims, ihe paid as apremium on a life insur ance policy. After paying the premium the company refused to is sue the policy on account of Rima's Tocation and up to date has with held the oremium. -r-Tnterested attorheys'are prepar ing to appeal to the supreme court the following cases: State vs. Howard Paul, North Platte city vs. Waterworks Ca, Lincoln County vs. John H. Clark, Equitable Farm Stock & Improvement Co. vs. G. A. Walker, Stone vs. First National Bank. These cases were tried-be-fore juries at the last term b dis trict court. , The Tiigh school declamatory con test will be held at the opera house on the evening of the 25th inst. Thirteen pupils of the nigh school Avill participate, namely, Fred Labille, Irma Cody, Mamie Man gold, Jos. Baskins, Daisy Baker, Sadie Bakewell, Hershey Welch, Ethel Evans, Nettie Belay, Ross JStebbinsArta Kocken, Ivy Broach and Winnie Beeler. From among these, judges will select the three who do the best, and this trio will then compete for the honors at the contest to be held by the western division of the sfate declamatory association at Sidney the latter part of April. GiiHhis pat and Paste it in a Conspicuous ; Place so you " mill not Foraet it. Harrington & Tobin are al ways ready to accommodate any responsible person for 30 0 -m or 60 days time on grocery bills whenever sickness or mis fortune invades your home and temporarily absorbs your . ready cash. At the same time we absolutely guarantee to sell vou p;oods at all times as cheap as if you planked down the cash" with even'' purchase. Welnvite the closest (compar ison "'of our prices with those of soot cash storesi and if we are not in line let us know it. HawtiiKjton & Tol)in JT.Z is suited wat tne car-repair shops at Graricl Islandwill bfej -closed and hereafter the classoft work performed there will be done at the shop here. This will proba bly add a few men to the force at this point. It is also said that from this time forward all engines on.therFqurth district -heeding? re pairs will be sent to the North .Platte shoos. Leretotore tne en-. gines on that district have been re paired at Cheyenne. It is the gen eral belief that in the end North Platte will profit by the change in -the ownership of the Union Pacific WehaT 15 kegs of mixed nails for sale at $2.00 per 100 pounds, Harrington & Tobin. Dr. Galbraith, chief surgeon of the Union -Pacific will be present at the union meeting of the railroad ;ordersin this city on the A4a inst., and will confer with the delegates in regard to tne nospicai runa. will be fully considered, as each delegate will have instructions from his lodge as to what action is desired by the members. Dr. Gal braith will come prepared to give full igformaUon regard to the fund and all matters pretaining ther-eto. The meetincr at which 1 this, will be considered wiU' be held the day following the general ee t- :K it IT IS ALL TALK, When you hear people say they can not get some rare bargaiis Is . ...-;v- in the month of February. We have .some, great bargains for this month as eexpect jour new Spring Stock about March ij3ty,arid we. must have; room. We have, decided to give thepeople a chance to get some gocKi goods" for little money. 00 FELLOWS BLOCK. it nAirn lull f BUI 5 TV ILL DC BUI 3 5UIT GRATI5 F TriE5EM5 RIP "Ihisarment h&$ preceded .seams. doable Knees, I Star Clothing Opposite PostofBce across the vffif ffi cj ffi &fe t&j tfe CHi CrCt j REMOVAL BALE! Previous to my removal to my own, building made vacant through the failure of John H. Day I will sell my entire stock of Dry Goods, Silks, Velvets, Shoes'and Carpets at EXACT COST for one month, beginning March ioth. ,We do not wish to move these goods and in order to close out this just at cost. Look at these prices: Black Dress Goods which formerly sold for $i and $1.25 are now offered at 75 cents. $1 and r.25 Siiks,fancy and plaids, at 75 cents. 1.25 and 1.75 Silk and Satin Dress This is a genuine sale no humbug. choice goods in this line in North, received, worth $1 and 1.25, .will, were bought in good faith to sell in all know why I have to m.ove. Fifty and colors, at 25 cents peryarH. We ask you all to call and examine these goods before you purchase elsewhere and be convinced that we are selling goods at less price than We have just opened twenty in handsome Spring patterns, which offer them at 70 cents per yard. 1.25 this sale for one dollar a yard. Ten thousand yards 15-cent wide, at 1 1- cents a yard. Every goods are worth. Twenty pieces 20 cents per jTard, at this sale for cent Organdies at 10 cents. We have many more bargains which space will not rpermit usjto -enumerate. We have au immense line of j we will simply say ON3S.-H ALF PRICE to all -comers. Rennie, the Leader, Kennie. front. We are able to sell goods lower and give you a larger assort ment than any other house m North row money from' the banks to run our Bishop Graves will make an of ficial visit to this city on Easter day and confirm a class now being prepared by-Rev. Beecher. The late snow storm covered an extensive area, extending from Moorehead on the north to Pueblo on the south and' as farVast as De troit. w v Republicans 'should make it r point to attend the primaries to morrow evening and select dele gates who wilL put up a strong city ticket. The name of W. H. Hamilton has been suggested : in connection with the -republican nomination for mayor, butMr. Hamilton says he is cot seeking honor, and declines to be a candidate? Building operations" promise to be fairly active in North Platte this season; several new nouses are already "in sisrht" and a number of residents are fijrurinsr on additions andlrepairs. A number of those interested in musical matters are working to secure the return of Professor Gar- aens to jNortn f latte. i?or some time past he has been teaching at Greeley and kongmont, Col. The Chicago weather forecast for North Platte and vicinity is: Fair tonight and, Saturday. The maximum temperature yesterday atfNoctk -Platte was o5, minimum in pasf 24 hours '24, af 7 a. m. 24, orecioitation .52 of an inch. For 1 i thesame period and time one year ago the maximum temperature was 54, Minimum 11 at 7 j a. m. oO. pre cipitation 00. Supt Lawrence, of the South Side canal, had the ditch cleared-of weeds this week, and will, if ihe weather permits, turn in water from the South Platte river in a ew days. "This will give the banks a chance to settle before a full head of water is turned in. Mr. Law- rence expects to haye the ditch ully completed by ,the middle of, aext month- r ! FURNITURE E. B. WARNER. 1 rr nnvr and human ingenuity will neyer devise clothes which a modern boy will not wear out in time; but our sort of boys' clothes will wear longer and cost you less money than any other in town. .Everything for boys' wear at prices low enough to be within the reach of the most modest purse. We have a new lot, one in mind is the...... $2.50 SUIT, "Age 3 to 15, - "Mother's Choice" Suit $5.00 l-I All C A A.'Vollmer, IIUU0C5 Proprietor. street, ii ti tj tj cj tjy tw ii ii dp tw ffi- most choice stock will sell goods Goods in black at 81 per yard. You know we carry the only Platte. Colored Dres Goods just be sold for 75 cents. These goods .the store we now occupy, but you and 65 cent Dress Goods in black any house in Nebraska. pieces of all-wool Laurel Carpets cost us 65 cents per yard and we and f.)5 .!:: IS: ussels at Waist Goods, in all styles, one yard lady in town knows what these Black Ground Satines, costing: to ten cents. Five hundred 3'ards 20 .. "B. Xewis Shoes and to sell them the Stayer, Rennie always m the Platte. We do not have to bor business. , The Order of the Eastern Star held one of its pleasant and enjoy able socials at the hall last evening. Birly Mooney, daughter of the popular conductor, suffered i hemorrhage of the lungs Wednes Buy your dress linings of Wilcox Department Store. Miss Clara Rankin left yester day for a town seventeen miles north or Kearney, where she will open a photograph gallery. Rev. Suavely delivered his lec ture. "That Girl of Yours", at Pax ton last Saturday evening before a large and appeciative audience. The republicans of the city will, as may seen elsewhere in the pub nsneu can, meet in convention on Wednesday evening of next week The ward primaries will be held to morrow evening. Every statement fully backed UP by goods, No flimsy or weak- kneed substitutes for advertised qualities. See our line of Men's and Boy's hats at 50c upwards. Star Clothing House.- h. E. Hastings, who purchased a lot on west Second street a couple of months ago, is "now figuring on the4 cost of a building commensu rate with Ins needs and in accord ance with his view of a model home. The councilmen whose terms expire this spring are Joseph Schat& in the First ward, C. F." Tracy in the Second ward and David Scott in the Third ward. We understand none of those whose terms ex pire will -be candidates for "re-elec tion. Major Stillwell, of Kansas City; rchief officer of the Salvation Army for the states of Nebraka, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming, will visit North Platte on the 19th inst and hold a welcome meeting at the. opera house on the evening of that day. The Major is one of the prominent Salvation army men of his country. There will be work in the first degree at the. JT?, Kail this even ing. All kiiights: are -requested to be present, Rer. Haley wai inGrand Island yesterday attending 'the funeral of Rev. Stoecker, late chaplain of the Catholic hospital.' Y Max Einstein returned Tues day night from New York where he purchased an unusually heayyl stock of clothing and furnishing goods. Law business, in the. county court is unusually brisk at present, actibns being docketed for nearly every day for the remainder of this month. JBaskins and Ioveland recently purchased forty head of cattle of koren Sturges and. sixty head of Mr. Evans, who lives on the Is. D: George ranch. Laces aad MtferoiitviM at Wilcox Department Mil: H. S. Eidgley has received an invitation from the principal of the Osralalla school asking rthat he. act as a judge, in an oratorical con test to be .held in that place on the 18th. Mr. Ridgley will accept, Upon complaint of Gotleib Rhule." C. C. Drake was arrested - Wednesday on the charge of steal ing corn. He had a preliminary hearing before Judge Baldwin, and UpiHl Uliy uwu icuuuiiauwc held for trial on March 21st. Two members of board of educa tion will be elected this year, one to succeed Rev. -Foulk whose three year term expires, and the other to succeed Franklin Peale, who last year was 'elected to fill the unex pired term of P. J. Gilman, who. re signed The finest grade of painted barbed wire $2.50 rer 100 pounds at Harrington & To bin's. The snow which Observer i-iercy naa oeen expecting" tor a day or twe, arrived yesterday fore noon, and amounted to about five inches. The temperature warmed up after the storm and the snow is raoidlv disaooearinn-. thus adding more moisture to the already well 1 l o" r filled ground. Window skades, nawline at Wilcox Department Store. The case of William Roberts against Carl Lunkwitz, in an ac- tion of replevin on a verbal chat- tel mortage, was tried in Judire raiawin s court oerore a mrv on Monday ahd Tuesday. ' The jury found fop the plaintiff. Hoagland & Hoagland appeared for the defend ant and Davis & Ridgley for the plaintiff. .' JNot the lowest price, but the best goqdss.our aim in business. See our line of Boy's and Men's shoes, the warranted kind. Price $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Star Clothing House. John W. Wood, of New York City, general secretary of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew, ar- rived .on No. 1 Wednesday evening, He was met at the depot by a com mittee of the local chapter aud given a short drive around the city. At 6:30 supper was served at the rec tory to members of the chapter and the guest , and an hour later Mr. Wood delivered an address at the Episcopal church. He told of the. scope of the brotherhood, which now numoers jl4,wu in tnis com - try, and the 'work it is doing. Mr. Wood is a rapid and flueut talker and his address was enter taining and instructive. Follow ing this service a conference meet ing of the chapter was held. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Canny Cathartic. 10c, or 25o. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists reiund money. Our Price List, We still make the. price. You have not had a cut on groceries since we put ia this department that we are not respon sible for. Lion Coffee 10 cents a pound XXXX Coffee .10 cents a pound German Coffee . .10 cents a pound Mokaska Coffee. ...... .10 cents a pound Log Cabin Coffee., 10 cents a pound Kerosene, Oil li cents a gallon Minnesota PatentFour. . .81.20 per sack. Pillsbury Best Minnesota Flour .... , L30 a sack 25 lb. sack Corn Meal 18 cents Corn Cbop. 55 cent a hundred 4 pound packages Gold Dust. . . .18 cents Jkf.kSal4l 65 centa rfinhundif! Salt...." L80 per bbl 2 Sacks Table Salt. for 5 cents Yeast all kinds our price Jbas always been 3 cents. Lewis Lye. . .9 cents 3 cans for 25 cents Merry War Lye 7 cents a can Pearline ,..4centsa pkg 10 cent size Paddle Blueing 7 cents 5 cent size Paddle Blueing.". ...A cents Franklin XacYcagk ft Co's dab Xonse Brand of Canna Goods. Club House Tomatoes. .13 cents 2 for 25o Club House Corn ....... 11 cents a can Club House Succotash 13cts., 3 for 25c Club House Pumpkin 11 cents Club House Peas Early June Sifted 14 cents a cans for 4U cents We deliver your goods promptly and give you the beet of quality. If you appreciate good treatment we are sure to have your trade. x WILCOX DEPT. 4 borne JMercnanGS HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. ails.. '. . 12 qt. Galvanized. Pails . . Washing Machines . Shot Black Powder.. 12 Gauge Shells. vi. 10 Gauge Shells.. v Best Harness" Oil. r . ... . . J.... ... "Mixed Paints Copperas. v . . ...... Z SulpUUr '.yccnisdjwuuu iff Borax. ... 10 centsa pound W Cherry Heat Welding compound. 15 cents a pound h 14 inch Plow Lays - 75 cents each JJ 14 inch Lister Lays.. .. , 90 cents each !Jf 14 inch Fitted Lister Lays to fit John Deere and W Canton Listers 75 cents each HARNESS DEPARTMENT. W Hame Straps . 10 cents each iHf 1 inch Breast Straps.. , 35 cents each I; 11 Inch Pole Straps 45 cents erch 11 inch Breast Straps 45 cents each W.l inch Halters ...75 cents each fit Sweat Pads .20 cents each li Bridles.... , 50 cents each 4.1V IIICU JLUUUic OIIUUCU xug i.- " "VYe carry a full line of Bifggy etc m Judge Neville transacted business in Omaha Wednesday. Mrs. J. I. Minor left last nisrht lor a brief visit in Omaha. Lester Tarkington has returned fronra triD in the south and west. Piatt "White returned this morn inir from a trip to the ranch near Overton, w. A. Paxton. otomaua. came up yesterday and went to Hershey this morning. , r. ' S. E. Douerlass has been, trans- acting business in Logan county 1 . w for several days past. Guy A. Laing has cone to Hot Sonnsrs. Ark., to take treatment A. W tor rheumatism. Harry Pikes is expected home to- morrow trom nis visit in umaua and Kansas City. Thonias Quinn was called to Den ver vveanesaav msrnt oy tne seri ous illness of his daughter. Miss , Genevieve Wiseman, of Grand Island, is the? guest of her sister, Mrs. Geo. C. Graham. There are., no prices that can oe named on groceries that will be any cheaper than the trices you can get at HarriDgton & Tobin's. We torced tne price or sugar down to 18 lbs. for SI. We are centrally located and bave two livery wagons. HARRINGTON TOBIN. David Cash, of Logan county, is visiting his North Platte friends to-dav- Mrs. J. L. Minor expects to go to Denver soon to take instructions in painting. lA Boy Wanted" company came in trom tne east to-day ana will appear at Lloyd's this evening. Buy that new hat of Wilcox De partment Store. A. E. Huntington is building- a fiveroom house for Thos. Sitnants on the latter's farm at "the points" east of town. The Salavation Army is look- after and providing with food and clothing several destitute families residing; in town. The county commissioners will convene in session next aaonaay and will probably transact county business for several davs. All kinds of ribbon at Wilcox De partment Store. Fred Hartman purchased a fine iving horse of a Grand Island party this week, and the animal will be driven up in a day or two: m W.-F. Gates, who is erecting a uouse ior Joe Aveiine on ins iarm west of town, says he has the building ready for the plasterers. Dentistry. Dr. Allwine will be at thaNebraska- House, Monday:- March 21, to remain a few'days. The comedian with the com pany wmcn appears at ..tne opera r m house this eveningv created consid able fun on the streets ' this morn- - fng" by ks actions and rem'arks. He is evidently a good comedian. 18 lbs granulated sugar $1.00 at Harrington & To bin's. 9 Tom McGraw, aged sixteen, while out hunting Wednesday re ceived several shot in his foot from the discharge of a gun in the hands of another hunter. Several pieces of bone were, removed by Dr. Be dell, and fhe wound is quite painful. WILCOX DEFT. STORE. 1 Advertise what they will sell you goods for, but when you go there do not sell as they advertise.. We never advertise an ar ticle that we do not supply at the price advertised. We sell you .... ...2K a pound ...... 20 cents each S3.00 each 7j cents a pound .30 cents a. pound -.40 cents a box .45 cents a box 60 cents a gallon 40 a gallon ..2 cent a ported Dress Goods patterns at prices j-iuiuwoa , $21.00 Harness, Saddles, GOODS ONE PRICE XAXLXOAS JTOTSS. Yesterday's papers stated that the Union Pacific had secured con trol of the Oregon Short Line. There were thirteen trainb east out of Korth PlatteTuesday night, three of which were passenger trains. Machinist Morrison left for Indi ana "Wednesday night in response to a telegram announcing the seri ous illness of his father. JProm eight to twenty .Klondike- bound passengers pass through on train No. 3 each night. The low rate is an incentive for people to start for the Alaskan gold field. A solid train of thirty-seven cars of sheep passed through Wed- nesday morning. Accompanying the sheep were twenty men and at ! this place a coach was attached to the train for their accommodation. Laramie will be abandoned as a division station on the Union Pa cific, aud trains will be run through from Cheyenne to Rawlins, a dis tance of 193 miles. The shoos at Laramie will be closed and the mar chinery removed to other points. An Omaha paper says that a aximum age limit has been fixed bv the Union Pacific, and sixtv years is the limit for employment in the mechanical department. The paper states that the rule is now in operation in the shops in that city. Nearly all of the eighty-seven men who were discharged along the line a few days aero had attained the age of sixty. TO ALL SAILX0AD MIX. I will take your acknowledgement with reference to the Union Pacific Hospital Fund without charge. CJT. SCHARMANN. Notary Public Just Received, a carload of Agricultural Im plements, Buggies and Car riages. Latest styles. Please call and examine. Jos. Hershey Loeust SI, Mrs. W. P. Cody is figuring- on making a number of improvements in tiie interior of her handsome home on West Fourth street. It is ikely the floors in several of the rooms will be laid with oarauetrv. Five different brands of Package Coffee at only ten cents, a pound. Harrington & Tobin. This office is in receipt of a oint letter from Robert Aru'ndale and George Golvin in which they aver that they are not aoDlicants - 4" or marshal and court house janitor respectively in case of the election of a reform city ticket. The. executive committee, of he Ladies of the G-. A. R., held a meeting at the home of Mrs. Fan nie Baker Wednesday afternoon to make arrangements for their- an- ual entertainment and dance, to be given Easter Monday at the opera house. Everybody is cordially in- vited to attend. The committee will see that all spend a pleasant evening. The proceeds will be used for the proper observance of Memorial Day, the I, of G. A. R being an exclusive-veteran organizi 1 tion. XX. There are three little things which do more work than any other three, little things created they Kre the ant, the beo and DeWitts Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach, and liver troubles. North Platte Pharmacy. to rn m NOTION DEPARTMENT. Vaseline. "5 cents a bottle Thread . . .3 spools for 10 cents Cotton Tape . . . . . ; : ..V.-,. 1 cent a roll Finishing Braid 10 cents A Good Tooth Brush . . . . 10 cents Good Pearl Buttons. ... .. . ..... 5 cents a dozen 4-Bunches Hair Pins for 1 cent Crochet Cotton 3 spools for 10 cents 1 qt Fountain Syringe t 1 55 cents Soutache Braid 1 cent a. yard Knitting Cotton 5 cent a ball Canfield Dress Shields ....... '. ... .25 cents a pair 7 inch Horn Comb.ickel Back 8 cents each Rubber Dressing Combs 5 cents each Gold Stamp Fine Conib ,5 cents each Enameled Playing Cards 10 centsa pack 50 yd Sewing Silks 4cents a spool Silk Button Hole Twist 2 centsa spool DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. Kearney Home Muslin '. . . .3 cents a yard Prints.. . from 3 cents a yard up m .from 10 cents a yard up fjfik . c udtcd luuipicic iiuc ut xjlj utnnjs ciii new gut that will please you. SOLD FOR ONLY. CASH AND Ad, Byerly is recovering from a severe attack of pneunonia. Mrs. H. T. Rice has been con fined to the house for a week past by severe illness. The wife of Fireman Briggs .returned yesterday morninjr from a visit in Omaha. Book salt 65c per 100 lbs, barrel salt $1.80 per barreL Do you know of any lower prices eisewnere. It- so, we would like to know it, Har rington & Tobin. W. H. Welty has accepted the agency for the Fairbirry, (Neb.,) nurseries, and is now calling upon our citizens. The nurseries he represents grow all kinds of fruit and shade trees, shubbery, etc. TheD. of H. sociable, which was announced for Tuesday even ing, has been postponed until Mon day evening, March. 21st, when it will be held in the lodge room after the regular meeting of the D. of H. By order of the Committee. Edaeate Tour Bowels "With. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. If C. C. G. fail, druggists refund money. F0K SALI. One second-hand Sandwich four-hole Mounted Sheller, -with eight-horse mounted power, all in good running order. Jos. Hebshet. School Orders Stolen. The following school orders issued by District No. 23 to Herbert Votaw were stolen on or about February 10, 1896: No. 18 for $1.40; No. 22 for $40.00; No. 23 for $4.40; No. 29 for $40.00; No. 24 for $4.40; No. 30 for $4.40; No. 32 for 40.00; No. 33 for $4.40. All person are warned against purchasing any of the above orders. Herbert Votaw. May wood, Neb., March 9, 1808. LLOYD'S 0PEEA HOUSE, "Wednesday Sve.iTI ITJPCH 10 111. The London and Tew York Company's Triumph OUR FLAT. PRESENTED BY COOK'S COMEDIANS, 100 Nights 780 Nights Lyceum Theatre, Strand Theatre . New York. London. You will Shout, Scream and Roar. Reserved seats at Clinton's. Foir a Joke oir f ot Necessity, You wear glasses. Do you do it for the fun of the thing or because you think it's necessary? If you wear glasses for fun or a joke any old glasses will do. If you wear Jthem because you need them yon t better sight from the ones that if; ' We fit your eyes and ruaran- tee satisfaction. Jeweler and Opticiiuj Sagr&vingr fire of duurgs. 1 door south Streitz'sf Pharmacy, '