... . " ,J, . 0 i,- 'J. - Ii BARE,Eirrox axd Pbomumtok jOm Yr, o&afe is tdvaaee, I... $LX tlxkeatbs, caeh la advssee.... .T Cate aecoad-cl&HBtter. r - FRIDA.Y, FEBRUARY 4, 1898. .-r V The new management of ilie ; Jjhion Pacific is-using the pruning "Jcnife in all directions and in all de apartments and North Platte will feel the effects thereof temporarily at least. In accordance with in '' .structions from headquarters twen-tj-three employes of the local shops and round-house wilUgiventheir time this evening. In making this reduction a different plan wilL be- pursued than heretofore. It has been customary to discharge the ,men who have been in the. employ - :of the company the least time, but on this occasion the old employe will suffer iwitti the new a man's competency will cut-a big' figure as-' -to whether he is retained or "shot ;out of the box." Coming in .almost the dead of winter tne reduction is ,to be deplored, but it is thought ' :that this .cut in the force will,, in all probability, be .only. Jrtetnporary, and that whenthe new manage ment gets the road in good working 'order there will be a gradual re "placement of men and that the - usual number will be employed. Supt. Ebright has not resigned the supenntendency of the city schools, as reported, neither does he expect to take such action. A Jew small-bore populist politicians are responsible for the rumor. Mr. , Ebright will have a hearing on "March 18th, and if he is proven guilty of the charges preferred against him, it will then be time for our over-zealous and exceeding-: ly pure and honest pop friends to get in their work. The Chicago weather forecast for" jSbrtk Platte and vicinity: Partly cloudy, with moderate cold . t wave tb-night; brisk to high north Avest winds; Saturday fair. The maximum temperature yesterday at North Platte was'44; minimum in past 24 hours 14; at 7 a, m., 36: precipitation 00. For the same period and time one year ago the maximum temperature was 38; miuimum 26; at 7 a, m, 32; pre cipitation, trace of snow. Yesterday was T. C. Patterson's fifty-second birthday, and in the evening he was considerably sur prised to have a call from about forty of his acquaintances, principal ly grand army men and their wives. The evening was devoted to games and social conversation.fbllowed by the serving of refreshments. The evening was pleasantly spent. Miss Pike will give an enter tainment, assisted by some of the young people under the aus pices, of the ladies' aid society of the Presbyterian church at XJoydV opera bouse on February 11th, con sisting of -readings illustrated by tableaux, music and a bicycle farce. Cora ckop 55c at the Wilcox De . paxsaent store. ; The city election campaign this spring need not be very long, as citizens are pretty well satisfied with one year of so-called "muni cipal Ixef or ni," The republicans -'will -nominate a representative citi zen for mayor and he will be elected with but little effort, 1 For satisfactory dental work.of all kinds call on Dr. J. W- Butt. over First National bank. " - Special Agent Matthews yes terday forwarded to Washington letters recommending the cancel 1' lation of twenty tracts of land in this land, office district The ma jority of these are cases where the entry men have abandoned their J Claims. The officers at the Salvation -. Army barracks report nineteen cou- versions up to date. The pros ' pects for Kortti Platte becoming a thoroughly good town are brighten- ing.' - " When In need of dental work z call 6hT J. W. Butt. 'Satisfaction guaranteed. -Will Jeffers.who has been oper ator in the dispatchers office, has -been relieved of thajbsitiou. He. "will - be given a position along the 7 line, ..V- The board of directors of ihe the.Y. M. C. A. will hold a meeting tbf morrow evening' and appoint committeesfor the ensueing year. " - Sussell owles vas up'lrdm Maxwell yestefday'and last night waV initiated into the jmysterieVof v the Odd Fellows order' V ' C.Xr." Adams was! notified y es-'-iordaj&jtliatlii' services were no gerrequiredby the Union Paci- fic company, ; 5 j J. H. Manmngiwi 1 ber up from :-vlook over O'maha tb?orrow toj r -r-lr:C. 33. QrtoMf istontcrtain-1 Tfie r&K'-' ' ; Great on the Union Pacific is no comparision to the great" "riin we are having on our New and Artistic Furniture. We kave. a.large stock af seat asd tasty Eeyeltiw wkick ust fee seen tebeapfreeiaiei. Yoa caiiHOt make a pretent wkiek will be appreeist pere tkan an elegant piece ef faraiture er a fise pietore. We iMve Wtk. Pict'&re frasiisg a specialty. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. . E. B. WARNER. Where Did you I get that Hat? JX"ot at cmr store, else it would he ionable, though, you only paid for 4k We sell an excellent quality any of the fashionable spring FOR .KKS-Jur" $3.00 LougUj bat equals flu fashionable hatters S5.Q0 Tile, NOTICE our Show Windows. Prices and Styles, too many to allow us to go into details as low as'SOc. Lower price and best. Star Clothing House. Opposite Postoffice across the street. 4g l SWEEPING REDOCTIONS IN KT RENNIE'S Everv day a sale day. We have no wheels in our head butve will smash Mrs. Jones' Hub so as it will look like a hub without spokes. 10,000 yards best- un bleached muslin at this sale, 4c per 3'd: 10.C00 yards best gingham at 4c; 10,000 yds best lining cambricks at 3c per yd; 10,000 yds new dress goods, -worth 35c and 30c a 10c; $3000 in shoes at 50c on the dollar. We want your cash and we are going to have it. 500 pairs of our ilneSSc hose, from 6 J:q9, at locperpair. Rennie after the Dry Goods trade, soo yards best tabic oil cloth at 15c per yard: 1000 yards best percales at 10c per 3'ard, 1 yard -wide. An immense line of new Dry Goods at-the most rediculpus low pices ever offered. WE "WANT Y0TJB TRADE AND PSICES WILL BEING YOU. Our Spring Millinery will bo open March 25th with a now Trimmer from Chicago, and wo will endeator to give you a most choice and elegant assortment, and if Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Jones come in it will not make anj' difference if they bring a new Hub or old Wagon Hub, if they are in good standing financially they can buy all the Dry Goods they wish either fr cash or credit and at prices lower than any so-called low-priced Hub stores t We are Still .The ' ; iii the Grocery business, despite the frantic ef forts of envious rivals. These are the prices . that talk. No competitor dares go lower than -our figures. -. " . 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar for -$1.00 50 lbs. Pillsbury's Best Plouf - 1.40 50 bars Choice Laundiy Soap - "l.OO 4 lb. Package Gold Uust, - : 20 3 Pa. Yeast Foam or any other yeast lO 1 lb. Good Oocoanut - - 20 All kinds of Package Coffee - lO Pancy Maple Syrup in Bulk . 90c Gal. Take notice that others in this paper ask $1.50 for PillsburyVBest. We sell" the choicest California canned fruits; 1st grade at I5c a Can. HARRINGTON & TOBIN. Ttbo JDeiiireiry Waols Those who will take part in Miss Pike's entertainment met at the Baldwin residence last evening" and rehearsed their parts. Judge Marston, of Kearney, is in town to-day on legal business He is attorney for the waterworks company in its suit against the city. Crimped Valve Leathers 4c each at Wilcox Sept. Store. P. C. Murphy, who lives near Dexter, came down Wednesday to attend the marriage of his daugter to H. N. Smith. Within an hour or two Mr. Murphy gained a son-in-law and two grandsons. Smoke Pastime, little Habana. and Red Ifiglit cigars, made by J. FT Scli.malzried Mrs. h. O. Sherwood was pleas anntly surprised by a number of her friends on Thursday afternoon, the occasiou being her 28 birthday. Those present were Mcsdanics Leonard Snavely, Grand ma Clin ton, McMichae Watts, Davis, Browu, Murpliy, B.eeler, Joe Clinton, Be sack, Ben Clinton, Koontz, Mbrn ingftar, Zella Pinney, L. O. Sher wood, and C. J. Perkins. The ladies presented her with a beauti ful parlor lamp. At 5 o'clock ele gant refreshments were served. Ail report havingspen-fea pleasant al ternoou. - t ' ' S; " RttH ? -it.....Tjl,0lj jQerby and Alpine Tint, in shapes" Sl.SD. ! 4 Leaders . Miss Beeler, professional nurse, 're turned to Omaha this morqing. Workmen started in this morning to repaper and paint the interior of the Vienna restaurant. " "Doc" Sizemore went east on this morning's train, bis destination being known only to himself. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Orie Brown, which- has been seriously sick, is renorted creatlv inmroved to-dav. vrThe revival services, which were in progress at the Methodist church for a couple of weeks, closed last Wednesday night. - For sale "cheap One gray horse suitable for lady to drive; very gen tle. Also one set of heavy single harness. Mrs. Geo. Dili,ard. Hiram N. Smith and Miss Margue rite Murphy were united in marriage Wedenesday evening at eight o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mur phy. The coremony was performed by Rev. Haley iu the presence of a number of the. intimate friends of the contract ing parties. The brjde is a sister of ilphn B. Murphy, and has resided in North Bla.tte several years. She is a very worthy lady and is held in high es teen by all acquaintances. Mr. Smith is an. engineer on the Union Pacific and has made this city his home for about 'fifteen years. The coUple left on No. A Wednesday night for a-few days' visit an "Omaha, after which they will occupy Uie liougeoh east. Sixth street recently purchased by Mt Smith. TueTkIbue; ex'tends-ihVbest wishes. TiD UUUUO d.M.Nwi6n;ha. .received- his Spring stock' cwjalljpapeivx, -j. - D. Pv- Wilcox - returned Wedneeday night from -a-bueiaeV trip o Hamilfoo, county. , - . . The February termof district court will convene next Monday: It will be .a jury term. ' - A telegram from Denver announces that Mrs. H.iS.JBbal ie. rapidly improv ing in health. Mrs. W.'Jb. Croxtori? of Omaha, has been in town for, a week "receiving treat ment of Br, Bedell, Two carloads of hogs, were shipped from Spuds Tuesday by Mr. Cole and several of his Tieighbors. The city council will meet in regu lar session on Monday evening next, the first time for "thirty days. . . Will McGlonels face was wreathed in smiles yesterday morning over the ar rival of a fine girl baby at bis jhorue. Capt. ,Evans,of-the-Cody Guard, has sent in his resignation and it will be considered by the company this even ing. The frame dwelling of A. T. Geyor, of Cox, precinct, was burned Sjinday night. An overturned lamp caused the fire. Angell's Repertoire Company has been booked for a week's engagement at. the opera house the latter part of this month. - r Miss Ruth Patterson left a few days ago for Curtis, where she has been en gaged to teach a three months' term of school. While going home at jiopji Wednes day, Ed .. Weeks slipped- and fell on the railroad track, spraining his back se verely. - Pills"biiry's Best Minneapolis Flour $1.30 per saclr at The "Wilcos Dept. Store. Julius Pizer has made arrangements to have n trimmer come from Chicago and remain during the spring millinery season . The mortgages given -by the new Union Pacific company upon its proper ty are said to foot up an even hundred million dollars.' It will require .a copyist- about three weeks to record the Union Pacific Railroad deed filed ia the county clerk's office this week. Joseph Casey has enhanced the ap pearance of the apparatusof the Buffalo Bill Book and Ladder Co. by repaint ing it in an up-to-date manner. J. W. yoodry, circulated n paper this " week and received nearly enough money to pay for the construction of tho carriage for the field howitzer. Corn meal 18c a saci: at the "Wil cox Department store. The Sagwa company announces that it will nfe least continue its entertain ments until to-morrow evening. Busi ness for the company has been good. H. S. White will make a number of improvements tor the property , he re cently purchased of. C. M.; Duncan. Workmen aro now making alterations. Ihos. Rowley was thrown from his wagon by a runnaway team Wednesday afternooli and sustained severe bruises. The accidont occurred on. Spruce street. . Tlui Christian Endeavor society will give a Shakespearian .entertainment at the residence of Judge Baldwin this (Friday) evening. The public will bo welcome. sr.' SHOES THAT WIEL TKA.VEL THE BIGHT PATH AXlS SAVE YOUIt SOLE DR. REED'SCUSHION SHOE. HOW AKE YOUR I"EET? SORE? ' EASY .AND C03IFORT 3.C0. fl? m STAR CCOTHIKG HOUSE. The Union4 Pacific representative, who was in lown Tuesday paid abc at 318,000 into the county treasurer for the j-ailroads personal taxes. The B. & M. has also paid its personal tax. The ground hog saw his shadow Wednesday, and common reports" are thathe went back in his hole to remain six: weeks. But the ground hog is not infaliible as a weather prophet. The Research club has been conver ted into a social organization and will meet alternate Tuesdays at theliome of some member.. This new organization will have about twenty members. There have, been more than tho us ual number of marriages in North Platte and Lincolu county so far this winter. This is a sure sign of returning prosper ity, and a a abundandanfr crop in the future. Salt $1.80 per barrel at Wilcox De partment Store. It is likely an organized effort to se cure a reduction 01 taxation in Lincoln county will be made within the next fortnight. Taxation is so burdensome in this county as to make everybody "kick," and it is high time some effort looking to a reduction was made. Tho Bra may publish column after column of "explanation" relative to the county publishing contract, but the fact still, remains that the populist county commissioners" virtually robbed the tax-payers of $800 and will turn that sum over to, the editor of the Era. Garrison and Hardin make no attempt to defend thcic action they have no defense. The Kniirhts of Pythias members will entertain a number of their friends at a card party and receptidn on the evening jo February 18th. A. short mus ical programme will be rendered, fol lowed by card games, after which light refreshments will "be served at the Vien na. It is the purpose of Mazepps lodge to give a dozen or more of. " these social functions during the - present, year, each one to differ in fornTfroui the pro ceeding one. 1 : - JS yoti 1 b 1 K b IT k Hh' H 2 S 9 p D2 IKT YOUR COFFEE? We sell best quality Granulat'd sugar 18 lb. for $1 Hi m LION XXXX v GERMAN MOKASK'A LOG CABIN Wilcox Miss Ross Ginsberg left this morning for a visit with friends at Dee Moines, Iowa. Mrs. G. E. Erench, who had been in Denver for several weeks, returned home Wednesday morning. John Vernon returned Wednesday night from his month's jrisit with 'rela tives in Boone and other Iowa towns. Albert Muldoon, county judge of Keith county, spent Wednesday in town f renewing acquaintance with his friends. Jacob Pizer left tho early part of. the week for the east to look up a location for the stock of goods which he has in this city. Missliouie Gillilund, of Jefferson, who had been visiting in Colorado for several months, ame in this morning and is the guest of her cousin. Mrs. Gay Boyer. i 506 White Shirt Sale! : : Men's unlaundred white Shirts, made from Wamsutta muslin and : with linen bosoms and wrist- . i bands, They have re-enforced backs and fronts and continuous facings Cut 36-inches long" and I with two lengths of sleeves to j selecl from. Price 50c. See them. : Star Clothing; House. Prior to. her departure for Des Moins, MissEose Ginsberg entertained a small parity of friends at the home of her sister, Mrs Julits Pizer, on Wednes day evening. There are several localities in the county in which The Tribune would like a correspondent. These are Wal lace, Wellfleet, Sutherland and Garfield. Who will volunteer their services? Mrs F. T. Redmond was given a sur prise party Tuesday evening by a num ber of her friends, the affair being in honor of her birth anniversary, evening was passed in card playing The fo!- lowed by refreshment?, Bradford Division No. 200, Ladies' Auxiliary to theB. of L. E., will give a social m tbo First National Bank hall ou Tuosday evening, February 8, 1808. Admission 10c, including ripe fruit. The public is cordially invited. A high-rolling wave of prosperity struck the home of John B. Murphy early yesterday morning, his wife giving birth to twin boys. This is a streak of luck that does not come to one man in a thousand, and we congratulate John and his estimate wife. On the occasion of her birth anni versary Wednesday evening, Mrs. M. J. Cronen was tendered a surprise narty by quite a number of her more intimate friends and neighbors. Several hours were pleasantly passed in playing high five and other games, followed by a lunch prepared by the invading guests. --The Corry (Penn.) News thus de scribes a now social function: "The Wednesday Afternoon Embroidery club met with a member yesterday after noon and enjoyed a hobo tea. Each was given a tin plate, tin cup, tin epoon and red bandanna handkerchief. Refresh ments were served in paper sacks. Coffee was handed around in old tomato cans, with cream and sugar in sardine and sal mon cans." m m m m m THE m m m m m m m m Wilcox ..Dept. Store,. Has received o'.. - a fall line DRY GOODS which, are now heiag marked asd placed on its shelves. They invite yon to come and them. There is a Class ef People who are injured by the use of coffee. Re cently there has been placed in all the grocery stores n new preparation called GRAIN O, made of pure grains that takes the place of coffee. CEJjbemoet del icate stomach receives it Aviihout dis tress, and but few can tell it from coffee. It does not cost over as much. Chil dren may drink it with, great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per package.. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. use Sugar 10c A Department Store .Goods delivered to any part of the city JULTLX.OAD NOTES. ft Roy Vernon went to Omaha as bag gagetnan on No. 2 yesterday. Harry Brown went to Omaha this morning on tbo first section of train No, 2. George Buzza left this morning for a Ijrief visit with relatives in Grand Is land. W. Ii. Croxtorr, formerly a dispatcher at this point, came up from Omaha las evening. Dispatcher Cox, who was off duty on account of sickness, is again taking care of his "trick." Engineer Austin made the run from North Platte to Kearney, ninety-five miles in eighty-five minutes Engine 807 was brought upfromOma ha this week and vill go into-passenger service on the Third district. Warren Lloyd, who took a lay-off during the ice season, returned to work this week as U. P. watchman. Genend Foreman Barnum was called to Omaha Wednesday night on his busi ness connection with his official position Operator Vaughn received a pair o imported rabbits this morning, and wil engage in raising the animals as a "side line." Passengers bound for Alaska are pass ing through on every train. The Klon dike travel will be heavy in a fortnight or so. There has been a slight improvement iu freight traffic on the Union Pacific during the past week and a train crew has been added. Twenty five employes at the Union Pacific headquarters at Omaha were "shot out of the box" on the first. One of these had been in the employ of the company for thirty years. George Hammond will go on the 3 and run and Asa Searle will he promoted to the "J ulesburg swing." Harry Brown will be day train crew caller and Roy Vernon takes the place formerly held by Brown. The local committee has decided upon March 22d as the date for holding the union meeting of the five railroad orders :n this city. Invitations will be sent to officers and members of the respective lodges along the line of the Union Pa cific. The grand officers of the respect ive orders have signified their intention tion of attending this meeting. They are not "marked down." They're just from -the factory Spring" line of overcoats S8.50 to 518. Star Clothing House. Advertised Letters. List ofletters remaining uncalled for in the post office at North Platte. Neb, for the week ending February 4, 1898. G ENTLcEMKN'. Hughes, John J Heller, Fredrick Roades, Will WOMEN. Allison, Mrs Orr BuCts, Miss Ella Beard, Miss Allie Virdman Mrs.M. Persons calling for above will please say "advertised." M. W. Clair. Postmaster. BABY'S SHARP EYES, We hear much of the "sharp" eyes of little children. What a pity that when we need sharp eyes most we have so neglected and wronged these "wells of kindness" that they become wells of darkness instead. Do not allow this to be if in your case there is yet time. We make a specialty of fitting glasses to both old and young and guarantee satis? faction. Do not neglect your eves? Jeweler and Optician Xvgravia; free of ,ckarge. 1 door south Streitzs Pharmacy, w Hi m -r r i iJrTrtir rv ri fi nn"n in ri W PACKAGE. TWO PICTURES. "Hush Father is coming!" said little Fay f - To his brothers and sisters, who where happy at play, And quickly they hide their playthings away. ... Mamma glanced nervously, and ceased; her song, Merry voices are hushed, and "round faces grow long, Laughing annoys, and romping,, is wrong. Baby is lifted and tied in his chair And, father comes in with a business airj Not a muscle relaxes, and" nothing to share. After tea is announced in the quietest tone -" Each creep to bed wondering thalbaby alone ' Dare crow so loud now that "Father has come. Father is coming, eager faces -press against the window to see,. "Oh yes Father is coming" and tiny feet dance with glee, Kisses are claimed at the door And Susie climbs up on his knee, Charley gets a love pat for his medal,.' Tops, dolls, and kites are discussed. Francis as he rode broke a pedal -And Father's whiskers are ruthlessly mussed. ' r Mamma's face grows radiant and happy, And not one deiree from this circle1 to roam; Tea, toast and time vanish with celeri- Jubilloe has arrived, nor that "Father has come-. " A. It. D. North Platte 'Neb. Catarrh CamaetbeCmrsd with LOCAIi APPUCATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quick medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in tnis country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purmers, acting directly on the mucous suriaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J.CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are tho oest. 12 DISSOLUTION OP PABTNESSHI?. To whom it may concern; The partnership existmgbetween Sam Richards and Jacob Richard, known under the firm nameof Rich ard Bros., doing- business in North Piatt, Neb.. Gothenburg, Neb., and Cozad, Neb., is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Jacob Rich ards taking the Gothenburg and Cozad stocks and to pay all bills due at Gothenburg and Cozad,., and Sam Richards taking the North Platte stock and paving all bills due at North Platte NeU All bills owi'njr the. firm ot Richard Bros, at North Platte to be collected by Sam Rich ards and all bills owing the firm at Lozad and Gothenburg to be col lected br the said Jacob Richards. Signed this 1st day ot February 1898. " Jacob Richards: Sam Richards. Another Slump in Oil Kerosene Oil.... 0 nu n unubuiv AT wmcox DEPT. STOHE- STRAYED, Nino head of Texas' cattle branded ?V VU." Not dehorned. Will,pay re ward for information, leading to their whereabouts. . . J..JD. SHAHAN, X i 2;X 'V -A '- -1