.'V - ' -7 S5V 43 s& I- X r 1i !::!- j it- i 1- i ; T- si. i J " " r ! . . ... ISfc All Knightsof Pythiaiartf Te qusted to bVat'theiHiall this vex- c-; eMing". a?- Tlif rnmmissioners Testcr&rv Tpproveu me uuuu ui .r . xx.- own Tan as poormaster. Davis, the hardware man, 43 -the first to receive a stock of garden :andficld seeds in bulk. Miss Callie Friend pleasantly entertained a number oi her young--friends last evening at a birthday i , party. 'The board ot directors of the .fc'Y. M. C. A.Villhold a meeting Jthis evening" for the purpose of electing omcers. ..,V W. T. Banks returned the early :h: part of the week from a. business trip to Calloway, -where he owns an jr interest in a general store. - - The Kickapoo Company will "give a family matinee at the opera .-v house to-morrow afternoon at two. Ten cents admission. :f TUMnafu Seat ltsieii Homr $L0?rsck at Tie Wilcox Dept. IVIrs. Wells, mother of Mrs. M. "-. A. Carrier, is seriously sick with - pneumonia. Several members of fp.; Mr. Carrier's family areralso sick. The Epworth League Literary club will meet at the home of Miss Callie McDonald tomorrow evening the 29th inst J. C. Orr, Pres. v Klondike wave coming. Buy a pair of leggins from 50 cents up. Star Clothing House. As soon as the Day stock is sold or removed, H. Cv Rennie will remodel the room and move his goods thereto. The alterations he will make will add much ;ro tlie ap pearance and convenience of the room, and he will have one of the finest dry goods stores in the west. We talked with nine business men in town yesterday, eight of whom said their business thus month has been corisiderably-in ex cess of the same month last year.f Local merchants, as a rule, feel very hopeful of excellent .business this year. Indications certainly point that way. - . . egotiayonV'a're iio-dijf pend ing 'between 0,? 3B. "Hughes and Claude Wei n garni for the sale and transfer of the Vienna- Restaurant to the latter" If the sale is made, and it probably wilL.be; Mr. Wein gand will take" possession Monday: Since the above was put in type we learn the deal has been, closed. m m m m m m Ail the best and seasonable m qualities of Underwear are here in abundance. Just no tice sh'pw window. See the new born FIFTY-CENT Wool Tfleece. ' Star Clothing House. Road, men who are on the extra list are f ieling pretty good oyer the announced intention of the" Union Pacific of putting on two addition al trains. Itmeans. that several ad ditional engine and tram crews will . ..be needed. -The future for the road men looks bright; let us hope that chances for longer working; hours in the local shops will brighten. The Chicago weather forecast for JSTorth Platte and vicinity is: Fair to-night and Saturday, warmer Saturday. The maximum temper- ature yesterday at North Platte was 33, minimum in past 24 hours i zero, at 7 a. ra. 16, precipitation 00. f For the same period and time one year ago the maximum temperature was 13, minimum 2 below zero, at 7 a. m. zero, precipitation 00. Three sled loads of young peo ple went out to the Turpie ranch riast evening, sphere they spent sev eral hours very pleasantly as the guests of J. H. Turpie Dancing. card playing and other amusements were indulged in, followed by an ex Tccllent' luncheon prepared " under : the supervision of the host. The -V' -party was ciiaperoned by Mr. and -: Mrs. Doolittle, P , ; Rev. Mr. Haley is not sustained :ia his Y. M. C. A. action bv atleast . .Zr -two Catholic papers to whom he iiddressed .the letter which was 3giyea pblictty in these columns tlast .week. Both' papers we have twmii do not eei to think there is who aoKii'Jin associare mem ijin the Y. M. C. A. and 't akm,hk Only, members of evangel sidl. "citairotes caa be active -mciii-- f -jjer;rfiitioa. -A ff Dt"grideM "tiiat" were well 7 wxn aatf urortiiiesa: my ior-;iite. good tfa M done. . , -t: i . The ate m left at Dc.rMor U 4tMm4i;Jpe 5aw sctwta -SdT.at4l' fc e!y tlM affgiiUtwU JT8Ht main & jrrtwkift wiU MwMif1wiMtWffmraimrtM-aipUr. Ve terttotk. Tktmrt frtmUr a ipttiilly. a a ! 5 09 FELLOWS BLOCK. $10.00 Is the price for which you can selects HANDSOME STYLISH SERVICEABLE From an aggregation of over TWBNTY-FIVB PATTERNS. The fabrics are absolutely pure wool and fast color, and no Jy jgu matter now cxiraorainary your. it , i i? a.su.uy taiiur cciu uiasc lujuwi uiucu . t Lowest Price and Best ) A First-class Clothiers lne. l?ei ; Refund and Guarantee Suits ) drlain f igures. V M l. x I Star Clothing House- Opposite Postoffice across the SPPK WRim 1 1)81 GOODS- , HT RENNIE'S Everyday a sale day. TVe have no wheels in our head "butwe will smash. Mrs. Jones Hub so as it will loot like a huh. without spokes. 10,000 yards hest un bleached muslin at this sale, 4c per yd; 10,000yards hest gingham at4Hc; 10,000 yds best lining camhricks at 3c per yd; 10,000yds new dress goods, worth 25c and 30c at 10c; f3000 in shoes at 50c on the dollar, we want, your cash and we are going to have it. 500 pairs of our fine 25c hos,e. from 6 to 8)5, at 15c per pair. Rennie afterthe Dry Goods trade. 200 yards hest table oil cloth at '15cperyard;. lOOOyards best percales at 10c per yard, 1 yard wide. An immense line of new Dry Goods at the most redlculous" low pices ever offered. WE WAJfT YOUm TEASE AMD PRICES WILL IKLWG Y0. Our Spring Millinery will bo open March 25th with a new Trimmer from Chicago, sod we will endeator to give you a most choice and elegant assortment, and if Mrs. Smith or Mrs. Jones come in it will not make any . difference if they bring a new Hub or old Wagon Hub, it they are in good standing financially they can buy all theODry Goods they wish either fur cash or credit and at prices lower than any so-called low-priced Hub stores We are Still The in the Grocery business despite . the frantic ef--forts of erroneous rivals. These -are. the prices that talk. No competitor dares go lower than' our fi'gures. . - 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar f of 50 lbs. Pillsbury's Best Flour 50 lbs. Choice Laundry 'Soap 4 lb. Package Gold Dust 3 Pa. Teast Foam or 1 lb. Good Oocoanut - - 20 All kinds of Package Opffee - lO Fancy Maple Syrup in Bulk 90c Gal. Take notice that others in this paper ask $1.50 for Fillsbury's Best. We sell the choicest Oaliifornia canned fruits, 1st grade at 50c a Can. HARRINGTON & Coal oil dropped another notch this week and is now being" retailed at seventy cents for five gallons. Dr. Alwine, of Omaha, who has been in town this week, says he has had a very satisfactory . busi ness. O. Y. Ross is making-a car riage for mounting1- thd field howitzer recently received by the G. A. R. post. Cow ckop 55o at tke Wilcox De-; , i parmsHt gtore. Butler Buchanan will enter tain the old and the new county of ficials at his home in . the Second ward this evening. Smoke Pastime, Little Habanajing Wednesday evening and had a and Red Light cigars, made by J. E Schmalzried. -Judge Baldwin this morning issued a marriage license to Mart I. Smith and Miss Aura P. Foxt. bothof Garfield. Miss Fox: is the dakghtic- of that well known and prosperous farmer, Cy Fox. j Ehc magic of-spot cash makc j these record-breaking' H priced Overshoes,75 ccnts'upwards. Star Cwtkikg House. Perliapsno twniin the United States has a proportionately great er number of Cuban -sympathizers Tthan : 'T orfh- Platte. We have; vet to bear a citizeiTexpress himself otherwise than that the United States should promptly bl6w-tHe;Ltaied the ladies' aid society of-the E. B. WARNER. f Spring Suit i in c i. n y suape, .we jyiu ntyuu us wen 1 - street. - $1.00 1.40 f l.OO 5 20 any other yeast lO An "old folks" dance will be held at Keith's hall on Tuesday evening of next week. It will be a private affair. Judge Davis On Wednesday re moved to the &eary house on Second street, which he recently purchased. Judge Baldwin yesterday is sued a marriage license to Eugene Picard and MissHattie Baege, both of this citv. lor the convenience oi mv friends I have left their tills with J. G. Beeler, where they can call and pay them. C. Jj. WilIiIAMS. A number of couples of young married people were out sled rfd- pleasant as well as a noisy time of it. Cora meal 18c &sack at tke Wil . cox Depurtmcat store. The ' county commissioners have devoted all of this week-to checkirig up (he books in the treas urer's office preparatory to making 'annual settlement. -The Kickapoo company came iti -frpni ithcKwest jesterday atitl lasl night gare an entertainment at the opera feo&se' to an audience that fille4.iyfery seat. The company w"ill remain two. weeks. The Methodist ladies' aid sO-ciety;-Tvas entertained yesterday aftjsrnooa-by Mrs.-G: L. Williams, while. Airs. C. M. Isewton enter- Leaders T0B1N 'PfesteftfjAufcli.i ing advantage of itv V -; The, Wilcox Dept.' Store has been "busy for aufeyf days past get ting its ' "drffgoods 'iipartmerit i n shapej Qite .-a Jarge'stoct for this department ias been received'. Rebekah staff:' practice Satur day evening, Janustfy 29th, at Odd Fellows' hall. -.All members: of the lodge are earnestly requested-to be present. Th .Gaptain. Rev. Beecher, secretary of- the Platte Jurisdiction, has prepared minutes of the recent convocation at Grand Island, and is having them printed in pamphlet form at this office. Invitations have been received by several of ouc citizens to the wedding of Miss 6ra' Fox toM. L. Smith which will occur at the home of the - bride's parents in Garfield next Tuesdays Captain Stevens, ot the Salva tion Army, is this week soliciting monthly subscriptions; from, busi ness men and others for the main- tainance of the barracks- He is " i meeting with fair success. j Crimped YalTe Lneatkers 4 c eftck i at Wilcox Dept. Store. ' ! Judge Baldwin shoveled the snow from 376 feetof sidewalk be fore breakfast the early part of the week. He performed this work just to'show the people that he is still a young man in strength and energy? A large audience greeted John Dillon and his company at the opera house Tuesday evening. The general verdict is that the show was one of the best given in North Platte, It was clean fun from start to finish. Salt $L8Q per barrel at Wilcox De partment Store. Alonzo Decker, who was brought up from Brady-Jsland some time aero and placed in charge of Mrs. Pulver, died early Wednesday morning from paralysis, with which he had been effected for some tiirie. The remains were shipped to Brady Island yesterday morning. You will. make no mistake if you get your dental work done at Dr. Morrill'spnces the lowest.and work just as good as you can get in Omaha. Call and see. Major Walker appeared belore the cotnmississioners Wednesday and requested them to have the jan itor clean the snow from the side walks around the court honse. He also waited on the school board for the same purpose He was success ful in both cases, and the Major, has thehanks of pedestrians' for his efforts. Kver-y nobby hat w,orn this, season you'll find: here . at prices lower than you v ex pect to pay. We have the Longley Agency Elat, ..now ready for.spring. Seelllem. Price S3..&0.- Star Clothing House. Misslillian Pike; who has read here several times, "and who has for' the past "five years been su per intendent of ejocution. and gym nastics in the North Side school at Denver, is exbected in North Platte early in February on a visit to her uncle, Frank Tracy. Miss Pike may plan to give a course of les sons in her specialties while here. This will be an opportunity which many should embrace. Yesterday at noon John H. Day executed a chattel mortgage in the sum of two thousand dollars to his father, David Day, and the latter took possession of the stock of goods owned by the former. The mortgage was given to secure eleven hundred dollars which Mr. Day had loaned his son and for a debt of nine hundred dollars which he assumed at a local bank. Other claims aggregating about three thousand dollars have been filed. The stock will inventory about four thousand dollars,, and this with the book accounts will probably pay two-thirds the indebtedness. The Tribune, together with, citizens generally, regret that, financial misforturue has overtaken Mr. Day. Another Slump Oil Kerdsene Oil.... WmGOXW.STOilE IMfiALf We sell best quiiitranulat'd sugar 18 lb. for $1 1 ARBUCKLES t LION I XXXX I GERMAN MOKASKA Wilcox WW WW WW WW W W WV WWW WWWWWWWWW W WW WW John 13. Evans went east on No. 2 this morning. E. Bi Warner went to Omaha on No. 2 yesterday morning. Charley Burklund was down from Sutherland yesterday. Floy McGinn left the early part of the week for a visit with friends in Illinois. Joseph Schweigert of this city was registered at a Lincoln hotel Wednesday. Judge Neville has been in Omaha this week attending a meeting of the state exposition commission. Henry Goodman, who had been attending school at Quincyr III., returned home the early par ot the week. Ex-sfate auditor Babcock, of Lincoln, is in town to-day trans acting business and meeting old time friends. B. H. Goulding, traveling agent for the Unisn Pacific: has been transacting business in town for a day or two past. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Rowley and Bert Rowley returned this week trom Wyoming. They made the trip by wagon, and contended with storms from start to finish. Mrs. E. F. Rideout, of Trenton, v" Nf J., wife of the fofiner secretary of the local Y. M. C. A., arrived in town Wednesday night and will visit friends for a few days, while enroute to Denver. Mr. Rideout is secretary of the Pennsylvania rail road's Y. M. C. A. at Trenton. TWO NEW TBAISS. Commencing February 6th, the Union Pacific will put on a new through train between Omaha and Denver. This train, which will be called the "Colorado Special," will leave Omaha at tl:55 p. m., pass- jng through here about six o'clock in the morning and reaching Den ver at 1:30 p. m. Returning, the train, which will then be called the "Chicago Special," will leave Den ver at 3;30 p. ni., reach here about eleven o'clock at night and arrive at Omaha at 7 a. m. This train will be one of the handsomest in the west. The other passenger train will be a local between .North Platte and Omaha, leaving this city at 6:45 in the mo.rning' going east and arriving from the east at -about seven in the evening. Under the new time-card train No. 3 will leave- Omaha one hour later than at present. A sled load of people came down from Hershey Tuesday even ing to hear John Dillon. County Supt. Thoelecke has been visiting county- schools this week but will be in her office to morrow. The snow storm" the early part of the week put a sudden stop to the marketing of hogs, but they Tvill soon again be brought in. Tbe price for the animals remains at $3.10. Frank Fields, of the Swartz Shoe company, and a representative of M. E. Smith & Co., ot Omaha, are in town, to-day on business con nected with the Dayjailure. U. G. Sawyer, charged with acting' as a procurer for 'a soiled dove, was discharged in Judge Davis' court Tuesday evening. The costs were taxed up to the com plainant, ex-sheriff Miller, th E. ifonas and Charley Tro villo, of . Nichols, were callers at this office Vesterday. They sold a ; car load of hogs at Hershey Mons. day, receiving $3.22J per hundred for them, - I! u, ivllU J 10c A Departm'tit Store iWMwuM frnnrln delivered to any part of the city JLAXLXOJLD 3TOTSS. Engineer Burney and wife are visiting relatives near Wood River. E. B. Gibbs has been off duty this week owing to an attack ot grip. Roy Vernon went to Omaha yes terday as extra bajreasreman on No. 2? Supt. Park was called to Omaha Wednesday to assist in making out anew time-card. Tim McCartkv. of the bridjre gang, returned this week from a visit in Omaha. Engine 684 came out ot the shops Wednesday and is being broken in for service-by W. W. White Harry Brown made a trip to Omaha Wednesday as baggage man on the first section of No. 2- A Second district brakeman will marrv a well known North Platte young lady the early part of next month. A notice posted in' the Union Pa- cific shops yesterday notified the employes that the shops would not run to-dav. iorty pieces ot baggage were handled at the depot Tuesday nisfht, nearly all of which were heavy trunks. A. large-sized teed grinder, con signed to the Scout's Rest Ranch, was received at the freight house the early part of the week. Fireman Dillard went to Humis ton, mo., Wednesday morning in response to a telegram announcing the illness of his mother. THE Wilcox I ..Dept. Store.. X& received a fall line m 1 DRY GOODS 1 which sire now being Snaxked and placed on its ahelree. They invite yon to come and see them. m m m PURITY, GOODNESS. Good jewelry attracts everyone. Too many people imagine it is good only when sold at a high price- We supply high class goods at tbe price which you are able and willing to pay. There's every rea son to believe that these goods will appeal to you at the price we offer. Have a fine line Of Ladies Long Chains and Hat Pins some thing new. Jeweler and Optician SagTa-rim? free of charge. Advertised letters. List of letters remaining uncalled Tor in tho-poet office at North Platte. Neb. for tho week ending January 27, 1808. GKJfrLEMKN. Barnw,JC Marsh, WT Ffeher,L Nowell.HE Laademan, J P O'Loary J D WOMEN. Firase. Mrs. Ida Persona celling for above will plesee my kavw3. M. W. Clair, Postmaster. till 1 1! Ililili.ii Jul W PACKAGE. Teetk bb Eyesight. It is not ft generally understood fact; that the condition of tho teeth has much to do with the health, beauty aad usefulness of tbe eyes. That an ulcerated tooth will oftea cause extreme inflammation- of the. eyes is trae, and & ease im reported of almost total blindnees cawed by the teeth crowding together. A half grown boy, who had complaised of al most incessant uneasiness in his jaws and had been visited with periodical at tacks of the most violent toothache, re- tired one night in his usual condition, butjspon awakening the next morning it was discovered that he was blind. The eyes presented a most unnatural appearance and tho countenance was strained and distressed. After a good deal of investigation it was decided to remove some of his teeth and see if this would afford relief. Six teeth were ex tracted and the boy was given sedativo treatment. After a few days the sight became normal and there has been no re turn of tho difficulty. Children who ap pear: to have too many teeth should be carefully looked aft8r, especially if they complain of their eyes in any way. Sometimes the symptoms are only aec ondary, but an acute diagnostician will speedily detect the exact state of the . case. New York Ledger. A Valaed Tip. "Yon want to be careful of Geezer. He doesn't pay his debts. " "Thanks for the tip. You. see, I owe him money. " Philadeli American. SWT Hi Ht Hi FOOT SORE. is- mi m, m m . m m m m m o. m m m m m m. m m m m m m m m i w i Hi a Hi m Hi Sore and tired feet is often the result of an improperly fitted shoe. In fact that's the true reason nine times in ton something wrong that YOU don't understand. We've been studying this shoe-fitting question for a good many years, and if you're troubled with sore feet we may be able to suggest something A LITTLE DIF FERENT that will relieve j'ou. In the event that your feet are SOUND, to keep them that way "an ounce of Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m prevention is worth a pouddof & cure." Wo furnish the "pre- -vention" as well as the "cure" m J ust now we are offering for $1.50 m a lot otthe VERY BEST 2; shoes for ladies came to this burg, button. that my-- cver- m Lace'-oj; m m m m m m & m xm m m M. m Yellow Fron Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi m DECATUR & BEEGL15. Geo, M. Graham, Mgr. m in r j i li i u i i mm UlAuIMillalUliUiuiAJHiiJIMlJia &wT9 VW til Ww tftfll WvflvJl zThi LLOYD'S OFBRA HOUSE ONE WEEK COMMENCING Thinday ki 27, 1898 KI6KflP06; INDIAN MEDICIN6 Cj LOTS OF FUN ; LOTS OF LAUGH Everything neiw, novel and Up-to-date. Come and bring" the; family. Best show for the money oh thexoad. f ffffrf i III lit Shoe Store is. 1 4 "'.A. - "... r-1 .- - if