The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 21, 1897, Image 4

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Until Xmas; if you do, you won't get what you want. We have just what you want,
and at prices that will let you get that other one that you intended to but thought
you could not afford. It only takes a CALL AT OUR STORE TO PROVE IT.
Notion Dept.
Handkerchiefs 2c
1 Jewelry Dept.
Embroidered handkerchiefs 9c
Silk handkerchiefs 10c and up
Silk mufflers 50c
Ice wool shawls 50c
Silk mittens 50c
Imported Saxony Gc a skein
Vaseline..-. 5c a bottle
Good flannel shirts at -. . . ,75c
Stick pins 10c
14k filled gold ring's, warranted for five
years 50c and 75c
Misses Solid gxld, set ring's, at $1.50
Ladies' Solid-gold set ring's, at 2.00
ladies Solid gold, fancy set rings, at 4.00
Gold pens
Sterling silver novelties
Silver table sets
tea pots
Silver knives and forks
tea spoons
I " tablespoons
j Child's silver mugs
We can suit you in this line at
a great saving of money to you.
Toy Dept.
Childs" ABC Books
picture books
Siory books for older children .....
all kinds of dolls, from lc to $4.00
Doll carriages from 10c to $3.00
Tin tos . :
Iron toys
Rubber toys
Magic lanterns (
Banks '
Anything to make the little folks
Toilet cases
Work boxes
Necktie boxes
Glove boxes
Handkerchief boxes
Jewel boxes -
Collar and cuff boxes
Trinket boxes
These goods are the latest patterns
in the market and marked at our well
known close profits.
Crockery & China
100-piece dinner sets $8 to $27
Toilet sets from $4. 75 to $9.25
These are full 12-piece sets, in fine decorations
White combination chamber aud slop jar $1.10
Covered chambers, large size, 45c
Decorated ovster bowls 10c
Xmas Goods.
Decorated China.
Dinner sets, tea sets, table sets
Cake plates, celery trays, olive dishes.. ..
Berry sets, Oat meals, cups and saucers..
In fact we have the only complete
stock of Lamps, Glassware, China and
Crockery in North Platte.
Hardware Dept.
We are showing twelve or fifteen patterns of
csrving sets. A full line of Geo. Wostenholm
and Keen Kutter oocket knives and shears.
Boy skates, Ladies' skates
Boy's express wagons
If you think of anything you want
in the hardware line we have it or caji
get it for you.
Harness Dept.
Plush lap robes
Horse blankets
Riding bridles.
Saddle sinches
Breast straps
Pole straps ,
Hame straps " ,
Buggy harness
Grocery Dept.
Our grocery department is becoming more
popular with the people every day for the rea
son that we are saving every one of them
money (even on what they buy elsewhere)
through having cut prices to what is an honest
profit. This line is all fresh goods and is the
highest grade carried in North Platte. Our
customers know this and our competitors cus
tomers are rapidly finding it out, Come in
and we will prove it to you. We sell you
Fresh oysters 40c a quart
17 lbs. Best granulated sugar for $1.00
10 lbs, package coffee for $1.00
25 lbs, corn meal for ISc
2 boxes Mica axle'grease for 15c
Kerosene oil 15c a gallon
Best vinegar 20c a gallon
Yeast foam 3c a package
Lewis lye 3c cans for 25c
Merry War lye 7c a can
Pearline 4c a package
Mule matches lea box
5c sizs Paddle blueing 4c each
10c size Paddle blueing 7c each
Minnesota Patent flour $1.25 a sack
Comb honey 15c a pound
We have a fine line of as
sorted nuts and candies for
the Xmas trade at prices
that will save you money.
G-oods XDelrvered. to a,n.3r pa,rt of tle Oit3r-
m m m m
m w
IRA L BARE, Editor and Proprietor
Miss Maud Purcell, of Grant,
is a guest of Mrs. John Kay.
The Epworth League reading
circle will meet to-nig'ht at the
home of H. C. Laugdon.
Sheriff Miller's new home in
Miller's addition will be ready lor
occupancj' by January 1.
A number of 'Lincoln county
teachers took examination Satur
day for first grade certificates.
S. E. Douglas is an assistant
clerk in the Star clothing- house
during- the holidaj rush.
The old company ice house on
the north side is being- filled with,
ice from Lloyd's lake, and is of
good quality.
Miss Christina Ericsson, who
has been teaching- the Peckhant
school in district S9, has resigned
her school.
It is said the Chej'enne shops
will close down Thursdaj. the 23d.
and remain closed until the 3d of,
The Nebraska State teachers'
association, to be held in Lincoln,
Judge Seville responded yes
terday morning- to one of his num
erous busiuess calls from Omaha.
It is also rumored that the guber
natorial bee has already commenced
buzzing-around the Judg-e's thought
dome for 9S.
A L. Davis has the finest line
of Christmas presents to be found
anywhere in the city. Silver tea
sets, carvers, skates tor boys and
girls, etc and he still has a few
stoves left.
The Methodist ladies have de
cided to give the apple social, which
f, was postponed on account of the
death of G. W. Dillard, on Tuesday
evening next at the home of IT. C.
lgdon. An evening of pleasure
is in store for those who attend.
A bulletin was posted in the
shop yesterday afternoon notify
ing the employees that until fur
ther notice the shops would close
down at 4 pm. except Fridays and
Saturdays, when they would re
main closed all day.
Tim McCarthy, who has been
in charge of the fence gang on the
Third and Fourth districts, came
in Sunday with his outfit cars and
during the winter months will work
with the bridge gang under C. E.
P :
TlfP Hirff 1nrr rninmnr ir-p
comeuces December 27, and will re- e . ... . ri, ... . J.
. . . , I houses will be filled with ice from
main in session four days
If you can't think of anything
else for a Christmas present, get a
Gothenburg and Sheltou. with the
exception of that supplied by War
ren Lloyd. The contract for fillinir
Kodak. Newton has them at So. 00, the ice houses was first let to Dick
S-.00, SS.00 and $12.00.
Special Agent T. J. Mathews,
of the land office, went to Gothen
burg this morning and from there
will go to Farnam on business
connected with the land eflice.
- The LTnion Pacific has m,ide
special Holdiday rates of one and
one-third fare for the round trip to
points within 200 miles. Tickets
on sale December 24, 25 and 31st
1S97, and January 1st, 1S9S, limited J
to continuous passage, expiration
limit Jan'y 4th.
Kellner, but the ice from his lakes
is said to be filled with moss and
did not give satisfaction.
Engineer Chas Ell made an
other good run yestereday morning
with the lS02a nd four mail coaches,
second section of No. 2, having cov
ered a distance of 123 miles in 116
minutes, from Sidney to North
Platte. He made one stop on ac
count ot a hot box and set out a
coach at Ogalalla. It was an ex
cellent run considering that two
stops were made.
Bitlier Indies or Gentlemen.
Gloyo Buttons, Shoe Buttons, Nail Files,
Book .Marks, Hat Pius, Belts, Embroidery
, T ooisbors, luaniuuro Scissors, Letter Open
ers, Card Cases Bonnet Brushes, Side Combs, Chatelines, Belt
listeners, Garters, Tooth Brushes and other things too numer
ous to mention.
TVE HAVE e' mrkers, Hat markers, Coat markers
FOR GENTLEMEN riP raSs Silk Suspenders, Paper
. , . 0. TKnivef lWeT Razors, Scarf Retainers,
Match Safes, Stamp Boxes, Manicure Scissors, Etc.
"We would be pleased to have you call. No trouble to show goods
J eweler and Optician. v
5 "
W. A. Paxton, of Omaha, is in
j the city today.
i --C. H. Pool returned last night
1 from a brief visit in Omaha.
I Mrs. H. S. Slack is entertain
ing the Presbyterian ladies' aid
society this afternoon.
The finest line of choice mixed
caudies and nuts in the city at
Brazelton's, Williams' old stand.
John E. Evans returned Sun
da)' from Sidne' where he inspected
the G. A. R. post the evening be
fore. He reports a very pleasant
Harrington & Tobin yesterday
ordered a carload of sugar from a
New Orleans factor' which is not
in the trust and which sells direct
to the retailer.
Pillsbury's Best Minneapolis Flour
$1.50 per sack at The Wilcox Dept.
Will Leonard, the sweet-toned
lyre of the Saturda Record, ex
pects to go Lincoln to-morrow
night to spend Christmas with his
parents, who have planned a fami
ly reunion.
I. E. VanDoru, who has been
suffering the past four weeks from
an obstraction of the bowels, is in
rather a precarious condition, and
his physician says that unless the
difficult' can be removed otherwise
an operation will be necessary at
The programme lor the enter
tainment by the Y. M. C. A. New
Year's evening is now complete and
will be published in a few days.
The committee has spared no pains
in securing the best talent of the
city and they are satisfied that the
entire evening will be intensely in
teresting. The ladies auxilliary
will serve luncheon free to all who
attend. Admission will be 25 cents
and the entire proceeds will go foi
the purchase of books for the
library. The association is just
closing its sixth year's work and
the prospects for the future are
bright indeed. Remember, all roads
will lead to the entertainment New
Year's evening.
At a regular meeting of S. A.
Douglass corps December 11, it was
decided to have no meeting on first
Saturday in January, our regular
day, but have a special meeting on
the second Saturday, January 8. In
the evening of that day our officers
will be installed jointly with the G.
A. R. and S. of Vs. Our officers
elect are: President, Mrs. Jennie
Birge: Senior Vice Pres., Mrs.
Hannah Black; Junior Vice Pres.,
Mrs. Mary McMichael; Chaplin,
Mrs. Pauline Hine; Secretary, Mrs.
Sata McMichael; Treasurer, Mrs.
Mary L. Patterson; Con. Mrs.
Lydia Bonner; Guard, Mrs. J3tta
Jeffers: Assistant Con., Mrs. De
vine; Assistant Guard, Mrs. Con
right; Organist. Mrs. Etta Bonner.
Mary J. Yoqijry, Pres.
Great Run
on the Union Pacific is no comparision to the great
run we are having on our
Hem and artistic furniture for Christmas Presents.
We have a large stock of neat and tasty novelties which must bs seen
to be appreciated. You cannot make a present which will be
appreciated more than an elegant piece of furniture or a fine picture. We
have both. Picture framing a specialty.
Editor Ellingham spent Sunday 1 A young man with a new suit
with friends in Sutherland. j of clothes seldom fails to step off
Ed Seyferth and son Frank rerjtUe train at every station when
turned Sundav night from a brief j traveling.
! W. R- Akers, ot Scotts Bluffs
up country, has been appointed regis
tG ter of the U. S. land office at AU
I liance.
visit in Omah.
H, E. Worrell came came
from Brady Island Saturday
take teacher's examination.
Miss Luella Salisbury, who
j is teaching school at Elizabeth,
i spent Sunday with her parents.
..... r r - . , ; put in operation in a short time.
. A choice line of fancy mixed r
' candies for Christmas at Arm- Chicago parties announce their
'strong's restaurant. j willingness to erect a sugar facto-
' Jake Miller and wife returned i T at Gothenburg if the citizens of
from Norfolk Sunday niirht, where ; u,e ia"er Piace win give a oonus
The Curtis mill has been pur
chased by local business men and
both the mill and elevator will be
Christmas Sale at
From now till Christmas we will make the great
est clearing sale of the age. An elegant line
of Ladies' Coats, Jackets, Muffs, Collarettes,
Boas, Mittens and Gloves, at cost and less.
Mrs. Bertha Cassell was taken to
the asylum.
The young gentlemen
ers of a fair haired lassie
of the
of S150, 000.
Land Office nt North Platte, Xeb., )
December l.t, 1M7. f
Xoticc i.s hereby uiven that Fruuk M. ShiAls
Baptist school "Chipped in" and j filed notice of intention to make final proof
J raised quite a lieat Sum Ot mOlieV . Platte. Xeb., on Satnrday, the2Sth day of January,
I ... , . , . , . ,, - 7 lS, oil timber culture application Xo. 12,.8U.
it mi i piisuuii. m.1 ti v- hi io U- j wir me fouiiiwesi qnaneroi s-ecuon .no. ;rj. in town
Elegant $25.00 fur capes at $15.00
15.00 " 10.00
Elegant $20.00 fur capes at $12.50
12.50 7.50
1 mas present.
All our Jackets and capes at cost and less.
$25 coats and capes at - $15 $20 coats and capes
15 - 10
Elegant $12.50 and $10 Jackets and capes at $6.50 to close.
Kiogant fur collarettes, 2.50 to 810.00 ' All our ?I .V) and $1.75 kid gloves
All our elegant Slidrcss patterns at 8.50 . in all colons at ... 1-25
$10 patterns at - - S7.50 Elegant fur mutT. from 1.00 to 12 50
8.50 patterns at - - 6.00 , All dress goods at cost and less.
Now is the lime of your hfs to buy goods al your own price.
-Police Judjre Davis had a
fhinXo. 12 north, ranee Xo. :$ we?-t. He names a
witnesses Charle 'Winner, John Jlou-en, James
Sites aud John Waters, all of Walluce. Xeb.
121-B JOHXF. UIXMAX. Kegidter.
nine linoleum carpet put down in !
his office last week and hereafter
he will impose on evil doers that
come before him an extra tax to
help pay for it.
; Will Roland is now sporting
; bicycle of the Syracuse make which
he won in a raffle Saturday nig-lit. !
Will is putting" in his spare time!
.mstat present learning to take
Will Dolan, of Maxwell, came
up up Saturday to take teacher's
Mr. and Mrs. C. LAdams will
leave to-morrow morning- for Ra
cine, Wisconsin, to visit a week
with the former's parents.
A I.,.., ..,.,1:,,. .4,1 I
Jule Walters and his company at !
the opera house last night and the
play gave excellent satisfaction.
Messrs. J. O., D. P. and C. O.
Wilcox returned Sunday night from
Kearney where they went on the
sad mission to attend the funeral
of their brolher-in-law Mr. Kitz
miller, which took place Sunday af
ternoon, Slipjicrs and Christinas jo hand
in hand, and the men's slippers arc
going from hand to foot here. $1.40
and $1.70. See them.
Star Clothing J louse.
In our rounds vesterdav
Christmas Gifts!
r y
headers in a graceful manner.
Business Suits at business prices. See our
86, S7.50 and S10 line.
I One of the most gratifying- evi-
f dences of prosperity in these parts
j comes from our business men, who
' report an excellent trade during
j the past few weeks. Last Satur
i day's sales exceeded the expecta
j tions of the most hopeful merchants
I and that these conditions will con-
tinue there can be no doubt.
all our fancy
jrenuine imported
Austria, Ger-
Christmas gitts worth having.
We have a fine assortment in cut
called at the Star clothing- house to: Sls aecoratca gooas, si yer ana
... , , r .. -;gold, glove boxes, handkerchief
get the regular change of matter, oxeStTllsh and comb sets, mani-
for its advertisement. Mr. Vollmercure setSt jewel cases, gold pens,
exclaimed that he had no time to j link buttons, stick-pins, fancy hat
give advertisements any attention, ! P.5"s. silver mounted suspenders,
and that his rush of business the
past few days led hini to believe
that his "ad" wasO. K. as it stood.
The Star "ad" again appears in
this issue on the second page. Read
it and profit thereby..
rings, watches, and so many arti
cles that are suitable that we can
not describe. Will be pleased to
have 3011 call and look them over.
Jeweler ancl Optician
Engraving free of charge.
' goods from France,
I man and Japan.
, Harriugtox & Ton ix.
i Next Saturday will be Christ
I mas, and not only have the little
, folks inalienable rights in the par
ticipation of the festivities of the
occasion but older ones, as well,
from tradition are bound by im
perishable ties to cherish the mes
sage of '-Peace on earth good will
toward men." The close of the
nineteenth century should witness j
a renewal of interest in dear old !
Santa Claus, and from present in
dications the good people of North
Platte will contribute liberally to
that end. At the various churches
the children will be entertained
with usual care in the preparation
of the general feast of happiness,
while at some of the churches, un
usual interest is already- manifested.
.-7 s
Lace and
Ladies vlio desire a
stylish, well-made fine
Shoe at $2.00 can eet
them from us that are tlie
equal of many sold for
$2.50 and $3.00 at other
!i Yellow Front
! -
Geo, M. Graham, Mgr.