Jf" am so. 101 NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 3, 1897. YOL. XIII UA H A A. . utmutij ' : - Swede" on a We Have no losrajjSsL against the -Terrible 3333333-:4S2:9 home trainer at the u EVENTS IN NEBHASSA. -. . . MK. . . Denver ana Dear onera house in Lawsens record for a half mile but ... 1 . ij Tf'c rnr cnnt rash To advertise Never had such a run of trade; in iact its a regular mcu. - - r-- knoctou p ic4 that has done it. We have new goods arriving daily. We are m a position to Lppt all a'nd Lry want of our customers at prices never thought of by our competitors who advertise "closing-out sales," "out of business m so days, etc., etc. Underwear Dept. Men's all-wool Fleece. . . .50 cents per g-arment -Men's all-wool Fleece. . ..95 cents per garment Men's heavy Plush Wool, 51.15 per garment Men's Cotton, a good garment for. . . 25 cents Children's cotton, size IS, Sets, 2c rise pr size Children's wool, size 18, 25 cts, 5c rise per size the swine. 1 r r i 36-inch Henrietta 20 cents per yard 45-inch all-wool Serges 3S cents per pard A beautiful line of Novelties at 30. 45 and 55c g. ury Goods Dept x 40 'bolts Outing Flannel, a good article ,iu Amoskeag Ginghams Scents per yard Kearney Home Muslin, by bolt, Ucts per yard Holiday Goods. Dolls, Celluloid Novelties, Books,Furs, Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Silk and Wool Mittens, Neckwear, etc. Our stock of these goods is very complete and everybody will find something to please at the right price. We extend to you a cordial invi tation to look us over. We can save you money i9 The Methodists of Stuart have in the second half he broke a toe just completed a church that cost clip and finished the mile somewhat lhem 53,000 slower than Ins opponent. T n countrv we5t Gf Newcastle Thursday a large crowd oE friends Cu0iera -1S working sad havoc among assembled at Mrs. ftiarcotts to feast in honor of the marriage of her daughter May. After a sump- r the afternoon was t II V t J spent in social enjoyments and music. In the evening the dining room was cleared and a nice little dance was had as music had come rintiipnhnrp-. it is an oc- casion all will remember, with much pleasure. FREE ! This Beautiful BROBfZE CLOCK BOSTON STORE. MAXWELL. A light snow fell all; day Wednesday. Nebraska's corn crop for 1S07 is J nearly all harvested. The yield is, . omQTrWf.lip considerably less than expected. Igivou oiwwj k,j It is far better, says the Cedar Rapids Outlook, to go to the sand hills and raise cattle than to Klon dike to dig for gold. A movement is on foot to organ ize a company of Sarpy county peo ple for the purpose of sending pros pectors to Klondike next spring. A man near Diller claims to have husked and cribbed 2,000 bushels W. 5. B&ns, frop.. -o..i T;n,i0c enfant Saturday in of corn in nineteen days. No won- xvuaaci 1. j iv--j i' j I t . 11 i 1: : 4i. North Platte. aer lIlere are sseputs 111 tut miiu. 1 .... Mrs Herrin-- 0f Willard was in The suit against the commiss- " - r i ...1 town Monday. loners 01 uoone. county iu amiui Tolm Moore was a Sunday visitor their action in puchasing a poor in Gothenburg. farm was dismissed by Judge Thompson on the ground that the petition of plaintiff was fault). The two women bandits and their male accomplice who held up . . . r ai Quite a number in this vicinity KHnesmidtfWnLRushville. T, ------- -h WPr summoned to appear at the . , 1 ,t in,i,r. -w , . 1 were irrehLCU lu icsuat uuu iwu,. Henry Appleford spent Tuesday in North Platte. Miss Tillie Walters returned to her home at Willard Sunday. ill ! F.AklN t vSALb '5 P tKKA 1 CI pob szss'T's- xd-its ajsrxsr-. jWe are overstocked with goods and must unload as we need money. Look and compare prices with any city in tlie union. Woolen Cheviot Suits in brown and black, sizes 36 1042, at Fine all-wool mens suits, all sizes, for $5,50, $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 up to $16.50 Mens Overcoats from $2.50, and as fine as you want them. Boys Overcoats $i up A o-ood heavy suit for a child for $ , better ones for 51.50 up to 3- Bo''s LonS Pants Suits from 2 up to S,o, ages from 12 to .9 years. Good working pants for 9o cents which will not rip; in fact everything will be sold so cheap that you can nr,t hrn but buv. Please give us a call, liWL X v - j moaei liuui o 1 T: 9 .a - - M. Einstein, Prop. FOLEY'S OLD STASIS. Rawlmgs trial in tne i-iaue. ed in the Slieridan couutv jail. . 1 t 1 . I A. W. l-lumer, wuo uas ueuu m T1 0malia citv coimcil has re the east for the past month, is ex- led the ordinance permitting the pectea nomc uie luucr Wl 11113 slot machines to run in that citv week. an(j tne police are expected to do C. W. Home has nearly completed tie resr piie action of the council a new carriage house and granary. vas unanimous and decisive and Mr. Hoagland, of Gothenburg, does the machines seem doomed. There the work. . are other towns which might emu- Atrc AitctJn irntvn of North lntp iliis pvamnle with credit to Platte spent a few days with her j themselves. sister, Mrs. James Brace, on the Tue sujt brought by Buffalo south side. county against F. Y. Robertson for Rumor says C. H. Kuhns will in seCuring county deposits for a de the near future accept a position funct bank under false pretense was with Richard Bros, of North Platte, dismissed by Judge Sullivan Wed The family will remain in town. nes(jay on the grounds that the Our young people are beginning suit was brought too late and the to skate. Two parties went out complaint did not show Robertson last week. The present weather will has used or appropriated any of the The above cut represents one of our handsome bronze clocks now on exhibition at our store which we propose to give to our cash cus tomers entirely free of charge in consideration of their liberal patron age. We beg to state that our prices, which are always rock-bottom for first-class goods, will remain the same, and this special offer is made for the purpose of increasing our cash trade. These clocks are made of bronze and are beautiful mantel orna ments as well as first-class time keepers- Please give us an early call and we will take pleasure in showing you the clocks, and explaining in detail how you can secure one of these useful gifts-. By means of punch cards or coupons we record your cash purchases from time to time, and when these purchases reach a specified sum, according to different de signs of clocks, we will present you with one of these beautiful time keepers ABSOLUTELY FREE. Trusting you will take advantage of this liberal offer, and tavor Ub with your patronage, we remain, ! insure plenty of this most desirable funds deposited. The Boi JULIUS PIZER, PROP- DRY GOODS, CARPETS, SHOES. ETC. 11. Uotou's Clerical Komany. ! Sito of the Uraiu. "I have it on the authority of Wil- j The British Association F tho Ad liam Dean Howells aud other eminent , vanceuient cf Science at its annual niect BoBtouians that there is iu the capital , iBS took up among other things the of Massachusetts a certain ck-riryinaii study ci ihe structure of human beings, of widespread fame who, unknown to . it comments on the manner in which the world at large, is a Romany. Every J the human anatomy is put together 111 summer this reverend gentlen.au aui:ot ! order to give grace and freedom of ac resiet joining soma gypsy Land rim! j tiou. These peculiarities arc to a great icatcu iv-umq D. x . j - , I roamiug from place to plate us his J.111-: exteat wanting m tne iowe. .imi..... Mfg Moore returned dred have done since within the memory , The marktu superiority of the hand the fore paw ct any creaiuro is 1 irum uic tdoi. u..v- dred of mail NEWS PK0M THE COUNTRY PRE0IH0TS. A 7 D. Brunk recently put a new roof on his house. Little do the good man s eon- over gregatiou dream that, whilo tin y pic- ! dwelt upon. The bram comes 111 for spc turc him as sedately journeying abroad, cial study. It is said that the brains of "y 1 i. i1.A l.iwfli till w ho is sitting beside gypry campnres anu boys weign more at 1 chattering tho wild Rtmiauy tongue, to those of girls and that D. Schrambling is now comfort ably settled on the A. M. Stoddard their birth than i- n rS (ivnr, : ill- I nl arp. nhntfpriiit? tho wiJa Komauy louguu, m tnose 01 gnis aim iuai t, j v all intents and purges a vagrant. Uut, tellcctual power have brains tuat weigb R J 55 or GO ounces, vmio nnuu i ..rn isit w5th his son, the last fi p.s niav not vuiKii uu"- nv TTnwoiic uniiitpfl out. neno ver heard it said that this preacher preached any tho worse for his wild, free life over road and prairie. Indeed the increased vigor aud cloqnenco of his sermons im mediately after each successho annual vacation' have long Leen matters of comment in Be: ton. " Washington Star. In n Few Hare Crscr Ouly. Menzie returned from his Wliile this mav be and probably is true, the question arises as to whether quan tity is the thing to Lo sought after in the brain. Many of our intellectual giants have been exceedingly small men, with heads that could by no possibility contain a C3 oruce brain. We lho far above the level whero biiitv and griatucss can uu of the week. Chas. Moore is now learning to be 'smithy" in John Snyders black smith shop at Maxwell. article. Mr: STewmanr 'sister of Mrs. Lorenzo Dow, of Ft. McPherson National Cemetery, who has been spending some time there, left for the east Tuesday morning. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE. At a regular meeting of Geo. W. Vro- man Division 8S, of tho 'Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the following resolutions were adopted: Whnrpas. It is with feolincs of deepest , 4 I vnn1 flif rfnr-li of liini sorrow mat. we arecaueu upuu iu icwm j..v ...... the sudden death of our worthy and es- smooth swindler operated sue toemed Brother, G. W Dillard, on the cessfuiiy near Tekamah last week nichtoriNovoinuerotn.iruui ucuia.y.a ,p , , eacll na(l ;i 1 v w r j of the heart, LritJpnt in the county whom they t- rni.nf 41, n rlnMtli of 1 " rtEHOuM.w, x uci u .u fnfincr for an ive effectiotl UrOlMOr Ltllliliu, inioiuu yju " i , - 4-1 ,rifo .l ,m1r nnrl his fanii V A " tMl.Ulgd uiv.u.ju.v..,, trieii uuu nuo .i.v-.iivj. , . , , i , - i ii: Dan Rochom ot Bellwood was stopped while - riding upme on the back of a broncho, by a highwayman who began to search for any cash tha the might have about his person. As the would-be robber reached for the pocket where the money was i deposited, Rochom struck his bron cho a violent blow and the animal sprang forward, knocking the tramp down and making a swift sprint be- i C. M. NEWTON ... 1 HAS THE- Largest Assortment of Dolls and Toys. Largest Assortment of Toilet Cases. 3 Largest Assortment of Glove and Handker- Eg chief Cases. 3 Largest Assortment of Fine China Novelties. 2 Largest Assortment of Gift Books. - 3 Largest Assortment of all kinds of Holiday 3 Goods- 3 i Just take a walk through our store, down i one side and up the other and sec for yourself IE: what we have- iajiUiWiuiiiiUiiiaiiiJikiiiiiUiiJ&iiiiiiiiiuninau&utuiua ..inowtsr. :-.nii "Arart from its well known use, I lllcasi;iTji witli a pocket rule, a tapelino said a doctor, "chloroform lias ueen nis- j Qr a rf rlles Quality so far out covered to possess a virtue which was , rmjks ,,uinlily that it is not to be men hardly expected of it. tioned in tlu ::.me connection. By in- "It has been observed in a few rarOj gcuujt? (Vfti;s and forethought a man cases that after an operation under chlo- j UJJtv j-'-.iu j.rcdigies of labor without rof onn on a child of weak intellect there- taoCS(ir(.jsc uf as much muscle as other has been a general sharpening up of its j iucu v ou?. c::,pi0y iu doing a titho of -wits and signs of iucrcattd iutclligeiico , ll0 wor:c jt V Ould be interesting if tho Vfhich was not merely tram int. j .jfi, ;.c.src"i:Uion would give us thecx- 'Insensibility of the brain is, J RCt gc, weiU.t, etc., of the brains of course, induced by the auajsthctie, and t . , j1.ivi(u;:is by name. Geueraliza with the return of censciousuess paris tiou is Ycry uut tuer0 are a great of thft lirniii which havo hitherto been - ,,..,.. t;:,.riii'riersons who would like to dormant or not sufficiently active snare j j.umv uow Ujany men have brains that in tho general awakening, having re ceived from tho reaction some stimulus which was the germ of greater aud per manent activity." Strand Magazine. weigh U0 ounc: s. New York Ledger. l'iil!is:as Giant Pnsseiiser. There was ono story of his career it,. rrlTiu:m nspd to tell with A Thirst For Knowledge. , , ... f The couutrj- clergyman was uaiiugu j . oufc of cbicago, a retractorycreeper iu u ihv ; . , j mau with a wart on work near his front gate wnen no "; , hisc'ueek anie iuto the depot. Ho paid ticed that a small hoy stopped and , pHiuan 50 cents, and half watched him with great attention. ; .11Rd hiul. Tiieu he "Well, my young inenn, ne saui, , h-ch werQ of sur. nleased to see the interest he excited, "are you looking out for a hint or two on ffardemug? "I be waiting to see wliat a parson prising length, turned into the berth, .1 i .... , .oc-,- rTnciipiipn- was vt- l,n vmt i - .. .. v, cam iuu juui-, . ... i,.,itl.T- l.ihv hpfnrn tUO . I 1 ...... . . j say when he hammers his thoomb. " Cincinnati Enquirer. Tho annual consumption of tea is es timated by Mulhall as follows, in pounds: United Kingdom, lS-t.oOO.OOO; United States, 80,000,000; Russia, 3?, 000,000 ; Canada, 22,000,000 ; Australia, 20,000,000. I car left the depot. passenger and paid his 50 cents. In two minutes he was bacK ac ueorgu run man. "There's a man in that berth mine," said ho hotly, "and he's about teu feet hich. How am I going to sleep tliwp. I'd like to know? Go and look at him." In went Pullman mad too. Tho trill, lank man's knees were under ins Thirteen letters written by GeorgOj ' armg were stretcUed across wasmngton over iuu yuaia " , . t tho bed, and his feet were storea ce pold iu London recently for 470. This 5 . , f ini punluau shook h r . 1 nn nmow I . , -1 a i j u I it i until no awoKe, auu men iuiu uuu it ho wanted the whole bertn no wcuia is an average of about ?100 apiece. HI Advantages. ' Our organist has an easy time of it. 5 ' "In what way?" "When he wants his wheel pumped up, he attaches it to tho organ." Chi cago Record. mvn nnd hired a liverv nr and went out to visit these patients. an indalgent and loving father. Resoi-ved, That while wo humbly bow to tho Intinito Wisdom of God, we He represented himself as an eye Corn huskinir is all the rare in this , annot help mourning his sad death, and specialist and said he had been . . a I M-l e Fnnf tliot Ilia CI! rl - I . t i 1 1. 1 .Z . . y1-i-n-A f A ;rinitv Corn is not turmn'T out we are EenBium ul m "i sent oy uie puviiLidu m wiaigc so well as was expected. den departure irom mo wi.iu-a uuiuio UD make an examination ot tne eyes, 1 . Til. I r. rr. . nin in na 1 . . - a lesson wun jiuiguiBo iw wlurh hfi nretended to do. lie rep- 1 rpspn ted to eacli oatient that his . tlnntr. ana tnai is uoum. xu ber seem to want 1 . . -n. ri.-: What s tne matter w.ui a un,, lnisundersto(,d-we are sure of but ono .M-irontorHinmpntnnri tree: A I1U111- ... .1 11. rp un umai-uw.-""--- I t iincr nnfl LnaT Is UOUlll. xu tuu id- . , , ,j 4i.:., -,nA Jmii,. ; !, was a cntica one anu uemunucu are willing- to help. Miss Cora Combs entertained a nnmber of young- folks from Gaudy and this precint, on Thanksgiving n a very pleasant manner. School closed in district u3 on the or.n, Mice Ai tils was liked as a their great affliction, we point to Him expert attention, succeeded in filch- . 1 a. r 1 1 1 1 1. ii nn 1 - . - lhat rules tne uesuny ui m i? nD ... f 1 fee of $0 tor a promised never to forsake tnem mat 0 , . .. 1-11. tt. ri -i ,i4i, .na o wnrtliloss nrescrintion which he trust in 11:111. v uuu uio udihu " - 1 i shock to us all we believe in the hand of jeft them PtwiriQiifa nnfl that thB vital ana 1m- 1. .vv-.., 1 . . . . -r 1 1 . . . , . . 1 I 1 mortal spirit or our Urotlier is tnis any Tuesday s lincqin journal says: machines turnea oy nauu, auuaic in tho eujoyment of the Reward that is T1 , ads 0f tiie railways received in much more reneral use aboard ever in store tor tne true, ineu uuu . - t . , , , tmcfPfl Wo svmnath se deeply with tins morning uicumci ui niv.- uut niaii ai numc Our exports of sewing- machines average at least $1,500,000, a year. Last year they rose to over $3,000,- 000, the trade showing a gain even in such competitive markets as England, Germany and France. Great Britain has paid us nearly $25,000,000 for sewing machines in the last thirty years. Germany comes next with 16,000,000; then Australia, Mexico, Prance, Colum bia. Brazil, Cuba, etc in outer. In all we export about 150,000 ma chines a year. Many ot these are furnished without the stands tor In some countries it 7 i ,a ua nnnllc idranced his devoted widow, and children and board of transportation , to return js the custom forthe tailors to go 1 ulr let dtc: SAirESS: to the caHoad te for stocU ship- fom h0Use to bouse to do se;ving. Duncan McNicol. formerly ot thi of one who has mingled with us in the ments December a.and there is some an(i thev have to have liana ma fraternal bonds of our Brotherhood, and Hicnocitinn innn ifested to ma olace. but now of Chicago, was re- wo earnestlv pray that God, in His infi- .nt t,, n :,i 4... -. ti. cninn nito mercv. will enable tnem to oear up .... 1 iiiiiiHr 1.1 if 1 1 tiii uo ctnciuuuu place. e extend congratulations. ian fortitudo and humbly submit to His divine will. And as a just tribute to tne memory 01 our mto nrouiBr, ouiiro havo to pay 1. "Ajy dear sir," said the tall man, "a contract is a contract. I have paid you 50 cents for half this berth, and, as yon see, I am occupying it. There's tho other half," pointing to a strip about six inches wide. "Sell that and don't BSADY. Rev. Romine went to North Platte Tuesdav. Addie Dorman went to Coznd Tuesdav on 2. The reduction of the section gang was made Tuesday night. Mrs. Romine is 3 sufferer from rheumatic attacks. Miss Neleys West has returned to her home on the south side. Angie West is attending school and staying with Mrs. A. W. Math ewson. Mr. Reushaw. the insurance man. returned Wednesday but is not now staying in town. Two IT. P. detectives were 111 town Wednesday looking- up the matter of the our charter in mourning for the space of ihirtv da vs. T " . . Ml Resolved, That a copy ot tnese reb- e a chines to carrv wth them test case and ascertain the consti fntinnnlitv of an order which un- tho rnilwn v, inst un uui iuio -u - - J 1 , 1 r u w ot . , , . , t . t ..4.1.,1 pieasanL iiuu roiroauiuy iu uj mote, on what basis or by what method . , DOsitively on kidneys, liver, thev shall arrive at their rates. and bowels, cleansing the entire system, Some of the railway men contend ciwpois corns, cure neauacu, . vr Kverybotly Saj.s So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, 14 I ..Hn4:n!,-m nn1 lit I mucnocc I 1 II I 1 1 ;i I f-l HlfeLl IJilLlULi UUU uiuuuouu u. clutions be presented to his bereaved that it was within the power ol the jPleaS0 buy anu- try a box of C C. C. to- familv and entered on tho minutes 01 hj tn iinve ordered the railway dav: 10. 2o and uO cents, bold ana guar this meeting. II. C. Laxgdox") 1 C T. A ITCTTV A. R. Boxxer ) Committee. Between tlie vears 1690 and 1S30 tho 1 pnverument paid tho inhabitants of I disturb mo again." And, so saying, Dundee and Belfast 2S, 000,000 to en- I the man with a wart on his face went ahle them to sell ann exprc ccoctisn ! to sieep again He was Abraham Lin- and Irish linen at less than cost. coin. Pittsburg Dispatch. missing sugar and ejrsrs. Royal makes the food pure, 'wholesome and delicious. 1 , -1 . 1 11 j t to lower their rates per hundred.but "nteea 10 cure oy uruBKu,. it is not in their power to say The increased earnings of the whether the rates shall be based railroads for the past three months upon the hundred or the car load. js creating a good deal of comment - and begetting- renewed confidence An old gypsy named Rafael has , u none before. The asked the Emperor of Austria to in- foad s10Winfr the largest increase vest him with the king-of the gyp- - parnino.B is the Burlincrton, . - - Chauncey M. Depew is authority or the following: A newspaper reporter applied to uovernoc Brough's private secretary for cer tain information about the Ohio soldiers which it was very inexped ient to give out for publication. "Give him an evasive answer," said the Governor. "But. replied the secretary, "how shall I put it Gov ernor?" "Why, just tell him to go to h 1!" One of the athletic young- women of San Jone. Cal., when a footpad grabbed her the other evening, struck him a list blow in the eye that took all the enterprise out of him and enabled her to escape. A Sure Tiling Tor You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick lwnd ache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills aro caused by con stipation and a sluggish liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, tho wonderful nw liver stimulant and intestinal tonic aro by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a wro thing. Try a box to-day; 10c , 25c., COc Sample and booklet free. AdvertiHcd Letter. List of letters remaining uncKlled Tor in the post ollico at North Platte. Neb for tho week onding December .'5, 1S0. OK.NTI.EMKX. The town is about out of coal and it seems too bad that some one is not enterprising enough to order coal that there might be some place where it could be purchased. Word comes that Linne Mathew- sies because he can prove his direct descent from the Pharaohs. Two Million' 11 Year. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROYAL MKIHa K3wt ttW YORK. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means thev're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million before Now Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets aro the most delightful bowel regulator for every body tho year round. All drug gists 10e,2oc., 50c. a box, euro guar anteed. - which is not at all strange, for the reason that it reaches and traverses Nebraska, which stands at the head in its crop this year. The railroads have had hard sledding for the past three or four years and scores of lines have passed into the hands of receivers. Now their utmost cap acity is taxed to do the business of the people, which our calamity friends say shows no sign of im provement, Educate Voitr Uowelfc AVitli Cascaret. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Bushnoll Elmer Bush G W2 Carpenter Uoy Cooper John Cramer Chs Crosscr Clyde Jenkins Ed Lake A J Manner Ch8 J Maynard Willis Oaterander George Sherman A L WOMEN. Buckrath Mrs II Morrmu Mrs Coper Mrs Ostntu Miss M L Persons callingor above will pieaeesay advertised." M. W. Cu 1 k. PosUnas tor Heauty is Ulood Doe". Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up tho lazy liver and driving "ah impurities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, bfackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All druggists, 6atisfction guaranteed 10c, 25c., 50c.