FOR THEIR GOODS We sell Goods for CASH OisTLY and our customers do not pay interest on somebody else's debts. When you trade with coupon books or with a firm that run book accounts, that is what you do. OUR, PRICES PROVE IT: Notion Dept. Crochet Cotton, three spools for 10c Thread, three spools for 10c Imported Saxony 6c a skein Spanish Yarn 12 c a skein German Knitting Yarn 16c a skein Full Count Pins 2c a paper Best Needles 5c a paper Curling Irons ... .4c each Lace Edge Handkerchiefs 5c each Twin Dress Stays 5c a set 7-inch metal back Combs 8c each 7-inch celluloid Combs 20c each Side Combs 5c a pair 144 Agate Buttons for 3c Baby Ribbon lc a yard Knitting Needles,. 3c a set Silk Handkerchiefs 10c each Hosiery Dept. Ladies' Black Hose 4c a pair Slic 4 10c 12c " 15c 16c 4 25c to 50c 44 Wool Hose 19c to 45c Children's Hose All kinds and prices 44 Fine Socks 10c 44 " Up to 45c 44 Gloves and Mittens. Children's Wool Mittens 10c a pair Ladies' Heavy Double Mittens 20c Men's Heavy Faced 44 25c 44 We carry a full line ot all kinds. Pants and Overalls. Good Overalls 50c a pair Best Overalls, riveted 65c 44 Men's Wool Pants .$1.50 $2.00 ' Hat and Cap Dept. Men's Plush Caps 50c Boy's 44 50c We guarantee every Oueen City Hat we sell, audsellthem for $2.00. Stiff Hats, Stiff Rim Fedoras in fact, anything you want. Crockery Dept. Handled Cups and. Saucers 740c set Dinner Plates ' 35c set Pie 44 25c set Eight patterns of decorated ware to select from Twelve patterns of chamber sets, running from the cheap to the best. Lamp Dept. No. 1 Lamp Chimneys 4c each No. 2 ' 44 6c each No. 1 44 heavy....'. Sc each No. 2 44 . .heavy 10c each No. 2 Rochester Chimney 10c each No. 3 44 mammoth size, 15c each Lantern Globes . 7c each Glass Lamps.Base Lamps,Banquet Lamps Nickel Plated Rochester Lamps,Night Lamps in fact the only complete stock of Lamps in North Platte. China Dept. Haviland China Syracuse 4 China for Decoration Decorated China Cups and Saucers Mush and Milk Sets Creamers k.-, . . . . Sugars and Creams . Table Sets '. .... Bread Plates Cake Plates ... - Comb and Brush Trays V. Ring Trees .- Salad, Bowls ' Vases Berry Sets And other articles loo numerous to mention. Hardware Dept. Galvanized Sheet Iron 5c a pound Borax 10c Welding Compound I5c Copperas 2c Nails 2c 44 Western Washers $3.00 each 12-quart Galvanized Pails 20c 44 Washboards 15c 44 Best Steel Stovepipe 15c a joint Russia 44 40c 44 Com mon Elbows 10c each Adjustable 44 15c 44 Russia 44 23c 44 " 25c 44 Maydole Hammers 55c Liquid Stove Enamel 10c a bottle Good Curry Comb 10c Hame Staples 2 for 5c Hame Clips 2 for 5c Rope 7c a pound Red West Cow Boy Rope 12 c Brass Hondas Sc each Husking Pins 5c " Glidden Painted Barbwire. .$2.35 per hundred Baker'Perfect Painted Barbwire $2.50 per hundred Baker Perfect Galvanized Barbwire $2.85 per hundred 5-gallon Barrel Churns $2 90 Paint Dept. Best Linseed Oil 50c a gallon Turpentine 60c Carriage Paints ? Wagon Paints Devoe's best mixed House Paints, guaran teed the best on the market, for $1.40 per gallon ITT' "f 1 A inintsr ! xlocc ' V V illUW VV SxlO Glass 4c a light 10x12 44 6c 10x14 44 7c 44 12x16 44 : 10c 44 Groceries. Kerosine Oil 15c a gallon Granulated bugar, lo pounds tor i.uu Louis' Powdered Lye, 3 cans for 25c Pearline 4c a package Minnesota faient r lour. . . . , . , pci satu Apples 60c a. bushel Michigan Salt $1.80 per barrel We have the best stock of Groceries in North Platte and are saving you an average ot 25 per cent on your Grocery bills over what 3ou had to pay until we opened upthisdepart- illULi -L 11 1 0 1 0 U!Ll.lLk bMUl. IJWWW w. J ft atrord to pay as it means irom j.o to ou aouars y- " . t. a year or saving lor you. crroceries are not yzigZ. cheaper at wholesale but we have cut that OVrZ much off profits you have always paid. It costs you nothing but your time spent in look ing through this department to prove it to you. vwr Goods sold for Cash and for one price only. WILCO X DEPARTMENT STORE. No GOOJ3S eEWYEf?Efl TO 1?T OF THE CITY. r via' f i rvv. mv rsi- nvwrf rth Platte, Neb III! D. L. Killen, principal of the Lodge Pole schools, is in the city. Mrs. J. J. Halligfan is home from the east where she visited several weeks. John McGovern was taken to the home for feeble minded at Norfolk by Sheriff Miller Wednesday. Carpenters commenced the 4. Work yesterday of erecting a barn 22x30 feet for W. M. Baskins. The Presbyterian ladies aid society was entertained by Mrs. H. V. Hilliker yesterday afternoon. Edward Beeler, of Perrj', Iowa, has been placed on the extra list of brakeman. and made his first trip Wednesday. The 1S13, a new engine just out of the Omaha shop, went through this morning and will do service on the Fourth district. Mrs. Alex. Stewart shipped her household goods to-day to Sidney, and expects to join her husband at that place to-night. J. G. Beeler has been busy the past few days removing- his house hold goods to his new residence property in Miller's addition. Mrs. Tenny, ot Portland.Oregon, nee Miss Carrie Brunt, of this city, came in this morning and is the guest of Mrs. John Worthle. The barn at the stock yards is being considerably enlarged, work of erecting a large addition to the west side of the buildinjr having commenced this week. A son of Geo. W. Diner, resid ing 5 miles southeast of town, was thrown from a horse Tuesdav and sustained a broken arm. Dr. Long ley assisted by Dr. Lucas, reduced the fracture, left for morinii"- Mrs. Frank Blue Goth'enburg yesterday where she will make her home in the future, Mr. Blue having secured a clerkship in a general store at that place. J. S. Hoagland was reelected grand representative of the Independent Order ot Odd Fellows, at the grand encampment of the order in Lincoln Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoagland will be home tomorrow. John Keliher came home Wed nesday night from St, Louis to spend a week with his parents and friends. His sister Miss Hanna, ex pects to accompany him on his re turn to St. Louis and make a brief visit there. Fred Elliott, Jr.. started last night for Beatrice, where he goes as a delegate to the state convention of the Christian Endeavorers. He went by way ot Omaha,and expects to visit friends in Lincoln before re turning home. Judge Ray will send out by mail tomorrow his first batch of ap pointments of clerks and judges of election to the country precincts. For sale, an Art Garland heating stove, in first-class condition. Inquire o Dr. Donaldson. George Dowlen is keeping books in the bank of Chas. McDonald, during the absence of John L. Burke, who is visiting in South Omaha. The Chrysanthemum sale ad vertised for October 28th, has been postponed until November 11th, on account of the ladies not being able to procure the flowers in time for the date of the sale. Wanted, a good girl for light house work. Apply to Mrs. R. R.Peale. J. W. Arthurs ran a sliver into his finger about three weeks ago, and it has caused him so much suf fering that Wednesday he came to town and had Dr. Longley extricate it. An operation was necessary. GIVEN AWAY With each pair of child's, misses' or boy's shoes from 90 cents up we will give a pretty book, illustrated in colors. Yellow Front Shob Stoe. Colonel W. F. Cod3 and George Goodman came home last night. The Colonel will remain in town for a week ana tnen go to tne jig Horn basin to show its advantages to a big party of land seekers who wish to invest. M. C. Harrington was in Kearney Tuesday purchasing brick for the new Harrington and Tobin brick building which will be erected just east of the First Na tional Bank. Work will begin as soon as the materal arrives. Smoke Wright's Havana Special, the best five-cent cigar on earth. Abraham Moss, charged with assault and battery, was found guilty by a jury in Justice Sullivan's court last Friday. He was fined S25 and costs, amounting in all to $73. Not having the necessary amount, he wrs placed in durance. O. O. Carnahan.of Sandy Lake, Pa., formerly of North Platte, was in town for a short time Wednesday. Mr. C. came out to Cozad to look after some business affairs, and will remain in that section for a month or so. He will return to North Platte before going back east. C. L. Williams went to Kearney Wednesda3r night to pocket his share of the coin re alized from the large crop of wheat on ins tarui tins year. commenced this morning and Mr. Williams was notified to be on hand to oversee the job. grown Threshing was N. E. Workman is having an ad dition built to his house in the Third ward. C. T. Robisou is making some repairs onB. L. Lambert's dwelling on the north side. Mrs. Jacob Miller returned last night from Lincoln where she spent seven weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Burdick. - Yesterday morning when driving a horse, attached to a light buggy, on north Locust street, Mrs. Lem bteel ana little daugliter, experi enced a mishap that they will re member for some time to come. The animal became frightened and dashed down the street at a fright ful gait. The driver lost all control of the horse after it crossed the tracks but it was brought to a standstill by the buggy colliding with one of the many hitching posts along tue street, l ne occu pants were thrown about ten leet over the dash board, but they es caped with a few slight bruises on the face and an unmerciful shaking up. The buggy and harness did not fare so well, however, and were taken to Carrier's blacksmith shop for repairs. $r I md it Eireir g Occai- to You? ili i lb ili i ill Hi Hi j to li V to to to to to to to Watchmaker and Jeweler. to to J Engraving- free of charge. to to That a "Watch which decs NOT run is better than a poor one which DOES EHN1 A Watch which doe3 not ran is right twice a day, while a cheap Watch that runs is never right. If you contemplate buying a Watch call on us and we will furnish you one that will al ways be right. to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to Lon Graves, Morris Cronin, John Sorenson, John Herrod and Henry Rebhausen came home Tues day night from a hunting expedi tion up on the Cody lakes, seventy five miles northwest. The boj-s brought home several plump game sacks and report having enjoyed their nine days' outing immensely. 213 ducks, 20 chickens, 1 rabbit and 15 jack snipes were bagged, besides a large .rattlesnake that was dis patched by Henry Rebhausen. A copy of last Friday's Tribune fell into the hands of the hunting- party Sunday, and the boys say it was an unexpected treat to get the news from home after a week's absence. They were kept posted on all of the local happenings just the same as if thev had been here. Wnke aynew Chamber Suit of three pieces - - FOE TETN" DOLLARS? I presume you -would. We cannot sell you one for that money but you can purchase a good one for a little more money. We have the finest line of FURNITURE ever shown in the city. Call aud see our new Couches and Lounges. We have something cheap in an extension table, and our dining room Chairs are the best made for the money. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. E. B, WARNER. Mothers and fathers mi 'NEW 5UIT GRATIS P TBE5EM5R1P -2 this jgaimenT has praieded .seams. double Knees. ATTENTION! Hew lidcly unci lie c tor SUITS! Also Popular 5-. e- Mothers Choice Suits 79 1 .111 7. J-. I in ttrrli f Af VlllU 11 11.1 sr. v. 3 TO 8 AND G TO 15 SEE Prices range SHOW from WINDOWS , ! Upwards. Call to sec them. One Price. Plain Figures. Star Clothing House VV. A. VOLLYiEf?, Prop. Opposite Postoffice Across the street from old location. totototototototototototototoi o 'AND MILLINERY OPENING ! AT JENNIE'S JUST OPENED $1500 Worth of the choicest Millinery ever opened in this city. French pattern hats, walking hats, and hats and caps of every description, now on sale. Miss Tulle, of Chicago, has arrived, and will take charge ot the department. All ladies are invited to call and see the choicest line of Millinery ever exhibited in North Platte, at RENNiE'S RENNIE'S O o Look at This ! 9 Pounds Package Coffee for $1.00 5 gallons Headlight Oil for 75 Cts. Corresoondinp-ly low prices on all other goods in our line. We wHl not be undersold by any concern in Western Nebraska. ' ? HAERINGTON & TOBIN. E. D. Hamilton, the Julesburg banker, came in on No. 2 this morn- Frank Martin went east yester day morning, P. L. Harper was over from Wal lace Wednesday H. Johnson, of Ogalalla, sojurned here Wednesday. Emil E. Ericsson, of Bradv, tar ried in the city Wednesday. Li. C. Floyd, of Gothenburg registered at the Pacific yesterday Miss Minnie White is visilinir her parents, south of Hershey E. Delany, of Maxwell, trans acted business in the citv Wednes ! day. li. iMcUinnes ana went east yesterday morning. W. N. Holcomb and Butler Buchanan drove to Garfield yester day afternoon M. Iv. Adams and G.B.Robinson of Gandy. autographed at the Ne ville yesterday. O. H. Evcrlv and W. T. Miller came down from Hershey yester da' on business. Mrs. T. F. Bishop went toCoun cilBlutfs this morning to visit rela tives for a tew days. Ed. L. Wrightcame in on No. ' last evening to spend with his parents. Frank Overturf went to Gibbon yesterday to spend a few days with his parents George Richardson came up from Kearney Wednesday and is visiting his sister. Mrs. C. Iv. Williams. Frank Redmond and family started Werinesdav mornin'T for Illinois on a brief visit with relat ives. Miss Laura Irish went to Suther land last evening for a few days' visit with her friend. Miss Adina Franzen. Miss Anna I'Jtnersou came home last evening from a two month's visit at Seward with her grandfather John A. McEvoy came up lrom Omaha Wednesday to visit for a few days with his brother, Martin McEvoy and family. Jas. B. Jeter and family returned last night from. Orleans, Indiana, their old home, where they visited relatives for several weeks. W. L. McGee. traveling for tne IT. S. supply company, of Omaha, was shaking hands with old ac quaintances here Wednesday. Rev. Derryberry and family, of Elsie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Stearns, Wednesday night, on their return home from Lesingtou. fortnight ing. Mrs. DjTer and the Misses Hattie r and Allie Hardin, sisters of -Mrs. Mary Watts and Mrs. Dick Bangs, returned to their home this morn? ing at Pleasanton.Iowa, after their three weeks visit. RAILEOAD NOTES. Hostler Fred Beller is taking an involuntary ten days lay off. Engine 633 went to Omaha yesterday to do service on the First district. Will Hendy has been trans fered to the round house, in the air brake department. Engine 636 having undergone an overhauling, came up from the Omalia shops Wednesday. The 1815. en route to Cheyenne, is on the drop pit, and the 1437 is in the shops for light repairs. A train of torty-one cars, loaded with cattle, passed through here last night from Chcyennp for Chicago. The exterior of the dispatchers1 office was treated this week to a new coat of deep red paint, which is a gratifying improvement to the place. Traveling Passenger Agent T. H. Thorp, ot the Pennsylvania route, was here Wednesday, dis tributing printed matter and put ting up maps. A pipe wrench, tailing from overhead, struck Harr Beuner on the head while at work in the boilershops yesterday forenoon, and inflicted a slight scalp wound. TflE GREATEST PIiEHSUfiE r J Wilt v The brightening of tho home is the pleasure of life. Thero is no way to u(,, give it the delicate things which beau tify and grace tho dinner or living rooms of your house. We supply the beet sil verware and make the price what it ehould be. Wo have just received n line ot new goods for the holidays, a lit tle early, but then it will give you time to make your selections. hhhCIITO, Jeweler and Optician Engraving1 free of charge. I