TtX, I ill rr in i ii rsrs i m I I r rmi - iiihi tiu in ii .run I if i j mm,M w 11.11 ,4ftftz a.x-tt-jc , rw a. rmm.,M, m mm 1 am . k a. a s m 9 1 ; m a v 0L. XIIL NORTH PLATTE, KBBRASEi, PRIDAI EVENING, MAI 21. 1897. . 45. 4 1 l mmmmM " g tnent ia the K. 0. T. M. Hull. w bnderful Discovery! How to Treat the Sensitive Nerve of Maul The sensitive nerve of man is Ms pocket-book. You may have Ms con fidence. He may owe yon a bill and feel nnder great obligations to yon. but the first question be will ask when shown goods: "What is it worthP' and lcan?t yon sell it cheaper?77 We have a treatment, if taken in time, wMch will give immediate relief. It's our Rock Bottom Knock Out Prices-One Price to ai. This is the age of progression, and only a question of time until the old-time merchants will be trampled under the cruel hoofs of King Credit. Just tell Smith if he says anything that you are going to give ID2IL3 JSULlo a chance this season- If he gets huffy it will show that his friendsMp extends only to your sensitive nerve. That being the case there won't be much loss. We are going to push business for all it's worth. We have the goods and prices to do it with. Tours for One Price, W. T. BAMS, prop. SEWS ZSOX THE CGHSxRY PEECSCTS. It is stiil drv and windv. Some of the farmers who sowed small next ; Monday Orr of North Platte will address the audience upon education. Miss iiddieLiles Is reported on tiie mend at this writing". Hopes ' of her recovery are now entertained. oupu rj. r. oeeoerger is now SPECIAL MAY SALE -AT THE gram commence to look down their domiciled in his new office in town. i noses, our we trust we will have rain soon. The frost of last week ; did" so me damage to fruit trees and earlr "rarden sass." The Myrtle Sunday-school will observe Children s Bar,, and the committee is doing- their best to ; have an Interesting- program. A. G. Smith s little son is on the ; sick list this week. T i- r T t -r -r - jfiL. udinuie is numiing, quite a uouse on the Davis claim he con tested. H. JfdSicol united In marriage on Sunday W. Balv of McPherson W. H. and O. W. Sullivan rode theJTaccabee iroat at this olnce Wednesdav evening-. The little daughter of C. C. Wet- zeL who was recently thrown from ! wag-on by a runaway team, is re covering- from a badly sprained shoulder. Hev. Snavely of North Platte will deliver a. lecture in this village next Tuesday evening Snhlert "That Girl of Yours." Admission ten and twentv cents. The old canal company is putting' OSTON STORE, Commencing May 16th, and continuing the balance of the month. - We find ourselves with too many goods on hand and we must reduce them. Space will not permit us to give prices on all our goods, hut here is a few of our prices: J. Menzie expects Grafton this week his son to visit U. P. TIME TABLE. GOIJfG EAST CEJTEAI XTMC 2 Fast MaU. -4 Atlantic Express 11:40 p. m. iN- r'reurht . 7:Ua. ra. GOCfG WEST TIME. jl xrmuea as p. m. 2?.3 Fast Maa IldlQp.rn. isa.i JbTeent TiS a. nu 3f. W Freight 10 p. m. 2v . B. Olds. Agent. 1 ATTOFJSrETS- AT-LAW, cTOKTII PXATTE, - XEUEASEA Office orer JTertii PktUa Sniitmnt Rjtv D ,Tt:x. F. DONALDSON, T 1 jj ft 1AM rOf m AT A BARGAIN Two rrood building- lots In North Platte and 425 acres of hav landT well wateredone and one-half miles from Nichols station. Inquire of T. D. COTTON North Platte, Neb- D, M. HOGSETT, A.'eL-'t.ini Sampan Caic PacJicB?"-" 2TOETH BLiIXE, - XEBEASKA. 1 CZpt arer Streitz's Bruy Store. ' ! -f GontFaetqp and Builder, -f E. B. NORTiIKUP, DENTIST, Vuxxa No. fi, QctecstoiH Baftlmg, 2vORTE PLATES, N5g AND AGENT FOR IDEAL STEEL WISBMILLS, AND POWHS JiaENCII i BALDWIN, JTTQKSEr5-AT-LWt -ft ft s-ft. o-ft. io-ft i2-ftt rt and I6ft Wheels back scared. IDEAL STEHL 10 and 12-foot xoeth platte. - - ! Wheels In direct srroke.and IDEAL Office over N. P.Ntl. Bank. T. a PATTERSON. OSce First National Bank BIdyn NORTH PLATTE, NEB. You Need STEEL TOWERS. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. ICE. Vve have it have plenty of it and ran furnish yoti any quantity desired. Our ice is ,good none better and we make prompt de liveries. We solicit yoer'trade, .feeling-we can please yon. Eelkr i Mm, THE STANDARD BRED,.,. TROTTING STALLION - "SUNLIGHT" - (No. 7654 wHi make the season of 1S97 at the irrigation fair grounds. Service limited to ten choice mares. SnnlHrht bv Sundance, dam Vera Belvair. bv found in ister. Full pedigree can be Wallace's Trotting- Rejr- Terms: 525 priviiees- with usual return R. G? Southers. m J. F. HLLION, Pink, Tiflf ork General Hepairer. Special attention given to in mmn WHEELS TOEENT 1 SMOKERS In search of a q-ood ciai will always 5nd it at J. F. Schmalzried's- Try them and jnde. The Ogalalla Ners of yester day publishes the following joke perpetrated on our townsman H. M. Weber: The boys gathered at the J. S. Healey & Co. store last Fridav and beranto talk about bi roosters. It Is wonderful what bir roosters some ot them have seen. Chas. Gifford said he was the owner of the heaviest rooster ever put on the scales and ventured to wager that It woulg. weigh over twenty pounds. The company part of the establishment took him up and stipulated that it should be no turkey gobbler or anything- of that kind." lItTs no turkev "-obbler." savs Chas, Searle, and the bovs ka twenty-four pound spring- scale and repaired to the Gifford stables to weigh the rooster. The scales lacked angood many figures of being- able to state the weight of its canal and laterals In fine- county, and Miss Susie Phillips of for the coming- season. ( ! j,o;nm cotintv. f t? r. c r , -r T -, i " . . -" -j -uur ul xlcluv isiano, en- duu jchuic jic icot iook m route br team to Warm, vf w T,f the sights at North Platte Satur- U?cf -rn n -n c-tt: r ... v.. J-.. UlUiilUU uuu XtI.Ul ily at Nichols this week. Robert Donalson and John Benr quit the Nichols section early in the week and have gone to Denver to seek their fortune. A. A. Leister's new residence is about conraleted and he win soon move his ramiiv aown from Burl Sorlnjrs. Messrs. Bergman, Eilis and Bert HoIIIngsworth and llesdames Berr- day. R. from him. jilrs. D. Schrambling- and Jessie Waite were countv seat visitors Saturday. Hayseed. PfA X WiiLL xt PTES. C H. Kuhns Is pressing- hay this week on the island south of here. TTASH GOODS. 10c quality of fast color Orgaada, for this sale at 6c 12Jc quality Dimity, far this sale at Sftc. I yd wide Sea Island precales, reg ular price 12c. at this sale for 82 cents. o-tiuactec precaies aa ac per vara. i sale at luc peryaru. f5c quality dotted Swiss, for this ?ale at 16c per yard. Window shades, all fixtures com plete, regular price 25c at this sale for 15c. Lace curtains fromlSc perpair up. Embroidery laces of aH styles will be sold very cheap. PAHASOLS. fBSandfSiacfe, regular price SI, for this sale for 65c. 25 and 2S rnch, all silk, regular price 32 to -3i50T at this sale SLJS Fans, silk mitts, underwear, shirt waists, belts and belting at the following pnces; 3 ladies1 waists 10c, shirt waists with detachable cuEsand collars at iSc7 summer corsets at 43c MILLINERY. j -Lymes' sailors vrorih iocat3cts. Black walkinir hats at 75 cents- Ladies' trimmed catteni hats from 5LC0 up. We can save you 50 cents on the dollar by buying your millinery of us. The best quality ocal wool in grain carpets at ooc per yard; Brussels at 63c; Unions at 3oc- Shoes and Slippers. We offer ladies tan slippers at 65 cents per pair Ladies tine shoes at 31.29. Children's Oxfords at a great re duction. A special low prices to graduates. We have everything you wish to make your graduating suits conrolete. ing- or a span of newly broken horses and on coming- out between them, he was kicked by both norses. irortunately he escaped wita a few bruises and his friends are pleased to see him aboat as usual. The upper school closed on Fri cay a very successful term. Much credit Is due 3Hss EUa ilcCulIonirh as teacher. rrtt i t r. . jliic lower scnooi win nave an entertainment Fridav night and a the rooster which was composed of qcilt will be raffled off. the proceeds solid JEronir. Weber kicked all the to be used tor the benefit of the way back to the store and took I scnooL Miss Mav Dolan is one of refug-e under the stipulated clause I oar progressive teachers, Georg-e Brown, who is employed man, Johnson and Ware were shop-j at the Dolan ranch, had quiet an I Pin5 in iSorth Piatte Tuesday. escape rrom serious injury on Mon- A coupie of light showers fell in dav. ne was attending to the feed- this locaUtv latelv. The flume of the F. & M. canal over the Aorth PIntte Lanrf A-i Water Company's canal has washed out a couple of times latelv causiajr considerable delay In getting- water into the canaL "vr at i c --. mi. iimiLiuv ot .faiias was up this way on business connected with the F. & M. canal yesterday. Pat. During this sale we will sell a ten vard Gingham dress pattern for 2Sc Only one dress to each customer- Yours for bargains The Boston Store. Bring this ad with you so you can see that we sell goods as advertised "or anything- of that kind," though he was willing" to set up the cigars. Dame McCuilous-h no but ro east HVHHTS Ifl JiHBHHSKR. GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STEEET MEAT MA Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. Okie in 4 DEALER XX Coa! OH, Gasoline, -f Gas Tar, i And Grade Petroleum. w Leave orders at oSce in Broeker's tailor shop. Caii Brodbeck, Fresh Smoked and Salted Meats, Having-re-opened the City Meat Market, opposite the Hotel Neville. I am prepared to furnish customers with a. choice quality of meats of all kinds. A share of your patronage is re spectfully solicited. While workmen were ensrased in repairing- the Methodist church at Ithica. they found in the basement a quantity ot merchandise stolen from a store ot the town several years ago. The thieves have served a sentence in the peniten tiary. Gideon Summers of Ord was shot by Walter McPherson, a bad man from Bovd countv, and is in a dvie condition. The shooter has disap peared into the sand hills and is being- pursued by a posse, but no trace has yet been found. If caught he will probably be lynched, One of the oScial smellers now at work investigating- state institu tions gives out a rumor that a short age of SSjOOO will be discofered in Beatrice Feeble Minded lastitue. He appears to be In a harry to start the rumor. It would be better to waft until just before election next fall. The police made a rich haul In the old Grand Island hotel. They suspected it was being- used as a fence and investigated. They found a chest under the stairway Slled with valuables. Under the chest was a hole which led into a cellar which was filled. Goods to the amount of S20G were recovered and restored to their owners. The proprietor of the hotel is in limbo. NeHgh has come np promptly to the scratch on her share of respon sibility in the matter of buiklin a sugar factory, but the eastern fi nancial end appears to be holding back in the traces. The promoters have probably been negotiating with a lot of bogus capitalists. That Is the usual experience. The woods are full of bloated bond .holders who are working others for banquets and bonuses. rumor savs that Misses and Dolan will teach the coming- year, to take another course at one of I our higher institutions. Mr. Brooks as assessor is mak ing- the rounds the oast week. J. W. Angent received moth a mam- ice box to-day to be placed in his store and C. H. Knhns is to nave one buitt into his store the cominjr week- Mrs. Peter Burke and children were in town one day last week. The Woodmen of this place went toBradv last Saturdav night and arrived home Snndav. J. D. Kelliher and son spent Monday In North Platte. G. D. Mathewson of Bradv was in town Wednesday with one of his trotters. John McCuliough is havinjr a new burying- ground laid out his land, where he will remove the re mains of nine of his family. He will take in a large plat and fence and put out trees. Bertie Longpre had a horse fail on his leg- injuring- him quite badly. (but at this writing-he is better. Mr. Pickett is putting- in a crop on his farm in the canyons and on the Island. Axtrertlsec letters, list of letters remaining nn&Jled for in the post oSce nt Xorth Piatte. Neb, far the week ending May 2i, 1SS7, CESXLEJEE2T. Bergue, Fred McGInth Jen, Jess BaHawayvFDC KagacCS' Moore. T B Bipley. B B McCoy. Oscar Schiuters Arnold W Olson, ST IADES. Bffis,. Miss Mary Persons caTTmg for above win pleasesa v advertised."- M. W- Claiiz, Postmaster" Cut worms and gophers are working- havoc on the com. C R. Kelsey returned the first of the week from a business trip west. W. EL Hill has the frame of his new dwelling- erected. There will be a social dance. In the Maccabee hall to-night. The village school closes to-day. The pupils will give an entertain- POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for Its " iKm-p-nrr-- 2nd. rtf.iItrrfnlTresy. Asaares the rood. amW ntrrm and aH forms of r? r? rrTr c-rrrtioti come; cm latfce cheap torad.s. EarAr-BosERi Powdis Co.. xew tossc v-Lwt iLupuit trace ior April is es timated at 580,000,000. This is double the normal value of the trade. It Is the sharp work of foreign capital to dodge the com inir tariff, and even- wwl- nf rlrfmr of the slow-moving- statesmen! puts millions into the pockets of Europe, at America's expense. foreigners have the idea that if they can glut our markets they will keep our spindles still and our machine shops and will continue closed. Give them time enough and they will do a good deal a!on- that line. Ex. The report has found its wav Into the press dispatches that Mr. 3rvan has exDressed r? detr tn have David Overmeyer of Kansas as his running mate on the next democratic presidential ticket. If Mr. Bryan has done this he has not exhibited the political astute ness with which he is credited hr his followers. Kansas Is prettv close to Nebraska, and it is not to be expected that any partv would pick Its candidates Irom adjoining- states. Apolitical oartv fhnf dJd that would invite the charge of sec tionalism. Bee. ffiinininminironm 1 ABE YOUR SHOES BIGHT? 1 H Are they the BEST STYLE the BEST j i EIT, and the BEST QUALITY, that 3 the price you pay will get? In our IE: goods these three essential points are z2 E combined and the PEIOE is risrht. iE Take, for instance, in our men's fine shoes: A calf sMnI welt, in the new eoin 3 toe at 2.50; or a dark tan Bussia calf, 3 welt, in the new toe, at 8.00. These 2 are right, and only two of several styles s and grades we have. If you want shoes E E: that are EIGHT, come to the Yellow 3 si Front - 3 H Decatur & Beegle, g GEO. M GEAHAMj Manager. j RECKLESS NAT GOODWIN. A bill Is pending- before the lesr- An HJustraiion cZ How the Comedian Uss 3IoEex to Bars. A story I have just heard anent Kat Goodwin is &ut another instance of his reckless generosity and constant desire to bum money upen all pcssible ccca- j sions. ; 2tafc had fccen in the habit cf jahig I part g his time at a certain hcstelrj that is all the description iiecessarv cf the place presided ever by a fat, geed w, A tulx-Y t, uiu. iui du dp- lz is the passive band that cets propnation ot ii.UW,UW tor the im-i r f - nas teen smrsested that a provement of public roads. It is going- to be one of the leading ques tions of the future legislation, that ot improvement ot country roads. The United States has bound the whole land together by steal rails at an immense outlav of monev. while the people have gone on miring- through mud hub deep one-third and one-half of each year. We are far behind other nations In our common road building. Ex. THE 5AH05AI. EDUCAZIOS'lL 2EHSG. For the meeting-cf the National Edu cational Association at Buffalo in ISfJS he excellent service given by the Union Pacific ras commented on bv all the- those who had the pleasure of using that me. This year oar educational friends meet in Milwaukee, Wh, Jaly 6th to 9th and members of the association and others from points west of the Missouri rive rT shock! by ah means take the Union Pacific. The service of the UNION PACIFIC via Omaha, or Karre-is City is the very best. The equipment consists of hand some day coaches, chair cars. Pullman banet and drawing room sleepers, dining cars and .buffet smoking and library cars Fewer changes than via any other ice. One fare, plus L50 far the round trip wQl be the -rata from all points west of the Missouri river for this meetin'r. For- illustrated matter, folders, etcu call oner write, N. B. Orxs. Anent. it came about one dav. during the broaching cf a till, that Mr. Gccdwin disputed an item of $10. In doing so he was morally certain that the indebted ness was not Ics. Mice host was equal ly sure cn his side cf the contrary. The dispute waxed hot and heavy. "See here," said Gccdwin, "I don't care far a trifling amount like 50. It's the principle of tie thing, that's aB. Just the principle of the thing: " "Der same vaymit me," retorted the landlord. "I dond't care me fer $200, 000." "Perhaps not," doubted the comedi an. "But I'd sooner throw the money away or burn it than give it to you when I den't owe it to you." "Ah," exclaimed the German sarcastically- Tou haf money to pum, ehr Veil, I dend't pelieve me dot." "Is that sac" returned Nat. "Well, now, Fli tell yen what FH do with you. I'll hum 50 right here before your eyes if ycnll receipt the hiH." "ByChhainyr1 said the host. "II! ycest go you vonce." Without another word Nat Gccdwin tcoi: his checkbook cut of his pecker, filled cut a check far 59, tare it our, appiied a lighted match to it, and held it until it was reduced to ashes. The German, who had watched thi process with bulging eyes, banged a rubber stamp cn the disputed bill, scrawled frig signature ccross it and said with a szgbz "CTvrrrTrpfTTfr dividend ts! Ton card'? ahesdt chf also of the benefits of being hrocghfc in contact with the geed, honest hearted people of the country. "In the first two weeks of an administration,1' he says, "the president shakes hands with from 40,GG0 to 6G.GGG persons. The physical drain of this is very great, and if the president is not an instructed hand shaker a lame arm and a swollen hand soon result. This may be largely or en tirely avoided by using-President Hayes methed take the hand extended to van. and grip it before your hand is gripped. hurt. It nod or tow should be substituted far the handshake, bur it wculd be quite as admissible to suggest a TPvTcrrrn cf the Deciamtieri of Independence. 'The interest which multitudes attach to a handshake with the president is so great that people will endure the great est discmnf art and not a little peril to life or limb to attain it These are noc the office seekers; but the geed, honest hearted, patriotic people whose 'God bless yen is a prayer and a benediction. They came to Washington far the inan gursticn, and later with excursions, hut they are meetly to be found near their own homes. They came cut to meet the president when he takes a journey, and his contact with them and their nngpTfrh and even affectionate in terest in him revive his courage and elevate his purposes. Mr. Lincoln is said to have called these pcpulariecep tiens his 'public opinion baths. " FOR SALE. 1S97 crop of hay on east half of sec jo, all of sec 35. in twp. 14. and and sees. 1 and 3 in twp. 13, all in range 32. and sec 21. twp. 13. range 2S, in Lincoln countv, Nebraska Send bids to Con." W. Lloyd, Gothenburg, Nebraska- get 2TOTXCE. assessor fer tie Sabnrfearr Irrfi4frm TW tziesef risen ts county. 5ebrai&2, fca thi Zxr CCSe actor f ellcWS ro.!Sm1SecretsrT of sail district "VTi ' 1 1 V t n'T V'n i r TirtT I r--i? i. . , m .-n " nun -. .. v ui tde jcar j The feoanl of director! of szid liiitrict cxjir- ; -rene z& i EqnaitzaiioS Bcani aiiie- oSce- aC ti SHAKING WITH 60,000. lJifgrJB- .F3 satttf 0&e KId Ulrfti Tar of Boast Started ' eocttsne tsewica freaa dax & &rj-astir tisu-nrt People a. Sexeictioa. I TSf. fJf completed: actl t "tt e-ri i nrr""-"rllc:l jlu. Oil i i t i :c uc: l mm. T Wn F fca. TVrfOT,-" Tl.oTc' vxzia.sx5W. trace. Aiu vu .At..7m. am will iw "The Sonalt&ittiiei3paoncfaa pson fsStrl Datol 3Lrr rkl tvrr Heme Jcurnal ex-President Harrison. t "r. CPiXTKKsos. ft. 1 m