BYWAYS OF SEVILLE. THUMB NAIL SKETCHES OF A. WITTY AND GRACIOUS PEOPLE. The Xaxy and Picturesque life or th.e Aa dalasisas TaktrigljoTe ThrongTi Bau. cd fCladrvrs A. Taberaa Wliere the Darker- Side of" life la Displayed. "Wandering heme through the firrrfty winning byways, yea pass cloaked, fig: TrrEsr "whispering at the iron bound win dows. They axe the lovers ct Seville, peJando la para (plucking the turkey), as they call ir. "With the lattice slightly open, the fair SevSLma sits in her dark ened chamber talking in whispered tones to the gallant without. The old folks, -wreary of the task: of chaperonage, after locking the daughter in a room barred like a prison cell, have gene to Tied, and for hours, sometimes the en tire night, the afSanced lovers look through the grating into each other's eyes and whisper the nothings of love It vrould seem cold cemfors to a north ern swain, but the Spaniards say the iron bars axe a necessary evil there in Spain. In Spain there are life and color and pictuxesqueness everywhere, and ysu think the Spaniard was born to be an artist's modeL In the maze cf tortuous streets ahoufr the market one sees Eomething of the life of the people. There the white washed houses are outlined against the brxBiant sky is rambling perspective, and the graceful tower of some parish church, its brown wails raoss grown, its bright tiles shining, rise sharp and dear into the blue above. Dark maideas with glossy hair and warm coicr ia their cheeks gcre idly from the miradores asove Ujion the countless people in the streets fceJow. The cobbler Twrrn-mp-H? and stitches in his smoky little shop without window or tiecr, glasses click in the bodega, sleek cows with raomnfel eyes and rmkfing bells stand silently chewing their cuds is. the milkman's stalls, and the daiaryfeer cf sheggy donkeys patter ob the cobble, stescs as the patient lit tle leasts, leneath their panniers of straw or charcoal, thread their way through the crowd- Yon wander aleng, picking year way through the good aa tured assemblage, until you reach seme little plaza with its ekcrch. where heg gars sun themselves spca the Bagstoaes, and the puestes, or bocths ef the street peddlers, with graceful, colored awn ings, are scattered picturesquely afecnt the pavement. Thexe the cazzEas sun light casts fantastic shedews os the yel low and blue walls of the houses, mul ticolored pots cr festccss cf cotton prints bnag m the cingy steps, gaSar dos dandies cf the street gessip in greups cr egle the passing maidens, dega sneeze ia sunny spots and crowds of idlers dstcr about some barrel or gan or blind geitpxisfc There is a heath near by where k trance pfrrnned gypsy ia ccoking niaOetes calcntitcs, a sort of greasyflccr cake fried in oil, and a wine puesto with its earthen jers,8sd huge bottks cf rrd and yellow wine, and there vages fciier tt eat cad driafc. One can linger fcr beers ia the streets of Seville wasetiBg the people and talking with them, too, fcr the Anda lusian cf the kreer classes is the best of fellows. There is a dcrreerctie &ccdem in his raaccrr, ss cwre rrrprctful and cardial, wfenfc ie unlike the cfeeqeiccs ness or lecrirhaes cf the cckiecb peo pie cf ether reentries. He is slow and even lasy, but he ccim-anc; Eespeet, and nGwhere can one races such ability and heartiness as is shevrn by the Andslu iaa peasant. Botycu mastusfcend and meet "him half way. 5c cces rxt isk Sasori stifcnessr and a cordial wcrd er the aser oi a cigarette will aeeoesniisfc. more than a handful cf silver. When yen go into a bc&ga of the people where aguardiente is ecM at a cent a glaes, the habitues ail greet yea with a word cf welcome, and the bar keeper serves his rkjacr with a courtli ness which is ChesterSeMian- They are rough places, these common taverns. Thexe is cue m particular, acres tue river in Triaaa, where-the tcughs of Se ville the raatones, they are called gather to drink and guarreL They say that every SeviHian who is spoiling for a" fight gees there,, and many are the pitting affrays in. which navajes are drawnT With maatas wrapped about the left arm, the duellists crouch and slow ly follow each other aroand, watching $hs" epportanity for the fatal spring, j"ust as they do in Cxmzen. This taherna of the bellies is a low, dingy place, spanned by high beams blackened by ages of cigarettes and dirt. It is open to the street on two sides, and. supporting the corner beams is an old Soman col umn which looks as though it may have been standing since the time of Trajan. The fiGor is of dirt, and in oae comer are a low table and three or four cane sear ed chairs. There are dirty bottles on the shelves and coarse prints of bullfighters on the walls. Behind, the bar is ths keeper of the resort, a low browed ruf fian; with little weasel eyes, set close together and a knife slash across his un shaven cheek. He loots a prince of cut throats, but even he has a kindly greet ing and a civil ward, as have his cus tomers who lean upon the bar. But the goriest workman out for a holiday with his best girl or the bourgeois and. his friends picnicking in the environs un der the shade of olive trees, are really more interesting. These true Andalu ptns will always, welcome a stranger, they wOl always share their sour wine and sweet cakes, and the bright eyed girls af the party will dance the grace ful SevHiana to the time of castanets, and if you speak Spanish you may chat with them all and feel when you leave that you have met real friends. There axe no people so friendly and witty and gracious as the Annalusinns. Cosmo politan. Different. "I suppose your daughter is just Eke mine rather ride a wheel than eat."" " Net exactly, but she wocd rather ride" a wheel "than cook." Cteesgo P-ecard. BaHaras Snow lonnseat. Thus crateaWe remedy is on? tfrat oo-rht te be m every h-u5e he'd. It w3i cure yocr rheumatism, neeraigia, sprains, cats, braises, barns, frosted feet and ears, sore throat, and sore chest. If you have a lame back it wiH care it. It penetrates to the seat of the disease. It will cure stiff joints and contracted muscles after all other remedies have failed. Those who have been cripples for years have used Bal!ards Snow Lin iment and thrown away their crutches qnd been able to walk as weH as ever It' wul core' von- Pric 5 1 cents. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy, J- C-Bnsh,, BEAUTIFUL FLORENCE. A City Praised. 2or Its Good 3axsexsad TTanrtoraass Sczrcczdzxss. If I wished to teach art awkward child, youth cr girl geed manners by example, I should send hint or her to Florence, says a writer to Truth (Lon- : den). There may be Et mannered per sons there, but I never saw cne. Poor people behave with the suave dignity which used in England to stamp the lady or gentleman, ilost persons axe brainy, tut cleverness is not eager to pfofn. it is very subdued and more oily thri corrosive. The cl-ratm cf .Florence steals on cne Eke the wit of its clever inhabitants. The senser axe scathed in all directions by harmonious manners and objects. Architects understood chi aroscuro not less than the grpnft painters and sculptors. One never wearies of the streets and public bulldrngs. Their as pects constantly and strongly vary, ac cording to the course of the sun. Lights and shades at 10 in the fcrenocri axe wholly different from what they will be at 4 in. the afternoon. The Floren tine women have interesting though not beautiful faces. But one has only to walk into the market to see country gfr4c who would have dene for models for EapbaeTs Virgin mothers. One is struck, in the galleries with the nice judgment with which the pictures are hung. What mere lofty in sentiment than the tomb cf Lorenzo de Medici? Loftiness is an attribute cf Florentine architecture, palatial or domestic. The doers cf private houses might pass in England fcr portals. One feels them to be great facts in their way. Talking cf harmonious things re minds me cf the Epholi gardens. Is there a spot is England, the land of stately and lovely scats, that at all ap proaches them? In situation and tran quil, generous loveliness 1 can only think- of one the Duke of Northumber land terraced gardens at his place in Surrey. The Bobcii Eden, where the Prince and Princess of Naples still court seclusion, has the advantage over the Surrey paradise of being under a reveal-, ing skv. Ev try shade of greenery, every ; Coral hue. is well breech t cut. One sees the faultleFS teztHie of statues and fountains mellowed by time. In so strong a light a well ordered design is reouired. and one has it. The raaxbles are the climax. They are to the horti - i cultural beauties as brilliants to the lace and satin of a fine woman's eress. Florence is not what it was in the grand, ducal days. Still, it retains the air of a capital with a long and Oius triens history. The ladies' dresses are only provincial when measured by the Paris standard, t which Italian wom en above the peasant elass generally submit more Tc the pity. Paris fashions only suit Eienchwemen, unkss applied by French hairdressers and fenrmes de cfaamhre. An English or a German face under a Psxis hat cr bonnet is at a dreadful disadvantage if the hair has not been first dressed, by a French art iste czpillaire. He places the hat, tirrsegh the mediara cf the hair, in herraonicas relation with the face. I farcy these French coiffenrs are not much employed by Italian ladies. Elue White Prints. Paper coated with an emulsion, which when ncinted and toned gives a clear ' " . . ... the high white- with a bluish, tint in lights, may be bceght cf dealers in pho tographic materials. The paper is marked "Peaee." which is a 'mistake, as the correct spelling is "pcasee. " This bice tone ny be obtained" on aris to rarer by toning the prints in a sepa rate bcth and putting a few drops of snilifie bine ia the fixing bath. Have the tint rather deep, and when the pcmtK are nxee u wastes ana mgn v- r Sehis will have a dear blue tone, if the picture is a landscape with plenty of elciuls in the sky the effect is almost as if the sky had been dated. Maay spcta both en prints and nega tives axe due to the dishes used not hav ing t; cn properly cleansed. The trays should be wiped out with a very soft eleth or sponge, and once in a while washed with a little skohoL A set cf labels rrintcd with the names cf the f&ftert'n chemicals com monly in use in the dark room may be had Sir 10 cents. They come already gummed aad are a great convenience. A convenient little plate lifter is called the "L." t is a tiny contrivance which ts cn the side ef the tray and saves ail danger cf scratching the plate in rerecviBg it frcm the tray, and there ia no nfcd ef petting the fingers into any cf the Eero-ocrs if the 'L" is used. With this lifter, instead, of recking the tray dnzirg eevciefanent, the plate is recked with the lifter. Harper's Bound Table. Kerada. Fevada is the victim of crrcum-1 siacces. Eieh ia the potentialities ct sum army, an honorary appointment material greatness, and therefore strong eenf erred -on her by the late czar because in the capacity tn support a social struc- her father held .the rank of high ad ture, she" presEritE the bafniBg paradox miral and for the reason that she is a of a declining pcpulaDcn in a western very capable yachtswoman. The king state. If she were located in South Af- ! has a very remarkable memory, an in rka, tSc nations of Europe would plot ' teresting personality, and is a' brilliant ad straggle for possession cf her min- ; conversationalist. He gees about the erals, lands and waters if in New ! streets of Athens without any attend South Wales the colonial government , ants and talks with any friend he wocM employ the public capital to re-1 chances to meet. Prince George is very rfairi her deserts aad to enable the sur- J attractive, and his feap pi strength plus population of Adelaide to make shown often in the cause pf chivalry, fccHae: uron her soil; if in German w, ; are a continuous subject of conversation the ispcrial government would charter ' treat banks, " to operate under a cam mission, inprenaring the land for settle ment aad building humble houses, to be purchased by home seekers on gener ous terras; if in HaSand, the servants of the little queen would extend the ad mirable ccloeies which have flourished for 75 years, graduating thousands of needv men from beggary to tenantry, from tenantry to proprietorship. Wil liam E. Smythe in Forum. TCeepin;r anil Crying. 'Don't cry," he entreated.' Then he perceived that her handler chief was edged with the most exquisite lace. "Don't weep," he said, correcting trncplf. Detroit Journal. Sirs. Putnam's Appointment, Mrs. Ellen M. Putnam of Buffalo has been, appointed superintendent af the new state home for veterans and their wives and army nurses established by the efforts of the "Women's Belief corps, which is now almest completed at Ox ford, jST. Y. Mt? Putnam has for 36 vears teen cne cf the most efficient teachers in tie Buffalo public schools, having heM her present 'position as dsr partment prnsci jel for Stf years. She is treE known through: the state as a wom an cf unusual executive ability and. of I great patriotism. LIGHTHOUSE IMPROVEMENT n Tkat Have Beea ITari Xa ligkla asd X-eT-rs. An article about lighthouses, entitled "The Lights That Guide-In the Islght," is contributed by Lieutenant JohniL Enieott to St. Nicholas. After celling of the growth in the number cf light houses Lieutenant EHicctt says: Meantime the means cf lighting were being steadily improved. The open, fixe gave place to the oil lamp, then a j curved mTrrnr, called a parabolic mir- J ror, was placed behind the lamp to , bring the rays together; next, many lamps with rni''r s were grouped about; a central spindle, and seme such lights are still in operation- The greatest Etride came when an arrangement of lenses, known as the Fresnel lens, in front of a lamp replaced the mirror 'be hind it. This lens was rapidly improved far lighthouse p exposes, until now a cylindrical glass house surrounds the lamp flame- Thfc house has lens shaped walls, which bend all the rays to farm a horizontal zone of strong light which pierces the darkness to a great distance. L, The rapid increase m the number ct linhthouses has made it necessary to have seme means of telling cne from another, cr, as it is termed, of giving to each light its "characteristic." Col oring the glass made the light dimmer, but as red ccmes most nearly to white light in brightness some lights have xed lenses. The latest and best plan, how ever, is to set upright priFrns at inter vals in a circular framework around the lens and to revolve this frame by clockwork. Thus the light is made to gash every time a prism passes between it and an observer- By changing the number and places of the prisms or the speed of the clockwork the flashes far any one light can be made to occur at intervals of so many seconds far that Iicht. Putting in xed prisms gives still i cther changes. Thus each. light has its 'characteristic, " and this is written j down in signs on the charts and fully i stated in the light lists carried by ves- ; gels, that Thus, on a chart you may note the light yeu want to sight is i marked "F. "W-, v. W. FL, 10 sec," which means that it is "fixed white varied by white flashes every ten sec onds." When, a light is sighted, you see if those are its characteristics, and if so you have found the right one. MOTHER GOOSE. The letmoclaEt Throws a Big Stone at Bcstca's Famocs Personage, Iconoclastic Boston has decided that if there ever was a Mother Goose with poetical talents which isn't likely she was not the Mother Gccse buried fa that city and whGse -grave has for years been haunted by sentimental, patriotic and more or less literary visitors from all parts of the country. It seems that the respectable Mrs. Elizabeth Gccse, whom legend credits with the coraposi ticn of all these sprightly lyrics in which, for no very good reason, chil dren are supposed to take such delight, had no more right to a place among America's eminent women than Jack the Giant Killer has to be included among our famous generals. She lived and she died, and that, except the names of her parents and the fact that she had some children, is absolutely all . . . . , , , T i The story that she wrote, or at least collected, the famous poems is a myth invented by pne pf the presumably good, lady's descendants. "Mere I'Oye1' was from time cut of mind a character in French fairy tales. The name first ap peared in English in 1729, when the prcse "Ccntes de ma mere I'dye" were translated as "Tales cf Passed Times bv Mother Gccse." This beck became the property cf John ZJewbery of Lon don, the famous publisher cf little books for children, and about 1765 he utilized the trade name by printing as a companion beck "Mcther Goose's Melcdiesr" The latter was merely a collection of old English nursery rhymes. From England it came to America and pras reprinted by Isaiah Thomas of Worcester, Mass., about 1787, then by Mrmroe & Francis of Boston about 1825, and now by every cne. The fiction, about Mrs. Elizabeth Gccse pf Boston was started by John. Flint Eliot about i860, utterly without proof or probabil ity, and has since been repeated, gain ing imaginary details at every gtage. xTew York Times. The Queen cf Greece. It is said by a lady who recently vis ited Greece and had the honor cf meet ing the royal family that perfect har mony exists between them, and the king and queen axe devoted to their children. The queen is still a very beautiful wom- j an and the only lady aamrrai m toe warid. fcne tolas uurani in tne jsus- among the people. A. Tallin pck, ''lean tell a man I like the first time I look at him." "Yes," rejoined the other girl, "your eyes are certainly very expressive. " Of course, the pcet was on the right track, but it is woman's in humanity to woman that really stimulates the crape market. Detroit Journal The first ingredient in conversation is truth, the next gocd pense," the third good humor and the fourth wit. Sir William Temple. There are several giant bells" Mcsctfw, the Iargestt "the King Bells." weighing 432,(100 pounds. in of "ffliafrisa Guarantee? It is this. If yon have a cough or a cold, a tickling: in the throat, which keeps yon constantly coughing, or if you are troubled with any chesty throat or lung trouble, whooping cough &c.T and yon use Ballards Hbrehound Syrup as directed giving: it a fair tr?al an5 np benefit is experiencd we; aataoriae our advertized agent to. refund your money on return oi bottle. It never fails to give satisfaction. It promptly relieves bronchits- Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by North Platte Pharmacy, J- E BnshjMgr. 1 IF LOVE AEiD-E. ISTnat'tf. the sunshine kiss ho more, the mountain's peaJc 2sar In the vale no more the purple shad ows seek: To mount on high. A"ff eon fog- nigh. Drive from the heights whom they would kiss and das? And tirrn his rays forever is. thrnr chffly grasp? "What If the flowers bloom no core, bet droop their heads. That have incarnadined the summer's garden beds? "What If the sheaves In autumn eves Hustle no more to wuo the hMrrrs' whip poorwHl A-nrf all the happy bird songs are forever stmr "What if the earth should e'er be wrapped, in endless night ArtrT circling moons attendant wander without light? What can betide If love abide? Xet suns "ff spheres, sweet body, breath, all. ended be. I am content so love endure eternally. -Emily Selinger in New Tork. Tribune. A PRESIDENTS RECEPTION. Is eldest of a Trip ta 'TasMzgtari Xasy Tears Aija. An old timer was in a eif Merit meed after a trip to "Washington, and. among other things recited the follow ing incident, which could possibly occur in no other country an the globe, and which seems to show the fervor of a most fervid race and gives zn insight into President Andrew Johnson's char acter as a man such as could not he found in a dozen histories of the man who held every elective office in the power of cur sovereign people, from con stable cf Columbia, Term., to president of the United. States: "It was just following the impeach ment trial, " said the narrator, "when Tt. Johnson was making his grand tour of the country. His party put up at the Spencer House, which was then a swell hoteL When tho presidential party were leaving the bcencer, the carnages were driven, from the hotel entrance across to the east side of Broadway, and it chanced that the one in which Mr. John sen and Secretary Stanton, were seated puHedup in front of genial Ed Quin tan's railroad hotel, then at Front and Broadway, but now, like poor Ed, no more. At that time an old Irishman named Kennedy, nicknamed 'the Democrat, 1 was employed as houseman at Quintan's, and chanced to be standing at the front door with the youth who was at once clerk and bookkeeper of the railroad. " Wurra, who's tho little fat fellow they're oil shakin hands wutr' asked old Kennedy cf the clerk. " 'President Andy Johnson.' was the reply. " 'Andy Johnson, the rale cut an out president himseT, f ora Washington r' " 'The same.1 'Do vcu think could I shake? " 'You can.' "Taking oft his battered old hat and producing from it a yard square red handkerchief, with which he mopped his face and wiped his hands, he approach ed the presidential carriage, which was an open one. When there, he placed his hat firmly between his knees, spat on his hands, extended the right and ex claimed: "'Wisha, how are ye, Andy, my da cent ould Drmccratr' "The beaming smiles cm the face of the old rri,hTnan were reflected cn the president's as he grasped the honest hand. " '.Never better, my old friend- How oxg ypu?r 'Oh, tegorxa, kilt wut pleasure at seein you- Whisper (the presidential head bent down to the speaker). 'Come an hev a drink wut me yoursel', an the ould fellow. Quintan, have grate whisky, an, by gobs, hell trate us da cent.' "It is needless to say the parry did not drink, but as the carriage, started. Mr. Johnson, turning ta Mr. gfcantan, said: "'Mr. Stan ten, that is the most heartfelt! reception I ever met with-' " Cincinnati Enquirer. Is a deep-seated blood disease which all the mineral mixtures in the world cannot cure. S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable ) is a. real blood remedy for blood diseases and has no equaL Mrs. Y. T. Buck, of Delaney, Ark-, had. Scrofula for twenty-five years and most of the time was under the care of the doctors who could not relieve her- A specialist said he could cure hert but he filled b,sr- with, arsesie "and potash, which, almost ruined, her constitution- She then, took nearly everv so-called blood medicine and drank them by the wholesale, but they did usfc reach her tiuble. Some one advised her to try S.S.S- and she very that she had. a real blood remedy at last- She says: "After tak ing; one dozen bottles of S.3,t I am perfectly well, my akin is clear and healthy and I" would not be ra my former "randxtfan for two thousand dollars- Instead of drying; upthepoisan. in my system, like the potash, and arsenic, S.S.S. drove the disease out through, the skin., and I was perma uently rid of it-" A Real Blood Remedy S.S-S. never faffs to- cure Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism Contagious Blood Poison, or any disorder of the blood. Do not rely upon a simple tonic to cure a deep-seated blood, disease, but take a real blood remedy. Our books free upon application- Swift Snecfic Gd. Atlanta, Ga. sss State of Ghjqv Grnr op Toledo, Lotus Cqcttty. ' Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm o F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid,' and that said firm will pav'the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cared by the use of rT Catakrtt Cube. " Fras: J. Chetet. Sworu to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this Sth day q Decem ber, A. I. ISSS. A-W-Gheasos, (sjeax-V Notary Public fcuX& Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cuoos surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials- F. J- Chstet & Co., Tokdcr. Ohio Sold by druggists, 15c HalFs Family Fflfc are the beet. 3 ScroMa vx Aj I soou found Tfee TTses ef White SitntT La same af the many trips takes to the seashore do net fcrget to bring' home seme clean white sand- It will be found very useful irt arranging- flow ers far the table fa law. shallow dishes, as well as for scouring purposes. If the jardiniere is filled thee-quarters full with this sand, cattails: and grasses enn be arranged, much mere' gracefully, the sand being heavy enougn to hold them. Brooklyn Eagle. . Jack You should have seen Visa Waldo. Her eyes flashed fixe, and Arthur That's funny. You said a moment ago that she froze you with a glance. Town Topics. At a tulip luncheon the ice cream and biscuit glace were served in nat ural flowers for cups. Two blossoms fastened together with ribbons, the leaf and stem attached, were laid upon a plate and served, to each guest. ITrsfc Aserlesa. TTcarspapcr. An. antiquary at Niagara Falls has found a cKrHyity in. the farm af & copy of the Massachusetts Gazette and. Bos tan News Letter af date of Decf, 1764. This was the first newspaper published in America and is aboat as large as a man's hand. Some cf the events record ed are of interest now. From Philadel phia, then the metropolis of the coun try, there is a dispatch saying that a Spanish army, 4,000 strong, is about to take possession of New Orleans. There is the usual notice of a runaway slave and a reward offered for his return, to his master, with a warning to the com munity not to harbor him or assist in his escape. New York Press. PURE LAKE ICE I am again in position to supply the people of North. TIatte with a superior quality of pare ice frozen from well water. It is as clear as crystal anc good thickness; not frozen snow and sinsh. A trial order will convince yon of its quality. I have plenty to last through the season. WM. EDIS. qPREES ANti PLANTS. I A full line FEurir Trees op Best 1 Varieties at Haed Tikes Prices. Small fruits in great supply. Mil lions of Strawberry Plaats. verv thrtftv nnd well rooted. Get THE BEST near borne and save freight cr express. Send for price-list to NORTH BEND NUR SERIES, North Bend, Dodge Co., Neb- W LLCOX & HALLIGAN, ATTORNE TS-AT-LAW, jfOEXH PT.ATTS, - STTRHAPEA. Office over Sarth. Blatta 2tattq?3l "RanV. D IL N. P. DONAIiDSON, Assistant Snrswin Union PacJlc R?" - asd Member o Pension Board. NORTH PLATTE, - - - Office over SCMitza Drag- Stare. E. E.NOKTHRUP, DENTIST, Room. No. 6, Ottenstein Bunding, NORTH PLATTE. NEB. FRENCH & BAIiDWIN, ATTfXR2?E TS-AT-LAW, JTOETH FLAITE, - - 3TEBRAEEA. OSce over N. P. NtL Bank. 1 C.PATTEESONr .i"rQRN5YFrr-Ua'Z. Office First National Bank Bld NORTH PliATTE, NEB. GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STESET HEAT MARKET. Meats at liolesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at aH times. Cash paid for Hides. You Need ICE. "We have it have plenty of it and can ftrrnish yon any quantity desired. Our ice is good none better and we make prompt de liveries. We solicit your trade, feeling-we can please yon. Kelleer S Frazier. Garl Brodbeck, DEALER IN FresiL Smoked and Salted Meats, Having- re-opened the City Meat Marked opposite tiie Hotel Neville, i I am prepared to furnish, customers wttli a. choice quality ot meats or aH kinds. A share of your patronage Is re spectfnllv solicited. Wanted-An Idea e lomfteite 3tarr feriag- yon wealth SH CO Pn5jat Alier- . B- Cfoi ttofcr LS priss ier LltataC x Iiiim twii T tgrgsJcas-wrifnt D, M, KOGSETT, Contractor and ftuMer, - AXD AGENT FOR IDEAL STEEL aPSwIh WIHDMILLS, 4-ft,6-ft. S-ft. 9-ft. 10-ft. 12-ft, 14-ft and 16-ft Wheels back geared. IDEAL STEED 10 and 12-foot "Wheels in direct stroke. and IDEAL? STEEL TOWER S. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOIXG EAST CENTRAE TTXE. No-2 Fast Mail 5A5 u m. No. 4 Atlantic Express 11:40 p. ra. No. 28 Freight 7$Q a. m. GOT3t WEST XOCSTATX TXStE. No. 1 Limited 3s p. m. No.3 Fast Mail 11:20 p. m. No.23 Freight . 7:35 a. m- No. 19 Freight 1:10 p. m, N. B. Oeds. Agent. Legal Notices. NOTICE TO CREDIT OSS. Creditors of the Estate of Eletmcr A- Clark, de ceased, -sill al e their claims is Coast? Court of Lincoln, ctntntj. Xeh, trithin six mantis from Ibis April 3. 1HT7- Scefa. claims will b ht?arri before me on May 3. 1SS7. and Oct. SSOSOTt 1 p. ro each, day. The Executors win settle said Estate within cue year. JAMES RAX, County Judge. NOTICE FOB PTTBEICATIOX. iand Office at North. Platte. 3eb, April UttiulHiZ f 2Tod.ce & hereby Riea that tne followinjjiaaied Mttler has flJeii notice of her Intention to miiie final proof" in support of her claim, and toot said proof will be made before Effistr and Becerrer ' at Xortir Platte. Xeb-, oa Hay 23ta.lSgZ.-ns: CLARA. X. srmip. j who maile Homestead Entry 3o. 1(5308. for the . southeast qnaxter section li. township II north. : ranee SO west. She names the foUowin? wltneees . to prove her continuous residence upon and cnl tiraticn of iid land. Tiz: Joseph. "W. Stump, of Watts. Kelt. Orris A. Bacon, of Elizabeth. 2en Acton D. Otrand DeWits TanBrocilin. of North P!atteT2eb. JOrCS" F. BTSHAJt. 3S45 Besrister. NOTICE EOR PTTSEICATION. Zand Office at North Platte. Neb ilarch.l5th,l)rr. f Notice is hereby ntren that the foUrtpiar-named settler ha. tiled notice of her intention to make final proof insapptirtof her claim, and that raid, proof -srtH be made before Register and Eeceirer at North. Platte. Neb-, on May 2Sth- ISST.Ttz: MART E. WTT.M KTH nee GRIFFTTH. who made Homestead Entry No. for the north half of the northeast qsarterontheast n,uar ter of the northeast quarter, northeast quarter of the southeast quarter section 12. township 3 north, range 27 west. She names the following witnesses to- prove her continuous residence upon and cultrraliou of said land, vizi Jame R. Shaw. William Hanghtaling'. Joseph W Thompson, and Joseph. W. Beavers. aH. of Farnam. Neb. JOHN F. BTNSrAN, 27-3 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBTJCAXION. Zand Office at North, Platte, Neb-. ; April Sth. fcOT. f j Notice is hereby given that Harriet Bostnick J hat nled notice at intention to-make final proof' before the Register and Receiver at his office in i North PUtte, Neb., os Friday, thelith. day of 1 May. 1U7 os timber culture application Na. 12X29 ' for the South-west quarter at Section No. 25. is 1 Township No. 9 North- range No. 32 "West. She ' names as -witnessed Ix-nrg EohpoX or ortn Platte. Neb-. Wiley Matthew?, af Diciens. Neb-. Frank G. Halter and Isaiah Beam- of "Wallace, Nebraska. JOHN F. HINMAN. 324 Register. C; F. IDDINGS LUMBER AND GRAIN Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store. V ALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT, WINDOW GLSSr TARNISHES. GOLD T.KAF. GOLD PAINTS. BRONZES, ARTISTS1 COLORS AND BRUSHES. PIANO AND FURNITURE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUE AND BUGGY PAINTS, EALSOiONE MATERIAL, WINDOW SHADES ESTABLISHED JULY 1S68- - 310 SPRUCE STREET- NOETH : PLATTE : PHAEMACI, Dr. N. McCABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager. jsTOIRjIS: PIjATTB, - - 2s 1 2j A FTK" A z We a.-fm to handle trie -Best Grrades of Groods, sell tliem ax IReasonalDle 3?igTLres, and "Warrant ICrerytrii-ng as Eepreseuted.aM0HsiWi Orders from the country and along trie line of the Union Pacific rail war respectfully solicited. I fVtfSRYStA L. i i Elder & Lock's Stable. Northwest corner Court-house Square. FINEST SAMPLE BOOM IS 50ETH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the- pablie is invited to call and see us, insuring- courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the oesfc make of fables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCS:, OPPOSITE x'HE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT THE STANDARD BRED TROTTING STALLION - "SUNLIGHT 59 (No- 7654 will make the season of 1S97 at the rrrijration fair "rounds. Service limited to tea choice mares. Sunlight by Sundance, dam Vera, by Beivcnr. " Full pedigree can be found in Wallace's' Trotting Reg ister. TXRirs: $2 with usual return privileges. lEl R. G. Sottt&ers. SMOKERS In search of a rood cigar -will always find itatj. F. SdrroaIzriedTs- Try them and judge. II DillVttiiU. DEAXES. Et Coal Oil, Gasoline, -f Cas Tar, And Grade Petroleum. Heave orders at ofHce in. Broekerrs tailor shop. J J. F. PILLION, Plukr, Tinwork General Eepairer. Special attention given to WHEELS TO EENT .COAL r - r Linn J rrr j i i i i r z i u ,i f ft m mm -w AT Glaide ilT m t Hi REASONABLE PRICES GO TO Manager- A