s Tvvvv ww wrw www Toom and County $ems. The weather forecasts: Increasing- cloudiness to-night, Wed nesday partly cloudy with show ers. John Dick has received his dis charge from the Cody Guards by reason of expiration of term of service. Screen Doors, all kinds, at the CUileo Dept. Store. John Ottman. section foreman in the North Platte yeards, will move his family down from Chappell this week. ?. E. Gunnell, of Paxton, is transacting business in town to- day and meeting old time acquaint ances. Mrs. John Worthley, who for a couple of weeks was critically ill with liver trouble, is now rapidly convalescing. Conductor Carl Pierce, who has latelv recovered from an attack of erysipelas, will shortly take a lay off and visit Hot Springs. Buy your Team Harness of the Wilcox Dept. Store. An additional train crew was put on the Third district to-day, mak inr ten crews. Frank Lawrence r goes on as a regular conductor. The room to be occupied by Henry Waltemath is being repaired and repainted. Henry proposes to have a neat and attractive saloon H. V. Hilliker goes to Grand Island to-morrow to accompany home Mrs. Hilliker and children who have been visiting friends there for a week. The Wilcox Dept. Store will fur nish Barb Wire for S2.4o per cwt. John Pitt, who was arrested yesterday for resisting an officer, had his trial before Judge Ray this mnrninrr and was sentenced to twenty-five days in jail and to pay costs of suit. Charley Vollmer, of Chicago, has been the guest of his brother Will for several days past. He re sided in this city a number of years ago, and has many friends who are glad to meet him again. Buy your St raw Hats ofthe Wilcox Dept. Store Notice. A meeting of the "Wild West Wheelmen will be held at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, Saturdav evening. May 8th, at 8-o'clock sharp to make arrangements for a bicycle meet. All members are earnestly requested to attend. J. B. McDonald, M. K. Barnum, Secretary. Pres't Try the 3 pair for 85 cents Ladies' Hose at the Wilcox Dept. Store. The ladies' aid society of the Presbyterian church meet with Mrs J. A. Goodman Thursday afternoor. The ladies are requested to be at the church promptly at 1:45 o'clock where conveyances will be waiting to take them out, Jim Daley has received a letter from Cozad asking that the base ball club of that town be given a date at this place for a srame on Memorial Day. As North Platte has not yet organized a club, Jim has the matter under advisement The members of the Degree of Honor pleasantly entertctined the A. O. U. W. lodge at the hal last evening. The entertaining features provided were on a par with the excellent refreshments .served. The Wilcox Dept. Store Sells You: 20 inch Screen Wire - 7 cents per yard 24 " 2G " 28 " 30 " 32 36 " 4( t; tt a tc 10 11 12 u (( i( it 12K " 13J? " 15 " Either Green or Black. A. H. Davis yesterday finished taking depositions in the case o TurpieBros. against J. N. Calhoun This is a case wherein the plaintiffs seek to recover damages by reason of certain lands in this county pur chased by them were not, it claimed, as represented. The case will be tried in the district court o Tippecanoe county, Indiana. See the 1897 Style Shirt Waists at the Wilcox Dept Store. The weather summary for the month of April issued by Observer Piercy yesterday shows thehighes temperature to have been 82 de grees, and the lowest 26. The mean temperature for the month was 48 which is three degrees colder than April, 1896. The rainfall for the month was 2.59 inches; nearly an inch less than the same month last year. The average precipita tion tor April for 22 years past has been 2.24 inches. The movement of the wind tor the month aggre gated 8,373 miles, and the highest velocity attained 40 miles per hour. . Ladies' Kid Gloves, all kinds, at the Wilcox Dept. Store. WS? aJ0l Chamber Suit of SS. - FOJR TEiST DOLLAES? I presume you would. We cannot sell you one for that money but you cau purchase a good one for a little more money. We have the finest line of FURNITURE ever shown in the city. Call and see our new Couches and Lounges. We have something cheap in an extension table, and our dining room Chairs are the best made for the money. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. ! Great Slaughter .i. & at the Retime Dept. Store, s SHOES! Beginning to-day, we are going to give you the greatest Shoe Sale of the age. We have determined to close out our entire shoe stock, regardless of cost to make room for other goods. These goods must be sold at once, and you can get the benefit. S LOOK AT OUR PEICES. Our immcnso lino of So French Kid $ Shoes at 83.25, pointed and i oin toe. Our $1 French Kid Shoe for 82.75. Our 83.50 Shoe at 82.50. Our 83.00 Shoo at S2.00. Our 82 50 Shoo at $1.30. An immense lino of Shoes that sold at children's shors we will sell you the best school shoe, from 8 to x2, at S1.00 per pair. These shoes were formerly 81.50. We will Eollyou 12 to 2 for 81.15, goods vo sold at S1.75. We give you the samo reduction in men's shoes also. Remember the shoes must bo closed out at once, and regard less of cost. We will also give you 25 cents worth of tinware free of charge with every dollar's worth 3ou purchase m the store, including Dry Goods, Milliner', Carpets, curtains, or with airything pur chased from us. chased from us. The Rennic Department Store. f O. W. Sizemore was in Hershey yesterday on businesss connected with the proposed telephone line at that place. Frank Weingand is improving very rapidly irom the operation performed for appendicitus last Thursday evening". Eagle Bicycles, 1897 model, Gent's 839.50, Ladies' $40.50 At The Wilcox Dept. Store. The visiting teachers who were in town Frida' and Saturday liberally patronized our merchants all the teachers taking large pack ages of goods home with them. John Vernon has entirely re modeled and also enlarged the house he recently purchased of Joe Connelly on west Fourth street. He has leased the house to Dick Williams, who will shortly remove thereto. WEDDING PRESENTS. Jflff e are showing a fine line (" of goods suitable for wedding presents. The stock includes many articles too many to mention in this space. If you are in search of some thing in this line, and do not know just what you want, visit our store and perhaps we can assist you in the selection. HARRY DIXON, - JEWELER. Judson Burrows, who was up from Walker precinct yesterday, re ports a large acreage of wheat in that section. Some of the grain was put in late, but it all looks thrifty. The farmers are now busy planting corn, of which there will also be a large acreage. Buy your Ice Cream Freezers at the Wilcox Dept. Store. They handle the White Mountain, the best on earth, The Yellow Front shoe store opened for business Friday evening and presents for the inspection of the public a full and handsome line of footwear. The store presents a neat appearance and customers will find Mr. Graham a very obliging gentleman. A brief statement of the actual floating indebtedness of the city might not, as this is the end of the fiscal year, be out of place. There are a number of tax-payers who probably would like to know the in debtedness, and the information can be given without much trouble to the clerk. CABLED FIELD and KOG FENCE, 24 in. to 58 in. high; CABLED POULTRY FENCE, 24 in. to 63 in. high. STEEL WEB PICKET LAWN FENCE, 18 in. to SO in. high. STEEL WIRE FENCE BOARD and ORNAMENTAL STRIP. Steel Posts, Steel Rail, Steel Gates and Steel Tree, Flower and Tomato Guards. We manufac ture a full line of Wire Fencing, Gates and Posts, and solicit your patronage. catalogue De Kajb Fence Co., ioo High St., De Kalb, III, For Sale by The Wilcox Department Store. E. B. WARNER. Sale STTOES! 82 and S2.25, to close at $1.15 In o o O o o ? Loveland and Baskin shipped a carload of hogs to Cheyenne to day. Amanda Shinkle, of Wallace, widow of Adam Shinkle, has been granted an original pension by the government. Charley McElrov returned to Grand Island Sundav after assist ing Mr. Graham, of the yellow front shoe store, for a week. Best" grade Harness Oil. in bulk, 60 cents a gallon at wucox Dept. Store, W. L. Parks has set out on his land this spring 15,000 strawberry plants and several thousand black berry and raspberry cuttings. Hit -r- . --uiien t.eacu law, wno, it is said can sing an octave higher than Patti, will appear in a concert a Grand Island to-morrow evening. luestern mashers $3 at the Wileox Dept. Store. Wm. Lozier came down from Denver Saturday to see A. M. Ben edict, who has been dangerously il with pulmonary trouble for some time past. At the annual conclave of the Nebraska Knights Templar at Lin coin last week.F. B. Bullard of this city was advanced to the position of standard bearer. iNOTiCE especial meetinir o Signet Chapter No. 55, O. E. S Tuesday, May 4th. All members requested to be present; 7:30 sharp DeEtte Baker, W. M. Buy your Rubber Hose of The Wilcox Dept. Store. They handle nothing but guranteed quality. mi- ti r xne uorcas uins served ice cream at their apartments in the Ottenstein block Saturday after noon and evening and materially swelled the cash in their exchequer, Fair Virginia" will be the next foreign attraction at the opera house. May 20th is the date of its production. It is a strong pla' and will be presented by one of the bes companies on the road. W. C. James and son Calvin, o Logan county, who wero arrested on the charge of cutting timber. and were confined in jail in thi city for several weeks, had their trial at G.andy last week, were found guilty and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary. Lace Curtains at the Wilcox Dept. Store. The sale of pesroual property at the Van Brocklin ranche Satur day was largely attended, and taken all through the prices realized were very fair. Murphy and Beattj', o Brady, bought the bulk of the hogs i.ud a man from Hyannis a major ity of the horses. Sixty-seven o the latter the culls of the herd sold for S5.65 each- rTT -Alex Brown.bf the Third ward, purchased last week of M. C. Keith a fine Hereford bull. The exterior of Baskin's meat market is being improved at the hands of the painters. Nails, 6to 20 d., 4 lbs. for lOcts. at The Wilcox Dept. Store. -Messrs. Field, Bush and Mc- Govern are getting1 ready to repaint heir respective residences. The county commissioners will meet in session next Saturday for the transaction of routine busi ness. Buggies for sale at very low prices by Joseph Hershey. -Uncle Bill Paxton, accompanied by his cob pipe, passed east Sunday morning enroute home from a busi trip to Hershey. Boston jobber Hose 12 12 eents a toot at the wneox Dept. Store. C. C. and J. D. Hawkins were up from Wellfleet yesterday as wit nesses for M. A. Webb, who proved up on his homestead. Guy Laing received a draft for an even thousand dollars the latter part of the week, which represented payment for horses sold to the gov ernment for the use of the Indians at Pine Ridge. For rent Three lanre rooms over Miltonberger's grocery. Ap ply to Model Clothing House, Rev. Verner has purchased a Hartford bicycle of C. M. Newton and will hereafter take part ofhis needed exercise astride a wheel. Mrs. Guy Laing is also riding a new Hartford. Buy youv Overalls WileoDept. Store. of the The Gothenburg Independent says W. J. Trotter and Wm. Ne ville of this city have formed a law partnership under the firm of Ne ville & Trotter. The latter will look after the Gothenburg offic Get your plants and cut flowers of W. H. Jones, of Grand Island. He will put in enough extra plants to pay express charges. Sweat Pads, both white, and. brown and wliitc at the Wilcox Dept. Store lor SO cents each. Henry Cordes, ot INowell pre cinct, was a caller at this office Saturday with Ernest Terlitz, who made application that day to prove up on his homestead. Mr. Cordes says he has 200 acres of small grain that looks promising, though it is showing need of rain. Window Shades, all qual ities, at the Wilcox Dept. Store. The countT clerk's mortgage record shows the following trans actions for the month of April: Farm mortgages filed $2,800: satis fied $4,556.30. Qity mortgages filed $3,885.00; satisfied $3. 400. OOl Chat tel mortgages filed $60,640.03; satis fied $10,298.11. Sheriff and other deeds filed $1,09S. Louis and Bert Huntington and Ed Erichson were arrested Fri day night on the charge of being drunk and disorderly. They were brought up in Judge Ray's court the following morning made to pay the costs of arrest and com mitment. They promised to be have themselves in a gentlemanly manner in the future. Smoke Wright's Havana Rose 5-cent cigar. Joshua Peckham and his three sons Elmer. Herman and Fremont, living in the east part of Lincoln county, shipped five cars of line steers averaging about 1700 each and one car of hogs to Omaha last Tuesday. The cattle brought them the sum of six thousand dollars and made them about 30 cents a bushel for the corn fed to them. Gentlemen buy your Shirts and Underwear at the Wil cox Dept. Store. Flower Day was observed Sun day by the A. O. U. W. and Degree of Honor lodges. Quite a delega tion from each lodge attended ser vices at the Lutheran church, Rev. Foulk delivering an excellent ser mon appropriate to tie occasion. The delegations then propeedpd to the cemetrv and decorated with flowers the graves of seventeen de? ceased members. The Wilcox Dept. Store sells Leather in Evay width strip you want. Speaking of the recent term of court in Logan county, the Gandy Pioneer $ays: Judge Grimes is mak ing an eyiale record as a judge. His rulings are bQtlf fair and given without hesitation showing him to. be a past master in the questions of evidence property to be adinitted and the law governing the sanje. He also keeps the .attorneys up to the mark, and thereby saves the counties in his district many a dol lar. There will only be one or two cases left 3fter this term of court and they would have been tried had the litigants not stipulated for a continuance. g . HAVE TOU HEARD- SOMEBODY KICK:? We expect you have, but it was our competitors, and not our customers. Our customers never kick, because they know we are saving them money. a Notion Dept. 3 spools oi thread for 10c 3 spools of crochet cotton 10c Elastic tape lc per yard Elastic cord lc per yard Cotton tapo lc a roll Ladies vsts 3 for 10c Humphopks and eyes,2 cards for 5c Buttermrlk soap He a bar" Ladies' mitts 8c a pair Cloth window shades 25c Hardware Dept. Army axle grease, 2 boxes for 15c No goods allowed to for, One price and that z after taking them home, THE WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE z NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. iUiUiiwajUiaiiiiiiiUiaiiuujaiUiiiiiiiiuiiiajiuaiuiiiiiiiiuuiajiuuiUiiiiUiiiiUiUiiUj Personal Mention. J Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hershey left this morning for a brief visit in Kearney. J. B. Hindry came down trom Denver yesterday to look after bus iness matters in this cit'. Mrs. J. D: Hawkins, who had been visiting her parents in this city for ten days, returned, home yesterday irj company withlier hus band. Mrs. Don Devine and children left this morning" for a visit with rela tives in St. Joe, Mo. Mr. Devine accompanied them as far as Council Bluffs. Louis Burke. of Portland, Oregon, visilted relatives and friends in town the latter part of the week, while enroute home from a business trip in the east. Mr. and Mrs. Howard, of Grand Island, who are well known to many North Platte people, vis ited in town the latter part of last week, and were spectators at the May Party. Mrs. A. D. Duckworth will leave on Tuesday of next week for Mich igan, where she will make her fu ture home. : Miss Blanche will re main until school closes and then ro to Lincoln to make her home with her sister. See the Wiicox Dept. Store before you buy refrigerators. They will handle THE SI BERIA, THE BEST MADE. THE CITY CQUNGIL. After acting as mayor of the city for two years and performing the duties of the office with satisfaction to the people, Mayor Baker called the city council to order for the last time last evening. All council, men were, present. The minutes of the preceeding meeting were read and approved. The committee on claims reported favorably upon the claim of Jacob Miller for board of prisoners, and the same was approved; the amount being S68J75. The clerk read a report showing that during the year there had been paid to Marshal Morgan sixty-three dollars for killing dogs. The re port was received and placed on fjle. Bill of (jutta Fercha Qo. for foup lamps, anjountmg to 12.80, was al lowed on ioll fund, Bill of'w. R. Morgan, killing two dogs, two dollars, approved. There being no further business, the clerk wrote up the minutes of the meeting, they were approved, and the council adjourned sine die. Prior to adjournment Mayor Baker thanked the council for the courtesies and support he had re ceived from the council. THE NEW COUNCIL. Mayor Day received the oath of of fjee and tpok the executive chair. Councilmen Cunningham, Thom son, Tracy and ijvans, ancj police judge Davis took the oq.th of office. Couucilmen Schatz moved that R, D. Thomson be selected as presi dent of the council. The motion unanimously prevailed. The council then approved the bonds of city clerk, city treasurer and police judge. The mayor nominated A. F. Par sons for city attorney: The nomi nation was unanimously confirmed. For night, policeman the mayor nominated Mjcbae McNamaia. The nomination was unanjmously confirmed. The' mayor annflunced tliat he wg."s not ready "tp nbminat.e a city jnaxsjjal. . ", A report from chigf 6ray.es stated that Lo. if art on 24th of -4prjJ l?ad. been unanimously nomj.iate as chief of t;he fire department for the ensuing year. The council unani mously confirmed the nomination. On motion of Scott the council adjourned. ' THIS PROVES IT: Nails, C to 20 d, 4 pounds for. ,10c Granite teakettle 85c No. 8 galvanized wash boiler... 95 Western washers 83.00 Brads, 3 papers for 10c Carpet tacks, 2 barrels for 5c sZ inch bolts lc each ?xG " " ljc " ?x9 u " 2c " Kx4K" " 2c " ix9K" " 3c " xli"" " 5c u We carry every size machine bolt made. leave the house on trial without having been paid for cash only. If you are not bring them back and get your money. 30ABD OF EDUCATION MEETING . The board of education held its regular monthly meeting last ev ening. After transacting the usu al routine business, arrangements were made for the graduating exer cises of the senior class, which will be held at the opera house on the evening of June 4th. A motion was made to charge the following admission: Aduxts 15 cents, child ren 50 cents, babies S1.50, but the motion did not prevail. It was then decided to charge an admis sion fee of 15 cents for both adults and children. No flowers or pres ents will be allowed during the ex ercises. The object in making a charge for admission is to create a nucleus for a library fund for the high school. A library is a posi tive necessity in the high school in order that the pupils may do thor ough work. Nearly all the high schools of the state have libraries, but in this particular the North Platte school is lacking. As there is no money which the board can appropriate for a librarv, it was thought best to start a fund by charging an admission to the grad uating exercises. The secretary was instructed to report at the next board meeting the number and names of the books purchased by the board during this school year, as well as to take an inventory of all books returned by the teachers of the different schools This is simply a preparatory step to the auditing of the books of the teachers in reference to fines col lected books damaged, ep., the purpose of the bar4 being to keep flose watch on all the books used in the schools. Steps yere tal$en Jookjng to the proper observance of "Bird Day" by the schools; also in reference to class days during the examination period at the close of the j-ear. Professor EJbrjght presented his monthly report showing an enroll ment of 946 pupils during the year. As the free high school law has been declared unconstitutional. Prof. Bbright was instructed to inform all pupils outside of Dis - trict No. 1 that they cannot enter the high school next year unless their districts make provisions in advance by appropriating -money for the payment of their tuition. A committee was appointed to audit the books of the retiring treasurer, and, the board then ad journed. Poultry Netting 1-2 cent a square foot at tiie Wilcox Dept. Store, SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT. Editor Tribune: A party of North Platte people attended a pleasant entertainment at the log school house in Mylander precinct Thursday afternoon, April 29th, by invitation of Miss LenaSchatz who has taught a decidedly successful term of school hereof eight months. After some excellent music by Prof. Garlichs, Miss Irma Cody and Miss Anna Cpnnors an$ singing by Miss Schatj? and the pupils fojlpwefl by recitations bv the pupils, all were treated to a bountiful supply of ice rrentn and cake. All those who have sent children to school during the past term agree that they have made greater progress in learning than during any previous term since the organization ot school District No. 3,and as a teacher we predict for Miss Schatz an eminentlv suc cessful future. F. K. Don't forget they sell Queen City gats for $2.00 pvery hat warranted at the Wiicox ept. Store. Sycamore strec between Fifth and TJiir4 was graded tlje lattef part of the week. The street was more or less of a mud hole during the wet weather 3 Harness Dept. Linp snaps 2 and 3c Breast snaps 5c Hamo staples .2 for 5c Hame clips 2 for 5c Cock eye3 5c Tug buckles lc Hame straps 10c Bridles 5Cc inch lace leather Cc inch lace leather 4c Thong sewed leather collars, $1.25 Team Harness Harness Leather Valve Leather satisfied with our goods THE MAY PAETY. The Tribune congratulates Div ision 88, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, upon the success of. its fifteenth annualMay Party given at Lloyd's opera house last Friday evening. As a social function it surpassed all previous parties of late years, and as the attendance was unusually large, we presume it was a satisfactory success financially, At eight o'clock the customary concert preceding the grand march was given under direction of Prof. Garlichs. The public was anxious to hear the concert and when tha hour arrived the gallery was closely packed and 200 or more persons were seated on the floor of the house. The first number on the program was a selection by the Xorth Platte orchestra, and it, as was also the succeeding numbers was rendered in a manner that brought forth hearty applause from the audience. Fred Baker, who is popular with North Platte audiences, rendered a barytone solo in a very acceptable manner and was followed by a se lection by the juvenile orchestra, which was so well received by the audience that a second number was demanded. Miss Eva Fenwick gave an exhibition of parlor club-swinging and agreeably surprised the audience with the grace and ease with which she handled the clubs. The orchestra rendered "The Hunt ing Scene" in a faultless manner, and was followed by Mrs. M. Doo little, who sang a solo in her usual pleasing way. The concert closed with "The Forest Forge" by the orchestra. In response to the call for partners for the grand march, the music tor wljich was composed by Prpf. Qarlichs, atjout 125 couples re sponded, and after going through, the customary figures, formed for the opening quadrille. From that time until twelve o'clock dance fojr lowed dance in rapid succession. At midnight an intermission of an hour was taken, in order that the"inner man" might be refreshed. The dance was resumed at one j o'clock and the programme of twenty-five dances was completed about 3:30. The party was more of. a "dress affair" than an party ever given in town. The ladies were, particular ly, handsomely gowned, and flow ers were worn in profusion by them, while the men were neatly attired and were as gallant as the typicaj society man sljould be. Wiiije the floor was, perhaps, uncomfortably crowded, the jostling which ensued was taken good naturedly, and every darcer thoroughly enjoyed the evening. The crowd was ex ceptionally orderly, and it was a general remark that had the party been an invitation affair a nicer as semblage of people could not have been gotten together. As before said. The Triuune congratulates the division on the success of the party, and compli ments the several committees upon the smooth manner in which every detail was carried o. enrrrnro and uttinQ: Mrs. II. L. Walsh will, do cutting and fitting at her residence on East Fifth street. foeTsale. 1897 crop of hay on cast half of sec. 33. all of sec. 35. in twp. 14, and and sees. 1 and 3 in twp. 13, all in range 32, and sec. 21. twp. 13. range 25, in Lincoln county, Nebraska. Send bids to Con. W. Lloyd, Gothenburg. Nebraska. NOTICE FOR t'Ulil.ICATIO.N. Land Offico at North Platto, Xeb., ? Mny 1st, 18W. '' S Notice Is herebv Blvcci that Erhest Xelllz as filed notlco of inteutJoh to make final proof be' im TirvHitpr and itecuiver nt his offiee'in NoHH Pinttn Neb., on Saturday the 12th dnyof Jnne. 1897 011 Umber culture applicatlpa" No. ll,8C9,forthe southeast qqarter of bectlog it'o. 22. lq toy rjshjp Ifq. 1.1 norm, range ro. a weav. xi anoico as wnu.wu Fredl-lbner, Henry Cordes, Bernhird Wuenken werder, and Fred Keohn, alt of North Platte, Neb. 1(H) JOHN i. iUJiMA.N, uesisier.