mik ml 2Uimme A. J . A . m. sm. B0EQ1 PLATTE, MBMSEA, I RIDAI EYMEJG, JAftTABI 22, 189 MS: Closing Owin to an expected change in business we are . . going to sell our entire stock of . . Clothing, Hats, Caps, Gents9 Fur nishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Trunks and Yalises AT SlaugliteriMg Gall and be cooyiaced thai wht we tell you are facts. i i F UOtlf . . Weber & All parties Indebted Ther 9 sa jft '- iifM?. S Ho. 3496 W First National Bank, I W fZ-A TTJS, 1 CAPITAL, - - $50,000.1 i te SDRPLIB, z - $22,500.1 IO. P. A. Wkift, - - - Vke-Pres l py Wc&aiaara, - Caskier. W jj. Jj A general banking besjaess (see the name on the leg . them, when IT S NOT SO, If you are jilted you cannot be deceived. We write this to post you. SOLD ONLY BY A J ft AVI The Great and Only Hardware Man t w5 m Lmcoln Ck). that bo one Owes Full Line of ACORN STOVES AND RANGES. STOYE PIPE. ELBOWS, COAL HODS, ZINC BOARDS, etc., at Lowest Prices on Record. SOUTH PLATTE. - - - XEBRASKA. HHEST SAMPLE EOOM IS JfOETI PLATTE TlaTiag reRtted" or romas in tbe finest of style, f Ik1 public rs invited fee eali ami see as, rosanriEr eoarteoas ireatmenL Finest WInes5 Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Qcr billiard fesll k supplied with the best make of tables and competent attesdaats vnJl supply all tout wants KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE iHS XINlOls PACIFIC DEPOT Sale! - Low I Prices. i Vollmer. . . please call and settle. lie, no Use! Yoh can't find in these United States the Equal of tLe Genuine ... ... Beckwitli Round Oak. You may try; you'll get left Eemember. it's the combination of good points that makes the Perfect Stove. That's where we pet the IMITATIONS. They can't steal the whole stoye. They steal one thing and think they haye it all, but it FAILS. They build another. It fails. Still they keep on crying sood as the BOUND OAK. Some peculiar merchants say they haye PTiA.CE COUNTY NEWS. STJTE2SLA3TD 35TvFS- Cfaas. Richards and E. A. Crosby ac companied by their better halves were in North Platte on "Wednesday. Alex Neflsan is spending the week in Perkins county. Geo. Emerson has gone to Waterloo to spend a coaple at months. O. A. and Z. J. Hostetter departed for Cripple Creek Monday evening. B. Humphreys of Paxtoa transacted business in this vffliageon Tuesday. Geo. Duffield and Gus Gnndarson are spendieg the week in the east part of the state. Mrs. Alex Johnswn of Hershey was in town oc Wednesday. F. A. Carpenter is down with tbe measles. J as. Weaner of Perkins Co. was on oer streets Wednesday. P. C 3teyer and wife passed throegh town on their way to North Platte on. Tuesdav. A baby girl gladdened the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gestav Driegroaa a couple of weeks ajro. Jas. Shoup returned last week from Missouri and will farm tbe AlRsoa farm sooth of town. Cfaas. Richards has rented, the new be of en hotel for three years aad wik f jr business Feb. 1st. W. M. Hoi try shipped cattle to Gmafaa gu Wednesday. Jas. Bechaaan was in charge. G. Pouisen has taken possession of tbe O. A. Hostetter residence which he re cently purchas-d. CXE2rr. TX WrMT. 30TJES. A. W Matthewsoo, of ijsadj, was in town Tuesday. MiUon DooiittiQf North PteUe, wss here Sunday. J. W. Nugent and Albert Spader spent Wednesday ia North Platte. Mrs. Ngent came over from Cattoa- wood to spend a Few days with her hus band. Otto Nafrigger returned to "Lexington Sunday after visitiag relaties for a few da vs. Henry Appieford lost eight bend of cattle as the result of turning theta into the earn field. A party of twenty yeuag people en joyed a skating pasty Saturday eeneg. Tbe best quality oc corn is at cigb ents a besbel. Miss 3iie3ie Stomberg of Gotbeebcrg will make her boaae with P. P. Dotae this winter. Julius Essiar, of the I-feed prretect. traosactei bsiness in North Pfette Saturday. Miss Ahee Pfemer has accepted tbe position of teacher in tbe sew normal school at Bittsburgr Maee. Mr. Seaworthy, who has Uved at tbe Heady ranch the past Shrea yeas. will soon paove to another locality, Ueorge Able and Jobs Mooce aiteaded a dancing party held at the hooe of Mr. Able on Saturday sight. Our yoeng people gave a danee Wed nesday evening, tbe proceeds of which was presented to Prank Horn, who has been so serkwsly ill. Tbe susieiass donated their efaanres also. Mr. Horn Kves on tbe Island south of Maxwell. B2ADY 3ITDGET T. F. Gantt was in towa Saturday on business relating to tbe Maxwell and Brady ditch. G. D. 3Iathewsoe returned oe Friday froa Nashvilie, Tenn where be west with a car of horses some time ago. While there he made uite ao extaoded tour tbrough the state on bis wheat. P. S- Browa and better half packed their world y possessioos in a bay rack and left for Gothenburg Tuesday. We nnderstand that Mrs. Brown rc a restaurant there, A. W. Matbewson was in Gothenburg on business Saturday. Mrs. Franklin was vtsttteg schools this vicinity last week. in . A daEce es s WifeiBS j ooiWrag Friday sight, bet oweg to tbe j revival meetiog and other attractions ! that nie-ht tK itbMM r ..k I sma.IL G- D . ilatbewsoe is now riding a aew wheel which hepercbased while east. A surprise party in honor of Jkasite Elliott was given 00 Saturday evesiss at tbe residence of Or Oarsoe. pleasant eveafair ws F-sent is A very olaviBCT i rraojcg " ' " m5 , ! . oDerg, was ooy- , ing stock in this vicinity Mooday. Jlrs. iJItott, accompanied by her, daughter ilrs. Baker, returned to ber ! new home near Hastiugs Tuesday. Mrs. I Baker expects to visit there a couple of ' raoatbs. raeaawbiie tbe genial "Haak" wiit keep bschefor's haJL Fkizzuk. ' SiiiiE Or Ohk, for OF TbtKDO, ) i Iicois CocTrrr. 55 j Frank J. Cheney Bakes oath tbet be . is theseeiorpertaerof tbe firm of F. J. : Cheney & Co doisg business iu tbe city ' of Toledo county anu state aforesaio, ! and that said arm will pav the sum f QIK"E HHSDEED DOLLAKS for each ' and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use ot HLux."s Cataees OSE. PaJUTRj. CHZJTEr. i bworn ta before me and subscribed f in my preseQee, this 6th day of Deceea- ' ber,A.D. 1SS8. A. W. GLasosr, tSE-U-) Xotarv Fabfic i HaMs Catarrh Cure is taken internallT , and acts directly on the bleed and rae cuous surfaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials. F. J. Chessy & Co-, Toledo, Ohio, f Sold by druggists. Toe. Hall's Family I Pills are tbe best. 3 1 TJ4E IiHGISIiHXURH. The Omaha exposition bdl was dis cussed in representative hall Tuesday evening in the presence of members of both booses and a liberal number of spectators. The proposed appropria tlon of 8350,000 was advocated by Messrs. Wattles and Hitchcock of Omaha, who presented some of the advantages such an exposition would be to -Nebraska. The irrepressible Woester, of Merrick county, opposed the appropriation stating thatii was an Omaha project and would be of little benefit to thefarm- ers of the state. Wboster thought the proper thing Ice Nebraska to do was to pay her debts, and then appropriate 55ft 0,100 for an exposition that would do her credit. bseaKing ot the Dill calling tor a re- caavass of the vote on the constitutonal amendment relating to an increase of the supreme court. Judges, the State Joemal says the senate committe to which the bill had been referred took no action at the meeting held Tuesday. Tbe committee has decided to invite Judge M. B. Eeesendean of the univer sity college of law and formerly a judge M the supreme court, to appear next Tuesday iind express his views on the sttbject. The two fusion candidates for contingent judges,. J. S. Kirkpa trick and Judge William Neville, were also in vited to appear at that time. TYhfle there may be a pause in the senate, h is stated bv fosionists that the vote wiU be coos ted. The house committe which has a similar bill under consideration, ' has decided to report favorably upon tbe bifL Oe THesder Stehbias,. of this county. introuoceo in tbe sense a mil to pro mote agrieuliece on land under irriga tion m ibh- state, and to confer an origi nal jwiedicttoQ on boards of coeHty cooesisstoeers te fer rates to be charged for tbe use of annuel asd perpetual water rent to ecetrpants on lands under irri gation by means of canals, ditches, reservoir:-, laterals, in irrigated districts in the itate of Nebraska,. ad te regulate the furoishiag and distribution of water for irrigetiag, Hiiec and domestic pur poses and to regulate and control per sons, a.-sactatioG, stock companies, or ganised wader the general laws of the state of Nebraska for the purpose of meta'aimBgand operating cacais.dit.ches and laterals thereto in tbe state of Ne braska, asd posgesifce tbe titae when pcior reed ricrbts may lapse as to seb sequBt oxnrs, eons:rBetors and build ers of eaeals, ditches aad fe terra is, in the stste of Nebraska. 2TE55ASSA SZWS. A party of seranseau ia Banner organ ssed an auteloae bust, sad came home after a hasd days tramp with twentv- eight f 10k rabbftts and an empty jug. William Taylor, living near St. Paul dischasseda fara baud and a few nishts later mised a beese, saddle and bridle. A rawaid of 550 is ogered for the re tain of the hiied maa asd the stna be stole. A wBeetec coaaty t&rraer ptantea tbree-etgbts of au acre of ground to pea- nts last spnag. and this fall harvested foryt-ooe bcsbels of nupber i peanuts. Tbe nuts are worth 5L50 per bos he I. asd at this rate the crop wocld bring 8161 porasre. A Binzxie kmdirig shotgun in the bands of George Ofeon. of Qakdale. ssploded tearing tbe breach of tbe gun wide open for a dtstaace of six or eight inches, and blow-is? a part of tbe httle Soger off the boy's left baud, but very fortunately not injtmog htm otherwise. Boads to the extent of 3USX0O voted bv Butler county to the Uakm Pacific road fall due next year. There is only about $2a,00 in sight with which to liquidate. The county will have to emulate the road, says tbe r'reeooi Tribune, and ask lor an eighty-year exensioa of tbe debt. Tbe beg disease so prevalent ia this recwe. says tae irransenn oentiaei. ts !jlr cte ditfereot herds are ck ia tkaeraas wys. Tbe fault appears to be socoetbicg eounected with the corn bat being fed, and we believe that if tbe eocH was weii soaked and washed be fore feeding, it would he, benedcial in its resects. STickka! Arnica Sai7S Tbe best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, teter, chapped bands, chdbiains corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- timely cures pdes, or no pay reqiired, K fe guaranteed to gire perfect satisfac- - joa or money refunded. Price 15 cents per bor. For --ale bv A.F. Sireiis POWDER Absolutely Pure, Celebrated, for .25 great ieavemnz streaeta Mealtft fulness. Assures tie food acafest S alteration ruEiinoa Bmi.&isss..'pf-wvzaf. jr, T , c A SAILOR. Two years ago, 25 gjrjjQ the approach, of Cliriscmastide, she sailing ship Trafalgar was ptewmg the ocean to make the harbor of Meikotrme. She reached port on the 17m of Decern- ber, commanded i a lad of 18 Tears. The ship had started full handed with William Shotten, an apprentice jeer. cut of his time, ranking third mate. rtacnS the voyage the captain died of fever, and the first mate fell 31 ; ako an able- seaman who acted as first zaase. The second mate could not navigate a Ehip, and the acw became sodlv de- 1 moralized at the nrcsDeci before thera. Toung Shotten had acted with tbe ; mates throughout the vovajrs asd as times handled the ship when tbe sever compelled the navigator to go below. He decided to say nocking about the change of affairs, but the sailers learned that all the exnerienced ofneers we down and no one left but a bov, who had been one of themselves a shore time before. Tbe sailors wanted to take tbe shao to the nearest cert, but roans Shotten set hie f aca against It, for, though a beard less boy, aad modest at that, be -was the hob of aa able sea eap taiu aad felt ca pable ia a piacb of deeds wortbv bis lineage. He told the, crew that he had al ready mvigafed tbe vessel much of tbe time, asd THE BOY CAPTJJX. that if he conM navigate her to the nearest port ne could take her ro Mpi- bourne. Upon his return tcEaciaBd the brave saOer was given a certzScste as junior efacer. JBelating his experi ence on the Traiaisar. be said: "TKa deaths on iioerd and the position we were left in made tbe men see theses very blackly. It was from that fact the: any difnculties I had with them arose, not from a desire, I am certain, toc&use trouble. Anybody who kaows wba sailors are will easily understaod their fidgetiness aad the troubles they xsake as a result of it. If I had beea in tbe fo'c's'le and ssea a lad taking tbe hear ings day after day en the eunrser deck ana naa saown that was tbe eely frail guide &u the trackless sea. -whv. I might myself have been a trifle naeasv. All the men could have done would have been to take a given cirecrioH the direction of tbe Australian eoaii- nen and bear up for it igjthar sbat or have trusted to baipg oieked up br a passia sbiti. In the first case they mug. just sub her agrcend on tbe first load they touched. It might haveheea a bar ren coast hundreds of miles from dvih-zadou- As ; being picked up by aaosb er ship, wen, we didn't see'aes oa tbe whole voyage. "We had a good bit of rough weather ' when we got into Australiau latitudes, had sails blow away aad so oc, bet got to Melbourne all right in time for Christmas. Immediately tbe men got foot oa shore they forgot all their trou bles and couldn't say t8$ kind things of me. Tbe stranse aai?t so doubt, was not without ns"ri?ks, bus if I had set T doubting the results we Eusbt not have got through as we did." A SSGOKD PAUL SBviS. Tbv Siea out break of Deceiaher, 1864, and snassecre (if pars of the garrisoa of Fort Phil Kearny is a well known incident of tbe plains, but the subsequent relief of the post was attended with a thrilling deed of personal heroism, lost sight of in the horror of the massacre. Tbe Sioux im mediately laid siege to the fort after killing over 80 ofScers asd soldiers out side. The families of tbe oSeers were present, and at one time the womes begged to be placed in the powder bouse and blown up in case tbe work most f alL Any fate was better thaa to he tbe prey of savages. Tbe commaBder, Colo nel Carrington, handed his revolver to his wife and told her to use it in blow ing out her brains in case tbe Indiana broke into tbe inclosure. The Indians outnumbered tbe garrisoa 20 to I, and the nearest help was at i iramie, 22a atUes distast. A vohsa- teer scout warned Jobs PbQlias. wbo was an alien, wens to oae of the vic tims widowed by tbe massacre, tbe wife of Lieutenant Grummond, and offered to ride through the Indian iras for help pranaxag he be allowed tQ ebcose bis own horse. He was given tbe best sseed in the ofScers stable. The therraosBe ter was 20 degrees Below aero when be set out ftsi ia horse bad to plow a path for himself throssh tbe sbcw. Hariag passed tbe Indian liaes without discovery and covered a good distaBeo i before daylight, tbe gallast fellow I found hiding ia some Btesqeiie besbes for the day. 2 ext nizbt be was chased by Indians, but eseaped aad reached fararrtie while r gsv masked ball was? at its height. Covered wirb same- k, wisb icicles for a beard, tbe revelers wok tbe figure which burst amoag tbea tor a mimic Santa duos. Hairing jest I streagtb to aoBosnce bis erxaad. be fell ; uncooiciocs. Troops berried from Lara mie to the threatened -boss ia tbse 10 save k. Tbe bcstilcs teak reveree upoa tbe brave fcout'in the most savage masses. Once he came witbia their power, hav ing been lassoed while ridisg oa. the ; plains, but was rescued from death by torture. Phillips' roach was rmded 1 1 : again and ar;trR by tbe Sioez bis cas tle killed or driven, awoy and other wanton deprecations visited -spas him. I The gallant fefkrw died of tbe expose incurred ia tbe wiater ride fsom Fact Kearny to Laramie aed ia bis pweoBsn campaigas with his savage enemies hiss ing for years. Gsosoe. L. !ttvp fir The Great Annual Closing Sale of the COMMENCING- JANUARY 12th, TO CONTINUE THE BALANCE OF THE MONTH. j expect to go east next month to lay in oer sopory of sprfeg- &scL ' smnaaer goods and as we still Sod ocrselves beavify ioefied witk "wiater ' eotxfe rather than to csrrr rrwrn ncr w h-ail ttwto. rWo crsar T j our stock of Dry Goods, Cloaks, Ladies' and Gents9 Furnishing, Blankets, Boots, Slices and Rubber Goods regardless oi cost. . . Sere are Some of Our 3?riosr 25 pieces of Eogfish OutiBes, regular price !?Sie, roig a t o6st per'yii; pieces of 12K cts. Canton FfanaeJ gotog t S aSs Erees GiBgham, lO-ceat quality-, gowg at 6 ceans. Aproe Giogbaas 3 cents per yard. 15 pieces 10-ceat quality Lioec Crash, goiag mt T1 eaot:. 20 dosea Dianer Napkios. 150 quality, gone; at $1-60 par nWtwi Table Lioeos. S2.IX) oaalitv. rotnr atslJS: 21 .00 t GS aSKr at 35 e&s. 4 Pepocel! Bleecbed Sbeetisgs, regular pnee 25 cie goiog a4 M ss: patryd. 9-1 Uabeched. regular price 23 ceets. at 13 ceots peryrd 1 lot fcjtaralaitl -ceat rmt, to close ot. . cents par yrtL Ihs yard wide Ladies Qotb. ia all eokxs, regular pcictt cte- pec yara. 1 yard wide Ladies Goth, regokr pnee Js ess. goiog at 2S ets. per yard. 55 ich all wool HeorMCtas. isgxiar prieo 53 cobIe. soieg els. pec yd. Imported Secges, a$ inebac wide, rwsoisg- from SLJO to SL25T lor this sale 5 easts per yaxd. 1 Vof fas e&ty 51 -S gameets. mm a 5S eeals; a east at S caafis. SSaX) owJitj Ofiforabi Btes&ete at J5.Ti SfcC&ifaiity at 530. quabl? L 1QL fiOa&tyat L25. lQ quality & JUL o cete qo&lity at ceatB. Wtatowr we bme tefs oe bod. saBae high ag g2: or afcih fibga eg out sate st down to S2. ML Hosiery. Gfovee, 3fittaas, Yacas, Zapbac Skaoay, GeMe Fwcaiching tods at a rrest retmetioa. BOOTS a -?sr Ail our ladMs $2 aad SLT5 qoeiity goiaej at lor this; swift. AU oar Uxbes Sue shoes 5350 aod .GU. Hendersoa's and Paddac Bro nake sbo4g to closa oat x4 SJS. Heedecaoa's Red School Hoose sboes at a big discount. 1 lot of dukkeY seboof sbees, good oaes, beet or spring beeL6 to 5 at 73 eects. S to 12 at 9 seats, 13 to 2 a iieo's aad boys sboes at a great reduction. ZWCm ant this ad and bring it to tbe Bosto Store so tbat yoa wfli boec fist of goods for this sale aad the prices we prcsiee to sell tbea for. Tours for Bargains, THE Sooth rood Otteasteta Block. c 9 AND Order by telephone from 2: WALL-PAPER, PAINT AND OIL DEPOT. WINDOW GLSS. TAKXISHES, GOLrD ULAF, GOLD PAINTS, BROXZES, ARTISTS COLORS AXD BRUSHES, PLA2CG AXD FURXITiiKE POLISHES, PREPARED HOUSE AXD BUGGY PA1X3S, KALSOMIXE ATFSRTATj, WEfDO W SHADES, ESTABLISHED JULY 1S8S. - 210 SPRUCE SOES ;kort OF BRICKS. That Was SlaryfcjN DUeaae, He "Waa a of Ideas. Two rivsl ccstractoss, Casey aad I Mcrpbj, were putting up rows of booses on iuBeui afurt; ok a ouwa sow2 street. Oee aftexBOon Xespby diBoover ed that bo was renaxBg nrt of brie&s asd tfaac tbe men wonM bave to tacck off work for tbe rest of tbe day safes, a fmal supply eooid be rbsauied. 2Cow, Casey, os tbe other side of tbe street, was well sappbed with bricfc. aad biE mea wese workiag Kke ben revs. So Hsrpay west over to Casey asd said: "Dn. Oi v roa out o bricks. Ltadaw tbe loan av above forwbaa'e, aa OT11 give tbiat buck to ye tonaocrer.7' Be Casey was ra a bad hnmac, aad be wouldn't lead a single brick, '1)iU git uvea wid ye far tfeac Daa Casey," I said Marafey, aad be won back to bio "ifhm, said be, we re stan o arick?. 2ow, Casey's ami are wurfcia ; sdddy, bee if wo doaT. git soc av aa bricks we'll bave so knock os. So do ye all Rthwy here while Oi go ap above is tbis baiidXB, aa wan On yell tasee i Ojoesaoas to ye, do ye all aaswer 'ris.' , Dve seer "AH roigbt. boss" s ilnrpby went sp iaso tbe naemaaWd si bacs aad yelled: "Are ye all down there, mssv 'Tie, " replied tbe mea. "Are vq all wnifcmsr "53s." "Dove all fcaloag ia tbe A. P. A.r "STat Aad in two zamwimA ih 9W aries came over Pbilarlrhia E-ccrd. BOSTON STORE, a4JS ets qoaber itt ee65v ateeeBaiKy i?S- foe SEOSS. BOSTON ST0R&. JULIUS PIZER, Prop. NGS 9 Xemon's Book Star a. I5T ' 1 - I a r Swaiuiilauj of a Uachelr. Wbea a girl soys saes glad she iss't a ana, yoa jony be pretty sere she's howfegged or sooietbiBg. Sc. Peter ronbtn't bao bees mosried. If be bad bees, be woebta't bavo tbe hearsto keep aay mszzied. meat out of It always aiafccn a mas mod so have has wife esast to read ovor a lot of old tool letters be wrote b: beaKS taey weseaaczxKd. To a good anay paople boaM meaas a pface wbexe tbe aasbaad caa sis aad sbm&b in bis abizt sleeves aad wbesa tbe wise caa go aarooad wish ao eossec oa. Tbe reasoo why iroaen are always so hMeseaed ia a bride is baeaose the BMurxied oaes axe wMaViriat; whether she Jraows as orach as abey ao, aad die aaaMzried oaes are woaderiae whether they know as aracb as sba does. Xew York Pxeaa, Sawcii I beesd a aaear tbaag tbe day. A aaaiaeMi aass s pigweeJd a bsrsa pail of silk aad then yoa eoald pat aim iu tbe s&atepail and . &a 1 fill it. I doa't aoabt it- I Icbrw s that draak ap a saw- mill, aad thea we pas n a pine bocr. IbtooaJya Life. Eke Preferred the 3Tcr Scyle. Ho was a gaadessas af taeoMscBcol. "Parmit me." be add. 'Tbea be tisad bar bead. "Well, say, " she safairaed with seme yipbngia, as if soaabiag bad eccmrred to BEoaoko ber, "thera'saetbiBg poson oesiatbe face powder I nse." Chi cago Pose lOAL GRAIN mas OBce