The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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TOL. in.
SO. 1 OS.
Closing Sale!
Owing to an expected change in "business-ie are
. . inr to sell our entire stock of . -
Clotliitig, Hats, Caps, Gents Fur
nisliing Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Trunks and Valises
Slaugliteritig I Low Prices.
OaH and be coariicd at
-what we tell yoti are facts.
. . Weber & Yolliner. . .
All parties indebted please call and settle-
Her. McCarthy was a Iexington
; visitor yesterday.
Mrs. M. Boolittle went to Omaha
on. this mornings train.
Mrs. James Patterson is visiting-
her daughter, Mrs. KeyesT in Cotm-dlBlnffs.
Piatt White returned this week
from a business trip to Dawson
-Jack" Celling- left the early part
of the week for a visit with friends
in St. Loins.
Henry Weber was m Ogalalla
Tuesday looking' after his business
interests in that village.
I. A. Fort left last night for
Phoenix, Anr., to attend the na
tional irrigation congress.
Mrs. W. M. Holtry and children,
of Sutherland, were the guests of
North Platte friends yesterday.
W. F. Marsh, of Deuel county,
a iormer jsotza .fiatte resident,
transacted business in town yesterday.
Mr. and. Mrs- Lester Eells went
to Omaha yesterday, where the hit
ter will receive medical treatment
for several weeks.
Jce Barstow. formerly cashier of
the Pacific hotel, visited. jNorth
Platte friends yesterday while en-
route to Rawlins.
P. H. Cohn, who had been visit
his sister Mrs. Newell Burritt
for several weeks, returned to Buf
falo, Wyo. this morning".
R. A. McMurray left Tuesday
night for Kendall ville, Ind., in re
sponse to a telegram stating- that
his father had been killed.
II First National Bank, jjj
The weather forecast is: Fair
to-night; fair and cooler Saturday.
The maximum temperature yester
day at North Platte was 92, mini
mum in past 24 hours 28, at T a. m.
29. Precipitation none. For the
same period and time one year ago
the maximum temperature was 57,
minimum 2S, at 7 a. m. 32, precipi
tation none.
The lecture on the great Yel
lowstone National Park last night
seas a grand -snccess. The opera
house was well filled, and the audi
ence was unanimous in the expres
sion that it was grand, not only
; for beauty but for instruction. Dr.
Culliss will lecture to-night on the
Yosemite "Valley. There wfll be
plenty of laughter mingled with
nsrjE csErAiraxi-
If you intend, to make holiday
presents these hard times we in
vite you to inspect our magnificent
line of imported. French and Carls
bad chinaware, Bohemian ware and
fancy useful household articles.
These goods were imported for nsby
Lr. Strous & Sons of New York and
shipped direct to North Platte in
the original package from Europe.
We declare without fear of contra
diction that we have the finest line
ever bought in a town the size of
North Platte. A present of an in
dividual plate, cup and saucer or a
vase from this line of goods will be
treasured in any household for
years. Haehtxgtox & Tobix.
The world-renowned Smith
family were induced to attend the
meeting" of the Bachelor Maids
which was held at the guild house
Mondav evening". ATI the members
of the family (eight in number) are
celebrated vocalists. Each one fa
vored the assembly with a solo and
then the entire family sang" a. chorus.
Several musical selections were
also rendered by home talent and
Miss Breyer gave a recitation- The
Maids dispersed at 10-30 after en
joying" a hmcheon of hot weiner
wurst, bread and butter and coffee.
The Board of Education is in
somewhat of a disorganized condi
tion. It has been without a presi
dent for several months,-and at the
last meeting" Mrs. Birge resigned
the vice-presidency. The position
of president seems to be considered.
an undesirable one by the members
of the board. It is said there is
more or less clash between the
three lady members and the three
male members.
I learning".
no Use!
From a Scranton (Pa.)paper we
take the following account of the
marriage of H. N. Dolph,formerly of
this city: Miss Christina Oakley of
MayfieldV and Harry N. Dolph of
Carbondale, were married Wednes
dav eveninsr at the home of the
bride's mother on North Main
street. The ceremony was per
formed in the front parlor in the
presence ef a number of friends and
You can't find in these ill"led St bJ Rer- Francis Gen
United States the Equal oi tte M- s ?UJ-ch;
siliC wim uimiainga to mduur iuiu
DCCKVVIIJI Mattie, who wore blue silk. Mr.
lOHHCl. Oal tmcleof the groom, acted as best
man. The groom is in the employ
cm mav frv- vnn M crp.t of the Traction companv for
left. Keme mber, if S the several years and is wett and popc-
pnm'hTn s tf nn nf crnnfl nnfn frs larly known. The young lady has
that makes the rerfect neea a resiaent oi inis iocuii) xor
RfnTTA Tof'c Inoro anumoer oi years ana is nigjuy
get the BIITATIOlSrS,
esteemed. After the ceremony a
verv fine repast was served- The
newly married couple was the re
cipient or a large number or pres
If you are posted you cannot be deceived
this to post you. SOLD OXLY EY
They can't steal the whole
stoye. They steal one
thing and think they haye
it all, butit FAILS. They
build another. Tfc fails
Still they keep on crying I Jennie's
rood as the C U U JN V
OAK. Some peculiar
merchants say they haye
them, when ITSOT SO
We write
Rev. Evans and wife, of Paxton,
visited with friends here the first
of the week.
Crick, the bicycle swift from" the
county seat, visited at the Ander
son farm a few days ago.
R. W. Calhoun and family are at
present on the north side visiting
Mrs- Layton, of Brady Island,
mother of Mrs. Geo. Sullivan, came
up Monday to spend a few days
with her mother.
Rev. Coslet preached at the Nich
ols school house last evening" to a
fair sized audience.
Several Maccabees from this pre
cinct went to Sutherland last night
to attend a meeting of the order in
that village. ,
Miss Carrie Dvmond is suffering"
from sore eyes, the effects ot a bad
Carpenters from the Platte re
paired the IT. P. bunding- at this
point Monday and Tuesday
One of L. E. Jones carriage
horses received 'some pretty bad
wounds a few days ago by getting"
too close to a wire fence.
A very neat and interesting" pro
gramme was rendered by the chil
dren at the Platte valley school
house last Friday evening.
Water in the South Platte river
has at last reached as. far east as
this point.
Mrs. M. C. Brown leaves to-mor
row for Sidney, where she will visit
for some weeks with relatives.
Maurice Cronin came up Wednes
day and made a short visit with
the Trovillo family. While here
he took advantage of the opportun
ity and slew a couple of dozen fine
Mrs. Terry and Miss Stella Good
win were in North Platte Wednes
day calling" on friends.
Grant Bare and Will Brooks were
looking over the country in the
vicinity of Sutherland Thursday.
Black-leg" has made its appear
ance in some herds in the valley the
past week and now everybody is on
the look out for symptoms.
A grand sociable was given bv
the ladies aid at the Platte Talley
school house last evening-. The
novelty of the entertainment drew
a large crowd and everybody seemed
to enjoy themselves hugely. Ice
cream and cake were served as re
freshments through the evening for
the small sum of 15 cents. The
i proceeds go to the christian organi
zation in Hinman precinct.
Ed Wright moved onto his rfefm
recently. It is rumored that Mr.
Foster of North Platte, will move
on his farm, where Ed has been
living, in the spring".
A number of the neighbors and
friends of A. J. Neel gave him a
pound parry last Thursday night-
Alex McNicol closed a successful
school in district 29, Saturday
He will teach in the same district
in the spring.
The snow and ice have disap
peared much to the satisfaction of
the farmers, and corn husking" is all
the rage again.
D. McNicol had the misfortune to
break a couple of ribs recently.
The little daughter of J. E. Ful
ler fell from a horse and bruised
her arm one day last week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Moore
Nov. 27th, a son.
A number of the young" foiks
spent a pleasant evening" with Miss
Jessie Waite the first of the week.
Art Marr and J. E. Fuller had a
quarrel over an election bet, which
resulted in a fight, in which Art
came eff victorous. Art says he
whipped Fuller for calling" him
names and next timewill whip him
for the saddle.
Among" the passengers who pur
chased tickets on the overland route
to North Platte during" the past two
weeks were, D. C Schrambling, L.
Pease, R. J. Menzie, A. E. Moore,
AV" McNicol and W. Combs.
From now till after Christmas.
All Otfr Coats and Capes
A I DAVIS Thet aodtWy Badmre Man go at Half Price.
A t 1O5 111 Lincoln Co. that no one Owes.
finr -n-rtf snr? x - -nlncTi fvs-rvac 2ti
Fuii line of acor2st sto yes and BADGES, stoye our fee and fi5 pins capes. ; : : ; ; ; : ; ; : ; ; : : : ; : ; ; ' 7;5oi
at Lowest Prices on B eeord. " 1 All our capes and coats must he closed out regardless
Tsrpp-D a qtta I of cost. V p haye just received a large line of French.
WlXAiiO. OXLU WUi. SitiSS WCLLCj ilU W Oil tiXiilUlLIUil. r
large line of Silk MuSers, and Genuine Emhroidered
Handkerchiefs. Also a large line of Seal Muffs in "prices
; from $20 to 15.00.
We oner in our dress goods department this week
our $1.75 hlack silk at $1-25 per yard. We haye also a
few fine dress patterns in silk and wool, in all colors, now
SSLQO, former price $12-00. We also carry the finest line
of men s, ladies and children s shoes m the city. Call
and he convinced at
is ffe m Sail
More 1
We are well satisfied if this ad simply
brings you to this store. The values
we shall oner you will sell the goods
without argument on our part. iSoth- 3
ing we can say to you in this space, or 3
at the store, would appeal half as
strongly to your good judgment as the
goods we will show you and the prices 2
we will quote- This ad is therefore
only an invitation to the store. If you 3
accept and become acquainted,' the re-
E suit will be mutually beneficial. We
will make a fair profit on our goods 2
and you will buy cheaper than you could 2
Mrs. Dora Wilcox, who has been
the guest of Mrs. C. H. Knhns, left
Saturday for Wyoming.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Knhns spent
Monday in North Platte.
Frank Horn, of the Island pre
cinct, is seriously ill. Dr. Oninn,
of Gothenbarsr, "was called to attend
Mrs. Paulina Walters is quite
sick. Her daughter Tillie who was
attending" a business college in
Omaha, was called home to care for
her mother.
Miss Mae Dofe.n, attended the
teachers meeting" at Brady Island
last Saturday.
C. H. Knhns has a fine stock of
holiday goods.
Mrs. and Miss Baege, of Fort
McPherson, were in town Monday.
Mr. Kenworthy is hauling" com
for W. H. & A. W. Plumer this
week. Quite a quantity of corn is
brought here eTery week.
Rev. Xr. S. Dorman preached to
our people Sunday afternoon.
Arthur W. Horn carried the mail
to Willard post ofiiced last Satur
day. Williard is seventeen miles
from Maxwelll.
John Murray of Cottonwood was
in town Thursday.
C W. Horn came very near losing
two of his best horses. They regaled
themselves with red paint.
Renters on the Scully farms in
Nuckolls county reefved a rebate of
25 per cent as a Christmas gift.
Iiillie Daniels, a thirteen year old
girl living near KolmesviHe was
killed Tuesday by being" kicked on
the breast by a horse.
A sneak, thief at Qrand Island
stole an overcoat and "soaked" it
for 90 cents. The judge fined him $20
so his net loss was $19.10.
The Pender dentist who it is
thought poisoned his wife, and was
unable to give bond in the required
sum is under the sherifFs- watchful
The Norfolk sugar factory had
up to Thursday made 3-900, 00
pounds of granulated sugar, over
3,000,000 pounds of which had been
sent out to brokers and wholesalers.
An advertisement of a concert in
in the Neligh Leader contains this
request: "All ladies under thirty
five years are requested to remove
their hats." It is safe to say every
head will be bared.
E elsewhere. Yours for business.
Will soon be here and everybody is now
thinking as to what they will buy for Christ
mas presents with which to remember their
Has jest received a large supply of goods for this occasion which w3ft
Having refitted oar rooms in the finest or style, the pubKc
is ipvited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and eigars at the Bar.
Oar billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
s-nfl comnetent attendants will sttdoIt all your wants.
A Sound. Liver Vm- a "WeS Man.
Are yen dC&obst constipated or
troubled vrith. J&Badice. sick-headache
bad taste m moBtix, Cool breath, coated
tongae, dyspepsia, indigestion,, hot dry
gkirr pain, in back and between, the
shoulders, chffl. and fever &c. If yoe
have and of these symtoms. yoar liver is
out of order and slowly being poisoned,
because your liver does not act promptly
Herbine will cure any disorder of the
liver, stomach or bowels. It has no
equal as liver medicine. Price id cents.
Free trial bottle at North. Platte Phar
macy, J. E. Bush, Mgr.
Attrrertll Xtters.
Iiist of letters remaining uncaged for
in the post face at Xorth Platte. Neb-,
for the week ending December 21, 1SS6
make useful presents. Here is a list of some of oar speciaities: "
50 sne Dress Patterns wkkii we offer to seil cheap.
An elegant Kne of verv Sue Linens.
A great variety of Moqnetteand. Smyrna Rags.
Ice Wool and Silk Fascinators of tbe vrery finest made.
EaeL Gloves in aE styles and colors.
Ladies' and CniMren's Muffs and Boss.
The finest line of Bed Spreads ever ssowh in Imxsg&i Piatte storesir..
Handkerchiefs and Muffkrs of every description' for ladies' and!
gentlemen, from one cent up to $3 each..
Pocket Books of all descriptions.
Baby Bonnets from 25 cents up to $2.30.
. A fiae Cape or Jacket will make a saitainle Christinas present. We
bave them in the latest styles.
Or what is the matter with, a pair ef Henderson's fine button or
fece Shoes for a Christmas present?
Cold nights are here and a pair of these a3-wool California Blankets
would make a suitable present.
We have not forgotten yon. We have a fete line of house'
Slippers, some very handsome Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, fine Furnish
ing Goods, Gloves, Mittens and Hats.
Gents, if you. wish to remember your mother, daughters, or sweet
hearts come to the Boston Store, where yoe wiU. find many articles1
which will make handsome presents, and we wM make a special low
price from now until December 23d.
j. Pizer, Prop.
P. S. Albums, work boxes and manicure cases given awav with
Alien & F
Carbon CA
Hawk W S
Stout David H2
Deal Sirs Frederick Misses Maggie and
Polly 31 Pierce LaeRa
Persons calngitaraboe wS please say
adxerted. 3J."W.Cfcr&, Postmaster.
a certain amount
of goods purchased
at ear store from bow rt-ntH',
The outer door of the Union
Pacific company's safe at SL Paul
was blown open by burglars Tues
day, but 110 attempt was made on
the inner door. The supposition is
that tbe burglars were frightened
away before completing the job.
I Carl Brodbeck,
Land Gfiee at SsOt KaCa. Sek-, 1
December 8, ESC f
Tstiee is keretrr gireii that tixe iaQsrin-sssied.
settler has StednaCce of Ha iatentfec ta rzaie
proof in support e his irTntm and. tiat said
proof -wiS. ten node before tbe aegiater and e
celver a yortii ?Inse, 5"sb oa Jaszarr Jlitlt,
vto made Henifeitead 2stry Se- E.faj9. fr the
snt!nrc5tqtsirter3et!ss 24 tawzaliix I nortii,
raosirss. E nones tie fnHowina- ar'Js.&ioes
fa nroe Ma eoriMcanta nsidezx ojaa as enltf
m&ira. c aii land, Tizz Easdas Hassec. Pter
Hmr.r. George Scitsidasd 'EetzyW. HSer, aH. at
Curtis. 3feb
JOBS' T. HXSMAS; Segiater.
Fresh, Smoked and
Salted Meats.
Having re-opened the City Meat
Market, opposite the Hotel Neville,.
I am prepared to furnish castomers.
with a choice quality of meats of
aH kinds.
A share, of your patronage 13 re
spectfully solicitecL