The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 07, 1896, Image 4

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HsppeaiHgs From Home aal Abroad
dtsced Troni Columns to lines Every
thiac bat Facts Eliminated For Our
headers Convenience.
Friday-, Jnlj- 31.
Xcnrlj 100 excursionists xvcre cither
killed or injured in a collision near At
lantic City. The Reading express crashed
into a picnic train on the West Jersey
road President Cleveland has issued a
proclamation commanding neutrality to
wards Cuba Gloucester, O., vraj devas
tated by a furious storm. Pif teen persons
are reported dead Claude Hoover will
be handed ac Omaha next Friday, Gov
ernor Holcomb refusing to interfere
The Civic Federation of Chicago intends
investigating the police department sim
ilar to the Lexow committee in New York.
Wholesale charges of corruption have
been made against the officers William
A. Borst has been appointed receiver of
the Denver, Lakewood and Golden rail
road by Judge Hallctt in the United States
district court on application of the Farm
ers' Loan and Trust company of New
York. The company is in default on the
interest on $627,000 bonds Three Eng
lishmen and two Frenchmen have been
massacred by the Fahavalos, near Am
bolipiana. in Madagascar All the Ca
nadian ministers who have to seek re
election were re-elected by acclamation,
except iles--rs. Blair, Paterson, Trate and.
Fielding Fong Chee, prominent south
em California Chinaman, was shot by
highbinders and died. His slayers are in
jaU Lucas Johnson and his wife, col
ored, were fired upon from ambush on the
public road near Augusta, A r!c. Both are
dead. Another negro ha; been arrested
A requiem mass was celebrated for the
entombed miners at Pittston, Pa. Rev.
Father Grcve was the celebrant A ca
blegram from Paris says the Russian loan
of 1.000,000,000 f rancs, issued by the Roths
childs, has been covured 2-j times over
Herman 3Iayand Richard Bowers, two
young boys, did the highwayman act'at
Chicago by holding up Alonzo Raggio and
taking his valnables from him. They
were arrested later The 3IcCoy lamp
chimney factory at Eiwoo:!, Ind, will re
open on Aug. 13. The Pittsburg Plate
Glass company and the American plant at
Aleder will also resumed operations Sept.
1 Collator ililne of "Victoria, B. C,
fays that Japanese sealers ship all their
gjins and ammunition by Canadian,
pteamers home in order to avoid seizure,
owing to the law prohibiting the destruc
tion by fire-arms.
Saturday, An;. 1.
Lewis Stites was seized with c-amps
while bathing at Saline, Kan., and was
drownoi Th postoffice at Birch Tree,
3Io., was entered by burglars and ?50 in
cash and a quan i y of s!"ainps stolen
Edward Johnson truck John Hilder-
bergon the jaw with hi? fist at New
Brunswick, X. J., and he fell, dying al
most instantly ilrs. Ma-y Campbell, a
widow, while riding a bicycle at Peoria,
Ills., fell and was run over by a lumber
wagon and fatally injured Julius
Inglis, master mechanic of the St. Louis
Southwestern railroad, took a dose of
morphine to relieve headache at Tyler,
ffex., and It proved fatal A paly of
whitecappers visited the house of Ned
Spicer, a -Maiden: of Brca hitt county,
Kentucky, and after giving him an un
merciful beaming secured all his money
Jim Williams, who attempted to af-
eault Miss Bena Morris at Franklin, Tex.,
and who was charged with several other
crimes, was sentenced to 19 years in the
penitentiary While Charlesl ilerril was
digging a well at Burlington, Wis., the
sides cared in buTing him. Several
ivprkmcn attempted to rescue, but he had
fallen into 3 bed of quicksand and disap-peared-Frank
"Wade, the ltyear-pld son
pf William Waxie, residing at Rolla, Mo
disappeared from home and his remains
were found in a pond uear the home of
Hiram Lawson, and ho and his son havo
been arrested, charged with the killing -Arthur
Haline was drawnu 1 while b ifcb.'
ing in the Grand river at Trenton, Mo.
Jailer Wagner of the St. Louis city
jail was relieved of his watch and chain
by some of the prisoners Tom Boswell
and Emma Xeal were sentenced to life
imprisonment at Conroc, Tex., for poison
ing W. H. ilcCarty Katie Qneenan,
aged 5 years, while playing with matches,
pot her father's barn on fire at St Louis
and she perished in the flames Two
burglars eplcrcd the store ql I, W. Clark;
at Dallas, Tcx and while Mr. Clark was
waiting on one of them the other struck
him on the bead with fatal results -The
nuns of Visitation convent. St, Louis,
have insured their lives for $95,000 to pay
off a debt on their new Institution. This
is the first time In the history 5f insur
ance that a cloistered religious order has
been taken as a risk.
Monday, Aug. 3.
It Is proposed to provide United States
torpedo boats with armor Godfrey
Gould, who assaulted Florence Wright at
Brinkley, Ark., was taken from jail and
lynched Bob Talton, an Indian, was
panged at Tallequah, L. TM for cutting
the throat of a man named Elliott Ex
Senator Hen-y Blair, a Republican of
New Hampshire, declares he will favor
the election of W. J, Bryan-rFloyd
Halloway, who shot 13-year old Will
Davis at Bellefontalne, Mo., is threatened
with lynching if caught Marion Bow
man, charged with abduction, got away
from the sheriff by jumping from a train
at Curryville, Mo, The death sentence
of Ben Lu Carpenter of Little Rock, Ark ,
has been commuted to 21 years' imprison
ment Henry Selffert and a prominent
attorney named Lew W. Platter quarreled
over a business transaction at Spokane,
Wash., and the fo; mer shot the lawyer
with fatal results A peddler attempted
to assault Mrs. May Wingatc at Crosby,
Tgx. She informed her husband and he
chased the mag, beating bin with 3
ciub Herbert Spencor, a young boy
whose homo is at jjawropce, Kan., who
has been lying sick in a hospital at Phila
delphia, is now partly demented. Ho
does not reeognizo his parents aqd faintly
Three women living in a shanT bpat
on the river near Henderson, Ky
were iuaultcd by several young farm
hands and were compelled to defend
themselves with pLstols. Sol Doogan
was killed and Bud Bows badly injured
Eugene Burt, who murdered his wife and
family at Austin, Tex., is said to have
been arrested at San Antonio James
Horner, a farmer of Doniphan county,
Kansas, was thrown from a buggy and
his neck was broken Edward E. Bar-
pey, president qf the Virginia Navigation
company at Richmond, Va., committed
Filicide by shooting himself Richard
Williams," son of a wealthy citizen at Cape
Fault Finders,
There would not be half so many
grumblers in the world if people did est
think that fault nnding "was a proot oz
superior intelligence. Milwaukee Jour
nal. The first applicant for an invention or
device receives"fche patent in Great Brit
ain, whether he be the real inventor or
A man intimately acquainted with
the nature of things has seldom occasion
to be astonished. Henry Home.
Girarujau, Mo., while bathing was seized
with Cfamps and was drowned.
Tuesday, Aug. 4.
The Allen print works at Providence,
R. L, has started up after a three weeks
suspension The tomb of cx-Premicr of
Bulgaria M. StambuiooT has again teon
injured by dynamite Walter C. Rafts,
president of the Columbus, Q-, Commer
cial National bank, was found dead in
bed Coroner McLaughlin has begnn
the inquest into the cau-c of the railway
disaster at AtLmtic City, N.J. John
Cushman was arrested at Atlanta for
murdering O'Connell and two daughters
in July at Brooklyn Hon. W. R. Mor
rison of Illinois, member of the interstate
commerce commission, i quo cd as say
ing that he will vote for Bryan and free
silver The Bryan and Sewall Silver
club of the University of Chicago is the
first Democratic silver club among the
colleges of the country Marshall Allen.
son of Dr. J. M. Allen, president of the
University Medical college at Liberty,
Mo., died from the effects of an overdose
of morphine The Retail Liquor Deal
ers' Protective association of Allegheny
county, Pa., has commenced a war on
druggists for selling alcoholic bever
ages. Fifty warrants have been issued
The body of an unknown man was taken
from the river at St. Louis Rev. Will
iam Gorge of Alabama dropped dead im
mediately on his arrival at Oxvillc, His.
A hog train became derailed at Rock
land. Tex., and Charles H amnions was
run over and killed John EL-hop, a
German baker at Paris, Tex., who at
tempted to kill hira elf about a week ago
by cutting his throat, died Ed.vard
Price, a desperate character, gave the po
lice a hot chase at St. Louis, and received
two bullet wounds before being captured
During revival serviccs'-at Da Funiak
Springs, Fin.. Henry Alexander confes-ed
that he had murdered Thomas Mariin in a
quartul and had thrown his body into the
river The Humane Focicty's agent at
Altoona, Pa., on entering the home of
William Lee found a de .d 2-year-old
daughter and two other children starving
to dca h. Lee-is very sick and his wife is
insane E. C. Tourtelot has been ap
pointed receiver of the Grand Forks na
tional bonk at Grand Forks, N. D., in
place of C. S. Anheier, who has hrd
charge of the bank since suspension. ,
Wednesday, Ac?. 5.
Oklahoma Populists are making-overtures
to the Democrats to secure fu-ion
for a silver delegate to congress Chica
go Wheelman have organized a McKinley
and Hobart club, and expect a member
ship of 10,000 in that city alone Rich
ard P. Bland was nominated for congress
in the Eight district of Missouri by accla
mation Two hundred striking miners
at Barclay, Ills., returned to work at
operators' price, 32 cents per ton All
the tolling mills at Niles, O., vill re
sume work at once, giving employment to
about 2,000 men Judge Calvin E. Pratt
of the supreme court of the state of New
York died at his residence in Brooklyn
Charles E. Bcntley, nominee for pres
ident on the National Party's ticket, will
address a 'mars mooting Aug. 17 at Shel-
byville, Iud. WiLson town-hip near
Sibley, la., is providing a cyclone cave as
each schoalhouse Mrs. Harriet A.Lease
died at Washington, la., aged nearly SO.
She came to Iowa in 1815, before Iowa be
came a state The Clinton County Nor
mal institute, in its 38 h summer e. sion,
opened ar Clinton, la., with 175 teachers
in nticndanc The state meeting of the
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows,
colored, began at Richmond, Ind. Joe
Lit:lejoHn Populist, and Frank Bcasely,
Democrat, quar.cled over politic at"An
nitou, Ala., and the fo mcr disembowel
ed Ecascly with a knife Five bad cases
c yellow fever have been reported at
Ve a Cruz. Mexico, among the worst of
which is Mrs. Jamei Brody, wife
of the engineer of the harbor
A bull and a stallion on Richard Jordan's
farm, near Cincinniti, fought a battle, in
which 'he horse triumphed, though both
died Robert Parker married a widow
six months ago at Houston. Tex., and in
a recent quart el over .qme land killed her
and then shot himself Chinatown. New
York City, is m iking preparations to re
ceive Li Hung Chang, having raised 52 J-
000 for ih4 pa- cha-o of fireworks Mrs.
Warren bes sired fr a divorce from her
husband, A. U. Warren, pre.ulon? of tho
Warren Chemical cuiupany, at Wichita1
Kan., on the ground of cruel treatment
The Sniva. ion army at New York is
planaing to hare a ys em of ambulances,
which shall parol the streets late at night
and pick up the drunkards to remove
them to an army shelter.
Thursday, Aug. 6.
Cornelius Vanderbilt's physicians deny
that their patient has sred a relapse
and a-sort that ho Is rapidly recovering
Sec:ptary Laniont has reuxraed to Wash
ington, but has given no indication who
is to bo appointed quartermaster general
of the a my H. B. Bartholomew, a
prominent business man of Philadelphia,
dropped dead ou the street at Los Angeles.
tie was uirre ror m ncaitn tprague, t
furniture manufacturers of Circa go. failed
with liablli:ies not to exceed ? 123,000 and
assets much larger Invc;ti-j;itioaof the
Atlantic City wreck by the co oner has j
brought out no new f;:c s. The jury vis- j
ited the signal tower at the ? cenc of the ;
di-aster Three thou i n i mm in the !
Chicago shipbuilding yard have struck. !
The trouble started with the riveters, who f
were threatened with a cut in pay of from !
Sl-oOtO $1-5 a day J. B- Tucker, a i
wealthy stockman of Kan-as City, who .
has been stopping a.t the Lindell hotel in '
St. Louis with his wife, cut his throat, j
Eddlo Hurd, a baby of IS moath, had his i
head cm bed ln at Chlliicothe, O., by a i
lion belonging to his father how
At Walthara, Mass., the Amciican '
Watch company's fac ory resumed opera- j
tions after a five weeks' stoppage and will '
run four days a week during August
Roman Carbolic Total Abstinence L'nioa j
of America is in session at St. Louis I
Phillip S. Abbott, assistant attorney of !
the Wisconsin CenTal was fatally injured i
by a fall over ft precipice at Laggan, B.
C. American liner New YorkJ arrived ;
at Southampton, reports heavy fogs on
the Atlantic North German steamer !
pree is slightly overdue, but no anxiety
is felt regarding her safety.
Iboriajr Mea IrHljnj.
Cleveland, Aug. d. The Knights of
Labor, at a meeting last night, took
steps toward the organization of a mili
tary company. Letters were ordered
sent to all the local assemblies, asking
each to furnish a certain number of
able bodied men. The intention is to
organize a regiment of about 700 mem
bers and drill them in military tactics.
Captain Hull Renominated.
Des Moines, Aug. 6. Captain J. A.
T. itlrdl was renominated for conGTRKS.
We have a fish in the Illinois river
which does not feed on anything except
vegetable matter, and its name is buffalo
carp. This fish in every way is superior
to the German carp. The buffalo carp
we ship in carload lots to New York in
the winter season, and at times they
sell at a fair profit to the fisherman. In
the summer they are shipped to all parts
of the west. We learn that no one in
New York except the Jews cat the buf
falo carp, but wc think if some of the
gentiles would try them they would be
surprised, as they are a purely vegetable
eating fish and exceedingly sweet to
the taste. Beardstown (His.) Letter ;
Tecr Isclies of Eaia Fell.
Frexost, Aug-. 2. By actual meas
urement ovrr four inches of water has
fallen in this vicinity wilhin 24 hours.
Air Foil of Gra!Mliepper3.
vXLTDBTJ5, ieL. July 31. The air
was full of grasshoppers yesterday
passing south and southeast, They
were visible .for several hours.
3IcCcorc Merchants In Trouble.
McCook, Neb., July 31. The general
merchandise stock of the McCcokMer
cantue company was seized under an
attachment issued on the petition of
Frank J. Chandler.
Pfeel3 County- Crops.
Holdbege, Neb., July 31. Phelps
county was visited by another good
rain, which makes the second during
the past week, and all kinds of crops
not harvested are the best that the
county has raised since 1391.
Institute at Auburn.
Atjbtjrx, 5feb.. July 31. County Su
perintendent Carman began a two
weeks session of "institute yesterday.
About 110 teachers are enrolled. Pro
fessor Skinner .of Nebraska Gity and
Professors Jones and Dobbs of Auburn
are the leading instructors.
Cass County Democratic Paper Sold.
PljlttS3IOUth, Neb., Aug. -L The
PJattsmcuth Journal, the only Demo
cratic newspaper in Cass county, wa3
sold under a chattel mortgage fore
closure to George B. Mann, who has
leased the plant to Kirkham & Benfer,
who will start the daily again.
Hoover Mast Han sr.
Lincoln, July 31. Claude Hoover's
last chance to escape the infliction of
the death penalty has gone. Governor
Holcomb has rendered his decision, de
clining to interpose executive clemency.
Hoover has now nothing to hope for
which will prevent his execution on
Aug. 7.
.Recognition Day at Salem.
Salem, Neb., Aug. 2. The feature of
the day at the interstate-Chautauqua
was the recognition exercises, which
drew into the tabernacle the largest
crowd of the week. The address of the
occasion was delivered by lEr. Park
hurst of Chicago and the diplomas de
livered frv Rev. Sam Small.
Severe Electric Storm.
Omaha, Aug. 1. A typical thunder
storm swept over eastern Nebraska and
western Iowa early this morning. Oma
ha was not in the center of the storm,
but even bore the electrical play of the
elements and the avalauche of falling
moisture were sufficient to awaken
most of the sleepers of the city.
Pclcsjiitps to Centennial.
Lincoln", Aug. 4. Commissioners for
the state of Nebraska to the Tennessee
Centennial exposition have been ap
pointed by the governor. They are:
Joseph Oberfelder of Sidney, J. J. But
ler of Lincoln, Ernest Beuniughoeven
of Omaha, Nick Fritz of Pender, and
Rev. H. D. Crawford of York.
Cutting Off the Passes.
Omaha, July 30. Paul Morton, third
vice presideu of the Santa Fe road, lias
just sent out notices to officials of other
roads that their supply of passes over
the Santa Fe system is to be diminished.
His circular says that only requests for
passes for employes of other roads, or
members of their immediate families,
will be honored,
Locate a Chicory Factory at Fremont.
Ohaha, Aug. 1. Assistant Freight
Agent Merchant of the FJkhorn is en
thusiastic over tho prospects of a new
concern for the manufacture of chicory
in this slate. A new company has just
been organized, a large amount of En
glish capital secured to back the enter
prise, and plans drawn for tho erection
of a factory at Fremont.
Dc3ractIvB Storm at Ashland.
Ashland, Neb., Aus. a. Ashland
as ln, tota darfa-ss last night. The
most destructive storm that bus ever vis
ited this section passed over here yes
terday afternoon. The extent of
the damage can . not be
learned at present. Crops in this neigh
borhood are completely ruined. Several
roofs were damaged by hail and goods
- , , .
Jnilge Maxwell For Congress.
Norfolk, Neb., July 30. The free
silver conference of the Third congres
sional district met here yes terdryf every,
county in the district peing represented.
Ex-Jusfipe Samuel llaxwell was selected
on the third ballot as the choice of the
conference. Three committees of three
each were appointed to notify the Dem-t
ocratic, Populist and Republican eon
ventions of the action of the conference.
Alleged Murderers Plead Not Guilty.
Nebraska City. July 31. Mrs. Anna
Sopher and Ed Spencer, charged with
the murder of John Ricker Sunday
morning, were given a preliminary
heariug. They merely entered a plea
of not guilty, and were committed to
jail to await the September term of the
district court. The excitement among
the murdered man's friends has abated,
and they have apparently decided to. aU
low the law to take its course. In the
meantime the sheriff has taken every
precaution to protect the lives of the
State Tax Levy Fixed.
Lincoln, July 31. The state board
cf equalization has completed its work
of fixing the rate of the tax levy for
state purposes in the several counties
of the state. The rate varies from 6
mills in Lincoln county to seven 1
mills in Douglas and Lancaster counties.
This difference in the state levy in the
different counties is caused by the dif
ference in the rule pursued by local
assessors in assessing the property of
the county higher or lower. The total
assessed valuation for the state is over
$4,000,000 less than, last year.
Ike line of Battle.
The gage of battle has been thrown
down between conservatism, business
prudence and honest money on the one
side, and wildcat finance, reckless repu
diation, panic and disaster on the other.
The former is represented in the Repub
lican financial plank, the latter in that
labeled Democratic. The matter now
rests with the voters, and there is little
doubt as to the outcome Nor. 2. San
Antonio Daily Express.
Dr. Sa-xyer Dear Sin I can say with, pleasure
that I have been using- your medicine, and will rec
oramend it to all suffering- ladies. Mxs: W. W
Weatkersiee, Augusta, Gs. Sold by F H Longley
A City oa Tan co Ever Island "Where Wosseu
Are at a Premium.
There is a city in the western part of
Canada, close to- the Pacific ocean,
witich is named by all who visit it the
most desolate spot upon the face of the
V earth. Its climate is good, its natural
resources excellent, its houses fair, its
streets well paved, yet within this town
there is an air of forlorn dejection, that
strikes the most careless traveler that
comes within its boundary.
It is onTancouver island a sweet,
fair spot And the desolation is caused
by one thing one only the lack of
women and girls.
This particular town is scarcer of the
product than others of its locality.
There are many towns upon the island,
but this one lacks women, so sadly that
m a recent census of the place it was
found nearly 3,000 short. This number
included a count of serving women,
women to do the work of the house,
cook and wash and iron. It also included
working girls and women who are not
expected tomarry. And, of course, it
took in the Queens of the city, the fan
matrons of the homes and the mistresses
of the pretty establishments.
Today the doorsteps of these houses
J U IUUUUUJ till V. I W Till SJ 111
over the portals seem to say, She comes
not yet"
The greatest bargain sale of wives
ever known took place upon a recently
opened domain a few years ago. A
frantic call was sent to the cities for 10C
women. And poor girls, out of fun and
curiosity and willingness to have a
home, went out there. The men met
them at the station. The girls looked
them over shyly. By evening all the
girls had found boarding places in the
wooden shanties of the "town." And
.by Sunday the parson was kept busy ty
ing the nuptial knots. The prettiest
girls and the richest ones got the
wealthiest men. A girl with f 50 was an
heiress and a man with 100 a prince.
The plain girls took up with poor fel
lows, with hopes and chances. It was a
quick, natural selection.
One very handsome fellow, with
blond curls, got a very pretty girl,
though neither had a cent. It was a case,
of beauty. The rude courtship was car
ried on in the three evenings between
the time the girls arrived and Sunday,
and within a week there were nearly
100 small wooden houses going np in
the town.
There is no name for this peculiar
state of society where women are want
ed to make homes and where money is
laid down for them and paid to them to
queen it over a home. A glaring head
line in an English paper once called it
"The Barter of Women In America."
But among those who see the satisfaei!
tory after workings it is merely the
good natured consent of the girls to ad
just themselves to their- country, which
is yet new enough not to be as evenly
distributed as it will be when the twenty-first
century man and woman come
in. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Electricity and Vegetatlotv,
As there are a great many references
in cur scientific exchanges of late tc
the influence of electricity on germinat
ing seeds and growing plants we will
state that such experiments are not
new. Researches in that line were car
ried on away back in the fifties. In 185 a
H. P. Baxter of Scotland wrote as fol
lows in The British Botanical Review :
MAs it may be considered a law in
vegetable physiology that all plants
have a tendency during the germination
of their seeds to develop in two diamet
rically opposite directions, the root and
the stem, the question arose, Might
not this direction be influenced or coun
teracted by submitting the germinating
seeds to a current of electricity? Accord
ingly, a series of experiments were un
dertaken which were carried out with
elaboration of detail. After months. o
patient experimenting I fee justified in
announcing that no definite conclusions
were drawn from them as to ho rela-
tive effect cf the electricity, although
each series of experiments was varied
and multiplied-" St Louis Republic.
TIic Snez Canal.
A letter, recently published, from
Bonaparte to his friend Paul L the em
peror of Russia, shows that but for the
assassination of the latter in 1S01 the
Suez canal might have been cut many
years before 1869. Napoleon wrote that
the British threatened to invade; Ejcvpc
and that fheir pride and insolence
should be rebuked- He added: ""The
Suez canal, which will unite the Medlt
terra nean and the Indian ocean, is sur
veyed. It is ji work which can be fin
ished within a short time and which
would prove to be of incalculable bene
fit to Russian commerce. It is inter
esting to note that the diplomatic rep
resentative of France in Egypt at that
time was M. de Lesseps, the father of
Ferdinand de Lesseps, who finally ac
complished the great undertaking.
Went by the Express.
Suburban Resident See here, sir!
You told me that country place I bought
of you was only 35 minutes from the
Girv Agent Yes, sir, $5 minutes by
express. You remember, when we went
out to look at it, the time was 35 min
utes exactly.
"Bur, confound it, sir, the express
traina dou't stop there, not one of them,
and the accommodation takes about an
hour and a half!"
"You and I went by express, and it
stopped for us, you know."
"Yes, I know; but it hasn't stopped
"It will stop if you hire a man at
your station to buy a through ticket for
somewhere. That's the way I did the
day we went cut, "New York Weekly.
As readers for publishing houses
and magazines women show a remark
able instinct in the ability to discever
talent They are more discerning arid
more severely critical in such matters
than are npnr
The Discovery Saved His Life
Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Beavers
ville I1L, says; To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my life. Was taken
with la grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles about, but of. no avail
and was given up and told I could not
live. Having Dr. King's New Discovery
in my store I sent for a bottle and be
gan its use and from the first dose be
gan to get better, and after using three
bottles was up and about again. It is
worth its weight in gold. We wont keep
store or hoase without it." Get a free
trial at A. F. Steitz's drug store. 2
A Zre?, a Crstcb. and a Wbeel.
The wheelman had only one leg, but
he was riding with all the assurance
and ease- of an expert, and he evidently
could have "scorched" had he so de
sired. He had on a tasteful, quiet bi
cycling suit, and his one leg was neatly
j incased in half a pair of knickerbockers.
A cress the handle bars of the wheel lay
a crutch. At Twenty-sixth street he
alighted easily and gracefully, leaned
his wheel against the curbing, adjusted
his crutch and hobbled into a cafe.
When he came out, the people who had
seen him dismount had gathered in a
utut crowa in ine interests or science
to see him mount his wheel again. It
was a very simple performance. He
gave a- glance of mingled amusement
and triumph at the crowd, put his foot
on the step of his machine, grasped, the
left handle bar firmly with one hand,
gave? a vigorous push with his crutch
and glided easily away. ."That's easy,"
he shouted back over his shoulder to the
The people looked at each other in
astonishment "Well! well!" said the
fat man who had been one of the most
interested observers. "The cripple may
throw his crutches to the winds. , That
scheme discounts a wooden leg.'' New
York Tribune.
A Hornless Back.
A curious and exceedingly unusual
freak is reported by a deer hunter to
Forest and Stream. The hunter was up
in Wexford county, ilich., and got on
a deer trail that had hoof marts plainly
made by a buck. Almost all hunters of
deer can tell a buck from a doe track.
After trailing the deer and getting
within a rod of it the buck leaped out
of a clump of brush and got knocked
down with a bullet through the head.
The deer did npt have any horns, al
though a 2-year-old and weighing 150
pounds. Further, it never had had any
Does with horns, bucks with three
horns, dozens cf spikes and malformed
horns have often been reported of Mich
igan and other American deer, but this
is the first hornless American buck re
ported, although some European deer
sometimes lack such weapons, but yet
are able to whip the horned ones.
Wood Palp.
A new and efficient machine for
grinding a log into paper pulp and pro
ducing a superior quality of fiber is de
scribed in The Manufacturers' Gazette
as having a metallic base, heavy and
over an inch thick, pierced with holes
throughout its surface, and the inner
surface corrugated; within is a heavy
cyelinder, the outer surface of which is
corrugated, the corrugations running in
a direction opposite to the casing. Now,
when the cylinder is set in motion and
a log of wood is placed between cylinder
and casing, the corrugations strip the
weed into a soft, fluffy, fibrous material
in appearance nearly like cQ;toti sq
nearly like it, in fact, as to be mistaken
for that article Lv the uninitiated. In
the final stage of this simple operation
the Sbrous material is forced through
the holes which pierce the casing of the
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There
is only one way to cure deafness, and
that is by constitutional remedies.
Peafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of tha Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed, Deafness is the result, and un
less the inflamation can be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con-
Mition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
ninecasesontof ten are caused by ca
rarrh which is nothing but an inflamed
condition 'f the mucous surfaces.
We will give Gne Hundred Dollars
for any caso of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
EP Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
Fcr Hsrsss, Cattle, Sheep, Scgs, Ecg
50 0 Fase Book en Trearra ent of Animals
and Ckart Segt free.
A. A.i Spinal Meaiasiti9, Diilk Fever.
B. B.!tratH9 Lamcacs. Rfaearaatisa
C. C.-Jliatemper, Kasal D lack arses.
D. D. Bots or Graks Warns.
K.E.CoHcbs, Heaves, Fueaaaaaia
F. F.t'oIic or Gripes Bellyache.
G. G. liscarriase. Hemorrhages.
II.H.Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
I.I.Eraptlve Diseases, Maasre.
.J.K. Diseases ef Diseatisa, Paralysis
Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - .60
Stable Case, trtth Specifies. Miattil,
Veterinary Core OU and dedicator, $7.00
JarYeteriaary Care Oil, m . 1.00
SoIJ ?PfimUt; or tnt prrpaU asrvhero sad U azr
quality oa receipt of pries.
umpnnsrs' bxs. ca, liiAm mnus at., 5Tor.
In csa 3E inn. Tha OBIT ani-i1 mm ful remedrrc?
Notobs Debility, Vital Weakness,
tad Prostration, froia oT3r-work r other csiaos.
$1 per tiaJ. or STiilsirniltrjpTixl powder, fcr $5.
Sold bj Drassicts,or i pcacpaMoa receipt ol price.
II ram SETS SSC. CC, llitllZ WCBa SU, Xr Torb.
A Cure for Piles.
We can agure all who sufflr with In
ternal Piles that in Heniorrhoitllnc we
have a positive cure. The treatment is
unlike any tiling heretofore used ami Its
application so perfect that every vo
tige o the disease is eradicated. "Hcin
orrhoidine is a harmless compound, am
be used for an eye ointment, vet post,tv
essuch healing power that "When ap
plied to the diseased parts, it at once re
lieves and a cure is the sure result of its
continued use.Ali -who suffer with piies
suffer from Constipation .also and licm
orrhoidine cures both. Price $1 50. For
Sale by Druggists. Will be sent from
the factorr on receipt of price. Send co
TheFoster MjlsVg G. Council Bluffs,
Iowa, for testimonials and information.
Sold Toy A- jE. StroitK
h Judgment !!"' j ' i
The umpire now decides that
"RATTLE AX" is not only
decidedly bigger in size than any
other 5 cent piece of tobacco7 but the
quality is the finest he ever saw, and
the flavor delicious You will never
know just how good it isuntil
you try it
A. F. ST
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
D exits oh. e Ap otli eke.
Corner of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
Dr. N. McCABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.
e aim to liandle tlic Best Grades of
Groods, sell them at JReasonable
Figures, and Warrant ill veryth ing
as .Represented.
Orders from the country and along the line or the Union
Pacific railway respectfully solicited.
! Plumber. Tinwork
j General Eepairer.
I Special attention given to
! Ill Mil
I v
! f
Merchant Tailor
A well assorted stock of foreign
and domestic piece goods in
stock from which to select.
Perfect Fit.
how Prices.