The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 23, 1896, Image 4

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from three
Harrv Cox returned Sunday
night from his visit in Chicago
ivTrc TV "Rresnalian came in
TOPsf on this morning's
A severe hail storm is reported
4- nrrnrrpd west of Offalalla
LU xicil w v-w....
last evening.
Mrs. "W. H. McDonald will
entertain a number of lady friends
to-morrow afternoon
until six o'clock.
D. Y. Pulver, who had been
visiting his family in this city tor
ten days, returned to Cripple Creek,
Col., Saturday night.
Mrs. John Hawley went to
crMorlnnl Rnndav niffllt to visit
friends for a few days.
Grindstones at the Wilcox Dept.
a R Thrown returned to the
XA W v . .
city last night after a several weeks'
visit with his family in Omaha.
Secretary Page of the North
Platte Land and Water Co., came
down from Denver this "morning.
A half dozen homesteaders
made final proof upon their claims
at the U. S. land office yesterday.
The new Japanese minister to
the United States, his secretary
and attendants occupied a special
car on No. 2 yesterday.
G. M. Shilling, who is walking
from Pittsbursf- to San Francisco
and return on a wager, passed
through the city yesterday.
Traveler Harberg was in town
this morning sporting a McKinley
cane made of American tin. These
canes will be oooular during- the
Rev. Verner, of Ohio, officiated
at the Presbvterian church last
Sunday. He will remain in town
this week and occupy the pulpit
next Sunday.
Men's leather doves at the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
Generally fair to-night and to
morrow is the Chicago forecast for
North Platte weather. The maxi
mum temperature yesterday was
eighty degrees.
Mrs. P. W. O'Brien went to
Cozad this morning, and after re
maining their for a few days will
go to Idaville, Col., where her hus
band is now located.
Butler Buchanan leaves this
week for Texas. He accompanies a
colony which his brother is locating
in that state, and will probably be
absent about two weeks.
John Seeg, formerly of this
city, died at the Grand Island
hospital Friday night of consump
tion, with which he had been
afflicted for several years.
Utah pattern hay forks at the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
A McKinley marching club will
be organized in North Platte in a
couple of weeks. A competent
drill master will be engaged to
teach military evolutions.
W. W. Scott went to Dawson
countv yesterday to organize Sun
day schools. Mr. Scott is kept
actively engaged in this work
twelve months in the year.
The Butterfield art reception
yesterday afternoon was attended
by a large number of ladies inter
ested in art work. The exhibit is
said to have been verycreditable.
See those dollar shirt waists at
the Wilcox DepL Store.
A small party of government
engineers are camped in the city
preparatory to making a geological
survey of the country along the
North Platte river between this city
and Camp Clark.
Having defeated the Hayes
Centre ball club Thursday last,
the Wallace team is now looking
for other "snaps." The Wallace
boys should not forget that North
Platte has a ball club.
The old plank walk on the
south side of the Pacific hotel was
torn out vesterdav.
I . 11 L X. I 1- A. I V J . I.u U.I I .... I I U.... I
lb an rignc, uul uie aunar uui win uuy T E Evans came up from Lin.
more Furniture now than ever before, coin Friday night and looked on at
the republican convention Satur
day. He returned to Lincoln Sun
day night.
The new whistle at the water
works is somewhat of an ininrove-
holstered. Bring them in and "we will give you good merit over the one formerly used,
work at reasonable prices.
W e have an elegant line of
Photographer Broatch had his
hand badly burned last evening by
the premature explosion of the
composition he uses in making)
flash lights.
A car of Lexington flour was
received by local merchants yester-
AT rri? not ,tar ",?tant PICTURE AND ROOM MOULDING.
when North Platte oeoole will ex
clusively use North Platte flour and Now is the time to have your chairs and . couches up
thus help to build up the town.
The property owners on the
west side of Sycamore street have
signified their intention of laying
a walk on that street. This would
prove a great convenience to those
who attend the Lutheran church.
Those interested in the finance
question should attend the lecture
to be given by R. H. Lanrford on
Thursday evening at Keith's hall
Mr. Lang-ford will begin his talk at
eight oclock sharp. Admission
free and everybody invited.
JUot owners snouid need tne re
quest of Mayor Baker made else
where in these columns. If each
lot owner would devote a few hours'
time to the work suggested by the
mayor, a great improvement in the
appearance of the city would result.
Scyamore street between Front
and Filth is being graded this
week. About thirty-five blocks, or
nearly two miles, of streets have
been graded so far this season, and
the end is not yet. The gr
part or tuis worn lias oeen per
formed bv the receipts from the
poll tax fund.
The committee havinsr
Mrs, W. W. White is visiting
friends in Grand Island this week.
Mamie Croneu left yesterday
morning for a visit with Omaha
Mrs. Joseph Murphy has gone
to Denver for a protracted visit with
friends. .
Mrs. R. H. Langford and chil
dren left last evening for a visit
with friends at Sutherland.
John Frederici, who had been
visiting his son at St. Louis, has
returned home.
You can buy that hay fork you
need of the Wilcox Dent. Store.
Bernard Beer, of Denver, was
looking after his interests in this
section the latter part of the week,
Wallace was visited by a heavy
rain last Saturday, which has done
much toward assuring a fair crop
of small jrrain.
Chas. Burke, of Denver, has
in Silver. !
Leather Belts with Silver
Buckles, the latest, Ladies'
charge the republican congressional been transacting business in town
tor a day or two past. He will
probably leave for home to-night.
Jim Frazier went down to Kear
ney yesterday where he will work
during the summer and in the fall
resume his studies in the Platte In
stitute. Five-gallon galvanized oil cans
70 cents at the Wilcox Dept. Store.
The woman's department of
the irrigation fair has accepted
the -booth privileges at the fair
ounds during the races on the
Fourth of July.
It is likely another -dividend of
twenty per cent on the approved
claims against the North Platte
national bank will be declared the
latter part of July.
Rev. and Mrs. Geo. A. Beecher
went to Kearney yesterday morn-
g to attend the summer conclave
of the Episcopal church. Thev
will be absent several days.
If you don't buy your mowing
machine oil at the Wilcox Dept.
Store you lose money.
Grand Lecturer Van Dyke,
the A. O. U. W. came in from the
west Sunday morning and devoted
yesterday to making the acquaint
ance of the members of the
lodge in this city, of whom there
are nearly two hundred.
In donating twenty dollars
toward the erection of the palace
ot art on the fair prounds. tlie
Woman's Relief Corps shows a com
mendable spirit. In these days o:
progress woman has her place in
all movements, and in every instance
her influence is felt. The women
will do. much toward making the
irrigation fair a success.
The Presbyterian Sunday
school will give an entertainment
at the K. P. hall on Friday evening
of this week, the proceeds of which
convention are mainng rapid pro
gress, and everything will be in
ship shape by July 3d. Accommo
dations for nearly three hundred
people have so far been secured.
The cornet band has been ensraired
for both day and evening.
At a meeting of the executive
committee of the gun club yester
day afternoon it was decided to
offer a reward of twenty-five dollars
for the arrest and conviction of any
person unlawfully seining fish. It
is claimed that many seins are be
ing used, and thegunclnb proposes
to prohibit the practice if possible.
There is an ordinance in this
city which makes it unlawful for
anyone to run a "byke"on the side
walks of this town, and it would be
judicious in riders to pay stricter
attention to the law. While this
ordinance is in force, no one is
justified in destroying the propertv
of a wheelman though he may be
breaking- the law.
An old gentleman, whose name
we did not ascertain, drove up
with a double team and wagon and
halted for a few minutes in front of
the North Platte National bank.
ten drove along the pavement to
the Hotel Neville when he was
taken in charge by the marshal.
It is not known whether the old
man was suffering from too much
boose, or whether he was a free
silver man driving up to the bank
get his share 16 to 1.
The ladies auxiliary to the fair
association held a meeting at the
court house last evening, about
forty ladies being present. The
several committees appointed at a
previous meeting reported progress
in the several branches of the work.
Tne soliciting committee was di
vided into sixteen sections and a
house to house canvass for funds
Shirt Waist Sets, Buttons and
Link Cuff Buttons, Hat Pins,
Book Marks, Souvenir Spoons,
Watch Guards, etc. Also a
complete line ot Harps.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Three doors south of old stand.
from a
trip to
Mrs. Robt.
Saturday nighi
- A. S. Baldwin made his period
ical visit to . Lexington the early
part of the week.
Lester Eells went to the cen
tral part of the state on insurance
business yesterday.
but it does not make sufficient noise
to awaken a sound sleeper.
Fishimr tackle at the Wilcox
Dept. Store.
Asa Bradlev. formerlv ot this
city, but for a number of years a
marshal and deputy sheriff in Mon
tana, has reformed and ioined the
Salvation Armv at some point in
the northwest.
The pile-driver outnt. came up
from Columbus Sunday and yester
day was taken to Sutherland where
a bridge will be constructed over
the lateral leadimr to the South
Side ditch flume.
E. B. Warner, Dentist, office in
Hinman block, up stairs Spruce st.
Mort Green, who served a sen
tence in the Lincoln county jail,
and was then taken to Frontier
county to answer the charge of
errand larceny, had his trial the
latter part of last week and was
sentenced to twenty days in jail.
"Babe" Picard had a bad fall
from his bicycle Sunday while
spurting around the track and tore
several inches of cuticle from his
arm. The local bicyclists are creat- j
ing quite a demand for arnica and
court plaster.
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
The Episcopal guild will hold
its weekly meeting Friday after- and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars.
nnnn nrthe (-riimnti rAciHama I -
v. wm. Whitlock is having a
Buy your hammock of the Wil- model cellar erected on his property
cox Dept. btore. on west Sixth street. It is built of
Mrs. M. E. Watts returned sod, weatherboarded on the outside
Sunday morniner from her visit and plastered on the inside. This
son Isaac at Corning,
win make a cool cellar in summer
and warm in winter.
E. Barber went Norman DeVan and John La-
down to Kearney yesterday morn- France, whd are attempting the feat
insr, where he will visit his parents of ridins: from New York to San
with her
Prof. Chas
That Hay Rack
I Z : 1
You will need Bolts for it.
Don't send off or pay two prices
for them at home
We Sell You.
x3 inch Bolts for lc.
x9 "
to carry on the proposed work will S to the school library fund
be made. It was decided to hold The programme will consist of a
business meetings of the commit- lecture by Miss Mell Forsythe, o
tees on Monday evening of each
week. The ladies are taking hold
of the work with an enthusiasm
which means success.
I earnestly request all lot owners
o clean up their alleys, cut the
weeds along the streets in front of
their property, and repair their
sidewalks prior to July 3d, the date
or tne republican congressional con
vention. D. W. Baker. Mavor.
bait Lake, and vocal music bv
members of the school. Twenty-
five cents will be charged adults
children under twelve years ten
Grand Lecturer Van Dyke gave
instructions to the members of the
A. O. U. W. at the hall last even
ing, at which time twelve appli
cants were initiated into the order,
There was a lanre attendance of
members and the meeting proved
both interesting and instructive.
Short addresses were made by
Judge Grimes and a Mr. Shelby, of
Des Moines. Mr. Van Dyke went
east on this morning's train.
CHASE & S&NBOER, importers, Boston,
The Seal Brand of Tea,
. The Club House Brand Canned Goods,
Red Cross Brand of Crackers,
North Platte, Lexington and Minnesota Flour.
Harrington & Tofoin.
A committee of the gun club
yesterday selected the articles .which
will be hung" up as prizes at the
shoot on July Fourth. The prizes
include hunting coats and leggings,
silver drinking cups, several five
pound cans of powder, and a num
ber of other articles suitable for
sportsmen. The shoot will be held
at the fair grounds on the forenoon
of the Fourth beginning: at 8:30
o'clock. A special train will run be
tween the station and the fair
grounds every thirty minutes.
Last night as Leo Sullivan was
coming up onto the sidewalk oppo
site the North Platte Bank on his
wheel, he suddenly came into col
lision with Mr. Blankenbursr's
cane which had the effect of pulling
two spokes out of the hub and
otherwise damaging the wheel.
Whether it was purely an accident
or whether Mr. Blankenburg did It
to protect himself from injury, will
probably be aired in the courts, for
It is understood the young man will
try to collect pay for damages done.
for a few days.
W. J. Roche and family re
turned Snnday night from their
visit in the central and eastern
parts of the state.
T. C. Patterson reports that
some inquires relative to the Sub
urban irrigation district bonds are
being received from investors.
Yes,-The Lexington Patent
is the best. Sold everywhere.
Fifty-six one hundredths of an
inch of rain fell I at this point early briffhteat newspaper nten
uuuuujf uiuinni. j. iie rain
covered a good portion of the coun
ty. Dr. Allwine will visit North
Piatte on business June 29 to July
2, and will while here, do dental
work for his friends, at the Ne
braska house.
The Jawn fete at the court
house yard this evening should be
largely patronized. The net re
ceipts will be applied to the palace
ot art building fund.
J. I. Smith made a fly run on
train No. 1 Sunday afternoon, mak
ing up forty-one minutes on the
running time between Grand Island
and this city.
W. M. Geddes, editor of the
Grand Island Independent and a
candidate for the republican nomin
ation for state auditor, devoted Sat-
Francisco on their bicycles within
torty-eight days, were in town the
latter part of the week. They had
been on the road nineteen days and
their cyclometers showed that they
had ridden 1,927 miles.
jb. ju. winiams, wno nas so
ably filled the position ot editor of
the Daily Record, has severed his
connection with that paper and will
go to Kearney this week to accept
the city editorship of the Daily
Hub. Mr. Williams is one of the
in Ne
braska. and his work on the Record
has given him a state reputation.
He has many admirers in North
Platte who will wish him abundant
success in his new field ot labor.
.tjosion ruooer nose lo cents a
foot at the Wilcox Dept. Store.
The gun club held its regular
shoot -Saturdav afternoon. The
first event was on singles, ten
bluerocks with the following- n
suit: Dolson ten straight, Feder-
hoof seven, Pool six, Graves, six.
Graves and Dolson then shot at
doubles for the club badge, the
latter scoring seven and the former
one. Thisisithe second consecutive
time Mr. Dolson has won the club
badge on doubles, which is evidence
that he is one of the crack shots of
the town.
4 44 44 ;-. 7.-. 7 3c.
xl2 44 44 44 4c.
jxl4 44 44 44 5c.
20-inch screen wire for 7c a yard.
4 44 9c .a 44
4 44 10c a 44
44 Ilea 44
4 44 12c a 44
4 44 12 a 44
44 134 a 44
44 15c a "
6 in. x 6 ft. 6 in 95c.
26- 44 !4
28- 44
32- i4
Screeh doors 2 ft.
Screen doors 2 ft. 8 in. x 6 ft. 8 in 95c.
40 sheets of writing paper 5c.
2 bunches envelopes 5c.
. 6 slate pencils lc.
2 1-pint tin cups 5c.
1 plow single-tree 20c.
A 12-quart galvanized pail 25c
A galvanized wash boiler 95c.
A tin wash boiler, copper bottom $1.00.
An all copper wash boiler .$2.00.
Hame clips, 2 for 5c.
Hame staples, 2 for 5c.
A 2-pound plow hammer 45c.
A 14-tooth garden rake. . . ; 22c.
A Maynard irrigating shovel $1.20.
Stove pipe,- per joint 15c.
Elbows, each 10c.
No. 1 common lamp chimneys 4c.
No. 2 common lamp chimneys 6c.
Tubular lantern globes 7c.
A copper bottom tubular lantern 45c.
A set of handled tea cups and saucers 42c.
A set of 7-inch dinner plates 35c.
6 engraved tumblers 25c.
We carry poultry netting, screen wire, tinware,
hardware, notions, hats, caps, ladies' and gents' fur
nishing goods, trunks and valises, decorated dinner
sets, chamber sets, and the largest line of crockery,
lamps and glassware in North Platte. If you pass us
by you lose money. It only takes a call to prove it.
Price and quality talk.
The Wilcox Dept. Store,
North Platte, Neb.
New Seeds.
Package Seeds from Kice, Ferry, Bowen, Crossman,
Sioux City Nursery & Seed Co., etc.
Bulk Seeds of Extra quality for the Farm, Field and
at much less than catalogue prices.
McDonald's Cash Grocery.
ivirs. csami. Lriioert or tjozaa is
visiting her son-in-law Geo. Evans.
Mrs. Florance Wells has imported
a stock or notions -which she is sell
ing at prices suitable to the times.
Jas. Perkins returned from Grant
his visit in Denver.
Iv. 13. Hastings, who has been
suffering with sciatic rheumatism
for ten days past, left Saturday
night for Ogden hot springs for
treatment. He was accompanied
by Mrs. Hastings.
A hundred or more spectators
witnessed a rather " loosely played
srame of ball Sunday afternoon be-
reen the Hershey and North
Platte teams. The latter won by
a score of 19 to 6.
Harrington & Tobin received
Sunday a dozen or more crates of
strawberries from Hood Valley,
Oregon, which for size, flavor and
nrmness were tne nnest we nave
seen in this city this season.
Clark's pattern blind hinges,
with screws, 15 cents a set at the
Wilcox Dept. Store.
In conversation with farmers
who were in town Saturday from
all portions of the county, we learn
that the prospects for corn were
never better. Small grain through
out the county promises to yield
about two-thirds of a crop.
The first excursion to Lamp
ugh's lake, in which Mr. Lamp
ugh's carryall figured as the means
of conveyance, was made Sunday,
R. Shaw, of Walker precinct.
uraay to meeting tnends in the city, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Shaw
New line of men's hats just re- left home for the purpose of attend
ceived at the Wilcox Dept. Store. ing the republican county conven-
A. F. Hammond, who attended tion in this citJ but was unable to on Thursday. He reports Perkins
the Jr. O. U. A. M. convention at make connections at Gothenburg county in the dry belt,
Denver as a delegate from the local ana aia not arrive uere until atter
council, .returned home Sunday the convention had adjourned. He
fi f 1 I -a a
TVTr. TTnmmnnH utimvorf Droug-iit to tue editor a UDerai
quantity or uis early unio potatoes
which are very large in size. He
began using new potatoes the first
week in June.
Summer underwear, men's
women's and children's, at the Wil
cox Dept. Store.
North Platte people are push
ing the interests ot the West Ne
braska Fair with commendable ac
tivity and intelligence. All depart
ments are becoming well organized
and the interest taken in the fair
through the western two-thirds of
the state gives every assurance that
the labors, of the North Platte peo
ple rewarded by the magni
ficently successful fair, which will
not only be creditable to them, but
qt great vaFue to this entire section.
Kearney Hub.
You want good bread,be sure
and get the Lexington Patent
There is no question but the
bicycle races on the Fourth of July
will be" the most interesting ever
held here. There are a half dozen
local riders who "go" in fine shape
and each is the other's equal in
speed. This means exciting races,
and as nearly all events have a
time limit, the races will be for
"blood" from start to finish. The
lanre aud-
and the excursionists report a sat-
jQfnrfnro fr5r ntifl nn AnintrnM SOOrt Will De WOrtUV a
j -r JJ I , , . . ....
ime at the lake. The carryall ac- len5eJ ? tmswj nope will De ac-
commodates fifteen couples, though they may obt kin the funds ncces
twenty couples can be accommo- sary to pay the indebtedness on
dated by crowdiner. their track
Jas. Laughlin returned from Ar
kansas last week. He has spent
the last thirteen months in travel
ing over the south and now intends
settlingdown in Sutherland.
David Hunter is being visited
this week by an old time army
Engineer Fen wick of North
Platte spent Thursday in our vil
C. F. Iddings has shipped in sev
eral cars of lumber the past week.
Geo. C. White made a flying trip
to Omaha the 1st of the week.
C. C. Wetzel of Hershey marketed
corn at this point on Saturday.
Crops in this vicinity on the irri
gated lands are looking fine and
parties from the south side report
corn in extra good condition for
this time of the year.
J. S. Hinckley who has been rust
icating for the past two weeks at
his homestead on the south table
returned to North Platte Friday
Nels Peterson drove to North
Platte Saturday morninsf.
C, J. Farnham purchased hogs
near Nichols on Friday.
The Epworth League social at
Eli Etchisons on Saturday evening
was well attended and a fine time
is reported. About 175 people are
said to have been in attendance.
Henry Coker attended the county
convention on Saturday.
Fred Pierson transacted business
near Nichols on Friday.
Sutherland's delegates to the
county convention were all on deck
ready for the 1st train Saturday
W. C. Blackmore transacted bus
iness at North Platte Saturday
A Chinese hobo was one of the
sights in town Sunday morning.
It looks as though hard times were
abroad for sure when the Mongolian
takes a tie pass.
C. "F. Iddings and Chas Ross
came up on No. 1 Saturday after
noon to do some work on the con
nection ditch. Citizen.
Pale, fbln, bloodless peoplo should use Dr, Saw
yer's UkaUne. It Is the greatest remedy in the
world for making the weak strong. For galeby I.
H. Longloy.
The Lexington Patent Flour
is warranted to please.
Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleasure
that I have been using your medicine, and will rec
oinmend it to all suffering ladies. Mrs. W. W
Weathershee, Augusta, Ga. Sold by F IiLongley
Please call and see the New
McCormick Binder.
Jos. Hershey.
Dr. Sawyer? Dear Sir: Having used your Pag
UHes, I can recommend them to tho public. I
have been attended by four different doctors, but
one and a half boxes of your mediclnn him iinrm
me more good than all of them. Yours respect
fully, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Bronson, Branch
county. Mich. Sold bv F. H. lender.
Maccaline will euro anvcaso of itchinir
piles. It has never failed. It affords
nstant relief, and a cure in due time.
Price 25 and 50 cents. 3Indo by Foster
Manufacturing Co. and sold bv A. "P.
Careful attention eivon to lettering of rvmt ;i in
scription. Jobbing done on short notice. Orders
solicited and estimates freely famished.
Studebaker Wagons .-md
Buggies at Jos. Hershey s.
Land Office at North Platto. Neb.,
June 20th, 1XJ. )
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his Intention to mnke
final proof in support of hla claim, and that sold
proof will be made before tho Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebrasa OQ July -Jth.
lbVd, viz:
who made Homestead Entry No. 15,038, for the
southwest quarter, section 13. townshio 10 north.
range 31 west. He names the following witnesses
to prove his continnous residence noon and
cultivation of said land, viz: William A. Latimer,
John F.Drittain, Pascal N.Latimer and John M.
McGnnncl, all of Somerset, Neb.
W-5 JOHN F. HINMAN, Register