The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 10, 1896, Image 2

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    Davis' Seasonable Goods
B&vig, the Bicycle
THE VIKING, Is the "biking", Best of cycles,
THJ3 BLPRBPG-E, strietiy firstcte,
THE) BELVIDERE, a hlgk grade at a popular price,
THE ORAWFOftD, absolutely the best wheel on
earth for the money. Choice of all kinds of handle
bars, saddles and pedals,
JJmiBp the Seed Man,
Has a fnil line of BULK GARDEN AND FLOW
ER SEED from the celebrated Rice's Cambridge Val
ley geed Gardens,
Davis, the Hardware Man,
m m w W J4 A r ". TT1 TkT
gtoves and Ranges,
gDoii't forget Davis, "that no one
in his line, Samples
General Banking
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Corner of Spruce
T exits oix
N;Qrthweat porner of. Courthouse,
Stoam aixd Gas Fittings
Qggap,Qj garage a Spw&ttw Qoppst tjahed Xr.Qn Qq?
Tift Iroft ivOQnSN
Hauteg refitted TOQWS. h e$t q uM
&itoitecttott w& itwieg oo-wtwiw
Firfct Wine? Liquet nd Cigr t the.
a Q.o.oJ.pteftt aAtn.iaftH ttt upp alt JW?- w.Vsk
x&mm Bims, wpositr vas uiok pastor? KQt
stock of POULTRY NBTTiNU-, U-Aftyjuw
HOSE and the celebrated Acorn
owes" when in need of any thing
of "b(kes" now in,
II, S, WHITE, Pres't.,
P, A. WHITE, Vieo-lWt.
Business Transacted
and Sixth-ts.
A FineN Line of Pieoo,
Goods to select from,
First-class Fit, Exoel
lent; Workmanship,
JRA-I BAIW3,def0axi PjwpjtnsTOR
Owe Year, Gsk fAiwc,,,,,,,,,.,..,..,,.V&
ix Hoathe, esk In 4y ,,,,,,,,,,, .75 Cent.
A Kansas man predicts that the
world will come, an end next fall.
3he thing- that will come to an end
next tall, is not the earth, but the
democratic party. Inter Ocean.
Jp awy candidate goes- up against
Secretary Piper in the state con
vention, it will be for the purpose
of introducing himself preparatory
to the 1898 convention.and not with
the hope of defeating Mr. Piper.
la was not necessary to wage an
aggressive campaign against Mr.
Belton in order to defeat him, and
this the Washington Journalist
now fully realizes, Even had Mr.
Wilcox remained m the field the re
sult, so far as Mr. Belton is con
cerned, would have been the same.
Tjir bill to pension ex-governor
Thayer has passed congress and is
now in the hands the president for
his, signature. The pension, which
is fully deserved, will enable Gover
nor Thayer to live comfortably the
remainder of jiis life, and comes at
a time when he, by reason of mis
fortunes, badly needs it.
Ip the dangers of spontaneous
combustion" are greater'in summer
than in winter, we presume an ad
ditional night watchman will be
needed at the court house during
the six months which are to follow.
There are several Lincoln county
populist, patriots who are hanker
ing tor such positions and the tax
payers foot the bill.
Evkky man who had a desire to
go to the republican state and con
gressional conventions had an op
portunity in the county convention
to have his name added to the list
from which the delegates were se
lected. The editor of the Era will
please take natice that all the out
of'town voters who were placed on
the list, with but one exception,
were elected delegates,
Tnu editor of the Era is requested
to go back over the files of that
paper and see how many Warmer
boys" from th,ls county have attend
ed the populist state and congres
sional conventions in the past. The
Warmers" who represent Lincoln
county in such meetings are
Messrs, Gantt, Neville, Heeler,
Buchanan, Burritt, and Keliher.
They are all farmersthat is they
farm the farmers.
City voters who cast their ballots
for Mr, Belton in the interests of
so-called municipal reform, should
not think that by reason of the de
feat of their candidate the city will
go to the "dogs," The gentlemen
who willl transact the affairs of
the city for the next year will have
the beat interests of North Platte at
heart, aud an economical adminis
tration may confidently be. expected.
Senator Aiask has written a let
ter to Governor Holcomb in which
he positivly declines to become the
populist candidate, for president.
The Senator says his reasons for
decllnlug are. personal, amoug
which is that the education of, his
children must be looked after at
this time, The general public
will believe however, that the Sen
ator thinks the. populist: nomination
an empty honor that will not prove
of benefit to the one who accepts it
The. increase in valuation ordered
hy the county commissioners is
raising a merited howl from tax
payers since the assessors have be
ga.u their rounds. In these days of
democratic ha.rd times, when so
much property is almost nou-pro-ductive,
the average real estate
owr.r finds it almost impossible to
pay the present taxation and to be
compelled to submit to an increased
valuation a.t the same old levy is
Instead oi increasing the taxes the
commisioner& should have curtailed
the expanses
T , , - in
Wqjw is sriveix out by the inti
mate associates ot QQvernoc Hoi
comb, to, the ettect that ne ww oe a
candidate for selection, and not a
candidate for congressman iuthis
di&trisk ThU. decision of Governor
HolcoJftU is, dne largely to requests
o$ leading popullstsx avuo were: not
backward In. saying that a. refusal
o tk Go.vexa.or tQ b$ a candidate
to? re-election, wonld. b$ art admis
sion, that the populist ship. i sinks
lg and.thatlie:dictnotvauiLto go
down with, xts Ths Gove.rnpr
seems to harbor the? thought that
it wouWLfee easier foe him to be elect
ed. ejQgTesuan than re-electtid
goxeroc In titc ease; his,
cliafcces, foe success, axe: dide!dly
mtv bi39 Atx yoofiw, atoreM S Pgv Saw-
V. D, Armenr UeUere It WIJI Keack Thut
Prle In tha Near Fat are.
CmOAGO, April 7. P. D. Armour has
mH: "I l3lleve that wheat will sell at
J$l a bwliel or near that figure soon.
This is speaknie from the standpoint of
a merchant and not of scalper. It
ought to sell there on its merits, and
will unless something unforeseen oc
eats. I have felt bullish for several
weeks, bnt never more so than now.
What any individual scalper or opera
tor does has no reference to the actual
market conditions. The advance will
not be a matter of sentiment, although
I believe business men all pver the
country are becoming more confident
and cheerful. The advance in wheat
may, to a certain extent, bo independent
of the action of other products. This
grain may be singled out for improve
ment. I believe that all other products
will be helped. Corn and oats may sell
up a few cents, although conditions of
supply and demand are entirely differ
ent in them than in wheat, but pro
visions aro at a ranpe of prices where
they are sure to do better.
Uttle ICsthcr Clevelum) Stricken With the
Infantile Disease.
Washington', April 8. Tho meeting
of tho cabinet today "was postponed
without date, owing to tho sudden ap
pearance of tho measles in tho presi
dent's household, little Esthor Clove
land being stricken with it. This in
fantile diKcuse has been almost epidemio
in Washington .for somo time past, and
all precautions have not availed to pro
vent its spread ovorywhoro. Private
Secretary Thurbor's chlldron have all
had the disease in regular conrso, aud
to prevent tho possibility of its trans
mission to tho Whito Honso, Mr. Thur
ber has absented himsolf from his own
domicile for tho past wook and has
made his residence at the Whito House.
However, this sacrifioo was of no avail,
for this morning the eruption suddenly
appeared on little Esthor Olovolaiftl,
marking hor as tho first victim at tho
Whito Houstu
Sewn Killed nntl tfnveral Injured About
Four Allies from Ogdoii, Utah.
Ogdkn, Utah, April 0, A torriflo ox
plosion, entailing tho Iofr of soveral
lives aud tho wounding of soveral others,
ocourrod shortly after H o'clock last
evening in tho canon four miles from
this city. Tho men woro omployed hy
tho Pioneer Power Dam company, and
were about to proparo a blast whon a
premature explosion occurred. Tho
Dan Moiikan, Ogdon.
B, Kilt km AN, Qgdon.
Geouor Wkavkr, Ogdon.
Natk Kempton, Prove.
Jkfk Rvhy, lluntsvlllo, Utah.
Mikk Lean an, Provo.
Tho wonndod:
Andrew Sprowos,
Alfred WeUlngaton.
"Goorgo Slntor and sovornl others.
Continues Unabated at Athens and Is a
Source uf Trlde to tho tireks.
Athens, April 0. Tho interest in tho
Hellenio games and in tho groat na
tional festival which has boon kept to
celebrate their revival continues una'
bated and tho modoru Greeks of all
olassea show thomsolves keenly alivo to
a sense of prido in the ancient glories
of the rac. There were no American
contestants today, whioh is apparently
tho only condition in the games which in
volves there being no American winners.
Tho bioyolo races were conducted in a
tempest of wind, which raado anything
like record speed out of the question,
lu faot all those taking part in this raco
abandoned tho contest excepting tho
Frenchman, Flamoug, who pluckily
breasted the storm and finished nlono.
Considering the speed of tho wind, his
time was not bad.
Awful SuflYrlugs of Armenians,
Boston, April n, From recent let
ters from eastern Turkey it appears that
the condition of tho destitute iu that
section is most deplorable, iu spito of
tho relief work which has been doue
there, Whole families, hnugry-, scanti
ly clad, r d in constant fear, huddlo to
gether iu ooruers at night seeking pro
tection from the cold, Recent writers
state that almost the entire Armenian
nation is struggling for existence under
conditions, the very contemplation of
whioh almost makes one long for death,
Idaho yvora the KxroUlon
Boise. Ida,, April -4, Tho Idaho, im
migration congress adopted resolutions
approving the proposed Transmississippi
exposition iu Omaha in XSOii aud asking
congress to make an appropriation for
it, and requesting the Idaho legislature
to provide for proper representation of
the state at tho exposition
Klugtfcicar at Genoa.
Bomb, April 9, King Oscar of Swedeu
has arrived at Genoa,
Cbleago drain and Vx-ovUtoa.
CmcAUO Av 8, Wheat ran. w
down th ca today Hkt mercury iu a
thermometer vlunKvd, alternately a t"'
ins aud. a f rw-z'Ug wUtuee. U stood at blow
ge.raaa the. $e.ijdo was c?osios Th ranwof
thoMa)- yrU-o-was trow &Jio ta rjo. withth
lower ot then j cIojiIu? v;lttv a loot to
o cowwwd. with Jlondar tdsh;s ftjuws.
Cpru od oati wvto strong erly with wh?5
and woaV Ut-c la. a simUarly sy-upalhetia
wsy. Kveu provUioas which xuado- au inde
peudeatl. strops tr5s closol with aU tho
early swlvaue i.ot,
Qash o.uotatio-53 wras follows; Xo.2red
Wheats 7lo; J?o.SrU 70o; Jfo. a spring, 6rc;
So. t coru,. 5Jov 3 oats. I9ftt
WKSAT-Oiay. Wd; July. 68.
CQ-May, 3-H ; Juyk 3ljOs
OAT?3fey. H?i July, -ii bLL
LAKD-3riUy, r; July. JS Wd.
South om) i,lT Stock,
f Socrs. Ojuua. April CA'OT Kt-
iyxa4;33.3i;ww aad heifers. 5tf
53cftJAern.Si.2i; Steele and feed
95W3.8:SQatY?WiZJi hulls, stags.
aoe-8wcte. ;stroas'to.5c higir;
Vsaxy. &.5J3& wised. 3.aQ3L; lisht.
53S(3:?J'al5t ot 3aJs. S3.35fc.
BaXsW Still 0dwt.
Yqxx. April T. Baliiugtoa
Booth audius sfetc. BoothTucker.
ha.w had pcotractedcofereace which
lasted. ftorL 1ft o'clock last, sight until
4:30. thi sorixis. Ti. awetiatook
ac at, BaUingko. Bootks Mstdeucft afe
Koaafe Clair X aad besides th
pjtissciwda taew, vrw- present; Br. 3Tc
Elvpay otSulactela. aad 3rs Maud
S$ooSu SSWttsaftaalackof cordiality
i&ti iMot bsotfeer aad. sister.
kfe uWr-Qt the: eatreatiea
rirtcJtXr. BoottTcwf agsi to.
.JiTliiw. &&ik rtar. to, tx Szlwr-
Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
Happening From Home and Abroad Re
duced I'rnm Columns to XJncs JSrcry
thlagr but Facts Klhnluatod For Our
Beaden' Convenience.
Trlday, April 3.
Prefildont Diaz, in his annual mossago,
endorses tho Mouroo doctrine Cbaun-
ccy M. Depow declares bo Is not a presi
dential dark horse Maxey Cobb, ex-
trcasuror of Lancaster county, Nebraska,
Is inlsslnfif An uttompt was made to
wreck tho stato Capitol at Jackson, Miss.
Columbian gunboat seized tho Amer
ican schooner Whitford as a suspected con
traband carrier Western railroads have
warned their contracting agents to bo
careful about granting special privileges
to any one Rhode Island goes Re
publican by over 11,000 Steam pipe on
tho Chilean monitor Hnascar burst, kill
ing eight of tho crow China ha? de
cided to ontor into tho postal, union
Julius Foatnor of Omaha is in custody at
San Frauclsco ponding investigation of
his sanity Tho Idaho Immigration con
vention assembled at BoLsc with represen
tatives proaout from Utah "Washington,
Oregon, Colorado, Nebraska und Minne
sota Matt Adams, tho alleged default
lug district clerk of Danver, was arrostcd
at Southampton, England Many of tho
most proporous business enterprises of
Brunswick. Ga., woro destroyod by lire
"Brick" Pomoroy, tho noted printor, edi
tor and promoter, is dying of dropsy at
Blythebourno, L. I. Second joiut do-
bato botweon Hoko Smith and Crisp was
hold at Atlanta Tho liquor mauufao-
turlug bill was dofea'cd In tho Iowa
sonata Work at all tho mlnoj In tho
Cripplo Creok district owned by W. S.
Stratton, excopt ono, has bcon stopped
Judgo Hallot at Denvor listened to tho
argumonts In tho case of tho Denver and
Rio Grando railway to restrain tho Gulf
railway from violating a joint track con
tract II. C. Bunner, editor of Puck, is
sorlously 111 at San Frauclsco Mllo T.
Bogard at St. Louis was found guilty ot
embezzlemont aud flnod foO Dr. A. G.
Abdolal of Lawrenoo, Kan., has com
menced suit ngnlnst tho Fratornnl Aid
assoolatlou for 5 ,000 damagoj Tho
hoalth authorities of Cincinnati ordered
Sohrador, tho healor, to leave tho city
Mrs. Floronco Fontou of Topoka, Kan ,
who was suing for divorce, surprised tho
town by eloplug with hor husband to
Missouri. t
Saturiluy, April 4
Samuel Langdou wai hold for tho mur
der of Annie MoGrath at Philadelphia
Thomas "Wharton, Sunday editor of tho
Philadelphia Times, committed suicide
by jumping from a fourth story window
Mrs. Norman Lockwootl was killed
and her son badly hurt by bolug struck by
a train near Cherokee, la. Sonntor
Yoorhees Is somewhat batter French
senato voted a bill of noneonfldenco in tho
government Mr. HUt, In tho house,
moved tho adoption of the conference re
port on Cuba Rubber footwear tru 1 1
forming on tho Paclflo eoist Denver
chamber of commerce endorsed Transiui -
slssippl exposition A young negro wa
taken from jail at Tupelo, Miss., by a mob
and lynched Tho river and harbor bill
carrying 0,003,0XD ha? boon flulshed
Tho fifth trial of tho Hlllmon lasuranco
easo resulted In a disagreement of tho
jury Republican College league met at
Chicago aud elected James M. Perkins of
Harvard president, Tho nocct convention
will bo hold at Minneapolis House
voted to give Populist Goodwin the seat
of Mr, Cobb from the Fifth Alabama dis
trict Iowa legislature voted to adjourn
April II Trade Improvement exp.njced ;
with sprlug weather ha begun Kd
Polon kilUxl his wife aud moiUwr-lu-law !
Clinton, Ills, Barney eUina of Oiua-
ha was sentenced to tho penitentiary for
llfo for the killing of Kdward MeKenua
--Blnck plaguo has broken out at Yo-
kohama Nebraska I A, Y. will hold '
the state jneo: at Hueolu Sohaeffer
won the last game ot the New York erlos ,
of the luternatlouKl bHUaul tournament 1
making It a tie wl'h Ivo Kurlington
laud buyers have been granted an exten
sion of one monih for tiling appearances.
As a result ot the canteen cuuiroversy
army ollicltvls favor dropping Fort
Robluson Italiaiv defeated the der
vishes. In two engagements- Gomany
deoliies to a-sume a protectorate over the
Tranvaal Congressman Mercer h;is
won Chairman Dlugley over to support
Transmlslsslppl exposition bill Booco
county, Iowa, has sold $0,(XX ot 5 par ,
cent refunding bonds at par and ?16 ;
premium to Farsou, Leach & Co of CM- 1
cago, i
3tlomly, April O.
J$d Smith, a farmer ot Homer, Neb., is
in Kansas City hum lug for his wife, who
eloped with B. L tfmtta. a farm hand, in
January Tho western line have de
cided to chargo full fare to theatrical
companies Kdward Fielding, a briga
dier gene al In tho Salvation army, ha
resigucil his charge and will connect him
self with tho forces ot Ballington Booth
The laborers employed by Carlisle,
Dltmer & Weithe. contractors foe tlie
Florence and Cripplo Creek rail.-o&d. have
struck. They have been paid $l.oand
theyderuaml?3 aud request thas they be
charged only 54 Instead of ?o a week for
board Tho attorneys foe Taylor broth
ers, who mu: dered tha Meek family, are
endeavoring to carry the case to the su
preme court. Tho Taylors were sen
tenced to dea h at Carrollton, Mcl, April
5 Peter Noel of Wichita, Kan., is su
ing thy Santa Fe for iI,(XO damages
for wrongly setting a f. actum! wise
A greas gold strike has been made at the
Rawhide mine in Toulom coenty, Cali
fornia There is a very eievcr couater-
jteitw. name unknown, in the insane
asylttjtt at St. Louis Miss Hart Bah J tiifav
Steby of Jefferson, O., in her breach of
prontl ease asKiint; Rev. Robert E. Hill
pt Qakieigh, Knsrl.tnd, was granted a ver
dict for $lO,CUl--Hiraia A. Waite. city
comptroller a Port Huron is missings
Ho drew $oSO from the- bank on accoons ol
pay day. Foul play is suspected H. R.
Richards, secretary treasurer of the de
funct Sttow-Church company afe St. Paul,
was, found guilty of grand larceny
Iowa legislative comnuttee contpiKed a
revbloa of the revenn laws A terrible
hre-occarredafe Manilla, in the Pkiiiiplrw
islands, by which 4.600 houses- were- de
stroyed and 30,C03- people left homeless
Secretary CarhstB-write a le-terh Ken
tucky friends: sayingr he is not a candidace-
for the presidential noiniuatiojc: Minis
ter Terrell of Turkey arrived at New:
York Fred Gilbert of SpMft Lake. Lu,
woman easy viccoryin. a five bErd. shoot
wh Isaac YV Budd at Chicago The
Chicago, Greaft WesSerat t arraagmff to.
extendi ifct liae to- Mason City..
Tuesday, April 7.
Houbo passed tho Cuban resolutions hy
f on fn "7 Subcommittee of
tho two houses of congress have reached
T-t nnHincp lull.
an agreement on tno racwu r
California House passed tne river miu.
harbor bill William Biggerstaff wai
hanged at Helena for tho murder ofi'a-
glllsc Johnson Lowis A. RUoy was
elected president of tho Lehigh company
A church built of sod was dedicated
in Smith county, Kansas Dick Bruce,
a burglar who broko jail at Lockport,
Mo., has been rccaptutcd after a six
months' chase Scott Wheeler of Cin
cinnati was arrested at Loulsvlllo in tho
net of passing counterfeit money Tho
baby of Mrs. G. W. Wyattat St. Joseph
died from an overdose of morphine, ad-
... i i A T Tn!iu
rnrSntcnccd to lged
for tho murder of Rev. Burrcll Simms at
nonfnnviiln. Ark., has b3en acquitted
A destructive prlarlo me arose out ou
tho Platto bottom near Gretna, Neb., de
stroying about 5500 worth of hay Bal-
lington Booth and his sister, Mrs. Booth
Tucker, held a long conference, in which
Mrs. Tucker in vain urged her brother to
return to tho army Dr. John Gulteras,
a leading Cuban patriot at Philadelphia,
has received another letter containing
$4,000 In aid of the Cuban cause, and
1,000 for tho widow of a Cuban journal
ist, who acted as secretary to Senor
Estrada Tho 8-ycar-old son of E. States
was kicked to death by a horso at
Marshall, O. T. A negro boy named
Charley Pago is held at Cloud, Ky.,
charged with tho murder of a German
peddler Seeding has commenced at
Ma on City, la. May wheat advanced
2 cents at Chicago Senate passed tho
houso bill granting Goneral John M.
Thayer a pension of $100 por month
Mlnlstor Terrell called on tho secretary of
state P. D. Armour predicts that
wheat will sell at $1 a bushel in tho near
future McVickar, Republican, was
elected mayor of Dcs Moines Spain has
a flying squadron of 14 ve.sels, carrying
0,000 men, ready to sail for Havana
Wells' bill to regulato express companies
waa practically killed in the Iowa senato
Sultan signs a tirade to expel all for
eign missionaries in Aimenla.
AVfHluesdny, April 8.
Americau Missionary Kuappd confined
in a Turkish jail and serious international
complications may follow Court of ap
peals decided ngalnst Brokor Chapman,
tho recalcitrant sugar witness At a
fight ot the polls in Chicago Frank Martin
shot "Bull" Hickcy Hearing of Scott
Jackson, alleged murderer of Pearl Bryan,
at Newport, Ky., postponed until April
21 Houso committee decided toroport
favorably the resolution to bestow the
rank of lieutenant general on Nelson A.
Miles Measlcimado Its appearance in
tho Whito Houe, lit: lo Esther Cleveland
being stricken with the dlsea-e Iowa
crop budctln shows season somewhat late,
but fair start made with seeding En
glish expeditionary forco in South Africa
hard pressed by tho natives While
thawing dyuamito at Greenburg, Pa.,
Frank Grannell was killed and W. N.
Marshall and James Parker fatally In
jured Eleventh annual convention of
National League of Musicians convened
In Washlngun At election fights in
Chicago th.-eo porsoui were shot, one
fatally Prc-ldent Cleveland said to bo
preparing a peclal me.nge to congress
on Cuba Count Mattel died at Bologno
. Supremo Lodgo Patriarchs of America
met at Pittsburg, Kan Over 4,000 peo
ple listened to tho third financial debate
between Crisp and Smith at Newman,
Ga, Burglars wrecked tho bank at
Stlllmau. Ills. Buffalo street gar strike
proved a firzje Canteen at Fort Robinson
again open The entire Republican city
ticket was elseted at Milwaukee
License tickets won in a majority of Min
nesota towns Jones, the A. P. A. can
didate, was elected mayor of Kansas Cltr
Fifty-two Democratic county conven
tions In Missouri declared for free silver
Republicans of Utah in state conven
tion declared for free coluagu and se
lected six silver men as delegates to St.
Louis Street railway employes and the
A. R, IT. at Philadelphia have federated
Commissioner Booth-Tucker aud wife
were tendered a welcome demonstration
in New York City Three thousand
people greeted Ballington Booth at his
first meeting of ;ho volunteers In the Chi
cago Auditorium 1'ne Evangelical
churches, of Ottawa, Kan., have declared
war agHiust the Sunday papers of that
city Tho police of Burlington and Fort
Madison, la., have eapttired a notorious :
river pirate and burglar, Wesley Morris.
He is wanted in bom towns.
i Thurlay, April 9.
t The Iowa hou-e kilted the liquor manu-
. facturrng bill by a vote of 51 to 47 High
license won in nearly all Neb raska villages
Senator Allen has add o sel a letter
to Governor Holcomb declining to be a
candidate on the Populist ticket for the
presidency Anxiety for she safe, y of the
advance guard of the Nile expedition is in
creasing Italians loss 30 J in a recent
fight with the dervishes Senate pa sed
the postofllee appropriation bill Gen
eral Harrison and his bride arrived at In
dianapolis Ram foil in, Nebraska
and South Dakota Nicaragua revolu
tionists and government forces have had
another battle Rev. Fa the- O'Gorman
will te installed bishop of South Dakota
the last week in April S. V. Lo rimer of
Hardin county, Li., mysteriously disap
peared in Chicago Sou h Dakota cattle
men are planning to wage war on wolves
New York legislature passed the bill
requiring railroads to carry bicycles a-
baggage Sena re confirmed Benjamin
Franklin's nomination as governor of Ar
izona Comptroller has given authority
to organize a narional bank at Hoi ton.
Kan.- Senator Allen introduced a
special pension bfll Hon. Cecil Rhodes
is sick with a fever at Salisbury, IWafafarle-
land King Oscar of Sweden arrived as
Genoa The Italian govemmen: has re
fused the offer of an Easlish syndicate of
a loan of 25,000, W)Q Senator Turpie's
speech on Cuba was the event of the day
in the senate There is much indigna-
tioii in England over the intention of the !
sultan of Turkey to exclude christian mis
sionaries front Asia Minor Seven per
sons were killed in a prematura explo
sion near Ogden, Utah John Pope, vice
president of the American Tobacco canx
pa.y. Li dead One of the largest gath
erings of Odd Fellows ever held in the
west will nicefc afe Sxoox Csy April 2S
Ohio's legtslat are has passed ait an'ciiyiich
ingrlaw, counties being- responsible for
damage to relatives of victims Li
Hung-- hang; it is sald,,ha abandoned! his
intention of visiting America John
Parker-ami Dr. J. Ml Modi on escaped
from, the connfiy Jail at Salina, Kan.
James itcKinaey murdered. Nellie Wasp
nerint loose of Hl-fanae- atSaosasCicy,,
Kac '
Geseral BBjamI T. Trey Acted as Best
Xarrfae Selcraalied by Dr. Wes
ley Broini at St. THobbm Charch Only
Twenty Get Present.
NewYouk, April 7. The marriage
of 3irs. Kary Lord Dimmick to General
Benjamin Harrison was solemnized at
St7 Thomas church yesterdaj afternoon
at 6:45. Dr. Wesley Brown, rector,
officiated at the, ceremony.
The marriaee, -which took, place in
the presence of 20 relatives and select
uds of bride and groom, -was a
T mt
TerT private all air. etunce was
portane weuum
0f the season; but
the flowers used,
lilacs and ascen
sion lilies, were ar
rangedin exquisite
taste, and the
chancel looked
even prettier and
was more effective
than afe the two
previous weddings, gen. haerison.
Mrs. Dimmick arranged all the details
regarding the .decoration The altar
was relieved with palms, tropical plants
and banks of white lilacs, surmounted
with bunches of ascension lilies.
Tha guests as they arrived at the
church were received by Mr. E. P. Tib
bett, General Harrison's private secre
tary, and Mr. Daniel M. Ramsdell, who
was marshal at Washington during
General Harrison's administration, and
were seated in the
front pews of the
church. At 5:20
Mrs. John F. Par
ker, the bride's
sister, was escort
ed to the front
pew On the left by
' Mr. Ramsdell and
Mr. and Mrs. Pin
chot were escorted
to the front pew on the right by Mr.
Tibbett. Governor Morton occupied
the pew directly behind Mrs. Parker.
General Tracy Best Mb.
General Harrison left the Fifth
Avenue hotel, accompanied by General
Benjamin F. Tracy, in a close carriage
at 5 o'clock and was driven to the Rev.
Dr. Brown's house on Fifty-third
street. They passed through the houso
to the vestry, where they awaited the
coming of the bridal party. The bride
left the home of her sister, Mrs. John
F. Parker, 40 East Thirty-eighth street,
at 5:10. She was accompanied bjr her
brother-in-law, Lieutenant John F.
Parker, who gave her away. They ar
rived at the church entrance at 5:20 and
proceeded to the tower room, where the
bridal procession formed in the follow
ing order: Mr. E. F. Tibbett and Mr.
Daniel M. Ramsdell, ushers; Mrs. Dim
mick and Lieutenant Parker, and pro
ceeded to the chancel, where General
Harrison, accompanied by his best man,
General Tracy, received his bride. The
ushers, standing to one side, faced the
altar as the bride and groom stepped
forward to the altar rail, where the
rector, Dr. Brown, was waiting. Dr.
George "William Warren, organist of
the church, playing the bridal music
from Lohengrin, and during the entire
peremony playing very softly Mascag
ni's intermetso paralexia. That porr
tion of the matrimonial service known,
as the marriage service proper the rer
cital of which lasts only about 15 min?
ntes, was use J, and immediately the
blessing was pronounced. General and
Mrs. Harrison, followed by Mrs. John
F. Parker and General Tracy, Mr.
Tibbett and Mr. Ramsdell, Lieutenant
Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Pinchot,
walked down the aisle to the strains of
the Hannhauser march of Wagner, and
entering the carriages waiting at the
entrance, the bridal party was driven to
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Pinchot,
2 Grammercy Park, where light re
freshments were served and here the
party douned traveling attire for the
trip "to Indianapolis.
Spanish Totuntrtrs Infuristed by Resolu
tions of Italted States Congress.
London, April 9. The Morning Pest
in an editorial assumes that President
Cleveland will do nothing on the Cuban
resolutions and that it is merely election
! "A verv serious condition of things
exists in Cuba," says The Post, "but it
is not one that is likely to be improved
I by the gratuitous interference of the
American jingoism."
I A Paris dispatch to The Daily News
says: A French resident of Cuba, writ
ing to The Socia, draws a lamentable
picture of the ferocious character the
war has assumed under Weyler. He
believes, however, that the rebels will
pventualiy shake off the Spanish role.
He states Weyler allows the troops to
' shoot and bayonet villagers suspected of
harboring insurgents. "A few days
ago," he continues, "a hand of "volun
teers, inf nriatcdf by the resolutions of
the American congress, shot six sons of
an American fanner at Casigues. The
United States consul general is inquir
ing into the matter."
Jlminj- r.lnritay m Parole.
Omaha, April 6. Jimmy Lindsay, the
pugilist, has been released from the
penitentiary at Lincoln and has cams
back to this city. He was sentenced
something over a year ago from Cass
-county for Ms part in the prize fight
with Fletcher Bobbins in Plattsmonth
in th summer of 1893, after which fight
Bobbins died. The release of Lindsay
was predicted some weeks ago. and it
was said that he would promise Got
ernor Holcomb that he would leave the
ring for keep?. This is, of course, one
condition of Ms parole.
pesezal Colby Win tfrc
Bbathics, Neb-, April V. At a recent
meeting of Company C, First regimenr,
jSebraska. 5Tatzonal gaard, resolutions:
were adopted commending te career
of Brigadier General Colby- aad
requesting hint, to again "be a
candidate for election ict tbm& po
EttiQC Under date of April 3 General
Colby writes to Captain- Braizxerdv ccra
raandfrrg; company Cv ?cknawledxig
the receipt of theresaliitiQcsvbj. xjbzg
he has SeadetL cat tohe aca35oaa:fer
re-electwE. Brigadier General Colby
wiHserer Lis connection with, the Se
traefct ISaticnal GrardL at tie. clcseof