The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 17, 1896, Image 1

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    A ' A
Wat Mmilx
yol. in.
BO. 22,-
I 1 J
Clothing. Gents5 furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Gaps,
Gloves and Miijens.
iSur,prised, First at the Large Assortment:
l Second at the Superior Quality:
Third at the Immense Yariety;
Fourth, at the Low Prices.
We have been some time in getting these Sur
prises here and ready for you, but at last are
able to announce
Bargains all Through the House.
"We solicit a comparison of Goods and Prices,
knowing that you will find our stock the Best and the
Star Clothing House,
.rifS" TECS
Boots and Shoes
Otten's Shoe Store
A larsre line of the best makes of Ladies, Men and
Children s Shoes. All goods will be closed out for what
they will bring. A large line of over shoes and rubbers
will be closed out cheap enough that you can buy for next
year. A complete line of the celebrated Lewis Boys'"
Shoes, Children's Red School House Shoes the best
made, Ludlou Ladies' Pine Shoes, Lily Bracket. Men's
Pine Shoes, I will sell cheap for cash to quit business.
Will also sell showcases, counters, shelves, safe. etc.
Otteirs Slaoe Store.
Order by telephone from Newton's Book Store.
rr rtrk
Yesterday one of the Heichert chil
dren, at Paon, whose father was
kUled in the railroad accident there
some weeks ago. while pickin
m . m m
coal aionjr tue tracK was ran over
by train 23 and one of its feet badlj
crashed. The victim was taken to
Omaha last nijrht for surgical treat
Jast nisrnt ;rnest fcandy en
tered the kitchen of the Hotel Ne-
Tiiie ana maae an attack upon
Annbus Ridgley with a knife. In
the melee the latter had his nose so
slit as to require fixe or six stitches
to close the wound. The trouble
was of quite long- standing-, and it
is said to have grown out of the
borrowing of some money by one of
the parties. After the assault
young Sandy made his escape from
the scene, but was subsequently
arrested and is now in lail await
ing- investigation.
The countv commissioners rear
ing that the assessment for the
coming" vear will not vield as much
money as they wis to spend, are
figuring" on raising" the valuation of
the county. They have already
been consulting" "Uncle Sile" m re
gard to this step. With absolutely
no market for real estate, and very
little for commodities of any char
acter, the present seems to be a
very poor time for any such pro
As the date for holding" the muni
cipal election draws near, the list
of candidates for the several offices
grows rapidly. The ability and
political complexion of the candi
dates is somewhat varied suffi
ciently so in fact to" meet the de
mands of all classes of voters.
For mayor there are, according
to reports, five candidates, namely,
D. W. Baker. W. T. Wilcox. James
Belton, .Lester Walker and W. H.
Fikes. The latter gentleman, how
evert declared last evening" that he
would not be acandidate-
John Sdrensoa and C. L. A-amS5
are the reported candidates for the
treasureship. though the cantfidacy
of the latter is by some denied.
Three candidates for clerk are in
the field, namely, H- S. Keith. W.
H. C. Woodhurst and Colonel
Owens. This triangular race prom
ises to be close.
For councilman from the First
ward W. H. Fikes and C. H. Stamp
are spoken of. though it is said
neither of the gentlemen are hell
bent on securing" an election.
In the Second ward Chas. G. Hall
and I. L. Miltonberger have filed1,
their petitions for counciimen.
Over in the Third ward the alder
manic contest will be beiween Nich
olas Klein and David Scott
For members of the board of edu
cation Victor VonGoetz, A. JL. Davis
and J. F. Scbmalzried are reported
as candidates. It is also said that
two ladies are being" urged to be
come candidates.
This completes the list so 'far as
we have been able to learn up to the
hour of going to press. Other can
didates may be rushed out before
the end of the present week.
Jssued in 10 Parts-:-10 Cents Eacii.
Lou Pierson moved his
down from Perkins county of Wed
nesday, and is now "at home" in
his new residence m the west prt
of town.
W. Archer, of Lincoln, collector
for the Huber Mfg. Co., was rust
ling" up delinquents in this vicinity
the first of the week.
The progressive whist party at
Emerson's Monday night was well
attended and a very pleasant even
ing" spent
Lor en Harrington, of Pax ton, was
in town Monday and the merry
jingle of his sleigh bells was a new
sensation in this village, as we have
had no sleighing" for two years.
Miss Nellie Applegate is quite
sick this "week.
Several parties from Papillion are
moving in on the Hunter lands.
Their car arrived Saturday.
E. Gotthard started on his initial
trip to McPherson county on the
new mail route Thursday morning".
He had a very hard trip and did not
get back till Sunday noon, and then
came in with his buggy pole broken.
It is reported that" Eric Linden
has purchased an acre of ground of
Wm. Coker, lying- north of C. W.
Burklund, and will build a dwelling"
within the next few months.
Messrs. Swanson and Linden and
a party named Johnson figured in a
suit before Justice Bobbitt the last
of the week. The trouble arose
over some hay Johnson got fro in the
first named parties.
Geo. C. White shipped a car of
oats to Colorado the last of the
week. Cxnzsx.
Interesting Price News.
There was a. time not very long since -nrhen you couldn't buy a fairly good piece of dress goods under a 3bllarT
a 'yard. It is different now. Glance over the accompanying list and come to the store with any one item in min',
we will surpass your expectations.
In order to introduce our new line of Dry Goods to the people of North Platte and vicinity, we will make this
Hberal offer: With each Dress Pattern amounting to $1.50, and up, we will give 5 yards Cambric and 11 yards of
Silesia. The prices on our Dry Goods are lower than ever before.
A -A -A A tS A AA - A- A AA - At - - A A AAA A --.. ----....,,. - . . . .
Novelty goods, a bargain.. Henrietta, cloth, regular Serge- all wool, -ort 100) yards Humphrey All of oar oetiap flannels '
at Scents. 35-cent goods. 50 cents eL-ewhere plaids suitable for mens At Scents I7ar4sFrBtf theLoo
(hrr Price 15 Cents. Our Price 25 Cents. Onr Price 35 Cents. urorkinc shirts, at ct.s. rprrii r,r fsrSLOO. i
Fine Black Henrietta at 85 cents, worth $1.20.
Indigo Blue Calico La-xrence. L, L and All oer light prints, sail- Best grade serge. Cassimere. all -srool. A feeactifel diagonal
at 5 cents, Kearney Home a We for various this sr. a75-cent leader, -we sell it very ne. at NovetlT Goods
former price 6 and 7 cents. at 5 cents per yard. at 4 cents per yard. for only 50 ceaL- onlx 4 cents per vard. at oolv -S cents.
I I i "
Our Hosiery Department-
beamless rLose, black and
Iso. 1 at 25 cents, worth
nov Tioir I no hiinrii'Ofl rinvon At on c- H o If Hn?a of r nnnt-r n . 4-U JnUn il
Our Shoe Department We will give with each pair of Ladies', Gentlemen's or Children s Shoes one pair of
riihhpr-s frpp nf o.hnrcrp. A? haH wt$irhpr r-nnnnop i-nn pfinnnf cj-rriirrl t mice f hi RamomKoi. Anr Qlmnr,
all warranted to give good wear, and our prices are as low as the lowest.
5ICE0LS A2TD HE2SHEY KSWS. J Joseph Knott ag-ed about fourteen
Next Sunday will be Rev. Coslet's
reg-ular appointment at Nichols-
Mrs. Jt. W. Calhoun is reported
as criticallv ill at this writing-.
F. I. Terry is again confined to
Efs bed with the same old complaint
chills and ferer.
It is reported that the better
class of citizens in HersTiey and
t . 1 1 J UJ 1 i. ?
urday by upsetting a pot of hot 1 -
coffee upon it. It is in critical con- s
ditiiion at this writing;.
The ilcKinley club of Fremont
r. i - i. t i a -t
Even if times are a little quiet and dol-.
lars rather scarce. They must havie
Groceries, Provisions and Flour and
they want good goods at low prices.
The Missouri river near iNiobra
vicinity will soon mate an effort to j ra is frozen over again, and loaded
corrali the -'blind pig;' which it is j teams cross oa the ice. i
said has been running1 at larg;e in i m. a - - 1U ,
e fe j L here is talk of another news-1
that hamlet for some time past. Ia - .
Mrs. I. 2iL Balv is reported on the i
sick list butnothin" serious as veL mu i i n t. i -.i
- j juc stuwis iti. v-cu li til vil v ii lire
Thelvichols dramatic club has . Q , , ,
i been closea on accownt or the nre-
disbanded for this season at least. ; valence scar,et feven
and more thnn likelv fnr ever nnri i
Bennett Irwin, of Gordon, has re
ever. . .
m i turned irom Mexico, where he par
Tramps are becoming- quite aura- . r
erous alonjr the line lateiv and are 1
causing- the inhabitants no little j One day last week Cbever Hazeiet
amount of trouble bvtheir boldness, i sent a telegram from O'Neill to
Mrs. Wm. Funkhouser we under- Germany and received a reply m
stand will teach a spring" term of i three hours.
scnool over on tde sontn side, .ane The band bov. of T)e Wirt w?H
will begin sometime during- the j give the people of that viHag-e a
forepart of the coming- month. 1 long- series of open air concerts.
M. E. quarterly meeting- services J beginning April 1st.
were ueiu at the -Platte v alley j AI T.- - .
r I 14 v - I tM M T . t 4 III I IS X mm f IMla
venieatly near that he may occupy
and possess the place and perquis-
ra.iWe Don't Blow Much,
and i
school house last Saturday
We are pleased to note that Sam
uel Harris who was recently strick-1 of Mart Howe
en with paralysis is said to be con-
ites made desolate bv the oustin
But when it comes to selling fresh and
clean goods for little money we are "in
it" just as extensively as any dealer.
We're after Trade,
That's what we are here for and we so
licit you to call and "look ns over." "We
are confident we can please you.
V. VonGoetz, The Grocer,
Otten stein Block.
Dr. N. McOABE, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.
NrOFfV I ' f 1 PT,
A Grand Island phvsician devotes
j two hours every Sunday free, pre-
A "few t n r? ?il ovrl in n Ipan vpr'
. - , , . . scribing-for the sick
. 0 i . rnr. r - . poor to emplov a phvsician
net Sarnrnar Thp fair cir n-ntn'- ' "
ered in the morning" and sewed carpet-rag's.
The sterner sex whom the
fair ones had invited, gathered in
the evening-when all enjoyed them
selves in various wavs for a few
It is stated that C. S. Trovillo
wiU make some needed repairs
upon his residence and also erect an ; years
who are too
W" e area to liandle tlie 13 est Grades of
G-oods, sell them at Reasonable
Fiorares, and "Warrant EeirrtMncr a
Orders from the conntry and along the line of tbe Union
Pacific railway resnectfallv solicited.
The Niobrara Pioneer is the onlv
Nebraska paper that is standing- up
for Maine and 2vew Brunswick ia i
the pending- contest.
William Kindon died at Arlinsrtoa
. , .... i
last wees asrea eigntr-seven vears. , tt o Tin. aT Tnnni- ie ;cf
His pallbearers were men who had ; purchased one of the largest sized ' Perates a Pnect passenger equip-
- j , ., c- -oo ' ment with a first-class roadbed and
took the shiag-les off the roof and THZ 2TICZZL ZLAXS 2X1 AD,
tbe flooring- of the church to pay it. The shortest line from Chicag-o
and for them to -shell ouL" ; to New York and Boston via Fort
Wayne. Cleveland and Buffalo,
lived there twenty-five or
0 pumping
pfents. capacity S.502 ,'
barrels per dav. He will erect it on S an P1 service ofWagiier
addition to it in the near future. Harrison McCord or Piattsmouth hk fo-tr-thr nrr tnrr ivnln--; sieePm? anQ onner cars. -Kates
The heaviest snow storm in over j with an able assistant, coug-ht a town and irriate his crops thef-lways the For infonna-
tour years prevailed in this locality j boat load of channel cat the other coming- season. ! " "TV Y fSSSn
lastThursdaynig-htFriday.Fridayjday. the lar-est of which weighed; petitkn5 hae been rirfa ted tn Gen'l Asrent. Chicasro. HL
' secure a mail route from Ponca to '
The release of real ecfpte ttnrt- a r c; Ve&r Hit: HaTiciised yscrPx
nijrht and Saturday. The "round eighteen pounds.
2 iT. T 1 A . f
was coverea wilu scout xen incnes
ot "the beautiful" which is beinjr
absorbed bv Mother Earth.
Martiasburg-. Some years agX I m I caa refieaaead'thea telie psMtc I
ole 111 AJ1UU county JOT xne , fkts route was abandoned and a i&aTeb-eectee4edbT2scrdl2eat rfec!r.teK
under month ot r ebrcarv exceeds those rr.Ki; -r, a hifb efyecr ed4e hx. eoe
the pressing- rays of "Old Sol" given by about 51.100. This looks
t - -9 r -m
rae rsere red tu aJl at tiae. Tasn Tnyrt
Martiasburg-. bat the patrons of the n-s. Mzie jehao., Bra-clatter
oSce have concluded that t"Cgegtr. sei brr.H. igigx.
tbev do not want to wait nearly
which makes the dry farmer leap j g-ood for the hardest month ia
for iov as it will nut the "round in ' i-f-r
. - . - - usey ao noc want to wait nearly a- XHE IDSAI. HIGHWAY
nne condition ior cuinvauon. t?oW r- f -u rn- . . ,r i . . .
c -d , r ,r 1 . -.u- wa s d lCun irom ise county trom uincao to Wayne. Ule?e-
Mrs.Allie Beach, of Miller pre- Representative announces his in- seat tt- t'
cua.Hinao.ea very uccessii tention of quitting- Tecumseh and
term of school in the Sisson dis-t -,4. ! j THZ SOLID TTnumGH TZAIHS
j to New Tork and through, cars to
Boston is tne .Nickel Plate coad
one ot the most con
veniently arranged and punctual
j sleeping- and dining- cars. illumin-; tending to nrnmnt th f
rev,"jated throughout with the famous j comfort and pleasureof the traveler.
mionnalion as to rates, routes,
tables etc. address J. Y. Cala-
cality -ladly welcome them to their ; wandering-sheep to return to the;eature5 of poDnlarline that ! S' GenlAent' 111 Adams St,
, ,mcago.i
that paper at an early day to accept !
trictonFriday of this week followed . a position s manager and pitcher! of e Nickel Plate Road, equipped Qrates
byanentertainmentintieeveaing.jforthetp-jjgcjb-!! team with the most modernly coastrc- .
Hibner Newberry of McPherson 1 ted day coaches and luxurkms
county who now owns the J. B. Mc-
icev. James v inzant held a
Kee farm near Nichols will with;
his family take possession of it ' in a Precinct of Gosper , Pintscll H?hts,and colored por- j For i
this weekl The people in this lo- county.and persuaded twenty-seven j ters in are some'of the I tims-
new home.
A church
was organized i
Miss Susie Prickitt was the vic
tim of a birthday surprise party
last ssaturaay evening. Ail pres- f
ent enjoyed a social time.
! with twenty-six members.
the North
A preacher in
church a few
1 . .
Bend i time-
: jsrs ira jl le -aes9 1 -was pere led by a
. , ' fricitetrTTOcr Teles. asdsfter da th
Since told Charen wi-Js. pile, btafckh carexi. iale3.t ' ,jaz e 7? I c3 saj i at entiTrtj -eH . lets-
T r i. 1 i , I 2 1L. tt mt ; . 1 1 . . TH-illluiawJ w a Vt . L f If c
j Ulb HLCCi C was JiOing IO nave 1 a: ti reozsu e 1TO )CHjOai 13 me ( " - ' " , . o.i-JU
Th& little habr f ATt nr, Tr liic mr TrrTt-n-lt r-acr ln Ti,. -. Wood 5liW Uie Dr. Saber's Ui-tine. Tor sale , i"102: Co Tor se bX7.