The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 13, 1896, Image 3

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?!5SteJ,y 6 d??Js -1 dfses, salts, 28 feats,
Md 35 other articles, furnishing; the ladies with the latest
trench fashions as well as the children with an amusing toy.
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Ssppenlns3 rrom Home and Abroad Se
duced From Columns to Lines Every-
thins bat Facts Eliminated For Oar
Readers' Convenience.
Friday, March 6.
A dispatch from "Washington Hays that
smallpox has been added to the horrors of
Cubn Officers -were elected at the meet
ing of the Republican congressional com-
paign committee at Washington Pro
fessor C. W Lyon of Ellsworth college.
Iowa, who hurt his knee in a foot ball
game last fall, slipped and dislocated the
joint Fishing in Late "Winnebago has
been suspended for two months during
the spawning season At Columbus, O.,
the jury acqui; ted ex-Senator W. C. Gear
of bribery Humors that the pope was
seriously ill were declared unfounded at
tne Vatican Xwenrv-nve students at
the Illinois "We-leyan nniversitvatBloom-
ington. Ills., are afflicted with mump;
Republicans at Austin, Tex., split and
held two conventions, one favoring Reed
and the other AlcKinley or Allison Dr.
Brown, the San Francisco clergyman, was
placed on the stand by the investigating
council and denied all the charges of im
morality it. John Boyle of Louisville
was nominate.! by the Republican caucus
at Frankfort for senator The clothing
of Mrs. H. A. Roddick, Cape Girardeau,
jIo.. camrht fire from a stove and sho was
tally burned Dr. Dwichfc Mood v. the
noted evangelist, is prostrated from his
hard wintor's work and has been obliged
to cancel his Kentucky engagements
George Demling of West Liberty, la., was
found dead in bed with a bullet hole in his
head. Poor health was the probable cause
for his suicide Charles Holmes, who
killed hi? son-in-law, Wisbon Ka.iatubbi
at Stringtown, L T., in November last,
has been sentenced to be shot March 25
President Cleveland ha? summoned Gen
eral "Wesley Mcrritt and other high army
officials to "Washington for conference
The Masonic fraternity of Concord,
Mich., will dedicate a new hall March 24.
The Ohio house passed the bill making
Lincoln s birthday a legal holiday
Captain J. E. Craden, founder of the
northern Indiana regulators, has called
the survivors to meet in Ligonier April 15
-r- Three hundred tons of side armor for
the battle ship Sevastopol were shipped
by the Bo hlehein Iron company to Russia
Journeymen stone masons of St.Louis
have demanded an increase in wages from
40 to 50 cents an hour. The bosses are dis
posed to grant the advance Dr. Suther
land of Chicago accepted a call to First
Presbyterian church of Burlington, la.
Iri-hmen of Creston, la., denounced the
incarceration of Irish-Americans in Eng
lish prisons and called upon Congressman
Hepburn to take up the fight.
Scinrday, 2Irtrch 7.
George Burnham of Vinton, la., has
entered the race as a candidate for judge
of the sup-eme court The Church of
the Holy Comforter, including fixtures
and a $1,200 organ, at Rahway, X- J., was
totally destroyed by fire Ex-Postmaster
Dave Sanders, living at Sardis, Ala., was
convicted of arson and sentenced to eight
years in the state penitentiary W. C.
Dyer and J. B. Milam got into a row near
their home at Newport, Ark., and used
knives in the f -ay and neither is expected
to recove- H. C. "Wilnioth, recently ar
rested at Terro Haute. IncL, and taken to
Kansas City, for bigamy, pleaded guilty
to having nine wives. Sentence was post
poned It is intimated that Congress
man Tarsney will be successor to Consul
General "Williams at Havana It is
rumored that Milwaukee bicyclists will
make a bid for the League of American
"Wheelmen meet for 1S9S The appoint
ment of J. H. Mulligan of Kentucky to be
consul general at Cape Town, South
Africa, has been withdrawn The board
of health of St. Louis is inspecting lower
class and cheap boarding houses in that
ci'y and proposes to regulate expectora
tion by an ordinance Coach "Watson of
the Haivard c-ew will sail for England
next week The largest oil well that has
jyjen drilled in the Tan Buren territory
near Marion, Ind has been discovered 15
feet from the surface in a bed of sand. It
jvill yield 150 barrels a day Ex-Premier
Rudini will undertake the formation of a
ncwltalian cabinet The pope divided
the Dubuque diocese and formed a new
one, to bo called the Sioux City diocese
Rear Admiral Walker, retired, is very low
wiih s ipp5 nt his home in Brooklyn -The
Iowa f enatc laid the female suffrage
resolution cu the tablo The city conn
ell of Sibloy.Ia., has granted a 10-year
franchise to the Spirit Lake Telephone
company K. C. Allen and Charles
Raymond pleaded guilty to burglary at
Befo' la., and were sentenced to three
year.i each Li Hung Chang has left
Poking to attend the coronation of the
czar at Moscow.
Monday, March 9.
"William Meyers, aged 63, and Mrs.
Scarborough, aged 65, were married st
"Varna, Ills. A postoffice has been es
tablished at the convent of NewMallary,
la., and one of the monks. Father David,
appointed postmaster- The police of
New York city patroling asphalt and me
en dam streets will be furnished bicycles
this spring Without solicitation the
American Wire Nail company at Ander
eou, Ind., employing 700 men, has ad
vanced tie wages of the workmen.10 per
cent L M. Laughlin of Fort Madison,
la., has been held in bonds of (1.000 for
starting a fire at Keithsburg, His, Hal
lowe'en night. He is alleged to have con
fessed that he received $50 for the work
Odd Fellows of Sioux City, la., are plan
ning for a celebration of the founding of
their order April 28 Edward Dodge, &
grain dealer of Oakley, "KTnn , -was accl
dently killed while hunting with A. B.
Rrown of Salina Rev. Dr. Todd, a
prominent Presbyterian divine, is dead &t
Holton, Kan. Mrs. Mary Arm Payor,
aged 92, the oldest woman in Bur
lington, la, Is dead Luke Haveas,
S7, past. r&n4 ehaacrtloc f
Smokintr Tobacco, and read the
premiums and how to fet them.
the Knights of Pythias of Kana,
and past grand patriarch of the L
O. O. F., is dead at Kansas City
Admiral "Walker died at his home in
Brooklyn General "Weylcr issues a
proclamation allowing insurgents 15 days
to surrender Russians are elated over
the defeat of the Italians in Abyssinia
Tod tin 00s, in the Black Forest, has twice
been -visited by an earthquake during the
last week After a session lasting over
54 days the South Carolina legislature has
adjourned A wholesale robbery of the
penitentiary contract iirnr uy convicts in
the "Wisconsin prison has been discovered.
Tuesday, March 10.
Alfred Austin, the new poet laureate, is
spending a short vacation at Nice Eu
gene V. lebs adc essed 1 meeting of the
trades aud labor union, at St. Louis
The Masonic grand lodge of Iowa will con
duct a school of instruction at Boone, May
25, continuing until June 5 Boone
county, Iowa, supervisors have o-dered an
issue of J20,0i)0 5 pe- cent bonds to fund
thefloa ing indebtedness of tb.3 county
'ih eo state prisoners named Shel." on,
Blair and Howard overpowered the jailer
at Hagerstown, .51 d., and escaped The
county jril at Salem, Mo., caught fire and
was destioyed. Theic were four prisonous
in the building at the time Richard
Laiiigan, an insurance agent, aged 32, ono
of theiiiju ed in the srieet car colii ion
near St. Louis, died. This is ihe third
faialiry Fir? started in the Ma-onic
hall at Lincoln Center, Kan., and de
stroyed the building, together with sev
eral businss; stoc-, causing damage to
th extent of ?15,tsX) A concci n called
the Southern California Olive Oil com
pany has been o ganl7Cil at Riverside,
OiL It ispropos d to p'nw an orchard of
95'J aces and o rugaze in the iuuiiu.rao
tu - e of olive oil and pirklcs '1 he Com
mercial and Savings bank of San Jo
CaL, has closd The sie.mcr Ms nhan-
fc t nnk at Havana, Mass.. striking on a
rock Ba!l:isg"nn Coo h has began ihs
wo:k of o gauizing his new a .uy A
lace v ar is fea ed at Fulton, iw., where a
policeman clubbed a neg-o TI12 sa h
and door factcy of Gueizknw Hios. of
Milwaukee burne 1 A bloc!: of houfe.
burned ar Pi tr.burg ren le ing 10 families
home'.c s The Si-e man 1 ouury bank
of Gouiland, Kar . is in .he han Is of ihe
bank Quacn Victoria and her
sui e a. e a: N ice Mu:dj tv Holme : aid
he was ie;dy ?j dip when his death war
rant was read" to h:m Geo-ge 1 ortz n
N ew Vo k hid of 10, blew his brains out
Lccau e hU fa her accnl him of stealing
'1 he Uni ed State-j-uprciHR court has
decided that : he tariff rate fx:l by the
Wilson bill on diamonds is ioal.
Wednesday, March 11.
Dr. Jameson md fellow Taitsvatil raid
ers a; ri-igued in lio .v Str c coarr, Lon
don. Exa:i:iur.t;.on adjuuned for one
wick Co!odo ptss- nger rnr wr may
eitend to eastern business New RmJini
cnb'nj: sakps .a.h of flice Another
woman r f the town, Bertha Pa-ndis, iny-
tei io. sly strangled in San Francisco
Wa den Lcidigh of the Nebraska ptmi cn-
ri.try is crion-ly ill The second t- ial of
Bhhi-v ilcGlna for theinu dr of Edward
McKcnna was begun at Omaha Tuibu-
lent mobs continue anti-Anurican dem
o; st:ati ns in all the larr; rciue of Spain
Mrs owah is threa t-ned by King
Mcnelik The immigrant commifsion
war letwecn the Southern Pacillc and
competing lines will be ca-ried in o Eu
rtipc. where Eunting"on's agents do mo t
work Funotal services over the re-
n.ainsof the late J. H. McVi"ker we o
be'.d at Chicago Missouri Pacific stcct-
holdcs elected ihe old beard of di-cctor.s.
No attemp: made to elect United
States senator in Kentucky New devel
opments of great value nia-!c by Eu opean
scientists wi.h X rays Ka! -.m:iz x
church petjple adopt re olations defending
their old pa-to-. Rev C. O Brown, on
trial at San Francisco for iaimoral con
duct English Sccetary of State Ridley
has refused to rco:K.n the case of Mrs.
Florence Maybrick, the Amciican sen
tenced to imprisonment for life for pois
oning her hn band In the cenate Mr.
Lodge roundly citicised Spanish Mini-ler
de Lome for his public utterances on the
Cuban resolution-. Moni.or Monadnock
makes her first appearance in San Fran-
ci-co harbor on her trial run Milhrlc-
vitch, Fletcher & Co.'s liquor warehouse
at Cincinnati ' burned. Los? 200,000.
Seventy-five employes ba ely escaped with
their lives Confcreno to fom anew
temperance ana f tee silver party opens at
Pittsburg Cattlemen from all over the
sous h and west arc in attendance at the
meeting of tlir Texas Live Stock as-ociar
tion at Fort Worth.
Thursday, March IS.
East Dubuque. Ia., elected E. R. Paul
mayor and P. L. Hale, John McGuire, C.
P. Fox and Charles Osborne aldermen
Striking coal miners at East Peoria, His.,
have returned to work at a reduction of 8
cents a ton. losing their Dght As there
suit of a 3-weoks' union revival at Kanka
kee, Ills., more than 500 converts have
been added to the church rolls Free
Masons of Anderson, Ind., have selected
March 24 and 25 as the daes for openine
their new temple, jurt completed at a cost
of $40,000 County Treasurer Schroeder
of Dubuque. Ia., has received an an
onymous letter fiom "Warsaw, His., en
closing $100 for the conscience fund
John McGee. who was sentenced for life
in Iowa for murdering Noah "Wilson in a
drunken brawl at Albia, in 1BSG, has been
pardoned by the legislature George
Stevens of Independence, Kan., has been
convicted of murdering Milton Cannon
and will be sent to the penitentiary for
life. His two accomplices will be tried
immediately A . rangements have been '
practically closed by the Commercial asso
ciation of Sioux City, whereby the Kear
ney "Wheel company of Kearnev, Neb..
will remove to the Iowa city Another
immoral woman was strangled at San
Francisco and her murderer escaped
Ex-Consul "Waller has written his sister
at Cedar Rapids, Ia., that he will rail for
the United States within a month
Fannie Tayble took an ax handle and
crushed Jake Stone's skull in at Hinu
man, Ky, because he had. slandered her
--Ann Harrey, 60, endM her life
at Forest Green, Mo., by saturating her
clothing in coal oil and setting herself on
firn EmilEube-. at one time a wealthy
brewer of Peoria. His., rented himself on
his wife's tomb and shot himself through
the head The Odd Fellows hall at
Alexandria, Mo . was da-troy ed by fire,
doing damage to the extent of $5,003. It
is believed to be th-j work of an incendiary
After eating a hearty supper William
Fcrrol, a well known business man at
Huntington. "W. Va.. blew his brains out
at his home in the presence of his wife
The Terra Haute stockholdc-s of the
German Fire Insurance company of In
dianapolis have employed an attorney to
resist the attempt to reorganize the con
cern. Bermuda i arty Indicted.
Kew YoBK,March 12. General Calix
to Garcia. Captain Samuel Hughes,
John D. Hart, Captain John Brehazon,
Bernardo J. Bneno and Eenjamin J.
Gnerrera, of the Bermnda cxpediticn,
were today indicted by the federal grand
jury for taking partiu an armed expe
dition contrary to the neutrality laws.
IJaratieri Illnmes Crispl.
BoiiE, March 12. General Baratieri
is preparing a statement in which he
will show that Urispi was largely re
sponsible for the recent disaster in Abys
sinia. The ex-premier, who desires to
go ahrad. is preparing a violent press
campaign ag
iinst Signer Budini.
Ohio Republican Convention Follows the
Agreed Program.
Delegates at Tn-e Governor Asa A. Bosh
neU. Senator-e eet J. B. Fomker, Congressman
Cbar'.fS H. Grosveaor and Hon. Marcu3 A.
Alternates J. E.L-we3, Charles Fleiichrcan,
J. P. Green and J. T. Tarlor.
Electors at Large L E. Mack and Albert C
Sec- etary ol State Charles Kinney.
Supreme Jn ge Marshal J. "Williams.
FtoJ CornnjLiiioner Joseph E. Blackburn.
Member Board of Public "Works Frank A.
Columbus, O., 3Iarch 12. The Re
publican state convention which con
cluded yesterday afternoon its session
of two days was more of a McKiuley
rally than the usual party business as
semMy. It was held two or three
months earlier than usual, in order to
proclaim to the country the sentiment
of IcKinley's state. Not since the in
dorsement of R. B. Hayes for the presi
dency at the Republican state conven
tion in 1876 has there been such a har
monious meeting of Republicans in
Ohio. "When Senator Sherman was in
dorsed for president at the state conven?
tions of 1FS0, lS4 and 1888, there was
hitter contests, and it required consid
erable effort in 1S92 to prevent open op
position in the Ohio state convention to
Harrison for a second term. At that
time Charles Foster was secretary of the
trpasrry and is credited with having
controlloa the convention.
A Fender Mnnderson Club.
Pender, Neb., March 12 A good
sized audience of representative Repub
licans gathered at the county courthouse
for the purpose of organ: zing a Mander
son club, whose principal object is to stand
up for Thurston county and the state ;
of Nebraska by sunnorting Charles F. I
Manderson as a candidate for the presi
dency. An organization was perfected
and several committees appointed with
the intention of making a vigorous fight
during the coming campaign.
Instances In Which It lias Been Used t
the Beltght of Message Senders.
A good many stories are told of the"
strange uses of" the long distance tele
phone. The day the line was opened to
ifp.Trill, Wis., a Chicago man, hunting
IP 'he northern woods, came into town
gnd learned of the iuaovation. Ho went
into one of the "soundproof" booths
and had himself put into communica
tion with his family. As they had a
telephone in the house, the task was a
Email one. He chatted with his wife,
told her a fish story at which she might
smile without embarrassing him, since
he could not see the signs of incredulity ;
talked with his hoy and girl, aud then
called for Gyp.
Gyp was a setter, a great family pet,
which had been left behind because of
an accident which rendered it lame.
Gyp was called to the telephone, and he
stood on a chair, his fore feet on the
back, and his mistress held the trans
mitter to his ear.
f,Hello, Gyp!" called the master
from Merrill. And the dog in Chicago
pricked up his ears and whined. The
master whistled cheerily, and tho setter
barked directly into the receiver. He
knew his master's voice and the whistle
as vell, and tha master cheered him by
ready laughter at the prompt and eager
It was worth the 2.50 it cost.
A lady living near Indianapolis, who
had for more than a year been in deli
cate health, was taken to Chresgo early
last winter, where she received surgical
treatment in a hospital. It was iu;jos
sible to tahe her home for he Christmas
celebration, although she had recovered
so mnch that she could walk readily all
over the hospital- She had three beau
tiful children at homo, and the father
prepared a Christmas tree, just as he
had formerly done, only he added a
feature which had never been found
there before. He had the electricians
come in on tho afternoon before Christ
mas and put his residence telephone in
the tree, where it was concealed with
pino needles and tinsel. He arranged
with the long distance people, apprised
his wife of her part in the play, and at
a certain moment in the evening, when
the children, bubbling over with joy at
their presents, still felt a sadness at the
absence of their mother, he clapped the
receiver to the ear of his youngest child,
and the gentle voice cf mamma came
over the wire.
It was their most precious Christmas
present Tacoma Ledger.
A Common Error.
One of the very funniest mistakes that
nine-tenths of the members of congress
make, neither house being excepted, is
to continually speak of a woman who
has lost her husband as a "widow wo
man." Even Mr. Barrett used the term.
Washington Star.
The swallow, in preparing its nest,
drives its tnnnel first upward and then
downward, in "rJer that the nest may
he properly drained.
A flowering plant is said to abstract
from the soil 200 times its own weight
of water.
Pale, thin, bloodless peoule should use Dr. Sai-
j jer's TJ Valine. It is the greatest rraedj- In the j
-world lor ictLiig the -Keai strtng. For rale by T
I H. Locgley.
i . "
H Lowest Price! M
Ora'ory and Fnilin-iaMii at Des r.Ioinc- .
Present Him to the Party and the XKtt:
aa the Ideal Candidate Allison's Kecoii!
the Platform.
Deg Moises, March 12. The Repub
lican state convention held here yester
day was without a doubt the most ' en
thusiastic ever held in the state. The
convention was, from beginniug to end,
an Allison convention. It was manifest
that he was the first and last choice of
the Republicans of Iowa. Daring tho
entire day V proceedings no rtker rame
was suggested. The names of B.aine
and Harrison when mentioned
speakers, were invariably applaudo-l
was a convention of oratory and
It j
thusiasm from beginning to end. It
swept everything hefcro it. There were ;
many dramatic incidents that marked
the progress of the meeting. Aft?r the
resolutions were read by Hfn. Jacob
Rich, chairman of the cemm'tree on
resolutions, Governor Brake, v. ho was '
EPJirfd r.n thp Ttlaf fru-m -inmrvwi tn l'c I
feet and
sa:d: "Mr. Chairman and j
1: I move that thjKe resoln- 1
tions be unanimously adopted and ac
cepted by the convention by a rising
vote and that tluee cheers aud a tiger
be given for Allison, the nezt picsident
of the United States.'
Three Cheers and a Tiger.
Almcst before. Chairman Cammings
could open his month to put the ques
tion the vast assembly of delegat-'S and
thousands of visiters in the galleries
arose and gave three cheers and a tiger,
the like of which has never beu-rn been
heard in Iowa. Before the final adjourn
ment there were repeated cal s for
speeches. Congressman Eenderr n re
sponded to his name in a mr.-teriy
speech in which he told the pe pie of
Iowa what the perple of "Washing wn
thought of Senator Aliiscn. General
j. S. Clarkson did not attend the con-
night. It wa; thought there would be
some opposition to liim on account of a
protracted absence from the state, but
he was unanimously elected one of the
delegates at large and received special
personal indorsement in several of the
district caucuses. The mention of Sen?
ator Gear's name in connection with
free sucar was cheered at great length.
The Jo Aa delegates held a meeting at
the Savoy house last night and mapped
out a plan of prcccdure. 2o chairman
has yet been elected. The delegation
will aci as a unit in all matters. It is a
strong and harmonious delegation,every
member of it an Allison man from start
to finish.
District Delejrate.
Foliowinsr is a complete list cf the del
egates elected to the national conven
tion: First district, J. C. Davis, Iee,
and C. M. Jnnkin, Jefferson; Second
district, Seth Baker, Jaeksou. and Col
onel George French, Scott; Third dis
trict, Hon. Edward Scott, Bremer, and
Captain J. F. Merry, Delaware; Fourth
district, S. B. Zeigler. Favette, and Ed.
Collins, "Worth; Fifth district, G. B.
Struble, Tama, and S. "W. Bathhurn,
Lam; Sixth district Calvin Manning, ) Ending niensce to th bnsinoss prcs
Warjello. anrt W. TT ?vpVif?Tn TTonVrrV- ' -r .
Seventh, district, A. B. Cummin, Polk, i
and Dr. C. D. Beviugtou, Madison; f
Eighth district. D. Banks Wilson, ;
Union, and B. H. Spencer, Ringgold; j
2unth district, John X. Baldwin, Pot
tawattamie.andHon. Silas "Wilson, Cass; '
Tenth district, G. C. Call, Kossuth, and j
H. W. Macomber, Carrolh; Eleventh i
district, Hon. E. C. Roach, Lyon, and j
F. H. HelseH, Buena Tista. j
The convention adjourned till 2 p. m. '
"When the convention reassembled i
Hon. A. B. Cummins was made perma- ;
nent chairman. The resolutions de- :
clared for sound money and Allison. 1
Senator Gear, J. S. Clarkson, D. B. ;
Henderson and "W. P. Hepburn were
named delegates at large.
Alternates at large are as follows: G.
M. Curtis, H. C. McMillan, Bock Rapids;
C. J. Ericson, Boone; Phils Schaller,
Sioux Ojrc
I On .fan. I, 1892, the market price of
wheat was !.03,4J per bushel. Granu
lated sugar was men worth 4 cents a
pound. A bnbel of when bought near-
ly 26 pounds of sugar. On Jan. 1,
1896, wheat was worth 69 cents and
sugar 5 cents, a bushel of wheat baying
less than 1 -1 pounds of sugar. Under
McKinley protection tho farm 's bushel
of wheat bought o?cr 12 pounds more
sugar than it did this year under our
Democratic free trade tariff.
Democratic Balcnce Sheet.
The advance statement of our imports
and exports for 18i)5 enables us to pre
sent the Democratic balance sheet of our
foreign trade ;
135. JSC5.
Domestic exports $C7,3!2.!!6 SSC7,775.SiO
Forefca imports. C73,'JHC-!i d?MS,e
Favorable balaace $K0.WP,i:5 5fi,l,t,211
In 1S94, with four mouths jf the free
trado tariff bill, we still had a balance
of trade in our favor amounting to
$130,999,175. But with a full year of
"perfidy and dishonor" the whole of this
favorable trade balance has been wiped
out with the exception of a paltry 6,
000,000. 2Jbie that our exports were
practically the same in each year, but
the wiping out has been done by an in
crease of $125,000,000 in our 18S5 im
ports. Congressman Eoire Heard From.
We muss not forget tht all values in
this country are established, and that
on a high tariff basis, aud any legisla
tion tnat tnreatens muo v.uuus is a
perity of tJe nation. It not only creates
distrust aud general denwializaticHi,
but drives men on the downward road
toward bankruptcy. Bet us hope that
the day is near at hand when with rec
iprocity and high tariff we will be able
to build a structure to protection that
will ever stand as a inoiiumcnt to the
intelligence of the people. James R.
Howe, M. C, Kew Yf.rk-
Congressman Tiaja Point.
What we want and must have are ade
quate tariff laws giving protection to
our labor interests and industries, while
affording ample revenue not only to
support the government, hut to reduce
and ultimately extinguish the public
debt. When we once more tread this
path, confidence will he restored at
home and abroad. Business will revive
aud prosperity will return. George W.
Ray, M. a
5ES vC
The undersigned will sell at public
auction on
Satrday,March 21, '96,
at Patterson & Alexander's stable
in North Platte, Nebraska, about
35 head of horses belonging- to the
North Platte National Bank. These
horses are oi all kinds, saddle po-
uics, umcrb anuiarm norses, ana
will be sold to the highest bidder
on rne louowing terms:
Nine (9)months Lime will be given,
the note to be secured bv amole
sonal security. Ten per cent off
for cash.
I Receiver.
Taking effect Janaary 5th. 1SS5.
BAST BOUND- Eastern Time.
2. Fast Mail Departs 9:00 a a
-J.AUaatic Sxpress ll:COp m
28,Fre!gat " 7.C0ani
W23T BOUND Western Tirae.
1, Limited Departs 3:35 p in
3, Fast Mail - llria pin
IT.Freigkt " 1.50 pm
2S, Freisbt - 7:50 a m
N. B. OLDS, Agent.
I Ne.
Office First National Bank Bldg.,
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
OSes over orth Platte XatioDal Baoi.
Assistant Sarseoa Union Pacfic Bji! "
and Member et Peasiaa Board,
Office over Streltx? Drus Store.
Legal Notices.
Xasb Ornct at Xokth Piittx, Kxb.,
Pebnir.ry SAK im. j
Netiee fc berebj- gireo that the foltoviBg-naiaed
settler h nicd utHiee of his Intention to male
3oal proof ia wpport ef hi." claim. aDd that aid
proof be wade befere the Becister and Ee
ceiver at Nona Platte, Nebraska, on March
3ih, l-.S, viz:
iho at4e Homoeati Katrv Xo. ltL33). for the
Xcrthe5t quarter of fectioaSO, tOTrasblp 16
ruape 2S W. He oemes the fHloxriaf: triraesses ts
prove his cotitinaoa.- re-idecce upon and cnlti
Mioe of. faM land, viz; Chester W. Woodworm,
Charles Genoese. Weilnytn A. Stearns, John C.
Uttle. aU of Myrtle. Xeb.
f JOHX F. HUMAN, Begiter.
By vlrtBe of aa order of sale Issued bv W.
C. BWer. clerk of the district court of" Lin
coin county. Nebraska, upon a decree of
foreclosure rendered ia said court in favor
of the McEiniey-Lanning Loan and Trust
Company, (a corporation, and against Ber
tha M. L. Taoelecke Loo is D. Thoelecke. her
babaad. et. aL. I have levied upon the fol
lowing described real estate as the propertv
of the saki Bertha M. L. Thoelecte. Louts
D. Thoelecke. her husband, et- aL. to-wit:
Lot Tea 10 of WvniaBssab-divisioa of lots
One li and ;!. ih Block One Hundred and
Fifteen iU5. in the orieinal town of North
Platte. Nebraska, aad iVill on the Ktth dav
of March. lSS. at one o'clock p. m.. of saifl
day. at the eat front uoor of the coart-honse
that beinjr the building wherein the last
tern of court was hetd.of said conntv. in
North Platte, sell the said real estate at pub
lic auction to the highest bidder for cash,
to satisfy saW order of sale: the amount
found due thereon in the aggregate beine
the sum of i-tz .25 and ?13 68 costs, and accru
ing costs.
Dated North Platte. Neb.. Feb'v 1.
f J15 JACX3 iHLLEK. Sheriff.
by local applications as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There
is only one way to cure deafness, and
that is by constitution.!! remedies.
1 Jeafnass is caused by n inflamed con
dition of the raucous lining of tha Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is eatire-
!y closed, Deafness i- the result, and un-i-
ss the inflamatkra can be taken out
ad this tube rest' red to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever:
nine cases out of ten are caused by ca
arrh which is nothing but an inflamed
conditioo f the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused bv
Htarrh) that cannot be cured bv HaiPs-
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars: free
F. J. Cheney & Co . , Toledo, O.
boW by all Druggist-5, toe.
Teats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game iD
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
SPECIFICS are scientifically
prepared Remedies; have
been used for half a century
with entire success.
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflamination3.
2 Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colic .
3 Teethinc. CoUCrjlas.WakeInIne3
1 Diarrhea, of Chfldren or AdnUs.....
7 Coashs, Colds, Bronchitis..
S ZVcnralfia, Tootaache, raceache...
9 Headaches, Sick Headache. Vertigo.
10 Dyspepsia, Efflocsccss. Constipazloa.
1 1 Suppressed or PalnTal Periods-
12 Whites, Too Prarase Periods -
13 Cronp, Larrnrftis, Hoarseness..... -
14 Salt Rhcnm, Errslpelas, Ernptlons.
15 Hheumatlsm, or Hhecmatic Pains..
1G Jlalaria, Chffls. Fever and Ague.
19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head
20 Wboopins Couzh,
H7 Sidney Diseases, ......
2S A"ervou Debliirr
30 Urinary 'Weaknes,... ....... ........
31 Sore Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria
"77" for GRIP,
Stid fcr Pi or fnt prrpsU en rrtrlpt PW
Children with pale, blnlsh crcp xiis. ir lat
lag the absence of the requisite red globules in the
blood should tele Dr. Sa-ryer's TTkatine. For sale
feyF. H. Locglcy.
The State of Nebraska, Iincola Connir, sa.
At a couaty court, held at the connty court rOomjl.
ia and for said county, March 7th. 1896.
Present James 11. Kay. County Judge. i
In the matter of the Estate of Ansa Badns, de-"
Onreadiotrand filing' the petition of Charles W.
Baskins praying that administration-of said estate
may be granted tn him as administrator.
Ordered. That March 23lh. 1SSH. a 1 o'clock p. m.
is assigned fur hearing said petition, nhen all per
sons interested in said matter may appear st a
County Court to be held in and for said Ceunty,
and shorr cause -why tho prayer of petitioner
should not be granted; and that notice of the pen
dency of said petition and hearing thereof, be
given to all persons Interested in said matter by
publishing a cony of this order in The Tsrscxx, a
weekly newspaper printed in said County, far
three successive weeks prior to said day of hear
m-20 County Judge.
U. S. Land Office, North Platte. Xeb ?
March 2d. 1566. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of her intention to make
final proof in support of her claim, and that aid
proof wtti be made before the Register and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 15th.
1606, viz: Elizabeth Cragie. widow of Alexander
Craie, who made Homestead Entry No. T5JS58 far -the
east half of the northwest quarter and the west
half or th6 north-ast quarter Section 26, Township
12 north. Range 31 -a e?t. She names the 'oHowlng
witnesses io prove her continuous residence upon
and caltivation of said land, viz: David F Baker.
Joseph H. Baker. James Montague and George R.
JehBstoo, of North Platte. Neb.
m2 JOHN F. HINMAN, Begister. "
xoncE pok pcblicatio.v.
Land Office at North Platte. Neb, 1-. - . -March
9th, 1SW. y
Notice is hereby given that William M. Porter has
Sled notice of intention to make nnal proof befere
Register and Receiver at his omce in North PUtte.
Seb, on Wednesday, the 15th day of April. 1SP8, ti
timber culture application No. 11.S3, for the south
east jnarter of section No. 6. in township Ne. 1
north, range No. 34 west. He names as witnesses
Lute CoBBeally, William L. Browafield. Joshna C
HoiHngswurth and Henderson Holiingswerth, aH
of Wallace, Neb.
20-8 JOHN F. HINMAN, Begister.
Land Omce at North Platte. NebM ?
March 9th. 1S9J. J
Notice is hereby given that the follawing-Bamed
settler lias filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
proof wilt be made before the Begister and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 15th.
ltJ, viz:
made Homestead Entry No. 15.115, for the
east half of the northeast quarter. lots 1 and , sec
tion C township 18. runge 31. tie names the fol
lowing witnesses to prove his continuws resi
dence apon and cultivation of said land, viz: Lake
Conneally, William 1 Bruvmfield, Joshna O- HbJ
tiogsKorth and Henderson UelliBgswerth, all of
Walteee, Neb.
2M JOHN F. HINMAN, Begister
TJ. S. Land Office, North Platte. Neb., ?
March M,3SW. J
Cora plaint having been entered at this office by
Patrick Caching against George Jackson for aban
doning his Homestead Entry No. 15.782, dated
April -5. 1S00. upon the east half of the northeast
quarter and the north half of the southeast qaarter
section 13, township 9 north, range SI west, in
Lincoln county. Nebraska, with a view to th can
cellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby
gammoned to apparat North Piatte, Neb. befote
Begister and receiver on thf 6th day of April,
1SC5, at 9 o'elock a. m to respond and f nrnirh
testimony concerning said alleged abandonment.
M3JS JOHN F. HINMAN, Begist er.
The North Platte Land and "Water Com
pany, of Denver, Colorado, a corporation or
ganized and existing under and bv virtne of
the laws of the state of Colorado. 'defendant,
will take notice that on the 24th da of Feb
ruary. IBM. -the plaintifi. The State of Ne
braska, by J. G. Heeler, coueiv attorney ta
and for the couaty of Lincoln, ia the 2-ta.te
of Nebraska, hied an information ia the dis
trict court of the said county of Ltaeete
against said defendant, the object aad pray
er of which are to obtain a decree that the
title toall of the following described real
estate and lands shall -revert aad escheat to
the State of Nebraska, to-wit:
The west half of the northeast qaarter t
section twenty-seven:
Also the northwest quarter of section twenty-seven:
Also the south half of section tweaty-seven.
Abo the west half of the northwest qaar
ter of section twenty-oae;
Also the south half of sectkm tweaty-oae:
Also the sooth half of section tweatv-niBe;
Also the northeast quarter of secttek tkfcr-ty-oae:
"Abo the south fractional half of secttea,
Abo the southwest fractional quarter of
section nine;
All in township fourteen, north of range;
thirty-one west
Abo the north half of section tblrteeae
Also the east half of the southeast qaar
ter of section thirteen:
Also the north half of section tweaty-ave;
Abo the fractkmal south half of seetiea
Abo" the north half of section tweatv-seven
Abo the fractional south half of'seetJon.
Abo" the north half of section twentv-ntae:
Abo the fractional south half of section
All in township fourteen, north of range
Abo all of fractioaal section tweaty-five.
Abo the northwest quarter of section
Abo" the fractional south kalf of setfa
Also the southwest quarter of section
AH in township fourteen, range thlrtv
three west; containing altogether four
thousand, four hundred and 'eighty-three
(44s3 acres.
Also the canal of the North Platte Irrigation and
Land Company, known as the North Platte Canal,
with headgate a little sosthwest of the norths e-t
eorcer of the southwest quarter of sctiea eightea
( fc , in township fourteen 1 14 . ranee thirty-three
(33 1, running thence in a northeasterly dirvetioo
through section thirteen ( 13; ia township fourteen
(U), range thirty-four 54 west aad. through sec
tion eighteen It i, in township fourteen (14 t,raBge
thirty-three iJC). thence in a general southeasterly
direction through sections seventeen 1 17 , sixteen
16i, twenty-one 1 21 .. and twenty-two (22. to near
the center of section tweaty-three (23 istowaehip
fourteen : 14 '. range thirty-three tZ3; west, theaee
m a general northeasterly direction through see
tions twenty-three i25j and twenty-four 24), in
township fourteen 'li. range thirty-three 2$)
west, t hence through and across the northwest
corner of section nineteen (19. through seetkws
eighteen !St asI -Yeateea di ia a geaeraHy
northeasterly direction ia township foarteea ( II)
raage thirty-two theaee in a geBeraMy soath
easterly direction throoh sectioab sixteen (hi),
fifteen (13), twenty-two 22 j, tweaty-tSree 231 aad
tweaty-five SL all in township fourteen 11 1J,
raage thirty-two 32 west, thence throogh seoHoos
nineteen l'Jj and the west half of sctioa twecty
2tti. ia township fourteen 14, range thirty-oae
i3ij west, thence in a southeasterly direiitiwn
through the east half of section twenty fj
throesh sections twenty-oae 21 J, twenty-two 22j,
twenty-seven 271. twenty-six !28j aad twenty-five
125, in township tourteea jHj. raage
tairty-ooe ;31j. and through sectioa thirtv
3fj and near the southeast corner thereof,
thence easterly near the south liae of sec
tioa tweaty-af ne 29 to a point about three-
Suarters of the distance aloar said south
ne. thence in a north eastern tMrectkm
through -ection twentv-aine t9j aad sectioa
twenty-eight 2S to the North Platte river
into which it empties, together with its
headgates. dams, right-ot-wav. laterals,
checks and aii water rights, there being two
hundred and seventv 27tj water rights of
etehty TS0J acres, more or less, unsoklj. aH of
said lands and real estate being situated la
the county of Lincoln, ia the. state of Ne
braska. You are required to answer said informa
tion oa or before the 6th dav of April. 156.
Dated this 24th dav of Feoraarv. JE6.
By J. G. Beblsb. Conntv Attorney,
in and for Lincoln countv. Nebraska,
and Neville &. Passoss. Attorneys.
Feb'v 5wl.
Joseph Heery Gustave Chacibezkdc wiM take so
ke that ob the 5th day of February, 166. Aadrow
Picard. ptaiotiS hereis, filed his pettttea ia the
Jistriet court of Lincoln coootr. Nebraska, acaiosc
said defendant, the object aod prajer of whieh are
to obtala a jud'rnieBt against the said cefeadaBt
for the sua of il5i.3i dae the pJaiotiff upon a
fioal settiemeat aad allowance of his final a
cetmt. by the eounty court of said eouaty. as
gsordtan et the estate of said defendant; that
pfatiaiirl has caused an order of attachtaeot to he
issued ia sid action and the same has bees levied
opou the feiiowine dcribed real estate, viz? Th
eat half of section 5. in township 14. raage 91,
ijwwb county. .ew-aca. as iae property of the
Jefeadaat, aad plaintiff win oa the readering of
jodirmeat in said action prav for an order of said
ooart reqairinj: the sheriSof said eouatytoseH
so much of said real estate as wiU satisfy jiiain
tiff's claim and the cost of this action.
You are required to answer said oodtion an oi-
keiere the 6th day of April. I.
A1JKW P1CAKD, PlaiaUff,
f21i By T. C. Patterson, his Attorney.
U. S. Land Office. North Platte. Neb., 7
February 23th, 1SSC. f
Notice is herftrr crivfm that lh tntlm,.,
n . n un iucu
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
naai prooi in support ot fits claim and that said
proof will be made before the Begister and Re
ceiver at North Platte, Neb., on March 30th,
who made Ht-mestead tutry So. 1S8SG for the
Southeast quarter of Section 20. Township 15 Ji
Bange 28 W. He names the following--witnesses
to prove his ccnticuocs residence upon and culti
Tarion of said land, viz: Wellmao A Stearrr.
Charles Gaaomg. John a XitUe and Frederick