The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 10, 1896, Image 4

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- nt
Dr. Morrill uses a painless
method in extracting- teeth which
is absolutely harmless.
Mrs. Alex. Crasfie. wife ot the I
section hand, killed at Paxton, has
moved her family to this city.
George Sautter, of Keith coun-
"fvv TPrfmfltr Irtcf -frkitf linn1 r cfnorc
lo, wnere you can get creuiu from the effects of blackle
r ji
iur uays in cabc yuu run Will Ginn, of Perry, Iowa, has
Out of cash. been the jruest of his brothers in
We guarantee to meet any this cit? for a C0UPle of daTs Past-
Ir- r,A ; 4.v,:. ,.ov- w. jj. Marsh, wiio had -been
ivi iidiiivci in Lino uauii UV i
v . visiting friends in town for several
uuiiipeiuurs aim give yuu
Spend your cash for grocer-
Qompare Notes
We have a large number of
pieces of silverware which are
suitable for wedding presents.
weeks, returned to Deuel county a
few days ago.
Tr. C. Elder will propably go
Sanborn's Ogalalla to-morrow to assist the
G. A. R. post of that place in a
oublic installation of officers.
.xpFo, cxuvx u,a, Walter Hoaland left last niffht
superior article of merchan
dise. Our Pillsbury's Best
Flour, Chase &
Coffee and Tea, New York
Bring in your pass books or bill and com
pare prices with otir's, and see the difference
for yourself. : : : - :
Get out your scales compare weights with
those represented on your book or bill; that
is the way the merchants do why should
you not do the same ?
Yours for Cash Bargains,
In sterling silver novelties;
ornamental as well as useful
articles. "When you need these
goods remember we keep 'em.
John Bratt went east on No. 2
yesterday morning.
Verne Lang-ford has returned
Club House brand of Canned for the state university where he CLINTON The Jeweler from bis trip in the east
Lroods are not carried by any wm lafce a six month s post grad
other house in this city.
tfflWGTOJl & TOBlfr
either store.
uate course in the law department.
Rev. Stearns, the Baptist min
ister of this city, will begin a series
of meetings at the Nichols school
house on Monday evening- of next
The county
still devoting" their
Julius Essig-. of trans
acting- business in town to-day.
President Streitz, H. C. Nes-
bitt and others are making- a trip
along the South Side ditch to-day.
Mrs. Geo. E. French, who had
ueen in uenver tor .two weeks, re
turned home this morning.
I. A. Fort went to Gothenburg
this morning on business connected
with the sale of Union Pacific lands
for which he is agent
The Lutheran people are mak
ing arrangements to purchase a
400-pound bell for their church
The running time of train Ho
1 seems a little too slow for Jack
Sullivan. He came in nine minutes
ahead of time Wednesday.
commissioners are
spare time to
making settlements with the several
count' officers. They will finish
up this work within the next few
-Mrs. Pfeiffer, of Council Blufls,
will have an elegant line of cos
tumes at Broeker's tailor shop tor
the Red Men's masque ball on the
17th. Prices very low for this occa
-Mrs. Flora A. Franklin form
ally took possession of the county
superintendent's office yesterday
and Geo. Hardin took the oath of
office as countv commissioner.
The other court officials having
been re-elected are pursuing their
duties without interruption.
-The Ogalalla News is authority
for the statement that A. F. Par
sons, who has been located at Grant,
John Sonnenberg, of Cox pre- Perkins county, for several years,
cinct, made proof on his homestead will move to this city and form a
to-day. A. S. Gregg and Mr. Bow- partnership with Wm. Neville in
man were his witnesses. the law business. Mr. Parsons
A movement is on foot to create win move his family to North
a small irrigation district from part Platte in the immediate future,
of Nichols precinct for the purpose The drama of. "Louva, the
of voting bonds to complete an irri- Pauper," which was rendered by
gation ditch. home talent at the Nichols school
A small' fire was started on uouse Wednesday evening, is re
west Sixth street laf in-lit ported to have been attended bv a
, . ...
Baptist church, subjects for
Sunday: "Equipment for service;"
A Live Question." All invited.
C. B. George, ot Brady, trans
acted business in town yesterday.
Mr. George raised 6,000 bushels of
corn last season.
A camp of the Modern Wood
man ot America was instituted at
Maxwell a few evenings ago by W.
S. Plumer, of Big Springs.
We are requested to extend the
thanks of Mrs. Alex. Cragie and
Mr. and Mrs. James Downie to
those who so kindlv assisted at the
"funeral of the late Alex. Cragie.
The members of the Cody Guard
and their friends will hold a private
dance at Keith's hall this eveni
immediately after the close of the
drill. A verv pleasant time is an
As yet Manager Lloyd has sign
ed no contract for the appearance of
"The Defaulter", which was an
nounced for February 1st. The
company will undoubtedly be here, the cltJ Wednesday night
but the exact date is not known. lie most laugliaoie plav on
niiA Tnpnonf record is "A Social Lion." It will
editorial management of Joseph be Siven at llie Pera ll0use to"moi
'Cheyney makes its appearance to
day. The plant used is the Wal
row evening-
a fence. It
guished by passers-by.
The friends of Cal Heck, who
has been confined to his room with
rheumatism for several weeks past,
are making- arrangements to send
him to his home in Kansas.
The week of prayer has been
observed in the city this week by
larg-e and appreciative audience.
The play was creditably rendered,
those taking part acquitting- them
selves in a manner which brought
forth congratulations.
The board of directors of the
Y. M. C. A. held a meeting last
evening and elected B. L. JRobinson
president, F. E. Bullard vice-president,
C. P. Ross corresponding- sec-
union services. The meeting-s to- retary. and W. T. Banks treasurer.
night and to-morrow night will be
held at the Methodist church.
Dr. Wm. Eves went to Hershey
yesterday to examine those who
have made application to join the
M. W. of A. camp soon be
ized in that village.
That proposed addition to the
court house is occasionally referred
to by the county officials, but no
definite action has been taken upon Pacific system. This is a position
the matter by the commissioners.
Dr. Eves
lace Herald outfit, with some minor
additions made by Mr. Cheyney.
M. K. Barnum received Tues
day from Boston a white Wyandotte
rooster which chicken fanciers pro
nounce an exceptional!' fine fowl.
Mr. Barnum forwarded the rooster
on to Denver where he is entered at
a chicken show.
T-V 1 -a
uan &uiiy ana Ms company
presented "a. Bachelor's, Wife" to a
fair-sized audience at the opera
house Wednesday evening, and the
performance gave general satisfac-
by Dan Sully and his
Alice, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. David Scott, entertained
a number of her friends at a birth
day party a few evenings ago.
The special car of Herman, the
Great, passed through, on No. 2
yesterday morning. The company
jumped from San Francisco -to
B. I. Hinman Hose Co. held its
annual election of officers Wednes
day evening with the following re
sult: Foreman, W. E. Price; first
assistant, A. B. Hoagland; second
A finance committee consisting of
Messrs. Banks, Bratt and Sorenson
was appointed. This committee
will at once begin soliciting the an
nual subscriptions from business
men and others.
-S. H. Donehower, of this city
has been re-elected secreary and
treasurer of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen of the Union
tion. The company will play here assistant, Alex Russell; secretary,
again on Saturday evening- next at Ray Langford.
which time Sulty's greatest play, We wish to notify all who are
"A Social Lion," will be presented, owing the firm of May E. Welch &
A gentlemen who claims to Co. to settle their accounts or call
Mrs. Harry Hershev came down
from Hershev yesterday morning-.
Jim Weeks returned Wednesday
from Sioux City, where he had been
working- for several months.
John Crane and familr, who have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lew
Baker for some time, leave for
Lodge Pole to-morrow.
Presiding Elder Leonard left
Wednesday for Indiana in the in
terests of the Methodist relief com
mission ot Nebraska
Mrs. N. C. Myers, who has been
visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Bost-
wick, for several weeks, left for her
home in Crab Orchard, Neb., last
-See Dan Sully in "A Social
Lion" at the opera house Saturday
evening next.
Quite an attendance is expect
ed at the public installation of the
K. P. officers this evening.
W. A. DeBERRY, D. D. S.,
Office in 1st Nat'l Bank Bld'g.
Road men assert'that two fel-
lows dressed in the garb of peniten
tiary convicts passed west through
Keith, Lincoln, Deuel, Cheyenne
and Scott's Blufts counties, and
r i f
uiree irotn tne city or umalia was
selected. The duty of this commit
tee is to secure funds to make the
survey, secure the right-of-way and
attend to other preliminary work.
The members of this committee are
as follows: Levi Carter, F. C. Con--
don, T. S. Clarkson, Omaha; W
W. Birge. C. F. Iddinirs. John Bratt.
North Platte; Jas. McGinley, M. A.
Daugherty, J. R. Brother.ton, Keith
county; S. P. Delatour, Robert Day,
C. R. Clapp, Deuel county; . H.
Stephens, Chas. McCarter, Wm.
Peters, Cheyenne county; F. A.
Enderly, J. A. Orr and Martin Ger
ing, Scotts Bluffs county.
A committee on permanent organ
ization was also appointed consist
ing of Wm. Neville and W. T. Wil
cox ot this city, v. S. Peters aud
H. W. Haige of Gering and J. M
Kerr of New York. Of this com
The meeting held at the Knights
of Pythias hall Tuesday afternoon
for the purpose of discussing- the
construction of a railroad from
North Platte to the Wyoming line
was attended by about 150 delegates
and citizens.
The meeting was called to order
by Judge Grimes, vho stated the
object of the gathering, and latter
the Judge was selected chairman
arid Lester Eells secretary.
J. M. Kerr, the New York attor
ney who represents eastern capital
ists, was called upon and made a
statement as to what would be re
quired of the people along the line
of the proposed road before they
could get capitalists interested in
the project. It would be necessary
to have a preliminary survey made,
the right-of-way secured and the
road bed constructed. If the
citizens of the section through
which the proposed line passed
would perform this work, and also
present facts and figures showing
that the road would pay the interest
on the money to be invested, Mr.
Kerr said there would be little dif
ficulty in securing the money with
which to complete the road ready
for operation. The capital needed
to build the line is estimated at
A committee on preliminary work
Jon t Know
But there is a law against falsehood and deception
in an advertisement. It is not on the statute books, but
it is written in the hearts of the people, and when they
convict a merchant of this offense they fine him like
"sixty We are willingto accept service any time and
submit our case to the people. We DO NOT deceive
you in our advertisements. For instance note the priGei
on these eroods:
One Lot of All
Wool Scarlet
37o Oloso Oxt
Misses' No. 25 at 35 cts.
Misses' Ifo. 30 at 40 cts.
Misses' JSTo. 32 at 45 cts.
Misses' jSto. 34 at 50 cts.
Ladies Pants and Teste 50 ft
Stove Pipe 15 cents a joint. -
Common Elbows 10 cents each.
10-quart Galvanized Pail 24 cents.
A good ax handle 11 cents.
Also a full line of Blankets7 TTndeir-
Hosieiy, Caps, Glassware,
and Tinware. Give us a call.
consisting of three members from
The Wcoi M
One door south of Streitz's drug-.
I mittee Jlldye Neville is rlinirmnn
know, says SoU.UUU in gold lias been ana secure us ov note Dy Jan. latli, U a w;icox: secretnrv
buried by residents or North Platte LbVb. as atter that date all unsettled
for safe keeping. One man who accounts will be given into the
hands of a collector. I
May B. Welch & Co.
was at Paxton and
on professional busi
ness the early part of the week. At
the latter place he presented Mr.
and Mrs. Will Coker with a fine
girl baby.
The members of the ladies'
wheel club, together with their hus
bands, were entertained the early
part of the week by Mr. . and Mrs.
A. b. Baldwin. The event proved
very pleasant to. all.
Indications point to an unusu
any large attendance at the mask
ball to be given by the Red Men on
Friday evening of next week.
L. 3 1 i-
opci-idiuib dnu masKers aiiKe are
certain to have an evening of fun.
Business has been somewhat
slack in Judge Ray's court this
week; no application for marriage
licenses having been made or suits
at law began. As a result time
hangs a little heavy on the Judge's
The fourth annual convention
of the association of graduates
of the Grand Island Gold Cure In
stitute, of which Wm. Whitlock, of
this city is president, will be held
in Grand Island on the 21st and 22d
The Buffalo Bill hook and lad
der company held an election of
officers this week with the follow
ing result: P. G. Armbus captain,
H. S. Keith, first assistant, P. H.
Mahoney second assistant, W. J.
Roche treasurer and Harry Dixon
North Platte's railway project
for a road up the North Platte val
ley appears to be making good head
way. An enthusiastic meeting was
held the other day attended by
prominent men from western Ne
braska, from Omaha, and by repre
sentatives of eastern capitalists,
and some very good assurances of
financial assistance were received.
earney Hub.
of considerable importance, and the
fact that Mr. D. has been re-elected
is evidence that his administration
of the office last year was in every
way satiafactory. He had been in
Omaha all week, but returned
home last night.
Presbyterian Church services
next Sunday will consist ot a brief
discourse, after which pastor Rev.
J. C. Irwin will preside and the
withdrew a certain, amount of
from one of the local banks admit
ted to the bank official that ke in
tended burying the coin. These
parties had better invest their yel
low metal in the new popular loan
Tuesday being W. A. Gannt's
birthday, he was given a surprise
party in the evening by about
twenty of his friends. The event
was kept a secret not only from
Mr. G. but from the members of his
family, and the surprise was there
fore complete. The evening was
-The annual meeting of the Y.
M. C. A., held Tnesday
shows that excellent
to be in a healthy condition. The
present membership is 241, of
which forty-eight are known as
active members. During the j'ear
2,187 books were drawn from the
library, sixty religious meetings
were held, 4,735 baths were taken,
and the total attendance at the
rooms was 26,000. There were two
conversions during the year. The
quarterly communion will be obser- devoted to card playing and other money received from all sources was
ved. The session will meet in the
library room at 10 A. M. and any
who desire to unite with the church
will meet the session at that hour.
It is desired that every member of
the church attend the morninrr
services. C. E. meeting at 6:30.
At 7:30 Rev. Graves will soeak on
The Distinguishing Characteris
tic of Evangelical Christianity."
Do not fail to attend.
games, supplemented by a nice
lunch which the lady members of
party had prepared. Every one
had a very pleasant time, and the
guests wished such gatherings
might be more frequent. The par
ticipants repaired to their homes at
a seasonable hour, wishing Mr. G.
many future birthdaj's.
51,o0 and the amount disbursed
$1549, leaving a balance of $21.00
in the treasury. The liabalities of
the association are about S100. The
board of directors is composed of
the following gentlemen: B. L.
Robinson, George Russel, Rev.
Stearns, C. P. Ross, F. E. Bullard
and John Sorenson.
The annual meeting of theljn
coln county agricultural society was
held at the court house last evening,
quite a number ot stockholders
being present. The following di
rectors were elected for three years:
W. W. Birge, T. C. Patterson and
h. Thoelecke, and the following
officers were then elected: Lester
Eells president, H. Otten vice-president,
J. B. McDonald secretary and
M. C. Harriiirton treasurer. Thp
secretary was instructed to write
to Col. Cody and secure a written
proposition in regard to the ex
change of the fair grounds for land
located on the south side of the
railroad track. A resolution was
passed extending to the western
Nebraska District Fair the use of
the association grounds, and any
other courtesy and help which
would tend to promote the success
of the former. A committee con-
Isting of Messrs. Hinman, Eells
and Thoelecke was appointed to
confer with the officers of the dis
trict fair. A joint meeting of the
two fair associations will be held
within the next fortnight. j
In order to construct the road bed
it will be necessary for the precincts
through which the proposed road
I will pass, to vote bonds. For this
purpose about one hundred thous
and dollars will be required, and it
i is believed that this amount can be
The delegates present reported
i-i i- i-i i t tt
uiu.L tuc peopie aiong tne line are
deeply interested in the proposed
road and will do everything in their
power to make it a go.
The committee on preliminary
work will at once get down to busi
ness and make a canvass for funds
with which to make the survev. In
J the meantime it is the duty of every
igood citizen of North Platte to put
in a favorable word for the road at
every opportunit
If We (Jan'i
si fhe &esf
We want none. That's our principle in
buying. We deal only with firms who
:: produce the best. We order only the
choicest of the best. Isn't an article in
our store that won't please you. And
we've everything you could wish in
Groceries, Provisions, Queensware,
Etc. Compare our prices with any.
You'll fiqd that we are READERS QF
McDonald's Cash Grocery.
Auction Sale !
Dr. Sawyer; Dear Sir: Having used your Pas
tilles, I can recommend them to the public. I
ha ye been attended by four different doctors, but
one. and a half boxes of your medicine has dose
me more Rood than all of them. Yours respect
fully, Mr. Mafjjjio Johnson. Dronson, Dranch
County. Mich. Sold by F. II. Lonsley.
Dry Goods, Motions &cj
Studebaker Wagons and
Buggies at Hershey & Co's.
We are the People who have
The finest grades of evpything in the Grocery Line
in the City; always fresh and at prices that
A. M- Mason lias been on the
siclc list for several days past.
Engineer Austin made a fly run
trom Grand Island to North Platte
Tuesday, covering- the 138 miles in
three hours and ten minutes, in
cluding all stops.
General ManagerDickinson.Supt.
of Motive Power McCouuell, Supt.
Nichols and car accountant Buck
ingham passed through in a special
car attached to No. 1 vesterdav.
a. meeting was Held at Omaha
Tuesday for the purpose of dis
cussing the project of a new rail
road from Sidney to Orin Junction,
Wj'o., thus forming- a link between
the Union Pacific and the Elkhqrn
Such a road would strike part of the
territory through which would run
the proposed road up the North
Platte river.
In a letter to one of our- citizens,
Halter Conkhn, who is chief clerk
m the otfice of Supt. of Motive
Power Reardon. says the Missouri
Pacific has hundreds of applications
for work from enginemen, but like
on all other roads business is dull
and no new men are being- emploj'ed.
Mr. Conklin savs W. T. Chadwick
unning- an engine out of Little
Rock, Boh Miller is round-house
foreman at Waco, Texas, and Tom
Terry is looking for work along- the
jne pf tb.e M." P. These men were
farmfe'r residents o't North Platte.
Saturday, Jan. 11.
Don't forget the date and place.
Advertised Letters,
List of letters remnininc uncalled for
in the post oflico at North Platte, Neb.,
for the week ending January 10, 1890.
Cramer, JM,2 Page, Charley
Efrgers, C M Poliett, Henrv
Froman, E E Poliett, John"
Marshall, P D Smith, C M
McMahan, Thos I Smith, James
Bluebake, Duolla Clark, Mrs P M i
Shaw, Miss Jessie i
Do you want that vault attended to?
Send your address I do the rest. Box
j 17G, city.
I Dr. Sawyer Dear Sir: I can say with pleasure
that I have been using your medicine, ami will reo
omniem! it to all suffering Indies. Mrf. W. W.
Weathershee, Augusta, Ga. Sold by F H Longley.
or the Condition oflhe
Bailding aqd Loan Aociacioq,
of North rialte, Nebraska, on the 3!nt day of
December, 1885:
First Mortgage Loan $107 000 0
Loans secured by stock of this Ansooia-
. , llon 1 100 CO
Interest paid iq 13 jjg
Expenses and taxes paid :s 10 00
Profits 8 27 35
Cosh with treasurer -12 .11
Totat $180 00 W
Capital stock paid up $ J6 770 CO
Premium' paid 29 009 75
Interest received 'ji SC8 CO
7lnM cnHoctffl Mr. tu
Persons calling for above Will please say I Matured fctock of First series unpaid!".' 31 soo 00
i'nrln.;r.n,i at -iTT ?- i . ' Entry feos .tun :
uu v ui lidcu. 111 v 1 ..aii: rnKrmn-arr . . -
... I -rransrer lees
Canceled shares in treasury
"The Overland limited," a New Train Chi
cage to San Francisco.
so 50
$130 02a 10
State oi Nebraska. Lincoln countr. ss.
I Samuel Goozee. secretary of lh nlinvi-nuniHil
Association do solemnly swear that the foresrilBtf
rrvt, c 4-i . - 1, 1 o-.uicui ui UK aiamucD 01 sain Association i
JLiie lastest train in the world, true and correct to tho best of my knowledge and
I ueuci. SAMUEL goozzk. Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 7th day
January,' ll)q. - "
H. r. GiUMEq, Notary Public.
Approved: Tpos. C. Uttebsoji,
C. F. Iddings, Directors,
Victor VohQoet?, )
run vig.
distance considered, will
the Union Pacific System.
Commencing-Nov. 17Lh. the Union
Pacific will run a through train
daily from Council Bluffs to San
Fransisco and Los Angeles.makinfir
the run of 1,864 miles in sixty hours
ana tnirrv-nve minutes.
This train will leave Omaha, 8:10
A. M.; Ocrden 1:30 P. M. next day:
San Fransisco S-A5 P. M. second
day, and Eos Argles 10:00 A. M.
the third day, carrying- Throuerh
Pull man Double Drawing-room
Sleepers and Dining- Car to San
Fransisco and Eos Anireles. Be
sure and ask for tickets via "The
Overland Route."
E. E. Lomax,
Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Ag-ent,
Omaha, Neb.
Dy virtue of n decree of tho district court of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, rendered iu an action
pending in naid court wherein Irving B. Bostwiok
et. aj., art plaintiffs and Fannie I). Myers ot. al.
are defendants, tho undersigned duly appointed
referees in said cause will on the 13th day of Feb
ruary, 1805, at one o'clock p. m. at tho cast front
door of the court house of said county. In North
Platte. se!l tho following described real estate, to
wit: The bouthwest quarter of tho northeast quar
ter, the north half of the southeast onartr n!
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Sec
tion twantv-seven (27), Township ten (10) north of
Ranee Thirty-one f 31) west of the Sixth p. nt
public auction to the hichest bidder on the follow
ing terms, viz: One-third cash and balance in
tnree equal annual payments with Interest at seven
per cent per annum on deferred payments.
Deferred payments to be secured bv first mort-
gngo on said promises
Jjatcu worm Platte. Neb., Jan'7 Sth, 1888.
Osa E. Eu)zo, i
A. SjBitDWW. L'R'nfVn'nAa-
3116 Geobox McAinsrrs,