The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, December 06, 1895, Image 1

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    - 4
HO. 97,
lHk -A. A A &
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We have just received a: beautiful line of useful Christ
mas Gifts consisting -of .. .. - '
Albu ms, Tilgt Grpod irMftnictw Oases,
Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, ,
Mufflers, Kec'kweaiV' Q-ldves ancf Mittens.
Elegact of ladies', gents' and
-. -
children's Shoes, Gents' .Plush . Caps, , Che
nille .goods, Table Linen and Nap-,:J
. - kins to match.
Space will not permit to mention everything, but
whatever you buy of us you will find good and tasteful and
the prices are low. Before ;buyirig your Christmas gifts
come and see us.
JULIUS PIZER, Proprietor.'
The Great Holiday Goods House
Dolls, Rocking Horses, Toy Drums, D.olh Carriages,
"Picture Books, ABC Bo'oksrLette'r Blocks, Toy Stoves
and Ranges, Toy Trains, Toy Dishes, Toy Trunks, Banks,
Animals, Carts, Wagons, Sleds, Horns, Fifes, Whistles,
Guns and all sorts (if Toys and everything usually kept
in this House, with a great many additions and at prices
lower than ever. Also a large line of Albums, Collar .and
Cuff Boxes, Toilet Sets. Fancy Metal Trays, Jewel Boxes
and Trinket Cases. Hand Painted Vaces, Gift Books,
Ink Stands, Paper Weights, Paper Cutters, Autograph
and Scrap Albums, Yiolins, Guitars, Harmonicas, Music
Boxes and Musical Albums, Kodaks, etc., etc.
Remember our goods are all right, and we invite all
to look over our stock before buying elsewhere,. Come in
anyhow and see the pretty things, and hear our magnifi
peftt music-bojvv . , . ,
C. KE. Newton's for
ICTO- 3496.
ftirsi Rational Ban
A General Banking
Otten's Shoe Store.
In order to swap shoes for inoney we will offer our ladies' ' ' 4
fine Ludlow Shoes, " . : -r
Begular price S4,00 to $4.75, at S3.O0.
Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little money.
All our Men's $3.50 Shoes at- $2.25.
All our Boy's fine lace-and button shoes, the best made, -
$2.50 Shoe at $1.65 $1.65 Shoe $1.
A large line of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Slippers
will be sold at prices that will
Save you 1-3 to 1-2 of your money.
Children's Shoes, the best goods tljat money can buy, will
be slaughtered at the same rate. v
Otten's Shoe Store.
S i J 7
Holiday Presents.
3- Capital, --"-p.... ; 50,000.00.
Surplus, 22,500.00
E. M. F. LEFLAKG, Prt., .
Business Transacted,
A district fair for Western Ne
braska, first suggested br Judge
Hinman two years ago, is now
being agitated by the Record and
some of our more enterprising peo
ple, and The Tribune falls in read
ily with the movement. There is
no question but tue irrigation
movement now being- pushed so
vigorously in the Platte valley west
of the one hundredth meridian will
continue until everv available acre
is brought -under a ditch. This
means that thousands of acres ot
irrigated land will be placed on sale,
and it will be necessary to have the
attention of well-to-do eastern farm
ers who contemplate a change of
residence called to this section. One
admirable way to do this is to have
a. district fair at which can be dis
played the products of the irrigated
lands. By uniting the counties ot
Dawson, Lincoln, Keiths Cheyenne,
Deuel, Banner and Scott's Bluffs in
this move a fair could be held which
would attract attention all over the
east. It could be made of such
magnitude as to induce the rail
roads of the country, and especially
those, west of Chicago, to offer very
low excursion rates, and these re
duced rates would be taken advan
tage of by hundreds of eastern
farmers. Once in this section they
would visit all parts of it, and pur
chase land in the vicinity which
best suited them. The land-owner
in Cheyenne county would ftave just
as good a chance to sell His laud as
the one in Lincoln or Dawson coun-
Beinjr situated near the center ot
the irrigated district, North Platte
is undoubted! the most convenient
and most suitable place to holcTthis
district fair, and we believe that
her citizens will do every thing in
their power toTttake tke fair a suc
cess when once established.
The attention of irrigationists
and business men of the other coun
ties is invited to this matter, and if
they take Tdndly to it and they
certainly shouldNorth Platte will
take tie initiative step'aud the-hrst
fair can be held in the fall of next
It's a good thing; push it along.
A democratic poultry raiser near
Grafton, W. Va., the state from
which Prof. Wilson hails, sent a
Thanksgiving turkey to the presi
dent with the inscription: "A
Hard Times Turkey. You can have
it. I can't sell it! This year five
cents a pound never before less
tha'n ten or" fifteen' A five-cent
turkey sent in tins way is a crow.
On Tuesday 272 bills and-eleven
joint resolutions were introduced in
the senate. The same profusion of
measures marked the second day in
the house. Both Mr. Mercer and
and Mr. Meiklejohn introduced bills
the former asking for an appropria
tion of $100,000 for a branch mint
at Omaha, and $15,000 for the estab
lishment of an assay office in the
s,ame city. Mr. Miklejohn's bill,
prohibits the sale of intoxicants to
Indians under penalty of fine and
A cool and collected person
, des-
cribed by the Portland Press, is
Thomas Brasrsr of - the steamer
Emila, who lost his balance and
fell into the water while handling a
cake of ice the other day. His pipe
was in his mouth, and the ice
tongs in his hands when the waves
closed over him. As he reappeared
at the surface, his. pipe was stil in
his mo.uth and the ice tongs in his
hands. He puffed the pipe tq see if
it had gone out. arjd, on tjeing'
sa.tisfi.ed on - point, accepted
the proffered tenders of assistance
and was pulled safely onto the
The profane press, taking up Mr.
J. Sterling Morton's comparison of
Grover to the president of a bank
and iufisting that he has as good a
right to be continued an indefinite
number of terms in the White house
as the president of a bank has to
stay in office are making it some
what warm. They say that a
president of a bank who . was get
ting very rich himself while the
hbank is lapsing- into bankruptcy
-ould ,be fired pretty suddenly.
A. r
JGrover as president to the
jj jgep-jan republic is at his wits
t r j keep it financially on its
feek VHe is responsible for its
firiari-ial condition, for he permited
the bills that cut down the revenue
without diminishing the expenses
to become laws. But when Grover
first arrived at the White house, he
was a poor man. Today he is
rated- among the millionaires.
There is something very sinster
in this view of the case. State
Monday Evening,
Lincoln J. Carter's Great
Scenic Production,
The Fast Mai
flow '
Ten sets special scenery Flight of
Fast Mail Niagara Falls by Moon
light with mist Practical working
engine and fourteen freight cars
with illuminated cabooser-The Da
go Dive. : : : : : : : : :
Realistic river scene and Steamboat
explosion and one hundred other
startling scenes, : : : : : : :"
Tickets on sale at the usual place.
"The Maccabees will giye a grand
ball in their hall t Hershey on
Christmas night.
Mrs. J. W. Liles and two little
daughters have been on the sick list
lately, biit are said to be convales
cent at this writing. A
Will Brooks is shellingj corn for
the old ditch company out of its
cribs at Hershey atv this writing.
It is being loaded into cars right
from the shelter and. will be shipped
as sopn as shelled.
There will be services at this
place immediately after Sunday
school next Sunday and also in the
evening. ;
We were'informed the other day
by very fair authority that N. J.
Snow of Hershey was intending to
start a "shucking peg" factory in
that village the coming season.
Supt. E. F. Seeberger, Aof North
Platte, was looking" after business
in this locality last Wednesday.
Miss Coslet, daughter of Rev.
Coslet, the M. iO pastor in this
circuit, was canvassing fof a book
in this locality the early part of the
J. G. Feeken lias beenf hauling
corn "-to the Hershey market lately.
John Nauman, of the county seat,"
transacted business at Hershey
It is said that a large block will
be erected in Hershey sometime in
the future which will be occupied
by a Jiardware store, newspaper
office and drug- store. "Imajrina-
tion thou art a. jewel.
Mis Sadie Brooks is manufactur
ing dresses for some of the fair sex
at Hershey this week.
Several cars have been loaded
with baled hay at both, Nichols and
Hershey lately.
An editor from Big Springs was
at the hamlet of Hershev the early
part of the week with a yiew of
locating- there.
Rev. Maynet from, down the line,
and Johqny Mytender, of the Platte,
are holding a series of Free Metho
dist revival meetings at this place.
Ed Gibbens is baling'hay on the
Brooks ranch at this writing. It
will be shipped to Chicago-
W. A. Paxton, of Omaha, was
looking- after business interests in
this vicinity recently.-
John Ken worthy, of Maxwell,
who worked the Ferguson farm the
past season, is baling - the hay that
he put up on said farm, and is
shipping it from this station.
The Maccabees of this vicinity
held a ineeting in their hall at Her
shey last Wednesday evening, which
was th,e first tor some time owing
to the busy times and bad weather
Everybody who is in favor of hav
ig a Christmas tree at this place
are requested, to atteud Sunday
school next Sabbath, as the final
arrangements for the same will be
perfected at that time.' There is
ample room in the new and com
modious school building- for a large
tree and for all who wish to attend.
W. J. Crusen, of North Platte, will
be present at the tree prepared
with an appropriate discourse for
the occasion. Let every one turn
out and lend a helping hand and
have a glorious good time. Pat.
Charley Ross has at last come to
light. He has been running a
butcher shop at York, but has sold
out and will probably disappear
A factory is to be established in
Kearney for the manufacture of a
patent mechanical deyice for sharp
ening lawn rnowers. It is said the
machine works lik a charm,
A jury at York awarded Athony
Yost $15,000 in his suit against
the B. & M. Ry. He was run
over by a switch engine at Belgium
Wyo., and badly mangled. He sued
for $50,000.
Rennie Closing out Ms Millinery
What is left
timely goes at
saw oetore at KJiJiN JN iJii'K.-
Captain A. C. Logan, ot Creigh
ton, at the tender age of sixty.after
raising a family to ten children to
robust man and womanhood has
again led a blushing bride to the
Two little children of Smith
Boyd, of St. Edwards, was playing
about a stove .on which was a
boiler of hot waiter. A leg was
knocked from under the stove, it
tipped over and they were fright
fully scalded.
The Oxnard Sugar Company is
now working up its syrup into sugar
and cleaning up on the standard
beets, upon which only it can prob
ably secure a bounty. In about a
week the lower grade beets will be
taken up and as many a9 possible
manufactured into sugar.
J. J. Marshall of Furnas county,
a breed of Holstein cattle, was feed
ing the stock one morning when
the agile bull made a football rush
and pushed him through tlie side
of the barn. But for the boards
giving way the man must have
Tjeen gored to death.
Freighter Irwin of Tynch vmet
with a disastrous naway while
about to cross the ferry from Nio
brara to Running Water. The
team became frightened at a pass
ing "prairie schooner" and the re
sult was a complete ruin of a new
freight wagon and a badly used up
span of horses.
A horrible accident occured the
day before Thanksgiving at the
home of Arthur H- Nichols, a farm
er living ten miles from.-Lincoln.
Nichols was tr'ing to" drive a colt
into the barn and he hurlecha club
at the animal to head it off. His
little daughter, nine years old, was
holding the barn door open. The
club missed the colt and struck her
about two inches below the right
ear. She dropped dead' and the
father gazed in horror at the awful
work he had wrought, A corner's
jury held him blameless.
v The proposition of the Trans
Mississippi congress to hold in 1893
in Omaha a grand exposition of all
the products and industries of the
Trans-Mississippi country is of
great importance to this whole
western country and to Nebraska
and Om.aha especially. It ought
to be taken in hand by a strong
association from Omaha and other
portions of the state, and our now
commencing congress ought to be
induced to financially support the
enteprise as it has assisted the
World's Fair of ,Chicago and the
great southern exposition at At
lanta. The celebrated calf case has
almost had a parallel in a law suit
over a $1.25 pig at Michigantown,
Ind. The owner was sued for
pound charges and he appealed
from the judgment. After three
trials in the circuit court he re
ceived a verdict, with $1.01 ,dam
ages. The costs of. the trial
amounted to over $150.
The project of organizing a free
coinage of silver party on the basis
of 16 to 1 was knocked into "pi".on
the first day of the session of the
jntty-14 ourtu congress. JLue pop
senators called for a caucus of free
silver men of all parties, but they
found themselves alone when the
caucus got to business. The dem
o.crats ana republicans wno were
invited to attend excused them
selves, saying they preferred to
stay in their own party organiz
ations. Mr. Teller's declination to
take part in the free coinage caucus
is an indication that the rumor that
he had decided to abandon the re
publican organization and become
a regular indentured pop was pre-
mature. journal.
in our Milliiaery Department posi-
OnerHalf Oo&t. Bargains you , never
RENNIE, The Leader.
-over our Great
Glothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, HatsGaps,
- Gloves and IvXittens. x
Surprised, First at the Large Assortment;
; ... il, Second at the Superior Quality:
:a u Third at the Immense Yariety ;.
Fourth at
' We have been some time in getting these Sur
. ; ' . prises here and ready foivyou, but at last are
able to announce
Bargains all Through the House.
We solicit a comparison of Goods and Prices,
Cheapest. '
We Don't Blow Much,
We're after Trade,
V. VoriGoetz.
oitenstein Block.
Order by telephone from ISFewton's Book Store.
iNT.TElW XjirvTESir
(Old "7"123.
Prices Reasonable,
SsPNorthwest corner of Courthouse square.
7 f ACT
Stock of-
the Low Prices. '
r ;
Even if times are a little quiet and dol
lars rather scarce. They must have
Groceries, Provisions and Flour and
they want good goods at low prices.
"But when it comes to selling fresh and
clean goods for little money we are "in
it" just as extensively as any dealer.
That's what we, are here for and we so
v licit you to call and "look us over." We.
are confident we can please you.
The Grocer.
StStkG.) '
Good Teams,
Comfortable Rigs
Szedbnt Accommodatiom for Iks hmm Faille.