The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 25, 1895, Image 4

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st7td Exclusively to 4J
.Over Twenty-One Million People
gtgkfe4,taWorid''s Fair Grounds
Universally accepted s the
Leading Fine Ccfiee of th Worlds
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete lino of
. Prices Always Seasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
Republican R
Lloyd's Opera House,
Saturday- Ey iig, Nov, 21
Fred Collins
ot Lincoln, and other orators will
address the audience.
"Will Briggs was expected down
-from Denver this morning-, but we
did not learn whether he arrived.
Dr. Morrill has secured the Dr.
Mneller (of Berlin) method of pain
. less extraction of teeth. This
- method is absolutely harmless.
-J. H. Black & Son, the Kearney
celer' growers, shipped six car-
loads of celery to Kansas City this
"week. Here is an industry that
our farmers oa the ditch should in
vestigate. L j. ue engine pumng me iast
fnail broke down on the Fourth dis
trict this morning and came in an
hour "and a half late. The Denver
-cars, which form part of that train,
were run through as a special.
The populists held a meeting
. at Hershey "Wednesday evening
Avhichwas attended-, by an audi
Ti. . . ii r i
ence numbering just twenty-five,
. : three of whom were populists. J
Gasbag Beeler made the principal
The populists have been mak-
ing polls of the city vote for a week
- or two past, and have finally placed
the republican plurality at 185
They claim that they will come into
the V:ity with a plurality of 200,
thus electing their ticket b' fifteen
,. This is a poor guess.
u. . iongaon savs lie was
more or less injured the other day
by stepping in a hole in the side
walk along the property of Coun
cilman Thomson. De "Witt will
probably appear before the next
meeting of the council and make
;. Dr. Morrill has on hand $300.00
".worth of artificial teeth.
"!- '- All employes of the Union
Pacific, so it is said, will be given
free transportation to Denver and
return if they so desire. This is
- quite a liberal offer on the part of
the compan'. This transportation
is furnished so that the afflicted
may be able to have- their wrongs
righted by the divine healer.
The republican rally at the
opera house on Saturday evening,
Nov. 2d, will be the meeting of the
campaign. Fred Collins, of Lincoln,
who will be the principal speaker
- of the evening, is one of the most
gifted 'brators in the state, and will
make a speech worth going many
miles to hear. He will be accom
panied by one or two other speak
. ers from Lincoln. Country resi
' dents should make it a point to be
present at this meeting.
The Northwestern road receiv
ed this week four new engines of
"the "999" style, which will run "on
the fast mail trains between Coun
cil Bluffs and Boone, Iowa. On a
trial trip "Wednesday 'one of these
locomotives covered twelve miles in
nine minutes with a train of eight
cars. The drivers measure six feet
four inches, with 19x24 cylinders.
It is claimed the engines wity be
able to make eighty miles per hour
without difficulty.
It is ( said that the Hamilton
Cadets ot Lexington, a military
. Company composed of young ladies
'wfll attend he annual ball to be
given by the Cody Guard next
"month. The Cadets were at the
-reunion at Hastings and created a
.favorable impression by reason of
their soldierly appearance and ex
cellent drills. If they come to this
city they should be engaged to give
: a'drili prior to the grand march at
the.ball. . It would prove a drawing
M. TL Barnum went to Cheyenne
last night.
Julius Essig, of Brady, trans
acted business in town yesterday.
Contractor Picard is making
some improvements to the Smith
house on Spruce street
Several North Platte attorneys
attended the session of district
court at Ogalalla this week.
J. A. Goodman shipped in a car
load ot stock hogs from Keith conn
ty the early part of the week.
Wm. Rector has been put in the
tin shop again at his old place and
a new man, a brother to Leo Hart,
got the vacancy in the laborers
M. A. Daugherty is authority
for the statement that the supreme
court will hand down its opinion on
the constitutionality of the Akers
irrigation law on Nov. 6th.
Teeth extracted without pain
to the patient at Dr. Morrill's.
John Hmman has secured
4-1.: ,1 i r .
luiluv uay icave oi aosence ana
will devote the time to superintend
ing the construction of the bi
Head-gate for the South side ditch
The ladies of the Lutheran
church served a chicken and waffle
supper in the Ottenstein building
last evening. The attendance was
large and the supper all that could
be desired. v
A petition is being circulated
asking the postoffice department to
establish a postoffice at A. M
Stoddard's, six miles west of town
and that Mr. Stoddard be
pointed postmaster.
A card irom Dr. J. "W. Hinr-
ston, of Cheyenne, conveys the in
teiligence that he will not be able
to reach this city to-morrow, as for
merly announced. The time of his
visit here will be announced . later
A petition wasjiled in the coun
ty clerk's office yesterday nominat
ing S. D. Hanna, of Ogalalla, as the
populist candidate for state senator
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of W, JR. Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. John Worthier
and two children of Grand Junction
Col., arrived in town Tuesday
night and are visiting Mr. Ws
parents northeast of town. Mr. "W,
is gang boss in the railroad shops
at Grand Junction.
Charley Ell and Geo. Austin
returned last night from Denver
wnere they took a look at Schlat
ter, tue healer. These gentlemen
say there are a number of people in
Denver who have been benefitted
by the touch of this man.
Secretary Hollingsworth of the
Y. M. C. A. is considering a prop
osition trom an eastern lecture bu
reau to have General O. O. Howard
aenver a lecture in this citv. The
terms are $125, the General to pay
his traveling and hotel expenses.
Prices to suit the times at Dr,
l he hobo who shot brakeman
Giltoyle Tuesday morning was
arrested at Brady Island the same
evening and brought to the iail in
this city. The prisoner rode in a
farmer's wagon from Hershey to
this place and then secreted himself
on a cattle train.
The public are cordially in
vited to attend the hrst debate ot
the Current Topic club at the Y. M.
c a. rooms Monday evening. The
y a a
question is "Should the United
States recognize the Cuban Insurg
ents as. bellio-erents." TIia dnh
wishes to assure the public a good
a w
live debate on the-greatest question
before the people.
Geo. R. Hammond came in trom
Grand Junction, Colo., this morning-
and will move his personal effects
to that place. He is more than
pleased with that country, and
while he has not as yet made any
investments, he has several on the
strinar. Georsre-is looking better
0 -
4-1, .1. i r .
hi au udb iur several vears, evi
dence that the climate agrees with
Leo-Hart, assistant chief of the
North Platte fire department, has
been presented with a very hand
some fireman's lantern bv Chief
Sweeney, of the Chicago fire dc
partment. We understand that
Mr. Hart and Mr. Sweeney are old
time friends, both having served
in the same fire company years ago.
Mr. Hart is very proud of his gift,
and wilL take great pride in show
ing it to admiring friends on the
night of the firemen's ball.
'iDusty" VanDoran, Albert
Davis and another j-oung boy
started out yesterday to "seethe
world" without their parents con
sent. The boys secreted them
selves on one of east bound pas
senger trains yesterday morning
and are supposed to be in Omaha.
They will probably tire of their
jaunt in a day or two and return
home, if not brought back sooner
by the parents.
Dr. A. P. Sawyer: Dear Sir: I have been rafter
ing with rick headache for a long toe. I used
yoar Family Cure and now am entirely relieved.
I Tronld not do without your medicine. Mrs. G.;
a. aauer. Boia vy f. h. Longley.
Quite a social party was ten
dered Miss Minnie Beck before her
departure for Denver Friday even
ing at'the residence of Mrs. E.
There are at least forty North
Platte people in Denver this week,
the pilgrimage there being in the
interest ot their physical ills which
they hope may be cured or alleviated
by the divine healer.
Several big piles of loose hay
in closeproximity to buildings, are
noticable around town, which, we
believe, is contrary to a city ordi
nance. This hay offers some in
ducements to the small boys who
handle matches with a dangerous
If all citizens felt as kindly to
ward the fire department as Harry
Fikes, the fire laddies would "con
clude that their efforts are appre
ciated. Mr. Fikes gladly gave up
the orice of five' dance tickets for
one. Other citizens .could follow
his example with credit.
The .North 'Platte Cemetery
Association has elected George E.
French as its secretary. It" is said
that next season the association
will construct irrigation ditches
through the cemetery, plant trees
and otherwise improve the sur
roundings. Candor compels us all
to admit that improvements are
A resident of this city- is figur
ing on putting in forty acres of
suarar beets on irrigated land near
town next season if he can make a
contract with the Grand Island
factory. This gentleman is anxious
to experiment with the beets on
irrigated land and thinks he can
demonstrate that this, section is the
proper place at which
sugar factory.
to build
A report comes from Ogalalla
to the effect that the hunting party
which left here two weeks ago be
came lost in the sandhills and trav
eled some'fiftv miles out of their
way. The report says they wand
ered through the hills for four days
and during that time one of their
horses died. The report is given
for what it is worth, but it comes
pretty straight. The liorse which
died was replaced by one obtained
:at Matt Daugherty's ranch.
It is contrary to municipal law
for boys to carry and use sling
shots, and unless they desist in this
practice arrests are sure to follow.
"Wednesday evening Councilman
Fikes was sitting in his house when
a stone from one ot these slings
came crashing through the window
and passing through the curtain
struck a door on the Opposite side
of the room. M. H. Douglas and
Mrs. Mathews also report that they
have had windows broken with
these "nigger shooters."
Major Walker received a letter
a dar or two ago from his son Les
ter, who is located at Savannah,
Ga., in which he states that Colonel
Cody received a royal welcome in
that city.Nearly all the business
houses closed on the afternoon of
the show; even the celebration of
General Lee's birthday did not
cause such a universal cessation of
business. Lester met Col. Cody
rode with him to his car and took
dinner with him. The Colonel told
Lester he was making lots of money
this season and intended investing
it all in Lincolncunty.
Observer Piercy furnishes The
Tribune with the following data
concerning the month of November,
compiled from his records for a
period of twenty-one years: The
mean or normal temperature for
November is 36 degrees; the warm
est November being in 1878, aad
the coldest in 1880. The coldest
day during any November was on
the .27th of that month in 1887 when
the mercury dropped to twenty-five
jgrees below zero. The average
precipitation for the month is one
third of an inch. The prevailing
direction of the wind is from the
We are the People who haye
The finest grades of everything, in the. Grocery Line
in the City; always fresh and at prices that
Something New
We are getting in
Silverware and JNovelties, and we are
rea;ciy to show you our new
?v Trilbu ficarts are all
in. different sizes.
We caiSajye you Money by selling for Cash.
TRY US. . t
There are four hundred men in
town, who should purchase a ticket
for the -firemen's dance on Thurs
day evening of next week. Gentle
men, help out the boys.
As a token of the esteem in
which he was held by his friends,
and particularly by the members of
the cornet band, Will Fikes was
presented with a handsome watch
charm prior to leaving for St.Louis.
Workmen'are placing in posi
tion in the W V. ark' the statues
of Sidney Dillbnand Colonel Cody.
The former is placed at the west
and the latter at the east end of the
park. j
Subjects at M. E. church next
Sabbath: In the morning, "Receiv
ing the Holy Spirit; in the evening
the pastor will preach the first of a
short series ,of- sermons on the
'Origin and Destiny of Man."
Mrs. Peale . and Miss Arm
bruster, who have been conducting
dressmaking parlors in the Grady
block have dissolved partnership.
Miss Armbruster will sew by the
day for those needing such services.
A carload of elk, deer and ante
lope, en route to JSiloam Springs,
Mo., a new su.mmerresort,. passed
through the city yesterday. These
animals were captured at Jackson
Hole, Wj-o.
,.I)r. W. . A. DeBERRY,
Office in First Ntl. Bank Bldng.
Messrs.. Mark Bird, C. AV.. Mit
chell, T,. AJHanson and L. A.
Soule, a quartette of jolly sports
men from Milwaukee, arrived in
town Wednesday night and will de
vote a week or two to hunting geese
in this section.
Smoke Wright's Royal Sports
and Havana Rose 5-cent cigars.
Dr. Sawyer; Dear,. Sir: Having used your Pas
titles, I can recommend them to the public. I
have beon nttended'by four different doctors, but
one and a half boxes of your medicine has done
me more good than all ot them. Yours respect
fully, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Bronson, Branch
County, Mich. Sold by F. IT. Longley.
Wm. Hoey- and his company
presented "The Globe Trotter" to
a large audience at Llord's Tues
day evening in.a.manner that con
vulsed everybody with laughter.
There is no discount on Hoey as a
comedian, and his support is ex
ctllent. -
W. J. RocUq. and family, Jas.
Shay and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Murphy, Mrs., Dugan, Mrs. John
Grime and Chas. Pass went to Den
ver Wednesday morning- for the
purpose of looking upon Schlatter,
the healer. Here's hoping that
they may all return cured of their
innrmiues. f
our new stock of Jewelry,
the go.
We have them
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Dollar Saved is
Wortlr Two Earned. I
Thomson & Swartnout. i
Mrs. H. J. Clark left this morn
iug for Denver.
Judge Grimes came
west this morning.
in from the
Mrs. J. B. Boyd returned to Oma
ha yesterday morning.
Mrs. WItf. Holtry, of Sutherland,
visited friends in town yesterday.
Henry Schuff, of Grand Island,
spent a day or two in town this
Mrs. Murray, of. Cheyenne, has
been the sruest of Mrs. W. L. Park
this week.
Mrs. Jos. Murphy and Mijs. John
Murphy returned from Denver this
Hugh Bird went to Cheyenne this
morning, there being a shortage of
engineers at that point.
Sam Farmer, the well known
Wallaceite, transacted business in
the city yesterday.
H. C. Langdon returned Wednes
day night from a visit with his
mother at Norfolk. Neb.
Geo. Friberg and family. Wm.
Slack and Andy Frazier went to
Denver j'esterday morning.
Mrs. Jas. Snyder and Mrs. Jno.
Weinberger returned Tuesday night
from a ten days' visit in Omaha.
George Armbruster, of Dayton,
Oregon, is visiting his sister Miss
Emma Armbruster, of this city.
Mr. Barstow, clerk at the Pacific
Hotel,. left Wednesday nijrht to
accept a position at Green River,
Lester Eells returned from the
central part of the state last night
and left again on No. 2 this morn-
Mrs. Kimberh, mother-in-law of
Dr. Homer Hatch, left yesterday
for Chicago, where the Doctor has
W. J. Hendy, who left here Tues
day for the west, secured a job in
the Cheyenne U. P. shop, and
started to work Thursday morning-.
Miss Maggie Ranck, of Williams
port, Pa., arrived in the city Wed
nesday night, being called here by
the illness of her sister; Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. McCaw, of Belvidere, Neb.,
who had been visiting her parents,
Mr. ancTMrs. Val Scharmann, for
ten days, returnedhdme this morn-
Miss Boehne, who has been sten
ographer to Receiver Doolittle since
last spring, leaves this week for
Kansas. Her place in the bank
will be filledby Miss Doolittle.
A bold and daring attempt was
made Monday to clean out the Ban
ner county bank of Harrisburg. A j
masked robber entered the bank
at about four and demanded the
funds of Mr. Carlisle, the cashier.
The robber had some difficulty in
drawing his revolver from his belt
and Mr. Carlisle ran out., the side
door, through his residence and to
the street. Thinking the robber
had a horse he went behind the
house and finding the horse there
rode about giving the alarjn. The
citizens gathered with guns and as
the robber came out opened fire,
and after an exchange of two dozen
shots the robber, while running,
was wounded in the leg by a rifle
ball and surrendered. It was found
that in his haste he had overlooked
most of the bank's funds, only tak
ing small change.amounting toS167
The prisoner's name Is Graham and
he says he is from Scotts Bluff
county. Ogalalla News.
All persons owing us old
bills must now call and settle
with cash or approved note.
We want this butstandmo-
money to enable us to dis-
count our bills and thus com
pete with cash stores.
McKay's. -
On. SATURDAY AND MONDAY, October 26ttf ' and
28th, on which occasion a manufacturer's stock of very
choice garments at popular prices. All are invi.tedto
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im.
provement in milling machinery the product of the hard,
excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the
Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by
g Others save money by buying godds
i of us. Why don't vou? We sell von: 3
ASNo. 8 all copper wash
- A i P i P
: . joint; or stove pipe ior
A common stove pipe
An adjustable stove pipe
A Madole hammer for
2 1-pint tin cups for
6 engraved tumblers for
A one-half gallon pitcher for.
X set of handled tea cups and saucers 42 cents. 3
Underwear and Hosiery wdl come 3
and see for yourselves our prices and 3
qualities talk. Wa have a larger stocks
than ever of Notions, Tinware, Furnish-3
ing Goods, Crockery and the largest" 3
stock of Glassware and Lamps ever in
North Platte. Come, and-see us. 3
Wilcox : Dep't :. Store. I
IS (one door south of Streitz' drug store.) H
SPlrRR'S '
Theyaccounts of respon
sible people who settle their
bills once a month are re
spectfully solicited, We want
your trade.
Children with pale, bluish complexion, Indicat
ing the absence of the requisite red globules In the
blood should take Dr. Hawyer's Ukutlne. For sale
F. by II. LoDgley.
Notice is hereby given that alj
walks in the city of North Platte
that are not in good repair will be
repaired by the street commis
sioner after the first day of Novem
ber, 1895, at the expense of the
owners. R. W, Morgan,
Street Com.
Fnle. thin, bloodless people should vue Dr, Saw
yer's Ukatine. It Is the greatest remedy n the
n-orld for aailrj3 tho Teak strong. FCr ralo by F.
U. Lonley.
When Buying
Why not get the BEST?
sole mm
boiler for:
J4 cents,
.1U cents".
elbow for
elbow for
1.15 cents. 3
55 cents.
5 cents,
25 cents.
.20 cents.
Under the auspices of the
Ladies' Guild will be held
at Keith's Hall on
Many articles of woman's
handiwork, both useful
and ornamental will lie
offered for sale:
1 Entertainment