The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 15, 1895, Image 2

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J&ltti - JCflily vUMIW. Union armies for that church to
oppose their wearing- the G. A. R.
JURA Ii. BAKE, Editor xxn Peopbietor
One Year, cash Id advance, 1.25.
Six Months, cosh in advance 75 Cents.
Entered althe2forthPlctte(Xebras:a)po8tofflcea8
second-class matter.
Republican Ticket.
For Judge of Supreme Court
For Regents State Uhiverrity
button wherever they will. Father
Spaeth is probably less acquainted
with the significance of the G. A.
R. badsre than are native-born
that will demolish the entire five
thousand. The people won't vote
forliim. They don't take kindly
to the conduct of this gay and
giddy young1 judge who was a re-
oublican until he could use the
priests, and Bishop Foley says that party no longer, and who then be-
he has made an egregious blunder, came a pop. The editors who are j
Inter Ocean. frantically supporting- him will have i
to get away with a great quantity
of crow after a while. Beatrice
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Absolutely pure
9 K
For Judge, 13th Judicial District
For Treasurer
For Clerk
For Sheriff
For County Superintendent ,
For County Judge
For Clerk of District Court
For Surveyor
For Coroner
For Co. Commissioner 2d Dist.
The Tribune is not a mouth
piece for a few designing politic- Express
ians, tne iiira to the contrary, not
withstanding-. The Tribune is a JudSe Grimes' nomination for
republican newspaper that supports judge of this district adds another
the principles of the republican strong spoke to the republican wheel
party because it believes those prin- of fortune this fall. He has filled
ciplesare the best for the whole some important offices witn nonor
people; it supports republican nomi- to himself and credit to his party
nees hecue thev nro tipcf fiffWJ fn and friends. Every true republi-
J I , , . - I t , ' v " . .
fill the offices to which they aspire. can win stick to tne ticKet tms ran rjrrp q JEPOETS PRESENTED. nguig of btoKes, me Jngnsn rraaer,
Tn aHa,Wnff "Rfw twJ f,J for we have all had enough of the i"V' JT' Uho was executed by order of Captain
Tacts or tho Alleged Courtmartlal as Told
hy Dr. Micliaux.
London, Oct. 14. The Pall Mall Ga
Subject fComes to the PrOllt In the zette publishes an interview with Dr.
Episcopal LOnyentlOn. to have en the only European
witness of the trial and execution by
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils-,
:p.a.i ntjecrs' supplies,
ZOIaiLarLta, Spectacles.
his display of I-am-holier-than-thou
principle, it does not lose its
standing in the community, for the
people are not with Buchanan in
his pharasaical exhibition. The
Tribune proved the untruthfulness
of the Era's boast that Newell Bur-
ritt is an infallible county clerk,
and the Era does not deny the in
stance cited. It is the truth that
hurts, and this is why the Era
Minority Opposed to the Amendment.
Final Adjournment Fixed For Tues
day, October S3 Proceedings la
the House of Bishops.
It is not necessary for E. B. "War-
From the frequent slurs the Era
throws at Tr? erf TTinman if !c tri
J 1-1 -1 ntn4-H1 -4" It " I -
lier xo puuiibu a caiu siau dent that the memhpr, of tho
he will, as county treasurer, ooey part feel
the laws or jeorasKa. xur. War
ner's honesty is not doubted by the
voters of Lincoln county.
o z
The principal reason why Judge i
Ueville will not be re-elected will be
because he lacks enough votes. Men
who sell their political birthright
for a mess of pottajre soon lose
their hold upon the people.
o- o
m . (11 i C ii x
M r . iiiiiii iv r n i iin i.iruiiiviiT - . . .
, tuere are sucn can oniv he ac-
campaign opens with bnlhant-hued com Hslled b . . .
prospects for a complete republican publican party The p,pulist party
victorv a victory so compute iudi uc,
,i: :
v.uuu.i-1 i a : : l i
luug, aim ib &uuic ins iiu.t
had the power, to make a record for
very sore because the
Judge has deserted them. But
Judge Hi n man is not alone in this
move; there are hundreds of voters-
in Lincoln county who will this fall
follow his example by leaving tht
party which promised such brilliant
reforms but has failed to accomplisl
anything. The people are pretty
well convinced by this time that all
needed reforms and we admit
effects of republicans straggling oft
after false theories and visionary
leaders. Republicans who expect
to be found on the republican roll
book after victory must stand by
cueir cuiors un-nuc uatue uciu. Minneapolis, Oct. 14. Tho subject
Stick to your ticket republicans and I of church unity came to the front almost
receive v our full share ot the honors at the opening of the session of the
of tbrs nnH np-f fnll'n o-nrl virtorv Episcopal house of deputies today. A
.yjjjvt.v II no 1iCOCXltCU Uy U XLUlJUXlljr JJL
the committee on amendments to the
constitution, presenting an amendment
empowering a bishop to recognize con
gregations outside the Episcopal church
and take them under his special care,
provided such congregation subscribe to
the Episcopal creed, in which case it
need not necessarily be confirmed.
A minority report, sipmed by six mem
bers of the committee, was presented by
Kev. j. j. Faude of Minneapolis. The
Kimball Observer.
Score of Volcanoes In the Aleutian Chain
Actively at Work.
Sax FiiAXcisco.Oct. 14. The revenue
cutter Commodore Perry has returned
from the Northern sea, whero she has
been confronted each night for weeks
by a gigantic line of fire. As Captain
Smith mrnrASfiPQ it: "tho ftaviVs stnlrprs
have been stirring up the subterranean oty opposed tho amendment be
I ea of flames that is supposed to lie thou
the populists will not be in
tion to keep up a party organiza
The democrats are still in search
of a "good western man"forapres
idential candidate; and the factstill
stares them in the face that they would result from the organization
can't find one outside of the repub- ot tue party.
good, but it has signally failed tc
do so. It cannot, therefore, expeci
to retain those members who joined
it under the impression that good
lican party. -ocrat.
-St. iouis Globe-Dem-
Those "trades" which Colonel
11411. . 4-l.A 1,1- . n
uiuaies"are-ina.King arej,:sinipie .im
aginations concocted in the Colon
el's fertile brain. It is not neces
sary for republicans to trade; they
can elect the entire ticket without
resorting to such tactics.
Aetfr the second week in Jan
uary next there will be two repub
lican members on the board of
county commissioners and extrava
gant expenditures .along certain
lines will cease. Populist favoitism
during the" past four years has cost
the county thousands of dollars.
Attorney-General Dawes improved
his time well in painting the por
traits of the pops of Kansas and Ne
Jbjaska, but could, not- get all the
colors laid on in the space of an
hour or two. He was obliced to
content himself with a few quick
strokes concerning the wholesale
plunder of the taxpayers in the var
iousjstate institutions of Kansas
when he arrived at that point. Bui
everthing he said on that subject
has been proven and on pop testi
sands of fcofc Tuider the Bering's bed,and
as a consequence fully 20 of the 40 vol
canoes in the Aleutian chain are now
The line of islands lying between the
Bering and Pacific ocean belong to the
United States, and on them are probab
ly the only active volcanoes lying with
in United States territory. Much has
been written of Bogaslav islands, which
have been throwing up a cloud of steam
at times for years, but it was supposed
that all other peaks on this singular lino
of islands were extinct craters only.
Now as far as the eye can reach from
any point in the Bering sea, adjacent, or
even at a distance from the famous seal
islands, the rising smoke and steam can
be seen in both directions. The erup
tion is general and so very lively that at
night the fiery columns take on the re
flections of the fires deep in the earth
beneath the craters. No where eLso on
the globe can such a scene be witnessed.
Trichina In Hastily Cooked Ham
the Seven Deaths.
Chicago, Oct. 14. It was announced
ttoday,JiaMtJiasrleeu- dctexmiuedwiu.
tne strictest medical autnonry mar
seven of the Sabula, la., poisoning hor
ror died and some are still suffering
from the deadly trichina infection.
Dr. E. K. Lecount of Rush medical
college has prepared specimens from the
portions of the walls of the intestines
sent to Professor. Haines of Rush medi
cal college for examination, and has
made a careful diagnosis of tho causes
which lead to the seven deaths of the
The story of the robberies guests at tho wedding of John "W. Tap-
Up to the hour of going to press
sheriff Miller and county clerk Bur-
ritt had not circulated several thou
sand cards stating that during
their incumbency ot office they had
obeyed the laws of the state. This
is an oversight which Colonel Elling
' ham should look up without delay.
came out about the close of the
Lewelling administration on ac
count of the factional fight over the
stealings, mrs. iease ana a num
ber of other leading lights in the
party were the witnesses.
It is not improbable that some
thing of the kind is being attempted
in this state. It is more than
hinted that the present lawless ad
ministration of the penitentiary by
the govenor and his warden has two
objects in it. The first will be a
pretended report launched just be
fore election to show that the ex
penses of running the institution is
ernor one
Judsre Max-
.kepublicans who expect to vote
for Maxwell because he is a repub
lican, should stop to consider that
he supported Holcomb for supreme little or nothing under the present
judge two years ago, and for gov- regime, to be followed latter bv
large bill of "claims" to the next
legislature for recouping the parties
in charge for expenses that are for
the time being- hidden away for
political purposes.
The pop statesman looks ahead no
farther than his nose. To capture
an office or two as he flies by false
representations is the height of his
ambition and he cares nothing for
developments "after election." Ne
braska may expect some rare and
racy roorbacks from pop headquar
ters in a few days. After these
have been exploded for transient
effect the "pen" will be handed over
to the board of public lands and
buildings tor the remainder of tht
Holcomb term. It would have beep
so handed over a month or two ag
were it not tor the hope that some
some campaign thuuder could bt
sprung on the people a week before
election by a fraudulent report of
the administration ot that institu
tion in violation of the act of the
legislature of '94. State Journal.
-well is not a republican, and js not
entitled to the support of members
of that part.
The prohibitionists are generally
a little slow in politics, but as a
t - ii. i .. . .
ruie iiiey are not quite so oaa as
those of Chesetr county, Pennsyl
vania, who nominated Elijah Pen
nypacker for surveyor last week,
and the next day after the conven
tion discovered that their candidate
had been dead for eight months.
Iin and Anna Gace Sent. 11. Dr. lie-
count's decision in the matter as to the
cause of the deaths and infection, which
was at first thought, to be wholesale
poisoning, settles beyong a doubt that
the ham hastily cooked for tho wedding
supper caused all the suffering.
cashier is a defaulter.
State Bank at Fort Scott Fails to Open Its
Fort Scott, Kan., Oct. 14. A sensa
tion was created here when Vice Presi
dent J. J. Stewart of the State bank of
this city posted the following notice at
the hour of opening:
This bank is closed subject to the order
of tho stnto bank commissioner. Deposi
tors will be paid in full. Tho fniluro to
open is caused by tho defalcation of tho
A largo crowd of excited depositors
gathered around the bank door and dis
cussed the situation. The cashier, J. R.
Coleau, has had the utmost confidence
of all. He has been casliier since the
bank was organized in. 1888. Last
"Wednesday ho left town, telling a re
porter" he was going to his old home in
Jerseyville, His., where his wifeis visit
ing. '
cause it toucnea tne dook of common
prayer, gave bishops the ricrht to set
aside the customs and canons of tho
church, even gave a bishop power to
celebrate massjt a congregation desired
without -confirmation, would alienate
many from the church and had no com
pensating advantages.
The report called attention to the fact
that thei iad been absolutely no re
sponse to the advance .made by the
church toward unity in the Chicago
-Liambetn declaration, and that this move
was premature. Even if it passed, the
minority beleived that few contjresra-
tions would avail themselves of tho priv
ilege. The whole matter was made a
special order.
The committee on unfinished business
offered a resolution for final adjourn
ment on Tuesday, Oct. 23, which was
In the house of bishops, Bishop Gar-
xuiu ui uuiuieni xexas presented, a
memorial asking that the missionary
junscucnon of northern Texas be erected
into a diocese. The order of the day,
tne erection of the missionary district
of Dulnth m Northern Minnesota, was
then taken np.
Ch$isSeaHt!cs In Court.
.iwwia, tycc. 14. Tne nine
Chinase beauties who were taken from
the Chinese' Tillage at the exposition
last week on the grounds that they were
Drought to tis country and detained
for immoral purposes were before Judge
JNewmen on habeas corpus at the in
stancy of two, laundrymeu in the city
wno declared that the women were held
as slaves at tho exposition. Tho girls,
who said that- they were actresses in
Cliina and hold similar positions in the
Chinego village here, testified that they
an came to;. this country voluntarily.
Judge Newman remanded tho girls into
tne custodyiof tho concessionaries.
3lHrderers Found In the Pen.
JAMESTOWX, N. Y., Oct. 14. A
rumor is current that detectives have
tracea ine wnraer or Mrs. Shorman and
Miss Davis An Basti last Decembpr tn
the hands ofcEmmctt Bittles and three
companioiis?'who with him were ar
rested and convicted of torturing an old
woman nc Union City, Pa. They
are now serving' time in tho Pennsyl
vania penitentiary for a crime which
was committed after : tho Sheraiau
Davis jnurdeis.
Will JRace at JUorrl.1 Park.
New York, Oct. 14. Judge Ingraham
declared th no crimo was contem
plated, by tlJuTorris park races, which
open tomorrow. District Attorney Fel
lows had arrisM the ' pircecommis
sioners thattin Ins opinion, the racing
at Morris pnrk would not bo illegal or,
at least, arrests should bo mado
before a hoaxing on the subject had been
had from a. higher court than liad here
tofore decided upon it.
Tiothaire. tho Bcleian commander at
JJndi, Congo Free State. Dr. Michaux
is auoted as savinc that on Jan. 15 of
the present year Stokes was brought be
fore an alleged courtmartial, Captain
Lethairo composing the entire court,
and he and the doctor being the only
whites present. Tho only witnesses
were a few Arabs, who stated they had
purchased rifles from Stokes. The trial
lasted between one and two hours, after
which Captain Lothaire announced that
Stokes was sentenced to death and that
he would be executed on the following
Continuing, Dr. Michau is quoted as
saying: "All my intercessions were
futile. Captain Lothaire refused to
crant even a few days' reprieve. At 5
o'clock the next morning a servant
called me and informed me that Stokes
was dead. I rose hurriedly, thinking
that Stokes had been stricken with
apoplexy, or that he had poisoned him
self, and I was startled to find a gal
lows and a new grave. Stokes had been
executed and buried while I slept. As
to the question of Ins guilt or otherwise
I must be silent."
Dentsolae -Ajpotlieke
Comer of Spruce and Sixth-sts.
The North Side
Our Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, our
Prices are as Low as the Lowest. Wa
insure Prompt Delivery, We Solitgf
a Share of Your Trade.
Xiondon Investors Turning Their Gaze From
South Africa to America.
New York, Oct. 14. Among tho pas
sengers on the St. Lotus was John A.
McCall, president of the New York Life
Insurance company. Li speaking of the
craze over the Kaffir mining shares in
London, Paris and Berlin, Mr. McCall
said: "The mad rush for shares in the
South African mines by London invest
ors was the most astonishing tiling in
the way of speculation I have ever seen.
The purchasers were like so many hnncrry
wolves who could net be fed fast enough.
There seemed to be very little effort on
the part of tho investors to make in
quiries about what they were buying.
Everybody was buying and everybody
did what everybody else was doing. I
remember one instance. The so-called
Mug of the Kaffirs, Barney Barnato,
who was once, I behove, a circus per
former, announced in London tho open
ing of ajiew mine- in -the JTransvaal,
called 'The Coffin.' It was, I believe,
about seven feet long and four feet deep.
No one in London knew anything about
the 'mine,' but tho shares were put upon
the market, and in no time they were at
a fabulous premium.
"Of course, this is merely public spec
ulation, and it is only a matter of time
when the bubble will burst. Tho burst
ing has got to come, and when the reac
tion sets in it will be, in my opinion, in
favor of American securities. Finan
ciers in London are alreadv beirinnimr
to turn their gaze from South Africa to
America. A MENACE.
Emperor William on the Murder of Ilcrr
Schwartz hy n Workman.
Strasburg, Oct. 14. Tho governor
general of Alsace Lorraine, Prince Ho-
henlohe-Langeiiburg, has received the
following telegram from Emperor Will
iam regarding the murder on Tner day
last of Henrich Schwartz, a wealthy
mill owner of Muelhausen, who was
stabbed to death by an Alsatian sp'uner
named Andreas Meyer, who afterwards
committed suicide by shooting lumself :
"I have just learned or tho atrocious
murder of Heir Schwartz, the raanufac-
tureroi jiueuiausen, ana i beg vour
highness to express sincere condolence
to the unhappy widow in my name and
oi tne empress, xnis maiccs one more
victim of the revolutionary aeitation
kindled by socialists. Would that cur
people aroused themselves to combat it."
if- nllllMr F Call there for all kinds of j
$ r Seasonable I
Jr Hardware, J .
y prices low. r
Mr. Buchanan has never publicly
denied the charg-e that he became a
populist solely for the sake of ob
taining office. Should he make
such a denial, we will be pleased to
publish a little conversation which
took place in the county clerks office
during- the summes of 1891 while
Mr. Buchanan was still serving- as
a republican clerk.
- c
The editor of the Era thinks The
Tribune is paying- him as much
attention as though he were a can
didate for office. To be honest,
Colonel, 3'ou and the candidates on
your ticket are about the only pops
left in the county, and in niaking
an attack on your party, you neces
sarily come in for a share of the at
tention. It is not because you are
a particular bright journalist or a
successful politician.
Father Spaeth, of St Joseph
church, Port Huron, must have mis
- represented the spirit of the Cath
olic church when he requested the
Grand Army men who acted as
pallbearers at a funeral to leave
, their badg-es outside of the church.
4- Religion has-never put up a bar
?ev";aramst patriotism, and 'there-were
Union of North America TBegin'sItIen'ler-
Omaha, Oct. 14. The first of the
morning's program of the Switchmen's
Union of North America was a parade
from tho Millard hotel at 10 o'clock to
Creightou hall, where the opening
speeches were made.
The meeting was opened with prayer
byRevr0.-W. Savidgo,-followed by an
address of welcome by Mayor Bemis.
Owing to the lateness of the hour
Grand Master Sweeney of Jersey City
cut short his remarks, only stating that
"the union is now on its feet and has
recognition as a union of honorable
motives, desiring conference-taud. arbi
tration and never a strike."
Day Goods House of N. B. Falconer Goes to
the Wall.
Omaha, Oct. 14. Tho dry goods house
of N. B. Falconer was closebthis morn
ing'in deference to the demands of cred
itors. It is not expected that there will
be any extensive losses, as the local
Creditors were secured by Mr. Falconer
before the crash came. A few of the
outside creditors may be left in
lurch, as it was impossible -to tell
morning just how far the assets would
aiurdercd and Ilobbctt.
Sedaua, Oct. 14. John Miller Sny-
der of Kingfisher, O. T., has been found
dead in a cornfield two miles front here.
Robbery was undoubtedly the motive,
as Snyder's pockets had been rifled and
Ms mules stolen.
Brer. Rosewater is now roasting
Land Commissioner Russell for
purchasing- an electric light plant
for the Grand Island soldiers' home
at less than half the amount that
the legislature appropriated for the
purpose. Rosy is bound to be dis
satisfied with anything- that the
state board of lands and buildings
may do. It's a clear case of "be
durned if you do and diirned if you
don't." Red Cloud Argus.
The Fremont Leader is a pop
paper that is an ardent supporter
of Judge Maxwell, and in its last
issue it presents about five thous
and reasons why the judge will be
elerfpil Wo. j . --.,1 Ex-GeverHor Ferry Dead.
eo.rJ.V. . V .rr . . , Seattle, Oct " 14. -Govern?'
w" juage won tDeeiecteajEjp pis jj
. Agent Wisdom' Renorr. '
Washington, Oct. 14. The report of
Agent Wisdom regarding the prevention
of the Corbett-Fitzsimmons prize fight
withwiii - - -4-1 a T .1 - a i
iuimjj iutiit: jjimiui ternrory nas
been received, at the Indian office and is
satisfactory. ! ;It is said by the officials
that there is no danger of the fight
taiang place anywlierejn tho territory.
Miners' Meeting a Fij-.le.
Des-Moinsb,. Oct 14. The juiners'
meeting was .not held in Governor's
square today as called. No hall, can be
found where: they met, and it is believed
the meeting was a fizzle. There is a
disposition ou;thc part of some of the
operators at least to concede the 10-cent
raise demanded.
Pittshurg City Attorney Short.
. Pittsburg, Oct- 14. As a result of
the large shortage discovered in the
city attorney's office by the council in
vestigation Major William C. Mbrelaud,
the city. attorney, today tendered his
xesignjiti6nnvhich was at onceaccepted.
Tylar Goes to the Pen.
- Pterse, S. Da Oct. 14. The .supreme-'
court handed down a remittur in the
case of the defaulting state treasurer.
me j Taylor. Sheriff '': Price mil ..start forq
this Sioux Falls .with his prisoner tomorrow'
Charged With Bigamy.
Pueblo, Oct. 14. Mrs. John Sims of
Kansas City, who became Mrs. James
Grant at Pueblo on Oct. 7, has been ar
rested here, charged with bigamy. She
is said to have made a full confession.
JFaraoas ThoroaghhredJOead..
. .Lexington, Kv., Oct. 14. Maunie
Gray, the famous thoroughbred brood
marc, "By Enquirer, dam of Domino, Cor
rection' and other great- racers, died at
Major Thomas' farm of heart disease.
Conditiea of the Treasury.
Washington, Oct. 14. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows: Available cash balance, $182,
694,868; gold reserve, $93,064,072.
Death of Mrs. Roach.
Carthage, Mo., Oct. 14. Mrs. O.
Roach, rwif. k the secretary of the.
Miseowi Ksutte, diod'otojtuck consump-
Inventor Turjiln on tho Snlfnn'n Staff.
Park, Oct. 14. The Figaro announces
that Turpin, tho inventor of melinite
and whose recent, claim that he had in
vented a number of 'deadly instruments
of war caused for a time.quite a sensa-
-.ticn in military envies, lias be.eii sum
moned to Constantinople on behalf of
tho Turkish government, which, it is
claimed, proposes to utilize certain of
his inventions for the defence of the
Bosphorus and the Dardanelles.
Lighthouse For a Dangerous Hcef.""
Havana, Oct. 14. In crder to avoid
further disasters, similar to tho wreck
of the Spanish cruiser Cristobal .Colon, .1
the government has decided to build a
lighthouse on the Colorado reefs, the
spot where the warship and other ves
sels have recently gone ashore.
Porte Appoints a Commission.
Constantinople, Oct. 14. The porte
has appointed a commission to inquire
into the recent Armenian arrests and
has promised the powers to deal severely
with anyone who is found to havo tor
tured the Armenians in prison.
Business at a Standstill In Glasgow.
liEASGOw, ucr. 14. liusiness is at a
standstill iii. the Scotch steel and kindred
trades, .owing to the uncertainty as to
whether if the ship building strike
spreads the.Clyde works will have to re-
auco protraction.
i "' s
. Cholera In Knssla.
St,:Pxxesscrg, Oct. 14. Official rc-
IICDMJia&lT Tnil AD If
A Fine Line of PieGO
Goods to select from.
First-class Fit. Exg&I
lent Workmanship.
Dr. N. McOABB, Prop., J. E. BUSH, Manager.
W e aim to handle the Best Grades of
Groods, sell them at Reasonable
-Figures, and Warrant Everything
. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific raihvay respectfully solicited.
turhs-fOTthb3t fortnight in, Septcm-J
per slioj- that there were during that.
fame.4,429 new cases and 1,701 deatlis-
froniliolera in the proviiic6rofVolhy
Insurgent JHow tp ajriiviw -fff
Key West, Oct. 14." A ivporl has
beh received to the effect that the towu
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Gbr
nice. Tin and Iron Roofings.
Estimates furnished. Repairing of all kinds receive prompt attention
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth,
N"6rth Platte, - Nebraska.
ofBaracca,on.ihe nto. wt,odFINEST . SAMPLE EOOM IN NORTH PLAT3PE-
and blown up with, dyiianlltii".
ThluTes Mukc a Itlch Haul.
DexveuY T3ct4 14. Seven thousand
dollars worth of jewelry belonging to
Mr. andJtffsKPeter -JncConrt has -been j
itoien irpm iiieir residence,., in unsciryq
there is no clue to the tluovcs. ' -
.: Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
;a invited to call and see u. insuring: courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Ian
Onr billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent attendants will supply all your "wants.