The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 01, 1895, Image 3

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EiEfHGi , OCTOBER 1895.
leatlt if Premature Explosion at a
Qtairr Xear Independence.
Ijtefat f nit Tlctrfc ef the Disaster Caaght
lFdr a Kage Keck and Their Lives
Iagiantly Crashed Oat list
af tbeKUIad.
Kashas City, Sept. 80. lives
.were eretied out at a quarry eight
wHog.froa. Independence by the prema
ture expesion of a blast. The men were
caughttmjtder a hnge rock and instantly
killed. The victims are:
Kiles 3AcClernan, contractor, Kansas
CearlPiturrT, a fanner 25 years old, lived
Daniel IiAEKIN, quarryman, Kansas
Cttyr - "- - - - - - - -
Antoxio Caulin, Kansas City.
-"ii-i511 inarrynian, Kansas City.
;xk nmevsoXi -boy 9 years old.
X; Ab Expedition That Foiled.
StKW Yobk, Sept. 30. Steamer Antil
hac, which arrived at quarantine from
Xftooau, hconght eight passengers which
B toek Mt from Xew York on her last
Jyyage to JNassau. The men were all
gabacs, aed left this port with the ap
re ifention of proceeding to Cnba
iwk a 3ntity of arms and ammuni
joa wkk had been left on the Grassy
my. Uafortnnately for their cans some
coaeteag sponge fishermen, while in the
mauiy cc tne nay, espied, tne muni-
Cwar, went onshore and. took
board their vessel and nro-
1 1 .T
ijrj iiUlUUilUUi. J.U.Q ClgUb
.1. : i-r rm -r t- l.
-eraed much disheartened over
jfce iH MMcess of their adventure.
3L ff)
C Held Up fey Tramps.
jSr.,;Locis, Sept. 30. William Lig-
IWM ui three other colored men who
5d fce cutting corn for Gns Hust-
r East St. Louis, stopped in the
7er railroad yards for the purpose
C'MKiiig an outbound freight. The;
wre approached by three white men,
Im e whom called "hands up," and
tired twe shots, fatally wounding Lig
?ftes. Liggins believes the men who
ifcd the shooting were tramps. They
geoa$ed. The robbers secured $10 in
:wnkj, two coats and a silver watch.
SAiiothei- of the colored men is missing,
SfL w supposed to have been wounded
Find a Student Who Saw
a the College After 2 P.
Sax JPsancisco, Sept. 30. The next
istportakt witness who will give his
ieetiey in the Durrantcaseis Charles
T. LeMthau, who will swear that on the
;fteaKX of April 13 he entered the
fece ef Adolph. Oppenheirs and offered
sell & small diamond ring. The de
epee aeeepts as true the statement made
hy Ofnhein that early in. 'April a
yeu; saun entered his establishment
im& eflsced for sale axing. Attorney
-5Bepceymade such an acknowledgment
ia-hie ,epening address to the jury.
islpe coGceesioajofr the-defendant
He then claims that it was Len
, ad not Durrant. who made the
. It is ifee purpose of Ihe prosecution to
aeck Lenahan vigorously on the stand.
He hw visited pawnshops quite fre
aonWy'and, as the records of tho police
artmcnt show, has not always been
cerefml to pawn his own property.
AMonsey Deuprey and Detective
Xor?hve been busy at Cooper college
aJjHihaTB summoned several students,
who are reasonably positive that they
sftwDaxrant at the college between 1
aad 2 o'clock on the afternoon of April
3. JLsar as it goes, their testimony
will set be in conflict with the case pre
sented against the accused student. The
prosecation has made no effort to trace
the Tements of Durrant during the
affceraoon until about 2 o'clock, when
Mrs. Mary Vogel swears that she saw
him ia front of the normal school on
, PeweU street. The defense has been
fcMble to find any student who saw
Darraat at the college after 1:30 oMock.
XaUaaal and State's Rlehts to Be Consid
ered la Wyoming-.
Cheyenne, Sept. 80. An arrange-et-was
made here today to have the
eeerte settle the disputed questions be
tweea the national government and the
Wyoming state lawrelativeto the hunt
i5 rights of the Bannock Indians. The
ixterior department was represented at
tfee ooaference by Inspector McCormick,
. the department of justice by United
S4es Attorney Clark, the war depart
Sfteat by General Coppinger and the
stiate ef Wyomingby GovernorRichards.
TJaejer the plans decided upon, In
spector McCormick will have two. In
dia brought from the Fort Hall reser
vation into Wyoming, where they will
he arrested, one charged with killing
g in. the closed season and one with
wastedy destroying game in violation
of. the "Wyoming game laws.
Application "for their release under
write of habeas corpus will then be made
y the United States to the federal
in order to determine the effect
extent of the treaty provisions under
which the Indians claim the right to
If the courts decide adversely to the
IadSatts the interior department agrees
to recommend to congress the modifica
tiea the treaty of 1888; if decided in
their favor the governor of Wyoming
acrees to assist the United States offi
maintaining the rignts of the In-
under the treaty.
Mascallae Gars aad West Gaaaisf
i Far Her Rival.
ALBANY, Or., Sept 80. Full particu
lars ef the. tragedy by which Mrs. Lot
tie Hyatt was shot and fatally injured
ai'her homo nearScio, have just been
reeeived, and altogether they furnish a
Tery gtrange story of a woman's mur
derena jealousy.
, 3fcs. John Hannah, 45 years of age,
the mother of a family, donned
line garb and false whiskers and
entered the house of Mrs. Lottie Hyatt
and'shocher twice. Mrs. Hyatt, she
believed, had estranged the affections of
her husband. The wonld-be murderess
was turned over to the officers of the
connty, and now languishes in jaO,
white her victim, thoBgh still living, k
rwp of recoTery.- -
Texas Sal'
Fa-rer tlw
Fz4se Jcaar.
Atrsxnr, Tex., Sepfc 3o. Terr
legismtors have shown mpaada qwxma
tv xm ii&ixu.v ub oa a&a wmorrow. Senti
ment of members heard from-cob
favorable to the assediate "munair'tL nf a
las fight. Govermor Calbersoo, Li his
message, wiUrecommead most rigid
law. ana nrre its lmmodiita nun., r
with an emergency clause. It is inti
mated that he may recommend a law
making gambling a felony. He will
lay other matters before the legislature,
and it will probably be in session So'
I days.
Orer ImpreTeaaeat ASairs.
New York, Sept SO. The exact
amount of interest on Oregon Improve
ment consolidated 5 per cent bonds that
will be defaulted tomorrow is $155,245
lor the half year. Under the mortgage
there can bo no foreclosure until 90 days
after default. Before that time has
elapsed the management will have a
plan of reorganization perfected. The
protective committee will issue a circu
lar today.
Americas Far la the ead.
Havbefoed, Pa , Sept 30. The con
cluding day's- play in the third inter
national -cricket match between the
Philadelphia club and the Cambridge
and Oxford men was begun with the
Americans leading by Ji 57 runs, and it
seemed. hardly probable that they would
be required to go to bat for their second
inning. The wickets were in fine con
Standard Is After It.
Los Angeles, Sept 80. The Herald
publishes a statement to ihe effect that
there are well grounded rumors that the
Standard Oil company is attempting to
gain control of the oil industry develop
ing in this city. James C. Harvey, spe
cial agent in Lcs Angeles, is supposed
to be representing the giant corporation
in the deal on hand.
Ball Flebt Stoppee.
Denver, Sept. 30. Arizona Charley,
who participated in the Cripple Creek
bull fights, came to grief in Denver.
He had advertised a wild west show, to
be concluded by a genuine bull
fight, and a large crowd as
sembled to witness the exhibition. Ha
mane Agent Thompson, entered the ring
just as the bull fight began. Arizona
Charley and his associates tried to chase
Thompson out by a show of force, but
the officer had assistance, and the par
ticipants were placed under arrest and
brought to the city amidst the jeers of
a disappointed audience.
Passengers Reahly Raadled.
Faego, 2X. D., Sept. 30. Conductor
Bolton's mixed train on the Northern
Pacific road was held up near Buffalo,
N. D by tramps, and John Free
man, Frank Richards and Charles
Jemrak robbed and severely beaten.
Kichords is the most seriously injured,
his collarbone having been broken by .
being thrown from the train by the rob
bers. The other men are badly pounded
about the face. The robbers secured $60
in all, and male their escape.
Fasseayer Jtmim OagrtasaV
El Paso, Tex., Sept. St. Tfce
ger train from Ownnnimja
east of here, oifi? ta softening of
-roadbed by heavy rams. Jjm engine.
tender, mail and njsjago ears tnrned
over. Engineer Thompson was fcediy
scalded by the breaking of the injector
pipes. Bad washouts are reported on
the-Mexican Central near Chihuahua,
also on the Southern Pacific south of
TP . i i i i . . . . .
Took Bclnge From the Storm.
Cleveland, Sept. 30. A telegram re
ceived at the office of the Buffalo Steam
ship company says that the steamer
State oE New York, for tho safety of
which much anxiety was felt last night,
is lying under Long Point. She took
refuge thero to escape the big storm
Bicycle Accident at Tecaxaseh.
Tecumseh. Neb., Sept. 80. While
out for a spin on his bicycle Rev. Mr.
Hudson had a collision with Miss Hat
tie Woodward. M. Hudson was riding
rapidly and Miss Woodward stepped in
front of the wheel and was knocked
down. She cannot live.
Tobacco Crop Itoiaed.
Middlesboro, Ky., Sept. 30. There
was a heavy frost this morning. Late
corn and tobacco are ruined and the
finaucial loss is heavy. Farmers from
Bean Fork report a quarter of an inch
of ice, and vegetation is entirely de
stroyed. Bamace Is Only Nominal.
Marselltown, Sept 30. This sec
tion was visited by the first material
frost of the season this morning. Late
market garden stuff was nipped, but
the damage is only nominal, as all crops
afe matured.
Heary Frosts la Iowa.
Ottumwa, Sept. 30. Heavy frosts oc
curred all along the line of the Burling
ton road, in southern Iowa this morning.
It will, however, damage nothing but
tomatoes aud the like.
namboldt Goes te Pieces.
Eureka, CaL, Sept 30. The steamer
Humboldt is on the rocks off Point
Gordaandis a total wreJc The pas
sengers were taken to the shore in life
boats. Feaad Murdered la Her Heaac.
Axtell, Kan., Sept. 30. What is ap
parently a brutal murder was committed
eight miles northwest of here. The
body of Mrs. Fenaugherty, the mother
of John Fenaughertv. s "prominent
farmer, was found on the floor of their
? ..I t V
horrible manner. There is no clue to
the murderer, itobberyled to the crune.
First Trip of tho St. PaaL
Lewes, Del., Sept 30. The steamer
St Paul left for the New England coast
The trip down the Delaware was ua
eventfuL The machinery acts admira
bly. A special train over the Pennsyi-.
rania railroad bronght down a party of
efficials and gnests.
Deaied ay Ires.
Milwaukee, Sept. 30. Braytoa Ives
denies the statement sent out from St
Pan! that he had classed Judge Jenkins'
action in th& appointment of Receivers
Bigelow and McHenry as "the greatest
judicial farce known So the history of
American courts."
Geld Reserve DwiadUag.
Washington,. Sept 9Q. The goldre-
to wnr. ITTn
CM I PrOHpUr ftslpffeslfitk'
Demands of Grett Britain.
Other Oflieiaht Iualieated la the. OatrxfM
Uaaa Mief saries WIU Be Faakhed.
Traahle la the Far Eut Areeted.
Other New FraaAhread.
Washington, Sept 30. Minister
Denhy cabled the state department from
belong today -a follows: Imperial
decree issned. Abstract; Responsibility
for; Stsecnuen riots rests "with tfftciak;
Viceroy Liu careless toek no notice of
, the beginning of. the. riots. He Is Se
prived of office, never"to be employed.
Other officials are to ba punished."
TLhis would seem ta indicate that the
cns3 lrapeoding- in Claha, TOtrig-
naval demonstration -by the British.
xorcee, lias been averted for - a .time a
least by a compliance with the principal
aemands of the British. -It cannot be.
learned whether the decree ceneedes aft
of the demands made, and be eabte
gram makes no reference to:tbs;fvreep
ing conditions imposed, by the British
I minister that the guilty orlci&k he pns-
lshed by suspension for three Tears in
the promotiooe aud jpemtmeate in the
civil service in the province ef Saeehuen
Viceroy Lin; whose MLl is t aewenaced,
has been in'trouble.hefon JtJs.fd)efed
he was found guilty las November of
misappropriation of , f nnds; and later on
the French investi ratios showed that
he was responsible for the Cheng Tu
riots. He wan obliged to-pay an. indem
nity of $600,000 to. the FrencJh, Catholic
miFHons I from jus. own pocket The
concinsion which has been- "brought
about by British threats will not involve
the abandonment of the independent
inT&sSigation into the Cheng Tu riots,
which has been ordered by Secretary
Oiney. There has been a change in the
personnel of the commission, and Com
mander Bar bar, the nTd: attache, who
hae fallen ill, has been relieved from
duty as a commissioner by lieutenant
Commander John P. Merrill, ex&cative
officer of the United Stiles steamer-Baltimore.
London, Sept. 80 t is announced
that China has accepted the British ul
timatum and the. viceroy of Szechuen,
who is held to have been responsible in
directly or directly for tee massacre ot
missionaries in the territory under hk
jurisdiction, has been degraded.
Feneral ef PrefeMor Pastear.
Paxis, Sept 50. Tho services over
the remains of Professor Louis .Pasteur,
who died on Saturday last, will take
place in the cathedral of Notre Dame
on Saturday next The remains will
be deposited in the cemetery of Mentr
martre, and final interment will take
place on. Oct 25, the centenary of the
foundation othe3freneh institute. The
directors, .members and employes of the
institute viewed the remains this
injr, while; the general public was per
ntteadaneft at Cmmet Garden
today when Aoeeienesc White con
tinned Ae se efjpeifecnia fmtt,whioh
arrived by the American line steamship
Paris. v A quantity of French fruit was
first disposed of, and then the American
peaches were auctioned off. They did
not fetch as good prices as on Friday.
Special attention was called to a small
lot of Oregon pears, which were very
2ne and sold readily at 13s.
Crisis Is Immlnoatla Argentine.
Buenos Ayres, Sept 30. That a po
litical and presidential crisis is looming
up in Argentine all classes of politicians
now believe. President Uribura, it is
said, is well aware that such a crisis is
no fantasy, and many well informed
persons assert that he does not long de
sire to preside over a government the
existence of which is menaced.
Chaplain Mllbara la Ixsador.
London, Sept. 30. The Westminster
Gazette publishes a column interview
with the Rev. William M. Milburn, the
blind chaplain of the United States sen
ate, who, according to the paper men
tioned, is drawing large crowds to the
various chapels in London where he has
been requested to preach.
Foar Schooners Isst.
Quebec, Sept. 30. Four schooners,
which left here the first week in July
to save the cargo from the wrecked
steamer Mexico in Belle Isles, have
been given up for lost or captured by
the pirates
October Crep Report ef tha Orange Jadd
Chicago, Sept. 30. The October crop
report of the Orange Judd Farmer, bas
ing its estimate upon county returns
and the surprising results, estimates the
rate of yield of wheat at 12.6 bushels,
and th6 total crop at 459,580,000 bush
els, divided into 260,000,000 winter and
199,000,000 spring. A considerable
part of the crop will nevei
enter commercial channels. The
yield of oats is phenomenal, exceed
ing all expectations and making new
records in Iowa and the northwest.
The measure from the machine has been
n constant surprise since the threshing
began. The crop is estimated at 9(4,
000,000 bushels, or 210,000,000 largei
than last year with 30.0 bushels to the
acre. Iowa alone has over 200,000,000
bushels, with nearly 47 bushels to the
acre. Quality is not in keeping with
the siae of the crop, much grain being
stained. Condition of corn crop Oct. 1
is 92.5, a high average. It is matured,
safe from frost and drying rapidly.
There is every indication of a rate oL
yield larger than has been anticipated,
necessitating a final upward revision
of all estimates of the crop.
HamSB's PrlTata Secretary.
Washington, Sept SO. Attorney
General Harmon has appointed Chann
cey Hoffman of Cincinnati as his pri
vate secretary. Mr. Hoffman, who has
been in Judge Harmon's Cincinnati of
fice during the past three years, is a
graduate of Kenyon college andwafi
admitted to the bar in the spring of
1863. He is regarded as a young man of
excellent ability, and accepted the posi
tion at the earnest soikltadoa of the at-
,tov do the .name. The floral ' ; , . J-
'aid. .suma: l Tf . t fz"c au' rirm-nsmmammmmea'tjcwiamnnriaav iaamammr' m r . snL.w" t
aaaa II Sill I i I I Wmm lBa Siai Sjm i LJT-W jm. "PSlSilll'mgt- - "VV - 7aaWSIBjr'mw J iHim; W Tn n Vn' flTi ... A3P
mFmmamv-iJiammmmirmm:-;m-mrmim-m&L.m:.i ,4a-.waa revA vnnaBanE. . - jr , v. ' ,tt -'TfiT': 3j .ami awanammm
- ,
WASKtMf-roK, Sept. SO. The euchar
is tic cejgrase of the Catholic church
will coeCffjwe in tak city on Wednesday
and some of the most distinguished dig
nitaries of the church, will be present.
The sessUns will be held at the Cath-
etionnivs3sityv On the occasion of thai
opening of the gob grass a pontifical
high maes will he Generated, of which
Mgr. SatoUi, the papal ablegate, will be
celebrant. '
Theater Osaaed aa a Friuous Site.
WASHEiSTON, Sept. 30. The new La
Fayette Sqnare Opera house, built on
the site of the old Seward mansion,
where Wilkes - Booth's co-conspirator
attempted the life of Secretary Seward,
and where James G-. .Blaine died, was
opened Snnday night. This is the
theater against the construction of
which Senator Cameron and others in
the senate made such a persistent fight
last winter.
Natiea&l BaaJc Statements Called.
Washington, Sept. 30. Deputy
Comptroller of the Cnrrency Tucker
has called on national banks for a state
ment of their condition at the close of
business en Sept. 28. He also has is
sued a speetal eall fee a statement of the
amount of taxes of all kinds paid by
them daring the past fecal year.
Beeeipts Xxeee&ea' Xxpenditurc.
Washington, Sept. 80. The treasury
closed the month of September in very
comfortable shape, with a surplus of
3,175,40 in reeeipte over expenditures,
instead of the delcency which has been
for some th a characteristic feature
of its monthly statements.
ulxsst arews of tkade.
CWeafft Graia aad Provlaloaa.
Chicaso. Sept. 39. Wkeafe was irregularly
strong today. Caafes ware higher, and there
iras talk ef dry weatfcer damage on the other
aide. Nerthweatera reeeiat on the other
hand were largeiy ia exeoaa f last year's. De
cember opeaed tjatAju and dropped to
Sicreaet&afrte . -
Corn was abeei steads'.
Oats were eaer ft larae receipts.
Proviaiw -wsrefinaea Ae higher live hog
ojastae tkkes.
WHEAT Sertewfeer. Jc; May. 67Jc.
CORK efeeaer. Sic; May, 2829c
OATd Septeabar. K; Kay, 2-J52Ic
PORK Soptombor. 18.42; January je.KiJ.
LARD Oaker. J.873S.3:Iayf J6.0734.
EIBS-04ar, Jaanary, U;lA.
Chieaja Xircf Steele.
Chi cam, Septv at, SOGS Eeceipt3p 25.00G
aead; left rer, 2,4 Seai;aarket active.
areragiBr higfcer: aaavy closing easy;
light. fjeH: aixea, Sg.9GL); heary,
BJibSLii; reagk. -7a4..
CATTU6 Beeatpai. H,9 head, including
1,200 Taajuu aaA SM waateiiiaaarket steady
to Mc lairer; keeveg, S&JMjMiO; cows aad heif
ers,L9fftJfi:Ta3M ateeaa, 2.703.25; west
waa. t2.&W Xtoakera aad. feedbr3.t2.2Sg3.75
SHSMP Baaoipta, Mjm aead ; market weak
aad gsaenBy Melawer.
gaaia. Qainli live Steele
Socm Omaha. Sept. S3. CATTLE Ee
eeipts. 3, MS keaa; sat eseazh bae-e to All
desasd: xaarket active, steady; everythiag
boM.: nive beef steers, 38-7535.95: -was tern
steers, Z83&Ut .Tecas steers, $2.2333.25;
cows aad heifers. KLWga.30; canaers, ?l-iOS
2.40; steeker8 aad feeders. 52.7533.90; calves,
3g.7336JS: bm, staK, ete, I L5a3JJ0.
HOGS Eaerivte. head; quality com-
mon: raarket ta ainlur, aetiye; hmvf,f3.9
4.15 ; mixed, S.J3Jt; Miri; a.S34.C0; pigs,
2J$U0; Wlk ot satas. It.90ti8.
SHEIP-Beseipta; Iwadrraarket steady;
fair to caaiqe aras, te 25; fair to choice
t2 caUMr Sirs, XVIVtft.
ft Greet! BignRfefe
C. BBIN(3S, t
morn- .f 3 W
. r- n - a. -m. p k" . . r. . -mscrm. mmmsmmmmHMmBnnammmmmtaraMkj
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Yine,
-Funeral Director.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always m stock.
Telegraph orders promptly .attended to.
5100 Beward S10O.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
telearn tbat there is at least one dread
ed disease science has bet-n able to cure
in all its stages, and that is Catarrh.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure known to the medical fraternity.
Catarrh being a constitutional
quires a contitutional treatment. Hall1.
Catarrh Care is token internally, acting
directly upon th blood and mucous surf
aces of the system, thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, and giving
the patient strength by building up the
constitution and assisting nature in do
ing its work. The proprietors have so
much faith in its curativo powers, tha
they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case tbat it fails to cure. Send for lists of
Address,F. J. Chenny & Co.. Toledo, O.
3F"Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Ep2iXVS,
Witch Hx 1 Oil as a curative and j
healtxg application. It has been '
used 40 years and always affords relief ,
and always gives satisfaction. (
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
wontnicuoa irom xmxu. xvciici instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
"Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptioas, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy I
fupaons, nappea nanus, xcrex jaustcrs,
Sore Lips or Isostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Slings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c., 50c and Si. 00.
SoM tjIragit,or seat pert-paid ca receiptor gries.
acarKxrrr xeb. ca., iu a 11s ma sc., Sr yrk.
Wf f 1lf vfIJtEb Ulk
so Kin plattk, - cf rRi!
Office over N. P. Ntl. Bank.
Office oyer North FMt NatiGB-T Bask.
Assist-ct Sargeoa Uoioapse-Se xm
and Member of Pension Boerd,
-. Office over Streilz's Drag Store.
Office: NeviUe's Block. Diseases at Women
and Children s Specialty.
Kittell & Benson,
Prospective schemes investigated. Un
profitable schemes rejuvenated, ;Suryeys,
Maps4 Estimates and reports made." and
coqstruction superintended.
SSS&sSkiSi? North Platte, Neb.
Claude weingand.
Goal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
: Coal Gas Tar: -
at' Newton's Store.
Pure Weil Water Ice.
Orders for the above product mav
be left at Streitz's or McCabe's
drug" stores, or with the milk wag
on and they will receive prompt at
tention. Orders for
may also be given the latter and
they will be promptly .filled.
No. 3 Atlantic Express Deptl2:lQ A. S.
No. 4 Fast Mail....'. M 815jux-
No.2-lamited " 950 a.m.
No. 28 Freight " 7.-C8 a. k.
No.l8-Freisht " 8:00
Kcn-fiieht .... .. . '(MK X-
'V ' , - - v -v I
avurn Raul. mmm w x Aim tk. I
.'.f Pm4W aHN.1u...BMt 7Sa. X
i.l-Liairtd...r.. 3ar.n
-rnmkt " mx.x
Meats at wholesale and re-;
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid f or. JEKdes.
In search: of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's.
them and judge.
Hershey .& Co.
Agricnltnral : Implements
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc. :?
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
How are
V-il-f WtfP1c 9
Not those in your head, but
almost any other variety.
If they are not working
smoothly then they are in
want of repair.
111 tlliS ASLQ Of Wheels
tho fellow who does not take good
caro of bis machine gets J eft be
cause be is not right in the race
LeMasterthe Locksmith
does the best wheel work" west of
Kearney. He also does repairing
of any kind of machinery, from
a watch ton thresh ing, machine.
His Prices, are Right.
-- t i-v itjaac
Don't fdrg'ei' the iwmbtr-Siar Sistb.
mm. Aaaat.
- -Laad.O at N'orta iUMe. Keb., )
' SepteBer7tli, 1SSJ3. . f
Kotfee is krby.jfieB-lt.lkA.JolloiTias-naiaed
esttier has filed notice- at his intention to make
final proof la snppert of hi? claim, and that said
proof will be mii. helore. the Register and Re
ceiver at Xoala" Platte, N'ebrasia, oa October IWx,
1SS5, viz: Seajasia T. Sayre.whoraada Home
stead Eatry No. 15.947 rortheaerthwest qnarterot
Secttoa'll, Towaeai II ncrta, range 33 west. Ee
sasiee tae following witcewes prove his con
tinaewi reeideace uaca aad ccltiTatioa or said
laad,' Tir: Milto- Arbcasti. Joseph Avalanch.
Joaa Staley, William Laid a. all of Iicten.. N'eb.
slW JOHJT T. HEfXAN, Register,
rand Oiflce at North Platte. Neb.,
September 10th, 1595. ' f
Notice is hereby given that the foltowing
named aetUei; has illed notice ofchis intention
to make'Maal.'prooir ia:sapport ot hisvclaim,.
and that said proof -will be made before Hie
Register ami Receiver at North Platte; Neb;
on October 19th. 1SS6. viz: -. . v 4
who made homestead entry No. H,91S, for
the south half of the northeast quarter and
the.norttLhalf of the southeast quarter sec
tion 28; ttrvrnship 12 north, range 31 west. lit5
names the foilowing witnesses to prove his
coatinaoasi residence upon and cdtlvationf
of said land, viz: Amandes Kunkel, Milton
V.r. Baker. Joseph H. Baher and Alexander
CraiKle. ail of North Platte.Nelx. ,
72-6 . . JOHN F.HTN3LtVN, Register i
Land Office at North Platte, Neb., )
AnKnstl9tb,lS93. )
Notice Is hereby given that Ashbel II alocaaa -hn..
flled notice of intention to nnte final proof before
Reftisterand Receiver at his office "In; North Platte,
Keb., on Taesday, the 'Sbl day of October. 1695. on
timber calturappUcatIoaXo. Ii;ti86, far the south
east quarter of section No. 28. in township No. 9
north, range No. 23 west. He names as witnesses:
N. L. Moore, Ony T- Dawson, E. D. Dcnoao nd
M. M. Ron yon, aU of Farcam, Nebraska.
&1-G JQHNr.HINMAN, Register.
In the matter of the estate of Benjamin F. Moore,
l s nance of an order of Wn. Neville, and so
of th.e district court ot Lincoln county, made on '
the 1st day of Augnst, 1S95 for the sale of the real
estate hereinafter described, there will be sold nt
the ast front door of the courthouse in North
PIatte,Nebraslcn,on the 30th day of September,lS93,
at one o'clock p. m. of said dav. at nubile venlne.
to the highest bidder for cash the following de
scribed real estates, to-wit: The we.t half of the
southwest quarter of section 28. and the west half
of the northwest qnarter of section 35. all In town
ship 9 norlh, of range 23 west. Said sale wilKre-
matn open one no nr.
Dated August Slot, 1SS5.
Hzcst C. HlSTOX.
Administrator of the estate or Benjamin F. Moore1,
By Grimes tt Wilcox, his attorneys. S33
Land Office at North Platte, Neb.) -September
2d, 1S95. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice ot his intention to mats
final proof in support of his claim, and that safd
proof win be made before Recister and Recelvnr
at North Platte, Neb., on October 12. 1SS5. viz: 3
ELIZABETH YOUNG, widow of Benjamin Young,
wno maae i. t. ixo. uaoi lortne westnr cl south
east qr, and east hf ot southwest ar of section 24.
township 12. north ot range 3 1. west. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and culUvation of said land, viz: Peter
Mulr. ot Sutherland. Neb- D. W. Besacfe. Oscar
Mills and Louie E. Sherwood, all of No: th Platte,
is en. &30 Joas F.HuorAK. BecUter.
U.8. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., I
September 23th, 1835.
Notice Is hereby Riven that James Ware has filed
noUce of intention to make final proof before Reg
ister and Receiver at his office in North PIatt,
Neb., on Wednesday, thb 30th day of October, 15D5,
on timber culture application No. 13,590, for the
south half of the northeast quarter north half ot
thesoutheast quarter of section No. 14, in town
ship No. 14 north, range No 32 west. He names
as witnesses: John H. Hershey. William O.
Thompson and Savier Toillinn, all ot Hershey,
Neb , and Napoleon B. Spurrier, of North Platte,
Nebraska. Sons F. Htjtuax,
'"-6 Register.
"William S. Alrea. Ella M. Alvea. Georire r.
Hoover, J. A. Robb. and" Mrs. J. A.
Robb, his wife, defendants, will take
notice that on the 9th dav of Septem
ber, mi, Xparaim H. Hershey. plaln-
tMhereia, Sled his petition in the Dis
trict Court of Lincoln Countv. Nebraska.
auraiast said defendants, the obiect and
-arxyer af which are. to foreclose a certain
Mtortgaae execute-- the uelendants wu-
Mam S. Aiyea aad Kllen Aljea, his
wife, to tke pialntif aaon the folio win tr de-
jcribe areias, via: The east half of the
hauler. the
Mrtl.(ruMa vflSC,-Wii
tv. XeiMrasca, to secare ta m;b
certain promissory note, with interest cou
pons attached, dated September 4th. 1890,
tor the sum of JS00 00. due and navable in live
years from date; that there is now due upon
said note. Interest coupons and mortgage
the sum of jioaluu. tor wmcn sum wiin in
terest from September 4th. 1805. plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendants be re
onired to nav the same or that said prem
ises may be sold to satisfy the amount found
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 21st day of October, 1805.
Dated September 9th. 1803.
sl04 By Grimes & Wilcox, his Attys.
To W. E. Higley and W M. Strong:
You will take notice tbat Benjamin Daggett, as
plaintiff, did on the 10th day of July, 1S03, file his
petition In the District court of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, against Alpha Hill, Serllda HIlt,W.E
Higtey and W. MV Strong, as defendants, the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mort
gage executed by Alpha Hill and Serilda Hill to
the Saint Joseph Loan It Trust Company, a cor
poration, upon the east half of the northeast
quarter (E X E H).the northwest quarter of the
northeast quarter(N W N E l.t)ami the northeast
quarter of the northwest quarter f N E l N W
all in section numbered ten ( 10) in township num
bered ten (10), of range numbered thirty-four
(34), west of the Sixth principal meridian contain
ing one hundred and sixty il(50) acres more or
less according to United States survey, to secure
the payment ot a certain prommlssory note dated
October first, A. D.. 18S9, for the sum of six hun
dred dollars ($800), due and payable on the first
day of October, 1894, which note and mortgage
were afterwards sold, assigned and delivered to
the above named plaintiff who is now the legal
owner and holder thereof; that there Is now due
upon said note and mortgage tho sum of six
hondred dollars ($600) with interest thereon at the
rate ot seven percent, per annum from the first
day of April. 1694, until the first day of October.
1894, and with interest thereon at the rate of ten
per cent, per annum from the first day of October,
lt91, until paid: for which sum. with interest and
costs of suit, sold plaintiff prays for a decree that
the defendants above named bo required to pay
the some or that said premises be sotd to snUsfy
the amount found due said plaintiff, and for a de
cree forever barring and foreclosing all of said
.defendants from all equity of redemption or other
Interest In said premises.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 23th day of October, 1693.
Dated this 20th day of September, 1S95.
S2I3 Attorney for Plaintiff.
. Man'I'rof and Dealer in
Curbing, Building Stone,
And aU kinds of Monumental and Cemetery work.
Careful attenUon given to lettering of every de
scription. Jobbing done on short notice. Orders
solicited and estimates freely furnished.
lire and Life Insurance,
Notary Public.
$000 of Ditch Land
rTOnSF.g ANT) T.flTR.
Land and Emigration Agent.
- V