mjjxxtxg zisr frrcar octxaws. e-s- OSeers Give Zip Wyatt's a. Tly CtH. HsxxwBtscT, O. T., Jne 27. A peas cf deguty skerifls from. "Woodward, O. T., wko fcve teen hunting Zip "Wyatt sod gang for te past "vreslc, came snd eIy upon four cf the gang, 60 miles IF of Hi-nesBey-wluIe they -were pre paring supper. The officers -were as osdlr surprised as the O-tla-srs, and after frinr a fevr shots, retreated to a safe! position. The outLvsrs took adrantage of the delay and. quicMy mounted their horses and. attempted to escape. The o-icers, after a short delay, started in pnrsuit. Shots were exchanged as rap idly jus their guns could be loaded, and daring the fight Charley Black, brother of Txlsa Jack, who ttzls killed in tie Cxrroa fight- eight weeks ago, was seriously wounded in the hip. Three of the octlaws horses were Hlled and &e of the officers was slightly wounded. Tie'T'oanded outlaw was tied to his Itorse and the retreat continued Ic Waters' ranch, where they obtained fresh i arses. In the darkness the out laws wade their escape, and the officers gaxe up the pursuit. The bandits con tmuec. east- and crossed, the Bock Island railway one mile south of Hennessey. A posse from here is in pursuit, but zq far "behind that it is doubtful as to a capture. RQTTUE GIVES VB ITS NOTE. Owafea Actharit.es Will Inrsitfata a Sen sational. Story. St. Locth, June 27. R- C. Tandy, oc cupant of the Belief ontalne farm, on the site of the old Fort Bellefontaine, six miles from the mouth of the Mis souri river, came into the city with a beer bottle containing a rather sensa tional note, written in lead pencil in a good hand- The bottle was picked up on the river's bank by note, which was turned his son. The over to Chiel Hsirigan- is aa follows r June 13, '93. Te Whoever Finds This Bottle: Te have been kuluaped by a gang ol et4roats and thieves and ara held on an VrTnnr? in the Platte tirer, near Omaha. Toy arc not only thieves, but counter JaMers, and have tivr headquarters in O-fcafea. near the Douglas street bridge. Chk to our rescue and you will be liber aAj rewarded. Go to the mouth of tha Xlklwrn river and stop at the third island k"w, j5tre&n For GocTs sako come quick. Ta note is signed "A. P. PilfcrcLand Buckmaster." The Omaha au tfeerities will be notified to investigate. Excitement Over & Killing. . Sn.crcx, Wash., June 27. A greai xaMber of stockmen have been arriving IHms city, and the excitement over the TLiW-g- of Deputy Shsrifr Coulee bj Ptsferado Alfred Simes grows more in- Lasfr evening the saddle and s belonging to Coulee's horse was covered with sage brush a mile -cic J5fcer MM aenrted . Mai. tym wd far b-- amtr si horsw fit thatlJIarry jwartfr jtow lir Mr im&ac ike 9t to Ginr's estate will bring action tc fcfeve the assignment of the policies tc Haywxrd set aside as fraudulent. T WateJs. Texaa InaHXts. Gxlvstot June 27. Captain Clark, revenue cutter Galveston, sta- .here, has received orders to keep . afeacp- lookout for. Cuban insurgents. L Ji Gautier, Spanish consul, when inkri concerning the reported proposed visit of tha Raleigh and its mission, said: "I am satisfied, there is no filibustering ; cn iiere. ix any arms or muni- i cf war are being sent from here. they are being shipped to Me-rico, Yuca tan or Central America and from there to Cuba." frepari-tixa Chair For- Bach B3, Sens-Sets, June 27. Warden Sage has returned from Albany and 13 busy today making preparations to execute Dr. Buchanan during the week begin ning Monday next. Por the fourth time invitations to the execution have to be sent out. The warden will not say just what time the execution is tc take place, but it is generally believed Buchanan will be sent to the chair at 11 a, m. Monday next unless the court in terferes. 3Q&C Troubles In Court. Destkr; June 27. The matters which were the subject of a dynamite duel be tween Rico miners recently have found their way into court, the owners of the Hiawatha mine having applied to Unit ed States Judge Halle t for an injunc tion oistraining the Rico-Aspen people from prosecuting work further into the property of the complainant. A tem porary restraining order was granted 2Sor- Troabla Far Saloonkeepers. Bes lai-fES, June 27. There seems to be more trouble in store for those who'wish to operate saloons in this city. It is now said on excellent authority that the opponents of the saloon have reason to hope that even if a sufficient petition should be secured the city coun cil will refuse to pass the requisite res olutioua to permit the opening of sa loons. C -a!cu Azaia st the Xaeataas. Crrr of Mexico, June 27. The war ciejMCtment is engaged in active prepa ratBOKS for a vigorous campaign against iiK.rabellioas Yucatan Indians. Large fcq-foa of troops have been concentrated in santhern Yucatan and others are be 5mg p-tin readiness for marching from Eere&a, the capital. StrkiK Wearers Sesame Work. Papvro-crcE, R. L, June 27. With theecceptionof a few of the leaders; all the. striking weavers at the Atlantic S-uILk returned to work. FGKTT 11LLION TOfC7SR.fccAtt. co- ram. vlY0RYS60APj V CAS- - 3 YM1 FRESHEN M. najrard Knls&ed a Close Secosd WfiHe Colmsiii Was a. Bad East. OOYEErTHE 00URS2 IF 10:28. tke Wearers of tie Blue Had Tery thing Their Orm Way After tke Start. JSzwJjOsrKDjr, Conn., Juno 27. Harv ard's freshmen eieht-oar& crew, confi dent of victory, were defeated today by iaie, while Columbia was third, in the axn.al triangular race over two milcfi cf Thames water. Coach Watson of Harvard is said recently to have stated that if his freshmen could ot win this year there was little hope for his varsity eight which rows Tale tomorrow. Be that as it may, Mr. Watson, after the race today, was a severely disappointed man. Bob Cook, who coached Yale, and who has grown used, to feeling well after New London boating events, was serenely comfortable, though, somewhat surprised after the event of today. JCr. Feel, the rubicund coach of ColumMa, saw his white andblue lads beaten with greater equanimity than aa though he had not beneath him. the prestige oi Monday's victory on the Hudson. At the first half the tim tells th. story. Harvard went over the line in 2:18, Tale half a length behind, swing ing steadily at 38 strokes to the minute in 2:20, while there was then clear water between Tale and Columbia, who rowed gamely, though ragged, nearly twe lengths behind Harvard in 2!5. Enter ing the second half of the first mile Co lumbia's bowsman caught a. crab and broke the fastening bar of his rowlock. Thence onward, the how was a load tc the boat. He was scarcely ble to pull his weight. There was distress, too in Yale's boat. No. 2 was losing his first wind, and No. 4 in Harvard's shell wat bucking his oar. The crimson crew wers saw-tee thing from side to side in ragged form. Tale, though, distressed,, was pulling along gamely at 3-4 strokes at the shells passed the mfle flags. Shs was then lapping Harvard, by one-third of a length, and her time at the tflg was -4-58. One-quarter of a second Iatei came the crimson, while Columbia trailed over three clear lengths in the rear in 5:15. Thence the race was. Tale's, though by an exceedingly slender mar gin. The finish, of the race was close and spirited. The nearness- of Harvard far Tale kapfe alive the crimson hope of s winning-spurfc, It was not in the boat, however, and Tale finished in iO. minute. a-wLSS seconds from the start. Har ercssediir 10:33, & length- behind- poor UolumDia, with, a disablec finished, in 11:18? from the jNbs about 16 lengths behind Tale ano lNkind Harvanl. UMiy's WIH Attend tha St. s1b BrX Htmcsms, Jase 2T. The- 35T eely Zcm- ms, winners of tha GaT' to and Adjutant Taylor says he will noi allow the Neelys to go to St. Louis as a regular company of the National Guards. Captain Dofrey, however, says his boys wfll attend as individuals, drill with borrowed arms and probably under. an other name. Defender Kead- For I-vaachlsy. Bristol, R. L, June 27. The De fender is almost completed and ready for launch in g. The workmen are busy at the rudder, but the burnishers have completed their work. The carpenters and corkers have also nearly finished. The ways are all right, but it is reported that some slight alteration will have to be made in them. John B. Herreshofi went over to Potowomut in his steam launch and had a brief conference with C. Oliver Iselin. The Colin fa, with, the Defender's crew on board, is still cruis ing about Bristol and Narragansett. FSEE SXEVER EEFU-51-ICA?S. Senator DaoIa Tabes Exception to TIeports Sast Ont From. CteralaiB , "Washington, June Jj7. Senator Du bois of Idaho ha3 returned from, the con vention of the Eepuhlican clubs at Cleveland. He takes eception to soma of the report out out from the conven tion as to tha effect of the course pur sued with reference to the silver ques tion, and in discussing the matter today saidr "It is very amusing to read some of the press reports of the convention. Take- for instance the representation that the silver men were in favor of the address to the people' of which so much, hr1 been said, and that the gold men were opposed to it. In this repre sentation it is claimed that the gold ad vocates insisted on a declaration regarding- the currency question if the league should pronounce upon any subject,, and that the silver men did not want any declaration regarding the currency. "Everyone who was at Cleveland knows that frhig is an utter perversion of the facts. The silver men on the sub committee, of whom I was one, Mr. Al len of Utah being the other, brought in a minority report against the address tc tne people and the silver men unani mously and with great vigor fought the. adoption of the address before the whole convention, finally defeating it by a unanimous vote, and the opponents of silver agreed to a compromise by substituting! the 'Fatton resolution, de claring against any declaration on the subfecc. The silver men wanted and insisted on a declaration in regard to silver and took the position in the be-! ginning and maintained it 30 the end ! that the convention should take a post- tion either for or against silver-" CAKE5 YEARLY. -WAXSER GIVES HIS VIEWS. Split In thm CeaBsrfat!el Deaaecratte Ce Tenon, Cieveaxd, June 27. General A. J T k t.w-., wixs wuutuu, ui. j-sxc aurn who is at present in this city, speakiHg of the Democratic convention atlxouis vflle, said: "The outcome of the Louis ville conveation. was not unloofced. lor by the bimetallists. We know how easy it is by the assistance of officeholdsrs to pack a convention, but any one who has vMed Kentucky knows that the con vention did not represent the sentiments of a large majority or nhe people of the state, who are undoubtedly opposed to the gold standard and in favor of the resumption of the coinage of both gold and silver." The general -then; wens o to show that a split-of he Deicnaaiaa party waa almost inevitable at the coming national convention. "This is the outlook now," he said, ' "and. I believe it is safe to predict that John Sherman and Graver Cleveland will vote foe the sane mas far presi dent in 1896.' "Wfll there be s separate silver party?" "The silver men. willgst together,'' said General Warner, with emphasis. "Jn3t- how it is too early to predict That will make a silver party, by what ever name it is called. They must get together or they might as well give ap the fight." ti .S1!LC'-V: IIEXOCXATS. State CaTc4isst Cempletes- Its XakrciIIe. IiOUlsvilXE, June 27. After being hi session two days and two nights, the Democratic state convention convened at 9:30 a. m. for the third day's With the platform adopted yesterday and General Hardin for governor and E. T. Tyler fee lieutenant governor nominated last night, the general, inter est had heen eliminated, but there was the usual large attendance- and- the dele gates were on hand-promptly to see the occasion through. E. C.Ford was nominated for state treasurer on the second ballot. Foe auditor of state, Luk& C. Norman was nominated by acclamation- W-HHmGTO.?", Kan., June 27. J. U. Getts.local maasger of the Chicago Lum- ber company, committed saicide at his home here- last night. He shot himself in the head. with a revolver. His accounts with, the cocapftsy are ail.straigh.fe, andj no cause is kaowa for the deed. BE AEISE DAY IE WHEAT. Cables Were Bisappo-iting Weather Was Fawable. and StoB iB-seaees Weoke-ed. Can PtbtI- i-ns. Started Tfct,fc. 2eaC the Aet- vaaee aa Frae SHwf . Chicago, June 27. Wieat .opeaaa. weak. . Tlia weater wasr dteefet ocE ly farseaMe, cables w$ra diasapoia aaLXaa Prkw.Curreat re-riew-waa-bearis-u Sepemec opeaeeL Je low sr a 735 sold: from 71 4a Comwaswaakeait-acaalaa. aaL fararabla weatbar. Septamber ofMBte-. Jfetewer at 4Bfia aniaolcC trvxg.-Xc. te 4&f&. Qat3 went aaaar'naMcw eat asd. cora. S&a- tambar apeatt.Hwair at Jajcr aad aeictto POSK-Jtrae. 51-U7H ; Jul-, S12.-7K bid; Sep tember, $12J2$ asked. IRD Jane, 16.6a; Jul-, JS-xT; September, BIBS June, JS.42; Jul-. 56.42; September, CkieagtJ live' Stock. Chicago, June 27. HOGS Hecelpt3, 2O,0Cp head; left over, 5,CCQ head; market active; light. $4.45 80; mixed, S-U-i.S; heavr S4.605.0.;rotig, $4.6034.75. CrnE Eeceipte, 7,500 head, inclixdin? 2,000 Texana; market steady: Texaa steers. 52JO490r bulk, 33.50 4J.0. SHEEP Eeceipts, 0,000 head; market steadr- Soutk Oh laka Ira Steele SOTCE OHASA. June 27. CATTLE Ee ceipts, 1,300 head; 1300 to 1501 lb3., 54.S03)r 1100 to I3Q0 lbs- $4SKa5.0O:930 to 1100 lbs., J3.73 4.25 ; choica cows. 52. 60 4.25 ; commoa caws, $L50-2J; good feeders. S3. 233 4.00: commoa feeder?. S2J30333; market strong. HOGS Receipts, 4-00 head; light, S445 ..60; mixed, J4.5C4.60; heavy, f 4.6034.73; market Be higher. SHEEP Eeceipts, 103 head; muttons, 3 83y; lara$3.0-:5.C0: market steady. Ceiell Stock Is Slsiitf, London, June ST. The Cornell crew, which is to contest at the Henley re gatta,, rowed the full course against tha current today m 7 minutes 7 seconds. The record is 6 minutes 51 seconds. Charles E. Courtney, the Cornell coach, is muck pleased with this performance, as the men did not pull their hardest. As a result of the improvement made in the form of the CorneE crew their stock is rapidly rising. XmptTsr William Sixted. KrETi, June 27. The dinner given by Admiral KTrbland and the officers of the United States cruiser to Emperor Will iam was a very successful affair. In adiiition to his majesty Prince Henry of Prussia, Admirals von Knorr, Koestsr, ValoiB, Senden, Pluedmann and Cap tain Evans,. Shepsrd aa& O'Neill were present. Prefessar SBley's Cesditkm. London, June 27. There is no im provement today in the coniitibn of Professor Hxley, who has been suffer ing for a long, time past from tha af ter ect of an attack of inflnrnsa. PLUG The (arrest" piece of GOOD TOBACCO ever sold jbp C Si AX F I f H JT.E- A-atDwTgr, JklyS&ts 12t,18G5- The quickest time and best train service is offered by the ilTnion Pa- cmc -ystera. Low rates and liberal arrangements for a cliarniinsr va riety of Excursions to Western Re sorts, comprisinsr a. tour thronsrir tthe ramons Tellowston& XarirmaT Park; trips to San. Francisco, Port land and Salt Lake City; the ram ons mountain retreats ol Colorado; the Black Hills and renowned Hot Springs, South. Dakota: the Sum mer School at Colorado Springs, uiucc attractions. ee your nearest: union -facinc agent or ad dress i. Lomax, Genl Pass, and ticket Agent Omaha, xeb. jl LEGAL HQTICES. IiOTICE ZOtt PUBlICAIIO-f. Load Office at North' Platte. Neb. t Jnaelst. 1S93 i JTotice is hereby given thattiiefoUowin-ed settler has filed notice of her intention: to make final croof in snuDort of her clsiza. and. that sairf proof will be made before Kegister and Heceiver at iMortn f latte. Mett, on. J tup ISSo. viz: AT.mTS sn i it ircF?.!r w w . ..-. unz II I II II lit n I who made Homestead Entnr No. IS.TQrt. for- the northeast quarter section. 11, townsbip IS ort; raanoou west, sna names tna louowino- mt. itesses to prove her continnoas reaideace upon a wumauuu oc saia jano, viz; jnocn uim mings, Casper SIvita and John. Li. McGrew. alL ... r: .lcuraass, auu xrancis t-Otrers. of Neafaitt, Nebraska. J OILS" F. HINMAX, Eegister. ADJIS TEH'S T. T To Frank Clarfr, non-resident defendant! Ton will taa notice, and you ore hereby notified, that r.',?1I1loff6r for oa Jnl 6th. 195. at one ocIock: p. n, at tha White Elephant Barn in Ijorth. Platte, Nebraska, one hay Clydesdale ttal Uo5hoat nine years old, the personal property ot Frank Clark, to satisfy- adjisterrs lien nnder oral contract hettreen . Tift and the said Iranfc park, to feed and care for said horse, and there IS nOW due for HAM a fca TrnTa .nnf. -,-t- the gum of S42.00 and accruing- costs, and that un- iSv- saia s paiu on or Before July 6th, ISSa. the. stallion i-fniwolrl -miU Ti nTif fn highest bidder for cash, oa the date last above mentioned. Bated North Platte, Neb., June 11, 1895. Lu TXET. WEEATIiAND, WYO. There is no finer agricultural sec tion in all this broad western coun try than can be found in the vicinitv of the beautiful little town of "Wheatland, Wyoming-, ninety-six miles north of Cheyenne. Immense crops, never failing supply of water. rich land, and great agricultural resources. Magnificent farms to be had for little money- Reached via the Union Pacific System. E. I. Lomaisi Genl Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha-. 2$eb. with: the CAPITAL CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE TO ADVERTISE OUR COLLEGE We will give a thorough- and complete' course of instruction in Practical Gram mar and Business Correspondence by mail Free of Charge to a club-of five students. This coarse ecaafofc-Tofc, sixty vm, m one.. Ovmfbi TOEEKA, KANSAS. FRE& Or CHARGE ! A fine opporinnnty for Toting- People to obtain an Excel lent, Business Education at Homev For the purpose of encouraging voung people in tneirenorts to obtain a prac tical business 'education, and to adver tise the excellence of our method of in struction by mail, we will trive a thor ough course of Book-keeping- and Com- u-eruuu, nunme.ic Dy man 'ree of Charge to ah mited. number of persons. This course will be completed in forty ic&fcuua. acn leseon is so iullv ex plained that any one may very soon at tain proficiency through our instruc tions. Over 2,000 testimonials of former students, testifying to- the merits of- our work; are on file in our office. Those who wish to avail themselves of the above offer will please communicate with us at once- Address: CAPITAL C!T7 C35JOCIAL COiLEC-f, Dept. of Instruction by Mail, r TOPEKA, KAISTSAS. Nothing has. ever been produced to 'equal or compirra with Sampa-iys' Witcli Saisl Oil as a cxKAnvE and HEALnfCx application". It has been used 40 years andalwajs afibrds relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Files- r Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind, or Bleeding Itchin g- and Burning; Cracks or Insgrcsand. PBtalas. Relief immediate core certain. It Cures Burns,. Scalds and Ulceration and Cbntxactioa froin cns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cores Boas, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Ernpoons, Scarry or Scald Head. It h Tr-ftUibie. It Cures IxFLAitEX) or Caked Bxeasts and Sore Nipples. It is iavalcakfe. It Ceres Sal? Tniwii JTiI-ww, Scrfy. Eruprians, ChapMd HamdfJStcmr Mfetcrs. O T T --y J-5 ! . jure ps ur j.csk-B,. bore and Lhafcxt inree taes, c,r 5- BI37SSSX3raZS.eSIti WITCH um Ml U. P. GOIS8- Nb.3 Atlantic- ExurasB 3ScMRac. No. 4 rast Sail. .. No. 2 Limited. . No. 2S FreiEht- ; .:- 7M. ju-x. ao.ia freignt.. t JTo.22 Freight sJ Gorsra No. T Pacific Exnress 70S,, x xto. x umicea - : n r.r. sc No. 21 FimKht J " it-?. x No.23Freigiit f &ax -r A TIMID ISeed never fear to plated trip east if he to the Chicagcc Unioa. em Line. Quiekeft changes u; Focfa I . ' , . Z -a , Free COURSE BY ML .Wp SC Qn- QG-jBiW& .iHjHMKtK , . .e. - - ui -' '-' --" n rut ih rw. rj i 1 i T-M ?n ; 1 1 i aww. -m warn A . rr; - a SPECIAL SHOESALE Otten s Shoe PRICES GXJIT IN Tfe:o.. In order to swap shoes for money we will offer our ladies" fine Lndlow Shoesr Regnlar price S4,00 to 84.75, at $3.00. Here is a chance to have a fine shoe for a little money. All our Men's $3,50 Shoes a $2.25. All our Boy's-fine lace and button shoes, the best .made, S2.50 Shoe at $1.6581.65 Shoe 81. A large line of Ladies1, will be sold at prices Save yon 1-3 to 1-2 I Cliildren's Shoes, the best goods that oe siaugntered at the same rate. Shoes will be sold cheap for cash this month. Otten's Shoe Store. C. F. rDDINO-S, LUMBER Order by teleplionerfroiii Dr. N. McOABE. ProD. NOSTH PLATTE PHAEMAOY, iSTOHTS PLATTE, WE ATTVT TO HANDLE THE BELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT DEALEB trr Coal Oil. Gasoline, Grade Petroleura and Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Newton's- Store. GEO. NAU MAN'S SIXTH STREET - MEAT Meats at wholesale and re- tail- Jbish. and b-ame m season. Sausage at all times. Cask paid for Hides. 1U WEST FRONT-ST. C. P. S0HAR3IAM, ( (1 Notary Public. 3,Q0Q DifchLand HOUSES AM) LOTS. FOREIGN' EXCHANGE. Liandsnd -Emigration Apent. El-B; -WARMER. JPurreral Director. A1TD EMB ALICES. A full line of first-clasa funeral suppliee .alwaysin:3tock. -lORTlI PLATTE, -TEBBRSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. R. D. - -a- Contractor ai Bife ""127 E&xSrSFl Cor. of Yine- MA1EET, Fire IUU. liUDlilOUIttUUD Store Misses' and that will Children's Slippers of yonr money. money can buy, will Kewfon's Book Store." J- E. BUSH. Manager. - ISTEBBASK A . BEST GRADE OP GOODS, 'RSPBS8ENTSD. tfetfr lis of 1-M TSm FHYSIGIAH AJS'B SUBGEQITt srnrHEaAN, - nebkasea. Office: W. C. Blacimore & Co. Drag- Store. J1RENCH & BATiDWHn, ATTORNETS-AT-LAWt KORTH PLATTE. - - Office over JT. P- NtL Bant. TRTlrRS & WILCOX, ATTORITEYS-AT-LAWy rTOSTH PATTE, - NKBKASA. OAS lea over rfortii PLatta Sotlonal BaaJt. D R. In. F. DONAIdOSON", Aadstaat Sargeott Union Picfic Bj5' . and.3ta.ber of Peoatoa. Board, KOBTH PLATTE, - NBKS5A. Offlco over Streltzs Drug- Store. w M. EVES, 3L D. PHTSICIA1T AUD SURGEON 50BTH PLAT TE, - SEBKASKA. Officer ITerlHe'ir Blocfc. Bisesses of WoTHerr and Children & Specialty. iUP.rrrL, F. H. BESSOy. Eittell & Benson, IRBIGATION ENGINEKRS. Prospective schemes investigated. Un profitable schemes rejuvenated- Surveys Maps, Estimates and reports made, and construction superintended. Office in JTcrth-PUtte- NJnrU PUfff Nph Kaaonal Bank Bid?, NOrUI riacie, WeD. FOE RELIABLE INSUR ANCE GO TO T, a PATTER SON. ONLY FIRST-CLASS COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Pure Well Water Ice. Orders for the above product may be left at Streitz's or MaCaoe's drug- stores, or with the milk wagg on and thejr will receive prompt at tention.. Orders for II may also be given the latter and they will be promptly filled. WM, EDIS. Hershey & Co. sealess rr A a OF AT.Tt KESDS, Farm and Spring- Wagons, Buggies, Eoad Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc Xccuit. Street, betwaep. Fifth; and- Sixtk COAL, ill IM somes, iox prnsiacATios". rB Oftee at Xorttt PIae, JTea- Jnne25vS93 J Notice i lieraby gtrear th&t tha tallow iag-cammct settlor filed scUea o his intention, to- make flaal proof in. support off Ms claist, and taat std. proof trill be made befora Segiater and. Becefver at Siortk Platte. 2Tob oa AttRnst 5t-t,S8er. rlzz, -DXUXD XOQJtET. who made Hameataad. Entry 2To. 14,527, for tia nortltnalf oCttta sauta-srest quarter, and tSts- aonilt half of tha nort-cwest quarter- section: 24, towns, p. lflnortfc .racgttSQ eat. Ea names, the foIIcTwrag witnaasesto pro-a- his conttauoca redect npcxL and cnltiTatioa. cf said land, -rtst Carroll C Hawkins. of Wellfleet, Neb s. ITetchar Joan "W. Welck and Xdrard C Eves, all of Bach iinan. fb. 31-6 JOH-T F. Snr; EegLstar. z-egai. notice- to Amos O. Alexander, Alexander- his wife, first nam a naincw n, and the XeCortici: Harrestiay 3Cacdn Cd non-mIdent def nndantss Ton and- eactc of you- are hereby no Sed that oa the 12th. day of June, 1S0S, Samuel vrT-Jn as platnti begaa on action against you and other defendants in. tha district court of T.tTrrrilTT ccart ty, 2febraea, tha object of which 1 te foreclose certain, raortsage- on tha following' Land la said county, viz: The rauthwest quarter of section 4, towais&ip 13, x sga 27, made by JohaB. "WIllia3 and ICrmua J. niaav dated 5ept2tivlS9, to secure tha. payuiant cf a cartoiu coupon, bond of said John B. Williams and Em ma J". Willis is to Tha XdE tnley-Iin!ng- Loan and Trust Co. for the mm. ol $250.00, which, coxr pon. boudwas duly sold: and assigned before ma turity to this plaintiff by Tha 4c laley-lnni sr Zoaa. and Trust Co. There is now- due oa said coupon bond the snm of $4ir.75 with. Interest at tea per cent. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and. saloof ddland to satisfy ?aid ilea as aforesaid, for defxiancy judsemeut and .eceral raliaf. Toa ara required to answer plaintiff's petLtlaa en or before tjStk day of Antraet. 195. . SA3TG1X XARsrAT.ti, PlaLu-ff. jSjl9 By T". C PAxntaeo, hi1 Attorney. XJEGA-. KOTICE. To John, rnnienh elm er, ry C runianr heias rerandW ill Ia T. Gilbert, noa -resident da fendants: You and each of joa ara hereby notified that on. tha- 12th. day of June, ISCj. rydts. Ann Gregg as plaintiff, began aa action asfainstyou; andctker defendant, in the district court of Unco La coun ty. Nefarasia- tha object of which, is to foreclose a certain zaortgsa on tha fallowhigr land in said county, Tizr The- northeast quartes of section 23, township 9, rang 7 made by said John Lnntenhehaer ocdary C. rcnienhainier datedray 1st, 1890; to secure th payment of a. certain coupon bond of said John iunkenhaimer and ilary C Tjmkenheii ner to Tha- VcXinley-Lanning-Loan and Trust Co. for the sum of 96GQ.0O which coupon bond: was duly sold and aaaigned before maturity to this plaintiff by the jalsy-TJinning- Xoon and Trust Co. There la now due on said coupon bond the sum of 1683.00 with, inter est at tea per cent. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure- and saia of said land to satisfy said lien aa aforesaid, for deficiency judgement and general relief. Ton are required to answer plaintiff's-petitiGtt. on. or before tke 5th. day of August. 1805. LYDlA AJJjf GREGG, Plaintiff. j2Sjl0 By T. C. PjtTTBsojr, her Attorney. UEGAX. zonu la John T. Ibille and John E. Savaga non resident defendants: Yon and each, of yon are hereby notfaed that on tha 15th day of June, 1SS3, l-IIzabatKH- Diaf en dorfae plaintiff began an action against yoa and other defendants in the district court of Lincoln county. Kebraaka, tha object of which ia to foreclose- a certain mortgage on the follow ing land in said county, vizi Tha southwest quar ter of section 28, township 10. range 30, made by John T. Xabille and ataranrfa. J. ahi e dated Augu-t 27th, lc92. to secure the payment af a cer tain coupon bond of said John T. robilla to The faKinIey-TAnning Loan and Trust Co. for tha sum. of $150.00 which coupon bond was duly raid and assigned before maturity to-this plaint.it by the Jc inley-T-innfng-roan and Trust Co-. There is now duo on said coupon bond the sum of $3S3L3- with interest at ten per cent. Plaintiff prays for a decree of foreclosure and sale of said land to- satisfy said lien as aforesaid, for deficiency judgement and general relief. Yon ara required to answer plaintiff's petition on or before ti le-Sth. day of Aiurast, IStS. E-IZABETH H- DIEE-3-OBF, Plaintiff, j-SjlS By T. C. Pa-mtTWOir, her Attorney. IJEOAL XOTICK. To George H. Zane, Margaret Buyer-and Buyer, husband of Margaret Buyer, whoso-tnuiJ first name is unknown to- plaintiff, non-resident defendants. Yon and each, of yen, are hereby notified that on the 12th day of June lS05,3Irs. E. W. Lewis aa plaintiff began an act! on against yon and other defendants in tha district court of Lincoln county, eur isi, taoa ooject, or wo tea is ecwlse a cwrt&ka. awrtasRa oa therieilswinarl Ma- g, fin ii iniWi W.raae 2S zsmlm-TsrClwmtrtiXS1 mmh-wmmh-. oCm. carta . cofw kwit M. I-m 6 mm- -hOLIaJ Mr Md was duly said aad oeaimm d fefe-rw tmr yi-JHttf by Xa Mw-kJy-Xa-r tc aa . Trust Cc Tera- E bcw - do K ftKd ttuj sum of J15L5tt wkh. istereet. Plaintiff prays for a decree or ftir ecIBsur a" g-wvr saia of said land to satisfy (said lien as aforesaid, for deficiency judgement and general relief. You are required to answer plaintiff's- petion on or before tha 5th day of August. 11:95. -IKS- E. W. LEWIS, Plaint-T, j2Sjl9 By T. C. Paxxjsos-, her Attorney. IJEGAX, NOTICE. Ta X. F.Calonpfc i, non-resident defendant: r You ore hereby not led that on the 13th. day of Jane, ISIS, T. W. Mar-hull as pLaint tbesranon action against yen and other defendants in tha district court of Lincoln county, ebraska, tha object of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage an the following- land in said county, viz: The southeast quarter of section 20, township 9, range TT, made by Jeriua B. Lewis and Hattie A. Lew 1 dated March 21th, 1S93, to secure the payment of a certain coupon bond of Jeriua D. Lewis to the Mc uey-Lanninjr Loan and Trust Co, for the sura of 3SCO.0O, -which coupon bond was duly sold and assigned before maturity to this plaintiff, by tha McK Uey-Lanniug- Loan and Trust Co. Thero- 1s now due an said coupon bond tha sum of JS73.60 with interest at ten per cent interest from April 1st, 1S25. Plaintiff prays for a decree af foreclosure and sola of said land to satisfy said lien aa af Gresaidv for deficiency judgement ami general relief. Yoa are required to answer said petition on ce before tha 5 th dy of August. lHSo. j2Sjl0 By T. C. P rrrnso-r, his Attorney- YOU SHOULD READ TMB Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean, a. 1 2 -page paper brim ful of news of the worFdi and well selected: miscel lany. WE FURNISH The Tribune and ft INTER OCEAN -for 1.60 per year M ADVANCE - -.- ecw nr; 'Hi J. C5