The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 11, 1895, Image 4

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Srwrf Exclusively u tfco
irTwenty-One Million Peopfe
iltigWorld FairOroundg
tJhJversaUy cccotea t&e
:Left8flg rc CoSee oftf World
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete line of
Prices Always Reasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
Smoke the "Royal Sport" cigar.
Rt, Rev. Graves, bishop of the
Platte jurisdiction, officiated at the
Church of Saviour Sunday.
Platte River lodge No. 32, A.
F, & A. M., of this city, will hold
its regular election of officers to-night.
At Hartford, Conn., our own
and only "Buffalo Bill" exhibited
to over 40,000 people. This looks
as if he were still a good drawing
Jolinny Ell last Saturday re
ceived a fine new Kearney Special
bicycle. This is the third wheel of
this pattern in this city.
E. B. "Warner is making some
improvements to his" undertaking
v rooms which will add to their con
venience and the care of goods in
his line.
A geological party from the
Kansas state university passed
through this city Friday afternoon
in search of specimens for that in
stitution. Lester Eells was exhibiting
some of the finest and most shapely
strawberries which have ever fallen
under the editorial optic, the pro
duct of his own labor.
A petition to the city council to
have Third street graded is being
circulated. It is being generally
signed, as the street is badly in
need of attention.
Married, on the, 10th of June, in
the Lutheran church, by the pastor
Rev. D. Z. Foulk, John H. Williams
and Miss Etta May Wright, both
of Sutherland, Neb.
Master Ed Park is trying his
hand at cabbage farming on his
father's farm under the old ditch.
The youth. has been, promisedall he
can make out of his crop.
Charley Seyferth 3resterday
morning received a fine new bicycle
of the Eagle pattern. This make
of wheels was the winner of the
great Chicago road race.
A'number of North Platte peo
ple will attend the great races in
Red Oak, Iowa, this month. A
string of horses will be there that
will eclipse anything ever given in
the west.
The members of Co. E., N. N.
G. , of this city,are making prepara
tios for a grand social ball the event
ing of July 4th, at Lloyd's opera
house. It promises to be a huge
In line with western Nebraska
exchanges: Because of the recent
copious rains do not let your irri
gation interests lag when the dry
winds come and it raineth not, it
may prove to be your only salvation.
Anyone doubting that a South
Bend, Ind., firm is manufacturing
bicycles will find out differently by
consulting Wm. Smallwood. Last
pay day he purchased one for his
daughter Blanche, who is out at
Dan Fowles will probably soon
become Maxwell's crack bicycle
rider as he was examining the fine
points of the various wheels in this
"city last Saturday, with a view of
purchasing. A. L. Davis succeeded
in making a sale to him.
North Piatt's bicycle riders to
the number of about fifty assembled
Saturday evening and made a yer'
creditable parade, during the band
concert. The affair passed off very
pleasantly without an accident
further than the occasional dump
ing of a rider. An individual with
a copious jag, caused some fear to
the timid ones. In the future these
fellows should be notified to "keep
off the grass, !'or else run them in
The course for the bicycle road
race on the ISth inst. is as follows:
From the dispatchers' oince on
Front street west to section house,
cross to north side of railroad track
rtT1lnK. cross track south to the
county road, that is in front of C
A. Wyman's, thence east to B. I
Hinman's corner, thence north one
block to Second street thence east
to Spruce street, thence north to
bank crossing. Two round tips
over this route to constitute the
The ladies' guild will hold a
lawn social at the Gilman residence
next Friday afternoon.
Miss Clayton left this morning
for Salt Lake City, where she will
spend her summer vacation.
Rev. Mr. Potter, of Kearney,
will occupy the. pulpit at the Epis
copal church next Sunday.
Interesting Children's day ex
ercises were held at "the Presby
terian church Sunday morning.
Extensive preparations have
been made for the Maccabee enter
tainment to be given at Keith's
hall this evening.
If 'all indications do not fail one
of North Platte's school teachers
will bow her neck to the hymneal
yoke ere the June roses fade and
The Fair store recently sold a
bicycle to Clem Steel, the champion
climber, and he is now taking more
falls therefrom than he ordinarily
Oh the 17th inst at the Y. M.
C. A. rooms the "silver grubs" will
have a battle royal with the "gold
bugs" over the money question. An
animated time is expected.
Owing to the generous rains in
Colorado, and the little need, for
irrigation, the water in the South
Platte river is at a very high stage,
the banks being almost filled.
Prof. Garlich th;s morning re
ceived the music for the opera of
"Little Tycoon" which will be put
on the stage by the choral society.
Rehearsals jxvlil begin to-morrow
G. C. Donehower received lust
week from the supreme tent of the
Maccabees a handsome medal for
organizing the., first tent of the
order in the state of Nebraska, in
this city.
The peo pie of Sutherland are
making arrangements for a big 4th
of July celebration, and no doubt
will have an enjoyable time. W.
T. Wilcox, of this city will be the
orator of the day.
The failure of the insurance
company to promptly pay the fire
loss is delaying the purchase of
furniture for the Knights of Py
thias hall. The matter, however,
will be settled within a few days.
M. K. Barnum received Satur
day what is probably the finest all
purpose bicycle in the city. It is
of the Rambler '95 pattern, is rein
forced at all weak points, and
weighs but twenty-two pounds.
U. S. Fish Commission car No.
3 passed westward yesterday morn
ing. It contained many handsome
specimens of bass and other species
of the finny tribe, which attracted
no little degree of attention from
the curious.
Upon investigation The Tri
bune learns that its informant was
mistaken in regard to Lawyer
Beeler losing a couple minor law
suits a short time ago. This cor
rection is due Mr. Beeler and would
have been made some time ago
had not the Era grown so rampant
over the matter.
The county commissioners
should devise some ways and means
for improving the apperance of the
courthouse in the way of a substan
tial foundation and . some paint
upon the cupola. They would
scarcely allow their private pro
perty to get in this condition.
Yesterday deputy sheriff Keli
her picked up a. fellow on the street
who is wanted in Greeley, Col.,
upon a charge of grand larceny.
He was sailing under the name of
Chas. Conrad, alias Chas. Blanger,
and at the time of his arrest was
selling snide spectacles. He is a
barber by trade. .
An orchestra has been formed
in tne uuorai society unaer tne
direction of Prof. Garlichs consist-
of Messrs. Alvin Pool, W. E. Bock,
G. F. Weingand, Chas. Pool and S.
L.Bristol. This should make a very
rong organization and one cap
able of rendering some good
Sheriff Miller says if he is
wanted by the people of Lincoln
county to fill his present office for
another term that he intends fol
lowing Judge Ray's example and
will purchase and learn to ride a
bicycle. By so doing he figures
that he will be able to save the
price of feed for a team each year.
Yesterday morning Chas. P.
Ross shipped the meter used by
him in measuring the amount of
water flowing in the North Platte
river to Boise, Idaho, the observer
there having lost his instrument by
a flood. Another instrument will
be shipped here from Washington
to take the place of the one sent
away. Mr. Ross has not yet com
puted the amount of water as
shown by the last measurement he
being occupied in figuring the
amount of excavating required for
the Alfalla irrigation district ditch
in Keith county. As there is a great
deal of water flowing at present in
the South Platte river it might be
well to make an estimate of its
carrying cadtj.
California new large pota
toes very cheap. Strawber
ries, Raspberries, Cherries,
from Oregon,Utah,Kansas and
California take your choice,
two "boxes for 25 cts. Utah
berries 15boxes in case, $1.65,
may be cheaper.
The Ladies of the Maccabees
held their regular election of officers
las,t Saturday afternoon. 7-' -
Wm. Winters, of Keith county
was in the city this morning on,
business before the local landoffice.
An 'old fiddle bids fair-to be-,
come a bone of contention between
two parties within a few days in
one of our local justice's courts.
The three hose teams are prac
ticing for the races to be. lipid on
the 4th of July. The Third ward
team expects to be" strictly in it
this year.
The man who handles the lawn
mower these mornings may be said
to have a "push' although he may
not necessarily be much of a politi
cian. The 1st of July the membership
fee of the K. O. T. M. will be raised
and those who wish to get in on the
ground floor of the order are taking
advantage of the present.
This afternoon a game of base
ball will be played at the old ground
between the old nine and a picked
team. It will be worth going out
to see in order that you may hear
Lawyer Healey coach his boys.
A number of our citizens have
expressed a desire to see published
a statement of the expenditure of
the local relief commission in the
way of seed purchase out of the
58,000 appropriated by the state
legislature. It would probably be
a good idea so to do.
The official route for the bi
cycle race next week is posted in
several windows, and has attracted
considerable attention. The names
of the handicappers are given, and
when they promulgate their work
it will cause even greater interest.
. W. T. Wilcox went to Ogalalla
yesterday morning to defend a fel
low charged with arson. H. M.
Grimes having previously started
for Hoosierdom this left but A. H.
Davis to maintain the equilibrium
of the firm which he succeeded in
satisfactorily doing.
Miss Lillian Pike, the noted
Denver elocutionist will give an
.entertainment at Keith'slialton'the
28th inst, under the auspices of the
ladies of the M. E. church. Inter
esting features of the programme
will be her club swinging and illus
trations of the Delsartean move
ments. The prices of admission
will be 25 cents for adults, and 15
cents for children. This will be an
excellent opportunity for you to
allow the latter to see how Hamlet
intended that his lines should be
spoken, as the young lady is on her
way homeward from Boston where
she has been taking a ..two years'
course in elocutionary work.
Sheriff Miller the latter part 6t
the week detained a couple of frail
females from York, upon an order
from the parents of one of them. It
appears that the older of the twain
enticed her companion away from
home upon the pretense of making
a few days trip, but they had been
out about four weeks, and one of
them became disgusted with the
life and was willing to return home.
The other was not so inclined. On
Saturday they were boarding at
hotel Miller awaiting transporta
tion which was expected from York
county. As nothing could be heard
definitely from the parents of the
girls they were turned loose last
evening, upon their promise to leave
the city.
We are the People who have
The finest grades of everything in the Grocery Line
in the City; always -fresh and at prices that
in Ladies' Blouse Waist Sets, very pretty, not
r expensive; also a new line of Cheap Belts and Belt
' ' .Pins, Side-Combs,. Hair Ornaments, and the new
Long Watch-chains. If you want anything in the
Ttrfl tt rtf a nf- little present for some one. vou can
l a. J vr ----- x
jind it in our line of
. .
well as high as you
I. A. -orfjas. recently spent
several days itf Omaha.
A Miss Cof mack, ofPlattsmouth,
i& visiting rVJIMinor.
Mass Minnie 'orenson left yester
day morning for Cheyenne for a
visit withriends.
Mrs. Br L. Robinson left on No.
4 this morning? for Beatrice for a
visit with relatives.
Misses Adagd May Cooper left
Sunday mormrig" for Central, City
for a visit wi'thtfriends.
Ezra Keen and wife went'west
on No. 7 this morning on a brief
visit to relatives near Hershey.
Mrs. W. F-. CJody and daughter
Irma left this morning forr Slack,
Wyo., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Boal.
Miss Tina Dick returned Satur
day morning from her extended
visit with relatives in Greensboro,
N. C.
Scott Vaughn left yesterday
morning on a, brief trip to Grand
Island and the eastern part of this
stare. " '
Judge Neville returned to Kear
ney yesterday morning to conclude
the term of court he has been hold
ing there.
Cal Diamond made his periodical
visit to this city Saturday and
spent Sunday with his sister Mrs.
H. S. Keith.
James and Roy Shaffer have re
turned from Catifbrnia, statingthat
the country there was not satisfac
tory to them.
Mrs. R. Watts, left in charge of
J. R. Bangs on Saturday morning
for an overland trip to her ranch on
Beaver creek.
Jack MacColl
spent last nigpt in our city the
guest of A. S. , Baldwin. He re
turned home on No. 4.
A. McNamara and .Wm. Cameron
made their customary visit down
the road" Saturday night, returning
yesterday morning. "
The two "Elliotts, sire and son,
went to Lincdlijlast Saturday to
witness the graduation this week
at the State university of Edward
Mrs. Clara Johnson and little
daughter, of Porfage Center.Mich.,
who have been visiting for a cou
ple of months past with the Bacon
brothers, southeast of this qty,
left this morning1 for their home.
John Dwyer, a machinist in the
employ of the Kearney bicycle
factory, spent Sunday at his home
in this city. He reports
that the company has over 300
orders ahead on file which it is
vigorously strivifg' to fill.
Mrs. E. F. Seeberger and daugh
ter returned yesterday morning
from' their Cqloraclo visit By a
dint of hard work and a little over-
r f
time theday previous -F F. man
aged to have the family residence
in proper shape f,or their reception.
Miss Ella Jeffers left this morn
ing for a month's'visit with eastern
relatives. Look out for a certain
well known young man to quietly'
follow on the next train. It's all
right Charley! We don't wish to
give you awaycTf we would men
tion your name.
novelties, from 25 cents to
wish to go.
W. L. Park made a brief trip to
Omaha Sunday night
Engines 807 and 833 are receiving
general repairs in the back shop.
Engine 721 is in the round house
this week undergoing light repairs
and receiving new paint.
The 965 passed through this city
Sunday on her way to Pocatello
after having an Omaha overhauling.
A huge new grindstone was put
in place in the back shop Saturday
which is greatly appreciated by the
Conductor Lu Pierce has returned
from his visit to his home in Den
ver and resumed his passenger run
west out of this city.
T. A. Hedendahl, superintend
ent of air-brakes, is in the city to
day finding out what the boys
know about compressed air.
R. L. Graves and R. Sculley re
turned Sunday from their trip to
Omaha, the latter not being able to
receive the medical relief he desired.
The pay checks for the road men
are being distributed to-day. In
the generally settling of accounts
don't forget that printer's little
One of the "back" shop boys was
exhibiting this week a specimen of
amateur painting which was some
thing excellent in the way of a car
toon. Sunday night the canal at Goth-
eriburg broke over its banks and
washed out the track to such an
extent as to delay trains from the
east for several hour
One of the apprentices in the
boiler shop has been afforded the
opportunity of looking for a new
situation it is said on account of
the humorous (?) way in which he
put in his time. It sometimes does
not pay to be a humorist.
Joe Taylor, an old time fireman
out of this city but who has been
employed at Sidney of recent years,
passed through here yesterday on
his way to Omaha to attend the
state- Masonic" grand lodge as a
Special car 05 passed through
this city yesterday from Salt Lake
containing S. H. H. Clark, E. Dick
inson, J. H. McConnell and other
officials who had been out to the
Mormon mecca resisting the peti
tion of the Short Line for a divorce.
The president has named Wm. J.
Coombs, an ex-congressman of a
Brooklyn, N. Y., district, as a gov
ernment director for the Union
Pacific system, vice Don. M Dick
inson, who will probably be ap
pointed to a government position.
4Killposey, "an old time brakeman
formerly running out Of this city,
who once received a silver lantern
at a voting contest at a church tair,
was calling upon his old friends
here the latter part of the week.
He was bronzed and bearded so
that he was scarcely recognizable
by many of them.
As I. K. Neeley sees frequent
mention of Rev. Graves, preaching
at Hershey and other points in this
vicinity in these columns he writes
a friend, enclosing a clipping from
The Tribune, and wishes to know
if it is his old friend and office mate
R. L. that is mentioned. He had
learned of W. J. Crusen and D. W.
Crane taking up this role, and did
not know but what Lon had fol
lowed their lead. Ike is and has
been employed in the mayor's office
of La Salle, 111., for a number of
According to the daily papers
Hugh T. Crockett has been granted
an increase of his pension.
The ravages of the irrepressi
ble young chicken in a neighbor's
garden nearly led to a bitter quarrel
over in the Third ward the latter
part of the week.
A party of boys made last night
hideous by giving a newly married
couple a tin can serenade. This is
a practice which the officers of
the law should suppress.
The Tribune has received
several political announcements
from gentlemen who will be candi
dates before the republican conven
tion, but will not publish the same
unfil others are received. These
cards will be published free of
charge and those who expect to be
candidates should send in their
Studebaker Wagons at
Slershey & Co's,
Washburn's Superlative no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im
provement in milling machinery the product of the hard,
excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the
Washburn Flour, try it. It is sold by
I k man had lived in a place for a long time
I I and thought he had had to do "with all
J kinds of things. But one day he ran
across something different and thought to
demolish it at one blow. But it proved to
be a veritable hornet's nest that he struck,
.with the the usual result that the hornets -went
after him.
4 Thimbles for 1 Cent.
5 Lead Pencils for 1 Cent. . v
4 dozen Hooks and Eyes
4 bunches Hair Pins for 1 Cent.
1 Grater for 1 Cent.
40 sheets best Note Paper for 5 Cents.
Gents' Working Shirts 17 Cents.
Ladies' Fast Black Hose 5 Cents up.
Ladies' Waists, made
Full size No. 8 Copper
. We have a full "line: of Millinery, R&
tions, Tinware G-lassware, etc. The above
is only a sample of our stock
We have not trash in stock. If goodsi
are not as represented, bring them back;
and get your money. : .f
Prices and
Wo have no apologies
outrageous prices.
First door south of Streitz' Drug Store, - - NORTH PLATTE, NEB.
So far this municipal year city
clerk Scharmann has issued but
seven dog" licenses, but the marshal
is doing" valiant service in destroy
ing the unlicensed canines. Up to
noon to-day he had put an end to
seventeen of these animals.
Ed Loveland, who is more
favorable to horses than bicvcles
as carriers of human freight, has
been attempting to get up a race be
tween a running- horse and a bi
cyclist. He is not particular wheth
er the distance is five or twenty
miles. So far he has not been able
to arrange a race.
Judging" from the way the
weather agrees with observer
Piercy's new flag is proving" to be a
veritable mascotte in the way of
rain-producing". The local indica
tions for to-morrow are continued
warmth and fair weather just the
thing" to kill cut-worms and make
the corn get a hump on itself.
Herbert Coville who graduated
last year at the State university
with the degree of B. A. and this
year as M. A. will visit his parents
near this city the last of this week.
He will be accompanied by his wife.
In September he accepts a profess
orship in the Kansas state normal
school as an instructor in the French
and German languages. .North
Platte people will be pleased to
learn of the young" man's success.
"We offer One Hundred Dollars Ho
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
J. F. Chetey & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
"IT7 V, r nnrtarsirrnart. VaVA IfDOWn F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
'Ur.ninac.a t f n n en nf Ton a ;inr financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm. . . ,
West"& Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, U. waiamg, n-muuu 7;, . '
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and
..Aa nf tha Rvstem. .Knee
75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
pn a.:. fA
When Buying
Why not get the. .BEST'?
for 1 Cent.:
of best Merrimac Prints,29 Cts
Bottom Wasb Boiler 71 Cts.
Quality Talk.
to make for fom0jff
For children will be opened Mon
day. June 17th, in the Central
school building". Term of 6 weeks,
$1.50. Thea Hansen, Teacher.
Uotice to the Public.
All persons who are keeping" hog's
within the city limits are requested
to keep the pens clean and free from
filth, else remove them outside the
city limits. Property owners are
notified to clean the alleys adjoining-
their premises, if thev have not
already done so, and to keep them
clean during" the summer season.
D. W. Baker, Mayor.
All accounts due H. Otten. &
Co. are payable at Otten's Shoe
Store. The firm having dissolved,
a settlement is urgently requested,
that books may be balanced.
Ftf H. Otten.
Commencing" June 24th,
ending" August 3d.
Six weeks of work. A good
chance for students and teachers to
prepare for next year.
jy-Send for announcement.
J. C. ORR, I Iflst
Straved. about the 10th of April
one two year old bay mare, black
mane and tail, weight about 700
pounds. A reasonable reward will
be paid for the return of the animal
to Herman Steinhousen,
3t North Platte, Neb
Overshoes good and cheap at
Otten's Shoe Store. Ftf
Latest Styles of
with fringe,
t In search of a good cigar
will always find it at J.
5 F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
J ...