THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY ' 'TRIBUNE :"tptIDAY EVENING, APRIL 5, 1895. WANTED TO SEK HOW IT FELT. Boy Tries a Lynching Experiment Wltb Fatal itesalta. O'Neill, Neb., April 4. A sad case of accidental hanging occurred at Agee, about 14 miles north of this city. Gro rer, the 10-year-old son of J. W. Leep er, was Tip stairs after some feed for the chickens. After being gone about 20 minutes the mother called to him to hurry up. Not receiving any reply she went up stairs and found the boy hang ing from a rafter, a hitching strap around his neck. The mother took the boy down and sent after Mr Leeper, who was at a neighbor's. Tho body was brought into this city this afternoon and the re mains will bo taken to Iowa for inter ment. The coroner and sheriff are both out of the city and there will probabiy be no inquest held. Mr. Leeper says there is no doubt that it was accidental. He says that, since the lynching of Barrett Scott the boy has thought a great deal about it and when he found himself npstaira alone probably thought he would see if it would hurt mnch and, getting upon the bed tied the hitching strap to the rafter, after first having made a noose by slip ping the end through the swivel eye on the strap, making it a slip noose. After putting the noose around his neck ho probably jumped off the bed, the slip noose drawing tight. He was a bright little boy and the parents are distracted with grief. C F. Fireman Sue For Damages. Cheyenne, April 1. B. J. McGuire of this city has filed a suit in tho dis trict court of Laramie county against the receivers of the Union Pacific Rail way company asking G0,000 damages, i The plaintiff was formerly employed as a locomotive fireman, but on April 2, 1894, ho met, with an accident which crippled him for life. One of the driv ing wheels came off the axle, wrecking the cab and breakiug both the plaintiff's legs and otherwise seriously injuring him. Mr. McGuire alleged that the ac cident was caused by gross negligence on the part of the roceivers and their employes in allowing the locomotive to be used after they had knowledge of its defective construction. Court tiiuiti;iliiig Captain Guthrie. Buffalo, April 4. A general court martial is in prograss at Fort Porter to try Captain John B. Guthrie, Company A, Thirteenth infantry, on the charge of having allowed Sergeant Marriott to partake of a Christmas dinner with his comrades at the fort while under in dictment for the murder of Edward Schuler, a fellow soldier. Colonel Cyrus S. Robert is judge advocate and Colonel Smith of Fort Niagara presides. The finding of tho court will not bo made known here. It will be sent on to General Miles at New York. Seventy Mile of Irrigating Ditch. Cheyenne, "Wy., April 4. A corps of surveyors under H. B. Patton of this city has been at work for some time making a survey for an immense ditch Xhich, it' is estimated, will irrigate a tract of 150,000 acres of fertile land in the nortinvtjditofif Laramie ien. Hole lbe rill ;o -Beacli in the supremechanlSwiunied an or der adjudging William E. Stokes in contempt of court and directing his commitment until a tax amounting With costs to $535 is paid, or he is other wise discharged by the court. Stokes was assessed for the year 1893 on $25, 000 of stock in tho defunct Madison Square bank. The personal tax on this was fixed at $ 1G4. It is for evading the payment of this tax that Stokes is held in contempt. Shot One of the Desperadoes. Salinas, Cal., April 1. Sheriff Matthews received word that two men who robbed the station at Arroyo Grande were on the uorthboii-id freight train. The sheriff and deputies were on hand when the train arrived and wh n the officers approached tho robbers opened fire. The officers returned tin fire and shot one of the desperadoes through the stomach and knee. Ho died ;: few hours later. The other sur rendered. New Refrigerator Car Service. Sacramento, Cai., April 4. Armour & Co., the Chicago packers, have begun their new refrigerator car service, which will be known as the Fruit Growers' express. They have issued a schedule showing prices for refrigerator cars from California to eastern points of from f35 to SfiCr under the rates of the old companies, being a cut of from o0 to 50 per cent. The new company starts with 400 new cars. Mitchell Against Prize I ishtln?. Tallahassee, F'a , April 4. In his message on the Convening of tho legis lature here, Governor Mitchell in strong terms recommended that "these prize lights or glove contests be made felonies by statute, with such penalties attached :is will cause these thugs to respect tho Jaw and to respect law abiding, God fearing people of the state in pursuit of all their rights as citizens." Trio Arrested For Murder. Valparaiso, Iud.. April 4. Gilbert Brown. Mrs. William Kehres and Ed. ward Mosher were arrested for the niur. der of a wealthy farmer, William Kehres, whose body was found cremated a few days ago. Mosher is .-aid to be Mrs. Kehres' paramour and the murder was committed to secure the hnsbaud's property. Northern Pacific Honda Valid. Chicago, April 4. Judge Jenkins in a decision holds that the Northern Pa cific bonds are valid and that the prop erty of the company may be applied on them. Widow of Dumas Dead. Pakis, April 4. The widow of Alex ander Dumas died. Pension Examiner at Dccorah. Washington, April 4. Dr. E. H. Williams was appointed an examining surgeon for the pension bureau at De corah, la. Death of a Dubuque Financier. Dubuque, April 4. George L. Tor: bert. president of the Iowa Trust and Savings bank, died here, aged 64. Lindholm Acquitted. Lansing, Mich., April 4. Ex-Deputy-Secretary of State Lindholm was ac quitted by a jury of the charge of em bezzling state funds. TOO WAS IN VAIN. Omaha Fire and Police Bill Passed by the Legislature. MORE VOTES THAN NEEDED. Fight on the Measure Was Static In the House, the Senate Heine; Practically Assured Ten Republicans Voted Aguinst the Measure. Lincoln, Xeb., April 4. The Omaha fire and police commission bill was passed, the governor's veto notwith standing, through both houses Wednes day. There have never been more spi rited scenes in the Nebraska legislature than were to ba observed during a brief period in the consideration of this meas ure. The scene in the house was in tensely interesting, and at several points the situation was dramatic. All day long the friends and opponents of the bill begged and tussled with mem bers of tho house. It was well under stood that tho great danger to the bill was in the house, and to this branch the lobbyists devoted all of their energies. The vote in tho house stood 02 yeas, 29 nays; in the senate 23 yeas, ! nays. In the senate Watson and Black wero the only Republicans to voto against the police bill. In the house Gl of the votes cast for the bill were Republicans and one was a Populist. All the other Populists voted against the bill, and all of the Democrats did likowise. The Republicans who voted against the bill wero as follows: Bee (Furnas), Chace (Stanton), Chapman (Saline), Cramb (Jefferson), Haller (Washington Moehrmau (Franklin), Ortou (Cass), Roddy (Otoe), Sisson (Burt) and Wait (Otoe). Johnston (Nemaha) was the Populist who voted to override the governor's veto. Ifpiores tho Court's Order. Omaha, April 4. Major Humphrey of the Department of tho Platte has not yet been adjudged guilty of contempt in refusing to pay money to an assignee under the district court's order. The major continues to ignore the court's order and pay the money upon demand of the parties interested. Authorities Anticipate Trouble. Omaha. April 4. Serious trouble is yet anticipated by the federal authori ties in evicting settlers from tho Ne braska Indian reservations. It has been decided that United States marshals and not Indian police will be utilized in the hope of avoiding a conflict. Trial of the Hill Case Set. LINCOI.N, April 4. Tho supreme court set the trial of the case of the state against ex-Treasurer Hill for April 23, and instructed Jury Commissioners Mnnger and Harlan to have a full panel of GO jurors present on that date. Bank Wrecker on Trial. Loup City. Neb., April 4. Court has convened here, Judge Sinclair presid ing. A. T. Nichols will be tried for wrecking the People's State bank of Litchfield. lIXfc-jrfAIIS FRAUDULENTLY.. " 1 ' A luioii lluUding; and Saving Association Arrested. Des Moines, la., April 4. United States marshals arrested W. R. Rich mond, J. W. Manly and J. L. Craw ford, olficers of the Union Building and Savings association, for using the mails for fraudulent purposes in connection with a defunct bank. Tiie men are al ready under indictment in local courts for embezzlement and conspiracy. Favors the Seceding Lodge. Dubuque, la.. April 4. Judge Hus ted entered a decree in favor of tho se ceding lodge Ancient Order United Workmen of Iowa enjoining tho loyal body from using the name or doing business in Iowa. By agreement the execution of the injunction is suspended for 90 days and meautimc tho supreme court will hear the appeal. Xevr Iowa Postmasters. Washington. April 4. Lee Falk was appointed postmaster at Hepburn, Page county, la., vice Mrs. E. J. Carlson, re moved. M C Leverich was appointed postmaster at Shell Rock, Butler coun ty, la., vice James Leverick, dead. Three Cities Want the Regatta. Ottumwa, la., April 4. The execu tive committee of tho Iowa Amateur Rowing association will meet here April 17 to decide on the location of the next regatta. Sioux City, Dubuque and Clear Laks are contestants. Itank Robber 1 leads Not Guilty. Des Moines, April 4. Crawford, the farmer boy. who in company with O. P. Wilkius robbed the Adel bank on the morning of March 0, was arraigned and pleaded nob guilty to the indictments against him. An Editor Given a Place. Dubuque, la., April 4. Byron Web ster, editor of the Marshalltowu States man, was appointed a deputy collector of internal revenue at Sioux City. Ho was collector under Cleveland's first ad ministration. LATEST NEWS OF TRADE. Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago. April I. Wheat started easy to day. Cabled were indifferent and there was liberal se'lini:. in whih Ream was supposed to be leading. Trading was fairly active. Corn wan steady, but dull O its were easy. Provisions were easy. Hog receipts were light, but prices at the yards wero lower. CLOSING PRICES. WHEAT, 34 V-: May. 53s: July, CCe; September, oT3. COliN April, ioe; Slay, sXc; July. 47c; September. 47V- OATS April May. 2c: Juuo, 2S34e; Julv. 'JCe: September, ave. FORK-April. J12.1J; Mar, H2.SJ: .Trily. 12.33. LAUD April. WJ2K-. May.SG.K-!;.': July. $7.10 (57.121;: Seoteaiticr, $7.22lj. KIBS April, ffi.22'-: May, ?27,'S6J; July, Jj.12'-: Sopt -mb.-:-, -'VCS. Chicago Lin Moclc. CHICAGO. April 4. HOGS Receipts 10.CO) head; left over, 4 530; trade dragging; market ."(21Je lower; light, ?4.55f? 1.95. sold early at J5.0J: mixed. J4.7i)'e5.30, eaily at S..23: heavy, $4.705553. early at J5.40: rongh, 4.7034.85. CATTLE Receipts, S,0J head, including 1,UX) Tesans; market firm to 10 higher. SHEEP Receipts, 12 00 head; market steady for best: others 5'tjlJc lower. SoutU Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha. April 4. CATTLE-Kereipts. POO head; 130j to 1533 Ibi., ?5.233025: 1100 to 1300 lbs., J4.7.?5.c0: "00 to 110J lbs., Sl.2-Ya5.03: choice cows. ?U.75(S 4-13: common cows ?l.o5 50; good feeders. $3.25'U.6., common feeder Ji..YXg;j23: market steady. HOGS Receipts. i,0- head: light, ?4.6J iJS3; mixed J4.G34.75; heavy, 4.755.03; mar ket 5' 10c lower. SHEEP Receipts 1 100 head; muttons. 4.75; Iamb?, .; market steady. IUCi 1VILL HAVE A KIVAL. Jfew Telephone Company Formed In Now York by a Number of Wealthy Men. Chicago, April 4. What the Bell Telephone company has been fearing since its patents expired has now as sumed definite shape. This is nothing more or less than that a competing con cern is in process of construction, the mission of which will ba to fight the Bell people in the entire territory where they operate. According to the reports a telephone company has been formed in New York by a number of wealthy men. The capital stock of the company is given as 100,000,000. Tho backers said to be connected with this new enterprise are: The Parrotfc company of Now York, the Standard Oil company, Searles of the sugar trust, George Crocker, the San Francisco millionaire; Pillsbury, tho Minneapolis Hour magnate, and J. S. Clarkson. About a week ago whispers of a rival to thq Bell were heard in San Francisco; they were echoed in Wall street, and now they swell into a pretty authentic assurance that such a stupendous enter prise has been planned. THE INDI7STHIAL SITUATION. HOW'S THIS! We offer One .Hundred Dollars He ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hairs uatarrn irare. T le Hnrvpv Ar Co. 'ProDB.. Toledo. O. We the undersigned,-have known P. J. Cheney for the last lobars, and be lieve him perfectly Honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made bv their firm Wet & Truax, Wholesale Druggist. Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Mamn, Wholesale Druggists, jxoieqo, unio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally fiotinrr riirontlv nnnnthe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price Too. per bottle. SoId:Dy. all Liruggists, Testimonials free. V.. Only Cloud In Sifjht Is the Strike Agitation Among Coal miners. Chicago, April 4. The Industrial World says that tho general business situation is steadily improving is clearly evidenced by tlm advances in crude ma terial and staple commodities iron or, cotton, coke, pig iron, etc. This, to say the least, is gratifying, as the higher values have stimulated demand all along the line, which in turn is aiding and improving tho industrial situation. The only cloud in sight just now is the strike agitation among the coal miners. In Iowa a large number are already out and trouble is expected in Pennsylvania and Ohio, which may extend to Indiana and Illinois. A general strike extend ing over the states named would be wel comed by operators, as it would lead to a readjustment of mining wages till around and would afford a breathing spell to enable the trade to get rid of tho present unwicldly surplus stock. Tailed to Settle With the ."Uiners. Mexico, Mo., April 4. Tho first day of last February S. D. Lanyon and his son, Edward, with headquarters at Tip ton, Mo., leased the Davis coal mine near this city. They have met with strikers and various obstacles since. A few days ago the senior Lanyon de parted from the city and has not been heard of since. Last night the son Ed ward also disappeared. Investigation found his business in a serious condi tion. The miners have not been settled with for .;omo time and they have been unable to locate their bosses. rr Notice. I desire to sell the hay xirop for 1895, on the large bianey Dillon Island located at Sutherland, sec tions 2, 3, 4, 5, towitjfo'north, and sections 33, 34, 35, and 3. in town 14 north, all in ranged 34 west, to the hierhest bidder for cash. Bids will be received up Ito July 1st 1895, and reserve the right to reject .. .1 .11 1.:'J XT T "AT T"V anj ana an uius. x. yjiua NOTICE. XoitTTT Pr.ATTE. March 7th. 1895. We, the undoreigned.v hereby forbid all porsons from trespassing upon any nni-finn nf mir tiremises. Anv nersou hunting, shooting, fishing or trespassing upon anv ot our ianas win uo nrotocuieu to tho full extent ot tne law. W. F. Cody, Isaac Dillox, Patrick Grady, H. Ottkx, F. N. Dick. NOTICE. Washington, D. C, March 12, 1895. Notice is hereby given to all persons who may have cnums against the"Norsh Platto National Bank." North Platte, Nebraska, thai the same must be pro sented to Mr. Milton Doolittle, Receivor, with legal proof thereof, within throe months from this date, or they may be disallowed. J..Mia II. EckeLs, 21m;5 Comptroller of the Currency U. P. TIME TABLE. OOING KAST. No.s Atlantic Express Dept 12:10 a. m. Xo. 4 Fast Mail 8 30 A. H So. '2 Limited " 80 A.M. No. 23 Freteht " 7.00 a. M. o. IS Froicht o:00 p. M. No. 21 Freight 40 a. M GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 7 Pacific KxDress Dept 7:10.. M . I Limited " 11:00 p. M Vo. '21 - Freight " 550 1. m No '23 Freight .- " 850 A. M N. B. OLDS. Agent. 31as-illi;ii Coal War. Cleveland, April 4. A merry war among ti-e Zlassillon coal operators is in progress wid the consumers in this city of fuel mined in that district aro enjoy ing the beneiits of very low prices in consequence. The fight is not only on retail, but 0:1 wholesalo prices as well. The result of the fight is practically the destruction of the Massillou Operators' association, which forced "tho reduction Xf the mining rate to GO cehts-froni 80. cents and the abolition of the differ-i entiaL ' " . - w . . j1 -rfvtrfcifcr f'H Ohio Miners Adopt Resolution. Columbus, April 4.-The Ohio;Miners association adopted a resolution direct ing its osecutivo committee to get. into' touch with the Ohio Coal association and tho Coal Traffic association, and to insist that when the Coal association declines to arbitrate at any mine that tho Coal Traffic association shall not pull the cars away and have tlicm loaded at another mine. The resolution declares that if this is repeated a strike would bo ordered all over Ohio. jRENCII & BALDWIN, ATTOliNEYS-AT-LAW, SOUTH PLATTE, - - NEBRASKA. Ofiicc over N. P- Ntl. Bank. fl RIMES & WILCOX, ATTORNEYS-AT-LA IF, SOUTH PLATTE, ; - NEBRASKA. Office over North Platto National Bank. Weavers Oct an Advance. Philadelphia, April -1. Thomas Do lan & Co. have granted a 13 per cent advance in wages of their employes in the cloth weaving department. The in crease was asked for by a committee, who waited 011 the firm last week. Tho committee has been notified that the ad vance goes into effect at once. Stoneware Manufacturers 3Ice. Chicago, April 4. The stoneware manufacturers west of tho Allegheny met at the Great Northern today for the purpose of organizing an association for the regulation of prices and distribution of sales territory and to agree upon a trade nomenclature. There wero a dozen firms represented, comprising nearly all of the manufacturers of tho we?.t. E. S. Hoyt of Ked Wing, S. D., is the active spirit in the organization. 14 L22 FOR A LIMjVcD TIME "Ok ' A HAKDSOME A m 81?-. UTv' fT-7 U EVXUM-Cc. FOR 0 TEttCc.RT ViYP TAGS T;vVt.Y rOM Mfifc-jji PLUG MiC TOBACCO CHAMPACKE FLAVOR The American lobacco Co. NEW YORK. Claude Weingand, d ha lei: in Coal Oil. Gasoline, Crude Petroleum arid Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Newton's Store. ' FKii"N. . PjTDCa EPSON, Office orer Stress Dng Store. w !vf TnVT?.S M t? 9 PUTS TO TAN AXD SU11GEON, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA Offlco: Neville? Mock. Diseases of Women mil Children a Sieclclty. A. V. KITTELL. J. C. VAN NATTA. Kittell & Van Natta, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective schemes investigated. Un prontablesoheines rejuvenated. Surveys, Maps, Estimates and reports made, and construction superintended. ffi.!&MgS? North Platte, Neb. ? i'ii'c a & 111 WEST FRONT-ST. (J. F. SCHARMAM. Life Insurance. r5 ' J I Notary Public. $ 3,000 Ipw of Ditch Land. HOUSES AND I0TS. $ FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Land and Emigration Agent. Jiiv uunl futjsrlj rjcstyrorljat. GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STREET MARKET. Meats at wholesale and re tail. Fish and Game in season. Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. 5 m m- m at tk in M. a waves w VETERINARY SPECIFICS Per Horses. Cattle, Sheep. Don. Soft AND FOtTLTBY. SOOFaso Book oaTreataieat f Aftlauria and L'aarc Seat Free. cures Fevers, CeBKcRt'iaaalBlaaiauulea A. A.i spinal Dleaiogitia, Milk Fever. B. B. Strains, Lamenena, Kkeaatatlaai. C. C. Distemper, Kasal Dlackartrea D. U.Bots or Grabs, Weraie. :.E...Cougk, HeaTea, Paeaamla. F. F.Colic or Gripes, Bellyache. G. G. Miscarriage, Heaierrkagva. II. II. Urinary and Kidaey Diseases 1. 1. Eruptive Diseases, Maaae. ' J.K..Diseasesef Digestlsa. Paralysis Single Bottle (OTer CO doses), - . .CO Stable Case, with Specifies. MBBaL Veterinary Core Oil and Mealcator; 97.90 Jar Veteriaary Care Oil, . Sold brPniftkttj er ml prtpfM Mjlfcwi ti h'ssy qiinlUj on imlpt ef prietw untrHKErs,,nilliwsMH.,mWTm. sxrxpassTS' SPECIFIC HoiiO In dm 38 years. TheeeiyneaiBtraisawayfsr Nervous Dlity Witess, and Prostration, from oisi-aotkorelksr asasss. SI per Tinl. or 6rifisodUrtTUI poatfscfsr SS. Sold ly DrutrUIi, or (ent postMldoa rtetltt of prte. BCarllBETS'XEB. CO., Ill , trfc. UTO. 3496; pirst vTational Ban, NORTH PLATTE, 2STE13. iiia i 1 11 isaiai iini wiTraui .sot Capital, -Surplus, $50,000.00. 822,500.00 I E. M. F. LEFLANGr, Pres't., it I ARTHUR McNAMARA, Cashier. A General Banking Business Transacted. GEO. W. DILLARD, PROPRIETOR OP THE PIONEER COAL YARDS. -all kinds op- Anthracite and Bituminous Coal Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited. Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce street will be promptly filled. a sasBkatassV--v---AA a a a a a a a a a a A A A. A A 9 f m I ! I he 1 iliPF Do : ar.l Don't pay other people's debts. DAVIS Is the ONLY Hardware Man in North Platte that NO ONE OWES. You will always find my price right. Yours for Business, A. L. DAYIS. DEALER IX Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Sporting Ooods, Etc. Still Selling A. F. STREITZ, Drug's, Medicines, Faints, Oils, PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, Window Grlass, Machine Oils, Diamanta Spectacles. CORNER OF SIXTH AND SPRUCE STREETS. li A Fine Line of Piece Goods to select from. ! First-class Fit. Excel- MERCHANT TAILOR. ! lent map. F. J- BROEKER. FINEST SAMPLE ROOM IN NORTH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public 13 invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will suddIv all vour wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE x'HE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT E. B. WARNER, Funeral Director. AND EMBALMER. A full line of first-class fnneral supplies always in stock. NORTH PLATTE, - NEBBRSKA. Telegraph orders promptly attended to. Hershey & Co. DEALERS IN R. D. THOMSON, Contractor and Builder. 127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Agricultural : Implements OF ALL KIXDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth FOR RELIABLE INSUR ANCE GO TO T. C. PATTER-. SON. ONLY FISST-CLASS COMPA NTES REPRESENTED. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION". Land Office at Xorth Plntte, Neb., February Uth, 1S95. ) Notice Is hereby Riven that the followicR-named pettier has tiled notion of his intention to make final jiroof in tnpirt of his claim, and that wild proof will bo miute before the Resteer and Re ceiver at Xorth Platte, N'ebrunka, on April 22il, ISO. viz: UOKKKLIj A. WEBB, who niaile Homestead Eutry No. 15,053, for the Xorthcai-t uUHrter of Section 9. Township SJ north, KanKeS) west. Ho names the following witnest-es to prove his continuous residence npon nnd cultivation of snid land, viz Joseph D. Hawkins. John A. Siroius. A. I- Stark and ilorsan W. Davis, all of Welltleot. Neb. t JOHN" F. HIN'lIAN', Register NOTICE. U.S. Land Office at North Platte, Neb., ) March I5tn, lsHs. ) Complaint having been entered at this office by Charles II. Smith against John D. Wagoner for abandoning ais llomesteud Entry No. 16757, dated October luth, 1S9J, upon the east half of the north unt (juarter and the east half ot the southeast quarter section 'J)'i, township 10 north, range 2t5 west, in Lincolu county, Nebraska, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties are hereby summoned to aptear at the U. S. Land Office, North Platte, Neb., on the 2t5th day of April, 1895, at 'J o'clock a. ni.. to respond anil furnish testimony concerning suld alleged abandonment. ml5T JOHN F. 1IINMAX, Register. NOTK K FOK PUHLICATIOX. Lnml Otlkent North Platte. Nob. I .March ISth. IStO. i Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of liia intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, anil that said nrrof will Ik? made before Hegister and Heceiver nt North Platte. Neb., on April 27th, 1893, viz: KOUEUT m. HOl'KINS. who made Homestead Entry No. lS,G0t. for tho southeast quarter section 10, township 12 north, range 31 wet. Uo names tho following wit nesses to Prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph H. UaKer, David fc;. lsaker, Jlilo JI.Hpicer ana John E. Koontz, all ot North Watte. Nebraska. 22-0 JOHN F. HINMAN, lCegister. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Neb., ) March 1.1th. 15. j Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of her inteutlon to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will bo made before the Register and Re ceiver at North Platte, Nebraska, on April 27th, lS'J.1,iz: NETTIE A. PITZER REECE, ou Homestead Application No. 156S1 for tho south east quarter section 21, township a north, range 29 wei-t of the 0th principal meridian. She names the following wltnes-es to prove her continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of t-aid land, viz: Melissa E. VunNattn, William T. VanNatta and Edward O. Eves, all of Ruchanan, Nebraska, and Jesse T. Will, of Curtis, Nebra-ku. 22-5 JOHN F. HINMAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofvick at North Plattk, Nkb., March ISth, 1&95. ) Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Re ceiver at North Plutte, Nebraska, on April 23d, 1MO, viz: JOHN CEDERBERG, who made Homestead Entry No. 1G,9.1, for tho ear-t half of the northwo-t quarter and the east half of the southwest quaiter section .10, township 1.1 north, range 2-1 west. He names tho following witne-ses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, mid land, viz: C. F. Johnson. C. A. Erikson, Lars Bllxt and C. A. Rodin, all of Tallin, Nebraska. JOHN T. HINMAN, 22J" Register. NOTICE FOit PUHLIHATION. Land OlHce at North Platte, Nebr. March 19th. 1693. J Wttnn 1 1 1 ii .-..1. .- ... .-in .n I .."li... 1 1 .t.. uj iiiul 1,1411 f v, lU-Uitlllt'll settlci lias tihil notice of his intention to tnakn Hnul lirftrtf in utntr.rt tF liiu Tfiim nn.l l.n ..n..l proof will he made before the Hegister and He ceiver at Xortli Platte, Xeh.. on May 10th, ir'.'., viz: i in n i.-iccirii who mnde Homestead Entry No. 15,521 for the souiu nun 01 me suuuiwesL quarter ami tncwest half of quarter Section 2. township 11 nor'li, range XI west. Ho mimes tho following U'ltlliM..n t. ,.f.,'A I. niillltnniiii vm.?.).... upon nnd cultivation of snid land, viz: Walter N. Simmons, Nicholas I'. Ogier, Abraham Spnr gin and Samuel Farmer, nil of Wallace, Xob. NOTICE FOi: PUHLICATION- Laud Ollico nt North Platte. Neb. I - March 19th, 1893. f Notice is hereby given that tha following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will le made before Register and Receiver at north Platte. Neb., on May 10th, 169.1, viz: who mn,r jmcf for the sontheast quarter --Jhi 11 north range x: west, lie iws( trio loirowing witnesaea to prove his continuous residenco UDon and cnltivntion of said land, viz: Walter S. Sim mons, Ira 15. Fackler. Abraham Spnrgin and Samuel Farmer, all of Wallace. Neb. '.3-6 JOHN F. HINMAN, Hegister. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land OiKcent North Platte. Neb., ? March 20th. 189.1. f Notico is hereby given that tho following nnmed tettler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in enpportof hisclnim, and that snid proof will 1k made before Hegister and Keceivor nt North Platte Neb., Ton April 27th, 1693, viz: LEAS XEALSEN. who made Homestead Entry io. 115,120 for the northwest quarter of Section 10. Township 12 north. lSnnge 30 west. lie names the following witnesses t prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of .said nnd. viz: John H. C'hnpin, James Moiitngne, Fnincis Montnguo, and Theodore Pagett. nil of North Platte. Neb. '3-ii JOHN F. HINMAN, Register. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. Land Ollico nt North Platte. Neb., March l'Jth, 1693. t Notice is hereby siven thnt tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim nnd that f-nid proof will be madu beforo the Register nnd Keceiverat North Platte, Neb., ou May 10th, 1s9j, viz WALTER N. SIMMONS, who made Homestead Entry No. 15,70.1 for tha north half of the northeast quarter aud the north half of the northwest quarter of section 12, town ship 11 north, range XI west. He names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Ira H. Fackler, Abraham Spurgin, Nicholas P Ogier nnd John Stuley.ull of Wallace. Nebraska. JOHN F. HINMAN, I-! Register. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the District Court of Lincoln County, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska to Seymour B. Hawley, Eliza Hawley. I) C. Lord, .1.-., Lord, wifo of D. C. Lord, Jr , defendants, Greeting: Vou, and each of you. are hereby notified that yon have been sued, together with Milton B. Whitney, Charles S. Falrchlld, Hnrry F Mooney, Sanford B. Lndd and Frank Hagerman as receiv ers of the Lombard Investment Company, a cor poration, as co-defendants, by John D. Newcomb, as plaintiff, iu the district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd that on or before the 13th day of May, 169.1. you mu-t answer tho petition in chan cery filed therein against said defendants, by said plaintiff, in which the plaintiff aks for a decree foreclordug the mortgage given by said defendant Seymour 15. Hawley and Eliza Hawley to the Lom bard Investment Company dated October 19th, I'-l'O. and covering the following described renl estate shunted in said county of Lincoln, and stute of Nebraska, to-wit: The East half of tho Northeat quarter, nnd the Ent hnlf of the South east quarter of Section eighteen (18), in Town ship thirteen fi:t) north. Range thirty-three (83). wet of the Sixth P. M. And said petition further prays that all the right, title, lien or Interest of all ot the defend ants in or to snid Innds, and every part thereof, bo decreed junior and inferior to tho said mort gage, now owned by plaintiff, and thnt said land- be Mild and the proofed of the sale be applied to tbe payment of the costs of tho sale, and of -aid action, ami to the amount due the plalntlftT upou said mortgi'go. nnd that all of the defend ant be barred and foreclo-ed of all interest In or lieu upon snid land. And that unle vnti answer snid oetltion. as aforesaid, the facts therein alleged will be taken as true, and a decree will be rendered as therein prnyod. Witness my nand, aud the seal of snid court bv me affixed nt North plntte, in Uncoln county. enrasxa, inn :,in clay or ilarcn, ih'.o. W.U. ELDER, Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln Countv. Nebraska. Ferry & Small and Pnttfer & Alexander, Con cordia, Kaunas, attorneys for Plaintiff. fFirst published in The Nohtii Platte Tribuxe April Zil. Ifc95.) "VOTICK IS IIEIIKI1V RIVI'V tit it r i-t tueofn chattel mortgage dated on the 10th dnv of XnvMiihnr Is".!? nr.. I - - '- lilCU MW i n conled in the office of the county clerk of Lincoln wu'"ji -uuiwK3.on me oum nay or Jiarcn, 18V!, and executed by John McNaraara to P. O. Buchan an to eriirt, the nnvmun. t.. . ... - r. with interest at ten iercent per annum, nnd upon .... . t. i- uun nun mc eam oi fltrj.oij. De fault having been made In the payment of said sum. and uo snit or other proceedings at law hav ing been In-tituted to recover said debt or any ucinn. nicreioro i win sell tne property therein de-crltieil rl- Una. r," j ..n V,e Itoring Machine with 200 feet o drilling roil, one drilling jack and balance, one horse power (furhor-e sle), two jack screws, and all tools and appurtenances belonging thereto, one bav horse ten years old, branded on left hip with fig- - . iii iiuuiiu nucuon ar, iticnards' livery barn, iu the town of Sutherland, Nebraska, ou the said day. P. O. BUCHANAN, Mortgagee. Ar Dy W. K. Be-iuchavp, Ajjent (-1 i ft li H 2