The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 15, 1895, Image 1

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    VOL. XI.
NO. 21.
t41 v.
Our Spring stock of Ladies, Misses, Mens,
Boys and Childrens'
Shoes and Oxfords
Am ihw opfrf orfche iMpection-ilicpublic.
JBK Vvn Bv-j. ' BL BssBsBBBBBsm LssmlBBM w 'v-vILbbbbbbbbbbbbbL
"We have the Latest in Style, the Best in Quality and sell
them at lower prices than any other store in town.
Kead this letter showiner how stronsrlv these bhoes are
. recommended by their celebrated makers-
Dear Sir We have, the pleasure of shipping you this day by B. &
O. freight some 788 pairs of Shoes and Oxfords. These we have examined care
fully and pronounce them fully up to our standard in quality of. Btock and work
manship. Your selection of styles are mostly those which are found the most
popular sale this season through the country. We guarantee every pair of our
shoes to you, so you can guarantee them to your customers. You will find your
name stamped on the inside of every pair of shoes. We solicit a continuance of
your patronage, fully confident that you will recognize in the merita of these
goods our desire to give you the best possible values for the prices charged.
The -:- Boston -:- Store,
Anthracite and Bituminous Coal
Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited.
. Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce .
street will be promptly filled.
; : : For Sale : : :
ItaTCH :-: FARMS !
.pfle.iaif mne from -Koyfa Pktte. We will sell . you
a fafm'of any size you may desire.
; rf PBIOE $15.00 TO $25.00 PER ACEE.
-Terms to suit the purchaser
ZEsTO. 3496.
v JTirsi Rational Bam
Capital, -Surplus,
E. M. F. LEFLANG, Preset.,
A General Banking Business Transacted.
v -
V -4.
- l--f
Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar.
Oar billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables
and competent attendants will supply all your wants.
County Correspondence.
Maxwell Melange-
The entertainment which the singing
school was to give has been indefinitely
p. T1. Dolan went to North Platte last
William Brophy who was working on
the railroad here last fall, returned to
Mnrwfill last Sunday having spent the
winter in Omaha.
Mr. McNamara made a business trip
to Omaha last Monday night.
Miss Mav Dolan spent Sunday m
North Platte.
Miss Marv Jensen, who has been the
truest of Miss Pearl Snyder for several
o -
days, returned to Omaha Mosday.
31 rs. Finch who sppnt the weetc in
Maxwell returned to her home in Brady
Island Tuesday.
All of the bridges are finished at last
and the bridge men went away Monday
night. t
At present there is about twenty
pupils in the Maxwell school, more than
half of whom are from the Island.
On last Friday evening when the
shadows of night had fallen upon the
happy home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Ger-
aghty the Angel of Death crept silently
and unexpectedly into the bouse and
lingered and soon all joy was changed
to sadness within that happy home, for
each one saw tbat tne sad messenger
was seat to call their infant daughter
awoy. Duriug one short week she -had
stayed and brightened their home with
her angel life, but when last Saturday
morning dawned upon the earth her
little life went out she died to live in
Out of respect for Mr. and Mrs. M.
Geraghty no literary society was held in
Maxwell last Saturday evening.
Hichol Uuggets.
R. W. Calhoun is building a fence on
his farm south of the railroad.
Gibbens hay baling outlit returned
from Riverside Wednesday, having fin
ished the work there.
Eli Etchison, of the South side, who
has been pasturing a herd ot cattle in
corn stalk fields along the ditch for
some time past, departed for home with
the stock Tuesday.
That two inch snow Wednesday was
all right.
Ben Gibbens will soon move to the
farm he has rented on the ditch.
The winter weather has put a stop to
farming operations.
Several of the older citizens in this
neighborhood called on D. T. Davis at
the 'Jkm sL life, daughter. Mrs. Mary
Spjirrier. on Wednesday thisVeek' in
(dorbf- his seventy-fourth birthday.
Those present report a pleasant time.
Owing to tho scarcity of seecUthe
small grain crop in this section will be
somewhat limited this season.
Wild geeso and'ducks are quite plen
tiful in the valley at present.
There will be M. E. quarterly meeting
services in the Maccabee hall at Her
sbey tomorrow and Sunday to which
everybody is cordially invited. Presid
ing elde r Leonard of North Platte will
be there.
I. V. Zook will plaster his sod house
soon with natural lime which he pro
cured in the hills in the vicinity of the
Rev. Graves, of North Platte, will meet
his regular appointment at Hershey
next Sunday evening.
We learned a few days ago that Chas.
Toillion had rented the Frazier farm for
the coming season.
Will Brooks and Oscar Sullivan
shelled corn for Xavier Toillion on Tues
day this week.
The jolly nimrod was in hot pursuit
after the fleet footed Jack rabbit on
Farm hands are receiving about $20
per month for the season in the vallev
this spring.
N.B. Spurrier and little, son Willie
are expected home the first of the com
ing week from an extended visit with
relatives and friends in Iowa.
The majority of the people in this
community are suffering more or less
rom severe colds, caused bv tho sud
den changes ifi'the weather.
Corn will be th e principal crop in the
valley this season.
I. M. Baley and family will remain on
the W. E. Parks farm this season.
The total eclipse of the moon on Sun
day evening last left several people in
darkness who were out for their health
or pleasure when it occurred.
Z. M. Zook will, we are informed, farm
the same ditch land this year tbat he
did last.
The snow storm Wednesday night
prevented a certain home from heinrr
invaded by a surprise party. "All is
well that ends well."
A numbers of farmers in the valley
are talking stronclv of nuttinc in n
arge acreage to alfalfa . this season.
"That's the stuff."
The members of the Sabbath school
at this place will meet at the home of
Sir. and Mrs. I. V. Zook this evening,
where they will engage in a song ser
vice, p.-,.
Mr. McMichael, of North Platte, was
in Brady Tuesday.
Ira Wilson went down to Gothenbunr
W. J. Crusen, of North Platte arrived
here Tuesday to assist in the revivals.
R. P. Wissler left for the east Wednes
day where he will solicit seed cram for
the farmers in Gaslin precinct.
Rev. Thurber, who has been assisting
in the revivals, fcft for Paxton Wednes
day morning. L
The revival saltings that are beine
held at the Ja. L church are largely
attended and alvidy several have man
ifested their deeiM to live abetter life.
May tne gpoa wont go on
J.H. Giffin raigraedjroei his visit to
is no
place like aowe.: ThtteeVare harder in
California than Sere.
K XbfMatbewaoa is raoaiog R. P.
Waaler's hardware store' daring the
latter absence .
A Mr. Baker T from Iowa has rented
Mrs.R. D. Fisher's farm east of town.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Wra.
Spick died Tuesday. The funeral ser
.vices were conaucvea at tne bouse by
Rev. Ebersole cm Thursday afternoon
The parents, have the sympathy of the
-1 I 1 .
C'lmmuaity iit tuegr Bereavement.
Several parties., from here have gone
to Cozad to work on the ditch.
Frank Edaaoods, of North Platte, ad
dressed a large -audience on the temper
ance question at the Methodist church
last Saturday afternoon. At the close
of the meetingufmes were taken for the
organization of ah I. O. G. T. Iodgeome
forty-four being secured.
The joint debate between the L. L.
A's ancLBrady literary society on Satur
day evening drew; a large audience. The
question debated was '-'Resolved, Tbat
strikes areJegaL" Brady having the
affirmative side wss repress ted by
Messrs. Beal'tMathwwm and Marko;
the negative being represented bv
and Edmonds,
question was
ably discussed by both sides, but the
judge's decision was in favor of the af
firmative. (me-azain boys: we are al
ways glad W ssgaj) ideas with you
V ii
siflBOr bbsjHsbbhbs
California ofe
Brady Manji fesliig feat there
Messrs. Ridgley, UEUiott
of North Platte? The
immatbfuecsnsiisw of 1b3-
proving xneisserves spiritually
Concerning the Y If. 0. A.
-North Puote Neb., March 13,' 95.
Ed. Tribune. .
Deab Srn: Since the board of di
rectors" of theT. M.C. A. have chosen
me as secretary for an indefinite time, I
desire to say a few words to the public
through your columns.
1st. What should be the attitude of
a business man toward the associatio n?
Fifty years ago tho 6th day of last June
the Young Men'a.Christian Association
was founded. The world might possibly
call this simply a coincident but to the
christian it is'very different. The,
founder of this ihstitution, George Wil-
iams, a clerk in?:one of the large mer-
cantil houses, ccljoadon gathered a few
of bis coinpt
and in
friendly -association together, builded
much better than he knew, for, as a re
sult of that humblb beginning we have
the Young Men's -Christian Association
of to-day. It is doubtful if christian
society would have tolerated the associa
tion if it had been launched upon the
world at that time with all its modern
equipments, sucb as basket ball, bowling
alley, punching bag, bicycle and base
ball clubs, yet it is gratifying to know
that all these agencies have been mighty
instruments in bring young men to the
Jesus Christ.
The association is keeping pace with
tho times and in many cases it leads the
There is nothing attempting to do the
same kiud and range of work, and there
is nothing more calculated to make
manly young men. It has broadened
the views of christians and is bringing
all classes closer together and offers
ample fields where all may -consistently
work, and more, it lays on every com
munity a responsibility which cannot be
set aside, and as Johti Wanamaker says:
"No community' has done its duty until
it has a place in' its tnidst where young
men can enjoy improving and elevating
surroundings, and which counteracts the
haunts of vice which are ever bidding
for their patronage and making them
heartily welcome as long as they have
money to spond or influence to bring
others who have, after their own wealth
is gone." What is more natural than for
them to be drawn to such places com
paring the cold and uninviting rooms
where they often live with the warmth
and brightness of such places of sin?
The association rooms are also for the
business man in whom dwelleth the love
for man. He ought to be a visitor there
even if they are not so attractive as his
owu home, in order tbat he may know
who is there and who is not. They afford
an excellent opportunity for judging the
habits and inclinations of young men,
your own sons, your own employes, and
if they are there, what their tastes are,
how they spend their leisure time when
different. ways are open to them. If
they are not there, why hot? Their ab
sence needs looking into. .
They are either' In some better or
worse place- If the former, you should
know it, and'itrwill-be vlry gratifying to
you. If the latter it cannot'be unearthed
too soon for your good and for that of
the young man.
Business men, financial men, profes
sional, is there any comparison between
the foregoing practice and that of forti
fying property interests behind an in
strument that chains a man up as if be
was a being that could not be trusted?
The tendency of to-day is the deplor
able one ot making men into machines,
and the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion can and ought to be used in a large
measure to set the current in the other
way and make men out of men.
Does it pay? -
- H. B. HpxLnrGsoRTH.
- :-
On All Imported Woo en Goods and Sills
We must close out our stock of nice fine goods and make room for our new stock'
under the new tariff regulations. : : : $1.75 Silk Henrietta at $1.10; 1.50 Silk
Henrietta at 85 cts.; $1.00 Henrietta at 65 cts,; $1.25 Bedford Cords at S5 cents; Sfc25
French Serges at 85 cts.; $1.00 French Serges at 65 cts.; all wool 1 yd. wide: $1.25 Broad
Cloth at 75 cts.; 65 ct Flannels, 46 in. wide at 50 cts. : : : In our Shoe department
we offer the choicest line in the west, C. D. and B. widths, in fine new goods. : : :
Call and see for yourself the Wonderful Bargains at Rennie's for January and February in
1895. : . ; Amoskeag Ginghams at 5 cts. per vard, Lawrence LL uslin at 4 cts.
per yard, Lonsdale Muslin at 6 cts. per yard, at " RENNIE'S.
When and How to Sow Alfalfa
Del phis Vincent, of St. Edwards,N"eb
thus gives his experience in the Ne
braska Farmer, upon the subject of most
vital interest to Lincoln county farmers.
"in answer to inquiry oy your paper
last week about sowing alfalfa seed in
the spring on winter wheat or on rye
helds I would say that it is not ndvisa
ble. I have sown- twice in the oast ten
years. It has nover been succeesfu
with growing crops in my locality, but
in the spring of 1892 I put in twenty-five
acres again on rye field. Later in the
season my experimenting was success
ful. If a farmer has not a trood stand of
winter wheat and wishes to put in alfalfa
I should use a disc harrow both ways
before sowing it, and then sow the seed
broadcast and harrow twice. The best
time to do this work is the first week of
May, allowing the green stuff to lie
where it falls. In this way vou would
prevent the fine dust from blowing
away and give the plant a chance to take
root. The fall plowing makes a fine
seed bed and the ground is in fine shape
but it is not advisable to sow on fall
plowing where there are severe .wind
storms, such as we very often have in
early spring when there will be clouds
of dust on fall plowing. Much of the
seed will be blown away before it has a
chance to take roots. Our best alfalfa
fields are on rolling land. We have
some growing wnere our nrst water
vein is from ninety to 200 feet beiow the
surface. It has been growing there for
the last eight 'years and is just as good
to-day as the year after sowing. This is
my experience here in Boone county.
In some localities, on low land, where
there is plenty of moisture, and where
irrigation is practiced, it will do twice
as well. I sow all my alfalfa alone now,
as the nature of alfalfa demands light
and sunshine. Now, my friend, in read
ing this you might say we had too
much sunshine last- year, 1894, but I had
sown ninety-live acres in the spring. It-
did wonderfully well for the season un
til the hot winds came. It then with
ered down and it was doubtful for a
long time whether it would come up or
not until we bad the fall ram. Then it
grew up to eight inches and its roots
were twenty-two inches deep in the
ground. If we have any rain this spring,
it will be successful for last year's sow
ing. I am going to sow fifty acres more
this spring. We have a 318-acre alfalfa
field besides that ninety-five acres, but
the hot winds and the panic did not
wither the old alfalfa field. It was as
fresh and green as in the spring, only it
was short. We cut one and a half tons
per acre in the season, and I threshed
out fifty acres which gave 197 bushels
first quality of seed. In good seasons
we cut five tons per acre on the same
ground. I must remind you this is not
grown on irrigated lanu. it n were, it
would be as good again. I hope this does
not tiro you. I must stop. There has
been a ereat deal said about this excel
lent forage plant for the last two years.
Of course there is a variety of opinion
as to its culture. But there is enough
in it to call for thorough and good atten
tion. The farmer must determine
which pays the best for growing it by
his own experiment.
The ladies are having a hard time of it
in the Colorado legislature. According
to the dispatches they were "blushing
furiously" through nearly the whole
session b riday, and one of them pro
tested with a very red face that "the
language used by the men was an insult
to the women of Colorado." If the men
purposely turned the debate in a way to
be offensive to the women on tho floor,
they deserve the severest condemnation.
But ladies will lose their case if they
blush and protest when the debate be
comes too pointed for their comfort.
Unless they are able to steel themselves
against these annoyances and take part
in the proceedings with cold-eyed can
dor, it would be much better for them
to remain away from the sessions of the
Colorado legislature.
The majority of the retiring members
of the late congress protest that they are
poorer to-day than when they took their
seats in that remarkable and odorous
body. So say we all of us. There are
mighty few men in this country that are
not poorer either in property or wages
than they were in November, 1892. And
they generally believe that it was the
servile insurrection of the Fifty-third
congress against the republic that made
them poorer. Journal,
"(jB' ' '
will make this country prosperous.
Buy your Seeds of Harrington & Tobin. We are here to stay.
The democrats may be right who are
saying that the body which has just
6teppeddown was not a billion-dollar
congress hi appropriations, but it cost
the country several billions in the losses
to business which it caused. In that was the most destructive con
gress which the country ever had.
The department of agriculture reports
a loss to farmers of $192,000,000 in the
value of their horses during 1891. Dur
ing that same year we imported foreign
horses worth more than $1,000,000, Of
course, this is a trifling amount in com
parison with the destruction to our home
market, wrought by the free-traders,
but the sale even for 81,000,000 worth of
horses at home would be a consolation
to farmers in these days.
The Illinois legislature has decided to
float the national flag from the dome of
the state house every day in the year.
The Hags will cost between two and
three thousand dollars annually, as a
stiff breeze will tear the bunting to rib
bons in a very few days. It will require,
besides, the exclusive attention of one
man to see that the flags are flying regu
lar and kept in good order. It h rather
meanly intimated by the opponents of
this movement that the resolution was
passed at the instigation of the nag
trust, which hopes to make a mint of
money out of the patriotic desire of the
people to see the stars and stripes float
ing from every school house and public
building in the country.
Why Was It
that Ayer's SaraapariUa, oat of the great
number of similar preparations manufac
tured throughout the world, was the only
medicine of the kind admitted at the
World's Fair, Chicago? And why was it
that, in pite of the united efforts of the
maaufssCurers of other preparations, the
decision of the World's Fair Directors was
According to Kcle 15 "Articles
that axe in any way dangerous or
oifensira, also patent medicines,
aostrnms, and empirical prepara
tions, whose ingredients are con
cealed, will not be admitted to the
ZxpositioB," and, therefore
Beeaute Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is not a
patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not
a secret preparation.
JSectmue Its proprietors had nothing to
conceal when questioned as to the for
mula Trom which it is compounded,
caui it is all that it is claimed to be
a Compound Concentrated Extract of
Sarsaparilla, aad 1u every seese, worthy
the Indorse ent of this most important o
committee, called together for passing Oi
tipon the manufactured products of the q
entire world. oj
1 ... 21
Th PurAAn Anil a oi
onwuuiaauaima o
Admitted lor Xxhibitioa
"Via .
The weather has abandoned the presi
dent and he had to give up his duck
hunting trip and seek the shore, where
there was a root to cover and a tire to
warm him. This is the most- unMndest
cut of all. Hitherto it ha3been popu
larly believed by the worshippers of the
man of destiny that the weather was
especially made to his order and that
wherever he wandered on the face of the
earth sunshine followed him and the
rude winds and rains of heaven fled at
his approach. Er.
Charles H. Robinson, pension agent at
Des Moines for the district of Iowa and
Kebraska, has received official notifica
tion from Washington to the effect that
all pensioners receiving less than 86 per
month shall hereafter receive that
amount. There are 3,300 pensioners in
this district who come under the new
law, and the disbursements of the office
there will be increased more than $11,000
per annum. There are 2,600 pensioners
who receive U per month and 600 who
get 82. The remainder of the 3,300 re
ceive above those rates. The pensioners
affected need not be re-rated. Atrant
Robinson will send th in
vouchers for the April payment without
applicatioas on the part' of the bene
ficiaries. An exchange says: "Don't ask an
editor to suppress an item, of news.
Some other paper will get it anv wav.
The next week something will happen
4- ... . r i .
aj juurneignoor, and if ho asks to have
it suppressed, you will be the first to
jump on to the editor for not darinsr to
yhis soul was his own: take your
medicino when tbe item happens to fall
your way, for really you have no more
claim on the paper than your neiVhhnr
Nearly every day the editor is called up-
uu ior roasts ana several other kinds of
cookery for the benefit of this or that
one, and yet those who
would no more thiuk of writing what
they ask the editor to write and assume
the responsibility for, than they would
fly. If the editor would comply with all
the' requests made of him, the first
thing needed would be a suit of armor
stronger and more impenetrable than
any made by Carnegie for United States
war ships.
aiaxORellis angry and snlutterintr
like an arc light. He savs Mark Tmi.
-our own sad-eyed Mark, who W in
humor-has deliberately insulted th
good women of Paris and threat, nil
sorts of dire things ti- j -
o-- uappcueu 111
this way: Paul Blouet recently nti
a book in which he scored America and
Americans unmercifully. Among other
things he poked fun at the Yankees be
cause they had no Ions line of ancestors
to point to with pride. He added that
whenever a Yankee had a dull day he
could "pass the time very pleasantly in
guessing who his ancestors were."" By
and by Mark Twain made a few remarks
about France and Frenchmen. In reply
to Blouet's sneer about our pedigree
shortage Mark suggested that whenever
the average Parisian had a dull day he
could "pass the time very pleasantly in
guessing who his father was." And so
the matter rests. It is a very pretty
quarrel as it is. Quills and coffee foe-two!-Chic3go
Dispatch, .
-t',V. , IBS