THE ffORTH PLATTE .SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE: FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, .1895. fmmsmA 1 changes in tds laws. FAV011MH.E FOB A SETTEE J EXT. ELAND RULED OUT CF ORDER. PLUG TOBACCO lVUK Fourteen Amendments Reported to the Nebraska Legislature. DEL1A17D IMMEDIATE AID. Consumers ofchewing totacco who are wing to pay a little more ikn tlie price charged for tie ordinary trade tobaccos, will find this brand superior to all others- mmi Of IMITATIONS. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with EvJ3lp3lOyS, Witch Hascl Oil as a curative and healixg application. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Pnxs or I Ii.morehoids, External or Internal, Wind c Bleeding Itching and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate--cure certain. It Cures liCRvs, Sjalds and Ulceration and Contraction . oin Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Tokn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Uruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers. Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures 1m lamkd or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Kiieum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruption, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or hostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects. Three Sizes 250., 50c. and Si. 00. Sold bj-Drnj;si&tE,or emt post-paid ou receiptof price. lll'arilKLTS St:U. CO., IIUIU MtilUci St., Jlew Yerk. WHO (I M1IIL OIL Hitchcock Chanty People Declare They Must IIa-e Help at Once Friends of the University Levy Hill Given An other Chance In the Future. bi bpLSi'i'i t;ii--:to-UrinaryOr. , -. t-, . rcuu'i no Ii3;"-3 or diet or I'-swus, mercurial cr po:s?aor5i3C.i (ttria tr-.'" rj a lo Lc taca internal?. Wtia ASL K3 AS A PVEK7!VE ubleta contort 1 any.cereaiiiscaee;i'uiininecscoi . 1. o-. iireiiyUf-TCTtir ArrucriD h'JI SrT "HJ? "7-1 -o a cure. Trico liy mail, pints; a jiai. , faiT JtVSa J2 Cl er S bos for gi. Sold bv A. R Stroitz, Druggist, North VSatte Neb. $500 Eeward! WE will pav the above reward fo. any case of I.ivsr Complaint IJv-ten.sia, -ick Headache In digestion Con, ipaticn cr Costiveness we cannot cure Tkitii West s Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictlv complied frith. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give sat isfaction. f'lgartCoated. La rpc hoses. 25 cents Etviare f counterfeits and imitations. Thegen u3cc manulactured only bv THE JOliN C. WiJST CJMI'ANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by A. K. btreitz, Druggist, N rth riiitto, Neb. m ft MEW sham, rrcs toh a txs js wc.M if. : r v iz.l i .-!.!. -.a!;. Hr!tn r. Niirht L : 1 3.tbacx, ..-' 1 5Iisrv-, C' .-..!!! fin box: t! tor.".: refund laniiry. . rum fnr 0..'jH, . 'e r;-te rnd K a-i rca;r.-.ei .iowif?a puir..i'1'P, bynuthor . i cur.- Weal; ri-nry: Iji? r'nwt r; Lo?t JI:h':.ti1; Jc.'i-l'.i ' J ---!;-; l4rk of Cor.fn: -nr. -i'n :. : sil; l:.-5of l'ow " (:.'.! in e:tJir f-os, eaa-ed V i..' i.Jk J .-rors, or Liccs-'ci'.e b'u rr i.' "ir. I" toon Iwt! 1 i:fru l-:---iui'.y uc;l i!J Ii.i iii written t,i care c v V3 cough si. n cr. a ti C6'Jn tt;tun.'.'ic.OroUi :;. Si rc t'hvos. i!easni:t lo l. "r i -K c.Ui. sa, now 'H A. F. Streitz, Druggist, North 1'Iatfc-N'ob. jLAOiM-S DO YOU EVOT7 DR. FELIX 3.E BRUFJ'S j.-thoi Is::..:' :. I liable enre - t lail. C . ' A.F. Stre t . Di.';'gist. No. Pintle, Nob fNo More Back Achi 5 li(iR,AVELrs " jLr constipation, INFLAWATiON c'r-' 2 LADDER, and For Sab by A. F. Stretos. A C Spleau i 1 cra? ir? ncx t ". r rvoa cr Sici . -t .til . i . t.U J .'.IL'.l, .III.. '( .'.Tial cr c -n. r-l r.?:ir lti; ri.-o for Kaeu . n:atini. Gout, ii.dney T ruer-s Acid Dj--lpep.-.2. Ana'Siix Ar'i'lctj fcr .)c9nohe !nnd oth r excesses, i': 'c:-, 1J, ' cji1 iJ ccais. KSentceat. . THE AHs'CLD CKESICiL CO. ! 1 51 S. u'ss'.c-r. Avcaa, CHICAGO. Sold bv A F. Stroitz. Dri'ggist, North Platte, Neb. Lincoln, Feb. 7. The honse Wednes day morning, in contniittee of the whole, recommended two bills for pxssage and one for indefinite postponement. One of the b'lla that was successful vras house roll 121, to provide for an addi tional bailiff in the supreme court. The one th it was df sated was house roll 140, providing for th ; punishment of parties guilty of brib?ry. An exciting debate ensued over the latter measure, the principals being Cole, McNitt, Barry. 1 Rhodes and Casper. But the excitement of the morning was centered in rh'i debate over relief measures. The clerk read a remarkable letter from Professor C. B. Dial, secre- tary of the relief commission of Strat-- ton, Neb. Tlio letter stated that there wer- GD9 people depandent on this com- j mission and that there was no relief in sight. Profesior Dial asked that $100 be sent at once to keep the paopio going a week longer. Conaway, chairman of the house re lief commission, made a speech in whirh he claimed that the reisaa people were suffering wa; because they had not com plied with the law in organizing their relief comm ssions. The letter was addressed to Cole (HitchfOfk) and In made a .strong plea for immediate action on the part of the commission. The letter was r-jfer ed to the special committee appointed to in vestigate the relief commission, and it was carried. The senate spent the entire forenoon in comm ttt-e of the whole, tho bill under consideration being Akers1 irri gation bill. The entire bill was read, and hut little opposition was met, until an attempt was 'made by Senator Pope to tack on an amendment prohibiting the formation of any irrigation district in any torritory in which an irrigation canal had already been constructed and was in operation. The proposed amend ment provoked a fight. S.mator Akers characterized it as an attempt to give irrigation companies a nnaopo'.y. The amendment was finally defeated. There was a big fight on for an honr preceding adjournment on tho univer sity levy bill. The bill failed to carry, lacking three votes of a majority. Speaker Richards refused to announce the vote taken, and the motion to re couitnit the bill gives its friends another elu'-ace in the future. Co;!;i national Amendments. One of the mo5t important reports ever made by a legislative committee vril! be marV to the Pnnate today by tho committer ou constitutional amend ments. This committee comprises Sen ators Sloan, Lindsay, Tefft. "Watson, Wright, Pope and Crawford. This committee will report for passage four teen pr posed amndnnnt.s to the state constitution. They may ba summarized as follows: 1. The right of trir.l by jury shall re main inviolate, ba' in civil actions two thirds of the jary m.iv render the verdict, and the lgi-'aa: may authorize trial bj jury of le.s th.i'i 12 mon in courts inferior to the di .tri. e mrt. 2. Provide for a railroad commission to be elected by a vote of th: people. 3. Provides that the salaries of all ex ecutive oftii -s shall 1m Used by ;he legis lature insf-ad of by the constitution. 4. Provides th.r :ho legislature in ay by a two-third majority of all members elected to each house designate additional executive offl.xTs. it. Gives th" legislature power to pro vide for appellate courts inferior to the suprcTiu court. 0. Provides that 1 he supreme court shall consist of five jutlires, but gives the legisla ture power to iR.-re.i53 t!u number under certain eondiiiou. 7. Gives the legislature power to in crease the number of jndgesof the supreme courc at any linn aft.T 1S7, providing that two-third of all tlw members elected to each hotiM? concur. 5. Provides that the salaries of tho judges of the supreme court shall be fixed by the Iegi huure. "). Resulates the right of suffrage by providing that in order to vote in Nc bra -ka a man must be a citizen of the United States for at least HO days before election and inibi have been a resident of the state at lea -t one year, of the county at lea t i days and of the voting precinct 150 day, and in addition must be able to read his bailor in English. Exceptions nr. made in favor of a man physieially un able to read, or who is already a voter, or who i-; overdo years of age. 10 Provides for the investment of tho jwrmnnout school fund and gives the board of educational lands and funds autho-ity to. sell any securities held as an inve uneiii for the permanent school fund wh-n opportunity presents itself for rein vestment under more favorable circum Mances. 11. Provides that no city, county, town, prccine! or oiher subdivi.siou of the state shall ever make donations to any works of internal imp.ovcment or manufactory un less a p opo-itioa to do so shall receive i two thi dsmajoiity. 12. Provides that proposed amendments to the state constitution shall not ba adopted unless sane.ioned by two-thirds of the electors voting upon the proposition. 10. Provide; that cities of the metropol itan class may have their government merged with the government of the coun ty in which they are located when the peo ple of such city and county agree to the tame by a two-thirds majority. 11. All voting shall be by ballot or by such other method as shall bo prescribed by law, providing secrecy Ix? maintained. This last amendment will permit the adoption of voting machines. Import Duty ou Grain. Madrid. Feb. 7. The chamber of deputies adopted a bill imposing an im port duty on foreign grains of 2.50 pesos per hecto!.';ro. Jr. .MJ rvn a mn-MTltWl Inr nil flm?. cista. It crre3 J--pjent Consumption, and Is the best Cough end Croup Cure Sold by North Piatte Pharmacy. SHILOH'S CURE is sold on a guar- ant e. It cures Iusipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose. Twenty-tho cts., 50 ctp. and 31. Sold bv North Platte Pharmacy. REMOYA L. Wo tako pleasure in announcing that after this date Park's Suro Cure will re move all ases of rh umatism, kidney trouble or livor complaint from tho user. It is to-day the only medicine that is guaranteed to cure these diseases or no pay. Park's Sure Cure is sold by the North Piurte Pharmacy.. Story That Snthern I'aclflc Engineers Were i reparian i or a Strike Is Denied. Sax Francisco, Peb. 7. Conditions were favorable last night for tho settle ment of the dispute between the South ern Paeific and its engineers. The presence of Chief Arthur is having a pacifying effect and his words point to a coming together of the two parties. A story is afloat that the engineers were in secret session, that they were making preparations for a strike and that some of the members had expressed the hope that one would take place. Chief Ar thur had returned from Oakland and with him in his room in the hotel was Frank Meyers, chairman of the engi nears' committee. He was at once told of the report in reference to the night session and the preparations of the strike. He denied it flatly and prompt ly. Chief Arthnr disclaimed the idea that he had come out to act as arbitrator before the Southern Pacific and its dis satisfied engineers and said his role might be better described as that of an adviser. He expressed his belief in compromises and his hope that an amicable understanding would he reached. Investigating Kanw City Stockyard Kansas City, Feb. 7. Investigation of the management of the Kansas City stock yards was commenced last night Trom the lower branch of the state legis lature. The investigation was caused by complaints from farmers that they were being overcharged in fees and commissions. A bill has already passed the Kansas senate which reduced the stockpard charges about 50 per cent. Tiie bill is now pending in the house, but will not be considered by that body until a report is received from the com mittee. The commission men and stock yards company say they do not fear the investigation. Tnchip; Yarht AUsn Launched. Glasgow, Feb. 7. The lft-ton racing cutter Ah'sa, designed by Mr. W. Fife, jr., for Mr. A. Barclay Walker, was launched from the yard of Mess. Inglis. The Alisa is said to b the finest p'ece of work over accompMsl-ed by Mr. Fife. jr. fhe will meet Valkyrie III, the yacht bj'ng built by Lord Dun raven's syndicate in order to race for the Amor'ctn cup. She will also meet the Britannia and other fast English vachts, and it is probf Ve that if she proves to be a better boat than anv of them she will be substituted for Valkyrie III as the cup challenger. Tim Hcaly Kesigin. London, Feb. 7. Mr. Timothy M. n'V, M. P., for North Lnth, and lpadr of the section of the Irish par liam 'nary party, now known as the H ily'tes. has resigned his uwnb!r3h;p of tho new parliamentary oomm;ttee of the Irish parl'amnfctry party. Mr. Healy's resignation is the result of the action of ants.-paruellite mnibers. who, at their meeting on Tmsdav last, elected Messrs. Condon and Abraham (Dillon ites fo succeed Messrs. Michael Davit t and Timothv Sullivan. I'rioc 'ro Hlsh EnnngTi. Lo ANQ'SLKB, Feb. 7. Notwith standing tin incnas'j of favorable cir cumstances for California oranges oc casioned by the Mediterranean freeze out, it will not affect the price which was established by tho Southern Cali fornia Fruit Exchange at the beginning of season. The exchange considers tho prices high enough to g;ve the growers a good profit and they will adhere to thorn. Iiine-to Still Ilohl tho Island ort. Yokoh C-ia. Feb. 7. An official dis patch vpceiv id here from Wei-Hai-Wei, dated Feb. :i, says: The flying squad ron today bombarded the forts which, ass'sted by the Chinese warships, re sisted obstinately. Admiral Ting the Chinese naval commander) is determ ined io hold the forts of Li Kung. Tao Island and (he ships under his com mand. Another attack by torpedo boats will be made tonight. Vi-toed hy Mavor Sehier in. Brooklyn. Feb. "i. Mayor Schierin has vetoed the resolution adapted by the board of aldermen on Monday revoking th" trolley franchises of the Brooklyn City and Atlantic Avenue Street Rail way companies. SHORTS r.IVUN ANOTHER scare. Corn Marten" One- Hnlf Cent Higher, Hnt 1 inally Cl"eI Lower. Chicago. Fob. 7. Wheat started firm to day. Tho ea"li"J were strong, northwest re ceipts were liclit and tho Cincinnati Price Cur rent's crop Miinninry van considered rather tu INh. Xew York showed an advance and, with the strength in corn, also helped the mar ket. Jlay opened 'c h'ph'r at bl)lc touched ate an l no I a .".' 'tiifi. Com ir.a-'.'.e; was tin lender In strength. The burin? was liberal, led by Patton and Bartlett Fra7ier, and shorts covered vigorously. May openo-i l;c hish.;r at 16c, touched J5;0c and re set I to lie. Cuts were fi-m in sympathy with corn. Muy openl li- high -rat c, fold from ?-c to 297B a id reaete! to the opening price. Provisi n-i w tc hish? r, helped by lipht hog receipts an I the strength in tnain. May pork tipeneJ Uc liisher at 1J.30 a .(I advanced to HJ.5J. M.vy lard -old at ?0.80and ribs at?5.45. clo-in"c rniCES. WHEAT February, 50' Jc: May, 53c :Ju'y, 5t5ae. COHN February. 45;e; 3Iay, i5)ic; July, 45 ili ' - September, l.Vc OATo-Febrnary, 27Jg'327?Xc: May. 2SK 2'::-; .Tu 2?- s 'llO'lc: July. Ji.'ijC FORK F"brna ry, ?10.15; May. J10.40. LAKD February, 0.G23; May, W.77J- KI3S February, Jo.'-O; May, ?5-. Chicago Lli'e Stock. Cme-AQo, Feb. 7. HOGS Estimated l-e-ceipts, head; left over, 3.C0J heal: market- drasiinK, priceso10c higher; light.; mixed, J4.l54.33; heavy, UVX&i-Sti; roash. ?4.0J.o;4.15. CATTLE Estimated receipts. 8,000 head; markJt .slow but stron?. SHEEP Estimate! receipts, 7,000 head; market firm and lOe higher. South Omaha Lire Stock. South Om.uia, Feb. C CATTLE Receipts, 59J h.;ad: 13JJ to 150J lbs.. ?4.JCo.00: llJJto lSJjlbs., ?4.0e5.4.00; WJ to 11U0 lb.s., rJ.4a4.(X); ehai o cows, $2.2ofoJ.0J; common cows. fVSiQ 2.25 ; pood feeders, 2.75g3.a.) ; common feeders, ti. jyj'J.CO. Market stronger. HOGS 3 Receipts, l,0u0 head; light. J3.S53.95; mix-d. SJ-PJai.O; heavy, $3.95iJ4.I3. Market 5(g.lJ higher. SH r EP Receipts, 300 head. Muttons, 120(3 3.Gj; la;ubsj, U.iXi.5J. Huket stronger. "WHEATLAND, WYO. There is no finer agricultural sec tion in all this broad western coun try than can be found in the vicinity of" the beautiful little town of Wheatland. Wyoming, ninety-six miles north of Cheyenne. Immense crops, never failing supply of water, rich land, and great agricultural resources. Magnificent farms to be had for little money. Reached via the Union Pacific System. E. L. Lomax, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. Decision or the Chair oa th Free Sllvci rropositlon Sustained Mr. BrossinV Amendment Agreed To Proceed ings In the Senate. Washington Feb. 7. The house met at 1 1 o'clock today. Some routine busi ness was transacted before the debate on the bond bill was resumed. Bills -were passed as follows: To give homestead ers preference rights at the opening of abandoned Fort Jupiter military reser vation in Florida; to authorize the Iowa and Nebraska Pontoon Bridge company to construct a wagon bridge across the Missouri river at Sioux City; to pension at the rate of $50 per month the widow cf the late Brigadier General J. C. Kel ton; for the relief 'of Catherine Cain. Mr. Grosvenor, (Rep., O.) asked unan imous consent for the consideration of a joint resolution for the appointment of a committee to investigate the validity of the election in Tennessee last Novem ber. "I object to the consideration of that resolution," shonted Mr. Cox (Dem., Tenu.) "The state of Tennessee can take tare of itself." Financial DLscnxsinn Resumed. The house then went into committee of the whole and resumed consideration of the administration bill to authorize tho issue of $o00,000,00D of gold bonds. The pending question was on the appeal from the decision of the chair, ruling the amendment of Mr. Bland (Dem., Mo.) out of order. The chair was sus tained 130 to 52. Mr. Brossius R-p., Pa.) offered an amendment providing that such bonds of the denomination of $20, $50 and $100 as can be disposedbf shall be deposited for sr.Ie with nati jial bunks by the sec retary of the treasury. Mr. Sickles (Dem., N. Y.) made an eloquent appeal for the passage of the pending bill. Mr: Strait (Dem., S. C, created amusement while opposing the bill by describing the degeneration of tho republic and of congress. If W ash ingtcn was to look upon the house today, he said, "tears as big as mounts would furrow his cheeks, and if John C. Cal houn could come down he would lash four-fifths of the members from the cap itol." Mr. Bra-sins' amendment was agreed to. An amendment offered by Mr. Wheeler (Dem., Ala.) to repeal the state bank was then taken up. In the Senate. Washington, Feb. 7. The creden tials of Lucien Baiter as senator from Kansas for the term beginning March 4 next were presented to the senate today. A sequel to the spirited difference be tween Mr. Mitchell (Rep., Or.) and Mr. Harris .Dem., Tenu.) occurred when tho former rose to maka an explanation on the sugar bounty claims. Mr. Harris, looking rather serious, spoko of his ob jections the other day, but said he would not renew it.' Mr. Mitchell said he was glad to hear the senator admit that ho had made a mistake. It had looked for a moment as though the sparks might fly, but Mr. Harris rose to reply and then sat down iigain, evi dently ready to let the personal incident close. 5 Mr. Mitchell said tho sujjar bounty claims had brought differences in the claim committee. There were two prop ositions submitted. One was to pay in full the balance of the bonnty earned up to the passage of the new tariff act which repealed the bounty. The other was to pay one-half of the bounty for tho year 1895 sinco the passage of the act. The majority of the committee be lieved in paying the amount of bounty earned prior to theaetual time of the act. Mr. Mitchell said his personal view -was that these claims were a legal ob ligation as well as an equitable one. The aggregate of the claims for the bounty earned after "the passage of the tariff act was $-237,000. The commis sioner of internal revenues suggested $250,000 for meeting these claims. But the main claim was for one-half of tho bounty after the tariff. Indianapolis Hotel r.nrocd. iNDiAN'AroLis, Feb. 7. Fire in the Denison hotel caused a $100,000 loss. Freman Frank Nutter and Electric Light Man Patrick Ryan were knocked from a ladder 40 feet high by a piece of falling cornice. Both men were picked up unconscious and Nutter is probably fatally and Ryan seriously injured. Three Fatally Ilnrt by i Boiler Explosion. El Paso, Tex., Feb. 7. By the burst ing of a boiler in the El Paso steam laundry at 7:30 a. m. three men -were fatally injured. The explosion broke all the windows in the block and apiece of the boiler (weighing 7o pounds was thrown four docks over 3-story build ings. KiRlilcen Below at St. Joe. St Joseph, Feb. 7. At 8 a. m. the thermometer registered 18 below zero. tho coldest of the winter. Street car traffic was much impeded and on some of the railroads west of here freight serv ice was abandoned and passenger trains were operated withf,riim2ultv. Kx-Minister Stevens III. Augusta, Me., Feb. 7. The Hon. J. L. Stevens of this city, minister to Hawaii in President Harrison's term, is critically ill with nervous prostration and heart trouble. Two Kansas Postmasters. Washington". Feb. 7. The president has sent to the senate the following nom inations: Postmasters John Schleyer, Hayes, Kan.; John W. Cox, Ellis, Kan. Cigarette smoking by English women is so far legalized that the court has de cided that a mistress is not justified in dismissing a cook without notice be cause she smokes in the kitchen. Th magistrate at the samo time expressed strong sympathy with the mistress' feelings. SHILOH'S CUKE is sold on a guar antee. It cures Insipient Consumption It is the best Counh Cure. Only one cent a doe. 25 cts.. 50 cts., and $1 00. Sold hy North Platte Pharmacy. WHAT'S THE USE OF TALKING About coughs and colds in the sum mer time. Yon may have a tickling cough or a little cold, or baby may have the croup, and when it comes you ought to know that Park's Cough Syrup is the best cure for it Sold by North Platte Pharmacy. Ivory At Floats BE5T FOR 5HIRT5. THE PROCTER GAMSLE CO. C;N 1. CLAUDE W-EINGAND, DEALER IN" Sr. VON aOETZ, The North Side Grocer, GROCERIES, : EL0UR, : FEED, PROVISIONS AND COUNTRY PRODUCE. Oar Goods are Guaranteed Fresh, Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, We Insure Prompt Delivery, We Solicit a Share of Your Trade. NORTH LOCUST STREET. Goal Oil, Gasoline J Crude Petroleum ard Coal Gas Tar. Leave orders at Newton's Store. E. B. WARNER. Faneral Director. AND EMBALMSR. A full lino of (5rst.flas funeral supplies always in stock. NORTH PLATTE, - KEBIHiSKA. -Insfraidi nnW promptly fittemh'd to. KELLNER S FR4ZIKR, BUILDERS OF RJGATION CANALS Ditches and Laterals. MORTH PLATTE, NEB GEO. NAUMAN'S SIXTH STREET MEAT MARKET. Meats at wholesale, and re tail. Fish and Game in season; Sausage at all times. Cash paid for Hides. R. I). THOMSON, Co 1 1 1 rac toi1 a nd Builder. 127 Sixth St. Cor. ofViue, XORTIJ PLATTE, NEBRASKA. H. S. Tibbels, Upholsterer U. P. TIME TABLE. OOINO EAST. No.a Atlantic Express Dept 12:10 a. m. No. 4 Fust Midi 8 SO a. M. No. 2 Limited " 9:20 a. m No. J3 Freteiit " a. M. No.l8-Freitfht " 6.-00 p. m N'o.22 Freight " 40 a. m aoixa west sountain time. No. 7 Pncilic ExDrees Dept 7:10a Si N.. 1-l.imitcd " 11:00 p. si No.21 Kroiuht " 3S0 l Ji No. 23-KroiKht " biXi A. it N. H. OLDS. Asent. pRENCII & BALDWIN, A TTORXE YS-AT- LA Y, NORTH PLATTE. - - NEBRASKA. Ofiico over X. P. Ntl. Bank. p RIMES & WILCOX, ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, KOHT1I PLATTE. - - - NECK AS KA. OtSce over North Plalti National Hank. D Ti. N. P. DONALDSON, Assistant Sureou Union rac.flc Krv nuil Member of Pension llcuiU, LECAL NOTICES. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oilier nt North Plutte. Nefc.. ) January 7th. 1S95. J Notice in hpreby given that the folloviir utmied settlor tins hied notice of his intentioa t make final proof in support of hisclnim, and that sxid proof will lie iniide before HegiMer and Receiver United States Land Office at Mortk Plutte. Neb., on February 10th. l?t5. Tii: ADAM W. HOA1SON. who made Homestead Entry No. 11,104 for taa northenft quarter of Section II. Townillip lI north. RaliKOo3 west. He names tho follpwiag witnesses to prove his continuous retidenca upon ami cultivation of sold and, viz: Dati4 U. Potter. WiUinm M. Potter. Sutnncl F. Dike ma :i and George Sherman, nil of Dirdwood.Nab. JOHN F. H1NMAN. Resiiter. NORTH PLATTE, - - - NEBRASKA. Office over Streitz's Drug Storo. w M. EVES, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, ... NEBRASKA Office: Neville's 1'Iock. Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty. A. P. KITTELL. J . C. VAN NATTA . Kittell & Van Natta, IRRIGATION ENGINEERS. Prospective schemes investigated Un prolitable schemes rejuvenated. Surveys, M.'ips, Estimates and reports made, and construction superintended. Office National NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oryicc at North Pl&ttx, Nib., ) January 17th, lbS5. f Notice is hereby Riven that tho following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to maka liual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforo the Register and Re ceiver nt North Platte, Nebraska, on Fbrary ilth, lh0."i. viz: ALOIS ZIMMER, who made Homestead Entry No. 15,322, for Ik cu-t half of tho southtve.-t quarter and lots 3 and 4, -ection 18, township IS north, range 31 veil. Ba names tho following witnesses to prove hl jontinuous residence uion and cultivation of, -aid land, viz: Christopher ilaverlnnd, Jacob Meyer, Andrew lli'hu ami John Koelka, all of North Platte, Nebra-ka. JOHN F. UINMAN, J-l-i Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Olliccat North Platte. Nab, I January 18th. 1S95. J Notice is hereby given that the following-asmed seiner iihx iiieo noiiL-uoi. iiik intention io una final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid prt'iif will bo mado before Reiiisler and Raceirer nt North Platte. Neb., on .March 2d, 1693, tU: WILLIAM RUFFlNfiTON. who made Homcsteail Entry No. 14,637, for th southwest quarter section , township 16 aorth, raimeltO west. He names tho followinc wit nesses to provo his continuous resuienca npoa ami cultivation of said hind, viz: Loren Stursca, Hans .J. Hansen. Enoch I'ummniLrs and Joan Jan kins, nil of North Platte, Nebraska. J-22 JOHN F. HIN.MAN, Register. ceiu North Platte Morf'n Dlnfp Nph ional Bank BldK, 1NOr Ll1 lallei ,NeD- AND- Furniture : Repairer. Special attention paid to all kinds of of furniture upholstering. Mattrasso mado to order or remade. .Furniture re pnirinp; of all kinds promptly and neatly executed. Leave orders at Tho Fair Store. 40-tf Chamberlain's Eyo and Skin Ointment Is a ceitain cure for Chronic Sore Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids-, Sore Nipples, Piles, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum and Scald Head, 2-j cents per box. 'For sale by druggists. TO HOKSEOWNEKS. For putting a horse in a fine healthy con dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over worked horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by druggists FOR RELIABLE INSUR ANCE GO TO T. G. PATTER SON. ONLY FIRST-GLASS COM PA NIES REPRESENTED. TIMBER CULTURE, .'INAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United States Land Ofiico, North Platte. Neb., Jan'y '2i, 1893. Notice is hereby given that, barah 1. McCounel has tiled notico of intention t'j make tinal proof beforo tho Register and Receiver at their oiliee in North Platte, Nob., ou Monday, the ith day of March, 189."), on timber culture appli cation No. 13720 for tho north half of the northwest qu irter and the sutheast quarter of tho northwest quarter and the southwest quarter of tho northeast quarter of section 17, in township 10 N, range ,11 W. She names as witnesses: S. M. Cus p;ns and Jacob E. Cussins, of North Platte, Neb., and Walter Gartrell and John F. Brittoti. of Somerset, Neb. j25G John F. Hinman. Register. Chenille Covers. I have a very fine grado of Chenille Covers, for stands and dining room ta bles, which I sell for $1.50 AW D $2.75. Quality considered, they are very cheap. I also tako orders for Enlarged Pastel Portraits, from gtt.00 to $15.00. Also all kinds of frames which are lino and which I sell cheap. WILLIAM MUNSOM. II EE Uil Mil I. A. FORT 5 Has 200,000 acres of U. P. E. R. land for sale on tho ton year plan. Call and sen him if you want a bargain. BMWAR11 ofimitation trade marks and labels. 1 Insist on ARM ASP hWP SOP Costs no more than inferior package so ia- never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni versally acknowledged purest in tbc world. 3 -iA k 5 In the cocmv couut or l.iNCOLy couhtt, K- 1IOASKA. NOTICE OF CONDEMNATION. To Peter liurte. A. U. Urowii, executor of tha ea tato of Kenjtunin llurshey. deceased, and the oa kuown heirs of the !-aid Uenjiimln llershey. de ceased, and Anna M. llowlaud, Jumex Jasper. John L. Way, Nichols, Ueach k Co., Eli Beach, Jr., Ira Nichole, Herbert NichoN. the unknown kelrt at law of Eli lieach, Jr., deceased, Mary K. Nicaola, II. I.. Willfams, A. C. Thelps. John Bratt, Tha Union Pacillc I'.ullwny Company, S. U. H. Clark, Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellory Anderson. John W. Doauc anil Frederick It. Coudort, ItecelTera of the Union Pacific ltailwuy Company. Tho North Platte National li.mV, Milton A. Ooolittle, receiTer of The North Platte National Hank, and all unknown on tiers of and parties interested in any pf the lands herein below described. You and each of you will take notice thri on the 22d day of January, lb'.T), tho Farmer iJitch and Canal Company, of Lincoln county, .Nebraska, tiled its petition in the county court of LtncohB county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which i to have the county julne of said ourt appoint live disinterested freeholders of Lincoln county, Nebraska, to ascertain the compensation due to the following named owners of and persons interested in the following described tracts and parcels of land, from the said Farmers Ditch and Canal com pany for a riyht of wny for tho construction and building of it.- irrigation canal across said tracts of land, according to the locution of said canal aa shown by the plats attached to faid petition, via: A strip of lautl 100 feet in width across tb N. H of section 'J7 in township 13 jr., range 29 west, and covering, taking and requiring 15 4-100 acres of said section '21. Also a strip of land from 100 feet to 160 feet in width acioss the S. W. "4 of the N. W. 'i and the rf. W. i of section 2i in township 13 N., range west, nod covering, taking and requirina; 1- 12-1 00 acres of waid section 2t Also a strip of land 100 feet in width across the N. E. of the N. W. i and tho E. ' of section 35 in township 13 N., range 2'.' west, and covering, taking and requiring Vi f-10O acres of said section 35. Also a strip of land 100 feet in width across tho S. !z of the H. W. i.l of section '66 in township 13 N.. range 29 west, and covering, tHkiug and reriuiriug 6 42-100 acres of said section 315. Also a strip of land fcO feet ia whlth across the N. E. '4 of the N. W. H of section 7 in township 12 N range 'lit west, and covering, taking and requiring 2O1-IOU acres of said section 7. and all of said above described and mentioned lands being owned by and belonging to the un known heirs of Denjamiu Hershey. deceased. Also a strip ot land 50 teet in width across the S. E. H of the S E '( of section 18. in township 11 N.. range 6 west, and covering, taking and requiring 1 63-100 acres of said section 18. and being owned by and belong ing to John I.. Way. Also a strip of land 45 feet in width across the S W a of the N W li anil the S Yt of section 21, in township 11 N.. range 2t5 west, covering, taking and re quiring 097-100 acres of said section 21. said lands being owned and belonging to Anna M. Ilowland, and upon which last described lands James Jagger holds a mortgage. Also a strip ot land 100 feet in width across the S V." qr of section 6. town 12 N.. range 28 '.. covering, requiring and taking 6 6-IUO acres thereof and being owned by Peter Uurke. Also a strip ot land 80 feet wide across the X E qr ot section 25. town 12 N., range 28 Y. and covering, requiring and taking -1 8C-100 acres of said tract and being owneu bv and belonging to the firm of Nich ols, Ueach & Co. and Mary K. Nichols and upon which lands the defendants II. L. Wil liams, A. C. Phelps and The North Platte Na tional Hank have or claim to have a mort gage interest. Also a strip of land 1C0 feet wide across the S hf of the N E qr and the N E qr of the i E qr ot section 1. town 12 N.. range 20 W.. and covering, requiring and taking 7 -12-10H acres thereof anil said lands being owned by and belonging to John Hratt. AlSo a strip ot'land 100 teet wide across the X W qr of section I, town 12 N.. range 23 W.. and covering, requiring and taking 7 21-100 acres thereof, said lands being owned by and belonging to the Union Pacillc Railway Company. Saul petition will be heard on the 2d day of March, lfc?5. at one o'clock in the after noon of said day, and the prayer of said pe tition will be granted unless good caue shall be shown by the said respective inter ested parties why the prayer of said peti tion should not be granted. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said court this 2Gta dav of Januarv, 1S95. JAMES M. KAY. Seal.l j205 County Judge. Hershev & Co. DEALERS IN kicui liiral : Implements Made only by CHURCH & CO., Kevr Yerfc. Sold hy crccrrc everywhere. TVrita for Ann and IIram-r Toos of valnablo lictipes ntEE. OF ALL KINDS, Farm and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Road Carts, Wind. Mills, Pumps, ,Barb Wire, Etc. Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth