The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 01, 1895, Image 4

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mmi Vwrtmimf u Urn
Uftft rkcCrfbecriht World.
Sells tlie above Coffee
together with a complete line of
Prices Always Reasonable.
Paid For Country Produce.
In search oa good cigar
will always find it at J.
F. Schmalzried's. Try
them and judge.
Write T. P. Gordon, St. Joseph.
Mo., for prices on all -kinds of
Grain and ship him your Live
Passengers destined to the prominent
cities of the Missiouri River should pat
ronize the Chicago, Union Pacific and
Northwestern Line. Magnificent Pull
man and Wagner sleeping cars, elegant
Pullman and Northwestern dining cars,
free reclining chair cars, handsome day
coaches and comfortable Pullman colon
ist sleepers.
The Chicago, Union Pacific and North
western Line offers the beet accommoda
tions to the traveling public en route to
Chicago. Through trains, fast time,
magnificent sleeping cars, elegant dining
oars, colonist sleepers, reclining chair
cars and handsome day coaches.
Studebaker Wagons at
Hershey & (Vs.
To The Semi-weekly
Tribune receives 104
numbers of the paper
"during the year at a
cost of $1.25 less than
one and one-quarter
cents per issue. Isn't
; that very reasonable?
In The Semi-Weekly
: . Tribune gets his an
nouncements before the
people twice a week
isn't that a big advan
. tage? As to the num
ber of subscribers
well, advertisers are in
yited to look over the"
"lists. That's a busi
hess offer, isn!tit?
"Banquo's ghost" was as myth
ical a creation as the so-called
populist party.
Railroad men are authority for
the statement that the mercury
stood at 28 below zero at Sidney
last Friday morning,
Quite a number of our local
business men are perusing "Coin's
Financial School" with interest and
profit to themselves.
Victor Meyer has quite a nice
little artificial lake for skating pur
poses which he created by means of
his irrigating pump.
A number of the friends of Mr.
Mrs. J. B. Nelling assembled at the
family domicile Friday night and
tendered the above couple a plea
sant surprise.
. The members of the K. O. T.
M. and L. O. T. M. will have a
joint installation of officers and a
sociable for themselves on the even
ing of the 12th inst.
The members of the W. A. P.
A. will hold a little sociable among
themselves at their lodge room this
evening, at which light refresh
ments will be served.
As this is the season for mak
ing good resolutions perhaps it is
just as well to start the year by
becoming square upon the printer's
books. Do you see the
W. C. Elder and Austin Lock,
of Medicine precinct, have leased
the Van Doran livery barn for one
year, and will proceed to run the
business right up to the handle.
John Holman left Saturday
morning for Cincinnati, O., for the
purpose of having his cancer treated.
His many friends here hope he may
be able to find relief for his trouble.
It is announced that Sioux
City, Iowa, seed sharps are making
arrangements to furnish Nebraska
farmers with seed wheat, probably
at a cost of some thing over $1 per
The first issue of the Cheyenne
County Times, by Chas. Callahan,
will appear next Saturday. It is
safe to venture the opinion that it
will be one of the neatest printed
papers in the state of Nebraska.
Louis Aufdengarten is building
a head gate and a dam in the North
river so as to be able to supply his
mammoth pump with water. As it
is the pump empties the well in
about six strokes. Keith County
Quite a number of consign
ments of relief goods, principally
of clothing, have been received at
this station. The various se
cret societies in the eastern part of
the state have taken up the matter
with vigor.
Harry Dixon and Frederick H.
Thompson have each helped out the
census report for North Platte by
the addition of a bright new boy
baby, the former's offspring arriv
ing on Thursday of last week, that
of the latter on Friday.
News reached this city last
Saturday of the severe injury of
Mrs. Jas. F. Jackson, of Grand
Junction, Col., by a runaway team.
Particulars are meager, but it is
thought her injuries are not serious,
as the information was forwarded
by mail.
James Grace and family
completed their visit in this city
and left for Marion, Ind., on Fri
day night. Mr. G. will accept a
position with a brother-in-law in
that city who has the contracts for
a couple of court houses and some
other large buildings, and his du
ties will be the immediate super
vision of the iron work therein.
A city sport of Lincoln is out in
a card in the press announcing that
he has quit the business of gambl
ing, and will turn informer upon
every policeman or alderman of the
Capital city who accepted a bribe
in order that the games might be
allowed to be operated. The fellow
is perhaps advertising for a little
"hush money," or else is preparing
for a legislative poker game.
To those of our readers who
are unacquainted with the play of
"Charley's Aunt" we would say
that this is its first season, and it
has had a phenomenal run in east
ern cities, having been presented
300 nights in New York City, 150
nights in Boston, and the same in
Chicago. That it is being produced
by one of Charles Frohman's com
panies is a sufficient guarantee
that those of our citizens who do
not attend will miss one of the
really good shows of the season.
The bonds in aid of the South
Side ditch should not be permitted
to fail of carrying. To those within
the teritory whose lands are not
immediately under the canal, their
lands will be enhanced in value by
reason of their being better adapted
to stock raising on account of having-cheap
fattening feed closer at
hand. In addition the increased
valuation of those lands under the
the ditch will lessen the taxation of
those more remote. The opposition
to the bonds should be expressed
.by the minus sign.
C. L. Bowen was very danger
ously sick for several days the
latter part of the week with an at
tack of inflammation of the stomach.
He has now about recovered.
Express agent McGovern is
heartily glad that Christmas comes
but once a year. The work devolv
ing upon him this year during the
holiday season was unusually large.
The children of the two Episco
pal Sunday-schools were served
with a bountiful supper on Friday
evening last. It is needless to say
the little people very much enjoyed
the excellent spread.
The mother of D. W. Saxe, who
is temporarily visiting with him,
was stricken with a severe chill last
Thursday night, but prompt medi
cal attention speedily brought her
out of all danger.
A number of lawyers in the
Kearney district hung up their
stocking Christmas night expect
ing to receive the judgeship for the
12th judicial district. Up to date
they have all been disappointed.
The Tribune must express its
thanks to T. D. Cotton for a gen
erous sample of Texas grown sweet
potatoes by J. Q. Thacker, formerly
of this city. The tubers were of
excellent size and highly edible.
Jim Hall, who lost two dogs
ten days ago through poison ad
ministered by some inhuman scoun
drel, has had the hides taken off
the animals and will have them
mounted. Hs was offered forty
dollars for the dogs a few days be
fore they died.
We find the following in a Col
linwood, Ohio, paper, accompanied
by a request for publication: "Mrs.
Maude Hinman of Collinwood was
granted a divorce Monday from
Vaughan E. Hinman and was re
stored to her maiden name, which
was Waters."
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hoagland
celebrated the twenty-fifth anniver
sary of their wedding on last Fri
day night. A few of the more inti
mate friends assembled at the
family residence and the evening
was spent in social games and con
versation, after which refreshments
were served.
The ten thousand dollar irriga
tion bonds, issued to aid in the con
struction of the canal in the east
part of the county, were sold' last
week to H. C. Rennie, of this city,
at a discount of ten per. cent. The
bonds draw six per cent interest
and are therefore an excellent in
vestment. We are glad to see local
men put their money in local secur
ities. Mrs. J. Q. Thacker, formerly
of this city, has just had removed
from her breast a very large cancer.
the operation being performed iu
Cincinnati by a specialist. Mrs. T
will soon leave the latter city for
her Texas home, and while enroute
will stop over in North Platte to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
D. Cotton.
The secretary of the Lutheran
Sabbath school read the annual re
port last Sabbath. The collections
for the school during the yea
amounted to $184.55, of which S55. 62
were expended for the school, and
5105.31 were given to benevolent
work missions, poor, etc. The av
erage attendance was 90. In com
parison with previous year the aver
age attendance was doubled, and
the contributions increased four
fold. Of the scholars ten were re
ceived into the church during the
The week of prayer will be ob
served as heretotore by union ser
vices in the different churches of
the town, beginning on Monday,
Jan. 7th, at 7:30 p. m. in Methodist
church, the subject being "Humili
ation and Thanksgiving." Tues
day, Jan 8th, at Baptist church,
subiect "The Church Universal;"
Wednesday and Thursday in Luth
eran church, subjects "Nations and
their Rulers" and "Foreign Mis
sions;" Friday and Saturday in
Presbyterian church, subjects
"Home Missions" and "Families
and Schools."
The members of the local wheel
men's league did themselves proud
with their first annual ball last
night. About eighty couples par
ticipated in the grand march, and
the gallery was comfortably filled
with interested spectators. Con
sidering the condition of affairs,
and recollecting the fact that the
average individual at this season of
the year is general broke on ac
count of holiday expenditures, this
is a remarkably good showing for
the initial attempt. The music
under the leadership of the skillful
baton of Prof. Klein was up to its
usual high standard of excellence,
while the floor was in its custom
ary fine shape for dancing. Much of
the success of the occasion is due to
the indefatigable efforts of Fred
Hartman, who has put in a great
deal of time and work to make a go
of the affair. The management of
an entertainment is to be congratu
lated when it is enabled to enlist
the services of such a willing
Jeweler and Optician.
Fred Grau-and-family have been
spending, the past week in Omaha.
Miss Bettie Graves of Council
Bluffs, , Ja.j visited -relatives, and
friends here lasjweek; , .
Frank Sullivan ofOmaha, spent
a portion of last week visiting his
parents in this city.
The family of John MtCabe, of
Cheyenne, have been visiting North
friends for several days past.
Mrs. Julia Casey left Thursday
evening for an extended visit with
her son Joseph at Portland, Oregon.
"Uncle Ike" Le Dioyt, Hastings'
singing pilgrim, visited North
Platte the latter part of last week.
Henry Breternitz and wife viewed
the beauties of the Brown Palace in
Denver last Friday and Saturday.
Mrs. Kate Turner, nee Moran, of
Grand Island, spent a portion of
last week yisiting her parents and
Con. F. Scharmann has been in
Lincoln for several days past as a
delegate to the state meeting of the
M. W. A.
E. JL Carey and wife, of Wilber,
Neb., formerly .of this city, have
been visiting "friends here for a
number of days past.
Chas. E. Smith, a former old
timer of this city but now of Den
ver, visited North Platte friends
last Saturday.
N. F. Newman and wife ate
Christmas turkey at their old home
in Ames, Iowa, returning to this
city on Friday night.
J. D. Matthews and wife left Sat-
day for Syracuse. N. Y., where the
former will spend several weeks in
recuperating his health.
Miss Lillian McCracken, who is
teaching music in the Denver public
schools, is the guest of her sister.
Mrs. H. M. Grimes, this week.
Geo. C. Stoddard left Saturday
night for Lincolg to. see that the
next session of tjje Nebraska legis
lature is opened in proper form.
Col. W. F.:!Cpdy and-family re
turned Sunday morning from their
week's visit to Denver. Jr A Good
man preceded thjem y ttyenty-fonr
W. R., Vernondsurprised- the old
folks at Boone, jIowa, making
them a Christmas visit. He re
turned to his home in this city Fri
day night.
E. McCart and wife spent a por
tion of last week in viewing the
sights of Colorado's capital and
drinking- in the beauties of the
Queen City of the Plains.
Charley Burroughs has freely
transpired for several days past
keeping hot the stationary boiler in
the round house. He says forty loads
and a frostv rail are a oicnic in
R. Beers Loos, in advance of
"Charley's Aunt," made this office
a very pleasant call on Friday after
noon. He is a former newspaper
man of interesting and varied ex
nenence. and a crentleman ot "in-
x o
finite zest."
George McMichael, Lizzie Bratt
and Mabel Goozee left yesterday
morning to resume their studies at
the State Normal school at Peru,
Miss Dot Allen, of Cottonwood, ac-
compaied them for the purpose of
entering the same institution.
Leslie Thacker, now located
with his parentsrin Texas, has an
acre of strawberries which are now
ready for market. Samples of the
fruit have been sent, to this city and
are pronounced very nice.
Thos. M. Clark, who left North
Platte several months ago in search
of.a climate that would benefit his
fast failing health, is now located
at Gilfoy, Cal,. and in a recent
letter announces that he is feeling
better than for a, year previous.
Milton and Dolly Nobles, of
"Goblins" and "Phoenix", notoriety,
have secured;a-date at Lloyd's opera
house on the 10th inst. to , present
their new play, t-For Revenue Only."
Mr. Nobles is theauthor of most of
the plays he produces,; and this last
comedy from his, pen is meeting
with much favor wherever given.
, -
The attention of our readers is
called to the advertisement else
where of the Pioneer c6al yard. Mr.
Dillard's great "experience in the
combustion of coal while railroad
ing- enables him to select a good
quality when drawing upon the
company for a car 01 commercial
coal. In addition to this tact ne
gives gospel weight, and the fuel is
well screened. He has made1
arrangements whereby orders left
at Douglas' drug store will be
promptly filled.
A new stating case has been put
in place at the express office, which
adds to the facility with which the
railway mail is handled.
Owing to the falling pff in busi
ness a couple of men were dropped
from the car repairing gang, one
each from the day and night force.
The 686 was held in last week to
receive a. new coat of paint and
some light repairs. The 692 was
similarly treated, as was also the
A number of cars of fruit and
potatoes were stored in the round
house stalls last Thursday and
Friday. The arctic weather made
this necessary.
The 632 in custody of Gus Norton
blew out a stay bolt and a mud ring
rivet Sunday while going west on
No. 19, and was compelled to return
to this city for repairs.
The use of the Sidney switch en
gine has been discontinued of
nights, and now the road .men have
one continual round of pleasure in
getting their trains made up.
George Weingand how many of
you know him? commonly called
"Fred," has been compelled to dis
continue work for several days past
on account of an attack of erve
sipelas. Tommy McGovern says the steam
guage upon one. of the big station
ary boilers froze up Friday with
ninety pounds of steam thereon.
This is equal to the airbrake super
intendent's story of the freezing of
an air-pump on a locomotive July
The 838 has gone into the back
shop for an overhauling and W. J.
Stuart has been assigned the 821 in
her place. The short-coupled fire
man appreciates the change from
the long deck, and has temporarily
dispensed with the use of his roller
Some changes will take place in
the gang around the telegraph
office to-night. Bob Finney, who
lias filled the position of train crew
caller for several months past, has
taken the job of engine herding,
and John Baker takes the place
made vacant by this change.
Engine 773 was turned out of the
back shop yesterday after having
received a new fire-box and a gen
eral overhauling. She was fitted
out with asbestos lagging and all
modern improvements,, and Hi
Smith should be as happy as a boy
with his first pair of boots.
Foreman McCart and force
this week begin the erection
huge ice-house 125x35 feet in
on the south side of the main
near the west section house,
south passing track has
of a
lengthened out accordingly. Some
persons are exercised over the fear
that the company may attempt to
close another street crossing.
Engine 1309 passed through the
city Saturday en route for Omaha.
She is of the mogul type for use on
the heavier mountain grades of the
Wyomingdivision, and it is said
had just been overhauled in Omaha
in eleven days from the time she
was taken into the shops. Pro
portionately to the number of men
and appliances this is not equal to
the North Platte gait.
A few days ago Mrs. E. Otten
purchased the C. H. Stamp in
terest in the shoe store, and the
business will be conducted at the
old stand as usual.
The members of Rev. Hard-
away's congregation tendered that
gentleman a pleasant little dona
tion and surprise party at the M.
E. parsonage last night.
Dull times do not affect busi
ness at Doc Sizemore's barber shop;
in fact they increase his business,
for people naturally desire the best
service for their money, hence they
patronize Doc.
The members of Tate lodge. A.
O. U. W., held a pleasant little
sociable last night at their hall. A
fine luncheon was served to those
parties who desired, that were at
tending the Wheel Men's ball.
D. W. Baker, J. W. Alexander
and Commissioner Diehl were
among tnose wno dropped in on
The Tribune this morning and
planked down the cash for the semi
weekly. Others might follow their
example with profit.
Quite a number of young folks
enjoyed a pleasant evening at the
home of Miss Ruth Patterson Sat
urday evening, the affair being
given as a compliment to Miss
Berenice Searle, who has been visit
ing in town for a week.
When Buying
Why not get the BEST?;
Washburn's Superlative
Has no superior no equal. It is the result of studied im?; ;.
provement in milling machinery the product of the hard,
excellent wheat of the north. If you are not using the
Washburn Flour, try it. , It is sold by
Anthracite and Bituminous Coal . .
Always on hand. Your patronage respectfully solicited!
Orders for coal left at Douglass' Drug Store on Spruce
street will be promptly filled. -
The Misses Brunk were the
recipients of bicycles on Christmas
day from admiring friends; but as
the machines are constructed of
wood, the gifts were of course pre
sented in the way of a joke.
Hon. John Eitzgerald, of Lin
coln, died at his home in that city
on Sunday morning. He was a
large railroad contractor, had accu
mulated a comfortable fortune, and
was of great benefit to the business
interests of Nebraska.
A. F. Streitz lias recently pur
chased 160 acres of laud along the
south side ditch in Mylander pre
cinct. Mr. Streitz realizes that real
estate in that section is bound to
take an upward sliQot, hence in
vested in advance of the boom.
Watch and wait for the an
nouncement of Great Clear
ance Sale to take place at the
FAIR STORE in the near
Amelia Bloomer, the originator
of the feminine costume' bearing
that name, died at her home in
Council Bluffs, Iowa, last Sunday
morning. She was an active tem
perance worker for many years, hav
ing been born in 1818. During her
declining years she had- the pleas
ure of seeing a modified form of her
garment adopted by the fin de siecle
Major A. M. Dill paid his re
spects to The Tribune this morn-,
ing, as has been his custom reg
ularly for ten years past. Though
he passed the seventy-first milestone
on life's pathway several weeks ago,
the Major is hale, hearty, jovial and
always ready for three squares a
day. That he may be able to con
tinue his New Year calls for many
years to corae is the wish of The
Charley's Aunt.
After announced successes in
London, New York, Boston and
various other places, "Charley's
Aunt" will be presented at Lloyd's
opera house, January 3d, 1895.
The principal personages figur
ing- in tlie larce are tnree college
boys, of whom two, Jack Chesney
and Charley Wykeham are in love,
one with the niece, the other with
the ward of an avaricious solicitor.
In order to induce the young ladies
to take tea with them at the college
the young men send invitations to
the young ladies to take tea with
"Charley's Aunt," who is expected
to arrive at Oxford that day. On
the non-appearance of the aunt, the
other collegian, Lord Fancourt
Babberly is persuaded to imperson
ate that relative who has never been
seen in Oxford even by her nephew
The aunt being reputed a million
aire, the masquerader receives gal
lant attentions from the solicitor
and from Sir Francis Chesney, the
father of Jack. Of course the affair
is complicated by the later arrival
of the real aunt, accompanied by a
ward who is a former sweetheart of
Lord Fancourt. In trying to carry
out the part of "Charley's Aunt"
on such short notice and without
any previous instruction, and being
further embarrassed by the pres
ence of the real aunt's ward and by
the attentions of the two elderly
suitors, Lord Fancourt involves
himself and his friends in the most
ridiculous position until the whole
story is straightened out in the
third act. Many of the situations
are obviously forced; much of the
fun is little better than horse play,
but the play has a number of really
strong and humorous scenes; Do
not miss seeing it.
Fact er Fiction About Two Great Falr.'fr
A newspaper paragraph de-v
nounces as "false" the claim ot a
baking powder company to an
award at the World's Fair. Whom
can it mean?
Certainly not Dr. Price's. Why?
Because, as the records show. Dr.
Price's exhibited, competed and re
ceived the highest award, both at
Chicago and the California: Mid- "
winter Fair. The award in Cali
fornia included Gold Medal. The
official examiners pronounced it the
strongest, the purest, the most
wholesome and efficient of all the
baking powders. Its title to con
fidence is unquestioned. '
Can it be the manufacturers of a
New York powder, fictitiously
labelled "absolutely pure" who are
making "false" claims? That
would be strange indeed, inasmuch , .
as they were not even considered in
the awards.
Was it ammonia in the New York fi
powder that prevented its makers
from competing? If not what?
S. W. Clapp went to North Platte'
Thursday on business for the
Farmers' Ditch and Canal Co.
R. P. Wissler, Geo. Mitchell, G.
W. Parsons and G. D. Mathewson
visited North Platte, Saturday.
Linn Mathewson spent the latter
part of the week with friends in
North Platte.
A joint debate .between the L. L.
A. of North Platte and the Athen
ians or this place, will be held at
Brady on Saturday, Jan'y 12.
Scarcely a day passes butadozen
or more teams from the northern
part of the county don't, pass throV
town on their way to the islands to
secure a little brush for fuel.
Miss Ivah Giffin left Monday for
Tarkeo, Mo., waerc she will attend
Al Crawford while hunting on the
islands succeeded-in killing a large
deer, which weighed something over
100 pounds when dressed.
The dance given by the Globe
hotel on New Year's eve was largely
attended by the young folks from
far and near. An enjoyable time is
reported by those who were present.
The correspondent of the Era at
this place came out in last week's '
paper with a criticism" on the prin
cipal of the Brady schools for not
taking part in the Christmas tree
doings held in the primary room on
the-Friday afternoon before Christ
mas. Now we see no reason why
the higher room should have lost a
half day's school to see a few sugar
plums distributed among the pupils
of the kindergarten department, It
may have been very interesting to
the said correspondent, but what
pleases one don't always please anr
other. Wiggins.
"Buffalo Bill's Wild West will
be mostly on wheels next year,"
ventured Hon. George T. Beck, of
Sheridan, Wyo., to an Omaha Bee
man "Nate Salisbury will run an
extensive aquatic show, or water
carnival at Ambrose Park, Brook
lyn, while Colonel Cody, with Mr.
Bailey, will take to the road. They
have had forty-two cars and four
engines built to transport the show,
and it will travel all over the coun
try giving exhibitions. None of the
Indians wanted to remain at Brook
lyn to participate in the aquatic
features under Mr. Salisbury. An
Indian has a natural in-born preju
dice against water."
The Nebraska house opened its
lunch counter to-day with a mag
nificent spread. Fine meals are now
a leading feature of both the hotel
and short order counter.