The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, February 14, 1894, Image 2

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    J I
T - .2- f
'S i.
IRA L. BARE, Editok ajtd Proprietor
. :ir xoi paid nr advakck.
. Kntared at the KorthPlatte (Nebraska) postofice as
eecond-clacs matter.
. i.
The Aearnev nub announces
that ham and eggs will be taken on
snbscrintion at that oflSce. Editor
Brown expects too much. Up this
-way we gladly receive corn meal
and liver from those who are in
Tt is currentlv reported that
Judge Holcomb, who is pretty
certain to receive the pop nomina
tion for congress in this district, is
a member of the A. P. A. If this
k true, can our neighbor, the Era,
support him in the campaign?
Hating failed to enjoin Secretary
Carlisle from issuing bonds, the
Knights of Labor through Mr.
Sovereign will try a new scheme on
the secretary, the exact nature of
which Mr. Sovereign at present re
fuses to divulge.
. The senate judiciary committee
by a vote of five to five, decided to
report the appointment of Wheeler
H. Peckham for justice of the su
preme court to the parent body
without a recommendation. It is
" said that this will prove equivalent
to a rejection.
To-morrow the Nebraska State
University will celebrate its twenty
fifth anniversary. The success of
. this institution since its founding
has been very gratifying to the
, people of the state and they have
reason to feel proud of its standing
among the great universities of the
Prof. Hicks forecasts for this
aad next month are sufficient to
.- cause chills to run up a fellow's
-backbone, especially when it is con-
gidered that the.prognosticator is a
..flUghtxgo.od gqesser. If,MrHick's
will hereafter cause winter weather
to come earlier in the season he will
oblige a great many people.
And now some of New York's
400 have been hauled into police
court and fined just like ordinary
mortals for disturbing the slumbers
of the common herd by announcing
in stentorian tones their carriage
terms at the conclusion of late balls.
:'4 -When did this reformation begin in
, 'New York judicial methods?
Much to the regret of every one,
the commercial agencies continue
to report business anything but en
couraging. It is perhaps political
capital for the republican party that
uch is true, yet at the same time
members of that party would bo
perfectly satisfied aud feel much
more jubilant if business in all
- ' branches was active. The demo
cratic party now has tne millstone
tied to its neck, and its next move
r will be to jump into the sea.
Down in the eastern part of the
state the church societies are render
iac an abbreviated and condensed
rersion of Midway Plaisance at
caurcn entertainments and tne re-
New York City has a rival of
the Nebraska judge who sent a man
to penitentiary for life for stealing
a cent. The former sentenced a boy
to state's prison for fourteen years
for stealing fifteen cents, and
another to the same institution for
fifteen years for stealing fifty cents.
Great is congress. It wants to
convict ex-Minister Stevens. It is
hunting eggs in birds' nests more
than a vear old. But this seems to
amuse the class of statesmen now on
deck. The fact remains, and every
man knows it, that ex-Minister
Stevens is not on trial. It is the
democratic administration that is
the culprit.
Wisconsin is one of the states
which has too many soldiers of the
state guard variety. By an act of
the last legislature the number of
companies of infantry in the state
were limited to forty companies. A
committee of national guard officers
inspected the various organizations
and decided that Company A, of
Manitomoc, which claims to be the
oldest company in the, state, was the
one to be mustered out.
Bland's bill for the coinage of
the silver seignorage in the treasury
of the federal government comes up
for discussion to-day in the lower
house. It is said that many
speeches will be made upon the sub
ject. The act will possibly pass the
house, and should it succeed in
getting through the senate and be
signed by the president, it will give
the present craze for fiatism a blow
from which it will not recover for
manv vears.
Labor organizations have a right
"to strike" whenever they feel im
posed upon. But the wisest among
them can see the necessity, if threat
ened changes in the laws are made,
of reducing the cost of al! classes of
goods, to compete with the cheap
foreign manufacturer. It is as cer
tain as the sun rises that the wages
of American laborers of all classes
must be reduced, and no strike will
remedy it. They can easily see that
it was not "the robber McKinlev
tariff," but the robber democratic
"reform," that has caused the
kbleWlKifc--daSTof laborers or
business men is there who would
not welcome the prosperity of two
two years ago? Inter Ocean.
Should the senate follow the ex
ample of the house and such men as
Morgan bow to the party lash and
pass a resolution endorsing Presi
dent Cleveland's Hawaiian policv.
what will be the result? The Wash
ington correspondent of the New
York Sun is authority for the state
ment that armed with such an
endorsement the president will pro
ceed to carry out his policy and use
the United States navy to restore;
the notorious ex-queen. Tho, presi
dent is a man ot remarkable will
power. He does not bow gracefully
r il :i i rr t i -
to me inevicaoie. jae regards mm
IP Til 1 ,
seir as a dictator, and. iiavinsr
violated the constitution twice in
the appointment of Paramount
Blount and in his instructions to
Willis, he will take a coat of white
wash from a democratic congress in
perfect seriousness; If he cati, com
pel a democratic congress to.condone
his offenses once he may argue that
he can dd it again. Public opinion
has little "weight with him. H
believes, in his own superior wisdom,
1,1, ,v , r , i , and oulv wants the power to put Ins
suit has been that some of the gqod -n - ,. On, T p v" ,
i i i i iT3.! will in execution. rhe New York
. .people have been severely shocked
But outside of the nautch and skir
i - i i i ii
saucers, mere was not mucn on tn
- Midway to shock a christain unless
he or she was well stocked with
mock modesty.
A census of the unemployed in
.iiew zone oity snows tuat tne
? number of families suffering from
lack of employment to be 48,681,
- consisting of 200,691, while the
''namber out of employment is 69,-
! ,.280. Meanwhile the theorizers aud
0f periimenters.. in congress- go right
'along unsettling business and dis-
tarbing settled conditions iust as
" though prosperity was at high tide.
It was
-wo that
Sun says that the navy is under in
structions at Honolulu that contem
plate the possible use of force to
execute the policy of infamy just as
soon as congress has acted in the
way Mr. Cleveland intends it shall
act. "Nothing will satisfy him but
the parading of the naval force of
the United States at Honolulu to
celebrate the expulsion of the pro
visional government and the restor
ation of the monarchy. He proposes
to wipe out the history of the year
that has just passed, so far
records events in Hawaii. That is
what he means when he talks of
'righting a great wrong.'" Ex.
Farm and Home Mortgages.
Extra census bulletins Nos. 63
and 64, just published, are of special
interest, relating as they both do
to farms, homes and mortgages.
No. 63 is a summary of ownership
and debt for twenty-two states, No.
64 the mortgages for thirty-three
states. The former takes in the
IP." !' 9.
announced several davs
ex-senator Ingalls had
. : l m i l in
exmouea nimseir at a mourners
bench at Nashville aud had became
converted, but the story loses its
beauty when Mrs. Ingalls makes the
-statement that her lord has beeu
smber of a church for many years
. and has nn tlppd ff enn rnrcinn
six .New England states, New Jer-
of church memhpra fn TOlw,m sey, Maryland, 'lennessee, Ueorgia.
South Carolina and the District or
- o " " " uunuu xi uuuutiiv mm , .... .. ... ,
dualii-r t-oluinuia, tne three territories and
I" 111 i ii T11 T
. , . ine western states or laano, mwa,
James Robinson, who for a long Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, Wis-
time held the title of chamniou consm and Wyoming,
bareback rider of the world, is It appears that 67.70 per cent of
aoendini? his denlininjr vears on his the farmers in these states own
. . j . iii - p n i i
farm m Missouri. He is by no tneir rarms, tne rest uemg renters
meaus an old man, but has retired and that of the owner class 69.78
from the circus arena. He still has own tree of incumbrance. This is
Many of the valuable gifts that he certainly a good showing for the
received in manv Darts of the world tarmers ot tuose states. The m
including those from Queen Victoria cumbered farms are only mortgaged
ad the old Enmeror William of tor about one-third ot their va ne
Germany. Mr. Bobinson is the anJ in more than two-thirds of the
le little wirv man that he always cases the mortgage was incurred m
. . I ii o
was, and, except tor ms hair, has purcuase or more land or to put
v ft a i -
MOT tne appearance or oemg more permanent improvements en
than 40 years old. hancmg its value. So much for
tne snowing of this bulletin as to
Speaking of the democratic party, farms
the New York bun says: "11 it When it comes to homes in cities
1 1 J 'T Ml 1 I J I .IB.
cuuuses u go uown, ii wmneusiuuu towns tne roregonig proposi-
own cnoice ana its own act. it it tion ot renters and owners is aboct
prefers to declare itself a fraud and reversed. 63.25 per cent of the home
a liar by kicking over its piatform families hinngand the restowninov
on a tanfl for revenue only, and Of those who cwn, 71.12 per cent
Mooting, instead Wilson s and own without menm hranrn. TIipi-o
tftereland s bastard protective tariff are in these states 508.434 who or-
and income tax: it it adopts, even cunv the farms or homes
S,4!4sui)mM ou'n' Du; which are incum
Jaad s atrocious, anti-American and! bered. and they are verv nearlv
- 1 i a. a . m .1 . y -L
OBti-uemocratic, policy ot mtamy in evenly divided between farms and
Btwau, why then m its dire calam- homes, namely. 256.970 of the for
1A XI J 111 1 11 1 -I .- , n n in.
ft ira ueuiuuiiwv wm imve uoooay mer ana zoj.400 or tne latter, j ne
j 9 1 m TT 1... . ...
tciaine due useir. vvnere is the total number of the farmers within
vital ao4 puissant democracy that the scone of this bulletin is 1.255.
oice we kHew Is there no leader 74a, of whom S50.232 own free of
left, with the -courage of Andrew j incumbrance, and405.543 rent. The
Jackson, and the se;sdom and percentage of renters is especially
iMMnanity of Thomas Jefferson, to birge at the south and especially
TMe tip and smite the imposters and small in New England. Maine has
Cfflspirators of this luckless day, less .xhan S per cent of renters,
ooutn oarouua fnore than uu per
still far from confpkte balletia
shows that during the census dec
ade a debt of ?9,466,107,081 was in
curred, represented by 0,957,113
mortgages. Ut this dent d .74 per
cent was on acre tracts and 62.26
on lots. These figures are liable to
be misleading, however, for the rea
estate mortgage debt Jan. 1, 1890
in these states was only 4,935,455,
896, of which 34.17 per cent was on
acre tracts and 6o.83 per cent on
lots. The per capita debt in those
states varied from 13 in Ar
kansas to $268 in New York. II
linois is an even S100. to $51 in In
diana. The rate in Georgia is onlv
S15 per capita and in Minnesota
$152, California 200 and Colorado
206. From this it will be seen
that a high percentage of mortgage
indebtedness is not evidence or d
pression, for the states showing a
high rate were vary prosperous fou
years ago.
Perhaps the most interesting fea
ture of this bulletin is the deduc
tions from the especially thorough
investigations made in 102 counties
in different parts of the country
selected so as to serve as fairly rep
resentative. It appears that farm
and family expenses account for
only 1.73 per cent of the mortgages
or less than one in fifty. The oth
ers were for land, stock, iraple
nients or tiie like.
Another interesting geuernliza
tion is that about two-thirds of the
mortgages in amount and more
than that in number are held by
residents of the same state, largely
of the same county. Non-residen
mortgagees are in adecided minority
and it is getting more and more so
all the time, as the thrifty become
"forehanded," as the phrase is. On
the whole the showing of these bul
letins is highly encouraging. It
should be added that the farmers
were more prosperous in 1890 than
If - cr a 111 1 i
tney are ioy4, aitnougu not as
prosperous then as in 1892.
Myrtle leaves.
iur. oanKS or iiooge roie re
turned to his home Saturday, taking
with him his little daughters who
had been visiting their grandparents
here Mrs. livers or Laramie
Wyo., and her brother, G. Lane of
Olinr-Iowa, returned to their homes
Tuesdar after a few weeks stay in
this section Mr. and Mrs. D
Brunk visited their daughter at
Hershey a few davs last week
Mrs. Null and son John returnee;
last week from their visit to St.
Joe. While away John had the
misfortune to break his collar bone
A number of young people in
tl 11 1 l 11 I
tins vicinity garnered at- tne home
of Miss Cora Combs Wednesday
evening and enjoyed themselves in
a social way. They succeeded in
passing a very enjoyable evening
mi i i " i-i ' .
mere, nas neen no literary at
White Plains lately. It is s.iid
to have been frozen out SJ
TV 1 UK' n ft it
uavis and Miss JiiVa urabtree were
Cfandv visitors Saturday Miss
Emma Palmer of Gaudy spent Sat
urday and bun day with her friend?,
the Mioses Crabtree Mr. and
Mrs. G. M. Wilson were Nortl
Platte visitors Tuesday. C. H.
How'b This!
We offer One ITundrcd Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props ,
Toledo, O.
We tin? undersigned have known F. J
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly houornble in all business
transaction and financially able to carrv
out any obligation made by their linn.
West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists,
l oieao, u. waldixg, Ivikxan k ,uaii
vijt. Wholesale Druggista, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting direcuy upon tho blooci and
mucous surfaces of the svstcrn. Price
7ac. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists
Testimonials free.
The hunters are amusing them
selves down in Texas. Forty-two
convicts, nearly all negroes, es
caped from the penitentiary of tin
state, and tney are
with bloodhounds.
being hunted
Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you nerd, for
Dyspepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skin or
Kinney I rouble. It is guaranteed to give
you satisfaction. Price ?5c. Sold " by
.North Platte Pharmac3
The democratic bosses know that
they can use Louisiana or any other
of the solid states to wipe their feet
on and it will come up sinning and
vote the ticket straight. Hence the
I want yon to understand, Jchn Ilenrj-,
that you ain't to drink that Ilailer Sar
saparilla all up; I got it for pap and me.
Pap ho sez main you iro down and get
bottle of Ualler's Sarsaparilla and Bur
dock and will git over feeling so lired
and bad and git rid of all tht;m pimples.
So let that alone now For sale by F.
II. Longle'.
One of the striking differences
between the democratic and repub
lican parties is that the former is a
debt-making the and latter a debt-
Ballard's Horehound Syrup.
W e guarantee this to be the best Cough
Syrup manufactured in tho whole wide
world. Th;s is saying a great deal, but
it is true, tcr Consumption, Coughs
uoius, oore l, Sure Chest, Pneu
moniii. Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup
Whooping Cough, and all diseases of
the Throat and Lunns, we positively
guarantee Ballard's IIoiiehound Svrup
to be without nti equal on the whole face
oi the globe. Jn support of this state
ment we refer jo every mdividual who
ban ever used it and to everr druggist
who lias ever sola it. sucn evidence is
indisputable, i or sale bv A. F. Streitz
Julius Craig
Cleveland, Ohio.
Hood's Proves Its Merit
Severe Case of Blood Poisoning
A Perfect Cure
"I will tell how valuable wo have' found
flood's Sarsaparilla. My brother Julius was
Blood Poisoned
and, although we hud medical attendance, he
failed to get any better. lie was sick for nine
weary months, suffering with numerous sores,
which appeared first liko water blisters, and
when they burst, wherever the water spread a
new sore formed.
Tho Pain Was Terrible
The trouble was principally upon his legs, tod
we were afraid they would have to be ampu
tated. My grandmother urged us to try Ilood's
Sarsaparilla, but wc thought it was of no use, as
wo had spent hundreds of dollars which had
Eroven useless; but father said; We will try a
ottle.' Soon after Julius began taking Ilood's
Hood's Cures
Sarsaparilla the sorc3 all disappeared, and in a
short time ho was perfectly cured." Emma
Craig, CI Tark St, 27th Ward, Cleveland, Or
Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. ; 25c
It has not always been so necessity now makes it so. The wearers
are not wise when they pay a fancy price for a shoe to have it good, and
very ukwise when they buy the shadow of 'a shoe at less than a good
shoe can he produced. Conditions are such that the average person
cannot afford to do either. They must get their money's worth. Dol
lars are too scarce to throw away. The people who huy our MADE TO
ORDER GOODS are always pleased with their bargain. We quote you
prices on Children's and Misses' School Shoes, not the rough , cheap
looking kind commonly called school shoes, but neat, strong and durable,
as follows:
5 to 7 at 65 cents, 8 to 9 at 75 cents,
10 to 12 at 85 cents, 13 to 2 at one dollar,
Either Heel or Wedge Heel.
Xt Waa In tho Early Says of Montana and
Was Different From 3Iost Funerals.
During the construction days of tho
Northern Pacific railroad mauy small
towns were born that flourished until the
road was completed aud then died. The
little story following actually occurred
and mauo an impression on mo that
snail never rorget. To mo there -was a
tinge of sadne33 that went sh-aisht'to the
heart. I occupied the esalted position of
justice of the peace. Now, a jusfice cf
the peace in Montana in early
bigger man than the chief instic&of tho
United States is today and had a per-j
petual variety entertainment.. Ho mart
neu people, ourieu tue aeauputout nres,
took a drink with everybody, fef creed Ifbg
fights, settled family rows, preached,
made speeches and had to bo feauy for
any kind of work. For this aggregation
of duties ho was called judgo.-butdf he
rendered a wrong decision his na"mo was
Dennis. . ,?
Ono cold morning I was waited upon
by a delegation of gamblers and inform
ed that ouo of tho girls was dead. They
said she had passed in her checks during
the night, and as she was tho slickest
girl in tho camp sho was to have a 2i
carat sendoff and no mistake. I weut
around to see the body to find out, if
possible, the cause of her death. I was
satisfied that the girl had taken morphine
and died from tho effects, and so I ren
dered my decision, which satisfied all. I
set the hour for the funeral and returned
to tho cabin to prepare my remarks.
There was not a Bible in tho camp, and
so I had to play it alone. It was a cold,
stormy Montana winter day,- and that
added much to tho sadness-of the occa
sion. The grave was dug out.among the
pines, and a more God fqrsakqn place it
would have been hard to rind, but it was
tho best we had or could get v k
The hour arrived; the procession form
ed, myself in front of the pallbearers,
consisting of gamblers, with the body in
a rough pino box. Nest came tho girls
of the town and the business men. in tho
rear. We wended our way slowly to tho
last resting place, where, alohe and un
known, amid the rocks and pines, with
tho awful stillness of the mountains, all
that was earthly of that unfortunate girl
would stay until the last day.
No one could pray; no ono could sing.
I poured out my soul to my God in nry
poor, stumbling way told him all about
it. We were unanimous in the belief
that she wa3 more sinned against than
sinning, and would he in his infinite good
ness and laving kindness forgive her,
wipe out all the black spots on her goul,
forget her past and save her for her.soul's
sake.-" w omu no suspend all rules, throw
open wide tho portals of heaven, have
sweetest music played on a tfioii'sand
golden harps aud bid thdt poor- tired,
sin stained soul enter the realms ofrbap-
piness, purity aud rest? , hi -'
It was our funeral, becauso overvbodv
did all they could. There wero but few
of all kinds, to bo sure, but humans
with souls to save. There .iro iMWv nf
tne oiu ooys scattered through the north
vrwnrt- r .... 1 I 11.. i n . 1 .
rucuuecc mat stormy
luontana uay, ana now wo knocked at
eternity's door for admittance forithat
girl's soul, and all will asree thai mir
unocumg was not in vain that theates
were thrown open and forgiveness and
rest came to her. Orting Oracle.
Ladies' Coats, One-Third Off!
We now offer our full line of Ladies' Coats and Jackets at
Now is the time to buy if you are needing anything
this line.
Also a big reduction on all Winter Underwear. Dry Goods, Clothingi
Carpets, Motions, Etc., at moderate prices.
The city council of Emporia, Ks.,
has passed an ordinance placing so
high a license tax on the sale of
cigaiettes as to make thp sale of
tobacco in tlint form practically
prohibitory in the city.
A Mother's Mistake.
Mothers frequently make a mistake in
nPL'lectiug the Cough of a child. A Fort
Ayayne, Ind.. lady writes: My. little
daiiiihter G years old had a severe Couch
but asi it was nothing unusual I thought
nothiug of it, and allowed it to run on for
4 or 5 weeks, when it became so obstinate
she began losing flesh. I called In n
phvsician who treated her three weeks
without benefit. A neighbor insisted up
on my trying Ballard's Horehound Syrup;
it relieved her from the first dose aud she
began gaining flesh rapidly, when we had
used two bottles er Cough had entirely
disappeared. I would- not be without it".
It does not constipate mv children. Bal
lard's Horehound Svrup is free from
Opiates. It's the most soothing Throat
and Lung medicine in the world. Price
HOc. aud $! 00. Sold bv A. F. Sireitz. 2-1
W. I. Church, or Staunton Post.G. A. R
says have tried nearly every cough rem-
but have found nothing to comparo with
Parks' Cough Syrup. There is nothing
on earth like it for bronchitis. I have
suffered ever since my discharge from
the army and Parks' Cough Syrup is the
onl' remedy that has ever helped me
Sold by North Platte Pharmacy.
Manufacturers of Fine Clothingi
218 and 220 Market Street.
CHICAGO, Jan. 13, 1894.
North Platte, Neb.
Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your esteemed . favor
of the '8th inst., and have decided, owing to the' back
wardness of the season, to accept your offer on the lot of
Overcoats and Suits which you order, (although they are
some of the most desirable portions of our stock to-day),
and which we have shipped as per invoice enclosed here
in. You are doubtless aware that these goods are billed
to you at about 50 per cent of their cost of production.
However, on account of the general depression in trade
in large financial centers, we are willing to accept your
proposition, but wish to warn you at the same time that
such prices as those you offer are not likely again to pre
vail for many a day. Awaiting your further commands,
we remain very truly yours,
'The remains of five Union sol
diers were unearthed on the farm
of Tiniothv Griffith, near Peters
burg, Va., the other dn The
skeletons were clsd in federal uni
forms, which were in a fair state of
ThatV what Brown's wife called out to
him don't foruet. to set a bottle of
Ualler's Sarsaparilla, it's so nice. For
sale l3 F. II. Longley.
President Zelava of Nicaragua
says concerning the building of the
canal that he still gives the prefer
ence to Americans, but if sufficient
capital to finish the undertaking
cannot be raised in the United States
the canal must be built bv those trim
can furnish the money.
a verv
Mrs. N. Meyette, the Genesee
treasurer of the W. C. T. U. and
influential worker in the cause of womn
says: "1 have usert Tarks' 1 oa and tind
it is the best remedy 1 have e ver tried
for constipation. It requires smaller
doses and is more thorough. I shall use
nothing; else in future." Sold by .North
i l.-itte Pharmacy.
The petitions presented to con
Kress against til? Wilson bill bear
the names of .250,000 persons, the
largest number of remonstrants
ever known in the case of a pend
ing scheme of legislation.
Patrick Henry once said, "Give me
liberty or give me death" folks now-
days don't talk so foolish, thoy say, '-Give
me nailer's fcjure Lure Coinrh oyrun or I
will die." It amounts to the same thine.
rr sale by F. II. Longley.
By allowing foreign goods to
come in free of duty, everybody is
expected to get rich. Everything
is to be cheap, and labor cheanest
of all.
The workiugmen of the United
States are rapidlv finding out the
delusive nature of the free trade
theories which befooled them in
this luckless day,
$m& bv one -might? word free the
party of the American people from
jNwb fools and tricksters?" ,
The later aud
i v
more generai i;it
if." '' . i .J !
Joseph T. Dory, of Warsaw, 111,.
was troubled with rheumatism and
tried a number of different remedies
but says none of them seemed to do
him any good; but finally he got
hold of one that speedily cured him.
He was much pleased with it, and
felt sure that others similarly
afflicted would like to know what
the remedy was that cured him.
He states for the benefit of the
public that it is called Chamber
lain's Pain Balm For saie by 4.
F. Streitz and. North. Platte Phaf
mace. -i:
Tho "Bens" of Famous Authors.
A French chrouiclet has collentpd
somo very ennous statistics on a subject
that has interest even ontsido Paris He
was nnxions to know howsnvrni
ed great men furnished wh.-if n
call their dens, whnt i, nl
workrooms. To gain access to nil tho
rooms was not ensv hn
my of them wero nhotocranhod. nd
so tho ovidonco
chronicler's leaning was evidently to
ward men of letters, and his resnlf, ar
on tho whole, surprising. Daudet's
study was severe in its simplicity, tho
TW frn EC31?tie,St aml tuo Plainest.
That of Dumas had a few pictures on
the wall, small panel pictures, and on
ms table r. sphinx in bronze. Cop-
""T, uoer, and his appliances
for tobacco abundant and well tilled
Pierre Loti has his workshop fitted no
: . " "uuur; uo uoncourt'i
iu i tu ia carious nooks and bindings:
Sardou's is absolutely plain and verv
untidy; Zola's crammed with brie.-
U1UI" mizzvuvi s austere and emptya
lt. 1 ,the,naeter and abater
Ul":";' -""ac s crowded with books
reviews and journals, and by tho hearth
, m:i,,nrs' ouefor the master
of tho house, the other for his friend
ana collaborator, Halevy, both of:a'siZQ
liiii-uruaiiy comfortable. ."v7pBf.
minster Gazette. V&
-i. 11
AEelative. rj.
The young man was beintr Antnflsljj'
by the small boy while fae-waikdnfor
rv ouj -v appear. i
"Isay," Baid the younsster. after a
ong list of questions, ''ti..:
doesn't live here, dees she?" ' ''' ''
''JSo; she lives in Saginaw." .
"Yoa haven't cot anv roloVimic, v -
either, have you?" .
".None at all."
"I said so," said the bnv in o
Bed way. .
"Said it to whom?"
"To sister when he said she bH
Four uncle had yonr watch, 'cause you
sever took i out to see if it waa time to
o.-' Detroit Free Press.
The new 13-inch guns designed
for the battleships Oregon, Indiana
and Massachusetts should send a
shell through twenty-five feet of
steel at anv distance within 1.000
feet of the muzzle. The first one
of these guns will be tested at In
dian Head proving grounds within
a few days.
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
This invaluable remedy is one that
ought to he in every household. It will
cure your Rheumatism. Neuralgia,
Sprains. Cuts. Bruise:. Burns, Frosted
Feet and -Ears, b'ore Throat and Sore If you have Lame Back it will
ru're it It penetrates to the seat of the
disease. It will rure Miff Joints and
contracted muscles after all other reme
dies have failed. Those who have been
eripples for yeiirs have used BalhmVx
Snow Liniiiuwt and thrown away their
cru!rhr and liepn :ible to walk as well s;s
ever. It will cure you. Price 50 cents
Parks' Sure Cure is a positive specific
for women who are all "run down" and
at certain times are troubled by back
aches, headaches, etc. Sold by North
Platte Pharmacy.
The onlj' demand"" for an income
tax is the one to be found in the
platform on which Gen. Weaver
ran for president in 1892.
The democratic majority in con
gress spends most of its time in
hanging millstones to the neck of
its partT.
The pood dieyounir butthevare usin?
Ualler's little German Pills now and hon
est men will soon be a druc in the mar
krr. Sold bv F. II. Loii'Iev
The most pitiable object in this
country at the present time is a
democratic congressman with a
protected industry in his district.
The Star Clothing House
r-'o. 34SG.
iNTopth Platte,
Authorized Capital, $200,000
Paid in Oamtai, $50,000?
Sells Bills of Exchange on
Ualler's Barb Wiae Liniment for all cuts
on cattle ami horses; it is tho best on
earth. Sold by F. II. Longle3
Makes More
Makes Whiter..
Makes Better
Than any other Flour
A. F.
'I if
Medicines, Paints,
Window G-lass, Machine Oils,
Diamanta Spectacles.
' j
:? r
'old bv A. F. Streitz.
William T. Stead, the spiritual
istic medium at Chicago, has been
advised bv his "snook," whom lie
calls Julia, mat. lie win live to ne
seventy years old and then, having
become involved in a mammoth
work of reform, will so arouse the
opposition or tne ponuiace tiiat lie
will be kicked to death in the
that settled
SIHHiBIPIb liLaaaay
Hiiving refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public
is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment.
Finest Wines, Liquors asid Cigars at the Bar,
billiard hall is supplied with the L-pst mal-P nf f:.h!M
competent attendants will supply ail your wants.
j. 1 1 u
6SS53ie protect your eyes.
Ji- JL VV Jv Tho woU-known Eyo Expert oi 0.1 Olive St., St. Louis,
&S99KiCMo-'an,130E-14thStreet'Now Yorlf' lms appointed
2im&K aSSS& A. P. STREITZ as nfient for his colehmt N'on.
Agents for Western Nebraska.
Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas
City. Kan., wishes to give our
readers the benefit of his experiencr
wil Ii colils. He savs
cold early last spring
on my lungs, nnrl Hart liardlv re- Ask vour Prnrpr f hnv if. nf in
covered from it when I caught Notice the brand, and ff vou use
another that hung on all summer Minnesota Flour, take no other,
and left me with a hacking cough I
which I thought 1 never would get
Changeable Specta- ics and Eye-Glasses. These irlnsses
aro the rrciitest invention ever made in spectacle., and
every pair purchased aro guaranteed, so that if at any
time- a change is necessary (no matter how scratchod
tho lenses), they will furnish tho party with a new pair
of Glasses, free of charge.
A. F. STREITZ has .1 full assortment, nnrl invitpa
all who wish to satisfy themselves of tho groit suporioritv of ttieso
glasses over any and all others now in use, tp call and examino the'm at A. 'F.
bole Agent for iNorth .FJatte, ISiob. jNo peddlers supplied. '-The Best
in 1110 v onn. rono genuine unless stamped iou-t ha
J. F
rase ra sfvJvM wstj.'J! sia
rfd of. I had used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy some fourteen years
ago with much success, and con
cluded to try it again. When I had
got through with one bottle my
cough had left me, and I have not
suffered with a cough or cold since.
I have" recommended it to others,
itifd all speak well of it." 50 cent
bottle? for sale by A. F. Streitz and
orth Platte Pharmacj'.
In the matter of the estate of George A. Xew.
iiinu. ucceo?efi.
:;)t!co n hereby given that tho creditors of pal
deceased win meet the administrator of wild Es
laio perore me. County ndge of LJncoln county,, In the coiinty'conrl room in salcl county
on the 7th day of Junp. lfcDI. on fho 7ih ilor of
Jnly, 1KI1, ami on ihe 7th day of Aui:ut. lfc04. at
ono q'pIorIc p. m. each (Jay fiir t;e porpofp of pre-
.-unuuK uieir claims tor examinoijon, aoiujtinent
and allowance. Six months are allowed for credi
tors to prevent their claimx, and one year for the
administrator to fettle wild p.ttntp frrni tlm 7th
day of February, 18IU. This notice will be pob-
ii.-uru ja wie aobih nTTZ iniEUME newepajwr I
ior niur wcpj? successively, on ann alter rubra.
ary itn, . JAMES it. KAY,
si County Jndpe.
? Farm : Implemeiits,
Windmills, Harness, Etc.
Merchant Tailor,
OXjB-XO-33Z1. jC TW3E 351. XI -A. II 3E1
embracing all the new designs, kept on band and made to order.
Spruce Street, between Fifth and Sixth.
Steam and Gas Fitting.
Cesspool and bewerage a Specialty. Copper and Galvanized Iron Cor
nice. Tin and Iron Rnnfirwrsi
Estimates furnished. Repairinsr of all kinds rnemvf nrnmnt nffnnf irvn
Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, . , T
IsTorth. Platte,