IRA Jj. BARE, Editor and Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION BATES. if riiu nr adtaxcx, - - 11.00 rma. axkou IT JtOT TA1D Bt AOTAKCZ, - 11.50 TMM AXVnC tatorad at the North Platte (KbrMk)poteflLceM ecoad-cUra xoatter. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER" 6, 1893. The real estate and personal property of the Kearney Cotton Mill Company will be offered for sale at public auction on the 16th inst. The sale is authorized by the board of directors, and it is fair to presume that the property is to be sold because it has not been paying. The proposed reduction of $50,- 000,000 per year m the revenue by the Wilson bill, added to the pres ent shortage of $50,000,000, will make a total deficit of $100,000,000; and this amount will have to be raised by imposing direct taxes up on the property and business of the countrv. 'The settlers of western Kansas 'are suffering from the pangs of hunger and the icy breath of winter and unless they receive aid, and considerable of it, many deaths will result. There will no doubt be con siderable suffering among the farm ers of western .Nebraska this winter, but the counties in wnicn tnev re side are able to furnish the needy ones with the actual necessities of life. Some of the Union Pacific em ployes claim that if the court can fix the salaries of the five new re ceivers it also has the power to re store to the employes the old rate of pay. If the receivers are entitled to a salary of $18,000, which in our judgment they are not, the employes should have their wages raised to what they were prior to the recent reduction. To-dat a convention will be held at Topeka, Kansas, for the purpose of evolving plans for a north and south line of railroad from Dakota to the golf! This meeting is the out come of a movement which origi nated ?n the last Nebraska legisla ture and in the convention held at Lincoln last June. The scheme has awakened considerable interest, and well it may, for such a line of road would be of great benefit to the states through which it would pass. It is now rumored that the policy toward the Hawaiian government has been determined upon after re peated consultations between President Cleveland, Secretary Gresham and Minister Blount. In brief the plan is to subsidize Queen Lili in the amount of $500,000 and have her abdicate all claim -to the throne, after which a provisional government satisfactory to the United States is to be established. Such a course is a very smooth way 'for the three oftciah to extricate theatelves from the taaglc which has caaeei then so nach troable. may be advanced. Let the worthy mayor see that a strong Kearney delegation goes to North Platte on December 10th. It may mean the inauguration of a movement that will be the making of the western Sortion of our state. Kearney ournaL The Preddeat's Message. President Cleveland submitted his message to both houses of congress Monday. The document is lengthy, is not very clear as to the policy of the administration, and is made up largely of a resume of the reports of his secretaries. As a rule the dem ocrats commend and the republicans condemn the message as a whole. The following is a synopsis of the message. Much is said about our diplomatic relations with Argentine, Brazil, Chili, China, Costa Rica, France, G rarer' TmUey. XetfelBte," quetfc bold Sir Grorer, with caper- U kwdlr worth my ladMd a aims of each ctuoaeamule. "To be a Kple democrat waue. 'I am a dmoeraf taj do for Hill orXoriartr, Bat I behold in aMaloae tfae deaeentic party "My policy la qaito profoaad, I mm CoBTenant with tie aeeda awl Aaaerioan. T1 plata that wkat is good for, .all Is alto good lor eacB. ,Sfo matter If that cranky crowd doaa loadly cry inpeaen.' " -"And aa for Hawaii nobis qaeea, Xillnokalanl, Her eaaas it jnat albeit, I know, kef skin is slightly tawny Bealdea my predilection Sot the ladies is well known I'll place XJllaokateal on her little throne." "To Hawaii's queen my eynpathies are tenderly extended. For her my fortane and my life, if needs, shall be expenaea. The man who would not soccoar giro mast be Terr Zola. For she, 'tis told by Willises a perfect Hoao-In-Lo.". T.B. The Fiat Mowy Pallacy uUncle Sam has the power to issue his own moneyand as money is not money by reason of its m- nrw,.nv Rrifarin. TTnnAnrflc trinsic value but by reason of what Hayti, Mexico, Nicaragua, Turkey lI ?f government declares it and Venezuela: and an intimation shall be legal tender for he might an tnat Minister ratnetc igan was wrong in sheltering refugees in the legation at Santiago. The Nicaragua canal should be built under American auspices. Blount told the truth about Hawaii, and the plans for restoring the aueen will be announced in a later message. approval or it to just as well issue paper as gold silver money and of course would be far cheaper for him do so." The above from a populist paper is a plain declaration m favor of hat mi i paper money, rnera is no suver and gold bimetallism, or metallistn of any kind wanted there. Fiat monev is a plausable fallacy that A-rkifraMnn Iuiq f.lin flnnrnvnl nf this government in settling disputes probably all civilized nations have between nations. . wrestled with at some period of Changes in the diplomatic service are discussed and approved. The revenues are reviewed and a deficit of $28,000,000 is predicted. Silver purchases and bank failures are discussed. A postponement of silver legislation is recommended and it is suggested that a monetary congress may do some good. The president favors a reorgani zation of the army, more coast de fenses, and a stronger navy. Wants the fee system in' the fed eral courts abolished. Makes a full report on the post office department, and predicts a heavy deficit. sustains Moke smith s pension policy, and promises to continue to expose the "frauds." Wants the Indians cared for properly and safeguards thrown around Indian claims. Land sharks are held responsible for the outrages at the opening of the Cherokee strip, and amended laws are recommended. y- ir , aa i secretary Morton ot .Nebraska is highly praised for his conduct of the department of agriculture, and be is backed in all his reiorms, in cluding the stoppage of the seed distribution. Civil service reform is endorsed their existence. It is possible that a fiat currency made a legal tender might answer the purpose of money if this country was walled in and had no intercourse with any other country. But no pqwerconld make our money a legal tender abroad, any more than a foreign country could make their paper a legal ten der here. If any one should offer a piece of unredeemable .European paper in exchange for anything of value here he would be treated with derision. So it would be if a United States fiat bill should be offered in Europe. The foreign trade of this country purchases and sales amounts to two and a half billions of dollars per year. These exchanges neces sitate the use of a money that is recognized as such throughout the world. Hence, while our fiat money might be a legal tender here, those of our citizens engaged in foreign trade would create a demand for real money the money of the world that would send gold and silver up to a premium, not above what those metals were worth in other countries, but above the fiat paper money here, until the latter would become worthless. During the war our paper money bearing the promise of the government that it should be redeemed sank to thirty cents on the dollar. What then would paper be likely to be worth that there was no intention to re deem? In this enlightened age there are not many who believe the fiatism fallacy; yet there are a few and its explanation has to be made for their benefit. T. R. M. Tn Nebraska Farmer ia last week's issue ears: It should be of iaterest to Nebraska farmers to kaow how to solve the problem of what to do with their wheat under the rule of the present low prices, and the following is the solution given by a Dakota farmer. He was offered but thirty-three cents per bfttbel for his wheat; but this he refused to take and began feeding it to his spring shoats and last week he marketed a carload of them at Sioux City, Iowa, that averaged 250 pounds and sold at a price that made the wheat fed to them net oae dollar per bushel. If more of our farmers were more careful to adopt this plan they would not only realize more for their wheat but would have better hogs. Terrence V. Powderly is another an of destiny who has been turned down, so to speak. In 1885 he was about the most potent personage in the United States. His ordes at that time was the greatest federa i - j i i - i-t ... non or jaoor societies wmch this or any other country ever knew, and it promised to absorb all the rest of these societies within a few years. Committees of congress and of leg--i i .. isiatnres obsequiously waited upon him to hnd out what sort of legisla tion he wanted, and magazine edi tors competed for the honor of publishing his views on the labor problem. The utterances of the Delphic oracle were never listened to with more attention in the Gre ciau world of a score or so centuries ago than were his in this country around the middle of the 80s. Then the turning point in his career came. His battles .were Waterloos instead of Austerlitzs, his organization dropped from the highest "to near the lowest rank among labor socie- A.Z 1 -It l 11- . ue, huu now it nas turned mm out and put another man in his place Thus this quondam dictator has dropped into abjectness and obscur ity, wicn none 60 poor as to do him reverence. (jlobe-Deroocrat. The Yeeraaka Eketiea. Takiarthe vote on the regent for the short term, which seems to have been a strict party poll, with no personal or fusion feeling in it. and the republicans carried fortv- fonr of the ninety counties reported by pluralities," the populists thirty- five and the democrats eleven. Taking the vote by senatorial districts, and the republicans carried districts Nqs. 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 8, 11, 10. 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, from which, on the same party vote, would be elected twentv-one republican senators. The populists carried the districts Nos. 5, 9, 13, 14. 15, 18, 28, 29 and 30, and some minor changes are sug gested. The Wilson tariff bill is endorsed, deficiency and all. The latter is to be met by an income tax bill. Short Talk to Working Men. rva w There is only one country in Europe in which the wages of labor are within a half of what they are ia this country. That is Great Britain. Wares in Germany, rraace, Belgium and switzerlaad ae are aoc ene-tiira or waat tney are here. Those of Italy are .not oae quarter. Last year cheap foreign labor was imported into the Uaited States in the shape of "manufactured goods to the value of $692,316,768. This was a great wrong to Ameri can labor. In the immense amount of imports permitted bv our insuffi cient and defective tariff, the labor of women employed in the Man T t f I1 Chester cotton mills, whose wages do not amount to sixty dollars a year, come into competition with i l - l - -a aa tne higher priced labor or our souiuern ana normera conon spin- which thev would elect bv the s.imp hv Hn wiflth. ar laid in m .aii. v. hers. Inlnralftfes nine senators. The dem- bricks. This ia exnected tn wifhatanat Munich is a gallery and center of ocrats carried districts 7. 10 and 12. oy &ot, and actual tests is imnteaa- art. German women, with as many which would give them three sena- , bly superior for this purpose to the .I'll . 1 I ..." I Mnfniml itnii. as six cnnaren, saw wood in us fnrs with the same vote aa-a a a m Taking the same vote by repre OREAMINQ. Xbe cooliat flacanef the twtlcfct ley A balm mpoa the f arerel abb mt 4 ay. Asd, laacaar lallad by dream wlaaad ayfrlu t uairajucnt ' Balwaen tha half ueartala been ef dark ead usat. I Areaa o thaa. Trilled through tha ailranr Sahara ef faaMa aar, A lata bird hoawward wian lta waariel wui Ad,throaak tha wide traaqeUlttr of after Attaaea his reaper nota of faros! aaiaatrelay Toeoagsof thee. lit from the west the sentinel of light. Seta the dead altars of approaching sight Aflame, and paiata the aabteat aUea 'with -mytCo gold. Whose liquid light reflects the happlaass of eld Of aa with thee. Tha sky, the air, the sea, the earth, lta flowers. Lie steeped la magic ox the moonlit showers. And I? Far out beyond the wares, where Aj meets sea. From star to star across the night's traaeaii. Utjr, I come to thee. The evening winds, distilled from fragrant flowers. Four ont their Incense en the daw wrapt beers. And on the still, sweet harmony of aky.asd aea I stray a little space Into Inanity To dwell with thee. Thus when the fingers of the twilight gray Poor balm npon tha ebbing tides of day, . I. languor lolled by dream winged apirita la their flight Between the half an certain hoars of dark and .light, Can lire with thee. -Amy Barilla Wolff, Xllgwre'a Objeetl A single phrase has made Colonel Kil gore a national character. Very early in his congreeeional career he began to say, "I object." He has kept this up at every session or congress with seme consistency. A small man, a nervous man or a bad tempered man could never have made a success of such a policy. ne woma nave oeenron over in some way. Bat Colonel Kilgore's "I object," ottered with dignity and with delibera tion and backed by such an impreeeive personality, has won its way. It has stopped hundreds of little bills; it has sent many a disappointed member to the cloakroom faming and swearing. Aad yet the big man, who is always good humored and who smiles on slight prov ocation, is a popular member of con gress. There is everything in the way that "I object" is said. The tone can carry malice or anger or honest opposi tion, colonel niigore says "I object" with such utter' disregard of persoaal considerations and with such unfailing regularity tnat he has aisexmed the re sentment which usually falls upon ob jectors. at.Louia Globe-Democrat The curious man is a queer maivl'duai.' He it is who looks into guns that are not loaded and not' only finds a load, but: has it inserted in his head. -He also looks down elevator shafts, and the ele vator approacues turn from above while he is looking. He wants to know the why and wherefore of everything. buch a man became involved in a brisk poker game once in a western min ing tows. Carious men are not good poker players, as they always want to see another man's hand. This particular curious man was an exception to -the rule. He spent much money in the nar- suit of knowledge in the game ia ques tion, and cheu he grew curious as to the origin of the phenomenal hands held by a swarthy party the fingers and thumb of whose right hand had been removed, leaving him only a stump. But he had a yery clever left, and with this he snaf fled and incidentally left aces and kings all over kie verson. At last tke csiea sa caBgat him at it ami. tolsfr ssjaaft him of cheating. With a ridewatm the fellow kicked cback Ue ei W reached toward his hip aeefcet wKa bis right kaad stump. V "Hold ob. there" cried the caaseas maa? always anxious for awore kaewl- edge. "How are you going to poll the trigger?' Chicago Poet. Improving on Katare. One of the cases in which the work of man is superior to that of nature is m the material now being employed by the builders of the walls of the elaborate batteries at Portland beadlight This is a combination of stone, broken fine by the steam crasher, and cement. The i comixmnd ia blocked nnfc in mnlda amT iroai i the slabs thus formed, 0 feet in length ; Kary Anderson Navarro and htr husband are at present in Geneva. Some Louisville people who -met the actress there have written home that she is "as charming as ever and the personification of contentment.1' saMBBBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaar Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need for g'spepsia, Torpid Liver, Yellow Skia or daey Troable. It Is guaranteed to give you sausiacuon. mce Kcrth Platte Pharmacy. 75c. Sold by During the summer of 1893 dim ocfatic orators and newspaper organs were greatly agitated over the con dition of "the poor7 man and -his Kttte dinner pail," for which "the robber tariff' made him pay about one-eight of a cent more than he could buy it under free trade. But iust now the millions of men with little dinner pails are more anxious about something to put in them than they are about the price of the pail. They are wondering also how they are to get rich while buying a suit, of clothes for a dollar less while wages have gone down from 20 to 40 per cent. A Sound Liver Makes a Well Man. Are yon Billions, Constipated or troubled with Jaundice, tiick Headache. Bad Taste in Mouth, Foul Breath, Coated Tongue, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hot Dry Skin, Pain In "Back and between the Shoulders, Chills and Fever, &c. If yon have any of these symptoms, your Liver is nut of order, and your blood Is slowly being poisoned , because your Liver does not act properly. Herbise will cure any disorder of the Liver, Stomach nr Bowels. ItTias no equal as a liver medicine. Price 75 cents. Free trial bottles at A. F. Streltz. Hon. Wm. S. Warner Cordially Endorses Hood's IT Met JUeeel jPuHjUr. JTen. William 8. Wmmrr Fond da Lac, Wis. Uncle Sara has some of the finest mica mines in the world, but con gress has determined to close up aa .w everyone or them unless miners can be induced to work for the pauper wages of European miners. When American mines are aban doned, aud Europe gets the swing of the trade, up will go the price of mica. That will be the way in other things. When the American sheep are slaughtered, the benevo lent Australian and South American will not hesitate to take advantage of the situation. Ballard's Horehound Syrup. We guarantee this to be the best Cough Syrup manufactured in the whole wide world. This is sayine a creat deal, but it Afk true. For Consumption, Coughs, Co(ds, Sore Throat, Sore Chest, Pneu monia, uroncmus, Asthma, Croup, WLooUIne Couch, and all diseases of the Throat and Lunss. we positively guarantee Ballard's Hokehound Synor to be without an equal on the whole face il tne globe. Jn support of this state- mt-nt weTefer to every individual who has ever used it and to every druggist who has ever sold ir. such evidence is indisputable. For sale br A. F. Streltz ' The following is from ex-Congressman Warner, a gentleman highly esteemed by all who know him: " I can truly say that I consider Hood's Sarsa narulaue best medicine tor purifying the blood. It did ase good when physicians and other medi cines failed. It has increased nr appetite and HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES taemed to renew my youth. Tlrii Is absolutely true." W.&WAjttTCB, Fond Du Lac, "Wis. Hood's PIHs core Constipation by restor- bkg the psrlitaltta action of the alimentary canal. PANTS TO ORDER $3 to $9. SUITS TO ORDER $15 to $30. n 11 T"V a Y- a -a. ban ac jvans ljook store and see samples of goods. CM. NEWTON, AGT. A Le r Offl Sail ta C ai -TO THE- BOSTON STORE. No subject is of greater import ance to the western half of this state than that of irrigation. With a soil unequalled where all that this garden spot of our fair state needs is water in season. The rainfall has in the past proven ample in a majority of cases, but no section of country thrives more or raises such luxuriant crops as that which is under a good system of irrigation. Give 'western Nebraska irrigation and the fertile valley of the Mis souri will be outstripped in crop Producing, and drought will never e known. Irrigation also means orchards and fruit rivalling the great Salt Lake country. In another column we publish the call for a meeting at North Platte, of all those interested in pushing irriga tion in this section of our state. Good delegations should go from everv town and this important mat ter should receive the consideration it merits. Kearney should be rep TtaentecLat this important, meeting to the end that that the subject streets for fifteen cents a day. May a merciful God sink the" United States 10,000 feet under the sea be fore this hideous spectacle shall become an incident of our civiliza tion! Nearly $700,000,000 worth of the starvation labor of Europe in the form of manufactured goods im- nnrfil infn fliic rnnnfru lnct Tnr' That which came from Belgium in bales and boxes represented the wages of twenty-two cents a dav for women and forty-three cents for men. And the highest priced labor in loose cargoes of Belgium steel and iron represented wages of less than eighty cents a day. Italian labor in Italian merchan dise was imported into this countrv last year, in competion with Ameri can labor, at prices that should nil sensitive souls with horror and alarm the thoughtful for the future of the human race. The pay in the cotton factories of Naples is fifty cents a dav: of the .Neapolitan mar ble and granite cutters, from forty to fifty cents a day, according to skill; of coachman, thirtv cents; of women in lace factories, ten cents; and girls, seven cents; of soldiers in the the arm? ?3.00 a month. Of all the workmen in the glass works of Italy, only the skilled blowers re ceive as high a3 $1.00 per day, and laborers on farms, hoeing or mak ing hay, from fifteen to eighteen cents a dav, working from sun to sun. God save America from such wages! New York Sun. There are 6,000 persons in the Dolma-Bagtche palace of tne sultan and not a woman among them. The same kind of exclusion is carried out at the South Atlantic island on 11 r- wnicn crazn nas established a station for convicts, but here it is to add to the penitential character of the place. sentative districts, and the republi cans would have carried districts Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 46 47, 51, 57, 59, 61 and 66, returning sixty-six members. The populists earned districts Nos. 21, 22, 27, 39 48? 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66 and 67. These dia tncts return twenty-three members. The democrats carried districts Nos 9, 14, 15, 16, 19, 24, 25; 26 and 28, returning eleven members. To what extent the pops and the democrats will be able to fuse next fall in their legislative candidates remains to be seen. But they will have to combine in a pretty whole sale way to control the legislature between them. The present temper is not verv strong .for fusion T M 1 1 til iMeitner parrv is ac ail nappy over the result of the fusion last fall and winter and the democrats especially are exceedingly sick of the outcome of that celebrated tie-np, in which they got little but kicks and dis grace. Journal. When on a visit to Iowa, Mr. K. Dalton, Luray, Russell county, Kansas, called at the laboratory of Chamberlain & Co., Des Moines, to show them his six vear old bov. whose life had been saved by Cham beain's Cough Remedv, it having cured him of a very severe attack of ar rv ... croup, .air. jjaitou is certain that it saved his boy s life and is en thusiastic iu his praise of the Reme dv. For sale by A. F. Streitz and North Platte Pharmacy. It Cures. Parks' Coush Syrup cures Couehs. Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. The standard home remedy in thousands of ininiues tor all luus diseases. Guaran teed by North Platte Pharmacy. natural stone. Every stone (nature's) fort throughout the country has been condemned. It is proposed to erect besides a battery of ueavy guns at Whitp Head, Criahingfa is land, a mortar battery of 18 pieces at the soutneriy point of the Island. Itwill have the new breech loadinsr mortars. which have great accuracy as well as re mariraDie range. It is evident that the government regards this harbor as one of the most important a create etrateeio v""" s oucii 10 do Bxrongiy iorti' nea. uangor commercial. NORTH POLE, Dec. 2d, 1893. BOSTON STORE, NORTH PLATTE: 1 haye decided to make your establishment my headquarters during the month of December, because you cany the largest line of holiday goods in Lincoln county, and sell them at the lowest prices. SANTA' CLAUS. .Space will not permit to mention every item,but we have a full line of TOYS, ALBUMS, PERFUMERY, LADIES' AND GENTS' SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, k MUFFLERS, HAIR ORNAMENTS, iTilk and Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Fancy Table Linens and "Napkins, Cnenille Spreads, latest designs in Fascinators, c wuu nuuioo, xuiiui uuuus, juauico aliU. VJoIlLa Meckwear. We have just received a fine line of Ladies md Gents' Fine Shoes and Slippers for the holiday trade. An elegant line of children's cloaks, corsets, hosiery, bed spreads and thousands of other articles which will make useful presents. SO DOZEN FANCY LINEN TOWELS THE STAR'S GRAND OFFER TO THE BOYS- The Star Clothing House will give to every purchaser of a Child's or Boy's Suit or Over coat one of the celebrated Forrest City Hardwood Sleds. We will sell you Suits and Overcoats far below competitor's prices. Children's two piece suits from $1 up Boy's Three Piece Suits from 2.50 Up; Overcoats from $1 up Do not miss this great opportunityjbiit come early and get your chpice while the stock is A. fc . . - - complete. ' 3) Star Clpthing House, WEBER AND V0LLMER, Props. ' No. 3496. FIEST MTIOm BAM, North Platte, - Neb. ii.-saxv Authorized Capital, $200,000. Paid in Capital, $50,000. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI- NESS TRANSACTED. Sells Bills o Exchange on all Foreign Countries. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. A. F. STREITZ ID IE3 -C3" aOJ S Ti Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, POINTERS' SUPPLIES,' Window Glass, Machine Oils y, Diamanta Spectacles. CORNER OP SIXTH AXD SPRUCE STREETS. Twenty-fire Cant Napa. It was on the 2 o'clock an town ele vated train terday mornTnT I fZ ToT L Peput on our counters at tremendously low prices. stumbled into the car. He beckoned to the onnrrl tin A hanfloA Mm & nnmmim' . " . i iTAmn nAT mT-i n.v-rf -seventy-second street," he said. law lu run 1 il Ci OVTXC. When the train reached Seventv-ec-1 One hundred Chinchilla Overcoats, size 13 to 19 Vears. ond street, the guard woke the fat man. I xrnrtli $8 nnr $10 fnv fViio and the latter aleepily left the train. 1 ' r j. i7 '""""i fi "Do you get many euch patrons?' waa I wvciuuato, oiavo u tu xtr yeais, ivi mis muiicu ai QD.iQ. i.n iact we are closing: out our entire stock ot clothing at lo cents on the dollar. Our prices on drv eroods and shoes-are lower for this month than ever before. Don't for your tickets for the beautiful silverware which we give THE BOSTOIT STOBE, asked the guard. "un, yes," was the reply. "Some nights I make as much as t2. Other nights I fall as low as a qaarter. But I nave regular customers, so I can count on about $1 that comes to me on account of the drowsiness of mankind." New York Sun. Highest of all inLeavcning Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. aB aa aa Baking Powder ABSOUSTELY PURE Leathery Wlnred Bata. Most curious in origin of all nocturnal insect hunters are the leathers winced . . . oats, wnicn may oe regarded, practi cally speaking, as very tiny monkeys. mgmy specialized tor the task of catch ing nocturnal flies and mi aires. Few ycuu nauw now nearly tney are re lated to us. They belong to tha self same division of the higher triwtrmff gg man and the apes. Their skeleton an swers to ours, bone for bone and -ioiiit ior joint, in an extraordinary manner. Only the unessential fact that they hava very long"fingers with a web between ai an organ of flight prevents us from in stantly and instinctively recoenizinff hem as remote cousins, once removed from the gorilla. CornhiU MagnTiiw. A TVroBg Start. Toddles Papa, which are the besteat. lames or men? J. PIZER, Proprietor. Headquarters for Santa Claus. The only cheap store with good goods in Lincoln County. FINEST SAMPLE- E00M IN N0ETH PLATTE Having refitted our rooms in the finest of style, the public, is invited to call and see us, insuring courteous treatment. Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the Bar. Our billiard hall is supplied with the best make of tables and competent attendants will supply all your wants. KEITH'S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE UNION PACIFIC DEPOT. ftSSSggEi PROTECT YOUR EYES. cTAgLES WE. H. BTRSOHBraff. The well-known Eye Expert of G29 Olive SL, St. Louis, Mo., and 30 E. 14th Street, New York, has appointed A. F. STREITZ ns agent for his celebrated Non Changeable Spectacles and Eye-Glasses. These glasses are the greatest invention ever made in spectacles, anTl every pair purchased are guaranteed, so that if at any time a change is necessary (no matter how scratched the lenses), they will furnish the party with a new pair of Glasses, free of charge. A. F. STREITZ has a full assortment, and invito satisfy themselves of the great superiority of these ill others now in use. to call and examine them at A. F. STREITZ, Sole Agent for North Platte, Neb. No peddlers supplied. ,4The Beet in the World. None genuine unless stamped Non-Changeablo. all who wish to glasses over any and all others now in Happy Greeting to All ! Davis, the Hardware Man, Has just received the Nicest Assortment of Lamps 19 ' " to be. found in the west. Also a nine lirip. nf sil,rvTkla-s:l TSesTSnn'tou fink you gV Tea and Coffee Pots and Tea-kettles: something- new iwV.t!!?! I combining beauty and durability. We handle the fce? New York Recorder. J. F. HINMAN DEALER IN Saalewer Xewipapcn. The paper mill at this place haaraada from sunflower stalks several tons of pa per which will be sent to experts in tk east. The paper is regarded aa superior to straw paper. The mill u now barnc sunflowers. Last evening The DaOy Re publican ran its eatire edition oath sunflower paper. Salina (Kan.) Die catch. j cook and heating, for either soft or hard coal, which will be'sold regardless of cost for the next three weeks. Re member we carry a full line of Hardware, Stoves and Tinware and would be pleased to have you call and see us". A. L. DAVIS, - - - CASH STOKE. Repairing Promptly Executed. Farm : Implements, WAGONS, BUGGIES', Windmills, Harness, Etc. JOS. F. FILLION, Steam and Gas Fitting. : Cesspool audtSewerage a Specialty. Copper and Gahamzed Iron Cordk nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. . 1 Xisuuiaies iurmsnea. ivepamnf? ot alt Kinds receive prompt atttniioaJ Locust Street, Between Uifth and Sixth . North. IPlatte, - Nebraska