The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, November 01, 1893, Image 4

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    ACOW FBOVERB ilo. 12.
ffl i j
We may live -without learning.
We ninj live without hooks,
Dnt civilized
Cannot Iitc without cooks.
Nor can a cook live without an ACORN
llangc, which renders perfect cook
ing an absola.c certainty.
Here we are again with the
best line of
In the City. Have secured the
sale of the Celebrated lines of
Everything New.
Repairing done Promptly.
Come iu and let us smile on
you. We make the Price.
Male to Order.
$3.00 Pants.
3.50 Pants.
4.00 Pants.
4.50 Pants.
5.00 Pants.
5.50 Pants.
6.00 Pants.
6.50 Pants.
7.00 Pants.
7.50 Pants.
8.00 Pants. 0.00 Pants.
I have the agency for the above
and samples of the cloth can be seen
at ,1. E. Evans1 Hook Store.
Office over North rinttu National Dank.
Office: ninniRii Blork. Spruce Sjreet.
Land Office nt North Platte, Neb., )
October 5th, 1893 J
Notice in hereby Riven thnt the following
nnnied settlor has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
Pid proof will be made before Register and
Receiver at North Piatt u. Neb., on November
1Mb, lSW. viz: David G. Tibbeln, who made H. E.
No. 14,319. for the southwest quarter section 12.
township 11 north. rani;eJU west. lie names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of wud land viz:
Henry Stearley, Amandus Knnkel, Theodore J.
PacRctt, John Cleramoim, all of North Platte,
m A. S. BALDWIN, Register.
Land Olh'ce at North Platte, Neb.
October 12. lbttf. (
Notice is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made before Regihter and
Receiver nt North Platte. Neb., on December 0,
ISO, viz: GeorRe Schtnid, who mado H. E. No.
VM, for the southwes-t quarter of section 20.
township 10, ninRe 2S wes'. lie names the fol.
lowing witneshcs to prove his continuous
residence npon and cultivation of said land, viz:
Frederick Schick, Riismns Hansen. Charles
Snyder and Oliver N. Arnold, nil of Curtis. Neb.
410 Register.
Assistant Surgeon Union Pacific Railway
and Member of Penf-ion Board,
Office over Streitz's Drug Store.
fM. EVES, M. D.,
Office: Neville's Block. Discuses of Women
and Children n Specialty.
Bv virtue of the laws of the fitato of Nebraska
I hereby offer a reward of Fifty Dollars for the
csptnin and conviction of nuy person charged
with horsestealing in Lincoln county.
Insurance !
Agent for best line of Fire,
Life and Accident Co" s.
Lund Ollice at North Plntte. Neb,
October 2:5, 1893.
Notice is hereby piven that tho following-named
f-cttler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and unit said
proof will bo made before Register and Receiver
nt North Platte. Neb., on December 4th, ISM, viz
Frnnk Kohls who made Homestead Entry
No. 9,163 for tho north half of the northeast
quarter and the cast half of the northwest
quarter section 31, township 12 north, range 30
west. Ho names the following witneoses to
prove his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of t-aid land viz: George E. ProKser.
Reuben Starkey. Tennessee M. Cohagen and Ed
ward Bruner, all Watts, Nebraskn.
1M A. S. BALDWIN, Register.
In the mntler of the e-tate of Alexnuder Eng
land, defended.
Notice is hereby given, that the creditors of said
deceased will meet the executor of said estate,
before the County Judge of Liucolu county, Ne
braska, at the county court room, in said county,
on the ll'tli day of January. 1894, on the 13th dnv
of March, 18JI, and on the lUth day of April, 1S91.
nt 1 o'clock p. m. each day, for the purpose of
preentiug their claims for examination, adjust
ment and allownnce. blx months are n J lowed for
creditors to present their claims, and one year for
the executor to settle said estate, from tho 19th
day of October lKfl. This notice will be published
in the North Pjtte Tiiibune newspnper for
four weeks successively, on and after October 19,
18!tt. JAMES M RAY,
.414 County Judge.
Ludwig II. Puhs will tnko notice that on the Ilith
day of September, 1893, W. S. Peniston, a justice
of the peace of North Platte precinct No. 2, Lin
coln county, Nebraska, issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of S32.00, in nn action pending
before him, wherein Lester Eells is plaintiff and
Ludwig II. Pnhs defendant; that property of the
defendant consisting of one bay mare has been
attached under said order. Saiil cause was con
tinued to the 18th day of November, 1893, nt one
o'clock p. m.
Dated October ICth, 1S93.
4H LESTER EELLS, Plaintiff.
Meats at wholesale and re
tail. Fish and Game in
season. Sausage at all
times. Cash paid for Hides.
Lucy J. Laubekheimeh,
Defendant. J
And now comes the plaintiff and suggest to the
court that the defendant, Lucy J. Laubonheimer.
has died since said action was commenced, and
that the names and residences of tho heirs and
devisees of the said Lucy J. Laubenheimer, de
ceased, are unknown to the plaintiff; nud the
court being fuliy nd vised in the premises, on mo
tion ot the plaintiff It is ordered that this action
be revived against the unknown heirs and devi
sees of the said Lucy J. Laubenheimer, deceased,
and proceed against them unless thoy appear be
fore me ou the 20th day of November, 1893, and
show sufficient caue against said rovivor.
Dated October 19th. 1893.
414 Judge of tho District Court.
Marble Works.
Manufacturer of and Dealer in
Monuments, Headstones,
Curbing, Building Stone,
And all kinds of Monumental
and Cemetery Work.
Careful attention given to lettering of
every description. Jobbing done on
short notice. Orders solicited and esti
mates freelv given.
Hershey & Co.
Agricultural : Implements
Farm and Spring Wagons,
Buggies, Road Carts,
Wind Mills, Pumps, Barb
Wire, Etc.
Locust Street, between Fifth and Sixth
Michael Kornidas, Susan Kornidas and Heary
Clarke, trustee, defendants will take notice that
on the 18th day of September, 1893, Catherine
rhilip plaintiff herein, riled her petition m the
district court of Lincoln county, Nebraska, tha
prayer and object of which are to foreclose a cer
tain mortgage executed by Michael Koruidas and
wife to the Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Com
ianv upon the southeast ounrter of the northeast
quarter and the north half of the southeast quarter
and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter
section twenty-seven township nine north, range
thirty west of sixth P. M., Lincoln county, Ne
braska, which said mortgage was given to secure
the payment of oue certain promissory note of the
said Michael Kornidas and Susan Koruidas dated
July 1". 1811, for the snni of J.TOO.OO due July 1,
1893, with Interest from date at seven per cent
until maturity, and ten per cent thereafter.
Said notes and coupons and tho mortgage secur
ing the same are the property of the plaintitT.
Default has been made in the payment of the
amounts due on said notes and there is now due to
the plaintiff from the defendants Michael Kornidas
and Susan Kornidas upon said notes and raortgnge.
and for taxes paid upon said premises tho snm of
$735.20 with interest at ten per cent from July 1,
1893. For which sum plaintiff prays judgment und
for a decree that the defendants be required to pay
the same or that said premises be sold to satisfy
the amount found due plaintiff. And for a further
decree foreclosing and barring each and all of said
defendants of and from all right, title, interest
and equity of redemption iu and to said premises.
You are required to answer said petition on or be
fore November 13, 1S93.
Cathaiiise FuiLir
Hv A. II. Kinn, Her Attorney. f (J4
No. S Atlantic Kxpress
No. 6 Chicago Express.
No. 4 Fast Mail
No. 2 Limited
No. 28 Freight
No. 18 -Freight
No. 22 Freight
.. .Uept 12:15 x. M.
" 6:40 A. M.
S ." A. M.
.... " 10:40a. M
" 70 A. M.
" 7:00 l. M
" IK).", a. V.
No. 7 Pacific Express Dcpt 4:10a. M
No. 5 Denver Express " 1030 v. x
No. 1 Limited " 10.-00 p. x
No. 21 Freight " 3 M r. X
No. Z Freight " 720 A. x
N. B. OLDS. Agent.
E. 13. WARNER,
Funeral Director.
Coal Oil, Gasoline,
Crude Petroleum and
Coal Gas Tar.
Leave orders at Evans1 Boot Store.
A full line of first-class funeral supplies
always in stock.
Telegraph orders promptly attended to.
Fine Boot and Shoe Maker,
And Dealer In
Perfect Fit, Best "Work and Goods a
Represented or Money Refunded.
the BeaUxatloa TTu In Weird Discord to
the Anticipation.
"Truth lies at the bottom of a well,"
o the people of the world told her.
She was young and fair, and she
Bearched for Truth, hut her frequent
visits to the well brought no discovery;
only the reflection of her beautiful face
in the water.
One night a knock came at her door,
and she sprang np and opened it.
There on the threshold stood a bundle
of rags, which moved aa if breathing.
She shuddered a3 she asked, "Who are
you?" Then came the answer:
"I am Truth."
"I would 6ee your face," she cried.
"Nay, innocent one, my face is not
fair to look upon, but I am Truth."
The cold wind was blowing and cry
ing, and she closed the door. The Truth
she sought was pure and beautiful, not
loathsome, and with the conviction of
youth she was satisfied with herself for
having refused this grewsome thing ad
mittance. From that day, however,
strange visitors knocked at her door,
and each called himself Truth.
First came a gay party of dancers,
whose graceful figures swaying to and
fro captivated her fancy; their musical
voices held her as in their thrall. Their
visit was like a delightful dream, and
she asked, "Pray tell me who you are?"
And they answered, "We are Truth."
So she believed for days; then she real
ized her mistake, and that they were
not Truth, but pleasure. Again she
went to the well, but there found noth
ing. A day dawned brightly, and there came
another knock.
On her threshold stood a lovely child
Its hair was garlanded with flowers,
and its garb was spotless white.
When it entered, it was as if a portion
of the pure light of the sun had stolen
into the room.
The child's arms were soon intwined
about the neck of the seeker after Truth.
The odor of the blossoms intoxicated
her; her heart beat with wild delight; a
tender kiss was Etamped on her brow,
and with a gentle whisper, "I am
Truth," tho child was gone, and at her
feet buds blossomed the room was light
er than it had been for years.
The memory of that vision remained
with her a long time, but at last it fled,
and then she knew it was Love, not
Again she went to the well, yet found
Years after another knock came. Her
heart beat fast as the figure of a man en
tered. His manner was flattering and
full of grace his face seemed honest.
She had never felt tho influence of oth
er visitors exerted over her with the pow
er of this one.
She dared not ask his name, but as he
left he said, pressing her hand, "I am
For years she believed it; then came
doubt, and she saw what had been her
ideal of Truth was only Policy.
The next visitor was a long bearded,
bent old man, whose face was furrowed
and whose hands were palsied.
From his feeble lips came the words,
"I am Truth." His stay was short, but
she remembered that visitor, and oft
when the days were drear she saw be
fore her tho trembling hands, the thin,
snow white locks, the bent form and
the quivering lips, and she believed she
had found Truth.
But she was growing older now, and
something told her that Sorrow was not
Truth. Then she went to the well, and
it was dry. But there, far down in its
dsptbs, she saw a toad. "Who are you?"
she cried, and a hollow voice replied,
"lam Tradition." So she turned her
face toward home and knew that tho
whole world lied and was deceived.
That same night came a knock at her
door. She rose slowly and opened it.
There stood the strange creature covered
with rags her first visitor.
"What would you? Who are you?"
Then came the answer, "I am Truth."
"I would see your face," she mur
mured. "Nay, experienced one, my face is not
fair to see, but I am Truth."
"Yet would I see it," she made an
swer, "for well know I now that Truth
is not what Ave would havo it, nor is it
Then tho figure threw off its rag cov
ering, and before her stood a skeleton.
Now she knew her life search was end
ed and that she had at last found Truth.
Henry Russell Wray in Philadelphia
Mr. W. M. Ten y, wh'o has been
in the drug business at Elkton, Ky..
for the past twelve years, says:
"Chamberlain's Cough Iiemedy
gives better satisfaction than any
other cough medicine that I have
ever sold." There is good reason
for this. No other will cure a cold
so quickly; no other is so certain ;t
preventive and cure for croup; no
other affords so much relief in cases
of whooping cough. For sale by A.
F. Streitz and North Platte Phar
macv. w
Naval Etiquette.
An English admiral who was once vis
iting a French flagship laid down his
quid on a convenient bulkhead before
entering tho officers' quarters. Wheu
he came out again, he was astonished to
find the quid in the place where he had
left it.
"Poo!" said he, in the hearing of some
of tho sailors, "you Frenchmen will
never be true sea dogs. No English blue
jacket, now, would ever havo left an ad
miral's quid alone."
Whereupon one of the French sailors
stepped up, touched his cap and said:
"Beg pardon, admiral. I was chew
ing your quid while you was in there,
but I put it back, you know, when 1
heard you coming out." Chicago Post.
Fontenelle's Presence of Mind.
The distinguished French author, Fon
tenelle, was fond of asparagus cooked in
butter. Cardinal Dubois was equally in
love with the vegetable served with white
Being once invited to dine together at
the house of a friend tho effort was made
to gratify tho palates of both by prepar
ing half the asparagus with butter and
half with white sauce.
While the preparations were in prog
ress the news was brought in that the
cardinal was dead.
Fontenello did not wait a moment.
Rushing to the door of the kitchen, he
cried to the chef: "Jean! Jean! You may
cook all the asparagus in butter." New
York Recorder.
A Polyglot Menagerie.
A tolerably well practiced linguist is
required for Mine. Scalchi's family of
pet animals. Of her 11 parrots, 10 un
derstand French and 1 English, while
one of her pugs comprehends only Italian
and one English. She has five other dogs
whom she addresses in labelle laugue.
All these are in her pleasant villa in
the suburbs of Turin, where her hus
band, Signor Lolli, makes wine from the
grapes of his own vineyard and the great
singer wanders in her woods early in
morning gathering mushrooms for her
breakfast. She considers all green gar
den vegetables good for the voice.'
Dishes That From Their PeculUrlyuB
tle and Lonely Character Demand At
tention, Reverence and Silence An Epi
cure's Serious Affliction.
For my thorough appreciation of a
large and good dinner I am, I believe,
indebted to my father. He was a great
diner, and it is well known that the fin
est qualities of the English race are her
editary. My father suffered from gout,
and the doctors, who are a mass of prej
udices, tell me that I also have got it.
However, I am thankful to say that I
know my own constitution. What is
really the matter with me is a sort of
cold accompanied by inflammation in
one toe. It arises, I should say, from
overwork. Old port is good for it.
A fine appreciation of dinner should
be accompanied by a large income.
When my father died of apoplexy
(brought on by a quarrel with his cook,
who was a fair instance of talent as dis-.
tinct from genius), I succeeded to his
position in the firm, and to an income
which even in the city is considered to
be fairly large. I love largeness. I love
large incomes, large houses, largo appe
tites, large waistcoats, large dinners. I
can never be too thankful that I can well
afford large dinners. It was always my
ambition to be, like my father, a great
diner, and it would bo but false humility
to say that I Bball die without having
earned the reputation.
I distinguish between the diner and
the diner out. I do not want to be un
charitable, but I havo no high opinion of
the diner out. He does not, as a rule,
take the dinner itself quite seriously. He
is liable to show an interest in the
women whom he takes in or in the con
versation. Now, life is too short for
that division of interests; wo only have
time to do one thing well. Let dinner
be that one thing. I say, dine merely
dine. That is enough. Do that well,
and you havo the best delight that this
world can give you. As for conversa
tion, I despise it.
Now, there was the case of Charles
Nutcomb. He was with us at one time
and might for family reasons have come
into a small partnership. It would not
have been much some 8,000 a year
but ample for a young and unmarried
man who is willing to exercise ordinary
care. Charles was a diner out, and for
family reasons I once asked him to dine
with me, although in a general way I
will not have young men at my table.
At the very moment when we were eat
ing a vol-au-vent that from its peculiar
ly subtle and lovely character demanded
tho eater's attention, reverence and si
lenceat that very moment. Charles
Nutcomb was tactless enough to tell
a story. It caused noisy laughter. It,
if I may use the phrase, completely
broke the spell. It was like whistling in
church. However, it was not in conse
quence of this indiscretion alone that I
finally decided to get rid of Nutcomb.
He refused port. A man who refuses
port my port is a fool and conse
quently unfit to bo a partner in Grorg
bury & Pigge. A fortnight afterward I
managed to make some excuse for get
ting him out of office. I feel positively
certain that ho would have embezzled
money if he had remained. His after
career only confirmed my low opinion
of him. He went completely to the dogs
became an author, in fact.
But I am not unduly devoted to wine.
Indeed I sometimes wonder whether I
am more fond of that or of the solid part
of the dinner Bth ar good. Both
bring out all that is best in a man. The
feeling of gratitude, for instance, is com
mendable. It is impossible to think
much about the commonest viands as
paragus, the simple oyster, or even a cut
from a perfect saddle of mutton with
out feeling grateful. Then, too, dinner
promotes the kindly spirit. When I lie
back in my chair after dinner, breathing
stertorously, my temper becomes kindly
to the verge of fatuousness.
When in the morning a clerk r -rives
an hour late and makes some paltry ex
cuse that his wife is dead, or some non
sense of that sort I of courso dismiss
him at once. But if I were to defer my
decision until tho evening I should very
likely confine myself to fining him a
week's salary. If it were his first offense,
and my dinner had been particularly
good, I might even let him off with a
reprimand. That is the reason why I do
no business under any pretext after din
ner. It is all very well to feel kindli
ness, but one has to be careful that the
feeling shall not influence one's actions.
How inseparable from our dearest de
lights are our deepest sorrows! I have
but one serious affliction, the great soup
the soup of the city has not a real at
traction for me. It is richly expensive;
it is hallowed by a thousand historical
associations; it has brought ecstasy to the
hearts of men with larger incomes than
I shall ever possess, but to me it is al
most a closed book. Sometimes when x
am eating it at a city banquet I feel as
if I could see afar off its perfect mean
ing and catch dim glimpses of its su
perb generosity. But that is all. Ican
not love it as I know that it ought to be
Heretofore I have kept my affliction a
secret, but last night, when Thomas
Pigge and I were dining with the Fen
dermakers (one of the 12 principal com
panies), I noticed that ho was watching
me. He saw that I did not really under
stand that soup. However, I am not
afraid that Thomas Pigge will ever dare
to reproach me for this. He also has hia
weak point, and, as he is aware, I know
it. He is quite unorthodox on the sub
ject of sauce hollandaise. He has a the
ory as to the correct preparation of it
which can only be characterized as dan
gerous and revolutionary.
But I must pause. I hear the gong,
waking gently and sleeping as gently
again. Blessed sound! Blessed, blessed
dinner! I write no more! I go! Henry
Pain in London Illustrated News.
The Katydid's Sons;.
Everybody is familiar with the music,
of the katydid. It is the male that has
the voice. At the base of each wing
cover is a thin membraneous plate. He
elevates the wing covers and rubs the
two plates together. If you could rub
your shoulder blades together, you could
imitate tho operation very nicely.
Washington Star.
Lone Winded.
Ow;rheard at the Salle des Capucines
dunng the delivery of a lecture by the
famous X.:
"How full he is of his subject!" said
one of the hearers.
"Yea, but how slow he is in emptying
himself!" was the reply. "
A iwomarkahle Story of Indian Cruelty Su
perinduced by Jealousy.
Living near this town is a woman
whose prefectly bald head tells a curious
story of jealousy and Indian cruelty. In
1839 Oswald Thurwald, a Swedish farm
er, had a home in the territory close to
the Texas border, and his family con
listed of his wife, two daughters and a
son. The Indians seemed friendly, pass
ing over the Thurwalds even when slaying-
the other settlers about and fre
quenting their place to sell their wares
and to purchase Buch goods as Thur
wald brought out from the states for
barter. He was rapidly growing rich
and had made his preparations to move
to Dallas, where he intended to extend
his business, when the tragedy occurred
that destroyed his home and scattered
bis family.
It seems that the chief of tho Tonkawa
Indians, who visited that part of the
country from the south on raiding ex
peditions, had seen Elsa, the elder
daughter, and fancying her offered to
buy her of her father. But Thurwald,
though fond of money, refused, which
gave great offense to the chief. Return
ing home, he incited his people against
the Thurwalds, and the following spring
they made an attack on him. He and
hOiSon succeeded in escaping, but the
wrfe and younger daughter, though they
eluded capture the first few da3'c, were
overtaken finally. Mrs. Thurwald sank
under the fatigue of her flight through
a rugged country, and when the Indians
came up with them it was to find the
girl holding her mother in her arms, the
poor woman having just expired.
The next day the girl herself, lagging
-on the march from an arrow wound in
her ankle, was shot in tho presence of
her sister, who had been seized and held
from the moment of the attack till now.
She was taken to a village and given
into the chargo of thequaws until the
men should havo returned from the war
In the meantime the Kickapoos de
clared war on the Tonkawas and raided
the village, when Elsa Thurwald was
carried oC with such of tho Indian
women as were spared as 6laves. The
Tonkawas, on returning, found the
smoking remains of the house and
started after the despoilers, overtaking
them close to the Colorado, where an
obstinate battle ensued, but both sides
then consented to a truce. Tho chief of
the Kickapoos, however, stipulated
thjat the white woman should be given
hah. This was opposed by the Tonka
W-a chieftain, who claimed her by right
of priority. This brought on a quarrel,
which was terminated by a hand to
hjkid fight between the rivals, resultm;
in the chief of the Tonkawas being
lallad and the bone of contention fall
ing to the victor.
n He carried her home and confided her
to the care of his squaw with the injunc
tion that if she were injured in any way
.the life of the woman would pay for it.
But, fired by jealousy for her successor,
the woman took advantage of her lord's
absence to wreak her vengeance on the
detested object. Binding her to a tree,
she deliberately pulled out the unfor
tunate beauty's hair thread by thread.
This torture lasted several hours, until
the white woman's head was covered
with blood and she shrieking with agony.
When the chief returned and learned
what had occurred, he ordered the witch
Horned at the stake. She escaped into
the bush, but was recovered and the
sentence executed. Thurwald had now
died, but his son, hearing of his sister
being in the hands of the Indians, organ
iced a. rescuing nartv and succeeded in
liberating her after 18 months of captiv
ity. Her head took weeks to heal, and
it is thought her mind was affected by
jfar savage treatment, though in 1875 she
married a farmer in this vicinity. Her
hair has never crown again. Oklahoma
Letter in Philadelphia Times.
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
3Irs. Hamilton Cambridge, Ills., says:
I had the rheumatism so bad I could not
raise my hnnd to my head. Ballahd.s
Snow Liniment has entirely cured me.
I take pleasure in informing my neigh
bors and friends what it has done for me.
Chas. Ilandley. clerk for Lay and Lyraan,
Kewanoe. 111., advises us Snow Liniment
cured him of Rheumatism. Wh' not try
it? It will surely do you good. It cures
all Inflamation. Wounds, Cuts, Sprains'
etc. For sale by A. F.Streitz.
Clinton, Missouri.
Mr. A. L. Armstrong, nn old dnurti.
nd a prominent citizen of tills cnterprW
town, says: '"I sell some- Torty di'
ri'tit kinds of emmh nu-dicines, lu
tmve never in my experienca toid s
much of any one article as I have ol
IhdluriVx Jlorctouud Syrup. All win
Kae itsay it s the must perfect romcd
fur C'onh, Colds, Consumption and a!
diseases' (f tlie Throat and Lunus, the
have ever tried." It is a specific, fm
(.'roup and Whooping Conuh. It will re
lieve a cough in one minute. Contain
no opiates. Sold by A. F. titreit.. 3-1
A One Volumo Man.
A curious example of generous obsti
nacy was a stout countryman who in
quired for a nice book to read "one
with a story in." On several being
placed before him. he examined them
attentively and picked out the middle
volume of a "threo decker'' with tho re
mark, "This 'ero's my sort. What's the
"Oh," was tho reply, "this is only the
second volume. Tho story goes through
three. The set is half a crown."
'Hauve a crown ! Well , I'll gie ye that
for that one book. It's a pretty un
"But won't you have tho other two
as well? You'd better!"
"Naw! I don't like th' beginnin of a
story; I can't get forrud wi it. An I
don't like th' endin; I don't knew as 'ow
it's corned about. But in th' middle un
r,m into t' thick of it right off. No, I'll
onlytak' th middle un; it'll set me Tip
for a month." And, cramming the book
into "his pocket ho put down his half
crown and disappeared with a "good
night" before tho other volumes could be
given to him. Chambers' Journal.
The l'rlnce Consort's Will.
One of the morning papers, in a some
what high flown notice of the late Sir
Arnold White, states that the "myste
ries" connected with tho will of the
prince consort "were locked in his faith
ful bosom." There were no ' 'mysteries"
in connection with tho prince consort's
will except that the queen, to whom the
whole of the prince's property was be
queathed, would not allow the will to bo
proved in the ordinary form, nor has it
ever been deposited at Somerset House.
Liver and Kidney Cure.
Parks' Sure Cure is the only guaran
teed remedv. Its action is quick and
positive. Will stop that backache and
Mck-hendache. A positive specific for all
diseases of women. Why suffer when it
will cure you? For sale by North Platte
The Vanity of Sparrows.
A correspondent informs the London
Spectator that his daughter writes to
him from Bangalore that she is "obliged
to cover up her looking glass with a
towel, for the sparrows come in, sit on
the frame and tap at themselves, making
on both glass and dressing table a horrid
men. At first the towel kept them
away, but they were always on the
watch, and if anyone threw back the
towel they would be there in a minute.
But now they hold back the towel with
one claw, hold themselves on with the
other and peck away at their images."
It Cures.
Parkv Cough Syrup cutes Coughs,
Colds, Croup and Whooping Cough. The
standard home remedy in thousands of
families for all lung diseases. Guaran
teed bv North Platte Pharmacy,
The JoTial Birds Were So laughter Pro
ToklcgThat the Sidegpllttlng Contagion
Spread to Their Iluman Auditors, and
Even the Loons Howled With Delight.
"What amused our party most up in
the Adirondacks," said a Scranton man,
"was an entertainment given to us by a
Bock of story telling owls. Our camp
was away back in the wilderness of
Herkimer county, and wo had hardly
turned in for the night when a flock of
owls alighted on a tree over us and be
gan to tell stories and laugh. Every
owl listened in silenco to the one that
was talking, and when tho tale was fin
ished the whole flock laughed as though
they were tickled half to death.
"They reminded us of a lot of drum
mers in a smoking car, and they had
such jolly fun it becamo contagions.
We all rolled and laughed over tho fun
the big eyed birds wero having up in the
tree, and before long the side splitting
contagion attacked some loons out on
tho lake, which fairly yelled with de
light whenever tho fun loving owls guf
fawed and shrieked and shouted over a
right good yarn told by one of their
"Onco in awhilo a fctory was eo funny
beforo tho knob was reached that we
could hear two or threo of the feathered
listeners snicker ami chuckle under their
breath, and when tho end came the en
tire flock mado the woods ring. The
jovial birds had met expressly to swap
experiences of tho night before, and
they talked so plainly that we could
easily keep a run of their anecdotes as
we lay on our beds of spruce boughs.
"One of tho owls told about how a big
rat that ho had caught by the back
yanked itself loose and showed fight.
The owl described how he had let the
rat flatter itself that it was going to lick
him, how he finally bit his tail off at the
root, and how the rat then went squeal
ing and zigzagging around with no rud
der to guide its movements. The picture
so amused tho eager auditors that they
fell into the most violent fits of laughter,
some of them tumbling from their perch,
they were so tickled.
"Another owl described tho tussle he
had had with a tough old jack hare in a
swamp. He said that the hare had car
ried him along through the rushes and
over logs for some distance after he had
got his claws in its back, and that he at
last brought the hare up standing by keep
ing one claw in its hide and catching hold
of a bush with his other claw. The hare
rolled over and over as soon as the owl
let go of tho bush, and the owl said that
his feathers pointed in all directions
when he finally got-tho best of the hare.
Peal after peal of laughter followed the
'Another owl told about biting a snake's
head off and trying to swallow it. The
head stuck in his throat, and he would
surely have choked to death, he said, if
his mate hadn't come along just then
and pulled it out with her claw. Tho
story teller's predicament was such a
funny picture to the imagination of the
listening owls that they responded with
yells of wild delight.
"But the story that fairly upset the
whole party of nocturnal roisterers and
made them hoot and screech and flutter
all over tho tree for at least five min
utes was told by an owl with an alto
voice. Ho said that he felt like kicking
up some mischief the night before, so he
sailed out to the settlement, settled down
on the window sill of a house in which
there was no light and began to tap on
the panes with his bill. Tho folks were
asleep, so he flitted to the opposito side
of the house and tapped there. Nobody
stirred, and he kept going from one side
of the house to tho other till a woman
got up, struck a light and began to try
the windows to see if they wero fast.
'When she came to his window, ho
peered in at her, and she started to
scream so hard that in a moment her
husband sprang out of bed, and four chil
dren in their nightclothes came running
down stairs nud shouting, 'Mamma,
what's the matter? The woman couldn't
tell what the matter was, although her
hushand and young ones kept coaxing her
to, but at length she caught her breath
long enough to say sho had seen a spook
at the window.
"At that tho man dashed out aud be
gan to search around the house, and the
owl said he flew to tho top of a balsam
tree, whero ho sat till tho man went
back, when he alighted on the window
sill ugain. The man was angry at his
wife for making such a rumpus about
nothing, so he drove the children back
to bed and went to jawing her liko six
ty. Sho jawed back, and they had it
hot and heavy till tho man got up and
cuffed her. Then she threw a dipper of
water on him in the bed, and in jump
ing out at her he knocked tho lamp off
the stand and put out the light. The
owl said he listened to their quarreling
and fighting in the dark till he could
stand it no longer, when he flew back to
the woods. His recital filled his listen
ers with merriment, and it was several
minutes before they calmed down for
another anecdote.
"Well, sir, those jovial owls continued
to tell stories till 2 o'clock, when wo all
becamo so sleepy that we lost all interest
in their amusing tales. The loons out
on the lake laughed like all possessed
whenever tho owls did, and tho two
gangs of midnight merrymakers kept up
their racket till wo had to go out and
drive the owls away by firing our re
volvers." Scranton Letter.
Colorod Servants.
"Do you still have colored servants,
Hicks?" "Well, in a sense. Wo don't
have negroes any more, but we've got
three of tho greenest girls you ever saw
in the house now." Harper's Bazar.
No lileals Shattered.
She Why don't you marry her?
Ho Because it is so much more de
lightful to love her. Truth.
Little Lord 1'aiintleror
Was a beautiful chHd but he had one
rawback, his face was covered with
imples. His grandfather bought a bottle
f Mailer's Sarsaparilla and was so pleased
at us result that he took 4 bottles nimseJf
md cured his rheumatism For sale by
L.1 IF T
A r.unous Woman IiotimUt.
Anne Pratt (Mrs. Pearless), the distin-
fuished English botanist, has just died,
ho was the author of muny valuable
works on plants, exquisitely illustrated
by herself, and her chief work, "Flow
ering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain,"
has taken rank with the standard botan
ical works of the world. It is illustrated
with colored block printed plates and
forms an exhaustive history of all British
species. Lionuon v oriel.
A Girl Artist's Work.
There is a young girl artist in New
York city who earns her entire living by
painting fans. Although her work in
this respect is very excellent, it is not
more admirable, however, than the prac
tical good sense which keeps her from
wasting time upon the usnal unsalable
Madonnas, and spends itself instead upon
something for which there is a constant
and profitable demand, " "
Farmer Tried to Stop Ills
but It Didn't Work.
When Charlie Trifles went out into the
country for his health, he put up at
Farmer Ellery Cranberrymarsh's place.
Farmer Ellery was something of a poul
try fancier and had one of those big,
melodious, iramy cockerels of Buff Co
chin extraction, with a voice that was a
cross between the blowing or a geyser
and the sound of a threo tined whistle on
a boiler factory. About 8 o'clock every
morning the rooster would arise on hia
perch, and standing on his tiptoes make
all the hens sick by letting go his voice
like the sound of many waters.
It also broke up Charlie Trifles' slum
bers, and he was unablo to woo them
back by cigarettes or philosophy. He
made considerable comnlaint to Uncle
tilery, and tue om gentleman Hunted
over his poultrybook and read as fol
lows: "There is one simple device by which
a rooster can be reduced to complete
and acceptable silence. The bird can
not crow unless ho is able to stand erect
and raise his head to the fullest extent.
Now if a plank, or even a lath, be placed
above his perch so that he cannot gain
an upright position, he cannot possibly
lift up Iris voice."
Here was the solution, and Uncle El
lery arranged laths above all the perches.
In the early dawn before milking time
Uncle Ellery crept out to the hennery to
see how the device worked. The cock
had just awakened and was trying to get
up to turn his lungs loose in his usual mat
utinal vociferation, but he was unable
to raise his head. A hen opened one eye.
and seeing his dilemma smiled and
dropped off to sleep again. Uncle El
lery chuckled.
But the rooster was not to be foiled.
Recognizing his dilemma, he dropped off
the perch to tho floor, got a good grip
on an adjacent crack in the boards so aa
to take up tho recoil of the crow, raised
himself up on tiptoe and let out his
lungs in away that pulled Charlie Trifles
out of bed and drove him to cigarettes.
Then after a satisfied "cut, cut, cor-r-r-r-r,"
the rooster kicked a hen or two
off the roost and dropped off into a con
tented Blnniber. Minneapolis Journal.
Dickens made himself immortal with
his "Pickwick'' and "chops and tomato
sauce." If ho had lived in these duys ht
would have said Mailer's Sure Cure
Cough Syrup instead of "chops," etc. For
bale by F. II. Longley.
Ethereal Waves Which Affect the Eye and
the rhotographie Flate.
Our eye does nfcact by detecting heat;
in other words, it is not affected by the
whole range of ethereal quiverings, bat
only by a very minute and apparently
insignificant portion. It wholly ignores
the ether waves whose frequency is com
parable with that of sound, and for 80 or
40 octaves above this nothing about us
responds; but high up in a range of vi
bration of the inconceivably high pitch
of four to seven hundred million per
second a range which extremely few
accessible bodies are able to emit, and
which it requires some knowledge and
skill, artificially to produce to those
waves the eyo is acutely, surpassingly
and most intelligently sensitive.
This littlo fragment of total radiation
is in itself trival and negligible. Were it
not for men nnd glowworms and a few
other forms of life, hardly any of it
would ever occur on such a moderate
sized lump of matter as the earth. Ex
cept for an occasional volcano or a flash
of lightning, only gigantic bodies like
the sun nnd stars have energy enough to
produce these higher flutelike notes, and
they do it, by sheer main force and vio
lence the violence of their graitativo
'energy producing not only these, but
every other kind of radiation also. Glow
worms, bo far as I know, alone have
learned the secret of emitting tho phys
iologically useful waves, and none other.
Why theso waves are physiologically
useful, why they are what is called
"light," while other kind3 of radiation
are "dark," are questions to be asked,
but at present only tentativel- answered.
The answer must ultimately be given by
the physiologist, for tho distinction be
tween light and nonlight can only be
stated in terms of tho eye and its pecul
iar specialized sensitiveness, but a hint
may be given him by the physicist.
The ctheral waves which affect the
eye and tho photographic plato are of a
sizo not wholly incomparable with that
of atoms of matter. When a physical
phenomenon is concerned with the ulti
mate atoms of matter, it is relegated at
present to tho vaguer group of knowl
edge summarized under the head of
chemistry. Sight is probably a chemical
sense. In the retina may be complex
aggregations of atoms, shaken asunder
by the incident light vibrations, and
rapidly built up again by the living tis
sues in which they live, tho nerve endings
meanwhile appreciating them in their
temporarily dissociated condition a
vacrue speculation, not to bo further
countenanced except as a working hy
pothesis leading to examination of fact,
but nevertheless tho direction in which
the thoughts of somo phvsicists are
tending a direction toward which many
recentlv discovered experimental facts
point. Professor Lodgo in Fortnightly
The Turkish Harem.
In a recent lecture on "Turkey," Mr.
Oscar F. Straus, ex-minister of the Unit
ed States to that country, threw some in
teresting light upon a most interesting
phase of Turkish life the harem. The
lecturer admitted that his knowledge
camo entirely irom nearsay. lie nau
never been in one and had never known
a diplomat who had. He pronounced the
institution not altogether unattractive.
Turkish women are not secluded in the
harem as in a prison. They are abso
lute mistresses of that side of tho houso
and free to exercieo their rights indis
putably. A Turkish husband would not
dare to enter his wife's apartments when
it is not her pleasure that he should, and
sho has only to place her slippers outside
tho door to indicate such desiro for se
clusion. In many ways the oriental
wife makes her caprices felt, and her
spouse can only submit with what grace
he may, like his occidental brother.
Tho right to divorce is vested with the
husband, but the divorcee retires with
all her property to her family and may
marry again at once. And this right to
hold property separately from their hus
bands which English and American wom
en havo only lately acquired has been
the privilege of the Turkish wife for a
thousand years.
3Ien In Petticoats.
It will probably be a matter of sur
jriso to the general reader to learn that
tho petticoat was first worn exclusively
by men. In the reign of King Henry
VII the dress of the English was bo fan
tastic and absurd that it was difficult to
distinguish one sex from the other. In
the inventory of Henry V appears a
"petticoat of red damask, with open
sleeves." There is no mention of a
woman's petticoat before the Tudor pe
riod. Exchange.
Piles of people send 2c to the Midler
Prop. Co., Blair, Nebr., for a sample box
of Australian Salve, nnd a box frequently
cures a case of piles. For sale by F. II.
Aa Kseape la the Sky.
Once in awhile a meteor plunging in
to the atmosphere of tho earth is neither
consumed br the heat developed through
frictionnor precipitated upon the surface
of the globe, but pursues its way out
into open space again.
It brief career within human ken may
be compared to that of a comet traveling
in a parabolic orbit, which, as if yielding
to a headlong curiosity, almost plunges
into the sun and then hastens away
again, never to return.
In July, 18S2, one of these escaping
meteors was seen in Austria and Italy.
Careful computations based upon the
observations which were made in vari
ous places have shown that it was visi
ble along a track in the upper air about
680 miles in length. When at its nearest
point to the earth, it was elevated 43
miles above the surface.
From this point it receded from the
earth, its elevation when last seen being
no lees than 93 miles.
Although the resistance of the atmos
phere was not sufficient to destroy the
motion of this strange visitor, which con
tented itself with so brief a glimpse of
our globe, yet it carried the effects of
that resistance out into space with it
and can never shako them off.
No matter what its previous course
may have been, the retardation that it
suffered during its passage through the
air sufficed to turn it into a different di
rection and to send it along another
path than that which it had been follow
ing. Youth's Companion.
A Greek peasant living on tho island
of "gina recently discovered a mag
nificent statue buried in the ground,
upon which had been a small plantation
and which he had cleared. The statue
was sold to a bric-a-brac dealer, who sent
it to London, where it has just been
bought by tho British government for
the sum of 6,500.
In Physical Education Dr. Luther
Gulick argues that by exercising certain
muscles it is possible to develop certain
sections of the brain. His argument has
Bpecial reference to feeble minded per
sons, whoso mental condition, in his opin
ion, might bo improved by tho right kind
of muscular cxerciso.
Among the exhibits in tho show win-
low of a New York dental establish
ment is a fancy border around the other
objects displayed that is mado of nearly
6,000 teeth, which have been pulled from
patrons jaws.
XIO.OO Kpwnnt
For the man who ?toh a bottle of Mailer's
Bnrb Wire Liniment from my barn Inst
Friday. I can't get along without it. For
sale by F. M. Longley.
F. M. HECK, Prop.
Fresh, Salted and Smoked
Hams, Bacon, Fresh Sausage. Poul-
tr Eirgs, Etc.
Cash I 'aid for Hides and Furs.
Your patronage is respectfully so
licited and we will aim to please
you at all times.
Has 200,000 acres of U. P. K. R. land for
sale on tho ton year plan. Call and
feo him if you want a bargain.
Contractor and Builder.
127 Sixth St. Cor. of Vine,
Dr. Humphreys' Saeriflra reiclentlflcallynl
carefully prepared Kencdlei, Med for jerm In
prtTate practice and for OTer thirty jean by the
people wlta entire vacreas. ETery single Specific
special cure for the dlaeaae named.
They cure without drugging, pursing or redtxetn
the lyttem and are In fact and deed tike Sovereign
Remedies of tbs WorU.
a. cit. men.
1 Fevers Congwrtions, Inflammation.. ,'JS
'J-Wtrni, Worm Ferer. Worm Colic 'Ji
3- Teethlagi Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .35
4- Dlarrkea. of Children or Adults 93
7-Coagaa, Colds. Bronchitis 35
5- Nearalgta, Toothache. raceache. 33
9-IIea.daehes, Sick Headache. Vertigo.. .35
! Dyaesla. Biliousness, constipation.
11 Satercssed or Palnfal Ferlade...
1 Whites, Toorreruserenoas
13-Craap. Laryngitis. Hoarseness
14 Halt Jtheam, erysipelas. Eruption..
13-Kheasaa.tlsra, Rheumatic Pains .35
IS Malaria, Chills, Fersr and Ague 35
1-Catarrh. Influenza, Cold la the Head. .35
3-Wheeling Ceagk .33
37- Kldaey Diseases .35
38- Kerreas Debility 1.09
30-Crlaary Weakness, Wetting Bed.. .33
"The Pile 01atneat."-TrUl SIse. 35 Cte.
Sold by Drnftttti.or nat s1-1 m rottlpt sf frlos.
Dm. Hnraun' uvb (l f m,) mailsd run.
BXITHIIS' H D. CO, 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 KMaa St., SW MM.
S p e cTTi c s .
Cure Consumption, Voi:;h, Croup, Hore
Throat. Sold by all DritscMtt on a Guirantrr.
For a Lam; S:d liacic cr Chet Shilch's Pcroua
Plaster will give gr?at ati'f-cnoa. 23 cents.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chatt.nnnoya T.?nn says:
"Mliluh's VitalUer' SAW!) 2tY LIFE I
cojwW? r If Ihebest r'.mafjfaradehlUtatrdsintrm
I ever used." For Dyspcrwn. Liver or Kidney
trouble it excels. Frier .Sets.
T. ,. r-.t.r-rh ? Trrthia Remedy. Itwiil
Ttere and Cure you. Price M cts. This In
lertSS -tor Jtisuceesful treatment i.furolshed
iUi swinVa Remedies are sold by us on a
ATiarantee to glret satisfaction.
Chamberlain's Sye and Szia Ointxneat
Is a certain cure for Chronic Sore Eve,
Granulated Eve Lids Sore Nipples, Pils,
Eczema. Tetter Salt Kheum and Scald Head,
. t ' t- , 1... j r . .
Z-i cents per IXJX. x or saic uv ururcuu.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition trj Dr. Cady'a Condition Powders.
They tone up the system, aid diction, cure
loss 01 appctiie, relieve consiipauuii, tuttm
kidnev disorders and destroy worms, jcivmjr
new life to an old or over worked hore. 25
ctnte per package. For sale by druggists