The North Platte tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1890-1894, March 29, 1893, Image 3

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flit f ritom.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29th, 1893.
Wall Paper at Newton'.
- XKatrict court adjourned last week
until July next.
The Model clothing house will more
to the Foley corner this week.
Every person come to Y. M. C. A.
reoma Friday night and see if you can
"pull a BtriBg."
W. C. Elder went over to his farm
- in Medicine j&ecinct yesterday to look
after a house which he is having built
J. B. McKee; who has been living on
the north side of the track, moved his
family and household effects Monday to
his farm near Nichols station.
John McMichael has moved his
barbershop from Front street to the
room in McDonald's block formerly
occupied by Fred Boyce.
Headquarters for new process gaso
liae stoves this caaoa will be at H. S.
Keith's. If yoaf need a 6tove of this
kiad, you should buy the best, and Mr.
Keith keeps them.
A fine lino of Indian Baskets at
' Newton's.
At the annual meeting of the build
tag and loan association Saturday even
ing the eld board of directors were
re-elected, and they in turn re-elected
' tthe officers of the past year.
. Mrs. A. H. Church has received the
appointment of corresponding secretary
of the W. R, C. of the department of Ne
braska; also of aide oa the staff of the
national president of the W. K, C.
SuperiateadaBt Scaaraiann informs
us that he is receiving nsaay applications
for water rights this spring. People
fully realise that in order to hare a nice
lawa it is neceesary to have city water.
E. J. Newton has received a nice line
of Plants.
Sherit Baker went down to Goth
enburg yesterday t? take charge of a
arum Batid Puhls, residing in Spannuth
precinct, this'ebunty, whose actions in
dicated insanity. Pohls will be exam ined
by the board of insanity.
There will be communion service
aad receptwB of Baeabera at tbePresby
teriaa charch next Sabbath morning.
Ijet every member be present In the
evening there will be an Easter service.
The Masonis lodge will attend in a bod-.
Aa agent of an Omaha firm was iu
town the latter part of the week for the
purpose of establishing a "jag" cure.
We anderstand ho succeeded in getting
several local men interested and the
establishment will be in operation within
ten days.
A voung son of Mr. and Mrs. G.
Mylander, of Mylnnder precinct died
Thwrsdav night last after a lingering
illaesB. The funeral was hold Saturday
at the residence and the interment was
made o the farm.
: There is no reason why children
aboaid be allowed' to suffer from loath
some scrofulous sores and glandular
aaraUiag when such a ploasant, effective,
aaa eaaaomical medicine as Ayer's Sars
aaarilla maybe procured of the nearest
dnwgiat Be sure you get Ayer's.
iara Will hold a fairat Keftli's hall on
S- the evaBings of April Cth and 7th.
Preparations for this event havo been
gewg on for some time, and the ladies
will have on sale a large number of
fancy aad useful articles.
See these Indian Baskets at New
toe's. I The statements of the three North
Plattabaaks showsthnt on the Gth of the
it month the time and demand
Dtkyo to 'torn friend a tittle Easte?
ySifl? If so a neat Utile article in Sterling sUte i
yusttke tkhig. ,W hate a nice line df 'SwreMf
Jioxe Pocket Knives, and something every lady can
mca Tape Measure.
CLINTON, The Jeweler.
Come and help your friends out of George Casey slipped on an icy walk
the difficulty at Y. M. C. A. rooms Fn- last week and sustained severe bruises.
Ik ' ft
iliin hp Probated 3425.000. This
amaaat distributed to tio population of
the city would give $125 to each man,
woman and child.
Mrs. J. Cotton, the great soprano
singer of"" Omaha, will sing at Prof.
Disraeli's concert at Keith's hall, Tues
day evening, April 18th. 114
From a letter received in the city
tho latter part of the week it is learned
that Mrs. P. V. Corbott, formerly of this
city, is lying very- low with" consumption
at her home in Portland, Oregon. Her
many friends in North Platte will learn
of her condition with deep regret
Ib the injunction caso of Ilershoy
vs. Stimaou, in which the former enjoined
the latter from erecting a house on the
school land over which a case is now
tding in the supreme court, Judge
rille last week sustained the proceed-
iogs and ordered defeudant to remove
his belongings from tho land within two
weeks from date of the order.
"The Gothenburg, Broken Bow &
Southern Railroad" is tho name of the
latest corporation to apply for a charter
under the laws of the state. The in
corporators are capitalists of Chicago,
Omaha and Gotheabarg and the pro
posed line will run from Broken Bow to
Faraam or Curtis.
The farm scene in the advertisement
of L A. Fart on our fourth page is a good
representation of what Idaaom county
fanaa will bp irlbe future. If you
desire aach' a plac-ras depicted by the
cut, parchnse land at oaoebf Mr. Fort.
Have you seen those plants at New-.
. ton's. .
Hoaee Plants at Newton's.
Ji. W. Beaack has made a sale of his
weat market to John Frarier and Pat
McGraw, ijossession to be given the early
part of the coming month. Mr. McGraw
is aa experienced butcher, having worked
in several markets of ,the city in years
past Mr. Besack-will, for the present,
devote his time to bis farm south of
Sutherland. s
The action of the city council in
rait the occupation tax on the saloons,
aad placing a tax of $250 on itrue stores
- taking oat permits, has created A. great
deal of talk. Some are of the opinion
' that if the action of the council was.
tested in the courts it would be knocked
oat It is not likely that a single drug
store ia the city will take out a permit.
Neat week Dean Gardner will begin
'the Bias days mission at the Church of
oar Saviour, services beginning Wednes
day evaaing, daily 9 a. arf (7 a. m. on
Wednesday and Friday), 12 m., 4 p ro.
aad 730 p.m. Special service for men
(twenty minute service) daily at five
mibatas past twelve o'clock in Y. M. C
A. roBBM, and on Sunday afternoon,
April 9ta at four o'clock in the church.
.Everyoae is welcome to all these
s -
day night
Go to Newton's for Wall Paper.
The W. R. C. sociable and sewing
bee was held at the residence of Mrs.
Weingand on Saturday afternoon.
A new line of fancy Indian Baskets
at Newton's Book Store.
Fred Stoddard has rented a ditch
farm near Nichols, and as soon as the
company can erect a house' he will move
his family thereto.
Doc. Sizemore has recently made a
purchase of quite a bill of goods which
will add beauty and convenience to his
popjiar barber shop.
T. W. Cooledge goes to Cozad to
morrow to look over a stock of groceries
which be and his brother will probably
purchase, in which case Tim will become
a resident of that place.
The North Platte marble yard is now
worKing quite a iorco oi men, and we
learn many orders for future work have
been taken. The work turned out by
Mr. Ritner is aB fine as any in the state.
The Union Pacific will erect a new
depot at Sidney in the near future The
building will be of stone and 30x100 feet
in dimensions. What is the matter with a
new depot for North Platte?
At the time the road to the cemetery
was being graded there was considerable
complaint raised on the ground that it
was a needless expense, but one now
hears many commendations from thoue
who have occasion to use it.
Ladies should not fail to attend
Rennie's grand opening of fashionable
millinery"bn next Thursday, Fridfiy and
We are informed that three children.
of E. Spitsnogle, who lives northeast of
Nichols, are sick with lung trouble, and
that two members of the family of John
Ellison, who lives in the same neighbor
hood, aro under a physician's care.
That maBtor workman, R. D. Thom
son, is at work at present putting to
gether tho seats of the Episcopal church.
The art glass windows, or at least nearly
all of thorn, arrived yesterday and an
expert is getting them in place to-day.
Sutton's Uncle Tom Cabin Co.,
which is the greatest organization of the
kind on earth, will be at Lloyd's opera
house on the 11th of April. Tho attrac
tion will undoubtedly draw a big house.
E. J. Newton has just received a fine
line of Indian Baskets.
A man should always receive praise
for his good acts, and The Tcibuke
therefore thanks Observer Piercy for the
pleasant weather ho furnisbed'yesterday
and to-day, and would ask that he con-;
tiaue the same. . j
raEjTRiunslaiidJaSvoa that..
twenty crosswalks and culverts had been
put in by the present administration, but
it was an error. It should have road
fifty-three, each of which cost from S10
to $22. Tho present douncil put in
crosswalks on one and a half miles of
sidewalks which wore constructed under
the former administration.
All classes of furniture is being sold
at bed-rock pricesifor cash at H. S.
Keiths. g
Ernest "Braumanliving in the south
east part of town, died Sanday from
cancer of the stomach. The deceased
moved to town from a farm near Well
fleet about a year ago, and was a mason
by trade. He was about fifth years of
age. The funeral took placo from the
residence yesterday afternoon."
Rennie's millinery opening Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday of .this week.
A Greco-Roman wrestling match be
tween Jim Cushing and Harry Richmond
occurred Saturday evoning at O'Brien's
athletic club rooms, and was witnessed
by quite a large audience. The "latter
won and lugged off the $50 purso and the
gate receipts. Several glovo exhibitions
between local celebrities took place prior
to the wrestling match.
On Easter Day (next Sunday) tho
new Church of Our Saviour will bo
opened. Services for. tho day, holy com
munion 7:30 a. in., full "Easter, service
11 a. m., children's service, probably with
baptism of children, 330 p m., and oven
ing service with sermon at 730 p. ra. A
full vested choir will render tho music
and the new church will bo decorated
with flowers. Everybody is welcome.
Subject of. sermons, morning, "Jesus and
tho Resurrection." Evening, "What
think ye of Christ?"
Buy your garden seeds of Davis.
He has them in milx.. Get twice the
amount for tho same money. All north
ern grown and fresh. McGeo's old stand.
Geo. R. Smith and Miss Fannie
Reid were united in marriage at the
home of the bride's father last evoning,
Judge Hay performing the ceremony in
his usual pleasant and satisfactory man
ner. Tho bride is the daughter of B. F.
Reid and is a very pleasant and highly
respected lady and popular with her
large circle of acquaintances in town.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Augustus Smith, and has resided in
North Platte the major part of bis life.
He is" a straightforward young man, and
at present is employed on the road as a
brakeman. The best wishes" of The
Tribune go with Mr. and Mrs. Smith
through life.
House Plants at E. J. Newton's.
Tho grocery store of Rebhausen Sc
Casey was closed Friday on a mortgage
held by Wm. Neville and assigned to the
Grand Island Mercantile Co., which is
also a creditor, and it is now in charge.
It is said that tho stock and book ac
counts will be sufficient to settle all
claims. Tho Grand Island company ad
vertise the stock for sale, under fore
closure of mortgage, on April 18th, but
as to who the purchaser will be it is
of course not known. The collapse is
probably due to lack of capital, the boys
Tho city schools are having a vaca
tion this week, prior to the opening of
the spring term.
j. uienn urown, oi money, was in
town last week visiting relatives. He
made the round trip on a bicycle.
George Hoover, of Kearney, com
tnitted suicide Friday by taking a dose
of stryctnine. No reason is assigned for
the act
Carpenters and paper bangers have
been busy for several days past putting
in a new floor and repapering the Foley
store room.
Buy cigars made by union labor.
All those sold by McGlone are of this
kind. ,
Tho committees in charge of the'
.recent mask ball of the Red Men made a
settlement last .week and found that the
net receipts were 8173.00. ' s
. Forsale The James Edwards' prop
erty on oast Fifth street, consisting of a
four-room house and two lots. For
particulars inquiro of Alex. Adams.
Scvaral of our citizens have been
receiving papers lately through the
influence of E. J. Newton, who will be
glad to take subscriptions for- any of the
Indications are that, the dauce to be
given by tho band boys next Monday
evening will be very largely attended.
The concert prior to the grand march is
sure to draw a large crowd.
Nowlon sells Wall Paper cheaper
than anybody.
C. A. McDonald has been confined
to the house during the past week by
reason of hemorrhages of tho lungs.
Saturday night his condition was critical,
but since then he has been improving.
Several entertaining features will bo
given in connection with tho fair to be
held by the Episcopal Guild on the 17th
and 18th of April. Fuller dctaih will be
given in these columns later.
J. B. Jeter has concluded to erect a
house on his lots on west Sixth Btreet
and last week awarded the contract for
erecting same to D. M. Hogsett The
cost will be about 81300.
For Rent Fivo-room houso, with
stable. Two lots in garden. ?7 per
month. Mas. L. H. Ginns,
South Spruco St
Two men named Weiden andStal'dor
became involved'in a fight over a cow at
Stookville last week, and the former is
lying at tho point of death as a result of
the clubbing he received from tho latter.
-Baby Buggies at Newton's at very
low prices.
-About the mobt original, eonveuient
-aiuilriieatest piece of fixtures for agrocery
caso at Thompson & Swarthoufs which
was constructed by tho former from plans
furnished by tho latter. It consists of a
series of bins faced with glass, so that
tho kind and quality of tho fruit can be
seen at a glance. The bottom of each
bin Jis covered with wire netting 'and,
underneath tho case'isroom for an open
ice box. If in tho summer time a stray
fly gets into a bin, he finds the temper
ature soold that ho Js glad to make his
escape at the first opportunity, and as a
result tho fruit is kept free from the
worms which flies breed. Tho fruit is
also kept thoroughly ventilated lp- the
current of air which passes through, and
does rot becoaei affected bv the heat
By the means of.a sliding barttho tops
of the bins are locked simultaneously,
which is also an advantage, though it
may not be so regarded bythe small
boys who make a habit of faking fruits
when the clerk's back is turned. Several
traveling men who have examined the
cape pronounco itTtho finest thing of the
kind they havo ever seen, and think Mr.
Thomson would have v& difficulty in
finding a sale for a number of them.
Iwili keop on hand anice assortment
of plants through the season. " ' '
E. J. Newto?:.
MIU and Elevator Leaerd.
List week 0. F. Iddlngs .md a lease
of tho North Platte mill and elevator- for
a t'rm of years, and informs us thst he
will put the same in operation as soon as
a few minor changes can bo made in the
interior parts. We are glad that this
property is not to lay idle, as it is a busi
ness of considerable importance to the
town, Mr. Iddings assumes the mill
with rather an ucenviabloreputation as
to itpat f uccess, but we confidently
expect him to put the business on a firm
footing and find a ready market for its
products. Home consumers should give
Mr. Iddings every possible encourage,
ment in the way of patronage when he
gets tho mill in operation.
E. J. Newton is showing an excep
tionally fine line of Wall Paper this
spring and the prices are very low.
1J. K. Y. M. G.
On TrW TfrTi nf. ft t m
there will be
a "Camp Fire" in our roomB. All men
rare urged to be present. Mr. Evans will
tell something of the capture of Jeff
Davis, he being one of tho cavalry who
assisted in that capture. There will be
other interesting incidents related.
Friday ovening of this week there will
bo a "Cobweb'' social at tho association
rooms. Every person, both ladies and
gentlemen aro invited. Tho Christian
Endeavor society of tho Presbyterian
church will give the social. Everybody
come and get tangled up.
Rv. C. H. Gardner, of Omaha, will
lead meetings for men in our rooms
beginning Thurshay, ApriL Gth, at 12:05
p. m. and continuing until 1230. It is
hoped that many baaaieea men will
come in for theee tweatjffta minutes.
The painters twaaaaaaMy at work in
our rooms.
Rev, Davis or the Bapttatxchurch will
conduct our men's ataaMar aext Sunday.
having started business on considerable ; We expect the service to be of an Easter
borrowed money. Messrs. Casey and nature.
Rebhausen are young men aad their
BjyaortuDo is ragrattadby all.
' Mr. Whito, of Beatrice, led our meet-
4' "
CP. Iddiiaw truMacted business
Oaiaha yaataaiay.
- Mr. at Mm. J. I. CNeil were Go then-
T.-Faltoa Gaatt transacted business
Fred Hartman went to. Denver Satur
day, returning yesterday morning.
A. H; Chnrcfi trsnaaetad business in
Omaha the latter part of the week.
MissCallie McDonald is home from
Hastings spending .her school vacation.
H. M. .Grimes has been transacting
legal business in Omaha for a day ortwo
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ferguson, of Fre
mont, will pass Easter with North Platte
Mrs. Carrie Struthers is spending this
week with her parents en the farm near
Mrs. Harry Reese and mother, Mrs.
McMackin, arrived from Fremont Thurs
day morning.
Mrs. N. Wheeler, who had been visit
ing friends in .ferry, lowa, returned
home Sunday night
Mrs. J. G. Worlund went to Cheyenne
Monday night, where she will spend a
week 'with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. N. E, Barkalow went to
Omaha last night,wherethey will remain
until after Easter.
Miss Effio Cleland went to Chicago
yesterday morning, where she will visit
her sister for a week.
Mrs. T. E. McMoans, of Julesburg,
was tho euest of North- Platte friends
Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Bolle Buckworth came up from
Hastings Saturday and is spending the
week with her parents.
Mrs. Dr. Hingston and Miss Effio
Cleland spent Sunday at the Van Brock
lin ranch in Well precinct
A. J. Mitchell, of St Louis, bus been
interviewing business men and old-time
friends for several days past.
Miss Blanche Buckworth will arrive
home to-night from Peru, where -she is
attending the state normal school. .
Miss Louise Gilman will leave next
week for Kearney whero she will take a
course of study in the Platte institute.
Prof. C E. Barber, assistant principal
of the city schools, is passing this week
with friends in tho central part of the:
We learn that Mr. and Mrs. Bresnahan,
who havo been living in Cheyenne fop
several years, will return to the city in
tl'o near future.
Mrs. Alex. Adamson and family leave
to-pigbt for Denver, whero Mr. A. has
secured employment in ouo of tho rail
road shops.
Tim T. Kelihcr, who has been filling'
the position of book-keeper of the senate
during the legislative session, came up
on a visit Sunday and returned Monday.
E. Bbinehart, who had boon visiting
his daughter Mrs. W. C. Elder, left'
Thuieday for his home in Jefferson,
Iowa, Mr. Elder accompanying him as
far as Omaha.
Mrs. C. F. Ormsby and daughter
Mablo went to Colorado Springs Monday
morning to visit Mr. Ormsby, who has
been rejuvennting at thatv point fori
several. Weeks, and is stead ilyiimpfeviaif.
' Mr. and Mrs. King, of Linroln, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Rar
num last week, one of the objects of the
-visit being to afford Mr. King an oppor
tunity to indulge in a little goose hunt
ing. Mrs. Lester Eells will leave tho latter
part of next week for a visit with relatives
in Buffalo and other New York points,
and Miss Eells will go to Cleveland,
where shef expects to remain pormantly
with her father. Mr. Eells Avill accom
pany them part of tho way..
K Are We
i- -3- ifiZhs-T 2k S .
" J Jplv:'-'if-
i jfejfe,- .
ling Grocers, are now in the. mammoth Odd
building with the finest stock of Staple and
ceries in the city. They are giving fancy
special attention and show an unsurpassed
ewesc goods. Canned fowl, meats and fish,
bso desirable and convenient for lunches,
c meal, are carried in stock. If you have
lbfc been using these goods, try them.
"I T
Thursday, Mch. 30, Friday, Mch. 31
and Saturday, April 1st.
ait an Eye.
'while- at work in the
i Thursday, was struck in
ijchip from a flue ex-
iny with his brother
i.iOmaha Saturday and
by the oculist at
it was found that tho
destroyed and that it
rremovo the eye. Jhis
-successfully performed,
ml remain in Omaha for
i fet-ling hs well as possible
NNimstances. From the
saaaUent until tho injured
Mr. Grace sufferpd
"'It is an accident which
by the young man's
.ted' Showing.
.-rmannnl ctntnmnnt-. nf tlin
-i --it" a a?
una Loan iissounuioD,
.hich was given public-
nakcE a most satisfactory
ahows where much
s of the wage workers
to, for during the year
1st, the receipts of the
wara !5ZU,yo8.l7: while the
tae date of organization
,952.35. The economy
association is managed,
amount "of funds
lly wonderful, for tho
organization have been
To offset this amount
received in the shape of
faaaahd transfer fees, so that
has been taken from
Another remarkable
af all loans made, only
jaas been neccssnry,and in
i.the.association suffered no
tileries started this month
maer of shares have been
condition of the
:s much creuit on tho
' in the tin 6hon and will en race in the
dray business. " It is said that John re
cently fell heir to quite a sum of money.
The stationary boiler in the machine
shop is being furnished with a new set
fiues, and during this' work the G89 is
furnishing steam for the power in the
Engine 787 arrived from Omaha Fri
day evening and is being run by Fred
Fredricksen while tho 623 is receiving a
new fire box, which is being built in the
boiler shop.
J. E. Edwards, who quit here several
years ago and wont to Denver to work
for the Rio Grande, has been ordered to
report at Salida and take charge, of tho
Engine 830 has been furnished with a
42,000 gallon tank, and you may now
exnect Dillard to make some verv fast
j runs, as ho will not be compelled to take
water so irequenUy.
Thos J. Kelly, assistant foreman ofJhe
Cheyenne boiler shop, stopped off Here
Saturday while enrouto to Omaha. It
is rumored that he will be sent to Port
land to take charge of the boiler shop at
that point. Tom is a first-class man, and
his many old friends here trust that the
rumor may prove true.
Will Fikes. Allie Babbitt. Dave Cannon
and Charley Soyferth, a quartette of
young but mighty nimrods, left Satur
day on a goose hunting expedition to the
Birdwood. Two of the boys returned
Monday evening with the wagon springs
boat under tho great pressure of one
solitary goose, which it is said they
bought from ono of the ranch employes.
Tho othor members of the party came
home via Sutherland Monday night. The
boys are not discouraged, however, and
wilL try their luck soon again.
have managed its busi-
PWka Lines Closer.
af two business
week will havea
at least, to make the
ity draw tighter lines
raw winch has and -is
en. Ana in view
The Tribune
auras kboi oniy proper, out an
ity. Show us a man who
ia &u8fneGS in North Platte,
to his books on
which will-be found sufficient accounts,
f collectable," would pay every
has fa
aaa we will potat you
To the Ladles
Miss Kate Wood will have her spring
opening of "Millinery and fancy goods of
the latest patterns on Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday of this week, and respect
fully extends an invitation to tho ladies
to call and examine the stock.
Not Guilty aa Charged.
Itobt. Douglas, who was arrested on
the 23d of February for disorderly con
duct on complaint of Richards fc Co.,
proprietors, of the Fair store, had his
trial before Police Judgo Hawley on
Monday afternoon. Tho trial was by
jury and four legal lights of the city
conducted the case. Considerable testi
mony was taken, and tho jury after being
out a short, time brought in a .verdict of
not guilty, as charged. The costs In the
case were taxed against tho plaintiffs.
The Candidates.
The followingare -the candidates for
city offices at the election to bo held on
Tuesday of noxt week:
Mayor, tL B. "Warner F. E. Bullard;.
clerk, John Sorenson, B. C Clinton;
treasurer, C. lu Adams; police judge, ,J.'
M.Itay, W. S. Peniston; city engineer,
Paul G. Meyer; councilman First ward,
Cb3. Hendy, Jos. Herrod; council
man Second ward,' IB. D. Thompson,
Lester Eells; councilman Third ward,'
V. H. Johnston; members board of
education (two), C. E, Osgood, V. Vqn
Goetz, H. VF. Allwine.
' ' -
Many Times a Father.
Nicholas Beal, who resides west of
lown, during his sixty years of life has
strictly followed the biblical injunction
to be fruitful and replenish the earth,
and last week became a father for the
twenty-sixth time. Of the twenty-six?
children born to him and his wives
having been married thrice nineteen
are living. Tho flight of years seems not
to lessen Nicholas' vitality, and he may
live to celebrate the advent of several
more offspring. A motion to have
Nicholas placed among the rare exhibits
at tho world6 fair will be entertained by
The Tribune.
Made an Assignment- "
Saml. Adams, who has been conducting
a grocer)' store for nearly a year past
made.a voluntaryassignment Wednesday
of last week in favor of the North Platte
National Bank, which, is, we believe, the
heaviest creditor. Tho stock and book
accounts are fully adequate to meet the
liabilities: Mr. Adams will re-engage in his
former business, tha.tof carpenter and
builder, and spent several days in Jules
burg the Tatter part of the week figuring
on some proposed buildings. -3
Since the above was put in typewe.
we learn that the stock has been sold fa
Meiers. Mooro fc Talmadge, who will
engage in business at Sutherland. .
r aTaTaTaTaTaTa
that' manoand leave him a
;iagg in tSe bank. In every
taaty there are men who do
to pay, a bill at the time they
ttt; aad aro rightfully dubbed
heats." There is another class
w ha Ufa extravagantly or at least be-
yoiaithair income and aro therefore
uaaaM to meet their bills promptly; and
yet leather claas who meet with mis
fertaae of 'deferent kinds and are un
able to pay ao matter how much they
BMyateeire to do so. It is the two former
daaaiCfreia which the merchants suffer
meat ailft they are tho ones which need
duatflijlliance. As a rulo they run
aaWai'oae store as long as possible,
taeAWkad "work" another merchant,
aai;MlaallaHe until tho rounds are
aiaiaTe'put a &top to this latter prac-
tte beabeea one ot the objects of the
's association, and we are
glad aV JMr that through its efforts tho
"et these wily are
io a ciose.
terest of both buyer and
3ines3 on as nearly a
s as possible. To the
g of money, jis they
1 r".' ;
a saving of
ringly:bf articles which are
ties and at the same tune
paeh a so cheaper. It enables
toaieet bills when due, and
ttafi.BBch worry and perplexity
harness and eventually from
iiaaeter. C-
g&Jm elegant line of
Millinery of all Descriptions.
Wm. Rector has had his lots plowed
and will havo a small garden this spring.
R. A. McMurray has been under tho
weather and has not worked'for a week..
Thos. M. Clark will use city water
hereafter, having added that improve-ment-to
his property. -
NitekiicMiciePi' Bavnor exfcr
to have Mrs. Owen's house ready for the
plasteror by the end of tho week.
Wm. Coply is night porter at the Paci
fic house' and if he proves as good a one
as his brother he. will mako a success.
Tho engine room of the Waterworks
Co. has been papered and. although
always a neat place, it is now a palace.
Wm. Yost is helping out in his father's
harness store where the work has in
creased so much that another man is
Some of the little boys thought there
had been a wedding at Newmans last
week and they gathered there one even
ing with old tin cans, but they were
asked to postpone their noise because it
was a mistake.
A Mr. Moyer of Bruin was hero on
Saturday to sell his house and lot just
east of tho echcoMiouse but he did not
succeed. It is a splendid location and
will not remain unsold very long.
Heinrich Stolle, a nephew of V. Von
Goetz, is in Chicago putting up some
raachiuery for a firni of Saxony, Ger
many. He is a young man and mut
return before June to complete his ser
vice in the army, but before he returns
to tho old country he will visit his-jaVa-tives
in North Platto,
V. VonGoetz received a crate of
crockery last week the contents of which
were badly broken. The-crate was
shipped by an Omaha firm but as it came
from England it may not have been re
packed by them and it is hard to tell
whero tho damage was done. It is ex
expectod that somo should bo broken,
but it is very unusual for over one half
Advertisements under this head will be
charged 1 cent per word each insertion,
but nothing accepted for lees than lOcta
All property owners are notified that
thev must remove all refuse from the
allevs abutting their property by the 30th
of ApriL All manure and refuae on tots
which may become a nuieanco in warm
weather must, also be removed by the
above stated time. All those who fail to
comply with this notice will be dealt
with according to law.
Dr. Salisbury, the painless tooth
extractor, and fine gold filler, will be at
the Hawley Houso the third Monday of
each month.
Buy your garden and field seeds of
M. C. Lindsay; the freshest and best in
the market.
Ladles Attention.
Upholstering of all kinds and finishing
of furniture in hard oil or varnish. Apply
to J. D. Shaffer. 113
offer for sale, cheap, a houso and two
lots in Miller's addition. For terms
apply to Jos. H. Doiceoan
Garden and field seeds of the best
quality at Lindsay's feed store on Front
The Cheapest. The Beet.
r .
You can buy Hams, Bacon and Lard,
home cured, cheaper at Geo. Nauman's
meat market than any where else in
town. Hams 1G, Bacon U and Lard 12
JL Grocery Store ia the place to buy
groceries cheap, l take special pains
to keep nice fresh country produce and
will not sell anything in this line unless
I can recommend it.
any Nebraska tobacco cigars, but ho
does have some of the best in the city;
also a full line of manufactured tobacco
and smokers' articles.
The store room formerly occupied by
Harrington Jb-Tobin is for rent. Apply to
M. U. AIabringtoit.
hay land and 185 acres of. good farm
and pasture land adjoining Maxwell
station on U. P. Ry: having thereon
good frame house, stables, corralls.
windmills, and other necessary improver
moots; well adapted for stock ranch. The
townsite of Maxwell is located on this
tract of land. Will bo sold on terms to
suit purchaser. For full particulars in
quire of or address John McCullocch,
Maxwell, iNeb.
Buy Baker Perfect Barb Wire now
before the advance which will be on
soon. Ve have plenty on hand and will
make you low prices now.
.v L. Stricklcr.
Adjustable to any sized curtain or win
dow. No new fixtures or rollers
needed. Adjustable to any
style fixture.
It is an article for which the public
have long been looking. Do not do with
out it any longer, as the prices are made
within the reach of all.
1. With this support yo can lower
the curtain from the top, or roll from'-the
2. By lowering the curtain and win
dow you air or ventilata the roc at will.
3. By dropping the certain to tae
lower halt of the window, you keep out
the sun, and prevent people from looking
ia from the street aad opposite buildings
and still get the light aad air .through
the upper part of the window.
4. This little device will save many a
curtain from being whipped to pieces by
the wind.
5. It is the only device for lowering
the curtain from the top, without alter
ing any portion of the curtain or brackets,
they roll in.
U. It can be adjusted to all size cur
tains, or on any style of roller.
. It is the best and cheapest way
known by which to ventilate your rooms
and much safer from burglars than by
the old way, where you raise your win
dows from the bottom.
8. A child can operate them; nothing
complicated, nor to get out of place.
For Sale only by
Platte Valley Lodge No. 18,
I. O. G. T.v
Meets every THURSDAY EVENING at,
7:30 in First National Bank Hall.
Captain Sweeney, U. S, A., San Diego,
Cal., says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy ,is
the first medicine 1 have ever found that
would do me any good." Price 50 cts.
Sold by North Plntte Pharmacy.
Ihe public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned to
"chance cars." On the through, solid
vesttbuled trains of the- Chicago. Union
Pacific & North-Western Line from or to
Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points
there is no change. This is the finest
and fastest service between the points
Notice la hereby Riven that by virtue of a chat
tel morttrase dated March 25th. 1882. aad dalr filed
and recorded In the oflce of the coaaty clerk of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, on the atth day of
March, 189a, anil executed byE.T. Caeey aad E.
P. Itebhatuen to William NeTille to.eecsre the
payment ot the ram of 1700.00. due aad Da-rabls
Aucat23d, 1893; mid iBOrtacc. and the moneM -'
due thereon trere on the 27th day of March, 1!8.,
duly aneiKncd to K. T. Richards, Secretary; Mid
amigaee fee 11 Off unraf e and insecure electa, ae it fa
provided in aaid mortgage be may. to deelare the
amount secured by said mortgage due aad payablie
and in default for non-payment, and no suit or
other proceeding at law having been lastitated to
recover mid debtor any part thereof, therefore I
will sell the property therein described, viz: One
etocKoi groceries connnlngoi
arcerica, lew lead, leMtataVaar aaateMaeaC
Headquarters for all kinds of buir-
gies, carriages, spring wagons, etc.
Hkrshky Co.
Out of Sight.
The traveling public are now fully alive
to the fact that the Chicago, Union Paci
fic & North-Western Line offers the very
best accommodations to tho publio from
and to Ohicago, Omaha and intermediate
points, not only during the World s Fair,
but all the year around.
sistfcTJreet ef 'e!!W gaSay
the beote iiiilnaiiia nil line 1 auc
tion to eaM etore room iu th city of North Platte.
Lincoln county, Nebraska, on the 18th day of
April, V?J3, at ten o'clock a. m. of eaid day.
Dated March 28th, 1803.
K. T. RICHARDS, Secty..
T. C Pattusox, Attorney. 123
Barb Wire at Hershey &
Farmers buy your implements at
Strickler's for cash. Look! Plows at
$11.00 to $15.00, cultivators $150 to
16.50. We are sell,
examine the goods.
Come- and
to bo broken.
The W R. C. sowing society met at
Mrs. John Weinberger's last Saturday
afternoon. Tho members of the fociety
go out every two weeks to places where
thcygijavo been invited and they are each
pauK five cents for their work, The
money thus collected is put into the
PATTMK' AND TRIMMED HATS, treasury to be used for relief purposes.
; jimuuucmiuuu iiiiiL uu ruiresumeuuj ure
to be served and tho whole time devoted
1 am aaaer very small expense,' am;iikrk to sewing. In this way the good women
To'fcrAY, and intend selling at keep a surplus in hand and always give
J'l - IS- - . mnra (linn tU,. :..
, OIC JrTlCOS' I " uioj icccitu.
TVlBirairur flrmn f rap nf nVi n rrro
- " Ballard's Snow Liniment.
' iraC! TL Cl TTTTCl-ClTVr A XT .
J. UJLSM3. VT, JJLUJ XUZ3U. Thi wnnflprfnl T.lnimi 1 I
from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from
the Lakes to the Gnlf. It is the most
penetrntine Liniment in the world, it
will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cuts,
Sprains. ' Bruises. Wounds, Old Sores,
Burns, Sciutica, Sore Throat, Sore Cheat,
and all Iufiamination, after all others
have failed. It will cure Bnrbed Wire
Cuts, and heal all wounds where proud
flesh has set in. It is equally efficient
for animals. Try it and you will not be
trifhnttt It Prion VI antj CnlJ I... A.
uas ja.a boiler in use there.-
Jos. Adameon began working in the
boiler shop Friday last.
Hatfield is now a member
gaag, having started in
y morning.
rMat Stokes was sent
set of fl
Advertised Letters,
List of letters remaining uncalled
John Gaugh, qf Cheyenne, is in town
-visiting relatives, and from all appear.
ances the climate of that place certainly I the post olhce at North Platte, Neb.,
agrees with him. , lwr weeK enamgiuarcn y, Aoyj.
im.. on . At i - .41. a. I GENTLEMKN.
ane ovt is in me tiyup itgmu tviui iwo
bent- journals. Farrington has beea
Churchman, Davis
i Lie wis, il F
Powers, R T
Schaffenberg, H
given the 632 while the former engine is Mitchell, Ralph F Temple, Ham
ming repaired. : lyrratWAV Ward. Harry
. T ireman John
Marry, Fred
Wagenseller, T L
Frazier has given up
nisruHeaiQeot; ana win eiuwua i" , t t r tj,,,. n , ... TT ...
i - , - 4. Ler, Mrs liello Haddock, Miss Ha ttie
the meat market business m partnership , 5 , . , . n , '
pth Pat McGraw
letters held for address.
Persons callinsr forabove will pa env
Jahn Post has thrown up his position , 'advertised." C. L. Wood, Postmaster
at the original North Side Grocery
Store. Also Feed of all kinds and Fresh
Country Produce. Give me a call.
Marriage is surely n failure unless
you buy a Bucks Brilliant or Banquet
Cook Stove and an American or New
Home Sewing Machine of Stridden
Farmers, Attention !
We have just received a
large and complete stock of
Farm Implements. The
best in the market. Call
and examine our stock.
General Biacksmithing and
Wood Work.
Horse Shoeing a Specialty.
Bheumatism Quickly Cured,
Three days is a very short time
in which to cure a bad case of
rheumatism; but it can be done, if
the proper treatment is adopted, as
will be seen by the following from
James Lambert, of New Brunswick,
111.: "I was badlv afflicted with
and legs,
of Cham
cured me
right to-day
rheumatism in the hi
when I bought a bott
berlain Pain Balm,
iu three days. I am al
and would insist on every one who
is afflicted with that terrible disease
to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm
and get well at once." 50 cent
bottles for "sale by A; f. Sfteitz,
I, E. B. Warner, mayor of the city of
North Platte, Nebraska, by virtue of the
power in me vested, do hereby direct that
on Tuesday, tho 4th day "of April, 1KB,'
the city election of the citv of North:
Platte will be held for the election of the;
following officers:
Ono mayor,
One clerk,
One treasurer.
One city engineer,
One police judge,
One councilman for First ward for two
One councilman for Second ward for
two years,
One coaacilman for Third ward for
two years.
Two members of the board of educa-
tion for North Platte district for three
The places of holding such electien
will be as follows: First ward, Geo. R.
Hammond hose house; Second ward, B.
I. Hinmas hose house; Third ward, Wild
West hose house.
The polls of said election will be opened
at nine o'clock a. m. and remain open
until 7 p. m. of said day.
Given Under my hand this Gth dav of
March, 1KB..
E. B. W.VWfEK,
John Sorkssojt.
City Clerk.
Th State of Nzbkahea,
Li cot Countt, J M
At a Conutj Court, held at the Comity Court
Room, in and for said County, March Wh. 18K1.
I'rwent, James M. Ray, County Jwhre.
Inthematterorthe Estate ol Samuel F. Ran
dolph. Deceased. On reading and fllln ta oatl.
tion of Emily N. Randolph praying a flnal setul
ment and allowance- of her accooft, Sle5 on t&
decree ef distrlbuUon.
Obxd, That April 18th, 1S9S, at 2 o'clock p.
m., is afolgned for heorint-aaid petition, when all
person interested in said matter may appear at a
County Court to be held in and for said Couniy
and show cause why the'prayer of peUUoner shonld
not be granted; and that noUcif the pendency of
said peUtion and the hearing thereof, be given to
all person Interested in aaid matter, by pnblishinc
a copy of this order in Tax N'obth Platte Twuuint
a. Weekly newspaper printed in said County, for
three successive weeks, prior to date of hearing
( AJrae eP'l James m. ray,
I--3 County Judge.
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
This invaluable remedy is one that
ought to be in every household. It will
cure your Rheumatism, Neuralgia,
Sprains, Cuts. Bruises. Burns, Frosted
Feet and Ears, Sore Throat and Sore
Chest. If you have Lame Back U will
cure it It penetrates to the sent of tae
disease. It will cure Stiff Joints aad
contracted muscles after all other reme
dies have fulled. Those who have been
cripples for years have used BolhirtVi
Snoic Liniiiuict and thrown away their
crutches and been able to walk as well aa"
ever, it will cure you. Price 50 cents -Sold
by A. F. Streitz. i.a
A perfect workiug steam loco
motive 8 inches long and weighing
I pounds, has been bailt by a
watchmaker of Gloversville, for ex
hibition at the Worlds Fair. The
materials used in its construction
are solid gold, silver, steel, and bras.
ItwmadeupoE 2,836 pieces in
cluding 668 screws and bolts aad
353 rivets It is 3 inches im
height, and designed to mn nr.
tr?ck :with alf-facfc gauge. It k
am iu ue in smallest locomotiT
ever built to be run by steau. Mr.
Henry Case, its designer, has spaajt
three years of steadv lahar 5 tf.