fcr- fgbt l&tfinw. IRATj. BAKE, Editor axd Proprietor SUBSCRIPTION BATES. $L00 phi AXXUX $1.50 FEB ASMJSI IF TAID IK ADVAHCX, TW WOT TAID tX ADYAJCCE, Entered at the KorthPUtte (Nebraska) postoffice as eecond-clasg matter. The man who will compromise lis political principles for political gain is not deserving of reward, but rather condemnation. Point us out an alliance leader and we will show 3'ou a man who seeks office or pres ide through tnat organization. Name a single exception, if you please. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1891. THE members of the -Republican i-i ,nUPof the Thirteenth , - i -rv- nro rpnnested to judicial ais"j-" " kw j meet in North Platte on Thursday, September 17th, 18U1. By order of Chairman. , Yon may carry the alliance ,iZJULc Wit van will nOC nave AMtlitics.but YOU ilKwwelo' carry out. into any the farm this they Beaolutioni of DsBmaoiatiei. At a meeting held at Ash Grove school house by Xittle Medicine Al liance No. 934, on baturday, Aug. 22d, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted: Whereas. Tue Independent conven tfcatl "Oitiwn" Eepliei. Editor Tbibune: I think no one has ever tned to .erawi through a smaller hole thaa ifce Era editor got stuck in last week in trying to wiggle would-be eoiiity treasurer Stevens through la th Ist of aU in Logpning PowerXT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 7, x8S9. tinn held at North Platte August 15th, matter of county treasurers taming depoatto It might be well for the calami- .v shriekers to note the fact that hundreds of farmers in Lincoln rnnntv will pay off their mortgage - -f - "-nil 1 t indebtedness witn tneir wneac crop nlnne. and many of them will have onnncrh cash left to replace their ' r . . . . snd houses with Rood substantial frame buildings. rv i5 t. Warrington, of Lexing ith Judge Hamer WJB. itiuMy" . r .,ki;r.on nomination ior pdge ia the Twelfth district. As Jim Ray used to say, while icm, iinrs! there s a nen -Tl,p indfinendents are begin -ning to think that hen is a gander. k. candidates in 1U UJUCchv --- i,;c nmiTifv seem to think that l -they "press the button will do the rest. In will be mistaken. People never sympathize with those whom they cannot understand which explains why the indepen dent "ring" nominees "are .not m it" with the voters. As the campaign is now on, The Tribune must admit that it is not overloaded with respect for those sen who have forsaken their party and compromised their principles for the sake of office, and will not hesitate to tell the people such troths as it may learn relative to them. The Tribune batteries will ot be loaded with mean personali fies, but rather with facts calculat ed to show up the several candidates in the proper light. It -js a -source of. much worry to the "reform" ring that many of the independents of Lincoln county are becoming so independent as to in sist on their right to do their own thinking instead of having it done for them by a few cheap dictators. If this is to be a campaign of intel- -a -campaign in wuicu tue will read tad then use their 1 1 fceVjdfat wben CM""? tneir Wlotarktory for the Republican party ia aaaarea. 1891, we believe to have been ran and maninulated in the interests of a few old broken-down politicians of the old par ties and that the nominations there made were principally given to favored ones, and that the delegates which were sent to the state convention at Hastings con sisted mainly of lawyers and their paid tools, and Whereas, We believe the nominations to have been made before the conven tion convened, and believing some of the caouiuaies 10 De men wno are not in sym patny with us and not carinc to be made tools of to support that which we have labored so faithfully to defend ourselves against,.and believing that independence accords to all free and equal rights and special privileges to none, and believing In a government of the people, for the people and by the people, and Whereas. Many ot me delegates &eni were not recognized by said convention, therefore be it Resolved, That we denounce tne pro- was rso New York has a law limiting the amount charged for a sleeping birth to eiffhtv cents. A similar statute ' I r it i would be a good thing in an tne states. The palace car combine has reaped a rich harvest, and ought to be decent now and give common people a chance. If they refuse to ceedi3 of s'aid convention as unfair and I 11. J -1 .Anr. I . . f .1 . 1 unjust and not in accoraanco wim me nrinciDlee of the independent movement ; t i KESOLVED, mat we aSK xne several ni Hnnces throughout the county to con sider this matter and vote at the coming election intelligently and for those only whom the'r iudcment may dictate as be ing honest and capable of carrying out cur priniipljs; Resolved. That a copy of these reso lutions be "sent to the several papers of the countv for publication; also that a rnnv bo snrend unon the minutes of the ftl V l 1 au interest received on over to the county. It glaring that every one, even those into whose eyes Stevens had been pounding sand,( could easily jdeteet it. I give the proviso of sectioflF-fO of the law, page 354 of session laws of 1891, in full that there may be no dodging it. The proviso to 'sec tion 10 is as follows: "Provided, That this act shall not be in force until the expiration the present terra of the state treas urer, and tne present term of tux 7 aj.- Baa aBv paj r f Baking Powder .Ou t ABSOLUTE1X PURE A. d'. BccrwOTTH, Prest C, F. Iddikos, Yico-Prest. J. E, Etaks, Cubior, S; Goons, Asst. Cash apply and Wjnih Platte National Bank, piration or 3 w NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. SEVERAL COUNT r THE BTATE." TREASURKM pstablish fair living rates they should be compelled to do so by the strong arm of the law. Hotit of the old parties are for tunate in cettimr rid of such dis gruntled office grabbers as infest nlmnsfc everv county in the state office chasers like Snelling, Stevens, Dick, Stockton, Beatty, Rider, etc., fit comnainons for these other worn ont office seekers, Powers, LeeBe and Edfferton who are cuidmg the alli ance flat boat. Public disapproval is the rock upon which the alliance boat will soon be broken. S'aid xip Capital, The present term of the nreaehr u state treasurer expires in Jaaoarv 1893, while the present term of the" countv treasurers exnire January 1892. The provisions applying to the state treasurer are similar-to. those applying, to county treasurers,, only the first applies to the state treasurer as to the state funds and, the latter to the countv treasurer S75,000. . - , t DIRECTORS: KW.HAMMOXD, ' O. M. CARTER, a T. HIDINGS, C LINDSAY, A r. RTRF.ITZ. H. OTTEN, p . All business intrusted to us handled promptly, carefully, and at lowest rates. .1. E. EVANS, 51. OBERST, A. D. BUCKWORTH. latesthis law after January 1803 ..,- meetins By order of the committee : J. H . Knowles, "1 .Tno. McMicuael. L. McMicuael, -Committee VVM. McMlCHAEL, M. H. McDermotJ ; Implement Dealers, Are Agents for the Following Well-Known Machinery, &c. Tttp. nresident of the Kansas shite alliance crives expression to for alliance The Tribune clipping printed REPUBLICANS. commends the below from the some wholesome truths when he de- rao-a Times, the leading demo clared last week that it is time for the people's paity to stop talking about calamity ;uid advocating schemes of repudiation. He says that he has come to this conclusion because of the large number of let- o.ratic Daper of the norm-west to flio nnrnfnl reading and thoucht of i-uv the alliance republicans of Lincoln countv. Do vou want to be a party to bringing about such a condition of fhinfTsV Its admissions are in lates this law after January T803 as to state funds, is a felon in eyes of the law, and the cbunfyp II - I II I county treasurer wno violates tms law after January 1892 is a felon under the law. Stevens knows this to be law. The Era man knows it to be the construction. It won't do for Stevens to seek to fool the. people by such demagoguism. You' are a sleek, smiling, crafty, .sort of a Macawber, but let me call your attention to an immortal sentiment of the great and good Lincoln, as" follows: "Any man can fool a part of the people part of the time, but no man can fool all the people ail a n exarhinatioii of which will prove their superiority. tut: uuie. wixuisn. GAZELLE SULKY PLOWS, ters he has received upon the sub- uept);no. ith what The Tribune lect rrom people in tne east wuu desire to know it tne new party is reallv intended to adiust the rela- : .... ... i tions of debtor and creditor by a process of direct confiscation. There is no room for wonder that people at a distance ask such questions. has often does from said; and coming as it the leading democratic SHILOH'S COUGH nnd Consumption. (jure is snm on n guarantee. Itcai Consumption. Sold bv J. Q. Thncker. A NASAL INJECTOR free with each bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Itemedy. Price' Bertrand & Holdrege Windmills, naDer it carries with it the weight 50 rents. Sold bj'.T. Q.Thacker. i '. . . , , ? i rti.i,rt of an official statement from the SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made mise?. Possessing points of merits found in 110 Otlld mill. nWpsf. nrrran of the southern wing nf ilpinnnracv in the north. Under the heading'of "Democratic Allies" fible bv that terrible couch. Shiloh's cure ia a remedy for you. Sold by J-'OLli Tliacker. Tm Mbataomeir (Ala.) Adver tiser has diaeorarei that "Jerry SimDson's great aim seems to be in hrpak down the democratic party. The Trirune suggests that Mr. Neville take iaameiiate fcteae tro- tify aockkas Jerry to let ap, as Je, Neville, lias explaiaea tbthealh- aace party of Nebraska that de noeracy.aai alliaace meaa one and tbeaasie thiag Siaraeee. twins, as it wen. ItYatraagerthonfh, how great minds differ in the "reform party. It is stated that Wm. Beatty is . advising the iamera ot to read the papers, hat to do inft ae he and the , 'atWailiaaW leaders tell them to do. This k am ihdicatkm that he - ' :Wlieves that if the farmers remain . icaoraat as to what is goiag oa politically their rotes will be more easily controlled. But, unlike Mr. Beatty, the farmers do and will continue to read the papers and the " more they read the more they are convinced that there are many "things within the political alliance 4 ' which are exceedingly rotten. Lnroour ooujtty republicans pro pose to exhibit onto the independ ent "rilg" reformers J?) that 'when' it cosies to making a cam ' paign iiteresting they will be "in it" from earl morn to dewy eye and from earlv candle lighting 'till Old Sol turns on the glimmer in " ' the rosy morn. Without stooping to personalities but with a firm con . viction of being in the right, and . with the old starry flag above them, there will be no flies on the ftepub ; licans of Lincoln county this fall. The Paxton Pilot says it will support Wm. Neville because it be ' lieves his heart is with the indepen dent movement. Yes, Brer Wilson, his heart is with the movement be- cause he sees in it a possible chance . to be elected judge of this district, ' ,hut so far as his sympathy for the ; order is concerned, it is well it would take a glass of high magni fying power to discover any trace. He has his heart set on the judgship and if he is not elected you will find him just as true a democrat as ever. As to Neville being an "old veteran soldier," The Tribune does rmf. hlifive he will advise his friends to put forward his"war record" as a vote catcher. "Rtewhere we publish resolu- denunciation passed bv p2ite Medicine Alliance No. 934, : - 'the members of which discovered, - : without the use of any great power 3p discernment, that the recent alli .'wa rnnvpntinn was controlled at ; will bv the North Platte ring The . " "niembers of alliance No, 934 are l-' not the only alliance yoters who V " o know that dictators Stevens, Stock ton, Beatty and one or two others "run the convention to suit their aims and purposes, but unfortunate J ly they lack the courage to denounce the men who are seeking their ; votes for the sole purpose of self aggrandizement. We commend the members of Little Medicine alliance "for the hold stand they have taken vagainst tne self-constituted leaders of their party in Lincoln county, ' knowing that Stevens, Beatty and "Stockton are nothing less than office - seekers, and are in the alliance for the money they can secure from the offices for which they are can didates should they be so fortunate m to receive, a majority of the votes The alliance orators represent that tbe Tiraes of August 23d says: are overwhelmed bv a sea of trou ble from which there is no chance of escane bv ordinary means. The t w stories that they tell about the al leged misery of these poor tillers or cue soil are or me most viviu auu painful odor. It is necessary for them to represent that general ca lamity prevails in order to justify the rash and ridiculous means by which they propose to improve the situation. The political alliance is founded upon the idea that agricul ture has come to be onlv a source of continual wretchedness and dan ger of starvation. It has no excuse for beiae, except the theory that the farmers as a class are hopelessly haasrrv. ragged, and bathed in tears. Take away this prop, and it has nothing left to sustain it. a The independent party in Ne braska claim to be in favor of strong centralized government, that ist.government control of railroads, telegraphs, uanKs or an issues or money, unlimited coinage of tbe silver of the world, fiat issue of paper currency, management of river and lake navigation and of all camtal and labor combinations or aggregations, while the basic idea of the democratic party tor Halt a century has been and is to-day opposition to a centralization of power in the government as against the lust powers delegate to the states, or in otner woras, state ngnts, Its charge against the republican nartv has been that its tendency was too largely in the line of a too great.centralization of power in the government and too little conceded to the states, respectively, yet, citi zen Neville, an ex-Cleveland demo crat at that, tresh iroui his grasp upon democratic pap, has the gall to say to the alliance delegates of Lincoln countv who he evidently thought never read or reason that there is no real difference between the alliance and democracy. It denends on how vou look at it en tirely.. It you nop trom democracy for the sake of othce. then there is little or no difference, as the offic seekers in the alliance have a com mon hand of svmuathv spoils of office but, if you speak of senti ment and principle then there is an inseparable gulf dividing alliance and democrats. Neville's tendency to perpetrate jokes is far stronger than his logic. Those were brave words of Major MnKinlev. on Wednesday, at the reunion of the veterans of Wood r.nnntv. Ohio. "The Union was worthy saving," he said. It costs crreat deal to do it. No man, north or south, regrets what it cost to pre serve the best government on earth We little appreciate the great cos of that- great war. 1 he union was worth the cost. The JJlaior. we think, should have qualified this statement. There are men, north and south, who regret what it costs tn save the union. They are men who made no sacrifices, unless com pulsory, for the national cause; who sneered .it the armies in the field and now sneer at the survivors. They are men who think that the soldier gave the country a receipt in full when he signed the final pay roll, and that the disabled veteran apply ing for aid should be treated like an importunate pauper. New York Press. When you desire a pleasant physic, one that will cleanse your system and give you the clear head edness and buoyancy of youth, try St. Patrick's Pills. They are the most pleasant cathartic and liver pills in use, and after having once tried them, we are confident that you will never be satisfied with any other kind. 25 cents per box. For sale by A. F. Streitz Druggist. "The farmers' alliance, or the people s n,rti rnnv make some impression upon the next presidential campaign. In the cnnth thpv are democrats, in the north re- J - a tin 1 4l. publicans in the main . wnueuie emur line endures they are not Hkely to make nnv imnression in the southern states. In the north they may muster in sufficient strpnuth to uive various states o iue democratic party, Minnesota, for instance, or Kansas, or Nebraska, or Doutn ua&mn. Let the supposition be indulged tnat tuey can carry one or more oi tnese suiw, there would be no los3 to the democratic party. Ifthe election should be so close that, the farmers' alliance having carried certain states, there would be no positive majority for any candidate m ine eieciorai colleges aggregated, the choice of a presi dent would thea devolve ay states. In such pyent the republic caadidate would be Bdwhere. The democracy have nothisg to fear frost the farmer's activity la poHtiea. . The galled jade is the republkaa partr- Though he mny aot coafeaa it the fanaer Is a democratic ally." " An" exchange that knows the alliance candidate for supreme judge comments as' follows upon his nomination: "Edgerton seems to want office very badly and is not particular what party gives it to him. First besought office from the republicans, second from- the union labor party and now he is making his second trial as an alli ance nominee. He is a very ordi nary lawyer, far inferior to any man who has ever graced the su preme bench of Nebraska." A Cure for Chronic Diarrhoea. Mrs. E. Gleason, of Salem, Dent Co., Mo., writes as follows: "Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy cured me of chronic diarrhoea after years of standing when it seemed" I could live no longer, I was growing so weak. I had tried several doctors in this state and several in Iowa, but tbey could do nothing for me. 1 was final lv induced to trv a bottle of vnur mpdimnfc. After using three "hnttlpa nf it I was eutirelv cured. I cannot say enough in its praise. I wish that every family knew the worth of it as 1 do. and 1 am sure . - it 3 111 L ZL " they would never ao wiuiuuu it. For sale by A. F. Streitz Druggist Paul Van Der Voort, who was j member of the Douglas county In dpnendeut convention, told his hearers that he would visit every county in the state during the com ing campaign. This will doubtless be for the purpose of telling how, as a telegraph lobbyist at Lincoln last winter, he paced the corridors of the capitol and "saw a noble band of toilers from the field and farm" and succeeded in smothering the bills for telegraph regulation. PerliaDs if the walls ot the com mittee rooms and corridors could sneak thev could assist this new discinle Paul, in his forensic work of giving details of the smothering process and how he "saw" the fellows Ex. THE KANSAS JREPUBLICAN8.. . The Kansas convention oftr.BeK publican State Leagues was wall attended, and was wise iu its adop? tion of resolutions. It refrained from the premature labor of nom inating a presidents for 1892, and, dealing with the past and present, approved what it justly timed the strong, able, and successful administration of President Harrir son." And, passing to the republi can coadjutors of the president, ill. niir. : - a1. notion nf the mpmhprs of his cabinet W fY XT 3 Tl M hll 0(T V onri flip rprmhlirfin mpmhPMt nf.i - OOJ U1JU V I A j wm uaw-vav l congress, sucn a wise, conservative, and patriotic policy as wilL laaura prosperity to our cormtry mote the interests of aU oar No state is better qoalified too of nronneritv -than. Kansas, -which Tiow has farnTproducts of thsvvaiqe nt- innnr. x iri.irhmrri hi ptmm:W its home demand. RecipiwityATsjl enlarging the toreign markets ior these, and protection is both in creasing the home market for what the Kansas farmers have to sell and, preventing Canada and Manitoba from competing with them for pos- coseirtn nf lK ' 1 The convention of are not surpassed by any in material and workmanship. WOODHULL BUGGIES AND PHOTONS, i l . - in grades to suit purchasers. Harness of all Classes DAVIS & GATWARD, NORTH PLATTE, Hinman Block, Front Street. Alliance men in the south are not all peaceable. Dr. McAllister charged Dr. McCune with official corruption specifying the Georgia senatorial election as one occasion 1,a cnlrl nut Pot. f!:i11innn for , I . i 1 VT UCll auiu " repUOllCa"! q AAA on1 -roforrpd tn thfi Texas leagues very properly denouncedthe alHance exchange which he robbed demagogues who are staying to q 300oo. Dr. McCune is the impair the credit and to prevent the o the alliance organ at growth, of Kansas by circulating Washington and he was able not as to the poverty- of Li f acntna nnnvipfinn bv his fnlsfi renorts as to the novertv- the people, and by seeking to induce them to repudiate their debts. Kan sas is a prosperous state inhabited by honest people, whose indebted ness is, in much the greater part, for money borrowed with which.to purchase or to improve thqirf arms, and to the payment of which the profits of their farms are -fully adeauate. Half a dozen Peffe'rs tn pspanp conviction bv nis associates but succeeded in having his accuser kicked out of the alli ance. Dr. McAllister then resort ed to violence, and there is now an I - 1 I 1 1 f!nnioatviM alliance eauor aown iu jjAiaoioojppi with a bandaged head. Tbe breth ern may yet settle their difficulty with pis'tols. There is really more excitement in the democratic alli- annfl nf the south than in the mde and Sockless Simpsons can do riiore, pennt order of the north. Bee. to damage Kansas in one yeas thaii, r the labors of its people have ddae The First Step Pprhnns vou are run down, can't eat. vv v a. v - - v aw i i ... Kansas is Shat it is because repab- J"''?'' t J 1 J 1. nnnlnrw licans have made it what it is; and it is a state to be proud of, no a.; region to be traduced and slandered;. Inter Ocean. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, FcveH Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no nav reauired. . It ; is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded . Price 25 cents per box . For sale by A. F. Stkeitz. FOR THE CAMPAIGN. t reader, in opportunity In order to give every 1 m I progress or Those who are interested in the merits of the various cough medi cines should read the statement of Mr. S. B. Walker, a prominent citizen and druggist, at Calamus, Iowa. It is as follows: "I have sold Chamberlaiu's Cough Remedy for eight years, and it has given universal satisfaction to my custom ers. I use no other in my family, and have never called a doctor for any throat or lung trouble. We feel that we could not keep house without it." 50 cent bottles for sale by A. F. Streitz Druggist. The Memphis Commercial (Bourbon democrat) comes out flat footed against "McKinley, protec tion and the entire pension busi ness," and has a solid south at its back. Secretary Proctor enjoyed his first visit to tho country west of the Mississippi so well that he will make another tour of western forts in September. this state and Iowa an to keep posted on the the campaign in both these states we have decided to offer The Week ly Bee for the balance of this year for twenty-five cents. Send in your orders early. Two dollars will be accepted for a club of ten names. 1 The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb. ails vou. You should neea tne warning, you "are taking the first step into Nervous Prostration.- iou neeu xero xu and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your system to ita normal, healthy condition. Surpris ing results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Alterative. Your appe tite returns, good digestion is restored, and the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at A. F. Streitz's Drugstore. J. W. Edgerton, the Alliance candidate for supreme judge, has been a chronic office seeker for yeiirs. He was the candidate ot the Union Labor party for the same office in 1886. In 1888 he ran on the same ticket for Congress, and iu 1890, he was a candidate on the Alliance ticket. He is a persistent office seeker, and gets badly left every time. He will fail again this year. Ex. CLEANSES THE WHOLE SYSTEM. During the last half a century 11 Un linnn n wnr, fl art itl rlovplnrt Nebraska has 75,000 loyal repob- nt :n wi,at ;s known as sanitary lican voters at the lowest, cal6ula scjence. It is a science that looks tion. The republican party has tj,e' prevention of diseases in within its ranks men enoogh-to communities through the medium elect a good republican ticket and o cieanijnesSi and it commends it- it is worse man suiciaai w nse mogfc urKentlv to the common sense of the people. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that the human system stands in need of sanitation, and requires even more care than the municipal body. It is the colors at the behest of anj 'un holy combination of railroad attor neys and democrats. Bee. A Little Cirl'a experience in House. Light ers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Bmco, Mich., and are blessed with a daughter, four years old. Last April she was, takes, down with Measles, followed with- a dreadful Cough and turning into a Fjever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of boner:" Then she tried Dr. King's New Discov ery and after tbe use of two and m half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth iu weight in gold, yet you may -get trial bottle free at A. F. Streitz's Drugstore. THAT HACKING COUGH can he quickly cured by Shiloh's cure. We guarautcoit. Sold by J, Q.Thacker. , Mr, and Mrs. Loren Trescotf areikeeH'precisely here that.S. S. S. take3 up tne work or the sanitary scientists. It cleanses the whole system, puri fies the blood, disinfects the channels through which it flows, and destroys the germs of disease. It is a harmless medicine, and vet a Laiost powerful one. It is nature's tonic remedy. HACKMETACK," a lasting and frag rant perfume. Price 25 cents, bold by J Q.Thacker. CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by J. Q. Thacker. Prof. Melbourne, the famous scientist, will pay a visit to Chey enne shortly to try his expenraen in producing rainfall. He will be taken north of Cheyenne to a place where there has been no rain for three months, and if a shower fol lows the experiment it will certain ly be due to it, as at this season o the vear it seldom it ever rams in that region. The people of Chey enne are anxiously awaiting th result, that will in their estimation decide the question of the produc . A 11 tion or ram oy atmospherical ex plosions. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vitalizes is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by J. Q Thacker. U. P. TIME TABLE. GOINO EAST. No. 8 Atlantic Express " 15 a. a No. B Chicnsro ExDresa Dent 70 a. M No. 2 Limited " 12:30 P. X No. 28 Freiffht " ti50 A. M No. 18 Freight " 4:20 P. 31 GOINO WEST MOUNTAIN TIME. No. 7 Pncific Express Dept 4:00 a. M Ro. a Denver impress M5 p. si No. 1-Limitcd " 9:50 p. M No. 21 ifreicht " 135 V. M J. C. Ferguson. Agent "W1VL NEVXLXiE, Attorney-at-Law, Office: N ville Block, Sixth Stue NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA GRIMES & WILCOX, Attorneys-at-Law, NORTH PLATTE, - NEBIi Offico over North Plntte National Bank. C. M. DUNCAN, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Ofctce: Ottenstoin's Block, up stnire. Office hoars from 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m Kosidence on west sixth Street. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA THE OPPORTUNITY A LIFE 3 rmvn THE STAR. A.T OTJH GEEAT . CLOSING-OUT AND FINAL MARK-DOWN We will make a clean sweep of all our Spring and Sum mer Suits, Underwear, Neckwear, Children's Suits and Boys' Suits go at . m. ONE-HALF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. Straw Hats, Felt Hats, in fact eveiy article in our stoclf goes at this sale. We are determined to reduce -our stock no matter what the loss. So ; do not delay but come at once ' and get first choice. . STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, WEBER & VOLLMER. SMITH CLAR I am now prepared to furnish your winter supply of coal at the following prices : Pennsylvania Anthracite, delivered, - - $12.50. Colorado Anthracite, delivered, - - $11.50. Also Rock Springs Lump, Rock Springs Nut Hanrra andCotoradd 'Curnpat lowest-gligifa Yard West Front St. SMITH CLAM. No. 3406. PIEST NATIONAL BANK, INTortli Platte, - INetow Authorized Capital, $200,000. . Paid in Capital, $50,000. J W A GENERAL BANKING TtrfSP. NESS TRANSACTED, Sells Bills o Exchange on all Foreign Countries. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. ooniiEsi'OKnDBPiroE m wm SPOONS A Mew Line Just Received. Take a Look at Thein at TJ. "Wm. Eves, VI. ID., Physician and Surgeon. DISEASES of WOMEN and OHTLDBEIJ A SPECIALTT. McDonald Block, JfonTH Tlatte, Neb. D EjSTTIS THY. Of- A. B. AYRES, D. D. S., lias located at North Platte to stay. nee over r oley's Store. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Gas Administered. W. C. XJSMOUST, Land Attorney and Loan Agt. Monev constant!? on hnnd to cloeo farm loans nt lowest rates given in Western Nebraska. All kinds of business before United States Land Oifice attended to. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. A. F. STREITZ, Corner Drug Store. HEAD QUARTERS FOR Drxigs, jVedicines, Diamanta Spectacles, IPairiters' Sixpplies, MacliirLe Oils, "Window Grlass. DEUTSCHE APOTHEKE. NO. PLATTBt