; - v il TRIBUNE PRINTS j: - . mtibwit OFFICIAL PAPER OF OITT AND COUNTY. vol. yj. , NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1890. NO, 39. - Our Pall Stock ,2s now ready and on our tables. We are proud of it and if you see it you will say we have reason to be. We have made great exertions to get up a stocli of goods that would be worthy of the Model Cloth ing House that will not only accommo date our old customers, but provide for many new patrons. The greatest saving we can show you is oii Boys and Children's Clothing. We have the largest stock ever shown here and at prices never offered before. Our line of Men's Shirts and Winter Underwear is complete. You find them at rock bottom prices and the best of qualities. Don't foiget when in need of a good Boot and Shoe to call on us and get our prices. - When in need of a Hat or Cap re member us. MODEL CLOTHING HOUSE, ; M. EINSTEEN & CO. A. D. Buckwoeth, C. F. Iddings, - President. Vice Pres't. Saml. Goozee, .Asst. Cashier. J. E. Evans, Cashier. North Platte National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL, E. W. Hammond, C. F. Iddings, M. C. Lindsay, DIRECTORS: M. Oberst, A. F. Streitz, H. Otten, $75,000.00. O. M. Carter, J. E. Evans, A. D. Buckworth. A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Choice Farm Loans Negotiated. Immediate and Careful Attention Given the Interest of our Customers. J. Q. THACKER, UGGIS T.i NEARY BLOCK. SPRUCE STREET, NOKTH PLATTE, - NEBEASKA. WE AIM TO HANDLE THE BEST GRADE OF GOODS, SELL THEM AT REASONABLE PRICES, AND WARRANT EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED. Orders from the country and along the line of the Union Pacific Railway Solicited. LUMBER BIS COAL. C- IF1- IIDr)IlTG- LTJMBER, La tli, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. Rock Springs Nut, Bock Springs Lump. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft D -A. YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT, The Patterson 'Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. All Kinds of Repairing, Blacksmithing, Etc. ALL KINDS OP AGRICULTURAL 1KPLMNP3. Cultivators, Corn Planters, Plows and Harrows, Hay Stackers, Hay Loaders, Hay Sweeps, Hay Rakes, Lnmber and Spring Wagons, Buggies, Phaetons, Carts, Potato Planters, the Improved Red. White and Blue Mowers. Repairs ordered for all kinds of machinerv EVERYTHING AT BED-ROCK PRICES. jA-J-T THE PATTEBSON -A-G-EIfcTCir. THE 11 ME Wanamaker Again Argues in Favor of Postal Telegraphy. MORE THAN EVER CONVINCED It Is Constitutional, the Country De mands It and tbe Opposition of West ern Union Stockholders Shonld Not Thwart the Will of the People. Washington, Oct (J. Postmaster General Wanamaker made public let r recently addressed to Representa ave Bingham, chairman of the house committee ou post offices, embodying in elaborate argument in favor of his limited plan of postal telegraphy. Ap pended to the letter, which has been printed at the government printing of fice, is a uaksa of "matter, including opinions of the press for and against postal telegraphy; opinions of former postmaster general) and prominent public men on the constitutionality of postal telegraphy, explanations of var ious automatic and multi plex telegraph systems, resolutions of organized bodies of labor and capital in behalf of postal telegraphy,and a copy of the final draft of the postal telegraph bill submitted by the postmaster general to the house committee on post offices at the last session of concrres. Altogether the document embraces 2?3 pages of closely written paver- bearing ou this import, ant subject. The postmaster general in his letter says in part: "Your sub-committee on tostal tele graph informs me that all the parties that have signified a desire to be heard on the postal telegraph bills have sub mitted their testimony and that it is in order for me to add anything upon the subject. After standing for a year past in the midst of the controversy over postal telegraphy that for over forty years has gone on with sharper tone and widening range, 1 am more than ever convinced of the wisdom and practicability of restoring the telegraph to the postal service and make it wtiat it was originally intended to befa part of the postal system. I say this after closely studying the arguments against the bUl. made so vigorously by the great telesraph company which is now its only visible opponent. I do not be lieve it possible to argue this question down. There is a deep and far-reaching conviction among the people that the telegraph service is by right a part of the postal service. To carry the postal system from pony 'riders' to stage coach, and on to railroad service, and stop ill further progress because three thousand owners" of telegraph stock op pose ir, is not in accord with the genius of our people or the spirit of the times. The will of the people in this respect has manifested itself unmistakably be fore congress in public speech and statement during the last twenty years. We stand confronting a public measure of no mean importauce or magnitude. It is to give the country a vast enlarge ment of its postal system and to bring home to the people the cheap use of one of the most powerful agencies ot modern cominerc6and civilization." Constitutionality. As to the constitutionality of postal telegraphy.the postmaster general says: "It has been argued by learned law yers for a score of years that a govern ment telegraph is unconstitutioual. The motives of these gentlemen have been one of two in all cases. They have been the paid attorneys of those cor poration whose special interests have demanded that their monopolies should in no way be interfered with. They have known their business, and have done it well. The otber opponents were those who imagined that the con stitution would bo exposed to every sort of outrage. They were to fall sick for a day. The courts of highest appeal have settled ttiis question. Con gres settled it in advance of judicial action by making the United States the owner and the postoffice department the manager of the first line of wire constructed for commercial and public uses. The old government telegraph schemes were constitutional. What shall be said then of the limited postal telegraph plan, which I have been somewhat criticised for bringing for ward? There is no doabt that it. is constitutional. The constitution per mits the general government to trans mit intelligence for people. The post office department has "been doing this with the money and improvements at its disposal for 100 years. It is preposter ous to argue that the telegraph ought not to be utilized for the cheaper, speedier and more accurate transmis sion of messages. I have had prepared, and submit for your reference an ap pendix which touches upon this consid eration. The attorney general for the depar tment assures me that'the conclu sion that the limited postal telegraph plan is constitutional cannot be re sisted." The postmaster general then follows with an elaborate explanation of the limited' plan and its operations, saying that it would pay the telegraph compa nies and be more efficient and lower priced. One or Tiro Things. In concluding, he says: "I desire in conclusion to explain, as politely s may be one or two things that ars not understood. I have challenged the most rigid scrutiny of the limitid postal telegraph bill. I ask to have printed all of the printed criticisms of it which have come tt my notice as an argument in its favor. The limited postal tele graph bill is not a proposition to take money from the treasury or to employ additional civil servants; it is not a proposition to put any power whatever in the hands of the government, which is not at present greater and more dan gerous where it is. It is a proposition simply to dovetail together two great machines, so that one shall do busi ness equitably and by that means make more money, which shall be willingly accorded to it by the people; the other to use its present skilled and faithful energy to help supply the people with still better means of communication, furnished still more cheaply. It is aJ proposition incidentally to quicken the telegraph service by encouraging all the members of the operators' craft to realize that they are the better off the more they are able to devote themselves to one thing, and are permitted to see some results from ftheir inventive gen ius. It is not a proposition to buy the railroads, or the coal mines, the saw mills r the bake shops of the country. If ethers speak out for the telegraph stockholders, Sonic Ono Mnst Stand for the People in the interest of the cheaper telegraphy that they want. I belive it belongs to this department to take this stand, and I propose intelligently, and persistently to keep this subject before you in strong confidence that it will not be long be fore your committee will take steps to give the people the relief prayed for." IHK COLOR LINE IN LABOR. The Firemen on the Texas Central Strike Against the Negro Switchmen! Houston. Tex.. Oct. 6. The Houston and Texas Central railroad has em ployed negro switchmen in its yards for several years. About two weeks ago a demand was made for their removal, the places to be filled by whites. The demand was refused, and the firemen all struck. Grand Master Wilkinson' was sent f or.andjhas been in thecity two days trying to adjust matters amicably, but without avail, as the officials of the Central are firm in their position, argu ing that if the colored men are good enough to sit in the councils of , the Knights of Labor they should be good enough to work with. Grand rMaster Wilkinson has wired to all members of the executive council of the Railway Federation; which recently met in Terre Haute, to come to Houston at once", and the impression i3 general that a strike is imminent. The Southern Pa "cific may also be involved a as both, roads are in the Huntington system. ; A Lovesick Cowboy Suicides. Gering, Neb., Oct. 2. A cowboy" named James McFee, employed on a -ranch about twenty mile3 we3t of Ger-;-ing, had paid gallant attention to a4 vnnnir inm'rlon whn llVA.'l nnan RfHaOpnt ranch. She did not, however, rettrrhM his affection, and on Thursday he be came aware that his suit was hopeless. After writing a short letter to her de claring his intention, he rode his horse to a clump or cottenwoods on the river, bank and tieing his lariat rope to an crerhanging branch on the one end and around hi3 neck ou the other, drove his horse from under him. His body bung for fifteen- hours before it" was discovered. The girl is almost prostrated by her innocent connection with the tragedy. On the Mackey System. Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. 6. It is learned on reliable authority that as a result of the conference between Presi dent Mackey and the men on his road, assistant telegraph operators will be placed at several stations, which will make the work lighter, and that a gen eral increase of from .f 10 to $15 a month be will granted to operators, while the office clerks will be given a substantial increase as well. No operator will be paid less than 10 psr month. ,The in crease places the maa on an equal foot ing with the best paid men on anyroad. The Terre Haute wage question will be adjusted. 1 Rats nnd Mice Hat a miser's Money. St. Paul. Minn., Oct. 6 .Steve Zen ga, a miser living on the Missouri river, near Chamberlain, S. D., discovered that he had lost a fortune in a peculiar manner. It had been his custom for several years to secrete his surplus cash in a cellar under his house ins ead of placing it in a bauir. The pile had gradually accumulated uutil the total reached over $5,000, all in greenbacks, in denominations of from S10 to $500. On visiting his secret hoard yesterday he fonud that rats and mice had bur rowed in and chewed up the bills until they were entirely worthless. Escaping tlin McKtiiley Schedule. Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 6. The harbor is full of barley laden vessels from Can adaabout 300,000 bushels being afloat. The total importation of barley at this port for the past thirty-five days has been 1,800,000 bushels; $27,000 in duties were collected at the custom house Sat-, urday night. Every available craft was pressed into the "service to getthe grain here in time. The last ones ;"tp leave Canada were instructed to return to Canada with their cargoes if they could not make Oswego by midnight last night. The Glcnrath's Crew. Norfolk, W. Va., Oct. 6. Twenty one of the crew of the steamship Glen rath, which was wrecked several days ago by running on. the wreck of the steamship Aherlady, off Cape Lookout, arrived in Norfolk. The crew all took to their boats after the wreck and reached the life-saviug stalijii a. Cape Lookout after being at sea eleven hoars. Their steamship was bound for Pensacola, Fla., and sank before they left her. None of the men saved any of their ef fects. The Minneapolis Club Sold. Minneapolis, Oct. C H. L. Hach and A. H. Griffin purchased a two-thirds interest in the Minneapolis Western as sociation team for $10,400. Mr. Hach already owned one-third of the stock, so he and Griffin are sola owners of the team. Sam G. Morton and Fred Glade, the retiring stockholders, have secured an option on the St. Paul-franchise from J. M. Pottgieser, its present owner, and it is understood the trans fer will occur to-day. The price at which the team i h-1 1 is $10,00d. liirchall Koun.I Gu.lty. Woodstock, Oat., Oct. 1. The Birchall jury retired at 9:30 and re turned at 1 1 :30 with a verdict of mur der in the first degree. When asked if he had anything to say why seutence should not be passed upon him, Birchall replied: "Simply, I am not guilty of murder." The judge then said: "I fully concur with the verdict of the jury," and sentenced Birchall to hang on Nov. 14. Farmers Ruined by Prairie Fi res Elbow Lake, Minn., Oct. G. The greater portion of Lawrence township, in this county, has been devastated by prairie fires. " Dozens of farmers lost all their crop3, houses, farm buildings and machinery.' and are in an impover ished condition. It is estimated that the loss will aggregate $40,000 or $50, 000. The fire started from cinders dumped on the roadway by a farm engine. New York, Oct. 6. The Count of Paris, the Due d'Orleans, the Due d'Uzes and Count de Haussonville dined privately with Gen. Sherman at the latter's residence. The count and party left for Philadelphia at 10 o'clock. Weaver Leaves tite Fen. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. (?. Thomas S. Weaver was discharged from the Mis souri penitentiary, under the three fourths rule, having served three years and nine months of his five years' sentence. Weaver was an accomplice of Fred Wittrock, or Jim Cummiugs, in the Adams express robbery of 1865. Weaver came to St. Louis with Witt rock for the purpose of assisting in the perpetration of the robbery, bat his nerve failed him at tbe last moment and he refused to be a party to the act itself. Later, however, lie received $3, 000 of the stolen money, and he was convicted as an accessory before and after the fact, receiving a lighter sentence than Wittrock or Haight. A Double Murder for Three Dollars. Belleville, Bis., Oct. 6. While out nutting seven miles east of this city, on the Mazoutah road, Lorenz Karins and Lorenz Mueteren came across the sense less bodies of a negro man of 70 and his daughter, aged 40, with their throats cut from ear to ear. The woman revived sufficiently to .tell a horrible story of crime. She said thev were attacked while sleeping by an-j unknown man, who cut their throats and robbed them of all the money they had $3, Both father and daugh ter died shortly after being discovered. Iffll THE WICKED The Otterville Train Robbers Captured and Jailed. RAIL BANDITS FOILED IN OHIO. Additional Evidence Connecting; Lingo with tho Mcrcbautville Tragedy A Double Murder for Three Dollars Tbe Husband of airs. Met t man Arrested. Lexington', Mo., Oct. 6. The Otter ville train robbers were captured at Elmira, near here; and are now in jail in this city. Detective Thomas Fur long has been .quietly working on the case since Aug. 1'6, when a Missouri Pa cific train was held up by masked men in Robbers' Cut, near Otterville. Detec tive Furlong in company with a deputy -proceeded to the house of Horatio .S. Hines, a fanner near Elmira, and ar rested him and his pal, Frank Hoffman, a country sport and all-around tongh. The men were securely handcuffed and brought to this place. It was at first said that five men were engaged in tha robbery, but it now seems that Hines and Hoffman unaided held up the train. While one covered the engineer with his revolver the other forced Express Agent Avery to surrender to him two packages supposed to contain money, hut subsequeut developments showed that these amateur bandits had made a water haul, as the packages contained less than $100 worth of jewelry and railway voucher)? Mrs. Miller's Slayer. Philadelphia. 0fc. G. The Camden county officials disclosed new import ant evidence toward fastening the guilt of the murder of Mrs. John Miller on Frank Lingo. Prosecutor Jenkins says he has faces to break down Lingo's alibi. He refused to reveal what it was, but said the fact reached him by a queer coincidence. The prosecutor, County Physician Isard, Dr. Formad and Coroner Stanton held a consulta tion and fixed the inquest for Thursday morning at the Camden court house. Dr. Formad and County Physician Is ard had compared notes on the micro scopical examination of Lingo's clothes. Their analyses were essen tially the sanie. County Physician Is ard said: ''Lingo's undershirt is not the only blood-stained garment which accuses Lingo of noc only having mur dered Mrs. Miller, but also of having criminally assaulted her. I feel sure we have the right man." Prosecutor Jenkins said that the aggregate evi dence against Lingo was strong and that the grand jury would surely indict the man. Persistent Train Kobbcrs. Lima, O., Oct. G. Friday night, when No. I train, due from the east at I o'clock on th9 Chicago and Ohio Cen tral, reached here, tho conductor re ported the frustration of an attempt which was made between Kenton and this city to rob the Wells, Fago & Co.'s express car. Scon after leaving Ken ton three men were discovered on the front platform of tha express car. The train was stopped, but they got on again after it had started. The train was stopped three times between Ken ton and Foiaker, east of this city, be fore the men could bo gotten rid of. They answered the description of the men who robbed the Adams express car near Beliefoutaino Thursday night. There was over $100.)J0 in currency for wesreru bauks in the car. CONGRESSIONAL. MONDAY Senate: Tho senate, bill giv ing the assent of the United States to certain leases of rights to coal mines in the Choctaw Natioa was passed. Tho conference report on the bill for tho relief of settlers on tho Northern Pacific railroad indemnity lands was presented and agreed to. The conference report on the tariff bill was presented and read at length. It was decided after discus sion to vote on tho tariff bill report to-morrow afternoon. House; The conference report on the bill to increase tho efficiency of tho signal corps of tho army and to transfer the weather service to the agricultural department was agreed to. Senate bills were passed author ising the construction of a bridge aorocs tho '"Missouri river in Boone county, Missouri, and Quintan!, Kan., and across the Osage river at Benton, Mo. Senate bills were passed for tho sale of the Klamath river Indian reservation, authorizing tho conveyance of certain ab sentee Pawnee Indian lands in Kansas, grant ing to the Newport and Kings Valley Rail road company right of way through the Siletz Indian reservation, giving tho assent of the United States to certain leases of rights to mine coal in the Choctaw Nation, and to pro vide for railroad crossings in tho Indian Ter ritory. TUESDAY Hexatk The senate con cluded debate on the tariff bill and agreed to the conference report (33 to 27), Messrs. Plumb, Paddock and Pcttigrew voting In the negative. The senate passed house bill (with verbal amendment!?) to promote the adminis tration of justice in the nrmy. The confer ence report on the signal tervice bill was agreed to. House bill to enablo tho post master general to test the free delivery sys tem In small towns was passed. House: Tho houao passed the senate bill to protect settlers on certain Florida lands. Tht houso passed the bill for the appointment of an additional justice of the supreme court of Arizona. A concurrent resolution was agreed to directing the clerk of the houso to number consecutively the paragraphs of the enrolled tariff bill. The house passed tho bill for the relief of certain enlisted men ot tho ordnance corps, United States army. Senate bill was passed establishing n customs collection dis trict in the states of North and South Dakota. "WEDNESDAY Scvate: The senate agreed to the conference report on the bill in reference to contracts for surveying public lands. Veto messaacs of bills for the relief of, Charles P. Chouteau and of the Portland company, and to prohibit book-making in the District ot Columbia were laid before the sen ate. The senate refused to concur in the res olution to correct further the tariff bill. House: In the house a concurrent resolu tion correcting the paragraph relating to chocolate in the tariff bill was passed. The report of the committee on accounts of tho investigation of the postmaster of the house was presented. It declares tho office of post master vacant and directs the assistant post master to discharge tho duties until another postmaster be elected. The houso passed sen ate concurrent resolution requesting tho president to enter into negotiations with Great Britain and Mexico tosccuro tradestip ulatioos to prevent the entry of Chinese. At 0 o'clock both houses of congress ad journed sine die. The Shot Trust Chicago, Ills., Oct. 6. Within the past few days there has been a quiet little meeting in session at the office of the attorneys of the American Shot and Lead company fri this city. It is said that all the transfers of the shot com panies comprising the trust have heen made. Those in the trade say, how ever, that the trust?will have a hard jroad tovtravel, a3 two of the largest and most important manuf acturers of the country Raymond Lead company of Chicago and Tathain Bros, of JNew York arejon the outside. These con cerns have the best and most modern machinery,, and make more 'than one half of the total output of the country. The Raymond Lead company of this city is said to do double the business of anv other shot tower in the countrv. Comment on the McKlnley Bill. London, Oct. 5. The Chronicle doubts the wisdom of Canadian states men stirring up a bitter feud with their powerful neighbor on account of the AlcKinley tariff, especially when it is the opinion in many quarters that th new law is a prelude to a more en lightened policy. The Times is disposed to agree very largely with the Canadian ministers. The McKinley tariff must be recognized as a demonstration of hostility against England hardly less decided than the Berlin and Milan decrees of Na poleon L . The News' Berlin dispatch savs it is stated that Germany contemplates re- SrisalB if America refuses to modify the cKinley tariff. 2fo More Knights of Ibor Shall be Em ployed on the Central. New York, Oct. 4. The New York Central officials have decided that no more Knights of Labor shall be em ployed on the road and Vice President Webb issued a circular directing the heads of the various departments to make their decision known. General Superintendent Voorhees says the Knights must give up their member ship in the order or leave the road. The circular says the management is satis fied that the membership in this par ticular organization is inconsistent with faithful and efficient services to the company and liable at any time to pre vent it from prGperly discharging its duties to the public. Five Million Dollars "Worth of Property Destroyed at Sydney, X. S. IV. Sydney, N. S. W., Oct. 4. Fire re sulted in the destruction of the City liank building, the Atheneum club building, and a number of large ware houses. In addition to the build ings absolutely consumed by the fiaines a number of others were more or less damaged by fire and water. The loss will reach $.",00D,00l). Green Goods Men. "New York, Oct. . Two young men, Robert D. George and James F. Hafley of Limestone county, Alabama, were remanded at the Yorkville court on the charge of dealing in "green goods." A complete outfit of green tinted paper, tied up to resemble rolls of bills, and $i, 800 in genuine money were found in their possession. Sixty Leper Convicts at Large. Paris, Oct. 6. Information has been received in this city from Noumean, New Caledonia, of the escape of sixty leper convicts who had been confined in the penal establishment at that place. The lepers made their escape in June, since which time nothing has been heard of them. An Option at Thirty Millions. St. Louis, Oct. G. The officers and leading stockholders of the Granite Mountain mine held a' meeting in this :ity and cave a ninety-day option on the property to the American Invest ment company or Lionuon at a ngnre close to $30,000,000. The new Union depot in process of erection at Omaha, will cost $304,000. One "Woman 1'oisoua.Another. Rome, Ga., Oct. 6. Great Excite ment prevails here over the develop ments in the case of Mrs. Whipple, who was poisoned by her friend and neigh bor, Mrs. Doss McKee, a young and at tractive woman years of age. All efforts to relieve Mrs. Whipple were unavailing, and she died yesterday aft ernoon. Mrs. McKee has not yet been irrwtt'd, but tho police are searching for her. Arthur Day 'it Trial. Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 6. The trial of Arthur Day, the bigamist of Rochester, who, it is alleged, sought to hide his crime by pushing his first over a cliff at Niagara Falls, will come up at the Falls assizes to-day, and promises to attract about as much attention as the famous Birchall case. Day's sister, Mrs. Charles P. Quigley, is the most important witness against the de fendant. John Mcttman Rearrested. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. !. John Mettman, the husband of Mrs. Teresa Mettman, who was so foully butchered here last March, was rearrested on sus picion, lie sent for his attorney and will turn state's evidence against C. A. Benson, recently arrested at Camden, N. J., and Mrs. Rautzahn,his daughter, who is in jail here. All three are im plicated. . A COLUMN OF GOSSIP. In the houso vote on the conference report on the tariff bill, the only devia tions from a strict party vote were Messrs. Coleman, Featherstone and Kelly, who voted with the Democrats in the negative. Col. E. C. Boudinot, the most noted of the Cherokees, died at Fort Smith, Ark., on the zlth. The coal barons east have decreed an other advance in prices and limited the output for October to :s,50),000 tons. Advices from Paris say that George Besancon, director of the superior school of aerial navigation, and Gustave Hermito, the celebrated astronomer, are really in earnest in their intention to make an endeavor to reach the North Pole in a balloon. Although the scheme has been criticized as visionary by sev eral influential scientific French papers, leading scientists in Paris r.re said to have subscribed a fund of half a million francs for the use of the two intrepid voyagers, and the trip will be under taken early in the coming year. The leading newspapers of Cuba are advocating reciprocity with the United States. President Woodruff of the Mor mons in his late manifesto says: "There is nothing in my teaching to the church, or in those of my associates during the time specified which can reasonably be construed to inculcate or encourage polygamy, and when any elder of the church has used language which ap peared to convey such teaching he has been promptly reproved; aud I now publicly declare that my advice to the Latter-Day Saints is to refrain from contracting any marriage forbidden by the law of the land." Statistics give Texas 800 murders last year. Texas hasn't asked a recount. At Kankakee, Ills., Nelson lowered the. world's stallion record to 2:lli; and Faustina lowered the 2-year-old record to 2X3$. RENNIE'S GRAND DM GOODS STILL GOES MERRILY ON. The large increase in the size of our stove has enabled us to show the largest and choicest line ever shown in Lincoln County. Our sales this month are the largest of any month since we established the business in 1884-. mi m m wm m the stohi This sale will be continued for 30 days. All the ladies of Lincoln County are invited to in-. sped the stock. Rennies Great Dry Gools and Carpet House. NEBRASKA ML Miscellaneous Items from All Over the State. . stone is being Henry Frye, a wealthy farmer lirig two miles southwest of Panama, com mitted suicide by shooting the top of his head off. The Nebraska City Packing company will start up the first of the week and will run all winter. . The Silver Creek Oriole has changed hands, Editor McCoy, late of Risings, assuming charge. A number of cows belonging to Henry Miller of Norfolk were poisoned by some miscreant. At the baby show at the Madison county fair twins from Norfollc took first prize. The Lexington city council has con tracted for plans for a $20,000 system of water works. The large brewery at Nebraska City recently destroyed by fire is to be re built. Superintendent Stone of the Hastings insane asylum, Has resigned. A new jail of brick and st( erected at Norfolk. RudolDh Richie, a farmer living fif teen miles southeast of Auburn, was killed while driving across a Burling ton and Missouri railway crossing near that city. Work on the Culbertson canal is pro gressing rapidly. The canal when com pleted will be more than forty miles in length, having an average width of thirty feet, and will furnish sufficient water to irrigate all the lands in the vicinity of Culbertson. A railroad employment agent of Grand Island is missing and several la bor seekers are left in the lurch. G. H. Prime of Grant had six head of cattle stolen a few nights ago. The Dodge county Agricultural soci- et3' offers a cash prize for the best writ ten report or the lair. William J. Mead, a well known con tractor of Lincoln, attempted "suicide Saturday by opening the arteries in his wrist with a penknife. W. J. Thomas of North Platte has invented a potato harvester, which seems to have the merit of being a prac tical piece of machinery. The harvester is mounted on two wheels, the potatoes being thrown out by a plow into an ele vator wheel, which cleans and sorts them and carries them into a large re ceptacle above the plow. Omaiia, Sept. 30. Clemens Homilius, a cigar maker, committed suicide. He leaves a wife and three children. No cause known. Omaiia, Neb., Sept. SO. A tail-end collision occurred between two stock trains on the Fremont, Elhhorn and Missouri Valley near Cody, in the northern part of the state, in which Charles Chener, a hotel clerk, was killed and John Rockford seriously hurt. Both men are from Rapid City, S. D. W. B. Beck of Tekamah, the nominee of the Alliance for state senator, has been endorsed by the Democrats. Dawson county has twenty-nve Alli ance organizations, with a total mem bership of 800. Editor Meddle, of The Grand Island Independent, was nuite severely in jured the other day in a runaway acci dent. Five brothers named Deal ware ar rested the other day near Superior charged with stealing stock and corn. One of the men has confessed. Miss Mable Cook of Arlington lacks but a few days of being fourteen years of age. She measures 84 inches in height and weighs 38 pounds. She has no deformity and is in perfect health. The young lady is as large, in all proba bility, as she evecwill be- Ahre supposed to be of incendiary origin destroyed the residence of K. S. Wooden, a farmer living fifteen miles north of Springfield, including all the household eoods belonging to the family. .brank McCarthy of Chelsea town ship, near Fairmont, while gathering apples fell from a step ladder aud is believed to be fatally injured. Allie Horine. the crirl that was shot by Ed Wiggand at Omaha about a week ago, is rapidly recovering. The ball which struck her in the breast has not been removed and is believed to be lodged in the abdominal cavity. rure at Crawford bnrned three of the finest business blocks in the city. Loss, $40,000. W. K. Bacon ot Grand Island has been appointed sugar inspector for the Oxnard sugar factory. Philip bcott. residing near Cedar Bluffs, has had eighteen head of fat tened cattle stolen within the past fort night. The Nebraska Tribune, founded at Omaha by the lateF. C. Festner in 1883. ' was sold at private sale by the adminis Itrator of the estate. The Nebraska I Tribune company, was the purchaser, Matters of Mom eat from All Section aad on All Subjects, Presenting a Coadea ation of the Events of the Week Just Ended. tne price paid "being $25,0D0. The officers of the new company are: Julius F. Festner, president; Sol. Davidson, secretary; Joseph Waltenberger, treas urer The stockholders are principally employes on the paper. The politics of the paper will ie as heretofore, Inde- Kndent,. but leaning strongly to the smocratic side. Jack Kinney of Beaver Crossing holds the positions of town clerk, town board, deputy sheriff, constable and chief of the fire-department. Platte and Nance county Democrats nominated George E. Willaxd of Col umbus for representative. A bad prairie fire, started by hunters, destroyed tbe timber and grass on the Butch place, near Seneca, and also the stable. Fire completely destroyed the build ing used by the cavalry troops at Fort Robinson as a blacksmith shop. At North Bend, Dr. Ira Doan's team ran away and threw the doctor from the buggy. It is feared he has sustained jevere injuries internally. One arm is broken and his nose fractured. The Blaine county fair has been post poned to Oct. 9, 10 and 11. r rank Decker has been named by the Democrats of Thayer countv for the .egislature. The Oxnard beet sugar factory at GJrand Island started up for the run of 180, and everything is movinssatisrac XMrily. A dog. fell info a well loO feotdep-at Sfordon, and was take? ""it uninjured It is reported that Archbishop Ken rick of St. Louis is to be elevated to the cardinalate. He is now in his 86th year. Archbishop Kenrick was born in Dublin in 1804, and is a brother of Archbishop Kenrick, of Baltimore, who died in 1864. When Bishop Rosati died in 1843 Bishop Kenrick succeeded to the see of St. Louis. In 1847 Pius IX. made St Louis an archiepiscopal see, and Bishop Kenrick became arch bishop. Archbishop Kenrick took an active part in three plenary councils held at Baltimore. At the Vatican council he was one of those who tip posed the definition of the infallibility of the Pope as unnecessary and dan gerous to the peace of the church. The color line has been drawn in labor circles in the Lone Star state. The firemen on the Texas Central de manded the discharge of negro switch men, and upon the refusal of the com pany, left the engines. A general strike on the Huntington system is threatened. It is reported at Chicago that the In terstate commerce commission will take no active steps to.- ard enforcing its recent order reducing grain rates from western points. It will only in vestigate and take action on any com plaints that may be made. At Lowell. Mass.. the Catholic clenry officially expressed their disapproval of the arrangements whereby the Free masons are to lay the corner-stone of the new city hall building. The ground of objection, it is understood, is that Freemasonry is opposed to the Catholic church, and that Catholics, as tax-payers, are entitled to consideration. Texas has $1,400,000 in her treasury. A serious encounter between the French military and a pirate band of Chinese is reported from Tonquin. The French force of about fifty men was compelled to retreat after two hours' fighting, losing their sub-commander, Lieut. Margaine, besides two others killed and eight wounded. The pirates cut the heads off the slain. Charles We are of Cedar Rapids,Ia., appointed consul to Vera Cruz about three weeks ago, has returned home and thrown up the mission. Governor Campbelx, will probably call an extra session of the legislature to convene about Oct. 14 for the pur pose of taking such action as they may deem proper in connection with the rumors relative to misconduct in the board of public improvements of Cin cinnati, as well as other departments, of the city government. A new method of ventilating railway carriages and preventing dust from en tering with the air has appeared in France. The more quickly the train moves the more rapidly the apparatus works. The air is made to traverse a receptacle containing water, wbick cools it and relieves it of dust, after which it gees through another filterim uciuic cukcnug me carnage. --x.'