STEVENS & BARE, Editors and Props. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1890. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The republican electors of the state of Nebras ka are requested to send delegates from, their several comities to meet in convention in the city of Lincoln Wednesday, Jut 23, 1890, at 8 o'clock p. m for the purpose of placing in nom ination candidates for the following state ofieera: Governor. lien tenant Governor. Secretary of State. Asditor of Public accounts. State Treasurer. Attorney General. Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Snrjerintendent of Public instruction. And the transaction of such other business as may come before the convention. THK APPORTIONMENT. The several counties are entitled to representa tion as follows, being neaed upon tne vote cast for Hon, George a. Hastings, presidential elector in 1888, giving one delegate at large to each county, ana one for each 150 votes snd the major fraction thereof. OOUBTTJB. PEL Adams 1 Arthur 1 Antelope 10 Banner 3 Blaine 2 Boone V Box Butte 6 Brown 5 Buffalo 1" Butler U u. 12 uiui CAR 21 fVvlar 5 Chase 6 Chevennft 6, Cherry J Clay 15 Colfax 7 Cuming 8. Custer iw, Dakota 5 Dawes 8 Dawson 8 Deuel 3 Dixon 7 Dodge 13 Douslas 69 Dundy 5 Fillmore It Franklin Frontier 8 Furnas 10 Gage 25 Garfield 3 Gosper 5 Grant 2 Greely 14 Hamilton 13 Harlan 8 Hayes 4 Hitchcock 7 Holt 14 Howard 7 Hooker 1 Jefferson 13 Johnson 9 COUNTIES DEL Kearney 8 Keys Paha 5 Keith 3 Kimball...: 2 Knox 8 Lancaster 39 Lincoln 9 Logan 2 Loup 2 Mndi6on 10 McPhereon 1 Merrick 9 Nance 5 Nemaha 11 Nuckolls 9 Otoe 15 Pawnee 10 Perkins 5 Pierce 4 Phelps 9 Platte 9 Polkr; 7 Bed Willow 9 Richardson 15 Kock 4 Saline 15 Sarpy 5 Saunders .-. 15 Scott's Bluff 3 Seward 13 Sheridan 8 Sherman 6 Sioux 3 Stanton 4 Thayer 10 Thomas 2 Thurston 2 Valley 7 Washington 10 W8yne 5 Webster....; 1" Wheeler 3 York 16 Unorganized Ter 1 Total 819 It is recommended that no proxies be admitted to the convention and that the delegates present be antherixcd to cast the full vote of the delega tion. L. D. Richabds, Chairman. Walt M. Secy, Secretary. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. The Republican electors of Lincoln county, Nebraska, are requested to send delegates from their several precincts to' meet in convention in "North Platte, at the court house, on Saturday, July 19th, 1890, at 2 p. m.. for the purpose of electing nine delegates to the Republican state convention to be held at Lincoln, Neb., July 2ML1890. The several precincts are entitled to represen tation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Bon. T. L. Norvall for supreme judge at the last election, giving one delegate to each precinct and one for each twenty votes cast and the major fraction thereof: mimami CtofciM...... PMCIN0T8. DEL. No. Platte No 1 4 No. Platte Mo 2 8 No. Watte No 8 2 1 .1 .1 ...2 ...1 ...1 CK 1 DaarCraak 1 Dickens 1 Fairview 1 Fox Creek 1 Garfield 1 Gaslin 1 Hall 1 Harrison 1 Hinman 1 Kilmer l Lemon 1 FBXCINOTS. Maxwell... MedieUe.. Miller Mykader . DEL. 1 s 1 1 Myrtle 1 NiaholB 1 MowbU X O'FaUsm 1 i: l l 2 1 .......1 Sunshine 1 Yroman 1 Wallace 8 Walker 1 Well 1 Whittier 1 Willow 1 62 radical rebel type, who flaunt the confederate flag and give the rebel yell on the very floors of congress. If the dem.ocrats of the South would occasionally send a white republican to Congress, say at least one from the small states and two from those having large representa tions, there wouldn't be so much kicking. As long as the southern elections are conducted at the point of the revolver and none but rabid democrats sent to congress, the white people of the south may ex pect remonstrance from the north. The democrats down there seem to be mad. They should beware! Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad. Thirty years ago the fire-eaters of the south acted just as they are acting to-day; they were mad, but the choler was taken out of them and they were practi cally destroyed. We do no pre tend to say that there will be another rebellion, but there will be a division among the whites, result ing in the blacks gaining complete control in many places, and in whole States. The best and onlv way to prevent this is for the dem ocrats to send up some white Re publicans to Congress. 'THE FREE COINAGE OF SILVER. Most of the people of the west and especially the agricultural class, have been in favor of the free coin age of silver, but perhaps their views on this subject will be modi- hied when the question is fullv understood. Anenfc the consider ation of the silver bill in the house, the following dispatch of June 25, may put the subject in a new light to Republicans: Just before the vote was taken on the committee report to non concur in the senate amendments to the silver bill this afternoon it looked as though it would be a victory for the free coinage men and that the amendments would be adopted in the house. But the eastern Democrats, who are against free silver, outnumbered the west ern Republicans who were disposed to vote with the Democrats on the proposition, and the committee was sustained by a majority of fifteen. This was due in part at least to the belief which was general that the president would not approve a The primaries to be held at the usual places of holding elections, in tne country precincts from 3 to 7 p. m. on the 12th day of July, 1890, and in the wards of North Platte from 3 to 6 p.m. on said day. No proxies will be admitted to said convention, but that the delegates elected and present be authorized to cast the full vote of the delegation. It is-recommended that dele gates and alternates Le elected from the differ ent precincts. W. T. Wilcox, Chairman, B. F. Forrest, Secretary. The disability pension bill as agreed upon by the conference committee was called up in the senate on the "24th of June and after a lengthy and spirited debate passed by a vote of 38 to 18. It is now in the hands of the president, who will unquestionably sign it, if he has not already done so. The substance of its provisions were published in The Tribune last week. Fob an old stager, ex-Governor Butler holds his own in a remarka ble way. An active politician in the territory twenty-five years ago, he elected himself governor" of the new state and was the chief factor in locating the capital at Lincoln. His course in the sale of public lands was denounced as fradulent, and in the face of the charges he ran for a' second term and was elec ted, a fact that he considered a tri umphant vindication, and so an nounced to the legislature in his message. But the legislature did not look at it in that light: he was .impeached and removed from of fice. He retired to a farm near Pawnee and for more than ten fears was not heard from even in a school district meeting. In 1880 he came out of his obscurity and became an earnest advocate of the greenback theory of interconverti ble bonds and greenbacks. Since then he has been more or less ac tive in politics, but always on the off side; he is a crank, and there are very few things he can see as oth ers see them. In the late Union Labor conference at Lincoln he was the loudest and most persistent talker, making himself obnoxious to most of the younger agitators. Thev don't like to be sat down on by the old man and. they will be likely to assert their independence when their conference meets again. will, the sub- pro raea- pur- free eoinage bill, and this idea is doubtless correct. In fact, it is asserted upon very good authority that the president is opposed to the idea of furnishing a dumping ground in the mints of the United States for all the foreign surplus silver. It is not known that any one has the right to say. that the president has expressed himself in so many words in opposition to the free coinage of silver, but be doubt less shares the belief held by his secretary of the "treasury that the unlimited-coinage or suver will re sult in driving gold to a premium, and futher that it will result in dragging all the surplus Indian and European silver into this country, which could not prove other than disastrous to the interests of the entire country in the end. The conference committee without doubt, recommend passage of a bill which will he stantially all that the silver ducers can ask. It will be a sure authorizing the monthly chase of four and one-half million ounces, to be coined and paid for in certificates which shall be full legal tender for all dues and demands, public and private. Such a mea sure as that outlined above will be practically the free coinage of all silver produced in the United States,1 but will, in a measure, at least, bar out foreign silver from the mints of the United States. Besides it will meet the approval of the. presi dent and this is the most important consideration, as it is easy to see that the free silver advocates could never master enough votes to pass their bill over the veto in either house, and a veto would mean no silver legislation whatever at this session of congress. STATE VETERAN'S ASSOCIATION. The State Veteran's Association, consisting of 246 old soldiers rep resenting forty counties, met in Lincoln Wednesday, June doth. The members showed in advance that they had met for business. Following are the resolutions adopted: We, the until all the promises of the war are redeemed. Sixth We call the attention of congress to the fact that the sol diers in all past wars have received land warrants and we deem it but just that a service pension should be granted at a much earlier date than those given to soldiers of the revolution, the war of 1813 and the Indian and Mexican wars. Seventh We demand that ap plicants for pensions ordered before medical boards, be sent in all cases before the nearest board. We urge the old soldiers to form in every county associations of vet erans that through their officers shall report to this state association and we urge that the county or ganizations take action in the line indicated in the following resolu tion: Besolvedy That we will work for the nomination and election to the national house of representatives of no one who will not pledge him self, unequivocally and publicly to use his best efforts for the early pasfage of a service pension bill which shall grant to every honora bly discharged soldier or sailor who served for a proper time in the army or navy of the United States, a reasonable pension and which shall increase that minimum in proportion to the time of service either at the rate of one cent per day for all service over a stated period as provided in what is known as the "Grand Army Per Diem Bill," or some similar plan which shall recognize the principle that those who served the longest shall have the largest provision and which shall grant to the widow of every honorably discharged soldier or sailor, irrespective of his cause of death, a pension with a suitable provision for any minor child he may leave under the age of sixteen years and until they reach that age. And he must pledge himself unequivocally not to be bound by any caucus action in the house to support any pension bill which does not contain such provisions. Congress is having a red-hot time over the national election bill. A letter from Washington informs us that the measure will fail in the senate, but we pre not so sure of that. The rank and. file of the Republican party do not object so much to the whites ruling the south, but they do object to them sending to congress a solid democratic dele- - a t m . f nnnn mmmiim.i ii lug uiuaii veteran soldiers of Ne braska, in delegate convention as sembled, are in favor of the abso lute redemption of the pledge made to the Union soldiers during and since the war. We demand the redemption of promises made by the members or congress in the north in the campaign of 1888. We demand the redemption of the promises made in all the party plat forms in the last campaign. We are opposed to the domination and dictation of Wall street and the money sharks of the east in the congress of the United States. We pledge ourselves to stand united and to support no candidate for congress or the senate who will not pledge himself in favor of the prop ositions here following, which are adopted as our platform. First We are in favor of the repeal of the arrears of pension act. Second We favor the bill pend ing in congress in the interests of f.Vio nrisnnpre nf war. Third We are in -favor of equal- (should be offered. lzmg the soldiers bounty. Wn an in favor fY? tt JL V 1 A. VAX V 1 V MAW A-. M M v w . m per diem service pension bill, based on service, to be. in addition to any disability pension now allowed the soldier. Fifth We oppose any reduction in the revenue of the United States THE PENSION BILL. Inter Ocean. One great pledge of the Republi can partv mav now be set down as redeemed. The dependent pension bill, as agreed upon in conference, passed the Senate Mondav. The bill now goes to the President There is no question what he will do. He is not a pension vetoer. He did his fighting in person and not by proxy. According to the estimate of Senator, of Minnesota, chairman of the committee, the expenditures under this bill wilL be about $40,- 000,000. With an absurd show of exactness, a mere pretense, benator Gorman, of Maryland, estimated that the expenditures under it would aggregate 78,973,054. He should have added the pennies while he was about it. He might as well attempt to count the flies on the Democratic party The exact amount is a matter of indifference. Of course there is reasonable limit to expenditures for any purpose, no matter what, but this monev is kept right here at home. The interest on govern ment bonds is largely sent abroad, and the rest, for the most part, goes to swell the bank accounts of the rich who spend a great deal of their money abroad, or in the purchase of imported luxuries. But the pen sioner stavs right at home", and nearlv evervthing he buvs is of home production. No other ex penditure made by the government is so emphatically a home affair, little else than pouring water into a tube which empties into the cis tern from which the water was originallv taken. The nations of Europe are taxed to death to sup port standing armies in - idleness, but the pensioner is tree to engage in the ordinary pursuits of lite, ac cording to ability and bent. The American people have never felt the featherweight of burden from any pension appropriation. This conference bill is a disabi lity bill, neither more nor less, and each year is adding to the percent age of disability. A soldier may have come out of the array without a scratch or an ailment, and yet develop in time a disability directly traceable to the hardships of the field. Then, too, many of the "boys are now old men, some or whom are not prepared for the "rainy day," and should be made confortable through the Pension Bureau. We have said that this bill re deems the pledge of the Republi can party. The plank of the Na tional platform referred to reads thus: "The gratitude of the Nation to the defenders of the Union can not be measured by laws. The legisla- tion of Congress should conlorm to the pledges made by a loyal people, and be so enlarged and ex tended as to provide against the possibility that any man who honorably wore the Federal uni form should become an immate or an almshouse or dependent upon private charity." That is the Republican doctrine on pensions, and to tnac nne an legislation on the subject shouia rje hewed. No more is asked, no less . WALLACE NEWS. WallIce, June 27, 1890. Editors Tbdjitne: 7 Crops down here in "Egypt" are iwt splendid. All small grain is shorter in straw than it has been in former years, but it is well headed 'arfd .promises to fill well, especially W we should get another small-' slower, which is threatening intke west at this writing. There is a large acreage so wn here. UTr. Light leads with 190 acres, Sam. Farmer has 130 and nearly all have -from 40 to 60 acres. If we" should gejfc good prices some of the farmers here will have money to loan at three per cent per month. Who knows but' we may yet have .an alliance bank in Wallace. The postoffice war has quieted down, presumably to bury the dead and care for the: wounded, political ly speaking. , Cole Bros.' circus and menagerie gave two exhibitions in our city yesterday to good audiences. All the old bachelors had their best girl or their neighbor's -wife out to see the monkeys and the tumblers, and to drinltlteiHical lemonade at ten cents per glass. VThe peforruers and show 'people in general were above the aYerageof their ilk mor ally, and the show was remarkably free from the .nighthawk and fakir element and rough crowd which generally follow traveling shows. To-day the Wallace and Elsie base ball clubs played a match game at the latter place. The victory was on the side of the Wallaceites, the score standing 14 to 9 at the end of the game. Elsie is eleven good, west of Wallace, nevertheless the editor and denl of the Mail and Mr. Mothersed( the fat man of the town, made thfc, round trip on foot, so we are rellibly informed. We should think the walking would be very poor -thishot weather. The - - t . a .-r. i tp JU long miles nickels and t up in grana car farensis&irertt tents, but if diciously jingled in pennies wouhJ show shape to the country ladies in treat ing to soda water. There is within a few miles of Wallace two Old men who are old enough to knpw better than to live as. they are doing. Our advice is to go immediately to the county judge, procure a" license and get married. You may get up some nice morning and find a bundle of switches at your dodr and this will be the beginning of the end. ' I. R. Bub. PATENTS TO XT. S. LANDS. Washington June 28 The secretary j thVinterior tb-day sent to the seriate a' response to the re solution of that body directing him to report thercause4 of, withholding patents fori lands within the limits of the grant to the Union Pacific Railway company, which are free from all claims and which was not reserved at the date of the definite location of the company's road. The secretary, says the conclusion has been reached that the indebted ness of the railroad company to the United States does not . authorize his' department to withhold the lands granted to the company and for which lists have been filed. It is a subject for legislative control if it can be controlled at all. A large portion of the lands now unpatented lie, in the states of Kansas and Nebraska and have al- ready passed into the hands or. in nocent purchasers irorn the railroad company They, are being culti vated by citkej&fof those states for farms and on them homes of people have been established. Delay m giving these settlers full title to the lands thev have fullv paid for and improved cannot be justified. Thi railroad was built in time and has complied, so 'far as is known, with all conditions of the land grant. No reason remains therefore why the secretary should not proceed to de liver to the Imion Pacific conipan' lands which have been earned and it is his intention to certify these lists, commencing at the eastern portion of the. unpatented lands in Kansas and Nebraska, where the lands are agricultural, have been sold and are in the use of actual settlers. Ifc there is any objection existing on the part of congress this actionjB prevented by any resolution or act that may be controlling in its effect. Patents that have been executed already by previous executive will be recorded. Patents will be issued on lists ap proved by the previous secretary, and lists notjyet approved will be examined in due order. This con clusion, the secretary adds, is in accordance with recommendation of the. commissioner of the general land office and also with the opinion of the assistant;of the general de partment. Lists of lands selected bv the company now on file in the interior department, patents which have been untif now held in sus pension are said to aggregate 2,000,- 000 acres. s ) It is said that the fees of one firm of pension attorneys iu Wash ington have averaged more than $2,500 a day for several years, and it is expected that the new disa bility pension bill will double this for a year or two. . The lone expected contest in the House ovef the Federal election bill is now on and -will continue until next Wednesday, when a vote is to be taken. The bill will pass the House, but it will have no show in the Senate. If the Senate was favorably disposed towards it, it would not get through the House, notwithstanding the caucus decree. Anyway it will not receive the full RpublicanVote, though it is not expected that any republicans will vote afainsit a few of them will simply absent themselves when the vote is taken, without being paired. President Harrison has stated that he will veto the River and Harbor bill if the House agreed to the 4,000,000 increase made by the Senate. Superintendent Porter says that he has no objections to the publi cation of the returns of the enume rators for Nebraska .districts. He authorizes the supervisors to give them out. When the Flail advises the far mers to stand by the old parties if they desire to work the reform they crave, it cannot be accused of partisanship. There is no paper in Nebraska that has greater contempt for the party whip than the Flail, and it defies the dictum of the junta and the manipulations of those who would set up the pins to wrest the control of any party from the hands of the people. The pro ducers of this country do not need a new party, for they may control either party, and the third party agitation is only by the old, wind broken hacks that have been kicked out of the old parties, and who take this means to again get into pro minence. Let the farmers beware! Fremont Flail. Some rears ago Benj. F. Butler, well known for numerous queer exploists in the political world, to say nothing of his military and legal career, built a great big stone house opposite the Capitcl, which was quickly named "Butler's folly". His son-in-law, Senator Jones of Nevada lived in it for a while, and President Arthur occupied it a few weeks; but it has been mostly idle and unproductive. At the last Congress its owner tried to lease it to the House for committee rooms at a fancy rental, but for some reason he failed. Now he has a better scheme. The House committee on Public buildings has favorably reported a bill to buy it. Uncle Sam is always asked to come to the relief of the owners of un productive Washington property. The point that Secretary Blaine makes on free sugar is worthy the undivided attention of the national law makers. Suppose, says Mr. Blaine, in " substance, that sugar goes on the free list the result would be the same as when the tariff was removed from coffee The country selling to us would at once proceed to lay on an export tax which would keep our sugar up to present prices, and be of no benefit whatever to the American consumer. This was the experience with coffee, and history would in all probability repete itself if we made a free market" for sugar with out securing reciprocal benefits before the tariff was taken off This is a doubtless fact that ninety nine one-hundredths of the many able people who have been demand ing free sugar nave not stopped to consider, but they are being given an opportunity now to consider it. Portland, Mich., June 28. A cyclone passed over this town and Orange, in Ionia county, yes terdav afternoon, causing great da"mage. The storm first struck William Saver's timber, a tract of ten acres of fine hard wood, and levelled the whole grove, .tearing up the trees by the roots or twist ing them into all kinds of fantas tic shapes. From here the cyclone crossed a belt or open country, carrying fences and trees with it. Edward. Harwood's barn was in the track of the tempest and it was first set on fire by lightning, then demolished by the wind. Three valuable horses were killed. Ste phen Drum s house was blown to atoms and the family of five hur ried in the ruins. All escaped y i n ft alive, however. i?arm rences are ii 11 n obliterated and dozens ot persons iniured. Orops are ruined and much stock killed. THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE Our large sales the past month enables us to pat the KNIFE A LITTLE DEEPER We wiU selll you a good all-wool suit for Ten Dollars, former price $15. Do not fail to buy the Starr- Seventy-five Overalls. They are worth . any man's one dollar. " -J sr We also have Star $1.25 working pants, which are ;mtlir- out an equal. We are determined to have everybody in Western ef1 braska know that is the only place to buy good, first-class goods at-jcMBS?4 lower than others ask for shoddy. All summer wear will be sold regardless of cost. Straw Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes just one V notch lower than ever. The Star Clothing House, WEBER Sl VOLLMER. :i - No. 3496. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, North. -Platte, - 3STelb, Authorized Coital, $200,1 Piid in CDitl, $50,00 NESS transacted: Sells Bills of Exchange on all Foreign Countries. ..-4V INTEREST PAID ON TIME; DEPOSITS. JOS. F. FILLION, "CTE BUT qg Steam and Gas Fitting. Cesspool and Sewerage a Specialty. Gopper and Galvanized IronC6r- nice. Tin and Iron Roofings. Repairing of Kinds will receive Prompt Attention. Locust Street, Between Fifth and Sixth, r North. 3?latte, - Nebraska. A continual coughing is annoying to persons siuinc near you m anv Kina ot a gathering; besides, it is of great damage i IDIa.nQ.O&d-S- ' ' T7"atCliGS- dangerous at this season of the year. One-half bottle of Beggs' Cherry Cough SvruD will relieve anv ordinary couch. and this remedy costs no more than the CFSTvSlXT" inferior fTrnrlps fhst. nrft tlirnu'n nn tho I '. ' market to sell at enormous profits. A- F. Streitz Druggist. GLASSES -A.HSTID SEOO?AOIE"ES WM. NEVILLE, Attorney-at-Law, Office: Nevilie Block, Sixth Stkket, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. &, -AH Kinds ot Hepairing. TJ. 3?. WatefrExaminer. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER CHATTEL MORTGAGE. JNouce is nereoy given mat by virtue or a chattel mortgage executed by Servos Ratten to Wm. Brown and dated Juno 27th, 1889, and filed for record in the office of the couuty clerk of xveun county, .MeorasKa.on tne Zita day or June, 1889. to secure the Dfivment of tho snm of .U.fla upon which there is now due the sum of $42,80: - P., 1 i- 1 1 -T il . 1 .v ui'ias own muuu in me payment or Bald BUm nnrl nn unit, nr rithfr nrnfwHinmi nf. Innr naving been instituted to recover said debt or any part tnoreor, therefore I will sell the prop- on, luerein aescriDea, viz: one sorrel norse ten years Old. branded wifh mttton hrnnrl "Vs"! pounus, caiiea "ui;" ono mouse j u no85JSP 5"eare OId' white spot on right side, branded "C" on left shoulder, weight 1000 pounds, called ''Mage": one Studebaker farm wagon, one set of double harness complete; at ' iiuiiu iuuu), t.oonrv or i.mnnin stnt. nf i-ieuiiiaitu, on oaiuruav. tne lHth rtnr nf Tti It. 1ROO at one o'clock p. m. of said dav. Dated orth Platte. Jnnn aw.h i son 2o3 WiL Brown i -P'-tVJ McDonald's Block, Spruce Street, NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at North Platte. Nebr., June 27. 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the foilowing- namea settler nas mca nouoe ot ms intention tn make nuai prooi in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receivor at North Platte. Neb., on September 0. 1BW. viz: Aavm Xj. uonnsion, wno mean. a. No. 11,376, for tho east half south-east quarter. north-west quarter south-east quarter, north east quarter south-west quarter, section 24, T. 15 Bt qc N.,1 . 29 W, He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon f ... - l 1 1 1 UTIllf ana cumvauon or tuiu muu, viz; trimum Lane, Abraham L. Bcchtold, Lafayette Pease, Charles Kent, all of Myrtle, Lincoln County, Nebraska. John 1. Nksb:tt. 256 Register. DRUGGIST and OPTICIAN, -iKSD -:- SEALER -:- IN- Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass Brashes. AGENT FOR SHERWIN & WILLIAMS' MIXED PAINTS. "Corner of Sixth and Spruce Streets. i -. North Platte, Nebraska..!