Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, November 13, 1889, Image 4

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I KNOW of soaps quite fair to see,
Take care !
They can both white and spurious be,
Beware! Beware!
Trust them not,
They are fooling thee!
They claim to be the purest made,
Take care !
They are of an inferior grade,
Beware! Beware!
Trust them not,
Buy the Ivory!
If they are recommended you,
Take care !
The grocer speaks not always true,
Beware! Beware!
Like as not
He is fooling thee !
Some counterfeits are white as snow,
Take care !
Almost like Ivory Soap they show,
Beware ! Beware !
Trust them not,
They are fooling thee '
Hold on to that and shun the rest,
Take care!
It is the cheapest and the .best;
Of frauds beware!
Trust them not,
Trust pure Ivory.
There are many white soaps, each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory'-; "
they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack the peculiar aid remarkable qualities of
"the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1886, by Procter ft Gunblf .
i km Crayon Portrait hi Amy Without Any Charge,
Commencing Monday, Oct. 7th, we will give free, to all persons buy
ing goods to the amount of $30 or more, an order for one of our genuine
Crayon Portraits, of yourself or any friend you may select.
We will give $100 to any charitable institution in North Platte on
sufficient proof that the portraits we give away are not made with gen
uine crayons or that they are not equal in every respect in artistic merit
and execution to any $15 crayon made. We challenge comparison as to
the perfection of these portraits in likeness to the photograph from
which they are made. We invite a comparison with the best crayons
made by the best of artists. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever".
What could be nicer for home adornment than one of those elegant
crayons? See sample in the window. We have also made arrange
ments with a large frame manufactory to mount and frame these por
traits for our patrons in the best style at oue-jpourth the usual cost of
such frames. You can have either gilt or bronze frame with first-class
French picture glass, all ready to hang on the wall. You are, however,
not obliged to purchase a frame at all, or you can purchase it at some
other store. This does not matter to us, we give yon the picture and
sell you the frame at cost if you wish it.
Manjr people wonder how we can afford to give away a work of fine
art like this with so small a purchase of goods. We answer that it is
done as a big advertisement. No other such inducement can or will be
offered by any otlier house in this city. Strike while the iron is hot
come now and avoid the rush that will be' sure to take place for these
crayon pictures. Remember that you need not purchase $30 worth of
goods at any one time, but at different times aggregating that amount.
We guarantee that these potraits are first-class in every respect, and
equal to and similar in style and execution to the crayou now on exhi
bition at our store. The above offer is made in the best of good faith
to the public at large. You are invited to share in it.
Spruce Street, Opposite the Postoffice. .
Something JsTew for ladies
The Most Elegant Shoe Ever Made.
V c If
" 1:2 i
Manufacturers of MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FINE SHOES.
We are prepared to supply a long-felt want, and for this shoe we
FECT FITTING SHOE MADE. It fits on the foot like a glove 011
the baud. It is not cumbersome like the button shoe that has four or
five thicknesses of leather over the instep, but tF: shoe has but one
thickness and presents a seamless, glove-fitting front, comfortable to the
foot and pleasing to the eye.
This shoe differs materially from the "old side lace." That had from
18 to 24 eyelets, double cord, and pulled on sideways, while this shoe has
but eight eyelets, pulls on straight and is held in place by a low gore,
inserted on each side of the shoe, which is covered and protected by the
top, and is adjusted to the ankle by lacing on the inside, giving to the
foot a very slim and small appearing form. This shoe cannot break in
the hacl and neither arc you inconvenienced by constantly re-sewmg
buttons or repairing button holes. This shoe is being placed in all good
towns, and its success and popularity are assured. Wc feel confident if
you will trv a pair of these shoes you will not be satisfied with any others.
Would" be pleased to have you call and make a personal inspection
of this shoe and think it will interest you.
Exporting pig iron to England is
like sending coal to Newcastle, yet
the pig iron has been contracted
for. Pennsylvania is to furnish it,
and it is to be delivered in Liver
pool. Only 1,000 bars are bargained
for, but this small consignment
will do as a starter.
Uacle Sam's bone and nerre liniment will w
Uerespraiag. brakes, neuralgia and rheumatism
aid by all druggists.
It is, fifteen years since the Trap
pist monk began to plant eucalyp
tus trees in the Roman campagna.
Now several hundred acres are
covered with them,: and, as a result,
there has been a large decrease in
the malarial fevers once so common
in the district.
Uncle Sam's Condition Powder will core dis
tempers, coughs, colds, fevers and most of the
dlcoMSB to which horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and
poultry are subject. Sold by all druggists .
Bk. Jaqcbs GebUan WoKm Cakes destroy
worms and reaao7e them from the system. Safe,
pleasant and effective.
Cremation is coming more and
more into vogue iii. Germ any, in
spite of the expense and certain
legal diffculties which render its
performance in some parts almost
an impossibility. At Goth a no
fewer than 100 bodies " have been
cremated during the present year.
Happy Home Blood Pcbifiek is the peoples
popular medicine for purifying the blood; pro;
venting or curing dyspepsia, biliousness, head
ache, boils and all fevers and malarial diseases.
Price 50 cents and one dollar per bottle.
Joseph Pulizer is about to start
from Paris upon a tour around the
world, accompanied by inyited
guests. Mr. Pulitzer goes by way
of the Suez canal, India and Japan.
Advices from him are to the effect
that his health is better than at
any previous time in the last two
years .
Marvelous Success.
Ballard's Horehound Syrup has been a marvel
ous success from its inception. There is no
cough it will not relieve. It is guaranteed to re
lieve all throat and lung ailments and for croup,
sore throat, whooping cough, and all conghs its
action is very remarkable. Ask for BALLARD'S
HOKEHOUND SYRUP and take no other kind,
and you will not be disappointed. A. F. Streitz,
Agent. 1
When Allen Thorndike Rice
lived he was accounted a million
aire. When he died his estate was
found to be worth less than 50,
000. Instances like this occur
almost daily. The tendency is to
greatly exaggerate the fortunes of
the living, but death always brings
a cold statement in fact.
The Chinese minister wears an
enormous diamond ring 011 his
thumb. This stone is of immense
size and very brilliant. The set
ting, instead of being gold, is of
dark wood, The wood from which
the ring was made is very old said
to be 1,000 years and its rarity
makes it more costlv than gold.
Mr. E. P. Lovejoy, a large dealer iu
general merchandise at Wabuska, Nevada,
says: "I have tried St. Patrick's Pills and
can truthfully say they are the best I
have ever taken or known or'used." As
a pleasant physic or for disorders of the
liver they will always give perfect satis
faction . For sale by A. F. Streitz jmd
Dr. Longley, North Platte.
The young man recently arrest
ed iu Colorado while masquerading
in woman's clothes and suspected
of being Tascott, is at the point of
death from typhoid fever The
compliment paid him by the detec
tives in supposing him capable of
fooling the public of the entire
world was to much for him, and he
has collapsed under the strain.
A Safe I nvestment,
Is one which is guaranteed to bring you sati.s
fatcory results, or in case of failure a return of
purchase price. On this mf3 plan you can buy
from our advertised druggist n bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption. It Is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when
used for any affection of the throat, lungs or
chest, Buch as consumption, inflammation of the
lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping congh,
croup, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste,
perfectly wife, and can always be depended
upon. Trial boles free nt A. F. Streitz's drug
store, t
Major-Genera! Crook, command-
1 nil -r
mg uie division or tne Missouri, 111
his annual report gives prominence
to the subject of desertion. He is
of the opinion that if the soldier
could, after a reasonable term,
serve his connection with the mili
tary service by the payment of an
amount which his enlistment and
service had cost the government it
would go far towards preventing
desertions. He suggests shorten
ing the term of service.
EiiRT's Daylight Liver Pills are a boon to
sufferera from sick headache, sour stomach, tor
pid liver and indigestion. Sugar-coated, pleas
ant to take and warranted to go through by day-ight.
The dutchess of Beaufort, dining
once at Mme. de Guise's with King
Henry IV, of France extended one
hand to receive his majesty's salu
tion while she dipped the lingers of
the other hand into a dish to pick
out what was to her taste. This
incident happened in the year 1598.
It demonstrates that less than 300
years ago the fingers were still used
to perform the office now assigned
to forks, in the highest and most
refined circles of society. At about
this time, in fact, was the turning
point when forks began to be used
at table as they are now. W-hen
we reflect how nice were the ideas
of that refined age on all matters of
outer decency and behavior, and how
strict was the etiquette of the
courts, we may well wonder that
the fork was so late in coming into
use as a table-furnishing. The
ladies of the middle ages and the
Renaissance were not less proud of
a delicate, well kept hand tjian those
of our own days, and yet they pick
ed the meat from the platter with
their slender fingers, and in them
bore it to their mouths. The fact
is all the more remarkable, because
the form of the fork was familiar
enough, and its application to other
uses was not uncommon.
Five new boilers for the Kearney
reform school arrived Sunday. It
will cost $180 to remove them from
the track to the boiler house,
Thomas Burke and Lee Dillon of
Nebraska City have been pro
nounced insane. As the asylums
are crowded the two cases will be
kept in the county jail.
The lies-have all been nailed and
farmers will, no longer bury them
selves in 'tlie shady depths of the
corn fields to escape the snares of
the importunate politician.
The settlers who have been wait
ing dn the borders of the Nebraska
strip of the Sioux reservation for
several months are now going quiet
ly over and taking possession.
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizeas that for years
e have been selfine Dr. King's NewDiscgyery
- T . , ,-T V! 1 T, !. T:ilf
Bucklen's Arnica Salve asdlectoo Ktters nnd
have never handled remedies' that Bell as .well, or
that have given jfsch universal satisfaction. . We
do not hesitate, to guarantee them every time,
and we stand ready to refund the purchase price
if satisfactory results do 'not follow their usn
These remedies have won their great, popularit
purely on their merits. Ai E. Streitz. druggist.
-4 ' , ,
A war on prices between two
merchants iof Alma one day last
week brought th& price of plush
down frotn.59 cents to 9 cents, and
as a result everybody wears plush.
Fisherselevator at Peru fell
across the B. & M. sidetrack Sunday
night and as it was full of grain it
will require several days1 work to
remove it. The loss will be con
siderable. The postmaster at Potter does not
object to having a few little tricks
played upon, him, but when it comes
to makingHhe postoffice a target
for bullets he says it is a little more
than he can "stand.
The four-year-old son of Mrs.
William Knaggs, who recently
deserted her husband and children
at Kearney, died last week at the
home of its grand-parents in Phelps
county. No trace of the mother
has yet been found.
Eilert's Extuact of Tab and Wild Cheku
is a safe, reliable and pleasant remedy for coughs
colds, bronehitjg asthma and all throat troubles;
v. lib relievo and benefit consumption. Try it
and be convinced. Every bottle warranted; price
Wc and $1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Pro-
rcd by the Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago.
Fremont has a real live spook,
the ghost of an old milk woman
who recently died. In life the old
lady worshiped her cows and since
her death the spirit returns nightly,
feeding the cattle and terrifyiug
the neighbors generally.
The announcement that Cuming
county has:a nine-year-old boy who
weighs 1G0 pounds calls out the
assertion that there is in Blair town
ship. Washington county, a bright
miss of the same age who turns the
scales at 175 pounds.
Mike Sullivan of Spaulding met
with a serious accident hist week.
While returning from Cedar Rapids
with a load rnt lumber the wagon
was overturuett upon him, pinning
him under the great weight trom
10 o'clock at night until about 10
the next morning.
Ballard's Snow Liniment.
This wonderful remedy is guaranteed to euro
Neuralgia. It is a positive cure. It will cure
Kheuruatism no matter of how long standing. It
will cure the dull aching pain in the small of the
back. It will euro all sprains and bruises. It
will instantly take out the fire from a scald or
burn, and stop all pain. It is the most pene
trating liniment iu the world. It is good for all
inflnmation. It is guaranteed to do all claimed
for it or nionry refunded. A. V. Streity, Agent.
Mrs. Harry Bolton of Unadilla. a
bride of a few days stauding, started
out in married life to carry the
pocketbook, She carried it about
two miles and then lost it. As the
purse contained 100 a diligent
search was made, but no traces of
the missing article could be found.
Richard J. McClees, a Dundy
county fanner, concluded to emi
grate east an..! started oil in a
prairie schooner without paying his
debts before he mailed. A constable,
however, overhauled him at Strat
ton, and rather than go on the back
track McClees "paid the amount
nrnirift firfl in ElfcWrX town
ship, Dodge county, create
fiiderable excitement Mondav s
nnfc crotten under control imtil 300
tons of hay had been destroyed and
about 600 damage done. The fire
was started by a Fremont tinner
and the sufferers will ask a settlement.
Bucklin's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises,
sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter,
chapped hands, chilblains, coma and aU sloe
eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 123 cents per box. toi
sale by A. P. 8treitz.
In boriug a well 260 feet deep
near Filley the workmen found the
iron tools so highly charged with
magnetism that they would hold up
a cold chisel weighing over a pound,
while a knife immersed a few
minutes in water taken from the
well would pick up needles and
other small articles for some days
afterward .
is &n
Boot & Shoe Store
Samples of Fancy Stationery.
We have a complete set of samples of
Fancy Stationery such as Wedding Goods,
Ball Programs, Calling Cards, &c. These
samples are of the style to be used this
fall and winter, and run from nice and
common, such as we can afford in North
Platte, to gorgeous and expensive. They
are worth looking at just to see what is
being used. Call and examine them.
Stevens & Bake.
We Handle all the Best Brands of
Boots, Shoes, lippers, 5-
JLuOr a,xglxi.s fox Casli.
Our Stock is the Largest in Western Nebraska and- no one
can fail to be suited.
When in need of anything in our line.
W wAm mJUbN wf -
The Grand Island
Sanitari cirn
Under the Management of
For the treatment of all Chronic and Surgical
Diseases and Diseases of the
Particular attention iaid to Deformities, Dis
eases of the Kidneys, Private Diseases, Dis
eases of Women, Diseases of the Skin,
Heart, Nervous system, Lnn? and
Throat, Surgical Operations. Piles,
Tmnors, Cancers, etc., etc.
Pleasant Rooms for Twenty
Five Patients,
With Hoard and Attendance Furnished. Address
The Grand Island Sanitarium,
Grand Island. - Nebraska.
Land Otlice at North Platte, Nebr.,
November nth, 18d!. f
Notice is hereby Riven that the follovini;
namcd bpttlor has filed notice of his intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim, and
that raid proof will be made beforo Itefdster nnd
Receiver at North Platte. Nebr., on Jan. tioth,
m, viz: John Murray, D S. No. yJSi for
the soutwest quarter of the notheast quarter and
lots 2 and 3, section l'J, township 12, range 2S,
west. JIo names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon nnd cultiva
tion of. said land, viz: Frederick Kade, or
North Platle. Nob., (ins Osrosky, Luko Maloney.
and Mike Maloney of Cottonwood Sprins Neb.
-133 Wa. Nkyilxe, Register.
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry,
Watch Eepairing and Engraving.
Carlson Block, Spruce Street.
"W"a,grorLS, Cariagres, BvLgrgles,
Agents for the Celebrated
Goodhue and Challenge Wind Mills.
Agents for Union Sewing Machines.
Locust Street,
- - Nebraska.
North Platte,
The National Building, Loan
The new vegetable remedy for the cure
of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Sick and Ner
vous Headache, Female Weakness. Rheu
matism, Catarrh, Dropsy, Scrofula, Pimples
and Face Eruptions and Blood, Liver and
Kidney diseases . It purifies the blood and
through it acts upon all organs and tissues
of the body, and strengthens and builds up
the system while it eradicates disease. It
is the most economical blood purifier and
pleasant to take. Price $1: Six bottles $5.
Prepared by J. W. COLE CO.,
Black Kiver Falls, Wl.
Sold lay 37. S-feroitsB,
Showing the cost and profit to be derived by the borrower of $1,000 in
five years. The borrower having been a shareholder six months, and
holding thirteen shares, has made application for a loan, and his applica-
tion has been accepted and approved.
lie receives in cash ; : IOOO.OO
He has paid in admission feo on thirteen shares at $2,00 per share , 3R.00
lie has paid six monthly installments at 60 cents per share, amounting to
$7.80 per month i iri.m
lie has paid two quarterly installments of 'i cents per share, amounting to
$3.25 each . ' ' fi.."0
Now lie pays on the last Saturday of each month a monthly installment of ' -
M cents a share 7.80 I
Also his interest at rive per cent per annum on $1,000, payable monthly j t.lOJi!
Also his premium nt five per cent per annum on $1,000 payable " j
monthly j 1.16iT "
As nil protective installments are returnable, total monthly payment even- 7
tually, except such times as there may be a quarterly installment... .. I . ,1.13H'
In four and one-half years (or 54 months) the balance of the unexpired ' j
time of five yenrs, he will have paid ns installments, interest and pre- "
vnitmi f Ml.20
Also add the remainder of quarterly installments, eighteen at $3.25 each...
To a in our. t invested, nside from protective installments, which are return- '
able owing to the return protective installment plan adopted by the v
union. ' - lons.yr
The certificate of bhares having matured is worth $1,300, which will pay the
loan nnd leave a surplus of $300, thna eventually the borrower lias had ,
the use of $1,000 since six months after becoming a shareholder, and
has cleared a handsome profit of j 211.00 i
Tlxiard IDoox- ZXToxrfcla. of Fostoffico.
Orders from the country and along the line of the Union
Pacific Railway Solicited.
Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Brushes, Window Glass,
Fine Brandies, Wines, Whiskies and Cigars.
The best and strongest. Scientifically constructed. A positive and
unfailing cure for many diseases in which medicine fails. Liver,
stomach and kidney diseases, dieases of the blood, catarrh,
skin diseases, lung troubles, rheumatism, female com
plaints, paralysis, nervous debility, seminal
weakness, impoteucy, itc. -
Merchant Tailor,
A Permanent Wall Coating, adapted for Solid Wall Relief work;
Also for Plain Work,
Your orders solicited. Prompt attention given.
embracing all the new designs, kept on hand and made to order.
Spruce Street, next door to Post office. "'
Brick Liyert Stable,
on short notice and at reasonable rates. Horses boarded hy the week .or
month. Careful and competent employes. Stable opposite the - Hawly
House on east Fifth street. :Tiir