j Ax ABAME.ioiwMAJtBPBOM . "Tr'Tr lvmmmrmXmk Mated " " .V 1! . ' -.I .J 31 ATvNOV. ISk 11 err OMce Dairy.. eper bb 98cpercwt r ...... v ......PWV j i... Kcper cwi Wc per cwt TEOBCCZ B XIXTKB WUCE. ...30c . .30c per ..76e;parW Mn.1 to , J f oC Wi ui "lite eCJMi,t ' Vr ipilgn L Ik Walsh, ver HunoBd'i M need of clotUag mm IbtHM te read Xrerttocmeate f 1h Star n4 XeM be keM this Bev. Mart MXt it has been cm the rise lately, probably tit ft great demand by politicians daring 2?o well bred hen can complain at t price of eggs. The storm on Monday stopped work on "the . Xerth Watte KaUonal Bank building, but we think ' wlater hac not at in yet in earnest, and the walla will he telrhod before solid cold weather. E. A. Johnson, of Brady Island precinct, left at .this oStea last Saturday several fino specimens of otaluu, sixteen of which filled a half bushel Ho also left in our care a sugar beet a i a good sized log. Hare you engaged your Thanksgiving turkey! The bird should be placed in training now that his performance on the National day may be creditable, WMtrinlng his weH earned reputation as presiding genius over the American Thanksgiving tnblo. Give the bird a chance. The "Buffalo Bill Galop" in among the new pieces of French mnic, and it is more of a rage in Park than was "Boulangor's March." The Tiu atrsrz respectfully presents the name of Buffalo i as a candidate for presidential honors in the : French election. He is among the most pop- i in that Republic After over three in'oath of 'Continuous labor the tax books for are completed and placed in the haods of the treasurer, it has been a volumi nous work, there being 26,881 lines in four books. The peraomal tax occupies ninety-three pages or about fovr thousand tax-payers in a population of twelve thousand. Don't that speak pretty well for n people where every third person pays a tax: Haiti Bros, deserve much crodit for the highly artistic aaanner in which they prepared the lunch for the Casino opening. The various dishes were iplaoea before the patrons of the house in the most 'teaastbm style, eliciting the highest admiration. Marti Bros, only want the opportunity and they will beeoBM the Delmonicos of North Platte. Col. -Unpfer opened his new establishment, the Casino, Saturday evening and treated his callers, of wfceaa there were several hundred, to a fine lunch, a good sized porker and several turkeys having bees roasted for the occasion. The Casino is fin Isaed ia fine style throughout and will be run in the saaae orderly manner which characterised the Coles! old place. Fred Kade will have charge of the bUMard hall. , Thta haa beea a proliAc year all ojsid, eveji thedegcrop la XerthFiaMe heteg above the aver- i thu i mill 1 1 nflonnr ohnrsrtrrrn i rantag at IarSppareatly withoat local hahttaetoa- or owaership. A couple years ago an " ordsaiaee iB .pasaed, ea. taesahjeet of dogs a kted of a riiaistissi8ii law Vt alter the novelty of the tsUdg were ett she eaaiaea paid very little atteaMoa to the smhjset aad K hecsaae4 absost a dead letter. For eases ttsae Xarshal Friend has "heea teekiag iate the aiatter aad the r-oaseqaence b. .. Iii iiills s .nisalwi ham taken to other aelds of la her aad saere are Ukely tofoUow. Tra Tsibuke sd vises all who have dogs that they love to see that they are properly registered or the eonse qaeaee atay be disastrous. Protect the dog for they are among man's best friends. The plains region was visited by a regular norther on Monday that gave us a genuine touch . of wtater. The storm extended according to gov " eraaaeat signal reports from the British line south - into Texas and from the Bcoky Mountains to the IfJeaeuri Biver, a light snow falling throughout the whole region. The wind was very high, especially about noon, when it made a record of 40 - saUea per hour for Ave consecutive minutes and J sh'jei 15-mileB for one minute, the mercury st the rain time standing about 20, making things any thing but comfortable where the wind had a fair Monday night the wind subsided, but the went down to 2 degrees above zero on Taeaday morning. The cold wave (hen left us and we -are now having fine warm weather again. Only a small amount' of snow fell, not enough to wet the ground, something very much deeired just at present. Om Friday Ella Sullivan was fourteen years old aad as a proper celebration of the event Mr. and Mrs. 8ulllvan gave a party in the evening which was attended by a large number of Ella's friends. Daaetag, games and music, made time fly rapidly aad pleasantly and the hour for departure came only too soon. Each guest presented the young lady with a token of esteem and friendship many of which were both useful and beautiful. One jnaag man who seems to have a natural inclination to perpetrate jokes brought a handsomely bound hex tastefully tied with tri -colored ribbons and wMeh' apparently contained something very valu ahle. Imagine Ella's surprise when opening it she therein onions, stale bread etc. This little caused much merriment for the guests and ae MtUe embarasement to Ella. After partaking ef rscreshmentsthe guests departed, wishing their "j ung hostess many happy returns of ths day. la a western town it is customary for the citi" aeaa to furnish the members of their band with but in this respect North Platte is an ex On the evening of the 23d an opportunity M fee presented for each resident to give a half or so toward the above object and at the lime receive, in a measure at least, a return mosey. We refer to the minstrel show by talent to be given on that date, the net to be donated to the band. The entertain- will consist of singing dancing, club swinging, drees parades, feats of contortion, tableaux, in itwaiiital music, stump speeches, aad many other . eatertaining; featurearaU ot which promise to oe "rendered in better shape: than that which charac Jeriaee many of the barn-storming troupes "-which , foeenshmally attempt to entertain a North Platte aadier.ee. The prise of admission will be fifty . cents' with ao extra charge for reserved seats. In the afternoon of the 23d the members of the com pany, headed by the band, will parade the princi . , palstieets. . The extensive demand for money to move the immense crops, coupled with other causes, has had a depressing eCect on western bonds, it being quite U.idlnWlt to get anything like affair price for them . at present. In this respeetre county commis sioners were anlucky- in deferring the sale of the Nichols preeUct bridgeWds. When. these bonds were arst registered, theyooald hare been sold at par, in fact that was ofered, but not anticipating a ay depression the board took time to make the advertisement, ceasing a delay of several Only one bid was .received in response to the advertisement, aad it being below par was re in letting the contract to Mr. Means, it necessary to stipulate that he should take at par, paying the county the balance H60 .' -- tfcat milin 1 TWyi Tkia laavea Onlv a am to aay the incidental expenses.. Evi th efliMti P? cost of the structure wan amdf too .lowr' It should have bees t least fWkghsr. " Warren Iieyd retaraed fram Mte Battle Oraves arrived in Cm JaV.lsCsSJOBsfewssi saHff a5Cft days in i Mrs. E. R. Orifln aad Setarday evening. Vaagh Wtixman retaTnaai I where he visiting frieaen. A. 8. Baldwin of district court on Joseph for several JiPaJBK tfaaaMO Vg aWJ(4id I she house heiactos IJL Kertoa was : to attend the bed! a. i his brother Thursday. Hf9 aad have been anxious for a good tee. dry for fall plowing. Met tea was called to Lodge Pole the bedside of her mother, who to ssrtssmj tM. JHd D. Behb aad family, of Nowell precinct, left the latter part ef the week for Bock Island, HI., where they wHI spend the winter. Mr. aad Mrs. Ony Liang and son Gordon, of Xerth Platte, were on tbJr way to their ranch Wedaesdsy. They stopped off at Sidney to visit Mr. and Mrs. Do ran. Telegraph. Lester Eells, Wm. Neville, and one or two others spent a conplo of days in the Well canyon country last week in search of quail, but found them very cares. They, however, Imaged a masher of Bev. Jenaer returned from Miaaeapolii,Triday. Bishop Oraves has about concluded to make Hastings his hoadqaarters, that eiiy possessing arach better railroad facilities tor reaehing towns in the new diocese than does North Platte. ( A. F. Strelte dewa yesterday, tto .attend a meeting of the examining board of the State Board of Pharmacy. Sessions will be held at Lincoln, Omaha and Grand Island, there being a large class of applicants for license at each place. James Belton started on a visit to Indiana Monday evening, expecting to le gone several weeks and visit friends at South Bend and several other places. Mrs. B. has been there for some time. Thif is the first visit Mr. Belton has made tb his old home in a number of years. Bed Kail Rust. Train No. 1 was several hours late Monday on account of the blizzard. Gus Norton who has been doing snow plow duty in Sidney Sundaycd in North Platte. Jamen Grace and Joe Murphy aro up for exam ination to fill the positions of firemen. No passenger locomotive running out of North Platte is now too smooth to take its turn hustling the frisky box car. A shortness of locomotives on Monday caused a number of Second district engineers to be pent out on tho Third district. Charley Stamp has been nursing n soro hand the past week, caused by a change of work from that in which he is uuolly engaged. A number of engine drivers were "on tho carpet'' tho latter part of last week for rtifusing to go out when they had not had sufficient rest. A new time card will probably toon bo issued to take effect next Sunday winch will provide for the running of the new fnst mail train. Engines 5C5 and 800 were turned out of the back ehop Tuesday after receiving some badly needed repairs. The 678 will probably take their place in the hospital. Charley Ell made two round trips the latter part of last week without leaving his engine, lie will be able to eat his Christmas turkey next mouth with an excellent relish on account of the big month he made in November. Several new huge Baldwin eighty-ton mogul engines have been taken west during tho past week for the Denver, Texas k Fort Worth railroad. They were very powerful looking machines. An old friend of Jack Nelling accompanied the last two from the locomotive work. "Soda Water Sal," locomotive No. 901, has been Brought down from Sidney and will do switching service in the yards here. The 937 will be put on ft sight run. This move probably means that the road engines-, in the interest of economy, will be compelled to do the switching in the Sidney yards. Geo. W. Vroman returned last Friday night from attending the B. of L. E. convention at Denver. Ho reports a fine time notwithstanding the fact that ho was not. elected chief engineer. Pick your flint, George, and fry it next year.. You are working on the correct principln for your organization and the only one that will mako it omnipotent iu railroad labor troubles. Six car loads of horses and nearly 100 men went west Sunday. Tt was a grading outfit going ont to the Bio Grands and Western to make the connec tion between that line and the Colorado Midland. It is said that the Rock Island has made a close traffic agreement with thcee lines and the Central Pacific whereby it will be enabled to run solid trains from Chicago to San Francisco. Negotia tions are now pending with that road and an eastern lino for the purpose of making a similar agreement between New York and Chicago. The first men tioned deal has given that road an entrance to Ogden and Salt Lake. Two new Baldwin mogul locomotives passed through this city yesterday enroute for tho Rio Grande & Western. It seems to be tho idea with the -npcrintendents of motive power of mountain roads to xrocure as heavy engines as possible. Whether heavy passenger nnd freight trains can be got over hilly and crooked roads as safely and speedily as lighter ones is an open question. One thing is certain on such railways, where but a single knight of the scoop is employed to a locomo tive, he will have no time to swap experiences with the man on the right side. Potti Coat. Farmers are now very busy in the corn fields gathering the big golden ears. The Tiubune would like some information in regard to the turn out. As a whole the crop will average high, some fields away up, and some single acres perhaps as high as one hundred bushels. Who will gather the biggest yield from any one acre? The Tbibune is very anxious to have a cor respondent in each precinct of the county who will, when convenient, send us tho local happenings of their neighborhood. Stationary and postage will be cheerfully furnished all who wish to act as corres pondents. Who will respond to the request? The storm prevented most of the petit jurors from being in, attendance5 at court 3Tonday, but they nearly all came in yesterday. Under the circumstances the court considered the non-attendance excusable. Treasurer Osgood is discovering the fact that Lincoln coupty's growth is something remarkable . lie now has no safe room for the tax lists of 1889, and is in a quandary what to do with them. One of the worst needs of his office is a com modious fire-proof vault for the storage of books and papers belonging thereto. The commissioners should immediately devise ways and means to prepare such a receptacle. W. T, Bryant a very clever comediau. will be seen next Monday evening at Lloyd's opera house in George Hoey's comedy, ''Keep It Dark," which has been presented in most of the principal cities with great success. The play is brim full oF fun from beginning to end and grows better with a more intimate acquaintance. Mr. Bryant has surrounded himself with a thoroughly good company, which includes Jliss Lizzie Richmond, a talented actress and fine singer; Miss Julia Wilson , one or America's brightest soubrettes, who introduces several catchy soners and dances; James Bevins and Edward Halstead, a clever pair of comedians, who play two important parts; W. W. Black, a character actor of much ability and a magnificent buss singer. Besides the above leading people there is a strong chorus and a number of pretty girls, who are introduced as "The Cousins." "Keep It Dark" contains an amusing and interesting story, brightly written and is perfectly clean, being entirely free from the least broad suggestion, either by word act orJuok. weather the past few days nafoa In building opera cold soap will: likely be of work will soon be resumed with all possible haste. ! A, number of young married people laeVevtakea the preliminary steps for the eftganizatioa of a high-five club, to which fhey will invite, a number of unmarried ladies and gentlemen. The first party willvbe held the early part of next month. From the Juneau (Alaska) Free Press we leara mat tne IN o well mining compa py Is rapid y pushing its work in that territory and will commence working the ores early next spring. T. - S. Nowell, father of our townsman F. D., is the leading stockholder in the company. On Thursday evening of next week the ladies of the Episcopal church will give a "Hard Times Social" at Unitarian Hall, at which k is expected that people shall appear in old tattered garments, the one attired in the shabbiest costume to be awarded a prize. Refreshments consist ing of mush and milk, coffee, etc., will be served. Dr. Duncan recently performed a delicate operation ou the eye of William Cohn of Cottonwood . A piece of a chip dew into the eye and cut a gash in the outer covering of the eye-ball about a third of an inch in length, leaving the covering hang in the form of a flap. It became necessary to remove this, which was done and the eye is now healing rapidly. At the meeting of the school board last week a proposition was adopted to offer ten dollars reward for the conviction of any person found mutilating the school buildings or-fences about the same. The practice has become so common that an effort must be made to stop it. The school officers will be vigilant on this point, therefore those interested will do well to be on their guard. A Boston firm of capitalists lias al ready written for the particulars of the voting and issuance of the new railroad bonds recently voted by Lincoln county, as it wishes to make a bid for them. No opportunity for such action will be given. The bonds will not be issued until the completion of tho road, and then they will be turned over to the company con structing the same, without the interven tion of any middle men. Mrs. A. Huffman is selling patturu hats very cheap. Give her a call. The following is the oUfciul returns of the eeneral election held in Keith County on Nov. 5th. The first named are Republicans and second Democrats: Clerk, Harris 294. Dickerson 318; . The North Platte- National Bask people have ordered supply of brick from Ogallala sufflcieat to. Baltfe their building and work will proceed as rapidly as the nature or tne weatuer wm permit Some'enterprising individual should take the necessary steps to store .a good supply of ice" this winter" for next 'sum mer's use. In the latitude in which it is located North Platte's prices for ice are entirely too high. With (God Almighty manufacturing the 'product, and -man only storing it, the rates should be, much tower, it is macn easier to raise a ton o ice from, tne river tnari a ton ot corn from off the wild soil of JbcoIu county. KLENK & GATWARD will sell you beef by the quar ter at 4 1-2 to 5 1-2 cents. a Knights of Labor Bai. The Knights- of Labor are- making preparations for their annual ball which. will take place on the 27th inst., Thanks giving eve. The welrknowni ability of tne ivntgnts to give a good call insures a large attendance. Brady Bits. E. D Murnhy wears the smile of the man that cets there. c ti L. C. E. Stockton, A. tv. JUstnewson, and Thos. 3Iarcott. ach have a house in the course, of construction. John Marcott shipped a car of potatoes this week . j A dance at the residence of N. Enright was enjoyed by- the young folks last oat urday eve. The contest for some m the precinct offices was pretty close, Ed Collman for constable and it. luce lor assessor were each elected by a majorlty'ot.one. 1 J. L. Meuns is being delayed consider-. bly on the bridge by the non-arrival of material. He has the piles driven for the first two beuts and - we understand will complete these before going further. DICK. Corn sbellers of all sizes and Feed Grinders for sale by Hershey & Co,. ' District Court. The November term of district court for this county commenced Monday morning; Judge Church presiding. T;here are seventy-four cases .on the docket, only two of which are crltniual The State against Hugh Mickey for selling liquor without ltcpnse, aud also against Louis A. Van Tilborg for same .offense. The fol lowing wre the cases, disposed of up to yesterday noon : W. B. Coukiin. vs. f atrick 'Kuddy and Sheriff, Vail 2G0, Riser 30flTTrtasui-6-r7rDav at "defendant Rector 267, Abraham 306 Judge. Brotherton 313, Plowers 303; CommlsT sioner, Tobias 309, Jatnison8l3; Superin tendent , Copper Paxtoii Republican . 333, Keller 304. A genuine surprise party tjmk place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stevens on last Wednesday evening at least it was a surprise to Miss Leora, iu whose honor the party gathered . About eight o'clock twenty-five or more young ladies and gentlemen, mostly her school mates, very unexpectedly called on Miss Leora and madp themselves at home. The young lady named was at first ver3' much .surprised but she sonn recovered aud t-xtended the intruders a hearty wel come. The evening was mo.it pleasantly spent by the guests in snng and gam es, a bountiful lunch being served at the proper lime. Goto Mrs A Huffman's for chenille art appliques. The number of voters who registered in the three voting precinct-oftheUy. was only about't two-thirds of the actual number." In the First ward 178, Second ward 318, Third ward. 113. making a total of 509. There are more than 800 votettJ in the precincts named, thus leaving perhaps 300 unregistered. Those who failed to register embraced all clases-of; tho continuity, but very largely railroad men. Voters found, as TiikTkibusk stated, that it was so much trouble to register on election day that many f them declined to go through the formula. Last Thursday beiug Frank llibuer's birthday, on that evening his wife and friends took it upon themselves to give him a party which was held at Unitarian Hall. Everything was arrauged with caution to prevent his mistrustiug any thing. When the evening came he was invited to attend an entertainment at the hall, which inyitatiou he accepted, and greatly to his surprise, it turned out to be his own entertainment. Everythiug passed off pleasantly and everybody present seemed to have an enjoyable time the gayest of the season. Bpan bags, music, singing and dancing were the most important features of the evening, after which all were invited to partake of an excellent supper. Dancing was again indulged in until the wee hoars of the night were -fast approaching, when all took leave wishing Mr. Hibuer many happy returns of the day. Childrens hats at cost at Mrs. A Huff man's The version of Uncle Tom's Cabin interpreted by Griswold's Monster Com pany, which will exhibit at Lloyd's opera house on Thursday evening next, has met with the especial approval of Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, the immortal, authoress of that world-famous drama from the fact of Manager Griswold's strict adherence to the original text, which is a complete deviation from the custom of other Uncle Tom managers, who interpolate so many attenuated gags, stale jokes aud vulgar witticisms into their renditions that scarcely a vestage is left of the never-to be-forgotten work. Aside from the great worth of the company, every act is presented with, new and elaborate scenery, paiuted by master scenic artists. The excellent company, the musical Topsy, the ludicrous comical Marks, the elegant scenery, the novel mechanical effects, the ferocious blood hounds and the celebrated Jubilee singers, all united in making the engage ment one of the most notable amusement episodes in the history of our city. Lancaster .Republican. J. A. Goodman of Scout's Rest Ranch, met with a severe accident Thurs day, the injury received at first considered slight having since caused him much pain and suffering. He was returning from Nowell's ranch with some cattle, driving a team attached to a buck-board. One of the horses was young and jumped with considerable force occasionally. When near Nichols station the animal made a sudden and tremendous lunge, breaking his neckyoke strap. This let the pole fall against the other horse's legs and he too became unmanageable. Mr. Goodman was unable to hold the team. He had a heavy blanket wrapped around his legs aud it was placed under him on the seat. Being thus practically tied he was unable to handle himself in any way and was thrown with great violence strik ing on his head and neck. He was carried to the station in an unconscious conditioh, but soon recovered his mind and appeared to be all right with the exception of a pain in the left arm near the elbow. He came to city and the arm was dressed, but shortly after the pain changed position and became more in tense. Friday and Saturday it was very severe, precluding sleep. The arm was dressed again Sunday morning, and relief soon followed. cost. James Sutherland; Joseph Schatz; dismissed as per stipulatipn. Hattie 31. Johnson v. AV. K.' Cpvell; dismissed at defehddntifcost. Shcafinan vs. Shearman; "'dismissed at plaintiffs cbsti v ; G. A,ibJjrryHi.Leiin.A. Goodrich ,et al, foreclosure; decree of foreclosure as prayed. F. H. Longley vs. Patrick Sullivan and others; dismissed at pltffs costs. Mutual Building and Loan Ass'n of N. Platte vs. II. D. Rhea dismissed at pltffs costs Chas. A, Hugho vs. James K. Rasmus- sen; dismissed. at defts. costs. Mary A. Gaffnpy vs. Peter Gaffney, di-. vorce ; decree as prayed by default, at pltifo costs. - 1 Robert Horner vs. Wm. Porter, et, al ; continued. Emma Cooper vs. Wm. Cooper, divorce ; decree by default as prayed, wife to 'have custody of children. . The State vs. Patrick E. Sullivan ; con-.tinued-byonseat-j. vr -' Vollmer .& Wolter vs. Wm. Grady et al ; demurrer sustained. Wlff granted ten days .to file amended petitjfeifrileft to file an swer in twenty days thereafter. The Wm. L'.. Gilbert Cl'qak Co. vs. Wm. Grady et Ukraine action as above. - Ib-Austin' -'-vs.- John Nery.; dismissed at plffs costs. S. K. Howell vs. B-. ,C. Dixon; same action. Wm Beatty vs. U. P-. Ry Co-; nmtion to' mako answer more deflnittj and certain sustained; defts to file amended answer by Monday; to be tried Wednesday H. B. fceeler vs. A. .J. Motherseed; plff to verify petition instanter; deft to answer by Saturday. C. L- Wood vs. David Brunk; plff granted leave to file petition instanter; plif given leave to withdraw petition and tile motion. The State, vs. Van Tilborg; dismissed on motiou of prosecutiujfcat'ty. Go to Klenk'&?Gatward's and buy your 'dressed hogs at 4 3-4 to i5 cents- per pound. Tbonias Lamb, a United States prisoner received at the Omaha jail from Taxes in January, 1889, on an eighteen months1 .sentence for smuggling, has .been pardoned by the president and will be liberated- December 18. amb, who is an -Englishman by birth, is the owner of a tract of land in Mexico valued at $l,000,000.f Hershey & Co. sell Stude baker and Moline Wagons. KLENKfcGATWARD will 'sell you beef by the quarter at 4 1-2 to;5 1-2 cents. The endorsement of Qorman Byrnp.is nnpar nllelled. We will publish" 1000 testimonials re ceived daring tho lost six. months. Read thorn -Mny eavo youi life. Goto Klenk & Gatward's and buy your dressed hogs at 4 3-4 to 5 cents ter pound. LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday Evening, Nov. 18th. Geo. Hoey's Great Laughing Success, KEEP IT DARKI" Pull of Pun, Brilliant Music, Sparkling Specialties. A Perfect Comedy Company Headed by W. T. BRYANT AND J. J. QUINLAN, logether with the Charmintr Actress and Vocalist, Miss LIZZIE RICHMOND. ADMISSION, 75 CENTS. Reserved Seats on sale at Thacker's Drug Store. There seems to be quite a rivalry among the farmers as to who has the largest turnips. H. K. Eckert brought in three turnips, Monday, which are hard to beat. Their combined weight was1 18 pounds. Gap Haskell raised some in Mc- Fherson county which were nearly as large as a sack of flour, an actual fact. The farmers of tha east. ruck farmers especially, think thev I 1 m is m can raise vegetaoies equal to our s, but they are woefully mistaKen. This reminds us of some thorough- y autnenuc evidence ot tne great fertility of the soil, out here, which we have never published. A cer tain crentiemau who swears bv ogan county, says that the first vear lie was here he lived in a dugout with a dirt floor and that during JMay and June, lie was com pelled to mow the grass on the floor twice a dav in order to find the baby. Another man, who lives out by Dorp, never plants but five turnip seeds to the acre and then the center turnip often erowds the four out. We might name many other instances of like na ture, but space forbids. Gctndy Pioneer. Advertised Letters. List of letters remaining uncalled for in post office at North Platte, Nebr., for week ending Nov 13, 1889. GENTS JilST. Ashbrook, Joseph Campbell, G W Ilanes, Joseph Sanford, Silas Thorne, F E Veith, Thoma Wilsher, R E M' Candliss, W A "LADIES I1I8T. Abbott. Lizzie M. Person calling for above will please say- "advertised." C. M. Whkhrt, Postmaster. Bauer, George Duchome, V E Ogle, A B Stevens, E F Treadway, Joseph Wilson, H F Wilson, V L LLOYD'S OPERA HOUSE, Thursday-Evening, Nov. 14. P. B. GRISWOLD'S Uncle Toms Cabin Co. Thirty-Second Year of Success. Grand Trium phal Toar of the United States after four ia Europe aad Australia. The Greatest and Grandest Ooapanyin Existence. The Best Marks. The Beet Tops?. Tho Best Cate. The Beet Era. The Best Ophelia. The BetTom. The Host Cruel Leree A Carload of Elegant Scenery! The great steamboat scene; the cotton picJc ingr; the home in the South; the Ohio Biver by raoonlight; the ice blockade; En's ascension and trie gates ajar. A Dorgiois Jfoadaj Stmt Fanis, The handsomest uniforms ever seen. The cele brated trick donkey "Don". Eva's hand some peoy "Billy." A pack of bloodhounds. Beserred seats now on sale at Thacker's Store. Marvifous Success. Ballard's Horehoond Syrofbaa been a marvel ous Bnccees from its inoef tion. -There is no cough rfcwill notrrelieve. I t?is guaranteed to re lieven throat and lnng ailments and for croup, sore throat, whooping congh, and all. coughs Its action is very remarkable. Ask for BALLARD'S HOKEHOUND 8YBDP and take no other kind, and yon will not bo disappointed. A. F. Streitz, Agent. Mr. E. P: Lovejoy, a large dealer in general merchandise at Wabuska, Nevada, says: "I have tried St. Patrick's Pills and can truthfully say they are the best I have ever taken or known or used." As a pleasant physic or for disorders of the liver they will always: give perfect satis faction. For sale, byA.. F. Streitz and Dr. Longley, North Platte. . Z, A Safe lnve$mtrit, Is oao winch is arantefeio bring yon satis, fatcory results, or'incaaebf Jailure a return of purchase price. On tois'riafa.-plan yon can buy from onr advertised 'draggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief; in overy case, when used for any affection of tbe throat, longs or chest, such as consumption, inflammation of tho lnngs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping coogh croup, etc. .Itris pleasant ajldigreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can alwa be depended upon. Trial boles free at A. p. Streitz's drag, store. 'Strict Uncle Sam's (kmdition Powder will tempers, coughs, colds, fevers and most of the diseases to which horses, cattle, sheep, hoes and a. n .1.1 1 1 , - . . 1 l l. ..11 1 " . . puuiuj are auujecu oukiuj ou urugglms. Da. Jaquzs' Gebmak Wobm Cakes destroy worms and remove them from tho svgtem. Safe pleasant and effective. FOJtJtENT. A six-room Tiouse near the business part of town. Apply to W. II. McDonald. i . For Sale Jackson Hay Press in good run ping order. Price $109.00. F D. Nowell. Vine Street Meat Market. R. P. Stebbins, Proprietor. Charlie Leader, Salesman. I Mil 9U! Eli That is to say I have found it. Well what have you found. We have found that the best place to buy candy is at the North Platte candy factory, made by See & Williams, post office building. Many Citizens. Vine Street Meat Market, 11. P. Steb bins, Proprietor. Charlie Leeder, Salesman. FURNITURE FOR SALE. I offer my household furniture for sale at private " terms. If you want some good bargains go to Belton's furniture '.store and see these goods. 434 FOR SALE A good second hand Wind Mill aud large tank. J. K. Ottenstein. PLAIN SEWING neatly and promptly executed. Special attention given to making overalls. Ap ply to Mrs . L. H . Gibbs, south end of Spruce treet 434 Vine Street "Meat Market, R. P. Stebbins, Prop., Charlie Leeder, Salesman. ART GARLAND STOVES are not only a thing of beauty but they are "a joy forever" in cold weather. They ake the lead everywhere. Sold only in North Platte by Stewart & Sherman. LOOK OUT! If you buy one gallon of Paint, I give a good brush to put it ou. This refers to any color you may select. Frank Peale. I hnve just received a fine stock of Dodson& Hill's celebrated mixed pickles, both sweet and sour., These are fine goods. V. Vox Goetz, North Side Grocery Store. Money to Loan on Chattels. G. T. Field, Rooms 7 and 8, Land Office Block. FINE SAUSAGE. The sausage of all kinds manufactured by Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide reputation for excellence. They ship large quantities to dealers up and down the road. AT COST. I have a few buggies, two seated carriages and road Carts, which I will close oat at cost, they are all goue. L Call before Strickler. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Property owners and others are request ed to remove at once all refuse from the alleys bordering on their lots in com pliance with ordinance relating thereto. Syl. Friend, Street Commissioner. Feed Mill. I have got my mill in operation and am prepared to grind corn and other grain for feed. I will also make Fine Corn Meal for family use, ground from selected corn carefully cleaned. nates ror grinding reed, iu cents per hundred. Farmers are invited to bring tneir gram. Mill south of school house, north side of railroad. L. Lorenzen. North Platte. THE ART GARLAND is the favor ite base burning stove. Whv? Because it is the best. Call at Stewart & Sher man's store and examine "The Art." Lincoln ountv's prosperity has just begun and I want a share of it, and have opened a real estate! office in room 8 Land Office building. City nd country property bought and sold. John M. Dyer. GARLAND COOK STOVES AND RANGES the best, the most convenient, occupy the east room, are finished the nicest and are the most ornamental. These stoves are sold in North Platte only by STEWART X SHERMAN. MONEY TO LOAN- ou Chattels by wm. iirown. Room 1, Land Office Block. NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP opposite Idding's lumber and coal yard Horse shoeing a specialtv. i do all gen eral iron work, wagon and carriage repairing. I solicit a share of the public patronage . W. J. Loftus . We can at any time supply customers with the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton. Also Fish, Oysters and vegetables in their season. The finest line of all kinds of sausage in the city at all times. BRODBECK is GlRMANN. cigar Smokers can always find a good at Schmalzried's . manufactory. He man ufactures his cigars from the best of leaf tobacco. Call at Strickler's and see the Love Sewing Machine. It will sew two seams at one time with, two colors of thread, work button holes and do over seaming, all without any attachment and at a low price. GRAIN WANTED. I want 50.000 bushels of wheat, 75,000 bushels of corn, 75,000 bushels oats and 30,000 bushels of rye, for which I will pav cash at highest market price. C. F. IDDINGS, Lumber, Coal and Grain NEW ROAD. The new road is surely coming and for proof just call at the undertaking rooms of Sam Adams the Locust street under taker and see the low rates on his goods, which must have come in on the new road or else he could not afford to sell at such a reduced rate. Remember his stock of goods is entirely new. Free hearse to the city burial grounds. New Fall Suitings. I have just received a fine stock of "new fall goods for suits and single garments, which I am prepared to make up in the latest style, workmanship guaranteed. Shop up stairs in the Carlson block. A. P. Carlson. Rooms To Rent By the Day, Week or Month at the Lloyd House, first door east of Opera House. Lodging 25 and 35 cents, tf W. Lloyd. The celebrated Diamanta Spectacles and eye glasses, all styles and prices fitted by A. F. Streitz. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE AT NORTH PLATTE, la the Stale of Nebraska, at the close of baswesa October 30th, 1869. BMOOCBS: Loans aad discounts $72,546 m Orerdrafts, secured and annecarsd 3.538 28 Other stocks, bonds, and mortgages 4.0W 06 Dae from National basks 15.8W 84 Dae from State Banks and baakers 3,308 37 Real estate, faraitare aad axtares 10,080 00 Carreat expenses aad taxes paid 1,342 11 Bills of other Baaks 1,85 00 FractioBal paper carreacy, nickels, aad cents 11 91 Specie 4,702 20 Legal-tender Botes 3,555 00 Total Capital stock paid in.., undivided profits , Individual depoaita subject to cheek. Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Cashier's checks outstanding Due to State Banks and Bankers ..$120,880 38 ...$8,000 00 43,888 67 288 75 38,274 31 1277 83 438 68 Total $120,860 38 State of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss: 1. Chas. McDonald. .President of the aboTo- named bank, do solemnly swear that the aaoTo statement is true to the best of my knowledge ana neuei. Chables McDonald. Subscribed and sworn to before me this flth dav of November, 1889. W. L. MoGnc LLSJ. Notary Public. Look Out ! For Big Bargains in FURNITURE Furniture of all kinds afc greatly re duced prices before moving. new Furniture coming in every day. Lat est styles in FANCY CHAIRS, PARLOR SUITS AND BOOK CASES. The handsomest line of Bedroom Furniture ever shown in the city. I have on hand several second-hand Heating Stoves, o -including a "RADIANT HOME" and an "ART GARLAND", which will be disposed o at very low very low prices. . ,JAS. BELTON. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS . WEEK AT T. J. FOLEY'S- SPECIAL SALE OF SCHOOL : SHOES. The Little Grant Shoe. The great rush of the past two weeks has nearly cleared our shoe room of all the stock, yet what still remains will go for less than cost. LOOK AT THE PRICES: All our school shoes,. 5 to 7, 95c. All our school shoes,8 to 10, 1.25. All our school shoes, 11 to 2, $1.50.. All the rest of our shoe stock will continue to go at cost until all are closed out. QHr,ifqmease CLOAK stock munt go the same way. COST TELLS THE TALE. We still have a nice assortment of Ginghams, all the best makes at 7 cents per yard. German Blue Calico, best brand, 10 cents, Our carpet stock is greatly re duced, yet we have a fair assort ment. All the BEST Ingrains at 62 cents. Remember we are having great rushrv of business and you must come early to secure the best bar gains. T. J. FOLEY. GEO. R. HAMMOND, Wholesale aad Retail Dealer in Oils, Gasoline, Coal Tab, Crude Petroleum, Mica Axle Grease, Rochester Lamps, Etc., NORTH PLATTE, - - NEB. The Best Tinner in the Land. I have always done good tin work, bat lately secured the services of H. F Wills the best tinner in the land, and am prepared to do better work than ever for inose wno ravor me with their orders. L. Strickler. To make room for new stock 1 will sell the best line of cook and Jewel gasoline stoves and baby carriages, at greatly reduced prices. h. trickles. TO FARMERS. All farmers having Fat Oattlo. f!lvc Chickens. SheeD or other farm nrnrlnrta. suitable for our line of business, will find it to their interest to call on us. The highest market prices paid. J3RODBECK & trlRMANN. Money to Loan ON IMPROVED FARMS AND CHATTELS Lowest Rates, Best Terms. NO DELAY. THUS . G. F&TTs&SO! For choicest cuts of Beef. Mutton or Pork call on Klekk & Gatward. IF YOU WANT Nice, fresh, drift? fruits, call at Yon Goetz North SlB-.rocery store, where you will find thevind everything else in the grocery line. For Good Meat Call on Brodbeck & GntMAKK. V. VON GOETZ Says that competition is the life of trade, and that he is alive and has a better class of goods than ever. He is bound to please in quantity, quality and price. The original north side store. If you want the best sewing machine in the market, call and see me and get the Genuine Singer. Terms easy. Or if you want a Loan on your farm I can accomo date you without delay. Jas. P. Taylor. Office at Conway jtf.lCeith's. No. Platte. Money To Loxs on Chattels, H . S . Boal, Rooms 7 and 8, Land Office Block. Rock Springs lump or.;Mut coal. a. F. Iddisgs; Choice home-cured'Ham3 and Bacon at KlidocA; Gatwaro's. HORSES FOR SALE. Several head of heavy work horses for sale by J. R. BA508.