Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, November 13, 1889, Image 2

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    f he Mm
STEVENS & BABE, Editors and Props.
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 186.
The vote of this county as found
by the official canvass is published
in these columns this week. There
was a light vote polled, the highest
being 1822 for treasurer, a falling
off of seventy-eight from the vote
of last fall. The vote in the city
waa especially light, many of those
who registered even failed to cast
their ballots.
With two exceptions the entire
Republican ticket was elected with
majorities running from 92 to 498,
the latter being for Buchanan for
Clerk. The cause of these varia
tions was purely personal, although
in the case of treasurer a determin
ed effort was made to beat Mr.
Osgood on his record, which no
doubt had a great effect. In the
case of county judge, there were
two prime causes that operated to
defeat Mr. Ray; Personally his
opponent is one of the most popu
lar men in the county, when run
ning for office, and people naturally
love to vote for a good fellow; but
Mr. Ray's political record has
been such that many straight Re
publicans felt that it could not be
endorsed. To vote for Cleveland
the embodiment of everything
that is obnoxious to Republicans
is an offense in their estimation
that cannot be condoned. We
shall not pass judgment udou their
course, but think their objections
should have been made before the
convention, then the result might
have been different.
For county superintendent Miss
Mary E. Hosford is elected over
Mr. Beeler. While Mr. Beeler is
probably an excellent man for the
office, personally he was compara
tively unknown and his record as
a teacher was entirely so. On the
other hand Miss Hosford is quite
. well khown throughout the county,
and is highly esteemed a a perfect
ladv. As a teacher of high attain
ments, she is also well known, and
added to this the inclination of
the people to give this office to a
woman, it was seen in advance that
Mr. Beeler had an opponent who
possessed every element of strength.
Considering all the surrounding
circumstances, the vote is in every
wav creditable to the party.
Certain admonitions and ominous
forebodings were felt by Republi
can politicians with sensitive
nerves before election, for there
was a general "off year' feeling,
pervading the country, but the
tremendous land slide that struck
the party on election day was not
anticipated. That Ohio should go
Democratic was a possibility, but
that Iowa the Jjaaatn -Republic as
state should elect a Democratic
governor came upon the masses
like a clap or tn under irom out or
a clear sky. No one was prepared
for it. There has been a good
many political avalanches in times
past indicating sudden and rapid
changes of sentiment, but this
is the most astonishing to Repub
licans that has occured ror years
For the result there are probably
many causes, out cnier among
them may be set the prohibition
question. Looking at the field
from this distance, we take it that
a maioritv of the voters of Iowa
are either opposed to prohibition
or they believe the administration
iias not used proper efforts to en
force the law.
The cause for the defeat of
Gov. Faraker in Ohio appears to
have been of a personal nature,
generally unknown to these out
side the state. And yet the legis
lature will be democratic, insuring
the election of a Democratic
In Virginia
trie result was no
to those at all
familiar with the methods in vogue.
We have long since learned to take
no stock in the assertions of the
papers of "fighting chances" of
Republican success in the south.
As long as the democrats have con
trol of the methods Republican
victory there is impossible, no mat
ter what gallant fights Mahones
and others may make.
It was an "off year.-" -Republi
cans -were defeated purely from
local and personal causes.
The lesson is not thrown away. It
will bear good fruit. The party
will rally and at the next election
by a mighty , and solid charge
carry everything before it.
; t " . - " A TjSTI,ACT (DIE1 OJTjES' K-
Cast in Lincoln County, Nebraska, at, the Election held November sthy 1889, as appears by the official canvass.
,fc. I"..
The first named are Republicans, second Democrats, third Union tabor. 4'few scattering votes were cast, not here enumerated.
For Jastice Sapraae .Coartj
T. ju. liorvai
JohnH. AJbm
For Begesta University
Charles H. Morrill
J. L. H. Knight
W. 8. XcXenna
P. W. Hess
Union Labor Ticket
ror Judge, 1Mb District
A. H. Church
W. B. Blase
For County Treasurer
C. E. Osgood
Wm. Grady
Taos. Rowley
For County Clerk
Butler Buchanan
B. I. Graves
M. XcKelips
For Sheriff
s'. A. Baker
J. E. Grace
For County Judge
James M. Ray
G. T. Snelling
For County 8upt
Joseph G. Beeler
Mary E. Hosford
For County Surveyor
I. A. Fort
C. P. Boss
For Clerk of District Court;
W. C Elder
T. Keliher
For Coroner
Samuel Adams
J. P. Dullard
For County Commissioner-!
E. D. Marpay
Lester Walker
Chas. Preitauer
, .
2 ' r-
5 s 2 i I'.S I ! i 2 . 4 - a d .
ill 1 1 S I .5 'I I J J"
L -3. JL J!L JL 3- iL m.J5 Ja
80 1 47 M 25 45 24 11 9 21 It 28 27 29 11 11 20 61
WO 90 M 20 4 18 8 19 9 22 12 11 9 9 18 9 8 llT'Sl
80 12 47 16 25 45 25 11 B 21 19 27 28 27 29 U 11 20 62
80 13) 46 IS 25 45 35 13 8 21 19 26 28 27 29 11 11 20 52
89 8) 67 5 4 18 8 18 9 22 12 11 9 9 18 9 3 10 32
89 8) 6 5 418 8 18 9 22 12 11 9 918 9 3 10 82
11 I .. 15 .. .. . 1 ,.
92 1W 54 29 26 44 25 18 8 21 19 27 28 32 29 12" 12' 19 .62
82 8) GO 4 3 18 8 15 9 22 12 10 9 4 18 8' 2 11 82
68 12a 54 -4 25 95 22 12 6 21 26 27 18 17 24 1 .. I61 '17
105 91 79 24 Z 28 12 20 12 22 5 10 19 19 20 13 14 11 -66
6 1 .. 8 t mm
73 123 34 17' 25 44 30 19 9 21 14 29 80 31 29 11 11 20 57
96 89 79 5 3 17 318 922 13 8 7 5 18 9 2 .. 27
8 1. .. 14 .. .. ,4 ,
65 116 29 5 27 43 38 16 9 18 12 .26 -31 22 18 13 2 20 49
114 100 82 SI 2 19 7 16 9 25 19 11 6 14 23 7 11 10 34
42 88 81 7 17 34 22 10 7 20 2 18 14 19 23 J. ,l9i 25
138 131 81 29 11 28 11 22 H 23 28 17 23 16 18 20 12 11 56
70 113 49 14 21 42 21 10 6 18 6 23 28 9 22 11 1 10 13
108 106 64 "23 7 21 12 22 12 25 25 14 9 27 21 9 12 14, 69
81 132 47 22 17 44 12 10 8 19 It 17 24 28 26 12 7 i 50
97 83 66 14 12 18 21 22 10 23 20 20 12 7 19 8 7 10 32
81 127 49 17 26 44 25 18 12 21 22 26 28 27 23 '16 12 21 61
70 IS 9 17 6 -.. ..
75 138 47 31 26' 44' 25 J8 8 21 21 27 .28 27, 27 11 11 19
106 81 70 5 3 17 8 14 9 22 10 10 9 9 18 3 11 fSi
71 113 42 18 16 81 25 19 9 21 0 28 27 32 17. 8 13 16 52
97 102 68 .. 8 2 8 12 9 22 1 9 10 4 27 12 1 14 31
f i I "8 I t i I i i s
I 2 1 I i I 1 1 a a J
iU 15 26 20 1 18 27 22 26 21 161 18 19 21 2
8 It 12 9 82 14 9 15 14 6 72 4 9 11 15
11 15 26 1 L 18 27 23 20 21 137 18 19 21 2
11 45 26 1 1 18 27 23 26 21 157 18 19 21 2
5 11 .. ',9 J2 14 9 14 9 6 74 4 8 11 16
5 U .. 9 32 14 9 14 9 . 6 74 4 8 11 16
.. .. IS. 1 5 ..
13 16 28 21 7 19 27 28 26 21 158 18 19 21 3
4 10 8 30 13 9 9 10 6 74 4 8 10 15
.1 8 27 M 7 23 26 22 21 18 161 18 16 23 13
18 18 2 15 31 9 10 15 18 9 72 4 U 9 7
.... U 1 1
11 IT 21 19 7 18 29 26 26 21 160 21 21 21 18
8 9 2 10 31 14 7 11 9 6 71 1 6 11 1
.. .. 10 1 .. 5
9 15 23 16 9 19 27 34 21 21 105 17 13 22 13
9 10 17 14 26 12 9 3 19 6 128 5 13 10 7
5 11 27 14 5 9 25 21 10 18 134 11 IS 19 ..
13 14 12 16 32 22 11 16 23 9 99 11 14 13 20
. 2 15 21 4 5 10 24 10 25 20 158 14 13 23 1
17 9 19 26 33 22 11 27 15 7 75 8 15 9 19
10 5 26 23 6 17 27 22 18 21 159 5 8 20 16
9 21 14 . 7 82 15 9 15 22 6 73 17 18 12 8 j
11 15 29 20 5 20 27 28 25 21 162 18 19 21 1
3 ,. 8 1 0
15 15 87 23 8 18 27 23 29 21 159 1 19 21 .5
4 11 (. 6 30 14 9 14 10 6 74 4 8 9 14 j
10 14 23 14 24 19 30 29 26 21 146 17 13 20 11
7 12 4 15 13 IS 3 7 8 6 S6 4 11 12 9
2 I .. 13 .. .. 5
! I
The Tribune went into the late
campaign with a firm determina
tion to avoid personal politics, and
it strictly adhered to the rule.
Many things might have been said
personally against candidates, but
would voters have been made to
our party thereby?' Our experience
is that the more you abuse a man
after he is nominated as a rule the
closer his friends will stick to him.
That is natural. We take it that
when a man is selected by his fel
low citizens it should be deemed
something of an honor to run for
office, and unless his record has
been henions in the extreme, he is
entitled to decent treatment. In
our 'late campaign the men on the
opposition ticket were gentlemen
one and all. Should we malign
them simply because they had become
standard bearers of their party?
We believe in party unity, -We
believe in our party principles; and
thoe believing, we consider it prop
er for the party to nominate candi
dates, and support them, even for
the smaller offices. It does not
necessarily follow that because a
man opposes us politically and
otherwise that he is a villiau or a
scaundrel. And The Tribune will
not undertake the task of proving
The Republicans had a majority
on the state ticket in Keith county,
but the Democrats secured most of
the county officers. Dr. Harris
was defeated for Clerk by 14 votes.
Following are the precinct offi-
elected at the late general
election. The iudes and clerks of
election are omitted as they seldom
North Platte No. 1 Justices,
Geo. Naumau, M. Tobin? Con
stables, Frank Mallard, Svl. Friend;
assessor. John Jveliher: road over
seer, James Moran.
North Platte No. 2 Justices,
John Hawley, C. L. Wood; Con
stables, A. O. Kocken, C. L. Patter
son; assessor, N. A, Davis; road
overseer, W. M. Hinuian.
North Platte No. 3 Justices,
V. Ton Goetz. B. C. Dixon; Con
stable," James Snyder; assessor,
Colonel Owens; road overseer, B. C.
Dixon . "
Nichols Justices, W.. O.
Thompson, I. Y. Zook: Constables,
F. M. Chute, Frank Zook; asaeeeof,
James A. Gibson; road overseer, H.
H. Cook.
O'Fallox Justices,- HrJ: Moore,
C. J.Titzimraons; Constable, Phil
Cook; noflomtor, Bay Thompson;
road overseer, D. O. Dwyer.
Sunshine Justices, D. C. Lord,
John Gummure; Constables, John
Ducan, o. A. rialtman; assessor,
P. H. Brown; road overseer, Dist.
No. 7, John W. Shoupe, Dist. No.
45, Chas, W. Mason.
Fairview Justices, L. C. Apple
gate, E. Etchison; Constables, J.
W. Williams, J. Reade; assessor,
Marion King; road overseer, Wm.
NowELii Justices. I. B. Bost-
wick, Sid D. Robb; Constables,
Henry Cordeg, Fred Steirahauser;
assessor, Jos Spies; road overseer,
James C. Alexander.
Miller Justice, L. Stebbins;
Constables, Geo. G, Ensign, Wm.
McMichael; assessor, Thos. G,
Rowley; overseer, Geo. G. Ensign.
Osgood Justice,L. D. Thoelecke;
Constable, Louis Thoelecke; as-
-r tt n
sesSOr, James JR.. jTOW uvraeer,
John Kinkade.
Mylander Justice, Mange;
Constable, Christ Rerup; assessor,
J. K. Eishelman; overseer, Henry
H. Pell.
Cottonwood Justices, S. W.
Clarke. J. Dalton; Constables, Dick
Dalton, John Shue; assessor, T. L.
ORourke; overseer, O. a. Weeks.
Gaslin Justices, Chas. Brown,
W. H. Woper Constables, Claus
Johnson, Joy Cox; assessor, B. b.
Owens; overseer, Wm. Johnson.
Peckham Justices, W. Atkm-
. rt i 11 r A
son; A. uouse uonsiaoies, v . -a-.
Swanent. S; Atkinson; assessor,
Josh Atkinson; overseer,!). Atkinson.
Walker Justices, Thos. M,
Dawson. Thos. C. JNorthey; con
stables, J. Stebbins, Win. Hunt;
assessor, West Thompson ; overseer,
J. W. Boener.
Deer Creek Justices, Will
Hicknison, M. E. Green; Con
stables, Charley Bnggs, Jb. W.
Atkins; assessor, A. b. Uoas: over
seer, J. W. Johnson.
Fox Creek J ustices, h . Wrand-
staff, C. Snyder; Constables, J. M.
Grandbtaff, Seymour fenyder; as-
-i - r t
sessor, jr. m. Jennings: overseer,
dist. 25. R. Hanson, dist 46, D.
Buchanan Justices, O. H. P.
Buchanan, A. S. Fletcher; Consta
bles, S. C. Wills, E. C. Eves; assses-
sor, R. A. Davidson; overseer, W.
M. Baskin.
Well Justices, E. L. Garrison,
O. A. Bacon; constables, D. W.
VanBrocklin; assessor, O. A. Bacon;
overseer, w. A. behreckengostr.
Morrow Justices, T. L. Deiner,
J. S. L. Brown; Constables, C. W.
Johnson, S. P. Campbell; assessor.
E. R. Sellers; Overseer, tie vote be
tween G. Edwards and S. P. Campbell.
Medicine Justices, Frank Fig,
H. P. Bishop; Constables, J, T. La
bille, John M. Young; assessor,
Jesse A. Young; Overseer, Dist.. 22
J. F, Welbourne; Dist. 47, Wm.
Somerset Justices, J. E. Cassius,
A. J. Blougher; Constables, rE.
Fletcher, Joseph McMichael; asses
sor, W. N. Parcel; Overseer, W. H.
Dickens Justices, W. T. S. Con
nor, J. A. Hopkins; Constables, W.
H. Darnell, Chas. Baxter; Assessor,
Frank Doyle; Overseer, John Bone
steel. - -
Willow Justices, F. G. Haller,
Chas. Ax Austin: Constables, O. P.
Embry, L. F.Keeler; Assessor, B.
Jf . Siller; Overseer, M. A. Hendrick.
Wallace W, S. Hill, J. R." Wil
son; Constables, Bill Cowman, Jas.
Seaton; Assessor, John Conger:
Overseers, H. J. Runner, A.J.Mill
er, Henry Bebout.
Bird wood Justices, Win. Rob-1
erts, John Coker; constables, D. G
Potter, Henry Cokei;; assessor, tie
vote between David Harsh field .and
Henry Coker; overseer, dist. 27, A.
W. Hartson; dist. 28, John R. Ril
ner; dist. 26, Johu Coker.
Hall Justice, A. B. Hall; consta
ble, Joseph Hubartt; assessor, Fred
Silvernail: overseers, dist, 30, W.
K. Coville; dist. 35, Wm. .
Maxwell Justices, G. W. Rob
erts, S. Bl Brooks: constables, A. L.
Brooks, Geo. Snyder; assessor, Sam.
B. Brooks; overseer, Thos. Han-rafaan.
Univ Island Justices, R. D.
Fisher. J. W. Stiever; constables,
Wm. Knox burger, Ed Coleman; as
seserLt Rice;overseer,N. Enright.
Vroman Justice, E. L. Hurlburt;
constable, Ceo. Stiff; assessor, Giles
Bennett; overseer, Mangus Hill-
Antelope Justices, W. M. Riten
our, C. F. Preitauer; constables, J.
F. Johnson, BenOlsen; assessor, W.
M. Ritenour; overseer, P. Berg
strom. Kilmer, in Harrison Justices, R.
H. Kilmer. Isaac E. Wilson; consta
bles, Alex. Case, A. A. "Brown;
S. Kilmer;
Kilmer; dist. 37, John
overseers, dist.
36, John
Garfield Justices, W. a. Gregg,
F. M. Spigall; constables, H. F.
Price, Seymour Smith ; assessor, tie
vote between John P. Schmitzgens.
and James Alexander; overseer,
dist. 38, James W. Holsten, dist. 39,
Isaac Styles.
Harrison J ustices, G. W. Peter
sou, P. O. Quallyr constables, M.jD.
Arbogast, W. H. Hawkins; assessor,
A. D. Burdick; overseer, J. A.
Whittier Justices, A. L. Pierce,
H. M. Bowman; constables, B. C.
Linder, A. Bowman; assessor, H.
G. Diehl; overseer, B. A. Wilson.
Myrtle justices, J. L. McGrew,
and tie vote between L. P. Derby,
and D. Brunk; constables, John
Combs, and tie vote between Charlie
Weiberg and" A. E. Moore; assessor,
A. Combs; overseer, Wm. Ross.
1889. 100.00.
The following bills were allowed
on the, Brady Island bridge fund
I. A, Fort, $11.40; A. A. Tane,
7: W. & Kirbv, $4; J. W.
Nugent, $6.25;
Board adjourned till Oct. 31.
' ; v .-. Oct., 16th 1889.
Commissioners met pursuant to
Present commissioners Walker
and McAllister and deputy county
clerk Dick.
The estimate of R. D. Thcuigon
of 500 on repairing the Scruth
Platte bridge was filed, apnroved
and the clerk instructed to draw a
warrant upon the bridge fund for
the amount.
Bids for Nichols precinct bridge.
bonds were opened and there being
but one bid of 6650.00 by Wm. B.
Conklin, which was rejected and
i sale of said bonds postponed until
vet. 61 at iz m.
Board .adjourned to meet Oct 17.
. Oct. 17, 1889.
Commissioners met pursuant to
Present commissioners Walker
and McAllister and deputy county
clerk Dick.
r In the forenoon the board yiewed
and examined road No. 107.
The following bills were allowed
on the general fund . w
Butler Buchanan services for
Lincoln county, $50.00; R. H.
Langford, salary as Supfe. for Aug.
It makestione smile to here -the
Democrats talking of "the death
blow givefi1, to Republicanism in
Iowa and Ohio." The next Presi
dential election will see the old
forty thousand majority rolled up
from Iowa, and nearly as many
thousand jp.'jQhio.
At Piaiif a larsre audience was
inditojggcre bje- at one , of the
churches the" announcement
that a fatytfusV' colored . minstrel
troupe wouldr give a performance.
The songsters failed to appear and a
minister of the srosncl took advan
tage of the occasion and delivered a
rousinsr sermon, calling sin ners to
The loug, strong arm of electrici
ty is working wonders in this age.
The Southern Exposition at Mont-
gomery, iia.. is ooi miles irom
AVasliington; but a wire attached
to an ingenious eiectncc device
upon the lever of its huge engine,
enabled President Harrison to start
the machinery bv touching an
ebony bntton at the other end of
the wire in the White House
"71 I I if-,.'.'" .
juripides remarked ages ago:
"Time will-idisc'over everything to
A real estate fraud of acre-pfat
proportion isj reported from ;Du
luth. It appears that, a tract, of
property nine miles from "that city
Hi' 1 it VRk-a ra
or me unsaiceu sea, wortn per
acre, was platted, cunningly given
a name similar to that of a valuable
division inside the city, and over
$337,000 . 'worth of transfers have
been made' upon the site. The
victims are numerous and could ill
afford to stand the loss. Of course
this fraud will distrub values in
Duluth, aud the real estate board
of that city: will undoubtedly use
every effort to bring such wreckers
of confidence into custody. A
scheme of ijieisarae kind, was work
ed in tbat sGction two years ago.
The; finding-of the clothes and
surgical case of Dr. Cronin iu a
"manhole" of a sewer uot far from
the place where the body of the
murdered man was discovered in
Chicago, was announced in Satur
day's dispatches. This find will
proye another link in the chain of
evidence against the accused. The
theory of the prosecution up to
this time was that the clothes had
been sealed up in a tin box with a
view of sending them over to Eng-
lnuu, mere io oe discovered and
held as proof that the doctor, had
been captured aud killed there by
the Clan-na-Gael as a spy. The
finding of the clothes was" purely
accidental. It had been noticed
that the sewer was obstructed by
somethingTand a search developed
the fact that it was the valise and
bundle of clothes of the murdered
Irshman that hindered the flow of
the watejk Jottrnah h
Absolutely Pure.
A buotcI of parity.
n nif mIi i ilnanni mm' Vam Mmouoil
than thebrdiaaiy' kinds and canaot be sold in
oompeuboa'witB the aMUtttaoe ot low tescaoit
weight, lam or phosphate powder. Bold only
in cane. Botai. Bakiso Powdss Co.. 109 Wall
Street, Neir York. - -
Notice is hereby given that the under ieued
has made application to the Board of Commis
sioners of Lincoln county for a drnggist 8 per
mit to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors
for medicinal, mechanical and sacramental pur
poses in the Tillage of Wellfleet, Lincoln county,
Dated this 5th day of November. 1889.
Manager for the AVellfleet Drug Co.
State of Nebbaska. )
Lincoln County, f
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chat
tel mortgage, dated on the 16th day of April, 188S.
and duly filed and recorded in the office of the
county clerk of Lincoln, county Xebraska.ion the
17th day of April, 1888, and executed by George
31. Bobbitt to State Loan and Trust Co.. to secure
the payment of tho sum of ninety-seven dollars
and ninety-seven cents ($97.97) and upon which
there is now due the earn of ninety-seven dollars
and ninety-seven cents ($97.97) together with
interest at ten per cent to date; default hav
ing.been made in the payment of said sum and
no sait or other proceedings at law bavins bcon
instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof,
therefore I will sell the property therein describ
ed, viz: One set single Buggy Harness, nearly
new, all complete; 1 two side spring Road Wagon
and shaft nearly new, at public auction at D,
W. Beeack's livery stable in the City of North
Platte, Lincoln county, on the 2d day of Decem
ber, 1889, at one o'clock p. m . on said day.
Dated November 12th, 1889.
By Nesbitt & Grimes. Attorneys.
State of Nebraska, )
Lincoln County.
Notice is hereby givon that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 16th day of April,
1883, and duly filed and recorded In the office of
the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska, on
17th day of April, 1888, and executed by George 31.
Bobbitt to 8tate Loan and Trust Co. to secure the
payment of the sum of twelve hundred and twenty
five dollars ($1,225.00), and upon which there is
now due the sum of twelve hundred and twenty
flvo dollars together with interest thereon at ten
per cont to date; default having been made in the
payment of said sum and no suit or other proceed
ings at law having been instituted to recover said
debt or any part thereof, therefore I will sell
the property therein described,, viz:
One apple brown stallion about eight years old,
weight about 1400 pounds, named -'Beauty of
Two brown mares 7 years old each, weight abont
1200 pounds,
Oae dark bay msra, 9 years old, sound, weight
about 850 pounds, branded "5" on left hip, little
white in forehead,
Oae light roam cow, Ave years old, sound, weight
aboatWtit; brawled "B" ea left hip, no horns,
Oae white aad red dow, 5 years old, sound,
weight about 900 poaade, branded '"D" on left hip,
no horns,
Oae light roan cow, 6 years old, sound, weight
about 960 poaads, branded "D" on left hip,
ho horns,
One red, white face cow, C years old, sound,
weight about 950 pounds, branded "D' on left hip,
no horn.,
One dark red or brown cow, 0 years old. weight
about 800 pounds, branded "D" on left hip. no
One dark and red. white face and line back cow,
7 years old, weight about 900, branded 'K" on
ten nip. no norns,
One light roan cow. G years old, sound, weight
about 950, branded "K" on left hip, stub horns.
One light red cow, 7 years old, sound, weight
about 900 pounds, branded "K" on left hip, no
One white cow, 8 years old, sound, weight about
1000 pounds, branded "K" on left nip, no horns.
One red and white cow, 3 years old, branded "X"'
on right hip, weight about 800, in good condition.
Nine 2-year-old heifers of different colors, most
ly red, all in good order and average weight about
550 pounds.
One 2 year old rod steer, weight about 600 pounds.
Also eleven yearling steers and heifer calves.
One two year old Hereford bull, very dark rod
with white face;
All above described cattle and calves branded
with left ear punched with hole and with left ear
cropped and with right ear slit:
One Smith & West Manfgr.' lumber wagon nil
complete with spring seat, double trees and neck
yoke, worth 45.00,
One set heavy farm harness, high top hames, all
in good repair;
It is also agreod and understood that this mort
gage shall include all increase to all of above de
scribed maref, cows and heifers: at public auction
at D. W. Besack's livery stable in the city of
North Platte, Lincoln county, on the 2d day of
December. 1889, at ono o'clock p. m. of said day.
uatcu novemner mn, ihw.
State Loan and Trust Co.,
By Nesbitt & Grimes, Attorneys.
l&no tattt of Wietern Nebraska.
Overcoats at .one-half $ieir former price'
Suits for Men, Boys aria Ghilclren so lorn
that you cannot Help but 'buy. u ?
Underwear, Neck-wear, BootslTand Shoes
at50 cts. on the dollar.
- . .
Our Stock is now Entirely Too Large; i :
To Reto h Sw H Sell for Cash, and U 0n
- jre - - :
XII. 1 1- X. IT! f II li VVJJULO. JJXJIXXVXv -- w
and wonder how it can .be done..
Come With Your Castas
TIig OrLl3r
and save 50 cts. on the dollar. . ;
Weber & Vollmer, - Props.
Stewart & liexiiiaii
Desire to call attention to these stoves, excelling as they
do ALL OTHERS in heating capacity, in greatest conr
venience, in superior workmanship in artistic finish;;
is the housewifeTs joy and pride.
is the most beautiful stove in the world and- asa: base
burning heater excels everything in the market We" are"
selling these beautiful stoves this year at most reason
ble prices. Call early while the stock isJftilL
A. D. Buckwobth, 0. F. Iddings,
' President. Vice Pres't.
Saml. Goozee, Asst. Cashier.
J. E. Evans,
North Platte National Bank,
E. W. Hammond,
C. F. Jddings,
M. O. Lindsay.
M. Oberst,
R. D. Thomson,
H. Otten,
O. M. Carter,
J..E. Evans,
A. D. Buck worth.
- BS
State of Nebbaska, ?
Lincoln Countt. f
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 17th day of March.
1888, and duly filed and recorded in the offico of
the county clerk of Lincoln county, Nebraska,
on the Hth day of April, 1888, and executed by
George M. Bobbitt to State Loan and Trust Co.
to secure the payment of the stun of Three
Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($350) and upon
which there is now due the sum $350.00 together
with interest thereon at 10 per cent to date; de
fault having been made in payment of said sum
and no suit or other proceeding at law having
been instituted to recover said debt or any part
thereof, therefore I will sell the property herein
described, vij:
One bay mare, ttbout 7 years old, weighs 1,200
One bay mare, about 7 years old, weighs 1,200
One span bay geldings, star in each forehead,
branded D on left shoulder
, .One bay mare, 5 years old, branded "a" on left
1to wnra, unam -M oh len Hp,
Four cows, braaded "Jt" on left hip.
Nine S year old heifm,
. One 2 year old steer, crop off left ear and hole
in same,
. Eleven yearling calves, crop oft of left ear, hole
in same ear. and slit in right ear.
One Smith West lumber wagon.
One Hereford bull, branded samo as other
One set harness.
At public auction at D. W. Besack's livery
stable in the City of-North Platte. Lincoln
county, on the second day of December. 1889, at
one o'cIocjc, p. m. of said day.
Dated November 12th, 1889.
By Nesbitt & Grimes.
State of Nebbaska,
Lntcoor Cottnty
Notice iff- hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on the 25th of Febnwjy.
1883, ajid dalv filed and recorded in the office of
pTeric Linodlii county. Nebraska
Tn.en2'te- f JPv1888' -4 executed by
Tilaan Bobbitt to State Loan and Trust Com
pany to eeenre the payment of the Ram of Two
Hundred and Fifrv TVilla fn ri
m5f re ?.ow dno l10 omof Two Hundred
wad Fifty Dollars, together with interest
thereon at ten per cent to date; default having
Dcen made in the payment of said sum and no
?ui- er Proceeding at law having been
instituted torecover said debt or any part thereof,
therefore, I will sell the property herein describ
ed, to: One bay mare, about 8 years old, weight
boat 1,000 pounds, one white hind foot, heavy
we and tall: one bay mare, aboat 8 years old,
wgkt aboat 1,000 pounds, white star in forehead,
both hind feet white known as Stolle mare: ono
lumber wagon. Whitewater with Malbnnm W
A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest Paid on
Time Deposits. Choice Farm Loans Negotiated. ,
Immediate and Careful Attention Given
the Interest of our Customers.
Corner Sixth, and Sprucejr Streets.
1 1 - p. P . i - ,
ay sew; one mare colt, color dim. abont onn
Mar old, at public anction, at D. W. Besack's
liwty stable in the city of North Platte. Lincoln
eouj&Nebra ka. on the second dav of Decem
ber, I860, at oae o'clock, p. m, of said day.
Dated November ia fiw.
By NrafiTr & Qtxsas, Attorney's.
Rock Springs Nut,
Rock Springs -Lumn.
Pennsylvania Anthracite,
Colorado Anthracite
Colorado Soft
3 -A. -
1 -