I. ' z . STEVENS & BARE, Editoks and Props. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1889. Republican State Convention, The Republican electors of the state Nebraska are requested to send delegates from the several counties to meet in convention in the opera house in the city of Hastings, Tuesday, October 8, 1889, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for one asso ciate justice of the supreme court, and for two members of the board of regents of the state university, and to transact such other business as may be presented to the convention. The several counties are entitled to represen tation as follows, being based upon the vote cast for Hon George H. Hastings, presidential elector in 1888, giving one delegate at large to each county and one for each 150 votes and the major fraction thereof: Lincoln 9 Dawson 8 Keith 3 Logan 2 Perkins 5 Frontier 8 It is recommended that no proxies be aamit ted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the counties from which proxies are given. . L. D. Richabds, Chairman. Walt M. Seely, Secretary. Republican County Convention. The Republican electors of the County of Lincoln are requested to send delegates m from the several precincts to meet in conventional the Court House, in the City of North Platte. Saturday. September 28th, 1889, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for Treasurer, Clerk, Sheriff, Judge, Clerk of the District Court, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Surveyor, Coroner, Commis sioner Third District, Nine Delegates to Repub lican State Convention. Delegates to the Tenth Judicial District Republican Convention and to transact such other business as may be presented to tbe convention. The several precincts are entitled to represen- laugu as nuiuwe North Platte No. 1.. . .6 North Platte No. 2. . . .7 North Platte No. 3.... 4 Virdwood 1 Brady. 1 Buchanan 2 Cottonwood 1 Deer Creek 1 Dickens 1 Fairview 2 Fox Creek 1 Garfield 2 Gaslin , 1 JrlaU...,. 2 Kilmer 1 Maxwell 1 Medicine 2 Miller 1 Morrow 2 Mylander 1 Myrtle 1 Nichols 2 O'Fallon 1 Osgood 1 Peckham 1 Somerset 1 Spannuth 1 Sunshine 2 Vroman 1 Walker .2 Wallace 5 Well 1 Whittier 1 Willow 1 It is recommended that no proxies be admit ted to the convention except such as are held by persons residing in the precincts from which proxies are given. The Republican primaries will bo held on Thursday, Sept. 26th. from i to 6 p. m.. except in the 1st, 2d and 3d North Platte and the Wal lace precincts, where the polls will be open from 2 to 6 p. m. on above date. The primaries will be held at tho place of holding of the last gener al election, except in the following precincts where they will be held as follows: Myrtle, at School House, District 29; Nowell, at Mills School House, District 26; Harrison at School ITn. ,.n 7 IK OR. N.'.Vnlc fit KMirwil Hnncn District 11; Dickens, at School House; Deer Creek at Deer Creek School House. By order Republican Cen- Corn.. Geo. E. Fbekch, Chairman E. B. Wabneb, Secretary. Advertisement. UNION LABOR CONVENTION. A Union Labor Convention, composed o the Farmers' Alliance and Knights of Labor men, will be held at the Court House in North Platte on Saturday, September 21 et, 1889, at 10 a. m , to nominate a county ticket. All precincts are re quested to send delegates. By resolution of a meeting held Saturday. Aug. 31st. L. STEBB1NS. v i ANNOUNCEMENTS . TREASURER. 1 wpcf fnllv announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of County Treasurer, sub ject to approval by the Republican County Convention CHAS. E. OSGOOD. CLERK. 1 most respectfully announce myself as a can didate for the nomination of Clerk of Lincoln County before the Republican county conven tioa. E. B. WARNER. I hereby reepectfally aaBouce to the electors 6- of Ltaeobi ooaaty that I am a oan diieto for the . oAee of Couty Clerk, sabiect to the aeaiaatiea f the Rcpeblieaa coaveBtioB. BUTLER BUCHANAN. j. fh Vingthr many friends who have araai my eeadideer, sad ia reepoaae to their demaade, ('I aaaeQB.ce myself ae a eradicate for the oSce f County Clerk, eabject to the action of the Re pabUcen coanty convention. p COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Being requested by many friends, 1 have de cided to become a candidate for County Com missioner, subject to the Republican Conven tion. S. G. DIEHL. Gabfikld, Aug. 12th, 1889. Editou Tbibuxe: Dear Sir: Please announce in yoar paper that 1 am a candidate for County 4 1 w.-T.ti Dnnfuf tn tlia Trill nt ! Ilonllh. lican County Convention W. F. CAMPBELL. At the request of my friends and neighbors 1 liave consented to be a candidate for the office of County Commissioner, subject to the nomina tion of the Republican county convention. E. D. MURPHY. I most respectfully announce myself as a can didate for County (Commissioner subject to the will of the Republican county convention. LOREN 8TURGES. SHERIFF. 1 return thanks to my friends for their assist ance, and respectfully announce that I am a caaaraate for Sheriff and will make every effort consistent with honor to secure the nomination of the Republican county convention. JOHN HAWLEY. Iherebr announce myself as a candidate for tbeofScc'of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Republican convention. D. A. BAKER. 1 respectfully announce that 1 am a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Repulr lican county convention. A. O. KOCKEN. CLERK DISTRICT COURT. To the Republicans of Lincoln county: I hereby publicly announce that I am a can didate for the office-of Clerk of the District Court, subject to the nomination of your county convention. Promising to give the ticket, as in the pa6t, a hearty and cordial support, 1 am Very respectfully, W. C. ELDER. SURVEYOR. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of County Surveyor, and will snb mit my namo to the forthcoming Republican coanty convention subject to the decision thereof. CHAS. P. ROSS. At the request of numerous friends, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Surveyor, subject to the action of the Republican county convention. 1. A. OKI . North Platte, Aue. 30th, 1889. To the Republicans of Lincoln County: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Surveyor, subject to the decision of the Republican county convention. A. J SLOOTSKEY, County Surveyor. SUPERINTENDENT. I thank my numerous friends for the courtesy shown to mc during my incumbency of the office of Sujerintendent of Public Instruction, and 1 wish to announce that I shall seek re-election at their hands, subject to the decision of the Republican county convention. Being requested b many friends, I have de cided to become a candidate for County Super intendent, subject to the action of the Republi can convention. J. BEELEH. At the request of a number of friends, I most respectfully announce myt-elf as a candidate for County Superintendent, subject to the action of the Republican county convention. J1, iu. LliU-1-.fc.. JUDGE. JAMES M. RAY is a candidato for the office of County Judge, subject to tho nomination of the Republican county convention. CORONER. V i hereby announce myself as a candidate for Coroner, subject to nomination by the Republi can county convention. -8AML. ADAMS. NEW CANDIDATES. The Tribune now presents a fine array of candidates to the Republi can convention from which to se lect county officers, the list being increased by six. Sheriff" D. A. Baker will ask a rcnoinination at the hands of the convention, basing his claims upon a ood record and the custom of rewarding a faithful officer with a second term. As a worthy andre spected citizen our readers all know Mr. Baker's high standing. The position of sheriff is not so easy a place to fill as many imagine. Al ways requiring nerve and vigilance, the officer must exercise a high de gree of judgment, to successfully discharge his duty. To Mr. Bak er's credit it can be said he has proven that he possesses these emi nent qualities to a degree that fits him for the place. Chas. P. Dick presents his an nouncement for county clerk, and will go before the convention with a strong and enthusiastic backing. For nearly three years he has occu pied the position of deputy under Mr. Evans and has filled the place with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his numerous friends. Mr. Dick is one of the early set tlers of Lincoln countv, having taken a claim in what is now Med icine precinct some years ago, enduring the trials and hardships of an early homesteader's life. For three years he was assessor in North Platte, and has filled the position of city treasurer and treasurer of the school district for two years. Butler Buchanan presents his compliments to the people and also announces that he is a candidate for clerk, taking his place in the triangular and we trust good na tured struggle for the nomination. Mr. Buchanan is deputy county treasurer, having occupied the place under a portion of Mr. Grady's term and during the entire term "of Mr. Osgood. He is a skillful, careful accountant, an excellent penman, possessing executive abili ty of superior order He has been a resident of the county some eight years, having first settled in the precinct which bears his name, where for a number of years he was engaged in rearing stock. He will have a strong following. The struggle for superintendent grows more animated as the time for the convention approaches, F. M. Chute, of Nichols precinct be ing the latest candidate. Mr. Chute is an old teacher, his last teaching having been about two years ago at Oxford, in Furnas county, where he was principal of the schools. Concluding to change his vocation, he located in this county, buying a quarter section of land eight miles west of the city under the ir rigation ditch and commenced in the stock and nursery business, now having ten acres in fruit and three in strawberries. Mr. Chute is a gentleman in all respects worthy of the position to which he aspires. Samuel Adams is a candidate for coroner, an office that is not much sought after but neverthe less important. The coroner is the only officer that ranks the sheriff on certain occasions. Mr. Adams has resided in North Platte for a number of years, as contractor and builder, for the past year or more carrying on the undertaking busi ness. He is a good man for the office of coroner, having had much experience calculated to fit him for its duties. j A. O. Kocku is an old and w;eT known citizen of North Platte and his friends will present his name to the convention as a candidate for Sheriff. Mr. Kocken was a candi date for nomination two years ago, and has numerous friends who re cognize his ability to fill the office. Mr. Kocken is a Swede by birth, and while he beleives that the Swede Americans by their faithful adhesion to Republican principles are entitled to recognition by the rmrtv. he does not base his claims on that fact, but purely on his rights as an American citizen. In this he will be sustained by all right-thinking Republicans. The Tribune would like to see all of its friends secure the positions they are seeking, but it recognizes the fact that such a consummation, however desirable, is almost among the impossibilities. If we ask for the earth we will not get it, but we will by so doing place those things in jeopardy which are already conceded to us, and which are only our reasonable portion. Looking at the matter iu this 'light, The Tri bune feels that it should not become a party to plans that will surely foraant discord and as surely result in injury to all concerned. A SHORT STOP. "Of all the useless and idiotic cranks on earth, he who thinks that no good can come save from his own narrowness, is the worst. The Tribune last week in an item re garding the Alliance Labor meet ing, said: 'We want reforms iu manr things, but a reform was never Tet inaugurated or supported by the democratic party, and never will be.' " Telegraph. We presume when the editor of the Telegraph clipped the above ex tract from The Tribune he wrote a very able editorial from the text, showing the great reforms and be nificent laws inaugurated and p:iss ed by the Democratic party, at least if he did not an excellent opportu nity was allowed to pass unim proved. The opening starts out grandly and the mind is led up to the point that something good is to follow. The stop is too sudden, creating, as it were an intellectual collision or jar. But perhaps it was only intended for a "short stop ." Frank E. Helvey, State Master Workman K. of L, writes a vigor ous letter sustaining commissioner John Jenkins of the State Labor bureau in the course he has adopted to obtain statistical information, the refusal of local assembly 3343 of this city to answer questions be ing the cause. The charge has been vigorously made ami pretty well sustained that the condition of; laboring men is largely -due to their own extravagance, or to be plain that they spent too large a proportion of their earnings for liquor, an article that is unneces sary, does no good, but is highly injurious. On the other hand, says Master Workman Helvey, for years our speakers, writers and lecturers have claimed publicly and privately, and we have all lent our feeble voices to the same assertion, that the laboring man was steadily crowded into a situation where the returns of his labor would barely support animal life, and often then, only under the most degarding and disgusting conditions, and we have as constantly asserted that if the people would establish a bureau for the investigation of these matters we wonld prove it by facts and figures that would simply be as tounding in their conclusiveness and bring at once to our aid the potent weapon, "public opinion," with which we could successfully at tack the foundations of any abuse, no matter how deeply grounded in our social or political fabric. The people have listened to our demand and given us the opportunity to prove our position by establishing the bureau for us, when lo! at the first call for proof the first witness we ask to testify for our case, friend though we thonght him to be, comes forward and says: "I refuse to make a statement that will show what I spend for bread and what I spend for beer." Is it possible that the assertion of the enemies of labor are true? That commissioner Jenkins ques tions are a probe that enter the very heart of the cause of poverty ? From the vigorous, prompt and energe tic kick made by local assembly 3343 that is a logical inference, a conclusion reached by Mr. Helvey when he says: "Iu other words, may it not be possible that we have spent too much for beer iu propor tion to what we spend for bread? If so let us know it, that the mis takes of this year may be the wis dom of the year to come. " As lo cal assembly 3343 will likely be heard from again, the conclusion must not be too hastily reached. REPUBLICAN CAUCUS. There will be a caucus of Repub lican electors of the Second Ward held at the Court House Saturday, Sept. 21st, atrS p. m.. to place in nomination seven delegates to the county convention. B. L. Romxsox, Com mitleeman. THE MISSOURI RIVER, NORTH PLATTE & DENVER. From a circular issued bT the committee we excerpt the follow ing: The Eastern terminus of this Railway is at Albion, Neb., where it connects with the great North Western system, giving us access to Chicago, Duluth and all the Eastren markets. From Albion the line runs through Boone, Gree ley, Valley and Custer counties, and enters Lincoln county near the north-east corner; from thence it takes a south-westerly course to where it crosses the North Platte River, about half a mile below the U. P. Railway bridge; from there it takes a westerly cousre through the City of North Platte, crossing the South Platte River about three miles west of the city, and then continuss in a westrely direction to section 9, township 13, range 32, where it takes a south-west course to the town of Wallace, making over seventv miles of railway to be built in this county. At the low valuation of 5,000 j per mile, it would add 350,000 to ! our taxable property, and at the rate or taxation prevailing in the county would pay into the county treasury $15,000 per annum, while the interest on the bonds would be but 7,500 or one-half as much as the new railroad would pay in taxes. This would be the immediate and direct benefits, but would be only a small portion of the benefits to be derived from the building of this road. The railroad will undoubtedly at an early day be extendid from Wal lace through to Denver, t affording us a competing line to the great Western market for our farm and dairy products. Work must be begun on the road in Lincoln county during the year 1S90. and the line must be completed to Wallace and trains running during the year 1891. This time is as short as it is pos sible to make it, iu view of the fact that, before any part of the line is built in this county, 125 miles of line from Albion to the north-east corner of this county must be first built. Again, no bonds are turned over until the road is completed to Wallace and trains running, nor do they draw any interest until after such completion . CONGRESSMAN S UNSET CoX of New York died on the 10th. He was born in Ohio iu 1824. He served as a member of congress from Ohio for eight years and as a member from New York for about eighteen years. In politics he was a Democrat. THE SCHOOL IHBKOGLIO . Judge Goff of Omaha has been appointed commissioner of the gen eral land office Ballard's Snow Liniment. This wonderful remedy is guarantee! to cure Keundgiu. It is a positive cure. It will cure Rheumatism no matter of how long standing. It will cure the dull acliing pain in the small of the Iwck. It will cure all sprains and bruises. It will instantly take out the fire from a scald or burn, and stop all pain. It is the most pene trating liniment in the world. It is good for all inflamatiou. It is guaranteed to do all claimed for it or money refunded. A. F. Streity, Agent. Prof. AUwine Full Text of tlM Batitfon from Serving as and Injunction. After the action of the .members of the Board of Education of Motuta. ftmmt 9A hv which Prof. AUwine was cmployeiiW leee tfcaa a majerity of luu uuara 11 aci as imcipai teacner ana ouuti intendent of the nehnniraf ThU AiatrfeL a full ac count of which was riwaia. Th Tribune, the minority proceeded to petition Jadge Bamer for an injunction rettralaW AUwine from acting and the Boa rd from paying aim. As the whole matter is of great interact; to our people, we give iuc iuu icxi oi tne peutton and toe lnjuncuuu bo granted oy Judge Hamer: In the District Court in and for Lincoln County. Nebraska. I Fyfield H. Longley, for himself and other") Matrons or tbc School District or JNortn Matte City, in the County of Lincoln, in the State of Nebraska, riaintiff, ve. . Patrick II.. Sullivan, Victor Victor Von Goetz, Chas. E. Hendy and Henry W. AUwine, Defendants. PETITION INKQU1TT. The Dluintiff nlvw mentioned in his own be half and on behalf of other taxpayers and patrons in the sclinnl district Wa mentioned, complain ing of the above named defendants for cause of action alleges and says: 1. That the nlaintiffnow is and for many years last past has been a resident freeholder, taxpayer and natron of tin nnhlir. schools of the school district of North Platte City, in the County of Lincoln aim btate of Nebraska. 2. The said rinfonriantR Patrick H. Sallivan. Victor VonGoete and Chas. S. Hendy, together with Beach I. Ilinmau, J. E. Evans and John Bratt do now and have ever since the 6th day of May, 1889, constituted the Board of Education oi the School District of North Platte City. 3. That at a regular meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of the City of North Platte held on tte 3d day of June, lNStf, the said defendant Henry W. AUwine, together with many others, waB presented as a caauidate rortue omce and position oi principal leacucr and superintendent of the public schools of said Histrii-t of s.-ilil North Platte Citr. and all the members of said boardlJelag present, a number of ballots were had which resulted in the rejec tion of the said defendant AUwine as such princi pal teacher and superintendent as aforesaid of said district school. 4. That the rejection of the said defendant Henry w. AUwine as aroresaia was Daseu on uic actual and personal knowledge poeseseed by the said board of the record of the said defendant as principal and superintendent of tho said schools, his incompetence and utter lack of abUi- ty to properly penonn ine uaues oi ine omce and position of principal and superintendent, and that the said defendant Henry W. AUwine had been guilty of gross misconduct while in cumbent of said office and position; that he pros tituted naid oflice and position to his selfish. gain; that he introduced text books without regard to the good of the schools, but for the mere gratifi cation of his own partizan and unpatriotic preju dices; that he used his position to compel schol ars to purchase a worthless text book of which he claimed to be the author; that he grossly neglec ted the duties of his position that his time might be g'ven to the prosecution of private enterprises for'his own private gain; that he grossly corrupt ly and maliciously luterferrcd with the manage ment and the legal rights of the teachers of the different grades; that he grossly neglected his duties to become a candidate for county office and prosecute the business of politics; that he had driven children from the schools, and because of his incompetency, ignorance and faulty classi fication had compelled parents to send their children abroad that they might have educational opportunities of which said defendant had de prived them and to which thev were entitled in the schools of North Platte; that his gross mis conduct and mismanagement had spread disor ganization throughout the schools and created strong and lasting disapproval among the citi zens aud patrons of the schools; that be offered to barter his influence with the Board of Educa tion for a money consideration; that he utterly failed to meet the reanirements of a resolution passed by the Board of Education during the present year wherein candidates for the position of principal and superintendent were required to submit evidence of having graudated at a regular and reputable college or university, or to have passed an examination which would demonstrate ability sufficient to graduate scholars from the high school to the freshman class of the Universi ty of the State of Nebraska; that he has material ly demonstrated his Inability to so graduate scholars, and that his general course of conduct as an officer and a man had been such that the Boaul were fully satisfied that as a teacher his usefulness in said school district was forever ended, and that the schools of said district would suffer irreparable injury by his connection there with in any capacity whatever. 5. That thereupon, It appearing that a majori ty of the Board could not be had for the election of any one of the candidates for the office and position of. principal and superintendent as aforesaid, and that the schools of said district might be commenced at the beginning of the school year as provided by law, without delay and interruption becaase of the failare of the BnarA of Education, as aforesaid, the said Board of Education proceeded to select aad elect from the casdidates.for.the naWihWre of priacipal and superintendent, a person6 assistant superinten dent fully competent to take charge of and manage said schools instead of and in the place of said principal, and superintendent, together with a full quota of teachers for the different grades, and that the person so selected aa assist ant superintendent accepted such position. 6. That such action of 'said board resulted in the election of one Frank Bobbins, a person pos sessing all of the necessary qaaliMcations for the office and position of superintendent to the posi tion of assistant principal aad superintendent as aforesaid. 7. That the Board of Education having fuUy provided for the actual ;heed of the schools iu said district and that they should proceed regard less of the action or nonaction of said board with reference to the office or position of principal and superintendent as aforesaid adjourned, and that no action has been taken by the said Board of Education with reference thereto since said meeting aforesaid, although said board has had many general and special meetings since said 3d day of June, 1839. 8. That at divers times between the 3d day of June, 18S9, the date of the general meeting afore said, and the 2d day of September, 1889, the said Patrick II. Sullivan. Victor Von Goetz, Chas. E. Hendy and Henry W. AUwine met and confedera ted together aud maliciously with evil intent con spired each with the other to usurp the functions, Dowers and franchises of the Board of Education of said school district of Nerth Platte City, in the County of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, and further usurp and unlawfully exercise the func tions or the office and position of principal teacher and superintendent of the schools of said dis trict. 9. That on the 2d day of September, 1889, which said day was by law a legal holiday, said defendants iu pursuance of the said conspiracy as aforesaid, met at the court house in North Platte City and unlawfuUy Hsurping the func tions, powers and franchises of the said Board of Education aforesaid, and being fully conversant with the fact that said day was a legal hoUday, aud that no legal business, save an adjournment to a day certain, could be done, and that the President of the Board of Education, JohuE. livans, was absent from the state, proceeded to unlawfully and illegally actae-the Board of Edu cation of the school district aforesaid. 10. That they thereupon served upon the said Beach I. Hinman aud John Bratt a notice com manding them to appear at the said place of meeting forthwith; a copy of which said notice is attached hereto and marked exhibit A. 11. That the said Beach I. Hinman and John Bratt attended said meeting protesting against the acts of the said defendants, save only an ad journment to a day certain. VJ. That notwithstanding the protests of the said Beach I. Hinman and John Bratt, the said defendants proceeded to usurp and did usurp the functions, powers and franchises of said Board of Education of said school district, and thereby paralyzed and made impossible legal action of said Board. 13. That on the 3d day of September, 1889, the said defendants did, in furtherance of the con spiracv and usurpation aforesaid by force un lawfully intrude the said .defendant Kenry W. AUwine upon the schools of said district and that the defendant Henry Y. AUwine did thereupon usurp the office and position of principal and su perintendent of the schools of said district, and continues and threatens to continue from day to day such usurpation until the end of the school vear, relying whollv upon the conspiracy with the said defendants Sullivan, Von Goetz and Hendy, as aforesaid, whereby the School Board mav be paralyzed and legal action be made im possible. All of which is to the irreparable inju ry of this plaintiff and the taxpayers of said school district a nd patrons of said schools. 11. That by reason of the matters and things herein stated and set forth, the former action of said Board touching the management of the schools of said district by said assistant superin tendent, Frank Bobbins, has been rendered in operative and nugatory; that legal action by said Board of Education touching the affairs of superintendent of said schools is made impossi ble: that this plaintiff, the taxpayers and patrons of said schools are deprived of the cdacational benefits guaranteed by law; that lack of disci pline prevails in the schools; that great expense and inconvenience is about to be incurred by patrons and parents of said schools by sending children to other places to get the advantage of educational facilities which are now denied them in said schools; and that great dissatisfaction prevails in the community; that said defendants threaten to continue the unlawful usurpation herein complained of until the end of the school year and unlesB immediately restraiaed general demoralization will take place in the schools of said district; that great and lasting injury will be done this plaintiff, the taxpayers aud patrons of said school district and the children attending said schools. 13. That great and irreparable injury is now being done this plaintiff, tho taxpayers andjja trous of said schools, and no legal remedy exists whereby the plaintiff, taxpayers and patrons of said schools can have relief from the injuries, matters and things herein alleged and set forth. The plaintiff therefore prays an order restraining the said defendant Henry W. AUwine from ex ercising any of the functions, powers or fran chises of the office of principal of said schools or in any manner intermeddling therewith; the said defendants Patrick II. Sullivan, Chas. E. Hendy and Victor Von Goetz from exercising the func tions, powers and franchises of the Board of Education of said school district, from all acts amiujrorabettinir, or tcndhi" to aid or abet, the eaid Henry W. AUwine in theT asarpation of the t rr .- " - -Jit a office of superintendent of said schools. and from drawing any warrant or in any manner attempt ing to pay the eaid defendant AUwine any of the school moneys of said school district; and that on the final hearing of this cause said injunction be made perpetual; and that defendants be for ever enjoined from further exercisiag the func tions, powers and franchises of the School Board of the District of North Platte City, and from ex ercising the functions, duties, powers and fran chies of the office of principal and superintendent of the schools of the school district of North Platte City. 2d. And plaintiff further prays for an order from this honorable court to the County Attor ney of Lincoln county, Nebraska, directing him to file snch information, criminal and otherwise, as shall compel the said defendants to answer to the charges of malfeasance in office and usur pation of office as herein set forth. And plain tiff prays for such other and further relief as is ju6t and equitable. J, W. Rules, W, T. Wilcox, T. Fulton Gantt. Plffs. Attys. The State of Nebraska, ) Lincoln County, i 68 1, Fyfield H. Long ley, the plaintiff in Uie above entitled action, do solemnly swear th at I have read the foregoing petition, and that the facts therein stated are true. Fttteld H. Lomolet. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to be fore mo this day of September. 1889. 3. W. Bixlkb, Notary Public. OBDEB OF INJUNCTION. Upon reading the petition of the plaintiff ver ified, and for good cause shown, it is ordered that an injunction be granted herein enjoining and restraining the defendant Henry W..AU wino from exercising any of the functions, powers or franchises of the office of principal nnd suDerintendent of the schools of the school district of North Platte City, in the county of Lincoln and state of Nebraska, or in any man ner intermeddling therewith, and enjoining ana restraining the said defendants Patrick H. Sulli van. Charles E. Hendy and Victor VonGoetz from drawing any warrant or in any manner at tempting to pay said defendant Allwineanyor the school moneys of said school district for any service yet to be rendered as superintendent aforesaid until the further order of the court, upon the plaintiff executing and delivering lo the clork of the court an undertaking to the de fendants in the sum of $l,0CO, with approved sureties, conditioned as required by law. Dated at Kearney, Neb., Sept 9th, 1889. Fbancis G. Haheb, One of tho Judges of the District Court of tho Tenth Judicial District. Air. E. P. Lovejoy, u large dealer in general merchandise at Wabuska, Nevada, says: "I Lave tried St. Patrick's Pills and can truthfully say they are the best I have ever taken or known or used." As a pleasant physic or for disorders of the liver they will always give perfect satis faction . For sale by A. F. Streitz and Dr. Longley, North Platte. Tie Star's -Lit Your Gain Having bought a large stock at one-half its value we will open the fall season with bargains never before heart I of. We will sell for cash and one of the most complete stocks of The resignation of Commissioner Tanner was caused by difference be tween himself and Secretary Noble; but the heathen will rage and claim that it was caused by maladminis tration of the pension bureau. Parents should be careful that their children do not contract colds during the fall or early winter months. Such colds weaken the lungs and air passages, making the child much more likely to contract other colds during the winter. It is this succession of colds that cause catarrh and bronchitis or paves the was for consumption. Should a cold be contracted, loose no time but cure it as quickly as possible. A fifty cent bottle of Chamberlain's Cough liemedy will cure any cold in a few days and leave the respiratory organs strong and healthy. For sale by A. F. Streitz and Dr. Longley North Platte. A hale old man, 3Ir. Jas. Wilsou of Allen Springs, 111., who is over sixty years of age, says: "I have in my time tried a great many medicines, some of excellent quality ; but never before did I find any that would so completely do all that is claimed for it as Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It is truly a wonderful medicine." For sale b3' A. F. Streitz au I Dr. Longley, JNortli Platte. Mothers will find Dr. Winchell's Teething Sy rup just the medicine to have in the house for the children; it will care coughs, colds, sore tnroat ana regulate the bowels. Try it. Merit Wins. We desire to sny to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Buckleii's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them everv time. and we stand ready to refund the purchase price zt r . . , j. ,v ii .; These remedies havo won their great popnlarit purely on tneir mcnts. A. X. Streitz. druggist. Ootif, his Hook ; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes ever shown west of Chicago. Cost tells the tale. We will save you at least 25 per cent, so do not delay but come at once and buy your goods retail at wholesale prices. We have no competition, for we can sell these goods lower than they can buy them. Remember you re ceive one dollar for every fifty cents you spend with us this season. STAE CLOTHING HOUSE. Weber & Vollmery Props. A. D. BucKWOKTif, C. F. Iddixgs, President. Vice Pres't. Saml. Goozee, Asst. Cashier. J. E. Evans, Cashier. North Platte National Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. 0WDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomenoss. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold iu competition with the multitude of low test,short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking Fowdeb Co.. 106 Wall Street, New York. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. UN in tune, bom oyaruggisia. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption saved mv life. A. H. Doweia, Editor Enquirer, Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1887. PISO The best Cough Medi cine is Piso's Cure for Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAHS. Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Use in time. Hoigpyarngguts. Prompt, Positive Cure for Impotence, Loss of Man' hood. Seminal Emissions, Spermatorrhoea, Nervous ness, Self Distrust, Loss of Memory. Will make you a STRONG, Vigorous Man. Price SI. 00, OBoxes.SS.OO Special Directions Mailei with each Box. Address Ballard Snow Liniment Co ST. LOUIS. MO. PAID UP CAPITAL, E. W. Hammond, C. P. Xddlngs, M. G. Lindsay. DIRECTORS: M. Oberst, R. D. Thomson, H. Otten, $75,000.00. 0. M. Carter, J. E. Evans,; A. D. BuckwortiiV: A General Banking Business Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Choice Farm Loans Negotiated. Immediate and Careful Attention Given the Interest of our Customers. l. IT. STREITZ, DRUGGIST AM OPTICIAN, AND DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES WINDOW G-ISS A.ND IBHTJSHGBS AGENT FOR SHERWIN St WILLIAMS' MIXED PiillTT Corner Sixth, and Spruce Streets. C. S. CLINTON, 1 jgwax&fl, 4 Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, SILVERWARE, ETC Watch Repairing and Engraving1. Exclusive Watch Examiner for the U. P. Ry. McDonald's Block, Spruce Street. LUMBERS COAL." LUMBEE, SASH, BLINDS, DOORS, Etc. LIME AND CEMENT. Rock Springs Nut, Rock Springs Lump. Pennsylvania Anthracite, Colorado Anthracite AND Colorado Soft c o YARD ON R. R. TRACK WEST OF DEPOT,