Lincoln County tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1885-1890, August 28, 1889, Image 3

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STEVENS & BARE, Editors akd Pbops
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 28, 1889.
Aucast 37th. 1889.
iWheat 55c per bu
Ola cere 55cpercwt
OMoate 90c per cwt
? Chopped feed 85c per cwt
Bran 75c per cwt
Batter Creamery 20c
I . Choice Dairy 15c
v rotateee 30c per ba
Tow toe ti 40c Dcr neck
Oakma fl.00 nerbn
Tanips 40c per ba
Cabbage 10c per head
owwei petawes 8c per lb
Bte -, ..5c pei ranch
ureea uora ioc per doz
J?ebers 10c per doz
unm nupun -zoc per doz
owner saaash 610c
. WRBAmn 4llr. twr tit
Chiflkea ....25cta
. Uarry. Kraraph will etart Saturday to continue
kwataiies at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania.
Jae is takiBf the full course in engineering, and
rwill be twe years yet at the school.
Tfce Tillage of Brady Ieland is booming. The
baiMteg fer the new Slate Bank is about complet
ed aad there are several others to be constructed.
'What baa become of our Brady correspondent.
CoL Hapfer will put up about 1,503 tons of
hay oh his ranch. The outfit m 7f at work are
making fro -ftftjr to sixty tons jper day, "but if
uBaw ibcj couiu piace eeveniy-nve ions m tne
stack fa a single day.
The Presbyterian church received seven new
members last week. Ilev. Hart, is an industrious
worker, and he has added great strength to the
church not only by the addition of new members
but by revival of the old.
Sam Adams has the contract to erect a new
frame building on east Front street for James
Morau. Mr. Morau for some time contemplated
the erection of a brick building, but he finally
coucludccd to make it frame. The structure will
be nearly opposite the U. P. freight depot
Prof. Hunt's lecture at the Methodist church
Monday evening was interesting and received the
close attention of all present. The topic was
"Common Sense About Heading." The lesson
to the teachers was important and will arouse an
interest in this homcwhat neglected study.
A thief attempted to steal a horrc Sunday
night from the stable of II. M. Slack, a resident
of the First War but was frightened away by
the appearance of Mr. Slack who sent several
load of shot after the retreating thief. The fel
low had unloosened the horse, bagged the har
ness and was just about ready to skip when dis.
C )vcrcd.
The Union Mission Sunday school of the
Third Ward, uuder the encouragement of the
Womaus Chrietion Union, is attracting an element
that is not readily reached by the churches. By
their gentle influence they are bringing in the
"bad boy" from the street and giving him
religious instruction that therwisc he might
never receive. In this work the ladies deserve
encourage inL
The members and friends of the Uniterian
Sunday school, desire to thank Mr. and Mrs.
Stcbbins for the use of their beautiful grove last
Saturday; also for use of team. There is no grove
within such easy distance from the city, that can
compare with the Stebbius home place, the loca
tion is beautiful and the trees have a wonderful
growth for their age. "May such picnics come
often' say the little and big folks who were there
last Saturday.
It being a year since Rev. Jcnncrassmned the
rectorship of the Church of Our Savionr. he will
on nexrSuntlay morning deliver his anniversary
sermon. The reverend gentleman has labored
very diligently in the interests of his church and
people and his efforts have been crowned with
euccess, some fifteen persons having been
confirmed. If more of the members were imbued
with the activity whicli characterizes Mr. Jenncr
the church would be doing even a grander work
than it is. It is to be regretted that o few of the
members avail themselves of the opportunities to
hearthe able sermons delivered by their rector.
If this horse stealing business continues it
will be well for the citizens to organize a society
known as vigilantes, an order which when in
vogue in the earlier days of the country meted
out justice in fairer proportions than do the
courts of this enlightened day. We trust that the
mantle of Judge Gaslin, who was a "holy terror''
to horse thieves, may fall on Judge Church, so
that when the oilicers are fortunate enough to
catch a thief he will be sentenced to the fullest
extent of the law, and that the Judge may express
profound sorrow in his inability to give the
criminal a longer term behind the bars.
The railway engineers of the city arc now
making arrangements to give a ball at the opera
house on Sept. 20th. As this ball may be termed
the opening dance of the season, the boys will
spare no pains in making it unusually flowery and
elegant. It is generally acknowledged that the
members of the B. of L. E. know better how to
conduct a strictly first-class public dance than
other persons and when they promise that all who
attend will have a pleasant evening that promise
is.always fulfilled. This being the case, the 20th
of September will be eagerly awaited by those
who delight to craccfully skim the waxen floor.
The presence of the teachers in the city has
been the source of a number of social gatherings
for their entertainment -during the week. On
Thursday, Prof. Langford gave a lecture illustrat
ed with magic lantern views, highly entertaining
and instruct've. Prof. Ilnnt's lecture on Monday
evening was well attended. Coming from a
person so highly cultured, every word and every
gesture received the closest attention. Last
evening as we went to press the teachers were
entertaining their friends at the court house,
daring which ice cream and cake were served. On
to-morrow (Thursday) evening the teachers will
be entertained at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
James Belton.
Few parties given this year have equalled and
none excelled the one given by Mr. and Mrs. C. F.
Iddings on Tuesday evening of last week. The
invitations contained the sentence "dancing from
8:30 to 12,' and to this end the house had been
put in readiness. The carpets in three rooms had
been covered with canvass, making dancing more
of a pleasure than it would otherwise on a summer
night Floral decorations were profuse and
tastefully arranged, adding a pleasing effect to
the handsomely furnished apartments. The pro
gram contained ten dances, and at the stated time
music resounded through the house and the
dancing opened with a waltz. After eight
numbers had been completed, refreshments were
served, each guet receiving a souvenir pansy
bouquet After all had done justice to these
seasonable refreshments, two more dances were
called, after which the guests departed, no doubt
regretting that such enjoyable evenings were not
or more frequent occurrence, and feeling that as
entertainers Mr. and Mrs. Iddings were very
successful. There were about thirty in attendance.
Lutheran Cucncu Notes. The Lutheran
Sunday school had a delightful picnic on E. E.
Ericsson's ranch at Cottonwood week before last.
The ride ,vas long but pleasant. The Ericsson
family are grater ally remembered for their great
hospitalitj. On returning the beautiful National
cemetery 'ras visited. This school was kept up
during the pastor's vacation, and every teacher
made the good record of being present every
time Last week Prof. Langford entertained
the children with his magic lantern. His views
arc very Jne. and those on botany, history, ten
nights, ett., can be made very instructive. The
institute entertainments should be patronized
As all the little onces could not go to Cot
tonwood, a special infant picnic was held in the
parsonage grounds last Saturday which seemed to
afford the usual amount of fun. Good religion
and decent pleasure go hand in hand Harvest
Home will be observed in this church next
Sunday morning, When crops fail many arc
wady to curse. What shall be done in a year of
plenty! "Let all the people praiee thee, OGod."
A. S.
A boy baby was born to Mr and 31 rs.
Joseph Connolly Wednesday.
Subject at Unitarian church next
Sunday: "Life's Petty "Worries."
The residents of Birdwood precinct
are building a neat frame school house
14x18 on section 25-14-18.
m The annual Omaha fair and exposi
tion, will be held next week. Quite a
number from this city will attend.
Aaron Scull, of Walker jprecinct, was a
visitor in the city Friday . Everything in
his precinct is moving along well.
John Ottenstein is building a fine
commodious stable, having become tired
of the little inconvenient affair he has
been using.
Wanted. A good girl to learn the
dress-making trade.
Mrs. Emma Walsii.
Subject at the Presbyterian church
next Sunday morning: "Development of
Christian Life and Character.-" Mark 4:
P. O. Buchanan, of Birdwood pre
cinct, will erect a sorghum mill this fall,
there being quite an acreage of cane
growing in that section.
Two or three weddings are announced
for the coming month, one of which will
be solemnized in the Episcopal church,
the groom in this case being a non-resident
of the city.
wm. iais meets wit a good rjMwy
misnaps or ratner bis ice wagon ,dsM
une aay last cweeK xtrnz
fnghtened at the
Willow street anditlM
there several days.
Eddie Burke, while helpiar
cattle at the ranch" Saturday, was kick
on the left leg by a horse, causing a
displacement of the knee joint. He was
brought home in the evening and is
getting along well, but it will be some
time before he will regain his usual
A fine line of silverware and statuary
just received at Clinton's. Drop in and
see them.
No. 1 ran iuto the forward end of a
freight train as the latter was backing on
the switch at Chapman, near Central City,
Monday night, and did not arrive here
until 2 p.m., Tuesdny. The engine of
the passenger was badlv demolished and
several cars of the freight, but "no one
was hurt."
Corn raised on sod usually cuts hut
a small figure in the aggregate amount
raised, but this year in this county it will
not be an insignificant portion. Dr. J.
B . Clayton of Dickens will have thirty
bushels pr acre from a portion of his
and the balance will run about twenty.
There is a large area of sod corn.
A very pleasant sociable "was held at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel
Adams, on Wednesday night of last week,
the house being filled" with friends, prin
cipally members of the Lutheran church
and their children. Ice cream ana cake
were served, a respectable sum being re
ceived which will be used for defraying
church expenses.
Lorpn Clark, President of the Mis
souri River, North Platte & Denver
Railway, arrived in Mils city yesterday.
He brought a plat of the survey of the
line through the county, which will be
filed with the county clerK and in the
U. S. land office in a few days. The line
runs almost preciseij' as neretoiore
outlined in The Tribune. There will
be over sixtv miles of road in the county.
The first load of home mrown water
melons was brought into market Friday
by Walter Coville. The' had been
picked about a week too early, however,
and were not quite ripe enough to be
good eating. By the latter part of next
week melons will be in good condition
and will be brought to market by the
hundreds. Owing to immense numbers
raised this season they will be sold very
Fred Nowell is putting up about
1,000 tons of hay this year, the force he
employs cutting and stacking from fifty
to seventy-five tons per day. The ha'
crop will be large all over tue country
and prices correspondingly low. In
Idaho, Montana ana nortnern Wyoming
the erop is short, but most of the points
are maccessable Irom tins part ot .Ne
braska, while the rates to those points
are such as to leave little or no profit
CheyeBne and Denver are our principal
markets, though some shipments can be
made into New Mexico. Prairie hay
cannot be placed in markets east of the
Missouri river only in rare instances. It
is used only in small quantities in
A special meeting of the council was
held Tuesday evening the object being to
purchase an electric fire alarm apparatus.
There were present Mayor Ormsby,
Councilmen Iddings, Walsh, Klein and
Johnson. After hearing the statement of
the agent, the council voted to buy the
apparatus, at $1,000, $500 to be paid next
spring and .$500 the year following, with
interest at seven per cent from date of
acceptance of the fire alarm. The water
works company is to string the wires, but
there will be an additional cost to the
city of about $250 for an alarm bell and
the building of a tower to mount it on.
Counting interest the cost will be thirteen
or fourteen hundred dollars. The system
is said to be a very efficient one, and will
be serviceable in time of a fire.
Have just received some beautiful
terri cotta statuary, just the thing for
wedding gifts. C. S. Clinton.
The county commissioners went
down to Brady Island station Tuesday
the 20th to measure the distance across
the river at the place where the proposed
bridge is to be constructed . They were
accompanied by Surveyor Fort The task
of measuring was quite difficult, the
brush on the islands and tow-beads being
very thick and hard to penetrate. How
ever the work was successfully accom
plished, and they found the distance to be
4,427 feet. This includes bridging
across several tow-heads where the work
will be light. The turn outs can be
constructed on the islands. The amount
of bridging slightly exceeds the estimate,
but as a considerable portion can be light,
the board believes they can keep within
the sum voted for the purpose. It is
earnestly hoped that the bridge can be
constructed before cold weather, but if it
is some lively work will be necessary.
A Team Stolen.
The most daring and so far successful
case of horse stealing it has been our
duty to chronicle took place in this city
Friday evening last Prof. Langford,
county superintendent, was attending the
meeting of the Oxford League at the
Methodist church, and he hitched his
horses attached to the buggy to a post
opposite the church. Between 8 and 9
o'clock some one deliberately unhitched
the team and drove away with the whole
outfit The discovery that th6 team was
gone was made soon after and search was
at once instituted. The sheriff was at
once notified and the search was kept up
all night, but no trace of "the team was
discovered. It is likely the thief struck
out north or south, keeping away from
the telegraph stations, and as the horses
are very fast travelers he could be fifty
miles away by daylight. Extraordinary
efforts are being made to find the team,
and we sincerely hope they will bo
successful. Elsewhere will be found a
description of the horses.
J. C. Ferguson was in Omaha the latter
part of tne week.
1)Htl. Tl J . . .
nuui irauersuu .visueu. relatives in
Ogalalla last week.
K. Li. uraves has been spending the
past week in Creston, Iowa.
Mrs. John McCabe has returned from
a visit with friends in Misssouri.
Dr. Harris, of St Louis, has been
spending several days in town.
Alex. Adams has been confined to the
house for over a week with an attack of
malarial fever.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Evans, formerly
of this city, have moved from Grant to
Sioax City.
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Struthers returned
Sunday from a visit with friends in Como,
W. C. Elder will move his family from
the ranch in Medicine precinct to the city
this week.
Charley Monagon returned Sunday
from a trip in the west, having been as
far as Los Angeles, Cal.
Miss 3Iaude McGee will go to Omaha
next week where she will attend school
during the coming year.
J. L. Emerson of Seward, spent several
days in the city last week visiting his
brother William and family.
Fred Mack, clerk at the North Platte
lumber yard, left last week for a visit to
his old home in Westefield, N. Y.
Prof. Allwine has been in Gandy
during the past week, being an instructor
ta LfM oomty teachers' hwttarta .
ITQiattr TNHHtr uaeooa w
cay and
cnange gr
W. F. CaapiMtt, f
town Saturday. Mr. C. baa had
able sickness in his faarfl y teriag
Mrs. Fred ThoaiDeoe. of Sklaev. la vi
siting in the city. If Fred remains on his
present run he will probable remove his
family to this city.
J. C. Hunt, after a three week's visit
with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Hunt
and E. A. Cary's fumily, returned to his
home in St. Louis yesterday morning.
W. B. Risse went to Grand Island
Friday on well the Major says on busi
ness, but his more intimate acquaintances
claim that his trip was of a purely social
Miss Carrie Bowen who returned from
Peru, Neb., last week, reports having
had a very pleasant time during her two
months1 absence.
Alex. Adamson will resigu his position
in the shops here about Sept. first aud go
to Denver, where he has secured a posi
tion in one of the machine shops.
J.E.Evans and family; John Keith
and J. W. Bixler have gone to Milwaukee
to attend the National encampment
They will be gone nearly two weeks
Miss Williams, who had been the guest
at the Iddings residence for two or three
weeks, left for home Friday evening,
expecting, however, to spend a few days
with friends in Norfolk, Neb.
Mrs. J. A. McMeans, of Fairbury,
Neb., mother of T. E. McMeans the
gentlemanly clerk at the freight depot, is
visiting her son. Miss McMeans, his
sister, is also making him a visit.
J. E. Baker and wife and Miss Jessie
Baker arrived at home Tuesday evening,
having spent nearly two months at Cam
bridge, Wis. They had some fine sport
fishing in the beautiful lakes of that
J . E. Edwards aud family who have
been spending the past two weeks in the
cool retreats of the magestic Rockies, ar
rived home Sunday evening. Mrs. E.
feels greatly benefited in health by rea
son of the trip.
C. P. Ross for Box Butte Co. last week
to join the corps of surveyors on the Og
den Short Line. It is understood the
work is for permanent location, the Com
pany having abandoned the idea of build
ing on the southern route.
.lohn Day returned Fripay from Ar
kansas and will leave iu a aay or two for
Denver, where he has secured a position
in the D. & R. G. shops. He will move
his family to that city as soon as ho can
make the necessary arrangements.
N. W. McGee returned the latter part
of the week from Perkins county, where
he has real estate interests. In the east
ern part of that county crops have been
excellent, but west of Madrid vegetation
of all kinds has been pretty well burned
N. L. Moore, W. B. Whitman, and W.
A. Wallington of Walker precinct, were
in the city Friday attending to matters
connected with their school . The district
being too large they will have two schools
this winter, arrangements having been
made with Supt. Laugford to that effect.
J. S. Hoagland being a representative
to the Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.
which convenes in Columbus, Ohio, on
Monday the 16th, will leave for that city
about the 12th, accompanied by Mrs. H.
The crowd is expected to be the largest
ever assembled at a session of the S.
G. L.
Proceedings of the Republican County
The Republican Central Committee for
Lincoln county met at the office of the
county judge in the court on Saturday
last. Chairman Geo. E. French called
the meeting to order and read the call.
The roll being called the following mem
bers of the cotnmittee answered to their
names: Geo. E. French, chairman; O. A.
Bacon, Well; J. G. Beeler, Wallace: C.
E. Osgood, Osgood; W. H. Dudley, O Fal
lon; SidD.Hobb, Nowell; Thos. Stim
son, Nichols; L. P.Derby, Myrtle; G.
M.Bobbitt, Morrow Flat; Thomas Row
ley, Miller; W. C Elder, Medicine; A.
B. Hall, Hall; C. C. Babcock, Garfield;
J. L. McAllister. Buchanan; L. Rice,
Brady Island; E. B.Warner, Secretary,
North Platte.
Upon motion B. L. Robinson was elec
ted a member of the committee from
North Platte No. 2 to fill vacancy caused
by the removal of J. H.Fickardt
Upon motion G. W. Peterson was elec
ted to represent Harrison precinct, J. J.
O'Rourke to represent Cottonwood and
J. B. Clayton to represent Dickens.
J. L. McAllister moved that the con
vention be held on Saturday, September
B. L. Robinson moved to amend by
making tne date the 28th.
After discussion the amendment was
adopted, and the date fixed for the 28th.
The date of holding the primaries was
then set for Thursday, Sept. 26th, at the
usual places of holdiug elections, except
where otherwise designated in the call,
the time in North Platte and Wallace
precincts to be from 2 until 6 o'clock p.
m. ; in all other precincts from 4 to 6 p.m.
On motion the hour for calling the con
vention to order was designated 10 o'clock
at the court house in North Platte.
Moved that the basis of representation
be placed at twenty votes cast for the
Republican electors at the late presiden
tial election.
Mr. Robb moved to substitute twelve
for twenty. Lost
Mr. 31c Al lister moved to substitute
twenty-five for twenty. This was also lost.
The original motion was then adopted.
Several precincts having been consoli
dated since last election, Sid D. Robb
moved that each precinct send delegates
to the convention as before the consolida
tion. The motion was carried.
... i J.irj
Alter Drier remafmai
French thanking the o
tesies during the pas y
uiaune tnem upon tna
of , the party in the countf,
' The committee ad;
Geo. E,
E. B. Warner,
Do not fail to step i
Sherman's and see tfcair
Flower Pots and Stands;-
A Double Murder Neai
Two section men were
miles west of Julesbwri
Sunday. They were both :
living on homesteads :
Johnson the other Lareoev,
tneir way to visit their ;
supposition is that they
tramns fnr their
had but about $50 on their
supposed murderers were
miles east of Julesburr oa
railroad. The following
them is given by the aaerrJ
county, uoi., to whoa life
addressed at Julesbterr:.'
One about six feet tall. !
old, smooth face, not shared '
complexion, black eves:
nat; long nne snoes. oae
parently no socks oa feel
about 5 feet 8 inches taOr,
lotojju years ola;V
pants, dark felt hat 1
had a. 38-calibre revolvetv'1
MC ot ifeat
the I
Profv E:
Prof. R. H.
Miss Mary Hosf
F. W. Robbing,
Forsythe, Wallsloe
Wallace; instru
Teachers: Marr
McGee, C. N. Broughmao,
Loftus, Marian Campbell,
Bowen, Bessie Michener, .
jiui, ciennie Aaamson, LiO
McGauhey, Mary Su
C. Jeter, Herbert Covilie ami
Platte; Gertrude DeWolf,
bars; Cora Ferre, Deaa
Allison, Wallace; Ellea4
A. Miller, Mary A, Day,
combe, Jennie Taoaua,
uater &. u. coyner, W
Edith Whitman, Polly;
iuura iiasper, ri
Gertrude Schopp,
Troop, Cora Shoi
Kilmer: G. C,
Lewie, Myrtle: E
Griflin, A. E. G
31 ax well
Work began
two divisions,
instructors were
institute took
mal, by instretlur!'the,1
best methods oYieacaJaz aM
taught in butreesaaeettfacHjfck. Each
day of the weee:a devOteJpi a division
of the work flkXU. tlieJaclies. The
topics discussed Mv1kwfnVeli3Hi. session,
were reading anwwrtiysiiJlogy,
numbers, nistory-and, cmFifjawernnient.
ar, oriuo-
: .iv-'Hi
aetejaMio 'faca.
taWBSeMM-'loral or :
e on
led by
fjaaen six
of the
Iptkm of
i can be
34 years
My; aarK
other is
: through
foued by
ftr killing .
,the regis-
loot. Lang-
r actors at
ndance :
in, JNeo;
Ite; Prof.
'G. Beeler,
ur, J. u.
,hey, Mary
ae, uarrie
ick. Mina
e, Eunice
?, Mrc. II.
er, Xorth
r, Xora
JBlder. W
Fannie Hol-
Cot ton wood;
r. .rnohi,
an; Mary
W. W.
; Thomas
leacners in
i iNor-
rs m the
llflllfk c
In an item last week we stated that
"a recent shipment of butter by the
creamerv on arrival in New York did
not come up to the standard of excellence
desired, the inspectors claiming that the
packages had imparted an unpleasant
flavor." This was not quite correct.
Only a portion of the tubs bad imparted a
taste to the butter, lhe returns stated
that the butter was very nicely packed
and was first class In every respect. With
the exception of a few tubs it went on the
market as A No. 1. However the inten
tion of the article was not to do the
creamery an injustice, but to show that
the company by adopting new packages
was determined that not even a few tub3
should have a bad taste.
"The Herald reporter visited the teacher's iusti-
at Jnorth Platte Tneeday and found every
About sixty intelligent
rrof. Hunt, of Lm
Afternoon sessiei
graphy, geognialrjy
Prof. HunJllaeiewiP ' reading,
elocution, graeilaMposition,
has by hid thorduglry;?ra'"sSeted princi
ples of education, shown to the teachers
that all is not gold that glitters, and ail is
not grammar because some one has said
so. He has presented grammar to the
teachers in a light, we believe altogether
new to the most of them. And the suh
ject of reading he has taken up in a form
both interesting and instructive. He has
emphatically impressed upon the miuds
of the teachers, that good reading is good
articulation, inflection, pitch, em phasis
and proper pauses, and they are to be
acquired by thorough study and practice
Prof Hunt is well known throughout; the
state, and richly" merits all that can be
said in his favor as an instructor. He is
a very enthusiastic worker, and Seems
never to tire of the work he has iu baud.
The choice of Prof. Hunt, shows excellent
good judgment on the part of our
Miss .Mary Hosford, one of the instruc
tors last year, took charge of numbers
orthography, and botany. She is a very
pleasant instructor and shows, "ny her
methods, that she has made a very
thorough study of the work outlined for
the institute.
Prof. F. W. Robbins took charge of
geography in the first division, and
physiology in the second. He is an
earnest worker and has, by his genial
manner, and pleasant way of impart in"-
instruction, won me respect or ail the
Miss Mell Forsythe took the subject of
geography in the second division, and, bv
her very agreeable way of instructing,
gave it a brushing up that was satisfac
tory to the teachers.
Mr. J. G. Beeler, instructor in history
and civil government in the second divis
ion, has proved himself conversant with
the subjects and has placed them before
his class in a very pleasuut and interesting
Prof. R. H. Langford, our Superinten
dent, and with whom all iu the county
are more or less acquainted, aud with
whom the teachers are all well acquain
ted, took upon himself the duties of in
structor in physiology, history, civil gov
ernment, algebra and didactics in the first
division, and numbers, orthography and
didactics in the second, division. He is a
very energetic and able man. Nothinir
can be said in his favor, couferniug thia
work, which he does not -richly merit.
He, as county superintendent, has also
had an excellent opportunity, outside of
examination, to judge of the qualifica
tions ot the teachers. All in all, Prof.
Langford has been the right mau in the
right place.
There have been a great many visitors
and we believe that, with a few excep
tions, they will heartily agree to the fact
that the institute has been a model one.
The instructors have showu a very thor
ough study of the work outlined and
the teachers have been very prompt in
attendance, no tardiness to interrupt the
general work. In fact everything in
connection with their work at the insti
tute has shown a very deep and lively in
terest, worthy of commendation to the
school boards of the connty.
tord made all necessary
for the necessary conveniences of the
teachers and we believe they are unani
mous in their thanks to him."
The amount of work involved in mak
ing this institute a success has been very
great, but we feel safe in saying that it
has, through the work of the instruc
tors employed and the prepara
tions made by the Superintendent, been
equal to any ever held in the slate of Ne
braska. Persons interested in educational
matters will do well to note the history of
the institute work done in this county
and the progresslt has made.
The largest stock of Flower Hots
ever brought to this city at
Stewart & Sherman's.
Fob, Sale. Several fresh cows of
good milking stock.
H. H, Hosfobd, Watts Postofflce.
thine in running order.
teachers are in attendance.
coin, is giving the teachers some thorough
instructions in grammar and reading, J. G. Beeler
is teaching history and civil government, It II.
Langford is setting up physiology and bones to
the teachers. Miss Forsythe Mrs. Ilostetter and
others are teaching some of the other branches."
Wallace Herald.
For an airy, light, flippant notice of our
county teachers institute, we commend
the above to the people of Lincoln county.
Its object is to magnify Mr. Beeler's
services and belittle those of Supt. Lang
ford. Mr. Beeler is teaching history and
civil government ; Mr. Langford is "setting
up physiology and bones." It is true Mr.
Langford taught physiology and illus
trated his lessons with boues", but he also
taught several other studies numbers,
didactics, algebra, history, civil govern
ment, orthography and primary work.
"The city dads are doing themselves proud these
days in their effort to give the city what it needs
more than anything else at the present a fire
alarm. Acting under interaction from the coun
cil, Chief McCabc invited T. J. Polglaee, manager
of the Inter State Fire Alarm Co., to visit the city
and explain their system. Mr. Polglase came
Monday and as there was no quorum at the
council, a special meeting will be held this after
noon. X fire alarm is all that the city government
needs with the efficient department to afford ample
protection from fire, and we should have it The
Richmond non-interfering system is the most
perfect yet gotten out, and is in successful opera
tion in Omaha, and Grand Island in this state and
in other promiucnt cities iu the Union. An alarm
may be turned on at every box at once but the
register will record each one without a mistake.
The system is costly but cheap when considered
what a loss by fire and the time to conquer a fire
is in the fiast ten minutes. The Telegraph has
repeatedly urged that a system be had and we are !
soon to get one. Telegraph." j
Are the "city dads'' doing themselves
proud by running the city a thousand
aonars iu uent for an expensive!
and unnecessary luxury when this vear's
levy did not pay last years bills by over
$5Q0? Are the "-city dads" doing them
selves proud by creating an expenditure of
over 1,000 per year iu excess of thet
highest possible receipts? In our present 1
financial condition the proposed fire
alarm system is a luxury and should uot
be indulged in until other debts are paid.
At present taxpayers appear to be quite
indiifrent, but now is the time to object.
Next year the assessors will probably
place valuations relatively much hiirher
than the past, and if the council makes
the levy up to the full limit there will be
some loud howlintr. but the tax must be
paid all the same.
T. J.
of Dress Goods, Seersuckers, Ging
hams, Calicoes, Flannels, White
Goods, Bleached and Brown Cot
tons, Shirting, Embroideries, Laces,
Ribbons, Oil Cloths and Carpets
to be closed out
We must make room for our
louse Stock of Fill Goods
which will soon arrive.
Remember before the new goods
arrive you can buy goods at YOUR
OWN PRICE. Come earlv aud
get a good selection.
Genuine Oil Paintings GIVEN
AWAY to cash customers.
Pitch forks for twenty-five cts at
-A full
it McGee's.
line of fishing tackle ciikaf
New Fall Suitings.
I have iust received a fine stock of new
i fall goods for suits and single garments,
! ivhinh T am nrnrvirorl tn itinl-p nn in th
latest style, workmanship guaranteed.
Shop up stairs in the Carlson block.
A. P. Caklsox.
ure Sa
Great Bargains in.
I have on hand an overstock of
Children's Carriages, Rattan Rock
ers, Easy Chairs aud Children's
Chairs that I will sell
within the next thirty days.
All kinds of Upholstered Goods.
Lounges, Parlor Suits, Fancy
ni. ni.i.1! r i i
vuuirs, xriacionn liocKers ana Ui
vans at a BIG DISCOUNT.
Folding Beds in late Stvles AT
20,000 pounds Barb Wire at cost.
100 kegs Wire Nails at Cost.
10 Gasoline Stoves at cost.
Money to Loan
Lowest Rates, Best Terms.
Prof. Lang-
Editoks Tribune. Wheat, rye and
oats have nil been stacked to sweat and
we will soon be looking fnr threshers to
come alonsr. .Mos-t every Tarm has from
three to twelve mid fifteen stacks and the
yield will be immense. Some were com
plaining of smut before harvest, but
when thev trot the raiu cut and bound
thev somewhat changed their minds.
Louis Ericsou gave a dance on the J4th,
our people generally ueinir fond oi
entertainments of this kind. Alanre
crowd was present by invitation; the
.musicwas excellent, aud xll enjoyed
themselves. At 12 a splendid supper was
served, and then 1 lit dance was continued,
until daylight. 3Iiss Ida and Emma
Ericson came up from Gothenburg to
help their uncle do the honors of the
evening. When the guests went home
the expressed themselves as having had
a grand goo-. I lime. Lewis did so well he
should give more dances in the near
The population of Gaslin has received
an accession in the persons of two very
young ladies lately, and ther hayo come
to stay; one at the residence of Chas.
Brown and the other at August Ander
son's. In a few more years Gaslin will
have as many girls as any other place.
Hay cutting is the order of the day I
have never seen it fail as soon as wheat or
hay-cutting commences it also brings the
rain. It has rained quite often here of
late, but now we have indications of fair
weather. You can hear the hum of the
mowing machine on all sides, and large
loads of hay go around pretty lively. The
Maud Midler's however who "rake the
meadows sweet with hay.:' are scarce.
Uassie Johnson has been "baching" it
for the last week, her husband and
brother having gone over south. The
word "baching" in the last sentence is
respectfulby referred to the Teachers
institute now in progress in North Platte.
Chas. Johnson has been haulinir white
corn to the North Platte Mill. Ho gets
25 cents per bushel.
Mr. Hudock's son in-law, Mr. Solomon,
has had some bad luck. The baby had
been sick a long time with whooping
cough and it died Thursday the loth.
The body was taken to Illinois for burial.
Some One
Gaslin, July 20th.
Prices on hardware, tinware, stoves,
&c have taken a tumble at McGee's.
Call on him and be convinced.
In order to reduce our stock and be
ready for the fall trade, we offer our en
tire stock of Millinery at and below cost
for cash from now until the loth of Sep
tember. Conway Sisters,
Opposite P. O.
Bread Wa;
for the Vienna Bakery
If you want a good
cheap, call at McGee's.
If you bur one gallou of Paint, I give a
good brush to put it on. This refers to
any color you may select.
Frank Peai.e.
For choicest
Pork call on
cuts of Beef. Mutton or
ICi.knk & Gatwakd.
The Garland Stoves and Ranges made
in over 700 different styles and sizes are
for sale by Stewart & Sherman.
You will hear the gong as it will pass
your house.
Good Sulky Hay Rakes
lrom eight to thirteen feet
wide at low prices.
Hershey & Co.
Call at Strickler's and see flip.
Love Sewing Machine. It will sew
two seams at one time with two
colors of thread, work button holes
and do over seaming, all without
any attachment and at alow price.
The celebrated Diamanta Spectacles
and eye glasses, all styles and prices
fitted by A. F. Streitz.
All persons who are in
debted to Kate Wood & Co.,
please call and settle.
Kate Wood & Co.
We have a large supply of prime
Smoked Meats aud Corned Beef
very cheap. On account of our
largely increased trade, we can sell
on very small margin. We arc
selling more meat than ever. Call
on us before purchasing your sup
plies, and you will save monev.
Just received at Hershey &
Co's an assortment of Fine
Buggies, Phaetons and Buck
boards, which will be sold at
low figures, considering qual
ity and style.
All accounts due the late firm of Con
wap & Keith must be settled at once as
I expect to leave the city very soon. A
prompt, settlement will save costs, as all
accounts will shortly be placed in the
proper hands for collection.
P- J.Conway.
The best powder is to be found at
To My Friends.
Having been appointed constable in and
for Korth Platte Precinct No. 1, I res
pectfully solicit a share of the business,
promising that anything placed iu my
hands will receive prompt attention.
2w John Merrvman.
McGee has all sizes of chilled and
drop shot.
The Best Tinner in the Land.
I have alwaj-s done good tin work, but
I lately secured the "services of C. F.
Wills the best tinner in the laud, and am
prepared to do better work than ever for
those who favor me with their orders.
L. Strickler.
-Powder 25 lbs. for 5 at McGee's.
Machine loaded
shells cilEAi at
You will hear the gong as it will pass
your house.
Shells loaded to order at McGee's.
Look out
Bread Wagon.
for the Vienna Bakery
on Chattels by Wm. Brown, Room 1,
Laud Office Block.
Guns for sale or rent at McGee's.
Bread Wagon.
Vieuna Bakery luis a delivery wagon
runqing daily every afternoon. If you
wish anything in their line please place
your card in a conspicuous place in your
window or front door so it may be seen
by the driver and he will stop. If you
have uo card plesse call for one at the
bakery. Urbacu & SuuFf.
Nice, fresh, dried fruits, call at Von
Goetz North Side Grocer' store, where
you will find them and everything else in
the grocery line.
For Good Meat Call on
Says that competition is the life of trade,
and that he is alive and has a better class
of goods than ever. He is bound to
please in quantity, quality aud price. The
original north side store.
The latest out in Ladies' Hair Pins at
Clinton's the Jeweler.
If you want the best sewing machine in
the market, call and see me and get the
Genuine Singer. Terms easy. Or if you
want a Loan on your farm I can accomo
date you without delay.
Jas. P. Taylor.
Office at Conway & Keith's. No. Platte.
Monet To Loan on Chattels,
U.S. Boal, Rooms 7 and 8, Land Office
I have a few buggies, two seated
carriages and road carts, which I
will close out at cost. Cxill before
they are all gone. L. Stkickler.
Rock Springs lump or nut coal,
C. F. Iddings
Choice home-cured Hams and Bacon
Klenk & Gatwakd's.
All farmers having Fat Cattle. Calves,
Chickens, Sheep or other farm products,
suitable for our line of business, will find
it to their interest to call on us. The
highest market prices paid.
Rooms To Rent
By the Day, Week or Month at the Lloyd
House, first door east of Onern Housp.
tf Wr. Lluyd.
"We can at any time supply customers
with the choicest cuts of Beef, Pork,
Veal and Mutton. Also Fish, Oysters
and vegetables in their season. " The
finest line of all kinds of sausage in the
city at all times.
McCormick & Deering
Mowers and a large stock of
Repairs for the same.
Hershey & Co.
Go to Hershey & Co's for
Studebaker, Whitewater and
Moline wagons.
Klenk & Gatward have just put in
new steam sausage machinery aud are
now prepared to furnish better sausage
and cheaper than any market in town.
9ive them a call whenyou want first
class goods.
Smokers can always find a good cigar
at Schmalzried's manufactory. He man
ufactures his cigars from the best of leaf
The new road is surely coming and for
proof just call at the undertaking rooms,
of Sam Adams the Locust street under
taker and sec the low rates on his goods,
which must have come in on the new
road or else he could not afford to sell at
such a reduced rate. Remember his
stock of goods is entirely new. Free
hearse to the city burial grounds.
Several head of heavy work horses for
sale by J. 11. Bangs.
Machine Oils at
Hershey & Co.
Money to Loan on Chattels.
G. T. Field, Rooms 7 and 8,
Land Office Block.
I have just received a fine stock of
Dodson& Hill's celebrated mixed pickles,
both sweet and sour. These are fine
goods. V. Von Goetz,
North Side Grocery Store.
The sausage of all kinds manufactured
by Klenk & Gatward has achieved a wide
reputation for excellence. They ship
large quantities to dealers up and down
the road.
To make room for new stock 1
will sell the best line of cook and
Jewel gasoline stoves and baby
carriages, at greatly reduced prices.
L. Strickler.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Oils, Gasoline, Coal Tar, Crude
Petroleum, Mica Axle Grease,
Rochester Lamps, Etc.,
L am agent for the
Acme hi Mm and Leader:.
And Acme Hay Sweeps-
1 am also agent for the
Ski aud Chain Mora.
t keep repairs for the Steel and
Chain Mower, Champion Mower
and Buckeye Mower. Six different
kinds of Hay Rakes from 15 to 18
each. Implements ot all kinds at
bed-rock prices.
Repairs for Champion Mowers
aud Malliday Windmills.